CP3: Cathodic Protection Technologist: No. Correct

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4 Quiz

CP3: Cathodic Protection Technologist

Chapter 4
No. Correct: ____
Passing Score = 70%
(7 out of 9 correct)

Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________

1. Calculate the resistance of 15 vertical surface anodes given the following:

I. Anode diameter = 7.6 cm
II. Anode length = 1.52 m
III. Carbon diameter = 25.4 cm
IV. Carbon length = 2.13 m
V. Soil resistivity = 3500 ohm-cm
VI. Spacing = 4.57 m

2. Calculate the resistance of 15 horizontal anodes given the following information with a depth of 1 foot:
I. Anode diameter = 7.6 cm
II. Anode length = 1.52 m
III. Carbon diameter = 25.4 cm
IV. Carbon length = 2.13 m
V. Soil resistivity = 3500 ohm-cm
VI. Spacing = 4.57 m

3. Calculate the life of a 17 lb magnesium anode with a current output of 100 mA assuming an average
anode current density of 40 ma/ft2. Utilization factor 1.0.

4. Calculate the life of a 17 lb magnesium anode with a current output of 100 mA assuming an average
anode current density of 5 ma/ft2. Utilization factor 1.0

5. A 10kg high potential magnesium anode has an open circuit potential of -1.75VCSE. It is connected to a
coated pipeline resulting in a polarized potential of -0.980 VCSE. Assuming a total circuit resistance of 10
Ω, an anode efficiency of 35% and a utilization factor of 0.9, calculate the service life of the anode.

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6. Given a 0.3m (12 in) diameter, 3219 meters (2 mile) long coated pipeline that has a specific coating
conductance of 6 x 10-3 s/m2 in 1000 ohm-cm soil, calculate the total CP current needed if ρsoil = 8100 Ω-
cm and a minimum of 0.3V potential shift is required.

7. What is the estimated current required to protect a bare steel pipe 10.75 in OD and 10,000 feet long that is
in clay soil (1800 Ω cm) for 7,500 feet and aerated sandy soil (60,000 Ω cm) for 2,500 ft?
A. 49 A
B. 143 A
C. 3.5 A
D. 13 A

8. What is the approximate coated area of steel in 1000 Ω -cm soil that has a coating conductance of 100
A. 0.006%
B. 0.06%
C. 99.940%
D. 99.994%

9. Which of the following methods in estimating current requirements for the cathodic protection of a coated
structure contains an incorrect relationship?
A. Assume a specific coating resistance (r’c) calculate total surface area (As); assume a minimum of 300 mV shift
is needed across the coating;

300 mV • As
I req' d =
r' c

B. Assume a minimum current density ( ) for coated surface; calculate total surface area (As);

I req' d = icp As

C. Measure Ecorr and apply a test current (It); measure Ep with time until ∆t

100 mV
I req' d = IT
( Ep − E corr )

D. Apply a test current (It); measure ΔVstr (Von - Voff) to remote earth;

I req' d =

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