Hicks 2010
Hicks 2010
Hicks 2010
Four studies examined social relatedness and positive affect (PA) as alternate sources of information for judgments of meaning
in life (MIL). In Studies 1 through 3 (total N = 282), priming loneliness increased reliance on PA and decreased reliance on
social functioning in MIL judgments. In Study 4 (N = 138), daily assessments of PA, relatedness needs satisfaction (RNS), and
MIL were obtained every 5 days over 20 days. Multilevel modeling showed that on days when RNS was low, PA was strongly
related to MIL. Results suggest the dynamic ways that social relationships and PA inform judgments of MIL. Informational and
motivational accounts of these results are discussed.
existential meaning, social relationships, positive affect, loneliness
For the meaning of life differs from man to man, from day to more strongly linked to MIL when information associated
day, and from hour to hour. What matters, therefore, is not with loneliness is accessible. To begin, we briefly review the
the meaning of life in general but rather the specific meaning literature on judgment processes in subjective well-being to
of a persons life at a given moment. lay the foundation for the dynamic approach to MIL judg-
ments from which our hypotheses are derived.
Viktor E. Frankl, 1963/1984
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1306 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36(10)
With regard to mood, most research has demonstrated Overall, these studies have shown that accessible infor-
mood-congruent effects on well-being judgments. For exam- mation leads to assimilation effects on MIL (i.e., accessible
ple, people report higher levels life satisfaction when they information is incorporated into the judgment, influencing
are in a positive mood and lower levels of life satisfaction either its level or its basis). However, and importantly,
when they are in a negative mood (provided their mood is not research has focused almost exclusively on the accessibility
attributed to a specific source; e.g., Schwarz & Clore, 1996). of positive information. The present studies address a ques-
Notably, Schwarz and Strack (1991, 1999) suggest that mood tion that has received little empirical attention: whether and
is often such a strong determinant of well-being that pro- how accessible information associated with meaninglessness
nounced mood states may serve as the default source of infor- is incorporated into judgments of MIL. Does negative infor-
mation for judgments of well-being.1 mation, like positive information, lead to assimilation effects
Although mood is an important contributor to judgments (and, consequently, to lower levels of MIL)? To address this
of well-being, accessible information can also bear heavily question, it is critical to consider the motivational underpin-
on these types of judgments. Both chronically (e.g., Diener, nings of MIL.
Suh, Lucas, & Smith, 1999; Lucas, Dyrenforth, & Diener,
2008; Schimmack & Oishi, 2005) and temporarily (Schwarz,
Strack, & Mai, 1991) accessible information can influence The Accessibility of Meaninglessness:
levels of well-being. For instance, people may rely on rela- Motivational Considerations
tively stable sources of information when judging how satis- Although MIL judgments are susceptible to the social-cognitive
fied they are with their lives (Schimmack, Diener, & Oishi, factors outlined previously, a comprehensive model of MIL
2002), or they may be influenced by information that is tem- must consider the contribution of motivation. After all, MIL is
porarily brought to the fore by contextual cues (Strack, Mar- viewed as desirable and morally good (King & Napa, 1998;
tin, & Schwarz, 1988). Importantly, accessible information Scollon & King, 2004) and has been recognized as a central
not only influences levels of well-being judgments, but it human motivation (e.g., Baumeister, 1991; Frankl, 1963/1984).
also shapes the type of information used as the basis for Various perspectives suggest that people have a natural (and
those judgments. For instance, Strack et al. (1988) showed adaptive) tendency to believe their lives are meaningful (e.g.,
that answering questions about marital satisfaction before Solomon, Greenberg, & Pyszczynski, 2004). Based on these
global life satisfaction increased the relation between the two ideas, we suggest the type of information that contributes to
variables (see also Schwarz et al., 1991). Similarly, subtle MIL judgments may ebb and flow not only as a function of its
primes associated with excitement led participants to base accessibility but also to the extent that it affirms a positive
their overall life satisfaction more heavily on their current sense of MIL. As such, when faced with potential threats to
level of excitement (Oishi, Schimmack, & Colcombe, 2003). meaning, people may place more weight on information that
Clearly, researchers have made great strides in under- affirms a sense of MIL and less weight on information that
standing the factors and processes that influence judgments contradicts that belief. Thus, the negative effects of threaten-
of well-being, particularly life satisfaction. Currently, we know ing information should be mitigated provided the individual
far less about judgments of MIL. However, mounting evi- has an alternative, affirming source of meaning to draw on.
