FAO Forage Profile - Uganda

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Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profiles


Sandra M. N. Mwebaze
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FAO 2006





3.1 Banana-coffee system 7
3.2 Banana-millet-cotton system 7
3.3 Montane system 8
3.4 Teso system 8
3.5 Northern system 8
3.6 West Nile system 8
3.7 Pastoral system 9


4.1 Communal/pastoral system 9
4.2 Agropastoral system 10
4.3 Tethering system 10
4.4 Extensive system 10
4.5 Fenced dairy farming system 10
4.6 Zero-grazing system 11
4.7 Mixed farming systems 11
4.8 General factors that limit livestock productivity 11
4.9 Government efforts in overcoming constraints to livestock productivity 12

5.1 Pennisetum purpureum grassland 13
5.2 Moist Hyparrhenia grassland 13
5.3 Dry Hyparrhenia grassland 13
5.4 Themeda triandra grassland 13
5.5 Setaria-Chrysopogon grassland 13
5.6 Montane grassland 13





Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile 5


Uganda lies astride the Equator, between latitudes

4o 12 N and 1o 29 S and longitudes 29o 34 W,
and 35o 0 E. Temperatures are in the range of
15o30 oC. More than two-thirds of the country is
a plateau, lying between 10002500metres above
sea level. Precipitation is fairly reliable, varying
from 750 mm in Karamoja in the Northeast to
1500mm in the high rainfall areas on the shores of
Lake Victoria, in the highlands around Mt. Elgon
in the east, the Ruwenzori mountains in the south-
west and some parts of Masindi and Gulu.
Uganda has a total land area of 241 548 km2,
and is administratively divided into 39 districts
(Figure 1). Lakes, swamps and Protected Areas
constitute 25%. More than 75% of the country
(over 18 million hectares) is available for both
cultivation and pasture (Table 1). Pastures and
grazing land are estimated at over 16 million ha,
half of which (8.4 million ha) is extensive graz- Figure 1. Map of Uganda
ing. Improved pastures are estimated to comprise
only 1.8 million ha. This land resource, together
with the bodies of water, are the base upon which
most of the 20 million Ugandans (1997 census
estimates) and their livestock depend for their live-
lihood (according to the World Factbook the July
2006 population was estimated at 28195754 with
a growth rate of 3.37%). The capacity of this land
resource to sustain the rapidly increasing popula-
tions largely depends on the influence of edaphic
(relief and soil fertility), climatic and biotic factors
and how well they can be managed to increase and
sustain its productivity.
The country can be conveniently divided into
seven broad agroecological zones which have
similar economic and social backgrounds, and in
which ecological conditions (soil types, topography, Figure 2. Map of Districts in Uganda
rainfall), farming systems and practices are fairly
Table 1. Current and potential grazing areas of
homogeneous. These are often further split into sub- Uganda
zones usually identified by such factors as similar Land classification km2 Percentage
crop combinations, size of holdings, average plot Grassland 51 118.6 21.16
sizes and yields. Based on these divisions, defined Farmland 83 931.0 34.75
Woodland 40 277.7 16.67
mapping units are often worked out, together with Bush 14 198.6 5.88
outlines of potential for use, as a basis for zoning Total potential grazing land 189 525.9 78.46
and stratification for production. Total land area 241 548.0 100
Agriculture is the backbone of Ugandas Source: Statistical Abstracts, MFP&ED, June 1997
economy; 95% of the population farms (both crops
and livestock) on small farms for food and cash income, and on fairly large, farms including ranches, of an
average size of 1200ha and crop farms (520ha). Agriculture contributes over 40% to the Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) and over 90% to the countrys foreign exchange earnings. It also contributes over 60% of
total Government revenue in addition to employing more than 80% of the total labour force and providing
over half of the total income for the bottom three-quarters of the population (MFP&ED, 1996).
6 Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile

The major livestock species in Table 2. Livestock numbers: 19922001

Uganda include cattle, sheep, goats, Year Cattle 000 Sheep 000 Goats 000 Pigs 000 Poultry 000
pigs, rabbits and poultry. Livestock 1991 5 121 820 4 950 1 210 20 020

production is an important sub-sector 1992 5 209 845 5 070 1 228 20 576

1993 5 370 871 5 227 1 266 21 214
of agriculture contributing about 7.5% 1994 5 106 897 5 383 1 304 21 404
to total GDP or 17% to AGDP. It is 1995 5 233 924 5 545 1 343 21 832
estimated that mixed farming small 1996 5 301 951 5 684 1 383 22 050
holders and pastoralists own over 90% 1997 5 460 980 5 826 1 425 22 271
of the cattle herd and all of the small Source: Statistical Abstracts; MFP&ED, June 1997.

