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1. Introduction
The Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) wastewater treatment process is a relatively
recent addition in the wastewater treatment field. It was developed in Norway in the
1980s and is now in use in many countries throughout the world. It is an attached
growth process, but is similar to activated sludge in some ways also. It uses plastic
carriers to provide a surface on which biofilm grows. The plastic carriers are kept
suspended in the aeration tank by an aerator for an aerobic process or by mechanical
mixing for an anoxic or anaerobic process. The plastic carriers are kept in the system by
a sieve at the outlet of the tank. There is no need for sludge recycle in an MBBR
process and the required reactor size is typically significantly smaller than for an
activated sludge process treating the same wastewater flow, or for other common
attached growth processes like the trickling filter or RBC. The MBBR process can be
used for BOD removal, nitrification and/or denitrification. This course includes
background information about the MBBR process and a description of a commonly used
design approach, along with several worked examples illustrating the calculations.
A sample spreadsheet for making MBBR process design calculations is included with
this course. Coverage of spreadsheet use for MBBR process design calculations is
discussed in the course and illustrated with example calculations.
2. Learning Objectives
Know the differences between attached growth and suspended growth biological
wastewater treatment processes
Be able to name the six MBBR process configurations discussed in this course
Be able to calculate the required carrier surface area for an MBBR wastewater
treatment process for specified SALR and loading rate
Be able to calculate the required MBBR tank volume for specified carrier surface
area, carrier specific surface area, and the carrier fill %
Be able to calculate the liquid volume in an MBBR tank for known tank volume,
carrier volume and carrier % void space
Be able to calculate the BOD, NH3-N, or NO3-N removal rate for known values of
the surface area removal rate (SARR) and design carrier surface area
Be able to use the sample spreadsheet included with the course to make process
design calculations for a single stage BOD removal process in either U.S. units
or S.I. units.
Be able to use the sample spreadsheet included with the course to make process
design calculations for a single stage nitrification process in either U.S. units or
S.I. units.
IV. Summary
V. References
The MBBR process for wastewater treatment was invented and initially developed by
Professor Hallvard degaard in the late 1980s at the Norwegian University of Science
and Technology. Use of this wastewater treatment process has spread rapidly. Per
degaard, 2014 (Reference #1 at the end of this course), there were already more than
800 MBBR wastewater treatment plants in more than 50 countries at that time (2014),
with about half treating domestic wastewater and about half treating industrial
wastewater. At least part of the reason for the interest in the MBBR process is its small
footprint in comparison with other biological treatment processes. The tank volume
needed for a MBBR process is typically significantly less than that needed for either an
activated sludge process or a trickling filter designed to treat the same wastewater flow.
In the conventional attached growth, biological treatment processes, like trickling filter or
RBC systems the microorganisms are attached to a medium that is fixed in place and
the wastewater being treated flows past the surfaces of the medium with their attached
biological growth. In contrast, an MBBR process utilizes small plastic carrier media
that are described in more detail in the next section. The MBBR treatment processes
typically take place in a tank similar to an activated sludge aeration tank. The carrier
media are kept suspended by a diffused air aeration system for an aerobic process or
by a mechanical mixing system for an anoxic or anaerobic process, as indicated in
figures 1 and 2 below. A sieve is typically used at the tank exit to keep the carrier
media in the tank.
Primary clarification is typically used ahead of the MBBR tank. Secondary clarification
is also typically used, but there is no recycle activated sludge sent back into the
MBBR processes use plastic media support carriers similar to those shown in Figure 3.
As shown in the figure, the carrier is typically designed to have a high surface area per
unit volume, so that there is a lot of surface area on which the microorganisms attach
and grow. Media support carriers like those shown in Figure 3 are available from
numerous vendors. Two properties of the carrier are needed for the process design
calculations to be described and discussed in this course. Those properties are the
specific surface area in m2/m3 and the void ratio. The specific surface area of MBBR
carriers is typically in the range from 350 to 1200 m2/m3 and the void ratio typically
ranges from 60% to 90%. Design values for these carrier properties should be obtained
from the carrier manufacturer or vendor.
