Newsletter March 20-24

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News from Mrs.

March 20-24
March 20-4th Nine Weeks GO MATH Setting The Rules
begins/Registration for the Chapter 8 p. 480-485
2017-2018 opens Measurement-Customary Units
This week students will begin Chapter 8
March 22-Field Trip to
on measurement. They will use concrete
models to measure the lengths of objects in
Thats What
March 27-Report Cards inches, make an inch ruler and use it to meas- Leprechauns Do
March 27-31-Teacher Ap- ure the lengths of objects, and estimate the
preciation Week. lengths of objects by mentally partitioning the By Eve Bunting
lengths into inches. They will also measure
March 28-2nd Grade Art & the lengths of objects to Vocabulary
Music Night 6PM the nearest inch using mischief grumbled
an inch ruler, and solve
Social Studies addition and subtraction demonstrate satisfaction
problems involving the
American Symbols lengths of objects, and pounce delay
This week in Reading measure the lengths of Phonics: Vowel Digraphs: /e/ea;
objects in both inches and feet to explore the
we will read about how
inverse relationship between size and number /u/ou; /i/y
the constitution sets the rules
for our country and
of units. Ch. 8 Math HW packet will come Grammar: Collective Nouns
home this week.
why they are im- MATH WORDS: foot, inches, length
(ex.: pack, pride, herd, colony,
portant. To go along Students can go to the following websites flock, troop)
with this story, we for more math practice: Chapter Book/Read Aloud:
will learn about where Matilda
you can find American By Roald Dahl
symbols today and why flashcards.html Author Study:
they are important. Bill Peet
Students will learn about the
Liberty Bell, the
Statue of Liberty,
the White House, and
the Constitution. Big Cheese Report Cards
Phelps Fain Monday,
March 28th Star Student March 27th
2nd Grade Art and Akayla Doss
Music Night 6:00pm
A Note from Mrs. Danley...
Dear Parents,
Jump Rope For Heart is coming to our school! We are proud
to partner with the American Heart Association in fighting
heart disease and stroke. During this program, your kids will
learn about their heart and how to develop healthy habits and
have the opportunity to raise funds. We want our kids and our community to
*Read 20 minutes each night and take action to prevent heart disease TODAY! Go online at to
complete one page in Math HW get started today! Many Thanks, Mrs. Danley :)
packet. WISH LIST: pop tabs, box tops, and Clorox wipes
Monday-Read weekly story.
Wednesday-Study Vocabulary
words/cards. Field Trip to Tuskegee University, The
Thursday-Study for Reading
weekly test and complete
Oaks, and The Tuskegee Airman Site
Spelling Practice Test. Wednesday, March 22nd

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