dence suggests that MIL judgments are often susceptible to Such self-protective processes have long been recognized
the same social-cognitive influences as other subjective well- (e.g., Pyszczynski & Greenberg, 1987; Taylor & Brown,
being judgments. For instance, studies have shown that posi- 1988). Studies have shown that people often selectively ignore
tive mood inductions increase judgments of MIL (e.g., Hicks threatening stimuli (e.g., Sedikides & Green, 2000) or demon-
& King, 2008). Accessible information also influences these strate self-serving biases in information processing (e.g.,
types of judgments: Priming participants with established Sanitioso, Kunda, & Fong, 1990).
sources of meaning (e.g., ones family, true self) enhances These ideas fit with previous conceptualizations of the
MIL ratings (e.g., Lambert et al., 2010; Schlegel, Hicks, human need for meaning. The meaning maintenance model
Arndt, & King, 2009; see also Stillman et al., 2009). Simi- (MMM; Heine, Proulx, & Vohs, 2006) asserts that the chronic
larly, the cognitive accessibility of positive information human need for meaning motivates the reinstatement of
associated with meaning influences the basis for MIL judg- meaning in response to expectancy violations. This meaning
ments. To illustrate, Hicks and King (2009) showed that peo- reinstatement may be characterized by fluid compensation,
ple who were primed with words associated with positive such that individuals may reinstate meaning via alternate
social relationships (e.g., friends, family) were more likely routes when expectations in a particular realm have been vio-
to base their MIL on their level of social relationship func- lated (Heine et al., 2006). Although the MMM does not
tioning. Overall, MIL judgments appear to be strongly influ- directly address the phenomenological experience of MIL,
enced by what is experienced (i.e., PA) or brought to mind this model certainly resonates with the current argument that
(e.g., ones relationships) at the time of the judgment. when one source of meaning is threatened, attention may shift
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Hicks et al. 1307
to alternate sources. Likewise, Baumeister (1991) has sug- Social relationships. A strict informational account would
gested that when one of his theorized needs for meaning differ from a motivational account, however, in terms of pre-
proves inadequate, people often switch to another source of dictions for the effects of negative primes on the use of the
MIL. Integrating these conceptions with contemporary per- related source of information on MIL judgments. An infor-
spectives on the effects of goal activation on social judgments mational account might suggest that negative primes will
(e.g., Frster, Liberman, & Friedman, 2007), we might con- nevertheless activate related concepts, leading to assimila-
clude that threats to meaning implicitly (or explicitly) acti- tion effects with regard to the predictors of MIL (i.e., people
vate a goal to reinstate or affirm ones sense of MIL. As such, will be more likely to use social relationships when judging
we expect that sources of meaning that facilitate goal attain- their MIL).