ruminants and non-ruminant stock;

they produce the bulk of domestic milk and slaughter animals. From an economic point of view, cattle
are the most important livestock with significant contributions, though to a lesser extent, from goats and
sheep (see meat production data in Table 3). Pig and chicken meat production are also important.
Official statistics (MFP&ED, 1996) put the ruminant livestock population at 5.46 million cattle,
5.83million goats and 980000 sheep in 1997 (Table 2) while by 2004 numbers had increased to: cattle
6.1M, goats 7.7M and sheep 1.6M (see Table 3). FAO figures (see Table 3) are similar. Improved breeds
are mostly kept under intensive management on small and medium sized farms under zero grazing. The
indigenous breeds, on the other hand, are kept under extensive traditional methods. Livestock production
has continued to grow in response to increasing demand for milk as new milk plants open up, and
increased demand for meat in the local market. Eighty percent of the national cattle herd is in Southern
and Western Uganda where the average number of cattle per household is 2.11 compared to Northern
Uganda at 0.67 and the national average of 1.37. Uganda continues to import dairy products (see Table3)
and in 2003 milk equivalent imports were some 7222tonnes costing the country US$ 2765000.
The 1995 constitution of the Republic of Uganda recognises the following land tenure systems;
Customary, Freehold, Mailo and Leasehold. The different systems have had different effects on land
productivity. In communal grazing areas, since the individual does not have legal ownership of the
land, they take very little responsibility for the damage caused by their activities. On private land, the
traditional system of land inheritance has gradually resulted in land fragmentation.


Table 3. Uganda statistics for livestock numbers, meat and milk production and milk imports for the
period 19962005
Item 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
Cattle nos. (,000,000) 5.3 5.5 5.7 5.8 6.0 6.1 6.3 6.6 6.1 6.1
Sheep nos. (,000,000) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.6 1.6 1.2
Goat nos. (,000,000) 5.7 5.8 6.0 6.2 6.4 6.6 6.9 7.8 7.7 7.7
Pig nos. (,000,000) 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 6.4 6.6 1.7 1.2 1.3 1.3
Poultry nos. (,000,000) 22.1 22.3 22.3 22.6 27.0 29.7 32.6 23.0 24.0 33.0
Beef & veal prod. (,000 mt) 87.5 88.5 93.0 96.0 96.8 101.4 106 110 106 106
Sheep meat prod (,000 mt) 4.6 4.8 5.0 5.1 5.3 5.8 5.8 8.1 8.1 5.8
Goat meat prod. (,000 mt) 21.6 22.3 23.0 23.8 24.6 25.4 25.3 28.8 28.8 28.8
Pig meat production (,000 mt) 69.0 70.8 72.5 75.0 77.4 80.9 84 60 60 60
Chicken meat production (,000 mt) 36.4 36.1 36.0 37.2 44.1 48.8 53.6 37.7 37.7 37.7
Total milk prod. (,000 mt) 463.8 468.7 493.5 509.3 511.0 511.0 700 700 700 700*
Milk equivalent imports (,000 mt) 7.0 3.5 8.2 3.4 2.4 1.6 5.9 7.2 4.7 n.r.
Source: FAO Database 2006; n.r. = no record;
* cow milk fresh

According to Parsons (1970), the soils of Uganda have been classified as:
Soils of high productivity 8% of the land area
Soils of medium productivity 14% of the land area
Soils of fair productivity 43% of the land area
Soils of low productivity 30% of the land area
Soils of negligible productivity 5% of the land area
The main soil types are 18 divided into seven groups based on their occurrence and agricultural
Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile 7

The Uganda surfaces cover most areas south of Lake Yoga. This group embraces five types of
deep, sandy clay loams with medium to high productivity.
The Tanganyika surfaces cover most areas north of Lake Kyoga, West Nile and some parts of
the South Western tip of Uganda, embracing five types of sandy clay loam with low to medium
The Karamoja surfaces cover the North Eastern part of the country and embrace two soil types of
sandy clay loams and black clays with very low productivity.
Rift valley soils in the Western and Northern parts of the country, bordering on the Western Rift
Valley, embracing two types of mainly sandy clay loams with alluvial parent rock of medium to
high productivity.
Volcanic soils are dominant in Mt. Elgon, Northern Karamoja, and the extreme South Western tip
of Uganda (Kabale and Kisoro) with medium to high productivity except in N. Karamoja where
their productivity is low.
Alluvial soils are found outside the Rift Valley, mainly in Central Northern Uganda (Lango and
Acholi) as well as West of Lake Victoria. The productivity of these sandy soils is very low.
The last group of soil types is in Northern Uganda and their productivity is low.
Based on topography, Uganda has been divided into four relief regions:-
Above 2000m 2% of the land area
15002000m 5% of the land area
9001500m 84% of the land area
Below 900m 9% of the land area


Ugandas temperatures show little variation throughout the year with maxima ranging between 25o
31oC for most areas.
Rainfall distribution has generally been categorised as:
High: Over 1750mm per annum 4% of the land area
Moderate: 10001750mm per annum 70% of the land area
Low: Under 1000mm per annum 26% of the land area
Rainfall distribution in Southern Uganda is bimodal, allowing two crops annually, and adequate grazing
for livestock throughout the year. Around Lake Victoria the annual rainfall averages 12001500mm,
and is well distributed. To the north, the two rainy seasons gradually merge into one. Dry periods at the
end of the year become longer, with annual rainfall ranging between 9001300mm, this restricts the
range of crops that can be grown. These conditions are not suitable for bananas but favour extensive
livestock production. The influence of soils,topography and climate on the farming systems (Figure 2)
in Uganda has led to the dividing of the country into seven broad agroecological zones (see Table 4).
These zones are based on soils, topography, rainfall and major crops grown:-

3.1 Banana-coffee system

In this system, rainfall is evenly distributed (10001500mm) on soils of medium to high productivity.
The areas cultivated per capita are small, under 1 ha. Banana and coffee are the main cash crops; root
crops and several annual or biennial food crops are on the increase. Maize is a secondary cash crop and
sweet potatoes a secondary food to bananas. Livestock is generally not integrated into the system, but
dairy cattle are gaining prominence. The typical land holding is 24ha. The vegetation is mainly forest-
savanna mosaic with pastures suitable for intensive livestock production.