The MBBR wastewater treatment process is quite flexible and can be used in several
different ways. There will be a description and discussion of the following six MBBR
process alternatives in this course:
Flow diagrams for these six MBBR process alternatives are shown in the diagram
Each of the process alternatives shown in Figure 4 will be covered in more detail later in
the course.
The key empirical design parameter used to determine the required MBBR tank size is
the surface area loading rate (SALR) in g/m2/d. The g/d in the SALR units refers to the
g/d of the parameter being removed and the m2 in the SALR units refers to the surface
area of the carrier. Thus, for BOD removal the SALR would be g BOD/day entering the
MBBR tank per m2 of carrier surface area. For a nitrification reactor, the SALR would
be g NH3-N/day entering the MBBR tank per m2 of carrier surface area. Finally, for
denitrification design, the SALR would be g NO3-N/day per m2 of carrier surface area.
For any of these processes, a design value for SALR can be used together with design
values of wastewater flow rate and BOD, ammonia or nitrate concentration, to calculate
the required carrier surface area in the MBBR tank. The design carrier volume can then
be calculated using a known value for the carrier specific surface area (m2/m3). Finally,
a design value for the carrier fill % can be used to calculate the required tank volume.
Process design calculations for each of the process alternatives shown in Figure 4 will
be covered in the next several sections.
required carrier volume, tank volume and the volume of liquid in the reactor. A typical
flow diagram for a single stage MBBR BOD removal process is shown in Figure 5
where: Q is the wastewater flow rate into the MBBR reactor in MGD
So is the BOD concentration in that influent flow in mg/L
8.34 is the conversion factor from mg/L to lb/MG
453.59 is the conversion factor from lb to g
The calculated BOD loading rate will be in g/day.
where: required tank volume will be in the same units as required carrier volume.
The type of calculations just discussed can be done conveniently using an Excel
spreadsheet. The screenshot in Figure 6 below shows a screenshot of worksheet 2 of
the course spreadsheet set up to make the calculations just described for Example #1.
The worksheet shows user input values of the given information entered in the blue
cells. The values in the yellow cells are calculated by the spreadsheet using the
equations presented and discussed above. The values calculated by the spreadsheet
for the following parameters are the same as those shown in the solution to Example
#1 above: i) the BOD loading in g/day, ii) the required tank volume, iii) the liquid
volume in the tank, iv) the hydraulic retention time at design average flow, and v) the
hydraulic retention time at peak hourly flow.
You may have noticed that there are a few additional calculations in the worksheet
screenshot. If the user selected tank shape is rectangular, the worksheet calculates
the tank length and width for the calculated required tank volume. If the user selected
tank shape is cylindrical, the worksheet will calculate the tank diameter. These
calculations simply use the formulas for the volume of a rectangular tank (V = L*W*H) or
for the volume of a cylindrical tank (V = D2H/4), with user entered values for L:W ratio
being used for rectangular tank calculations and the user entered value for the liquid
depth in the tank, H, being used by both. The worksheet also calculates an estimated
effluent BOD concentration, which is discussed in the next section (after Example #2,
which illustrates a solution with S.I. units).
Example #2: (working with S.I. units) Repeat Example #1 if the wastewater flow is
specified as 757 m3/d instead of 0.2 MGD. The rest of the given information remains
the same. The wastewater flow containing 180 mg/L BOD is to be treated in an MBBR
a) The BOD loading rate will be (757 m3/d)(180 g/m3) = 136,260 g BOD/day
b) From Table 1 above, a suitable design SALR value for BOD removal with a
target BOD removal of 9095% would be 7.5 g/m2/day
The Excel spreadsheet screenshot on the next page (from worksheet 3 in the course
spreadsheet) shows the spreadsheet solution to Example #2. There are slight
differences from the solution with U.S. units due to rounding of the design flow
conversion from MGD to m3/s.
Use of an estimated surface area removal rate (SARR) allows calculation of the
estimated effluent concentration of the parameter being removed. That is, for BOD
removal, the estimated effluent BOD concentration can be calculated. For nitrification,
the estimated effluent ammonia nitrogen concentration can be calculated and for
denitrification, the estimated effluent nitrate nitrogen concentration can be calculated.
