IES Mechanical Engineeering Conventional 2015

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Paper I

Time Allowed: Three Hours Maxi m1.-m Marks 200

Please read each of the following carefully
before attempting the questions :
Candidates should attempt F/1/E qu'!stions in all.
Question no. 1 is compulsory.
Out of the remaining SIX questions, attempt any FOUR
The number of marks carried by a pG rt of a questiOf'> i3 indiccted
against it.
Answers be written in ENGLISH only.
suitable data, if necessary, and indicate the saMe clearly.
For air R = 0287 kJ I kg-K, CP = lOC.S kJ I kg-K,
r= 14, M = 2897 kg I kg-mole, Univer>al gas
R = 8314 kJikg mole-K.
Unless otherwise mentioned, and notatior.s "-ave their
usual standard meanings.
Neat sketches may be drawn, wherever required.
Attempts of questions shall be count?d in chronolugir:al ord'!r.
Unless struck off, attempt of a questiC'n shall be co1:-nted er;en if
attempted partly.
Any page or portion of the page left ':Jlank in the bmk
must be struck off.

A-GTD-0-NDAA. 1 [Contd.]
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1. (a) An inventor claims to have designed. an
equipment which takes in air at 05 MPa and
27C and gives two streams of equal ma3s of
air, one hot stream at 01 MPa and 4()) K and
the other cold stream at 01 MPa and WO K. It
is also claimed that the equipment ooes not
require energy either in the form of :1eat or
work. Judge whether it is theoretically feasible
or not based on the thermodynamic principles. 10

(b) A steel p1pe of dia...-rneter 89 em has e_ght

lor_gitudinal fins of 15 mm thickness w:Llich
.extend, 30 mm from the pipe surface. If the
thermal conductivity of the fin material IS
45 W/mK, find the percentage increase in the
rate of heat transfer for the finned rurfuce
compared to the base surface. Assume tl:._e Om
heat transfer coefficient as 75 W/m 2K. 1 'J

(c; (i) What IS boundary layer separation "

Explain with neat sketches, the sufficiEnt
and necessary conditions for bou'ldary
layer separation. What are the comm.)n
methods to control boundary layer
separation ? 7
(ii) For the velocity profile,

= ( ) '

calculate the momentum boundary layu

thickness in terms of the nominu
thickness'S' of the boundary layer. 3

A-GTD-0-NDAA 2 [Contd.]
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(d) (i) Define RSHF, GSHF and ESHF. Show
them on a skeleton psychrometric ch :J.rt. 5
(ii) Air at a temperature of 30C flows ever a
flat plate o: length 2 m, which 1s
maintained at 150C. The air flows a
velocity of 12 rn/s. Find the local heat
transfer coefficient at a distance of 05 m
from the leading edge, and at the trt.iling
edge. What is the type of flow at these two
sections ? At what length, does the flow
pattern change ?
The properties of mr at the nean
temperature of 90C are
cp = 101 kJ/kg oc, p = 0962 kg!m3,
1-.l = 2131 >: 10--..." kg/m-s, k = 0031 W/mK.
Use the equations :
N u = 0 332 Re 05 p r 0:33 10r
c l am1nar
. fl O'V an d

Nu = 00296 Re 0 "8 Pr 0.33 for turbulent :low. 5

(e) (i) Draw the velocity triangles at the outlet

and theoretical ''head vs discharge" curves
for a centrifugal pump with forward
curved, radial and backward curved v:me
impellers. 5
(ii) A centrifugal pump delivers water agai:1st
a head of 16 m. The external and inter::1al
diameters of the impeller are 400 mm and
200 mm respectively. Find the minimum
starting speed of the pump. 5

A-GTD-0-N DAA 3 [Contd.]
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(f) In case of turbocompressors as centrif1:gal
and axial flaw compreE sors, iseLtrcpic
efficiency, and in the case of reciprocating
compressors, isothermal effic:ency are used as
the reference. Explain why. DeriV? an
expression for the volumetr:c efficienC} o: a
single stage reciprocating conpressor. El\:plain
with the help of P-V diagram, the effect of
pressure ratio and clearance volume on
volumetric efficie::1cy. 10

(g) A mass of air is initially at 260::;

700 kPa and occupies 0028 m 3 . The :nr is

expanded at constant pressure to 0084 m 3 A
polytropic process with n = UiO is then C3.rried
out, followed by a constant tenperature p:-onss
which completes the cycle. All the process:!s are
reversible processes.