3.2 Banana-millet-cotton system

Rainfall for this system is less stable than for the banana-coffee system, so there is greater reliance
on annual food crops (millet, sorghum and maize). In the drier areas, livestock is a main activity. The
vegetation is moist Combetrum/Terminalia/Butyrospermum savanna with moderate biomass production.
8 Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile

3.3 Montane system

This is found at higher elevations between
1 5001 750 m above sea level. The area
receives high and effective rainfall and
cloud cover. Banana is a major staple as
well as sweet potatoes, cassava and Irish
potatoes. Arabica coffee is prevalent at
above 1600m. Some temperate crops like
wheat and barley are grown. High population
intensities and intensive agriculture are the
norm because of small holdings of about
1.5ha. Feeding crop residues to livestock is
a common practice.

3.4 Teso system

The area receives bimodal rainfall on
sandy-loams of medium to low fertility.
The dry season is longer, from December
to March. The vegetation association is
moist Combetrum/Butyrospermum and
grass savannas; short grassland that is
ideal for grazing. The staple foods are
millet, maize and sorghum; other crops
are oil seed crops (groundnuts, simsim
Sesamum indicum and sunflower)
with cotton as the major cash crop.
Mixed agriculture (crops and livestock)
is practised, cultivation by oxen is the
main agricultural technology. Livestock
are kept extensively in those areas that are Figure 3. Agro-ecological zones
tsetse-fly free. The use of crop residues
Table 4. Summary of agricultural systems of Uganda
is very common in the Teso System. The
Farming system Districts
average farm size is about 3 ha. Banana/Coffee Bundibugyo, parts of Hoima, Kabarole, Mbarara,
System Bushenyi, Mubende, Luweero, Mukono, Masaka,
Iganga, Jinja, Kalangala, Mpigi and Kampala
3.5 Northern system
Banana/Millet/ Kamuli, Pallisa, Tororo, parts of Masindi and
The rainfall in areas of this system is Cotton System Luweero
less pronouncedly bimodal with about Montane System Kabale, Kisoro, parts of Rukungiri, Bushenyi,
Kasese, Kabarole, Bundibugyo, Mbarara, Mbale
800mm annually. Rainfall in the far north and Kapchorwa
and north-east of the country (Kotido and Teso systems Soroti, Kumi, Kaberamaido
Moroto) is unimodal and too low (under Northern System Gulu, Lira, Apac, Kitgum
800 mm) and erratic for satisfactory Pastoral System Kotido, Moroto, parts of Mbarara, Ntungamo,
Masaka, Ntungamo, Masaka and Rakai
crop production. The dry season is so West Nile System Moyo, Arua and Nebbi
severe that drought tolerant annuals are Source: Basic facts on agricultural activities in Uganda, MAAIF; 1995
cultivated; these include finger millet
(Eleusine coracana), simsim, cassava and sorghum. Tobacco and cotton are major cash crops. The
grassland is short and communal grazing abounds. This area is well-known for its pastoral system with
seminomadic cattle herding.

3.6 West Nile system

The rainfall pattern resembles that of the northern system, with more rain at higher altitudes. Mixed
cropping is common with a wide variety of crops. The system is in the sub-humid zone where the vegetation
community is moist Butyrospermum/Combetrum/Terminalia grassland. Livestock activities are limited by
the presence of tsetse fly. As in the northern system, tobacco and cotton are major cash crops.
Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile 9

3.7 Pastoral system

This system covers some districts in the north-east; parts of Western and Central Districts. Annual
rainfall is low (under 1 000 mm). The system is characterised by short grassland where pastoralism
prevails with nomadic extensive grazing. Mixed herds are common but with no sound information on
cattle:small ruminant ratios for optimum grassland use.


Livestock are an integral part of agriculture in most of Uganda; production systems have evolved over
time to suit the agroecological zones and the socio-economic setting. Mbuza (1991) identified two main
types of system in Uganda, based on the extent of inputs and outputs. They are:
The traditional system, with minimal inputs and correspondingly small outputs which depends on
natural grazing and local breeds.
Improved systems which have some investment such as fencing, pasture and grassland improve-
ment, provision of water, breed upgrading and others.
The main livestock production systems have the following grazing methods:
i. Communal /pastoral system
ii. Tethering
iii. Enclosed ranching
vi. Fenced dairy farms
v. Zero grazing