Based on graphs and tables provided in several of the references at the end of this
course, the SARR/SALR ratio for all the different types of MBBR treatment being
covered in this course ranges from about 0.8 to nearly 1.0 over the range of SALR
values typically used. The SARR/SALR ratio is nearly one at very low SALR values and
decreases as the SALR value increases.
The upper right portion of the screenshot on the previous two pages illustrates an
approach for estimating a value for the SARR/SALR ratio for a specified design value of
SALR. In the four blue cells at the upper right, two sets of values for SARR/SALR and
SALR are entered. In this case, they are based on the typical values of % BOD removal
vs SALR in Table 1 above. In the yellow cells below those entries, the slope and
intercept of a SARR/SALR vs SALR straight line are calculated using the Excel SLOPE
and INTERCEPT functions. Then the SARR/SALR ratio is calculated for the specified
design value of SALR.
Note that the ratio SARR/SALR is equal to the % BOD removal expressed as a fraction.
This can be shown as follows:
BOD rate into plant in g/day = (SALR in g/m2/d)(Carrier Surf. Area in m2)
= (SARR/SALR)100%
Note that the value of 0.925 for the SARR/SALR ratio at SALR = 7.5 g/m2/d was
obtained from Table 1 above as the midpoint of the 90-95% estimated % BOD removal
for SALR = 7.5 g/m2/d. Similarly, the value of 0.875 for the SARR/SALR ratio at SALR
= 15 g/m2/d was obtained from Table 1 above as the midpoint of the 85-90% estimated
% BOD removal for SALR = 15 g/m2/d.
At the bottom of the screenshot worksheet, the estimated value of the surface area
removal rate (SARR) is calculated. It is used to calculate an estimated BOD removal
rate in g BOD/day and lb BOD/day. Then an estimate of the effluent BOD concentration
is calculated. The equations for these calculations are as follows:
The calculations are exactly the same for S.I. units except that the 8.34 conversion
factor isnt needed in the last calculation.
Example #3: Calculate the estimated effluent BOD concentration for the wastewater
flow described in Example #1 being treated in the MBBR reactor sized in Example #1.
Thus, the estimated SARR/SALR ratio for the given SALR value of 7.5 g/m2/d would be
calculated as: SARR/SALR = - (0.007)(7.5) + 0.975 = 0.925
The estimated effluent BOD concentration can then be calculated from the equation:
est effluent BOD conc. = [(BOD loading rate - est BOD removal rate)/Qo]/8.34
Note that this 14 mg/L value for the estimated effluent BOD concentration is shown
near the bottom of the Figure 6 and Figure 7 spreadsheet screenshots.
Table 2 below shows typical design values for the SALR (surface area loading rate) for
nitrification in an MBBR reactor. The source for the values in this table is the Odegaard
reference #2 below.
The process design calculations for this MBBR process are essentially the same as
those described above for a single stage BOD removal MBBR process. The graph
shown in Figure 9 (prepared using values from a similar graph in Rusten and
Paulsruds presentation in Ref #4 below) will be used to obtain values for SARR/SALR
vs SALR for nitrification.
The process design calculations for single stage nitrification are illustrated in the next
Example #4: A design secondary effluent flow of 0.2 MGD has the following
characteristics: 15 mg/L BOD, 35 mg/L TKN, and alkalinity of 140 mg/L as CaCO3.
This flow is to be treated in a single stage nitrification MBBR reactor. The design SALR
is to be 1 g NH3-N/m2/d.
The solution, as calculated with the course spreadsheet, is shown in the screenshot in
Figure 10 below. A summary of the calculations is given here:
a) The Nitrate loading rate will be (0.2 MGD)(35 mg/L)(8.34 lb/MG/mg/L) = 58.4
lb/day = (58.4 lb/day)*(453.59 g/lb) = 26,481 g BOD/day
For 40% carrier fill: Required tank volume = 1870 ft3/0.40 = 4676 ft3.
(132.5 m3)
c) The BOD SALR will be (0.2 MGD)(15 mg/L)(8.34 lb/MG/mg/L)/(26481 m2) = 0.43
g/m2/day (Note that this is less than 0.5 g/m2/day as required.)
f) Calculation of the estimated effluent NH3-N concentration as shown above for the
single stage BOD removal process gives a value of 4.6 mg/L.
