Design and Optimization of Scissor Jack: ISSN (PRINT) :2394-6202, (ONLINE) :2394-6210, VOLUME-2, ISSUE-1,2016
Design and Optimization of Scissor Jack: ISSN (PRINT) :2394-6202, (ONLINE) :2394-6210, VOLUME-2, ISSUE-1,2016
Design and Optimization of Scissor Jack: ISSN (PRINT) :2394-6202, (ONLINE) :2394-6210, VOLUME-2, ISSUE-1,2016
Chetan S.Dhamak, 2D.S.Bajaj, 3V.S.Aher
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amrutvahini College of Engineering,
Sangamner. [MS], Savitribai Phule Pune University
Abstract Every engineering product The day to day usage of cars is keeping on
involve cost effective manufacturing and its increasing as the world moves on to a hectic
versatility in application maintaining its stage. One big problem everyone faces is a flat
aesthetics as well as assign service life without tyre on a voyage to any destination. If the tyre
failure keeping those parameters in mind we gets punctured the driver has to undergo a lot of
focused our intention on designing and pressure and rigorous mechanical work to lift the
analyzing the scissor jack model for actual car using a screw jack. Then the changing of a
loads for varying models of automobile tyre is a job that can be done systematically and
L.M.V. sectors. Automobile sectors are very relatively easy.
keen at their productivity and customer
satisfaction. We also keen at designing and
optimization of scissor jack at the same time
maintaining its strength and service life.
After studying failure modes we made a
mathematical model analytically and by
using softwares thereby made a new versatile
scissor jack that can be used for varying
models of L.M.V automobile sector. Also Fig.Scissor Jack
modeling made by CATIA and mathematical Today, many people are familiar with the jack
model made by Visual Basic software can be that is included with their vehicle. Some vehicles
tested by ANSYS software. bear screw jacks and others carry a hydraulic
Index Terms-Mathematical Model, jack. Automotive jacks are of three types
Optimization and Scissor. mainly:-
1. Screw Jacks
I. INTRODUCTION 2. Trolley Jacks
3. Bottle Jacks
Car jack is a device used to lift up the cars while
Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
changing the tires during an emergency. Car
Screw jack is lesser in cost, as compared to
jacks are available at the market has some
trolley jacks and bottle jacks. While trolley jack
disadvantages such as requiring more energy to
and bottle jack can provide a greater lift with
operate, are not suitable for women and cannot
lesser application of force. [5]
be used on the uneven surface. The purpose of
With the increasing levels of technology,
this project is to modify the design of the
the efforts being put to produce any kind of work
existing car jack in terms of its functionality and
has been continuously decreasing. The efforts
also human factors considerations.
required in achieving the desired output can be
effectively and economically be decreased by
the implementation of better designs.
Problem Definition
Formulation of Design
Phosphor Bronze is softer than Medium Carbon When the jack is in bottom position, the link will
Steel (30C8) be inclined at an angle
Length of link = 200 mm
Maximum Capacity of Jack is 700 kg,
So that Load (W) =7009.81=6867 N=7000 N
Load (W) = 7000 N
By Calculating Pull in the Screw, Total Force
due to upper and lower link, Core Diameter,
Outer Diameter, Mean Diameter, Helix Angle,
Friction Angle, Effort Required to Rotate the
Screw, Torque Required, Torsional Shear Stress,
Maximum Principle Stress and Maximum Shear
Stress etc.following results are obtained.
Fig. Jack Is In Top Most Position Material Selected for Screw= Medium Carbon
Steel (30C8)
Syt = 400 MPa
L1= 216 mm F.O.S. = 4
And Similarly, When Jack is in lowest position- Permissible Tensile Stress (t)=100 MPa
Permissible Shear Stress (Ssy) =0.5(Syt) =50 MPa
Our Calculated Value,
L2= 339 mm = 30.84 < 50 MPa is Safe.
t= 42.34 <100 MPa t is Safe.
max= 58.57 <100 MPa max is Safe.
A. Design of Screw:-
max= 37.40 <50 MPa max is Safe.
B. Design of Nut
Fig.Geometry of Nut
There are two nuts in the assembly of Scissor or
Toggle Jack.Nut is a stationary part having
internal thread inside which is used to rotate the
screw by meshing with external thread of the
Screw.Nut is also used to hold the lifting arm or
links at there both end.
By calculating Number of threads inside the nut,
Height of nut etc. following results is obtained.
No. of Internal Thread =6
Height of Nut =36 mm
Fig. Diagram of Top Corner Link
C. Design of Pin
Pins or Rivets are the most important parts in Load on each link=F/2 sec
the assembly of Scissor jack or Toggle Jack = F/2 sec 39.2
which is used to make the Scissor Jack in =2.7670 KN
assembled form throughout its operation and Let b1= width of link and t1= thickness of link
working. There are total six pins are used in the Assuming, b1=3t1
assembly of screw jack, out of that two pins are Area of cross-section of link,
used to assemble load carrier member with upper A=31
lifting arm or links, Two pins are used to For buckling of links in the vertical plane, the
assemble base and lower lifting arm of the of the ends are considered hinged. Therefore by using
scissor jack and another two pins are used to Rankine - Gordon formula.
assemble Nut and both lifting arms or links.
These pins are in Double Shear, By calculating various values like Moment of
Inertia, Least Radius of Gyration, Both critical
loads etc. following results are obtained.
With F.O.S.=5
For design load, = F.O.S(F/2) 3
= 13.832 KN
Now, For Critical Load
So that,
We Select Diameter of Pin =8 mm
Length of Pin =40 mm
Pcr =17.28 KN
Diameter of Pin Head (dph) = 1.5 dp =1.5 8 =
Here Critical Load (17.28 KN) > Design Load
12 mm
(13.832 KN)
Thickness of Pin Head (tph) = 2 mm
Design of Link is Safe.
Split Pins are used to keep the pins in position.
D. Design of Link V. CONCLUSION
The result shows that alloy steel for screw and
phosphorus bronze for nut is the best suitable
combination for pair. The value shows that if
there is a combination of MS MS, it induces
less magnitude of bearing stress in nut.
Based on the input parameter & result obtain
from the design, As the helix angle increases the
efficiency increases up to certain limit after
which it decreases, the critical load decreases,
the no of threads decreases, turning moment
Fig. Geometry of Link reduces, outer diameter decreases, core diameter
decreases, the pitch does not change it remains
Links or Lifting Arms are the main component in constant up to certain value & then it reduces.
the assembly of Scissor or Toggle Jack. We can
say that links are the heart of Scissor Jack. There REFERENCES
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