4.1 Communal/pastoral system

This is prevalent in the South West of the country (Ntungamo, Mbarara, Bushenyi, Masaka, Sembabule
and Rakai Districts), Luweero, Kibaale, Kibooga Districts in the Central areas and in the North and
North East (Kotido, Moroto, Soroti and Kumi). Poulation density in these areas is low, with nomads
who have no permanent homes, and transhumants who have permanent homes. Milk and meat are the
main sources of livelihood for the graziers. Milk is exchanged or sold for food. There is no control
over the feed resources and no opportunity for pasture improvement, hence the low productivity of the
livestock. The graziers move with their, mostly mixed, herds of cattle, goats and sheep; their movements
are dictated by weather as they search for fresh grazing and water.
Only indigenous breeds are kept. Indigenous livestock forms 98% of the national herd and feeds
exclusively on natural pasture. The breeds are predominantly Ankole and local zebu cattle, the Small
East African goat, Mubende and Kigezi goats which are adapted to low quality pastures and have
good resistance to trypanosomiasis and tick-borne diseases. The cattle are poor milkers (300litres per
lactation), and very modest beef producers (mature at four years with a carcass weight of about 150kg)
(Mahadevan and Parsons, 1970). The level of commercial inputs is low to non-existent so the cost of
production is relatively low. The opportunities for marketing surplus milk are also minimal so the surplus
is churned to make ghee (clarified butter) for home use.
Under this system, the factors limiting production:
chronic water scarcity and sparse population;
the extensive pastures on the hilly, semi-mountainous plateaux are poorly conserved, eroded and
land is owned and grazed in common, ways of caring for it have not yet evolved;
the sparse vegetation has low quality grasses with many thickets and bushes;
diseases are widespread, but drugs and veterinary services are expensive;
breeds are genetically poor performers for meat and milk;
reproductive wastage is high due to poor management and disease control;
low literacy rate (less than 20%) of the farmers;
lack of effective extension service penetration;
10 Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile

4.2 Agropastoral system

Agropastoralists are sedentary farmers who grow food crops both for subsistence and sale, while keeping
some livestock which graze on communal land, fallows and on crop stubble after harvest. Livestock is
used for draught, savings and milk. Shifting cultivation is common. Agropastoralists have little control
over the feed resources, common grazing land and crop residues. Milk production fluctuates with
seasonal availability of feed. Nowadays, with the increase in population and land pressure, this system
often evolves into mixed farming.
The limiting factors of this system include:
little control over grazing land, crop residues and other feed resources;
partial penning at night, without bedding, leads to high mortalities and unthriftiness, particularly
in the young;
transmission of disease and uncontrolled mating;
reduced grazing time due to competition for labour, between children and school and between
adults for food growing;
young stock not properly fed, resulting in poor growth and high mortalities.

4.3 Tethering system

This semi-intensive system, where livestock are restrained by a rope, is common in urban, peri-urban and
intensively cultivated areas where herd size is small (15 animals). It is meant to protect crops and, at
the same time, the farmer does not have to herd. Crop production is the farmers main activity. Livestock
feed within the limits of the rope; and will mostly be calm. As the number of animals increases, the next
option for most farmers who tether is to get into the communal grazing system.
The factors limiting production are those mentioned above. But more specifically, under tethering:
it is illegal to keep livestock in urban areas if existing laws were enforced;
if animals are not properly tethered they will roam, leading to road accidents, disease and often,
small numbers of livestock using one, or a few, village males leads to in-breeding, reducing opti-
mal growth and productivity;
herd hygiene, veterinary care and provision of water are often neglected;
unimproved breeds are not cost-effective.

4.4 Extensive system

Mixed herds (cattle, goats and sheep) are kept under this system, which includes pastoralism and
ranching, and depends on natural resources (pasture and water).
The limiting factors include:
losses of livestock through disease and predators;
scarcity of water and veterinary attention and a weak extension service;
negative genetic selection because good males are sold;
ranch boundaries are often fenced with barbed wire which is expensive;
appropriate species ratios for mixed herds are unknown;
no fodder banks or preparation for drought;
environmental degradation is a serious threat as nobody manages the natural resources.

4.5 Fenced dairy farming system

This is an intensive or semi-intensive system of dairy farming where farmers use part or all of their land
to plant or improve pastures and grow fodder. They may also buy concentrates. Most are small farms
with between 2 and 4 ha and keep 15 dairy cows, medium farms with 510ha and 515 dairy animals
and large scale dairy farms of over 10ha and more than 20 animals. Milk is the main product, so mostly
exotic and cross-bred animals are kept. Common breeds are Friesians, Guernseys, Jerseys and their
crosses with the local zebu. Most of the small-scale farms depend on Artificial Insemination (AI) for
breeding their cows; while medium and large-scale farms use bulls. A new concept is being popularised
to improve dairy breeds; this is the village bull scheme for farmers living in areas without access to AI.
Dairy animals are not used for draught This system is found in South Western Uganda, Central and South
Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile 11

Eastern parts of Uganda. The cattle are kept in fenced units because of their high susceptibility to tick-
borne diseases and under-feeding. The production level depends on rainfall and soil fertility to produce
enough fodder and grazing. Most farms are close to urban areas with easy access to markets. This system
accounts for less than 5% of the national herd.

4.6 Zero-grazing system

This is on the increase in and around urban areas where land is scarce but there is a good market for milk
and other livestock products (chicken, eggs, rabbit meat, etc.); it is not traditional and is intensive where
the cut and carry stall feeding uses fodder crops (Elephant grass, Giant Setaria, Guatemala) and crop
residues, and recycles manure. The livestock is continuously housed and owners have to establish fodder
gardens to provide green forage. The main sources of feed are fodder, crop residues, domestic wastes,
and agroindustrial by-products (brewery waste, maize, rice and wheat brans, oil seed cake). Most dairy
farmers have 13 exotic or cross-bred cows; with a few exceptionally large-scale zero-grazing farmers
with over ten. Dairy goats are also kept under zero-grazing. Women show a stronger preference for zero
grazing than men.
In both the intensive systems, the limitations to production are:
they are labour intensive; there is no appropriate machinery for cutting, carrying and chopping forage:
forage occupies land so food crops are not grown
high capital outlay compared to other systems
lack of thorough knowledge of animal biology and management and undeveloped extension
keeping of bulls is not as cost effective as A.I. if cows are few;
use of low grade animals;
high cost of supplementary feeds;
weed problems on farms;
difficulty of providing water.