The S.I. version of the spreadsheet can be used with the 0.2 MGD wastewater flow rate
specified as 757 m3/d. All of the other inputs remain as given above. The answers in
S.I. units (if different than the U.S. solution) are shown in parentheses at the end of
each part of the solution above.
Fig. 10. Screenshot of MBBR Process Design Calculations Single Stage Nitrification
A two-stage MBBR BOD removal process may be used instead of a single stage
process. In this case, a high SALR roughing treatment will typically be used for the
first stage and a lower SALR will typically be used for the second stage. This will result
in less total tank volume needed for a two-stage process than for a single stage
process. Also, a two-stage MBBR process can typically achieve a lower effluent BOD
concentration than a single stage MBBR process. A typical flow diagram for a two-
stage MBBR process for BOD removal is shown in Figure 12 below. Note that an
intermediate clarifier is not typically used between stages.
The process design calculations for each stage of a two-stage MBBR process are
essentially the same as shown for the single stage process above in section 5. These
calculations are illustrated in Example #5.
Example #5: A design wastewater flow of 0.2 MGD (757 m3/d) containing 180 mg/L
BOD (in the primary effluent) is to be treated for BOD removal in a two stage MBBR
reactor. The design SALR for the first stage is to be 25 g/m2/d and the design SALR for
the second stage is to be 7.5 g/m2/d.
The S.I. version of the spreadsheet can be used with the 0.2 MGD wastewater flow rate
specified as 757 m3/d. All of the other inputs remain as given above. The answers in
S.I. units (if different than the U.S. solution) are shown in parentheses at the end of
each part of the solution below
Figure 14 is the bottom part of the spreadsheet and shows the calculated values as
i) The BOD loading rate will be (0.2 MGD)(180 mg/L)(8.34 lb/MG/mg/L) = 300.2
lb/day = (300.2 lb/day)*(453.59 g/lb) = 136,186 g BOD/day
ii) Required carrier surface area = (136,186 g/day)/(25 g/m2/day) = 5447.4 m2.
iii) For 40% carrier fill: Required tank volume = 384.7 ft3/0.40 = 961.9 ft3.
Calculation of the estimated effluent BOD concentration from the first stage as shown
above for the single stage process gives a value of 41 mg/L.
Figure 13. Screenshot of MBBR Process Design Calculations Two-Stage BOD Removal Part 1
Figure 14. Screenshot of MBBR Process Design Calculations Two-Stage BOD Removal Part 2
i) The BOD loading rate will be (0.2 MGD)(41 mg/L)(8.34 lb/MG/mg/L) = 67.6
lb/day = (67.6 lb/day)*(453.59 g/lb) = 30,642 g BOD/day
ii) Required carrier surface area = (30642 g/day)/(7.5 g/m2/day) = 4085.6 m2.
iii) For 40% carrier fill: Required tank volume = 288.55 ft3/0.40 = 721.4 ft3.
(20.43 m3)
Calculation of the estimated effluent BOD concentration from the second stage as
shown above for the single stage process gives a value of 3.0 mg/L.
Example #6: Compare the MBBR tank volume, carrier surface area, and estimated
effluent BOD concentration for the single stage BOD removal process in Example #1
and the same WW flow and BOD with a two-stage BOD removal process as calculated
in Example #5.
Note that the two-stage process requires only about half of the tank volume and half of
the carrier quantity in comparison with the single stage process, while achieving a
significantly lower estimated effluent BOD.
A two stage MBBR process may also be used to achieve both BOD removal and
nitrification. Nitrification with an MBBR process requires a rather low BOD
concentration. Thus the first stage for this process is used for BOD removal and the
second stage is used for nitrification. A typical flow diagram for a two stage MBBR
process for BOD removal and nitrification is shown in Figure 15 below.
Figure 15. Two-Stage MBBR Process for BOD Removal and Nitrification
Table 3 shows typical design values for the SALR (surface area loading rate) for the
BOD removal stage and for the nitrification stage. The source for the values in this
table is the Odegaard reference #2 below.
The process design calculations for the two-stage BOD Removal/Nitrification process
would be essentially the same as those just discussed for the two-stage BOD removal
process, with the second stage calculations being like those for the single stage
nitrification process.