ment (i.e., provide a positive sense of MIL) will become more In contrast, we suggest that negative primes associated
strongly related to MIL after this goal is activated. with meaning (e.g., loneliness primes) may imply that the
relevant source of information (e.g., social relationship
functioning) is off-limits for the MIL judgment because
Overview and Predictions the information is not unambiguously congruent with the
Although the informational perspective certainly informs our belief that ones life is meaningful (see Park, Yoon, Kim,
understanding of how positive information is processed in & Wyer, 2001, for a discussion of the effects of priming
MIL judgments, we believe this approach may fail to fully one pole of a concept on the activation of the entire dimen-
capture how people process negative information. In line with sion of that concept). This rather drastic response to
the motivational account presented previously, we hypothe- threatening primes has been demonstrated in research on
size that making negative information accessible will promote religious commitment and MIL (Hicks & King, 2008):
a dynamic judgment process such that people will shift the Priming Christians with words related to hell effectively
basis of their meaning to an alternative source of meaning that wiped out the relation between religiosity and MIL,
is unrelated to the potentially threatening information. We test regardless of levels of religious commitment. Although
this hypothesis through a series of priming studies and a daily semantically related to religion, the valence of these primes
diary study that focus on two variables that share strong links seemed to render religious commitment a potentially dis-
to the experience of meaning: social relationships and PA affirming source of information for MIL judgments. Thus,
(e.g., King et al., 2006; Steger, Kashdan, Sullivan, & Lorentz, in response to threatening primes, the strong need to affirm
2008). In each study, we examine whether accessible informa- lifes meaning appears to render a domain (regardless of
tion related to loneliness influences the relations among MIL, the persons standing in that domain) temporarily irrele-
PA, and social relationship functioning. In the following sec- vant to MIL.
tions, we address specific predictions regarding the relations Strict informational and motivational accounts provide
among these variables from both the informational and moti- differing predictions for the influence of social threats on the
vational perspectives of MIL judgments. relation between individual differences in social functioning
Positive affect. Based on our motivational perspective, we and judgments of MIL. From an informational perspective,
predict that PA will become a stronger predictor of MIL primes associated with loneliness would be expected to bol-
when concepts related to loneliness are cognitively accessi- ster the link between social relationship variables and MIL.
ble. That is, when loneliness is accessible, alternative sources In contrast, if people are motivated to affirm that life is
of affirming information (i.e., PA) should become more meaningful, the opposite effect should be evident. Specifi-
strongly linked to MIL to overcome this potential existential cally, we predict that loneliness primes will attenuate the
void. Empirically, this suggests that participants in a positive link between relationship functioning and MIL.
mood should be relatively unaffected by the loneliness
primes and maintain relatively high levels of MIL because
PA provides these individuals with an alternative affirming Overview and Predictions for Study 1
source of MIL. If an individual is not in a positive mood, Study 1 participants completed a measure of relatedness
however, the accessibility of this negative information might need satisfaction (RNS) and then were suboptimally (i.e., for
lead to lower levels of MIL because there is no alternative 40 ms) exposed to either neutral words or words related to
affirming source. Overall, this would produce a strong linear loneliness. After priming, participants completed measures
relation between PA and MIL. Importantly, this prediction of MIL and positive mood. We predicted 2 two-way interac-
does not necessarily differ from the informational account. tions, with prime condition moderating the relations of PA
Recall that Schwarz and Strack (1999) suggest that people and relatedness to MIL judgments. Specifically, we predicted
consult their mood states as information for well-being judg- that loneliness primes would enhance the relation between
ments. As such, an informational account of MIL judgments PA and MIL and attenuate the relation between social relat-
is still viable even if this prediction is borne out in the data. edness and MIL.
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1308 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36(10)
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Hicks et al. 1309
Participants. Seventy-three participants (43 females) enrolled
in an introductory psychology course participated for course
credit (M age = 19.21, SD = 1.48).
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1310 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36(10)
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1312 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36(10)
predictor of MIL compared to PA in the control condition, that they should try to complete each online survey at the
t(68) = 6.79, p < .01.2 same time each day. The response rate across the four waves
Overall, the results of Studies 1 through 3 demonstrate a of the study was high, with approximately 88% of the par-
remarkably consistent pattern, suggesting the influence of ticipants completing all four surveys. Multilevel modeling
loneliness primes on the sources of information used in MIL can accommodate missing data at Level 1 (i.e., the repeated
judgments. As predicted, loneliness primes led to lower MIL measures level); thus, missing data for the remaining partici-
only for individuals who were low on PA at the time of the pants was not a concern.