4.7 Mixed farming systems

In Uganda it is common to combine crop and livestock production; the two enterprises are complementary.
Crops are the main agricultural activity. The average farm size is small about 15ha. Livestock are kept
for draught, milk and/or meat for sale. Mixed farming is the commonest smallholder dairy system in the
South-west, Central and South Eastern parts. Exotic and cross-bred dairy animals are kept; usually in
fenced units, to facilitate control of tick borne diseases and for pasture management.

4.8 General factors that limit livestock productivity

Over-grazing leading to bush encroachment and other obnoxious plants and soil erosion; these in
turn reduces the available pasture and browse;
Uganda has not yet a comprehensive land use policy to promote stratification according to resource
potential and market opportunities. The land tenure system favours a few people and does not
encourage development;
Some farmers still keep livestock for important social events such as religious sacrifices, ceremo-
nial feasting, payment of dowry and other social dues;
Traditional and cultural beliefs do not favour womens ownership of resources, including livestock,
yet they provide 7080% of agricultural labour;
The literacy level of most livestock farmers is low and this hinders the adoption of modern tech-
nology. According to Vanegas and Akwang (1992), an exception to this is dairy farmers who were
found to have attained levels of education as follows: 29.7% (primary education), 33.1% (second-
ary education) and 32.2% (advanced education and above).
Poor market outlets for milk due to a poor rural road network and poor rural electrification;
Cost of production in the intensive systems is high but returns are low;
Inadequate feeding in all systems due to shortage of quality and quantity of forage and fodder
particularly during the dry season;
Lack of access to high quality seed and vegetative planting material.
12 Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile

4.9 Government efforts in overcoming constraints to livestock productivity

Livestock is an important sub-sector of Ugandan agriculture and is an integral part of farming in many
parts of the country. Ruminants produce the bulk of domestic milk and slaughter animals. Government
development strategy aims to maximize the potential of the livestock sub-sector so as to achieve self-
sufficiency in meat, milk, poultry and other livestock products. The key elements of the strategy include:
Limiting public sector activities to those which the private sector cannot provide satisfactorily;
Developing a resource allocation and external investment programme that matches country
resources and management capabilities and avoids burdensome external loan obligations;
Allowing free market prices to prevail, which would encourage the production to meet increasing
consumer demand;
Halting the decline in livestock numbers and rehabilitating the sub-sector to meet domestic
demand while seeking opportunities for export;
Increasing productivity in the mixed livestock-crop systems where most of the domestic livestock
Improving research, training and extension to support development of livestock production;
Rehabilitating and improving the marketing infrastructure to increase the efficiency of the process-
ing and distribution;
Providing an expanded source of production credit and investment incentives to increase animal
inventories and related agribusiness investment.
Establishing an efficient disease-control system based on cost recovery;
Promoting and developing industrial linkages for livestock products;
Encouraging the export of livestock and livestock products;
Strengthening research on livestock breeding to upgrade the quality and productivity of herds.

As a result of the influence of soils, climate, topography and land development, Uganda has six major
natural grassland communities which are associated with the farming systems and agroecological zones.
The natural pastures of Uganda are fairly productive and contain many desirable grasses and browse
plants. They are, therefore, a valuable natural resource, which if well managed can be very productive.
The natural grasslands have little or no legume component leading to low dry matter yields and poor
nutritive value for the greater part of the year. The present poor utilization and low productivity is largely
attributed to lack of well articulated management guidelines for these grasslands. It is important to note
that although some nutritional and yield studies have been done with some grasses and a few herbaceous
legumes, mainly on experimental stations, little is known about their relative contribution to the overall
feed value of the grasslands where they occur. Public and private efforts are geared towards improving
natural pastures by removing weeds and oversowing with legumes. Farmers, particularly dairy farmers,
are establishing grass/legume pastures but data on farmers who have done this is not yet available.
Indigenous grasses are, of course, well adapted to the prevailing growing conditions; they
include: Panicum maximum, Brachiaria ruziziensis, Chloris gayana, Hyparrhenia rufa, Pennisetum
clandestinum, Setaria anceps, with Pennisetum purpureum as the only indigenous fodder grass. New
superior varieties of P. purpureum have been developed at Kawanda Agricultural Research Institute and
others introduced from neighbouring Kenya and ILRI, Ethiopia. Introduced fodder grasses which have
been tested, evaluated and adopted in various agroecological zones are Tripsacum laxum and Setaria
The only major indigenous legume which has been evaluated in detail and showed great potential is
Neonotonia wightii. Introduced legumes that have performed best and are in use include Centrosema
pubescens, Macroptilium atropurpureum, Desmodium intortum, D. uncinatum for areas receiving over
1000mm of annual rain; while Stylosanthes guianensis, S. hamata, S. scabra, Aeschynomene americana
and Cassia rotundifolia are suitable for areas receiving under 1000mm and poor soils.
The six major natural grassland communities are:
Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile 13

5.1 Pennisetum purpureum grassland

This is a coarse grassland dominated by P. purpureum (Elephant grass); it occurs in the better watered
areas between 1000 and 2000m above sea level with fertile soils. P. purpureum is an important fodder,
though it is often grazed under lax management. Other grasses of grazing value associated with P.
purpureum are Brachiaria spp, Cynodon nlemfuensis, Panicum maximum and Hyparrhenia rufa.; the only
legume is Neonotonia wightii. Useful introduced legumes include Centrosema pubescens, Macroptilium
atropurpureum, Desmodium intortum, D. uncinatum. Fodder grasses used are P. purpureum, Tripsacum
laxum, Setaria splendida; herbaceous legumes are Lablab purpureus and Stizolobium spp. Tree legumes
in use include Leucaena leucocephala, Calliandra calothyrusus and Sesbania sesban.