A bit more information about the denitrification reactions will be useful for further
discussion of these two denitrification options. The denitrification reactions, which
convert nitrate ion to nitrogen gas, and hence remove it from the wastewater flow, will
take place only in the absence of oxygen, that is, in an anoxic reactor. Also, the
denitrification reactions require a carbon source. With these factors in mind the
functioning of the pre-anoxic denitrification process and of the post-anoxic denitrification
process can be described as follows.
has been converted to nitrate as required for denitrification. The BOD has also been
removed prior to the post anoxic denitrification reactor, however, so an external carbon
source is required for the denitrification reactions. Methanol is a commonly used carbon
From the Odegaard references (#1 and #2 below) suitable criteria for determining
whether to use pre- or post-anoxic denitrification are as follows:
Example #7: A design wastewater flow of 0.2 MGD containing 180 mg/L BOD, 35 mg/L
TKN, and 140 mg/L alkalinity as CaCO3 (in the primary effluent) is to be treated in a
post-anoxic denitrification MBBR process. Carry out the process design for the
denitrification stage as described below, using a design SALR of 2 g NO3-N/m2/d.
Solution: The nitrate loading to the anoxic reactor will be calculated using (primary
clarifier TKN conc. effluent nitrate conc. from nitrification stage) as the nitrate
concentration coming into the post anoxic reactor. Thus, the BOD removal reactor and
Nitrification reactor must be designed before the post-anoxic denitrification reactor. The
results for those two reactors will be presented and briefly discussed first. Then the
calculations for the anoxic stage will be presented.
The calculations for the BOD removal stage would be carried out as described in
Examples #1 and #3, using 6.0 g BOD/m2/d as the design SALR based on Table 3,
rather than the 7.5 g BOD/m2/d used in Examples #1 & #3. The BOD Daily Loading is
the same as that calculated in Example #1, 136,186 g/day or 300.2 lb/day. The
required tank size is a bit larger because of the lower design SALR used in this case
and the calculated effluent BOD concentration is 12 mg/L rather than the 14 mg/L
calculated in Example #1 (with the 7.5 value for SALR). The results for the BOD stage
calculations are shown in the Figure 18 spreadsheet screenshot below.
The calculations for the Nitrate removal stage would be carried out exactly the same as
described in Example #4 for a single stage nitrate removal process with the same
wastewater flow rate, influent TKN, and design SALR (1 g NH3-N/m2/d). The results are
shown in the Figure 10 spreadsheet screenshot, including the calculated effluent NH3-N
concentration of 4.6 mg/L from this stage.
The calculations for the post-anoxic denitrification stage are as follows. The S.I. version
of the spreadsheet can be used with the 0.2 MGD wastewater flow rate specified as 757
m3/d. All of the other inputs remain as given above. The answers in S.I. units (if
different than the U.S. solution) are shown in parentheses at the end of each part of the
solution below
i) The NO3-N loading rate will be (0.2 MGD)(35 - 4.6 mg/L)(8.34 lb/MG/mg/L) =
50.7 lb/day = (50.8 lb/day)*(453.59 g/lb) = 23,016 g NO3-N/day
(Note that 35 mg/L is the primary effluent TKN concentration and 4.6 mg/L is
the estimated effluent NH3-H concentration.}
ii) Required carrier surface area = (23016 g/day)/(2 g/m2/day) = 11508 m2.
iii) For 40% carrier fill: Required tank volume = 812.9 ft3/0.40 = 2032 ft3.
(57.55 m3)
vi) Calculation of the estimated effluent NO3-N concentration from the second stage,
is done as discussed in previous examples and gives a value of 4.6 mg/L.
The process design calculations for pre-anoxic denitrification, are similar to those just
discussed for a post-anoxic denitrification process. The graph shown in Figure 21
(prepared using values from a similar graph in Rusten and Paulsruds presentation in
Ref #4 below) will be used to obtain values for SARR/SALR vs SALR for the pre-anoxic
denitrification stage.
Process Design results for the BOD removal stage will be a bit different from those for
the BOD removal stage in the post-anoxic process, because some of the incoming BOD
will be used as the carbon source in the denitrification reactions in the pre-anoxic tank.
