Air Plant
Air Plant
Air Plant
352,, .
May 2014
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Case 1:
Air Separation Plant
The production of nitrogen and oxygen is an essential step in many
chemical processes. These two gasses are the first and second most
used industrial gases respectively.1 Nitrogen is commonly used as a
blanket gas while Oxygen is used in various processes because of it
reactivity. Argon can also be recovered in air separation plants and
Argon is commonly used as an inert filler gas. Due to high demand
for these three gasses industrially, separating these components
from air can be quite profitable if the plant is designed and operated
Computer simulation is an essential tool in the design of new air
separation plants and in modifying existing designs to meet new
operating requirements. This casebook demonstrates the use of
PRO/II in the simulation of an air separation process with Nitrogen,
Oxygen and Argon products. This simulation includes pre-cooling
the air and the use of a turbo- expander to produce the refrigerant.
This process contains one material recycle and a number of thermal
Since this process involves separating components with relatively
close boiling points at very low temperatures. Special
thermodynamics will need to be used to predict the separations
The steel industry is the largest consumer of industrially produced
Oxygen. Oxygen is injected into furnaces allowing more efficient
combustion than air. The manufacture of chemicals is the second
largest use of industrially produced Oxygen. The manufacture of
ethylene oxide, acetylene, titanium dioxide, propylene oxide and
vinyl acetate all require Oxygen. The chemical industry also uses
industrial Oxygen for partial oxidation processes such as ammonia
and methanol production.
Other uses for the industrially produced Oxygen include: coal
gasification and liquefaction; oxy-acetylene welding; non-ferrous
metallurgical processes; waste water treatment; and medical
Most of industrially produced Nitrogen is used as a gaseous blanket
to exclude Oxygen and moisture. This may be to reduce explosion
hazards in hydrocarbon liquid storage or to avoid corrosion with
liquids such as sulfuric acid.
In the metals industry, Nitrogen is used as a blanket to prevent
oxidation of the metal during smelting and to cool and purge molds
of Oxygen before pouring in the metal. Nitrogen is also used in the
oil exploration industry to enhance oil recovery by maintaining the
pressure in the wells, while liquid Nitrogen is used to fracture the
production section of oil wells.
A rapidly growing area for the use of Nitrogen is the electronics
industry which uses about 15% of current production. Very high
purity Nitrogen is used to provide an inert, dust-free, environment
for the production of complex miniature components.
Liquid Nitrogen is widely used in cryogenic applications such as:
food freezing and refrigeration; low temperature metal treatment;
shrink fitting of parts; the storage of biological materials such as
blood and organs; and in cryosurgical procedures.
The steel industry is probably the largest user of Argon because of
its inert properties. It is used to remove Oxygen from molds in
pressure die-casting and to protect the molten metal in continuous
Argon is also widely used as a high-grade inerting medium in
welding in order to prevent oxidation at the welded joint. It must be
used in preference to Nitrogen in high quality aluminum welding to
avoid the formation of nitrides.
Other uses of Argon include: fill gas for light bulbs; gas
chromatography; and as an inert medium or carrier gas in the
production of semiconductors.
The vast majority of Nitrogen, Oxygen, and Argon are produced by
the cryogenic separation of air. Nitrogen may also be separated
from Oxygen by the combustion of hydrocarbons in air. This
process, which also produces carbon dioxide, does not produce the
same high purity Nitrogen as cryogenic separation and is much less
common today. Oxygen can also be obtained by the electrolytic
dissociation of water but this is expensive and virtually all Oxygen
is produced from air separation. A small amount of medium purity
(90-95%) Oxygen is produced by pressure swing adsorption
processes but cryogenic separation is the predominant method. This
is because, in addition to allowing the production of large quantities
of high purity Oxygen, cryogenic processes can produce Oxygen as
a liquid.
Argon 0.93
Oxygen 20.96
Since the main use of Nitrogen is to exclude Oxygen, the Nitrogen
produced in the air separation plant must contain very little Oxygen.
This can range between 0.5 to 5000 ppm depending on the intended
use of the Nitrogen. In this study, the amount of Oxygen in the
Nitrogen product must not exceed 10ppm. Impurities in the Oxygen
product are not as tightly controlled but the purity must be greater
than 99.5%.
Argon, which is also used to exclude Oxygen, is also limited in the
amount of Oxygen that it can contain. However, the relative
volatility of Argon to Oxygen is about 1.1 at the top of the Argon
column making it impractical to remove all the Oxygen by
distillation. If the columns are efficient, the Argon product contains
0.5-1% Nitrogen with an Oxygen content of 1-2%. The Argon is
then further treated by catalytic deoxygenation where the remaining
Oxygen is burned with hydrogen.
Feed Pretreatment
The air used in the separation process must first be dried and other
impurities removed. The impurities will include carbon monoxide,
methane, ethane, ethylene and acetylene. Other impurities may be
present depending on the location of the plant.
There are two basic methods for removing the impurities before the
separation process:
Chilling with Freon followed by molecular sieve adsorption;
Using reversing exchangers to alternately freeze and sublime
the impurities.
Air Refrigeration
The normal boiling points of Nitrogen and Oxygen are 77K and
90K respectively. This means that the air must be cooled to very
low temperatures for the separation. The air feed is cooled as much
as possible by exchange with the gaseous product streams but
additional refrigeration is required to compensate for heat loss and
the production of liquid products.