(i) Sketch the cycle on P-v an:l T-s coord:nates

and (ii) find the efficiency of the cycle. FJ

(h) (i) Define DBT, WBT, DPT, RetaLve

humidity (R.H.) and Epecific huuictity
with respect to the prope:ties of moiEt air. 4

(ii) Show a schematic of a V7in-::;er

air-conditioning system and expla:n all
the processes involved. 6

A-GTD-0-NDAA 4 [Corid.]
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2. (a) A 1 : 20 seale model of a submarine is testd in
a wind tunnel to measure the drag on t:l.e
proposed design. A prototype speed of 18 kmph
is desired. \\'hat speed should be used in the
wind tunnel for model testing ? Estimate
the ratio of drag fJrces between the model. and
the prototype. Use the following property
values: 10
Density Viscosity
kg/m 3 N-s/m:;:

Air 122 1 >< 10-i)

Sea water 1025 15 X 10-3

(b) A copper wire of E2 mm diameter is insulated

with a layer of PVC of thermal conductivi-:;y
043 W/mK. The wire carries current and its
temperature is 60<C. Film coefficient on tl:e air
side is 1135 W/m2K. Calculate the critic:1l
thickness of insulation. Also calculate the he 1t
loss from the wire with the critical thicknEss Jf
insulation. Find the heat transfer for insuhtim
thickness of 20 mm and 60 mm. Ambient air
temperature is 30C. 10

(c) In SI engines occurs near the end Jf

combustion whereas in the CI engines knockiLg
occurs near the beginning of combmtio::1..
Explain the factors responsible for knocking in
SI engines. 10

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3. (a) A 3-jet pelton turbine is required to generatE
10,000 kW under a. net head of 400 m. ThE
blade angle at outlet is 15c and the reduction ir
the relative velocity while passing over thE
is 5%. If the overall efficiency of thE
wheel is 80%, c\' = 098 and speed ratio = 046,
find (i) the diameter of the jet, (ii) the flow ratE
and (iii) the force exerted by a jet on the
buckets. lfJ

(b) (i) The lubricating oil used in a gear box of a

compressor is being recirculated through
a double pipe heat exchanger for cooling.
The oil is to be cooled from 70C to 40C
using water ayailable at 28C. Flow rate
of the oil is 1000 kg/hr. Water exit
temperature should not exceed 42C.
Cp of oil is 205 kJ/kg-K, Cp of water is
417 kJ/kg-K. Calculate the required
water flow rate and the area of the heat
exchanger. Assume counter flow. Also
assume the overall heat transfer
coefficient to be 300 W/m 2 K.
(ii) A refrigerator is placed near a partition
wall of a room such that there is only a
4 em gap between the wall and the
refrigerator surface facing the wall. The
refrigerator surface is of 16 m height and
08 m breadth and has a temperature of
22C. The wall temperature is 30C.
Calculate the rate of heat gain by the
refrigerator surface.
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Assume the properties of air at 26C :
v = 1684 x 10-
m 2/s, k 026 W/oK,
a = 221 :< 10-5 m 2/s, Pr = 07.

