Newsletter April 24-28

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News from Mrs.

April 24-28
Chapter 11 -Geometry and STI
April 24-Progress Reports Fraction Concepts
go home Students will continue Chapter 11 Benchmark
April 25-26-STI testing this week. They will sort two- Assessment
for 2nd Grade dimensional shapes according to their
attributes, identify and name equal April 25 & 26
April 27-Field Trip to parts of circles and rectangles as We will continue this week review-
Jule Collins Museum- halves, thirds, or fourths. Students ing math and reading skills in prepara-
9:15am will partition shapes to show halves, tion for this weeks test on Tuesday and
thirds, and fourths and identify and Wednesday. Please have your child to
May 8-2nd grade to visit describe one equal part as a half of a get a good nights sleep and eat a good
OES third of, or a fourth of a whole. breakfast this week in order to do their
May 9-Dedicated Dads at Ch. 11 HW packet is due on May 5th. very best on the test. We will NOT have
MATH WORDS: halves, thirds, fourths, a Wonders Reading story or spelling
OES equal parts, whole, half of, third of, words this week due to testing. We will
May 12-Mothers Day Tea fourth of, quarter of resume next week with Unit 6 Lesson 5
May 19-AEEC Field Day! Students can go to the following websites in our Wonders book.
for more math practice;
May 25-2nd Grade
By Crystal Hubbard
Science Update
PLANTS Chapter Book/Read Aloud:
AEEC PARENT SURVEY 2017! Charlottes Web
We will continue a unit Please help us by giving our
school feedback. Go to the url
By E.B. White
studying plants. Students
address below to access the Author Study: Poets
will explore the life cycle of survey. *Reading logs are due Friday.
a plant. They will also Thank you for your support!
Parent Survey: http://www.advanc-
learn about the basic parts Poetry Caf
of the plant and how they Students did an awesome job
grow. We will talk about Big Cheese with our class Poetry Caf last
seeds, roots, leaves, and
Paige Martin week. I will be forwarding your
Star Student childs picture soon. Thank you for
petals. We will talk helping them learn their poem!!
Jay Gupta
about germination
and how a seed A Note from Mrs. Danley...
Dear Parents,
I will pass out Progress Reports on Monday. Please sign and return
them by Friday this week. I will send home a colored copy for you to keep.
Our Art field trip to the Jule Collins Art Museum is Thursday this week.
We will be eating lunch at AEEC when we return. There is not cost to at-
tend this trip.
*Read 20 minutes each night and I included a web address for you to access our school survey for 2017.
complete one page in Math HW Help support our school by accessing the above link and
packet. completing the survey. As always, we appreciate your sup-
Monday-Read weekly story. port.
Wednesday-Study Vocabulary Students will be taking the Math STI test on Thursday
Thursday-Study for Reading afternoon and the Reading part on Wednesday morning.
weekly test Mrs. Danley :)
WISH LIST: pop tabs, box tops, and individual treats for the treat jar.

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