5.2 Moist Hyparrhenia grassland

The grass stratum of this moist savanna community is dominated by H. rufa and P maximum which
occur on fertile soils with annual rainfall of 1 0001 500 mm. Other common grasses important for
grazing are Chloris gayana, Brachiaria spp., H. variabilis and Imperata cylindrica var. africana. Most
of the grasses and legumes suitable for this system are those mentioned in the grassland community
above. Crop residues are a source of livestock feed in this system.

5.3 Dry Hyparrhenia grassland

This is found where growing conditions are not as favourable as for the previous one. The dominant
species are H. filipendula and H. dissoluta in the dry Combetrum savannas. Other grasses are Setaria
sphacelata, Themeda triandra, Cenchrus ciliaris, Cynodon nlemfuensis and grasses of minor feed value
like Andropogon gayanus, A. schriensis, and Heteropogon contortus. The quality of the herbage is rather
low, especially in the dry season because they grow in dry, poor places.

5.4 Themeda triandra grassland

This is a fire-climax community of the southern cattle corridor stretching from the shores of Lake Kyoga
to the Tanzanian border. It is very nutritious when young. It occurs in savanna communities associated
with Acacia spp., on light texture soils at altitudes of 1 200 metres. Some of the Acacia trees, for
example, A. hockii are important as fodder. Shade loving grasses like Brachiaria brizantha and Panicum
maximum thrive amongst Acacia, provided that the trees are scattered. Other important grasses are C.
gayana, Cynodon nlemfuensis, and Setaria sphacelata. The grazing value of the grasses is being reduced
by weeds such as Cymbopogon afronadus and Imperata cylindrica. Some of the adapted forages include
Leucaena leucocephala, Stylosanthes spp. and Calliandra calothyrusus.

5.5 Setaria-Chrysopogon grassland

This community covers substantial areas of the north-eastern part of the country; it is dominated by
Setaria incrassata which is characteristic of the clay plains of Karamoja. Other common grasses are
Themeda triandra, Sorghum spp., Eriochloa nubica and Dichanthium papillosum. The annual rainfall
is 7501000mm. Further east, under rainfalls of 350500mm, are the Chrysopogon clay steppes of
Karamoja which provide moderate grazing. Bush and thickets occur at altitudes of 12002000metres
on shallow soils with 300850mm rainfall. These communities, which contain a great variety of species,
provide a lot of browse, but the grass cover is sparse.

5.6 Montane grassland

Grass savannahs with abundant Andropogon distachyus, Cenchrus validus, Exotheca abyssinica and
Hyparrhenia cymbaria have developed at altitudes of 2 0003 000 m. The most productive grasses
are Pennisetum clandestinum and P. purpureum followed by Setaria sphacelata found on Mt. Elgon,
in the East and Southern Kigezi and on the foothills of the Ruwenzori Mountain. The P. clandestinum
grasslands have a natural clover Trifolium semipilosum (Kenya white clover) which is very compatible
with the grass.
14 Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile


Development of sown pastures depends on a viable seed industry. From 19501970, pasture seed
production was based at Serere Research Station in Eastern Uganda where grass and legume seeds were
harvested opportunistically, sold to the Department of Agriculture and later sold to livestock farmers.
This was followed by farmers in Serere and Central Uganda getting involved in producing pasture
seed. The grasses grown were Chloris gayana, Panicum maximum and the legumes were Desmodium
intortum, Stylosanthes guianensis and Centrosema pubescens. Substantial amounts of seed were
produced at Serere (Table 5). Yields per hectare are not available and the quality of the seed, particularly
grass, was very low.
The ODA-funded Uganda Seed Multiplication Project (USMP) enhanced seed production activities
at Serere and opened new sites in Mbarara, Kigumba and Ngetta. Research on pasture seed production
was begun but was not successful because more emphasis was put on crop seeds.
During and after the USMP, the pasture seed industry was hit by shortage of funds to pay the pickers,
and this hampered rapid progress; by 1977 most farmers and pickers were discouraged. This led to lack
of pasture seeds in the country. The situation was saved by the Department of Veterinary Services and
Animal Industry (DVS&AI) working with Uganda Central Co-operative Union to import seed from
Kenya from 1974 to 1983. The seeds imported were different varieties of Chloris gayana and Panicum
maximum,Brachiaria spp. Nasiwa Setaria; Macroptilium atropurpureum, Desmodium uncinatum,
Centrosema pubescens and Stylosanthes guianensis. Between 19841988, no seed was imported. In
1989, the African Development Fund (ADF) gave DVS&AI a grant that was used to import 3800kg of
grass seed (Chloris gayana and Panicum coloratum) and 600kg of legume seed (Centrosema pubescens
and Pueraria phaseolides).
In 1989, the UNDP/FAO Dairy Industry Development Programme imported some seeds and in conjunction
with DVS&AI, Makerere University and Namulonge Research Institute began pasture seed production; 26ha
of an assortment of pasture crops was established which included grasses namely, C. gayana and P. maximum;
and legumes M. atropurpureum, C. pubescens, D. intortum, Lablab purpureus, Leucaena leucocephala and
Cajanus cajan. Through the work done at Namulonge, the cost of production of seed for each of those varie-
ties was established. The seeds produced under this programme were used in the UNDP/FAO programme
area and the rest was given to DVS&AI for bulking. This was done through farmers who were contracted to
multiply the pasture seeds. From 19901992, UNDP/FAO purchased pasture seeds from the contracted farm-
ers in Mpigi, Mukono and
Mbarara Districts and sold Table 5. Pasture seed produced at Serere: 19721980
them to livestock farmers 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980
nation-wide. Grasses (kg) 4 280 4 238 10 583 9 743 520 6 607 1 078 3 535 -
Legumes (kg) 1 720 4 515 16 355 3 903 4 211 7 636 12 598 7 659 7 789
The World Bank,
Total (kg) 6 000 8 753 26 938 13 646 4 731 14 243 13 676 11 194 7 789
through the Livestock Source: S.A. Bureau Courtoy NV & European Development Fund (1981)
Services Project (LSP) in
the Ministry of Agriculture, Table 6. Seed production from contract farmers under the Livestock
Services Project (kg): 19921997
Animal Industry and
Seed type 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997
Fisheries (MAAIF), car- (imported)
ried on with pasture seed M. atropurpureum 100 3 132 3 190 5 892 - 1 284
production activities began C. pubescens 100 374 2 238 2 243 - 691
under UNDP/FAO as well L. purpureus - 11 179 9 252 15 892 - 2 263
- 2 - - - 15.5
as training both staff and S. guianensis
Verano Stylo 120 - - - - -
farmers in various tech- Seca Stylo 100 - - - - -
nologies of forage produc- D. intortum 100 - - - - -
tion and utilization. Over D. uncinatum 100 - - - - -
120 - - - - -
the period 19921997, over C. rotundifolia
L. leucocephala 400 - - - - -
50 farmers had been con-
C. gayana 40 - - - - 656
tracted and produced about P. maximum - - - - - 209
58 000 kg of grass and TOTAL 1 180 14 687 14 680 24 027 -- 5 118.5
legume seeds (see Table 6) Source: LSP Internal Completion Report, June 1997.
Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile 15

from an average area of about 0.75acres each. The main crops produced were C. gayana and P. maxi-
mum (grasses) and M. atropurpureum, C. pubescens, S. guianensis and L. purpureus (legumes). Under
this project, a study for the privatisation of the pasture seed industry was conducted. Unfortunately,
before it was concluded, the project came to an end (June, 1997). There is now no clear way-forward
for pasture seed production in MAAIF. Field extension staff responsible for pasture improvement in the
districts have managed to keep a few farmers involved in seed production as they find a market for the
seed from amongst livestock owners.
Planting material of vegetatively propagated grasses such as Elephant Grass, Guatemala, Giant
Setaria and leguminous tree seedlings (multi-purpose trees) Calliandra, Gliricidia and Leucaena, is
produced by research institutions and some NGOs.


Uganda has a number of opportunities for the improvement of pasture resources. These include:-

7.1 Modernisation of Agriculture is an integrated programme approach where the livestock

development strategy focuses on:-
Achieving self-sufficiency in meat, milk, poultry and other livestock products. Pastures are the
cheapest source of feed for ruminants. Given the well distributed rainfall and fertile soils, Uganda
has abundant of green forage available for most of the year. Proper use of this forage will ensure
that the plan is implemented.
Provision of planting materials and genitors. This is an indication of Government commitment
to buying planting materials. Farmers can exploit this opportunity to produce more seed and plant-
ing material. Farmers will be encouraged to improve their stock through AI, or selection of good
traits within existing herds.
Targeting commercial agricultural production. Pasture seed production will expand as farmers
diversify cash crops from the traditional ones. The sale price for pasture seeds is good compared to
all other agricultural crops. The knowledge that livestock production can be profitable has created
a willingness amongst farmers to take up new technologies aimed at increasing livestock produc-
tivity; pasture improvement is just one of them.
Improving and strengthening of agricultural research and extension. The National Agricultural
Research Organisation (NARO) was established by an act of parliament with the mandate of
nation-wide research, training and extension. New technologies for all categories of farmers in
pasture improvement are developed on-station and tested on-farm to suit the different farming
systems. Through MAAIF, NARO and its research institutions, and Makerere University, Uganda
has established networks with a large number of international research organisations interested in
livestock nutrition.

7.2 The agricultural extension system is well developed with staff at district, sub-county and parish
level; the staff have degrees or diplomas. They are responsible for training farmers according to their
needs. There is on-going in-service training of all front-line livestock extension workers in pasture
improvement and seed production. Uganda has several universities and agricultural colleges which train
agricultural personnel with specialisations, namely; crop production, animal husbandry, pasture resource
management and many others.