Use the equation,

025 . Pro012 . -
Nu = 042. Raw ( 'V

(where Ra is the Rayleigh number). 5

(c) Prove that for Van der Waa1s gas, Cv is a
function of temperature only. Van der Waals
. IS
equat wn giVen
by P = (. R'I - va ') 10
\ (v-b) 2 /

4. (a) A simple R-12, heat pump, used for space

heating, operates between 15C and 50C. Heat
required to be pumped is 100 oJ/hr.
the quality of the refrigerant enteriLg the
evaporator, mass flow rate of the refrigerant
and discharge temperature cooing out of the
eompressor, theoretical piston displacement,
power required for the compressor arxl the
Assume Cp of vapour as 08 kJ/kg-K and S)ecific
volume of saturated vapour at 15"C as
00354 m 3/kg. 10
Properties of R-12

15 0491 501 1938 J1915 )6902

50 1291 849 2065 )3037 1}6797

A-GTD-0-NDAA 7 [Contd.]
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(b) In a gas turbine plant, air :_t 10C and 10 Jar

is compressed to 12 ba=- with isentropic
efficiency of 80%. The air is heated first in t-he
regenerator and then in the combustion
chamber till its temperahre is raised to
1400C, and during t:bs pr=cess the pressure
falls by 02 bar. The air is thEil expanded in the
turbine, and then through the
regenerator, which has an ef:--nctiveness of 015
and causes a pressure of 02 ba:-.
Isentropic efficiency of the turbine is 85%.
Determine the thermal efficiency of the plant.
Assume addition of heat at coot ant pressure. 1 'J

Steel balls used in ball bearir_s-s are quenchec

by suddenly dropping the hot l::.alls in a cold oil
bath. Steel balls of 50 kg rr:ass initially at
200C and with specific heat Cl-45 kJ/kg-K are
quenched in an oil bath of temperature
30C and specific heat 28 During the
quenching, a paddle-wheel driY3n by a 200 W
motor is activated to. stir th; oil. Thermal
equilibrium is established after 20 minutes,
when the final temperature is 4)C. Determine
the mass of the oil and the entropy generated
during the process. Consid=r the tank
containing the oil to be well in:ulated and of
negligible mass. 10

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5. :a) (i) Find the shape factors of the tw J surfacES,
one is the hemispherical surface same
diameter and the second a flat of
the same diameter, compr_sm.5 an
enclosure. 2
(ii) A steel ball of 03 m a:1d at
800 K is cooled by radiation on_y, 10 the
ambient at 30C. Find the time required
for the ball to cool to 70C. the
density and specific heat of steel aE
780 kglm 3 and 0473 kJ/k.g-K respect:vely.
Assume the surface of the steel hall be
black. 8
(b} (i) Draw an indicator diagram shoV"'ing the
effect of acceleration and friction in a
single stage reciprocating pump. Expain
the various heads and the considerations
to decide the safe speed of the pump. 5
(ii) What is an air vessel ? Give the nief
advantages of fitting air vessels on the
suction and delivery sides of a
reciprocating pump. 5
(c) In a BWR type nuclear reactor, the teat of
nuclear fission is transferred to water In a
reactor, water comes out of the reac:or as
saturated vapour at 72 bar. The steam flo-.vs
through a turbine and exhausts at 008 bar to a
conC.enser. The water leaves the conden.:;er at
008 bar and 40C (h = 1765 kJ/kg). The liquid
water is again pumped through a pump 1o the
nuclear reactor. Isentropic efficiency o::" the
turbine is 70%. The plant has a capacity Jf
750 MW. CalculatE the mass flow rate of steam
circui.ated and the rate of heat generation.

A-GTD-0-NDAA 9 (Contd.)
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Properties of steam :

P = 008 bar : hr = 1739 kJ/kg, hrg = 24032 kJ/kg,

sr= 05926 kJ/kg-K, Sfg = 73370 kJ/kg-K,

At 72 bar: hg = 27709 k.:-/kg, sg = 58019 kJ/kg-K. 20

6. (a) A rectangular block of matErial A (k = 24 W/mK)

of 010 m thickness is betwee:1 two
walls of metals, B (k = 2030 W/mK) of thickness
012 m, and C (k = 2110 W/mK) of thickness
015 m respectively. Heat generation occus in
material A at a uniform rate of 25 x 10 'N!m 3 .
Develop expressions ior the steady state
temperature distribution in the three layer:; and
determine . the maximum temperature and its
location in the assembly. The outer surfaces of 'B'
and 'C' are maintainec ct 100cc and 150C
respectively. 10