judgment. Moreover, loneliness primes enhanced the relation To help disguise the purpose of the study, other measures
of PA to MIL and attenuated the relation of individual differ- (approximately 30 items; taken from the Rational Experien-
ences in social functioning to these judgments. These findings tial Inventory; Pacini & Epstein, 1999) were given at end of
highlight the dynamic ways that negative accessible informa- the survey. After the first survey, participants were instructed:
tion can influence judgments of MIL (both in terms of their
levels and the information used for these judgments). Please note: the questions on the survey are very simi-
lar to the questions you already completed. For this
survey, we are interested in how you feel about the
Overview and Predictions for Study 4 questions right now. That is, even though you may
The purpose of Study 4 was to generalize these experimental have already answered the same types of questions in
findings to everyday life. Participants completed an online the previous survey, we would like to know about your
diary study every 5 days over 3 weeks. Daily reports included current beliefs and feelings.
measures of PA, RNS, and MIL. In this study, rather than
rely on primes, we examined how the relevance of PA and Each report contained the positive mood adjectives (M =
RNS to MIL judgments varied depending on the levels of 4.81, SD = 1.39, = .92), RNS (M = 5.62, SD = .90, = .86),
these variables. Notably, for each daily report, the order of and the Presence subscale of the MLQ (M = 4.69, SD = 1.22,
measures was identical, with participants completing the = .90).
mood measure first, followed by RNS, and then MIL. Thus,
social relationships should have been relatively more acces-
sible than mood when judging MIL (similar to the Strack Results and Discussion
et al., 1988, study of marital and life satisfaction). Thus, from Preliminary analyses. Aggregating over the days, correla-
a purely informational perspective, we might expect that RNS tional analyses indicated that, not surprisingly, mean MIL
would be strongly related to daily MIL, regardless of mood. was correlated with mean PA (r = .37, p < .01) and mean
However, if low levels of RNS function in ways similar to RNS (r = .48, p < .01). Aggregated PA and RNS were also
the loneliness primes in Studies 1through 3, we would predict correlated (r = .31, p < .01).
that when RNS is low, individuals will likely render MIL judg- Primary analyses. Multilevel modeling, using HLM (Ver-
ments primarily as a function of PA. Thus, for those whose sion 6.02; Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002), was used to examine
social relationships are not going well, if they happen to be in a the prediction of daily MIL as a function of daily levels of
good mood, we predict a high level of MIL. In contrast, if rela- PA, RNS, and their interaction. Multilevel modeling can
tionships are going poorly and PA is low, life will be judged appropriately accommodate the lack of independence in the
less meaningful. Thus, for these data, we predicted a signifi- observations (i.e., repeated observations within a person).
cant RNS PA interaction, such that MIL would be more The multilevel analyses included two levels. Level 1 repre-
strongly related to PA on days when individuals experience sented the days nested within individuals. Level 2 repre-
lower than average satisfaction with their social relationships. sented mean differences between individuals. Six dummy
variables were created to control for day of the week effects
(Sunday was the comparison group). These dummy vari-
Study 4 ables were entered as Level 1 predictors along with the three
Method predictors of interest. PA and RNS were both standardized,
and the product of these two standardized variables served as
Participants. One hundred thirty-eight participants (83 the interaction term. To control for the potential bias intro-
women) enrolled in a psychology course at the University of duced by between-person differences in mean levels on the
Missouri participated for partial course credit. Ages ranged predictors of interest, the three primary predictors were
from 18 to 27 (M = 19.19, SD = 1.23). centered within person at Level 1 and the within-person
Materials and Procedure. Participants completed an online means for PA and RNS were included as Level 2 covariates
daily diary study four times over 3 weeks (every 5 days). Par- (Raudenbush & Bryk, 2002; Schwartz & Stone, 1998;
ticipants were told that the study involved daily assessments Snijders & Bosker, 1999). The effects of daily PA, daily
of personality characteristics among college students and RNS, and their interaction were estimated as random effects.
