Newsletter February 13-17
Newsletter February 13-17
Newsletter February 13-17
February 13-17
February 13-Valentines Box For President
February 14-Valentine Party GO MATH by Kelly Dipucchio
February 15-16-OLSAT
Chapter 6 -3-Digit Addition p. 388-408
and Subtraction
February 16-National Read
Aloud Day We will complete Chapter 6 on Henrys
February 20-Presidents Monday. Chapter Test will be on Tues- Freedom Box
Day/No School day. I will send home a Chapter 6
February 21-27-AEEC Book Study Guide on Monday for home- by Ellen Levine
February 28-Family Reading
work to prepare for the test. Vocabulary:
Night (5:30-6:30pm) Congratulations to Paige! She
made our Math Wall of Fame
steamboat burst
March 2-Read Across Ameri-
ca Day/Dr. Seuss Birthday for subtraction!! beckoned soar
March 13-17-Spring Break *Let me know if you would like to check warehouse bittersweet
out subtraction flashcards. Students can go
Social to the following websites for more math Phonics: /ou/ ou, ow
practice: Grammar: Conjunctions(and, or, but, so)
Studies Chapter Book/Read Aloud:
flashcards.html Bunnicula
Black History Month
By Deborah and James Howe
We will continue our unit on
Famous Black Americans in cele- Valentine Party Author Study:
bration of Black History Month. Dr. Seuss (Theodor S. Geisel)
We will learn about the important February 14th
contributions to our country and 1:45-2:20
discover some of the many inter- Big Cheese
esting inventions and products that
have been created or discovered
OLSAT TESTING Abigail Hardee
by African Americans, particularly February 15-16th Star Student
in the state of Alabama. Students
Get your REST and
will choose a famous person and
do your BEST!
Cooper Puckett
create a Power Point Report from
their research in the
computer lab. We will A Note from Mrs. Danley...
share our information
with the class. We will Dear Parents,
also read several bi- Class pictures and Yearbooks are available to buy.
ography stories. Class pics are size 8 X 10 and cost $10.00. Yearbooks
are $30.00. You may purchase by sending in a check
made out to AEEC or pay online with
Thank you to all parents for sending in your childs
*Read 20 minutes each night progress report signed this week.
and complete one page Our class Valentines Day Party will be on Tuesday this
in Math HW packet. week. Come join the fun from 1:45 2:20. We will enjoy ice
Monday-Read weekly story. cream sundaes and pass out our Valentine cards.
Wednesday-Study Vocabulary March 2nd will be Character Dress Up Day at AEEC. Be
words/cards. thinking about your favorite book character that you would
Thursday-Study for Reading like to dress up like on this day. Many Thanks, Mrs. Danley :)
weekly test and complete
Spelling Practice Test. WISH LIST: pop tabs, box tops, and Clorox wipes