(b) (i) An airplane 1s flyir:g at a speed of

800 kmph at an alUude of 15 km, where
the air temperatu:l"'3 i3 - 50C. Find the
maximum possible tEmperature on :he
airplane skin body. 5
(ii) A rectangular notcl-_ of 08 m width ani a
90 V-notch are tc be used alternately
for measuring an ected flow rate of
005 m3/s of a liquiC.. Find the
error that would reEUlt in the two caseE, if
an error of 1 mm is made in the head
measurement. Assume Cd = 06 for both
. the notches. 5

A-GTD-0-NDAA 10 [Contd]
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(c) A process equipment has been desigr_ed to

heat continuously available at a

level of 260C. The only source of 8Uet'"g} is a

continuous flow of saturated steam 17 5 bar
(h = 27941 kJ/kg; s = 63853 kJ/kg-E:). Ccoling
water is also aYailable in large sup.r:ly at :woe.
The steam is condensed in the equipment and
cernes out as condensate at 1 bar and 20C
(h = 855 kJ/kg; s = 02959 kJ/kg-K). How much
heat can be tra::1sferred from the prc.ce;;s b the
heat reservoir at 260C, for every Jne kg of
steam condensed in the process ? 10

7. (a) (i) Show the -arious psychrometrie procEsses

on a skeleton psychrometric chert. 4

(ii) Differentiate between the pnce.3Se3 of

''heating and humidification", 'cocling
and hunidification" and "ac.iabatic
saturation". What is the change )f 3pE-Cific
humidity and DBT in each of b.ese
processes ? Which of the pN::esses in
part (i) are possible in an air -waslBr ?
Explain with a schematic diagrc_m. 6

(b) (i) Sketch neatly "Moody Diagra.::n' - a

chart showing the friction faetor,
f = f (Re, E 8 I D) for full range o: Reynolds
numbers in pipe flow. Can we me this
chart for ::1on-circular conduitE ? If yes,

A-GTD-0-NDAA 11 [Contd.]
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(ii) An oil of density 917 kg/m 3 is being

pumped in a 15 em diameter hori:.wnta'
pipe. The dischargE is measured aE
800 litres/mim:te. llie drop in pressure in
a stretch of 800 m c.f is meas 1red
as 95 kPa. Estimate absolute v1scc.sity
of the fluid. 6

(c) The output of an engi:1e iE gi,en as input to an

agr:cultural pumpset. The t=ump is used for
liftbg water from a depth o: 3D m at the nte of
200 litres/minute. The trar_snission efficien::!y
between the engine and thE pLmp iE 1009(; ar:d
the pump is cons::dered to be 100% efficien:.
The orake thermal efficienc? ef the engine i3
35%, calorific value of tire fuel is 43 MJ/kg.
the cost of fuel is 5300 j)e::-- litre and thE
density of the fuel ;_s 780 kgl::n". Estimate the
running cost of the fuel for 1000 m 3 of water
lifted. 10

A-GTD-0-f\'DAA 12
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Paper II

jnme Allowed : Three Hours I jMaximum Marks : 200 I

Please read each of the following instructions carefully
before attempting questions.
Candidate should attempt FIVE questions in all.
Question No. 1 in Section A is compulsory.
Out of the remaining, attempt TWO from Section B
and TWO from Section C.
All questions carry equal marks.
The number of marks carried by a part of a question
is indicated against it.
Answers must be written in ENGLISH only.
Unless otherwise mentioned, symbols and notations
have their usual standard meanings.
Neat sketches may be drawn, wherever required.
All parts and sub-parts of a question are to be
attempted together in the answer book.
Attempts of questions shall be counted in
chronological order.
Unless struck off, attempt of a question shall be
counted even if attempted partly.
Any page or portion of the page left blank in the
answer book must be clearly struck off
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Section- A