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1314 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36(10)
loneliness or completed measures of social functioning consistent with previous findings (Hicks & King, 2007, in
immediately before rating MIL. For these participants, infor- press). In previous research, neither individual differences in
mation associated with loneliness was clearly salient at the RNS nor religious commitment interacted with both PA and
time of the judgment. Despite this salience, participants in a (relationship or religious) primes to predict MIL. Instead,
positive mood reported high levels of MIL regardless of primes appear to have a general influence on the incorpora-
prime condition (Study 3) or their current level of social tion (or lack thereof) of information in judgments of MIL,
functioning (Study 4). These results support the idea that which is potentially automatic and perhaps less nuanced
when an important source of MIL is potentially challenged, than for other social judgments. Integrating the present find-
alternate sources of meaning become more strongly linked to ings with past research suggests that priming the positive
MIL. It is important to note that PA in these studies might be pole of a dimension leads to the use of that dimension in MIL
serving as a proxy for a host of other unmeasured sources of judgments, whereas priming the negative pole renders the
MIL (e.g., competence, religious beliefs, etc., that are them- dimension broadly irrelevant to the judgment. Future
selves typically correlated with PA). In this way, PA may research on MIL judgments should continue to probe this
serve as a particularly robust alternate source of MIL. fascinating possibility with a variety of sources of MIL.
Further support for a motivational account of MIL judg- It should be noted that, as might be expected in psycho-
ment processes comes from the consistent Social Function- logically healthy people, the mean levels of MIL were rela-
ing Condition interactions found in Studies 1 through 3. tively high for all studies and conditions. As such, tempering
Across all three studies, loneliness primes dramatically atten- ones MIL by not consulting high RNS, for example, after
uated the relation between social functioning and MIL. the loneliness primes may have been a low-stakes sacrifice.
Again, these findings are inconsistent with a strict informa- Examining these questions in samples with truly low MIL
tional account of well-being judgment processes. From an (or who are chronically lonely) would allow for stronger
informational perspective, primes associated with loneliness conclusions about when settling for a lower level of MIL
should activate the entire dimension of social relationships. might be less attractive and how individuals might rely on
This activation, in turn, should make this accessible domain various sources when MIL itself is low.
even more strongly linked to MIL. Such results would be
consistent with many findings that demonstrate congruence
between accessible domains and the type of information Knowledge Activation and
used as the basis for judgments of well-being (e.g., Hicks & the MIL Judgment Process
King, in press; Oishi et al., 2003). The present findings Activated knowledge structures can influence thoughts
do not show these straightforward effects but may be and behaviors through different mechanisms (e.g., Frster &
explained by the possibility that individuals used alternative Liberman, 2007). To understand MIL judgments (or any
(and affirming) sources of meaning after primes threatening type of judgment), it is crucial that researchers uncover
the social domain. which of these mechanisms is mediating the influence of
Interestingly, none of the priming studies revealed a knowledge activation on judgments. For example, by acti-
three-way (Social Functioning Social Threat PA) inter- vating concepts associated with loneliness, the primes may
action. These null effects are surprising for two reasons. also activate concepts associated with meaninglessness
First, research has suggested primes should only influence because the two concepts are so closely associated in mem-
thoughts and behaviors to the extent that they are perceived ory (Williams, 2007a, 2007b). Although semantic priming
as relevant to the individual (see Frster et al., 2007, for a effects might have partially contributed to the current find-
review). As such, one might expect that the shifting effect ings, based on the motivational perspective described here,
shown in the current studies applies only to those who were we believe the loneliness primes either consciously or uncon-
currently feeling lonely. Those who were not lonely would sciously activated a goal to maintain or affirm ones sense of
have perceived the accessible information as personally meaning (e.g., Heine et al., 2006; see also Proulx & Heine,
irrelevant and therefore had no reason to ignore social rela- 2009).