Small plants provide the refrigeration by compressing the air to
high pressure (typically 150 atmospheres) and using the Joule-
Thomson effect to cool it as it expands through a valve. In large
plants, the compression costs become too high for this to be
economic. These plants only compress the feed air to about 6-8
atmospheres. The feed is split and about 10% is compressed, cooled
and passed through a turbo-expander. The work produced by the
expander is used to drive the compressor.
Argon Column
The Argon column feed is a vapor side draw from the bottom
section of the LP column and the Argon vapor is removed
overhead. Because Nitrogen is more volatile than Argon, any
Nitrogen in the feed will leave in the Argon product. It is therefore
essential that the feed contains very little Nitrogen. In order to
ensure this, the draw from the LP column is taken a few trays below
the maximum Argon concentration. The draw rate is about 20% of
the air feed rate to the plant and only about 4% of the draw stream is
removed as Argon product.
Energy Integration
The process has a high level of energy integration as all the cooling
is supplied from the feed pressure. There is no other refrigeration in
the process. The main air feed is cooled to its dew point by
exchange with the product streams. These streams are also heated
by the product from the compressor. The compressor is driven by
the expander and so its work also derives from the feed stream
The pressures in the LP and HP columns are set to ensure that the
HP column condenser can provide heat for the LP column reboiler.
This means that the pressure in the HP column must be sufficient to
raise the overhead temperature 2-3K above that of the LP column
Material Recycle
This flowsheet contains only one material recycle - between the LP
and Argon columns. The flow in these streams is large compared to
the product produced in the Argon column. It consists of about 90%
Oxygen with the remainder mostly Argon. The draw from the LP
column contains approximately 0.01% Nitrogen.
Process Simulation
The flowsheet illustrated in Figure 1-2 was adapted from the
flowsheet PFD generated by PRO/II for the air plant simulation. It
was edited only to fit the size and aspect ratio restrictions of this
manual while still displaying readable labels. It differs from the
process flowsheet in Figure 1-1 in that it includes stream identifiers
and shows the unit operation icons actually used to simulate and
solve the flowsheet. Screen shots of the PRO/II PFD are in
Appendix 1-A. Selected results are listed in Appendix 1-B.
The full input file for the simulation may be found in Appendix 1-
C. Screenshots of the important data entry windows that were
entered in the graphical user interface appear within the text below.
Calculation Sequence
PRO/II handles the calculation sequence automatically by using the
Minimum Tear Stream method. PRO/II solves this flowsheet by
starting with the distillation columns rather than following the air
feed stream through the process because the cold stream
temperatures into the exchanger are unknown. However, the feed to
the HP column is set at its dew point and the air feed to the LP
column is 5K above its dew point.
The calculation starts at the HP column. After it is solved, the
products streams are set to the correct pressures and liquid fractions
for the LP column feeds and the LP and Argon columns are solved
along with the recycle. After the recycle is solved, all of the other
units can be solved.
Column Section
The column section includes not only the three distillation columns,
but also the feed splitter and the exchangers to set the feed
conditions for the feed streams to both the HP and LP columns. The
flowsheet is shown in Figure 1-9.
Feed Temperatures
Ten percent of the pretreated air feed goes to the LP column via the
compressor and expander. The remaining 90% goes to the HP
column. The splitter divides the air feed and the products are set to
the column inlet conditions. The feed to the HP column is set to its
dew point at the inlet pressure in a flash. Heat exchanger DTAD sets
the air fed to the LP column at 5 Kelvins above its dew point at a
pressure of 1.4 atmospheres.
The pure Nitrogen product from the HP column acts as the reflux
and there is no condenser. This stream should be the same purity as
the required product from the LP column. The HP column bottom
(Oxygen) product enters in the top section of the column with the
air feed from the turbo-expander a few trays lower down.
The Argon column draw and return are in the bottom section of the
column. The products are Nitrogen overhead and Oxygen from the
base. The Oxygen is mainly gaseous but a small amount of liquid
Oxygen is also produced.
The reboiler for the LP column is the condenser for the HP column
and its duty has already been calculated in the HP column to meet
the Nitrogen purity specification. It is, therefore, specified as equal
to the LP condenser duty but with a different sign to indicate that it
is heating rather than cooling.
The most important specification on the LP column is the Nitrogen
product purity which is set at 10 ppm Oxygen. There are two side
Argon Column
The Argon column is modeled with a bubble point condenser and
no reboiler. The vapor draw from the LP column enters the base of
the column and acts as the reboiler. Because the Argon product
purity is controlled by the operation of the LP column, a recovery
specification is used on the Argon column. The Data Entry Window
is illustrated in Figure 1-14.
Column Section
The HP column solves with a condenser duty of 10.46 MKCal/hr.
The overhead product is 99.83% Nitrogen with the remainder
mostly Argon. The LP column reboiler duty is the same as that of
the HP column condenser. The Nitrogen product contains slightly
more Argon than the HP column product and is 99.72% pure. The
Oxygen content is the same in both column products at the specified
10 ppm.
7.6% of the Oxygen is produced as liquid. The purity of the liquid
and gas products are 99.7% and 99.6% respectively. These are both
above the desired value of 99.5%.
Inter-Column Exchangers
All the exchangers solve correctly which confirms that there are no
temperature crossovers. The Nitrogen into the HP column
condenser is at a temperature of 96.2K and the Oxygen into the LP
column reboiler is at 94.8K. Because the streams are changing
phase, there is very little temperature change through the exchanger.
The Argon entering the Argon column condenser is at 88.9K and is
exchanging with the LP Column Oxygen product. This Oxygen
stream is heated from 84.0K to 85.5K within the condenser.
The LP column Nitrogen product is heated from 79.1K to 96.3K in
LNGHX unit E1E2.