7.3 Peri-urban commercial dairying depends on fodder. The farmers involved in dairying have had
a lot of exposure to training and know the importance of good pastures for livestock production. They
will form a good group for promoting development and improvement of pasture and fodder production.
In periurban dairy farming milk is the most important product because of the favourable market and, in
order to realise maximum profits, the cost of production has to be kept low. One way of reducing the
cost of production is for the farmer to grow fodder to provide all-year round feed.
16 Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile

7.4 NGO, community-based organizations and producer associations involved in livestock

production are growing rapidly. They organize training programmes and focuse extension advice for
the farmers with whom they are involved; feeding on pasture is given a lot of emphasis in their training
programmes. As a matter of policy with all these NGOs, recipient farmers must have one hectare of
well established fodder crops, that is, grasses and fodder trees; with back-yard vegetable gardens for the

7.5 The fertile soils and favourable climate of Uganda are a good potential that will favour all pasture
and fodder development efforts in the country.

7.6 The pasture seed production industry is being revived and is catching up well. Government efforts
to privatise the industry locally will go a long way in stimulating local production and create a demand
for pasture seeds from livestock farmers.



The National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) was created by a statute of parliament with
a mission to improve the welfare of the people of Uganda through generating improved technologies
(including policy recommendations), transferring them to clients and beneficiaries, and maintaining
an agricultural research institution that is relevant to national development and capable of producing
the above outputs in an efficient, effective and sustainable manner. The primary target beneficiaries of
NAROs outputs are small-scale producers in the agricultural sector. The mandate of the organization is
to undertake, promote and co-ordinate research in all aspects of crops, fisheries, forestry and livestock.
The immediate objectives for NAROs technology generation and transfer focuses on increasing
and sustaining food production, sustaining natural resources, improving agricultural techniques,
commercialisation and optimal land use.
Namulonge and Serere Agricultural and Animal Production Research Institutes (NAARI and SAARI
in Central and Eastern Uganda respectively) are mandated to undertake research in, amongst others,
livestock production systems, pastures, range management and general livestock husbandry. These
institutions (NAARI and SAARI) collaborate locally with Makerere University, the Government
extension services of Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF); NGOs and
CBOs (HPI, YWCA, Farm Africa, UNFA and several women groups) interested in pasture and livestock
development. At the regional and international level, they collaborate with International Livestock
Research Institute (ILRI), USAID, ICRAF and GTZ. NAARI and SAARI receive their largest funding
from the Government of Uganda, World Bank, DANIDA, USAID and Rockefeller Foundation.
The following personnel are involved in pasture and fodder research and extension:
Namulonge Agriculture and Animal Research Institute (NAARI), P.O. Box 7084, Kampala:
Dr. C. Ebong ; Mr. W. Ndyanabo - and Mr. S. Byenkya - Animal Nutritionists; Mr. P. Lusembo; Ms. J.
M. Kabirizi and Mrs. S. L. Mubiru - Forage Agronomists.
Serere Agriculture and Animal Industry (SAARI), P.O. Private Bag, Soroti:
Mr. J. Beyunga - Forage Agronomist; Dr. S. Ossiya - Forage Agronomist/ Animal Nutritionist.
Department of Animal Production and Marketing, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and
Fisheries (MAAIF), P.O. Box 513, Entebbe:
Mrs. S. M. Mwebaze; Ms. E. N. Luvumu - and Mr. T. Mugisa - Forage Agronomists; Dr. D. R. Mpairwe -
Range Ecologist/Animal Nutritionist; Mr. S. Muwaya - Range Ecologist; Dr. N. Kauta - Veterinarian/
Animal Nutritionist.
Faculty of Agriculture, Makerere University, P.O. Box 7062, Kampala:
Prof. E. N. Sabiiti - Forage Agronomist; Dr. F. X. Bareeba, and Mr. F. Kabi and Mr. Waisswa - Animal
Country Pasture/Forage Resource Profile 17

FAO 1989 Working Paper No. 59 Dairy Industry Development Project. by Sabiiti, E. N. and Mwebaze, S. N.
Rome, UNDP/FAO Project UGA/023.
Mahadevan, P. and Parsons, D. J. 1970. Livestock. In: Agriculture in Uganda. Ed. Jameson, J. D.
Mbuza, F. M. B. 1991. A Systems Analysis of Milk Production Systems in Uganda and Prospects for
Technological Change. Ph.D. Thesis, Australia, University of Melbourne.
Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries. 1995. Basic facts on agricultural activities in
Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries. 1996. Study Report on The Comparative Analysis
of Cattle Management systems in Different Areas of Uganda.
Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries. 1997. Livestock Services Project Internal
Completion Report.
Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry Fisheries. 1998. Meat Production Master Plan Study - Draft
Final Report.
Ministry of Financial Planning and Economic Development. 1996. Statistical Abstracts.
Ministry of Financial Planning and Economic Development. 1997. Statistical Abstracts.
National Agricultural Research Organization. 1998. Annual Report, 1995 - 1996.
S.A.Bureau Courtoy NV & European Development Fund (1981).
Vanegas, M. and Akwang, R. 1992. An economic analysis of milk production costs and pricing in Uganda.
Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Makerere University.

Sandra M. N. Mwebaze (Mrs), the author of this profile is Acting Principal Forage Agronomist in the
Department of Animal Production and Marketing of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and
Fisheries, based at the Ministry Headquarters in Entebbe. She is responsible for updating the profile as
and when necessary, and will be assisted by Dr. Denis R. Mpairwe, Acting Principal Range Ecologist
in the same Department.
e-mail: <sadramwebaze@yahoo.com>
The profile was prepared in October 1999

[Profile editing was done by J.M. Suttie and S.G. Reynolds in November 1999 and livestock data were
updated by S.G. Reynolds in August 2006.]

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