MIT18 01SCF10 Ex04sol PDF
MIT18 01SCF10 Ex04sol PDF
MIT18 01SCF10 Ex04sol PDF
Find values of the constants a and b for which the following function is contin
uous but not dierentiable.
ax + b, x > 0;
f (x) =
sin 2x, x 0.
In other words, the graph of the function should have a sharp corner at the pont
(0, f (0)).
Because g(x) = ax+b and h(x) = sin 2x are continuous functions, the only place
where f (x) might be discontinuous is where x = 0. To make f (x) continuous,
we need to nd values of a and b for which:
lim f (x) = lim f (x).
x0+ x0
= b.
x0 x0
= sin 0
= 0.
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