1. (a) Explain Gnshof's linkage. Explain the inver-

sions of this linkage. 4

(b) A single p:ate clutch is designed to transmit

10 kW po'er at 2000 rpm. The equivalent
mass and radius of gyration of the input shaft
are 20 kg and 75 mm respectively. The
equivalent mass and radius of gyration of the
output shaft are 35 kg and 125 mm respec-


The time required to bring the output shaft to

the rated SJ= eed from fest. 4

(c) A 5 em dia. solid shaft is welded to a flat plate

by 1 em fillet weld. What will be the max.
torque that the welded joint can sustain if
the permis ;ible shear stress in the weld
material is :1ot to exceed 8 kN /cm2 ? Deduce
the expressi)n for the shear stress at the throat
from the basic theory. 4

(d) Illustrate System of Units. 4

(e) Derive equc:tions for compressi ve and tensile

thermal stre;;ses. 4

AGTD-0- NDBB 2 (Contd.)
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(f) Draw the schematic of radiographic technique
and explain. 4

(g) What are the conditions that would allow

a . continuous chip to be formed in metal
cutting ? 4

(h) What are the different types of fits possible

with reference to mechanical systems ? 4

(i) Find the optimal order quantity for a product

of which the price breaks are as follows :

Qty Unit Cost

0 !S q !S 50 Rs. 10

50 q2 100 Rs. 9

100 q3 Rs. 8

The monthly demand for the product is

200 units, the cost of storage is 25% of the unit
cost and ordering cost is Rs. 20 per order. 4

(j) Define Value Engineering. What are the con-

ditions conductive to take up Value Analysis/
Value Engineering. 4

A-GTD -0-ND BB 3 (Contd.)
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Section- B

2. (a)

In the geartrain shown in the figure, the sun

gear S rotates at 500 rpm and the planet carrier
A rotates at 100 rpm in the same direction.
Determine the number of teeth on each gear
and the speed of planet gear P if the diametral
pitch of all the gears is 3 teeth/ em and the
diameter of the fixed gear F is to be as close
to 25 em as possible. 14

A-GTD-0-NDBB 4 (Contd.)
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,- -.1- -.




It is requi red to design a flypress, as show n in

the figure, that is capable of punching 50 mm
diame ter circles from a 15 mm thick mild
steel sheet. The ultimate shear strength of
the sheet metal is 375 N/mm and it can be
assumed that shearing will be complete when
the punch penetrates through half the thickness
of the sheet. The screw, with square threads, is
made of bronze. The factor of safety is 3. The
total work ing stroke consists of a one quarter
revolution, 45 in front of the press and 45

A-GT D-0-N DBB 5 (Contd.)
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behind the press. During the return stroke, the
punch is raised by 5 mm to provide clearance
to insert the sheet. The fmward or working
stroke is completed in 1 sec. The balls are
made of cast iron, with a mass density of
7280 kg/ m3 and the radius Rm is 500 mm.
Neglecting collar friction, calculate :

(i) The dimensions of the screw,

(ii) The length of the nut and

(iii) The size of the balls. 20

(c) A cylindrical pressure vessel 200 em in dia-

meter and 350 em in length is made of
130 em thick plates. It is subjected to an
internal pressure of 10 kg/cm 2 Calculate the
longitudinal and circumferential stresses deve-
loped in the vessel. 6

3. (a) The mass of a trailer is 350 kg when empty

and 1000 kg when fully loaded. The stiffness
of suspension spring is 350 kN/m. The
damping factor is 05 when fully loaded. The
trailer moves at 50 kmph on a road having
sinusoidal irregularity of wavelength 4 m.
. Determine transmissibility when trailer is fully
loaded and when empty. 15