For the pre-anoxic process, the BOD loading rate (in lb/day) should be calculated as:
The second term is the estimated BOD removal rate in the anoxic reactor through its
use in the denitrification reactions. This gives a lower BOD loading rate than that for the
post-anoxic process with the same primary clarifier effluent coming in. Hence the
required tank size for BOD removal will be smaller for the pre-anoxic process.
The main difference from the post-anoxic denitrification process design calculations is
for the denitrification stage, which will be discussed and illustrated with Example #8
calculations below.
Example #8: Carry out the process design as described below for the denitrification
stage of a pre-anoxic denitrification process with the wastewater flow and
concentrations given in Examples #1, #2, and #3. [0.2 MGD containing 180 mg/L BOD
and 35 mg/L TKN (in the primary effluent)]. Consider that the primary effluent alkalinity
is 140 mg/L as CaCO3 and the design SALR for the denitrification stage is to be 0.9 g
Solution - The solution is shown in Figure 23, Figure 24, and Figure 25, which are
screenshots of different parts of an Excel worksheet used to carry out the calculations
for this example. Figure 23 is from the top part of the worksheet and shows the user
inputs and the calculation of the estimated SARR/SALR ratio for the denitrification
stage. Note also that a user input value is needed for the estimated NO3-N recycle
ratio. This initial estimated value is used in an iterative calculation to determine the
required NO3-N recycle ratio in order to achieve the target effluent NO3-N concentration.
The S.I. version of the spreadsheet can be used with the 0.2 MGD wastewater flow rate
specified as 757 m3/d. All of the other inputs remain as given above. The answers in
S.I. units (if different than the U.S. solution) are shown in parentheses at the end of
each part of the solution below
Figure 24 is from the middle of the worksheet and shows the answers for parts i)
through vi). The calculations and results are as follows:
i) Most of the nitrate loading to the pre-anoxic denitrification tank is typically in the
NO3-N recycle flow rather than in the primary effluent flow entering the tank.
The NO3-N loading rate will be (0.2 MGD)(Prim Effl NO3-N)(8.34 lb/MG/mg/L)
+ (0.2 MGD)(Recycle Ratio)(Target Effl NO3-N)(8.34) = 38.6 lb/day = (38.6
lb/day)*(453.59 g/lb) = 17,489 g NO3-N/day
ii) Required carrier surface area = (17489 g/day)/(0.9 g/m2/day) = 19433 m2.
iii) For 40% carrier fill: Required tank volume = 1372 ft3/0.40 = 3431 ft3.
(97.16 m3)
vi) The required NO3-N recycle ratio is calculated with the iterative process
described in blue in the middle of Figure 24. For this iterative process, the
NO3-N removal rate is calculated two different ways, one using the estimated
SARR and the carrier surface area and the other using the wastewater flow
rate times the influent TKN concentration minus the sum of the effluent
nitrate and ammonia nitrogen. Excels Goal Seek process is then used to
set the difference between the two different calculations equal to zero by
changing the estimated value of the NO3-N recycle ratio. This process
results in the required NO3-N recycle ratio calculated to be 2.57.
12. Summary
The MBBR (moving bed biofilm reactor) process is an attached growth process that
uses plastic carriers to provide a surface on which biofilm grows. The plastic carriers
are kept suspended in the aeration tank by an aerator for an aerobic process or by
mechanical mixing for an anoxic or anaerobic process. The plastic carriers are kept in
the system by a sieve at the outlet of the tank. The MBBR process doesnt require
sludge recycle, because the biomass remains in the system attached to the plastic
carrier. The required reactor size for an MBBR process is typically significantly smaller
than for an activated sludge process treating the same wastewater flow, or for other
common attached growth processes like the RBC or trickling filter. It can be used for
BOD removal, biological nitrification, biological denitrification, and biological phosphorus
14. References
3. Steichen, M. & Phillips, H., Black & Veach, Process and Practical
Considerations for IFAS and MBBR Technologies,Headworks International
Presentation, 03/18/2010.
5. McQuarrie, J.P. and Boltz, J.Pl, Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor Technology:
Process Applications, Design and Performance, Water Environment Research,
Vol 83, No. 6, June 2011.