Generator circuits experience conditions that are not common and are certainly more
demanding than those experienced in normal distribution circuits. Generator circuits
have unique characteristics that require circuit breakers specifically designed and tested
for those conditions. To meet this need the Switchgear Committee of the Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) developed and issued a special industry
standard to address these unique characteristics. The specific IEEE Standard is
C37.013-1997, entitled IEEE Standard for AC High-Voltage Generator Circuit Breakers
Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis. [1]
The first editions of C37.013 focused on the needs of large central-station generator
circuits where the ratings required for the high capacity generator circuit breakers are
very much greater than for distribution class circuit breakers. For example, the lowest
continuous current rating contemplated for generator circuit breakers was 6300
Amperes, more that twice the value of the highest rating of standard distribution class
circuit breakers. Presently, a supplement to C37.013 has been developed to
encompass the needs of smaller generators where some of the ratings appear to be
similar to the ratings of distribution class circuit breakers. The supplement, identified as
C37.013a [2], is under ballot as the paper is being written. Yet even when the same
ratings are assigned, the performance requirements imposed by generator circuits are
much more demanding than the requirements normally imposed by typical distribution
class circuits.
This paper summarizes unique and demanding aspects of protecting generator circuits
and compares differences between the requirements for generator circuit breakers and
those for standard distribution circuit breakers. The superior performance capabilities of
generator circuit breakers are summarized in a detailed, side-by-side comparison with
the capabilities required of standard distribution circuit breakers.
Superior performance and versatility are demanded of generator circuit breakers.
Application possibilities continue to grow. The need for generator circuit breakers was
first recognized by electric utilities to protect large generating stations, and the first
editions of the industry standard were directed to this need. However many industrial
and commercial power systems now include small generators as a local source of
power. New applications are arising as a result of the de-regulation of the utility industry,
and the construction of smaller packaged power plants. Typical applications include:
Parameter Comparison
In Table 1 we provide a parameter by parameter comparison between the requirements
for generator class circuit breakers and the requirements for distribution class circuit
breakers. In some instances there are obvious and major differences.
The generator class circuit breaker requirements are as specified in IEEE C37.013 [1]
and its supplement PC37.013a [2], for smaller generators rated between 10 MVA and
100 MVA.
The standard distribution class circuit breaker requirements are as specified in IEEE
C37.04 (Rating Structure) [3], C37.06 (Preferred Ratings) [4] and C37.09 (Test
Requirements) [5].
Normal Frequency . Hz 60 60
Rated Continuous Current . kA 6.3 , 8, 10, 12.5 1.2, 2, 3
Emergency current if loss of cooling . A Req'd as Applicable Not Required
Rated Dielectric Strength .
Lightning Impulse Withstand Voltage . kV pk 110 (c) 95
Power Frequency Withstand Voltage . kV rms 50 36
(c) = Lowest rating listed in C37.013; additional ratings for generators rated 10-100 MVA are
included in proposed supplement PC37.013a.
(d) = Prior to 1999, K-factors were greater than 1 for most indoor circuit breakers. Generator
circuit breakers do not have a rated K-factor, however in effect are rated with K =1.
(e) = Prior to 1999, the peak Close-and-Latch current was 2.7 x K x I.
Industry Standards
Technical Papers
[6] Ruoss, E. M., and Kolarik, P. L., A New IEEE / ANSI Standard for Generator
Circuit Breakers. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 10, No. 2, April 1992,
pages 811-816.
[8] Smith, R.K., "Tests show ability of vacuum circuit breaker to interrupt fast transient
recovery voltage rates of rise of transformer secondary faults", IEEE Transactions
on Power Delivery, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, Jan. 1995, pages 266 273.