A-GTD-0-NDBB 6 (Contd.)
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A hydrostatic conical thrust bearing is sho\\-n

in the figure. Show that the load carrymg
capacity of the bearing is given by

w = n:EJ .K;- Rf

and the flow requirement is given by,

Q= sina

. 6!llog,( J 15

(c) Explain the concept o:: real and apparent area;

of contact. Write the :Ormula for each. 10

A-GTD-0-NDBB 7 (Contd.)
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4. (a) A shaft consisting four masses A, B, C and D
is in complete balance. The masses A, C and D
are 20 kg, 12 kg and 10 kg respectively. The
radii of rotations of masses A, B, C and D are
12 em, 15 em, 17 em and 20 em respectively.
The planes of rotation of A and B are 20 em
apart whereas those of B and C are 25 em
apart. The angle between the radii of A and C
is 90. Determine mass at plane Band distance
between the planes of C and D. 20

(b) A thin cylinder is turning about its axis.

Find the safe number of revolutions for a rotor
of 3 metres in diameter if the hoop stress is
not to exceed 1300 kg/ cm2 Take density as
6500 kg/cm 3. 10

(c) Explain why corrosion occurs in materials.


Section- C

5. (a) Explain expendable pattern casting process

with schematic illustration and applications.

(b) Differentiate between the working principles

of Friction stir welding and Friction welding.

A-GTD-0-NDBB 8 (Contd.)
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(c) Explain salient design principles of milling
fixtures with a typical milling fixture diagram.

(d) Determine the fundamental deviation and

tolerances and the limits of size for hole and
shaft pair in the fit : 25 mm H 8-d9 . The
diameter steps are 18 mm and 30 mm. The
Fundamental deviation for d shaft is given as
-16 D 0.44 . The tolerance unit is, i = 0-45 *W+
000 1 D. The tolerance grade for number
8 quality is 25 i and for number 9 quality is
40 i. 10

6. (a) Classify the products that are commonly pro-

duced by powder metallurgy. Give examples
ofeach. 10

(b) What is the principle of plasma arc welding ?


(c) A materials manager adopts the policy to place

an order for a minimum quantity of 500 of a
particular item in order to avail a discount of
10%. It was found from the company records
that for last year 8 orders were placed each of
size 200 Nos. Ordering cost is Rs. 500 per
order. Inventory carrying charges at 40% cost
per unit = Rs. 400. Is the purchase manager
justified in his decision ? What is the effect of
this decision on the company ? 10

A-GTD-0-NDBB 9 (Contd.)
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(d) There are four machines W, X, Y and Z.
jobs A, B and C are to be assigned to
3 machines out of total 4 machines. The cost
of assignment is given below. Find out th
optimal assignment.

w X y z
A 18 24 28 32

B 8 13 17 18
c 10 15 19 22

7. (a) Explain the principle of Electro Chemical

Machining Process with the help of a diagram.
(b) The ABC company wishes to plan its adver-
tising strategy. There are two medias unde:::-
consideration, call them Magazine I and
Magazine II respectively. Magazine I has a
reach of 2500 potential customers. The cost
per page of advertising is Rs. 400 and Rs. 600
in Magazine I and II respectively. The firm has
a monthly budget of Rs. 6000. There is an
important requirement that the total reach for
income group under Rs. 20000 per annum
.should not exceed 4000 potential customers
The reach in Magazine I and II for this income
group is 400 and 200 potential customers
How many pages should be brought in the twc
Magazines to maximize the total reach ? 15

A-GTD-0-ND BB 10 (Contd.)
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(c) XYZ Ltd carries out ABC analysis and has
decided to concentrate on A item, which total
up to the maximum cost of materials. For A
class items the following data is available :

Annual requirement - 5000 units

Ordering cost - Rs. 500

Carrying cost - Rs. 20%)

Cost per unit - Rs. 80

The company has the following options for

purchasing the items.

(i) Place 10 orders of equal size every year.

(ii) Place an order of 1000 units at any time

and avail bulk purchase discount of 8%.

(iii) Use EOQ

Which options, you think XYZ should follow

and why? 15


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