tionships as a source of MIL (producing a three-way interac- Recently, Frster et al. (2007) elegantly described various
tion). Second, research suggests that PA leads to assimilation ways to disentangle other types of priming effects (i.e.,
effects (Avramova & Stapel, 2008). Drawing on this work, semantic and procedural effects) from goal activation. For
one might predict that lonely participants in a positive mood example, goal activation should lead individuals to place
would report the lowest levels of MIL after social threats more value on objects and behaviors that facilitate the attain-
(i.e., another three-way interaction). Neither of these sce- ment of the goal. If the goal to reinstate or affirm meaning is
narios was supported by the present data. Although null activated, individuals should place more value on sources of
effects can always be attributed to low statistical power, meaning. Although the enhanced reliance on PA after the
these findings may highlight the relatively automatic mecha- loneliness primes suggests that the affective domain is con-
nisms that might influence judgments of MIL and are sidered more important to the judgment, having participants
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Hicks et al. 1315
explicitly list how much they value PA after these primes negative emotions may often have an adaptive role in the
may be necessary to further demonstrate this effect. experience of MIL. For instance, negative affect may be help
The effects of goal activation are also evident when reinstate meaning after ones meaning systems have been
primes do not have an effect on individuals who would not disrupted by traumatic events (e.g., Steger et al., 2006).
typically expect to achieve the goal. This possibility further Although this process is emotionally unpleasant, searching
suggests future research should examine the meaning judg- for meaning can ultimately lead to an enriched sense of MIL
ment processes of people with low MIL. These individuals (e.g., Janoff-Bulman & Yopyk, 2004).
may be less likely to switch to an alternate source of mean- Clearly, the present investigation invites a variety of
ing because of the expectation that such a shift would ulti- intriguing research questions about the nature of MIL itself.
mately prove futile. These results make a compelling case for considering MIL
Finally, goal activation often leads to the inhibition of as a judgment that may be a product of shifting sources of
other unrelated goals (Shah, Friedman, & Kruglanski, 2002). information. Results also highlight the fact that, despite
As such, we might, for example, expect that people primed decades of research demonstrating the importance of MIL to
with loneliness would be faster to respond to stimuli associ- human functioning, we still have a great deal to learn about
ated with the goal to reinstate meaning (e.g., stimuli associ- this construct. Confronted with the question of whether ones
ated with happiness) compared to stimuli associated with life is meaningful, a person might consult his or her mood or
irrelevant goals. Overall, these possibilities highlight many standing with regard to other important life outcomes, such
ways accessible information and alternate sources of infor- as social relationships. Given that previous research has
mation, including mood, may converge to influence ones asked simply about the subjective sense of MIL, we do not
perception of MIL. know what type of information was used when forming these
The present studies raise many other intriguing questions judgments. The present results speak to the value of thinking
for future research. For instance, what are the differences of MIL as the result of a judgment and attending to the vari-
between MIL and life satisfaction judgment processes? ous sources of that judgment. To fully understand the impor-
Although many of the same factors should influence both tant construct of MIL, researchers must confront a central
types of judgments, it may be less threatening to conclude human dilemma: Not simply whether life is meaningful, but
that ones life is not satisfying than to conclude that ones what it is that makes it so, in the words of Frankl, from man
life is utterly meaningless. As such, life satisfaction judg- to man, from day to day, and from hour to hour (Frankl,
ments may not be influenced by the same motivational 1963/1984, p. 110).
influences described in the current research. Importantly, an
aspect of this research that differs from past research on Authors Notes
judgment processes in well-being is the inclusion of more We thank Caroline Lavelock and Jamie Arndt for helpful conversa-
than one source of information for the judgment, and the exam- tions throughout the process of this investigation. Portions of this
ination of the interactions of these sources. Because most paper were presented in a symposium entitled The Search for
research has not considered the potential interactive contri- Meaning at the annual meeting of the American Psychological
butions of sources of information on well-being judgments, Association, San Francisco, CA, Michael Steger, chair.
we know little about the variables that may be accounting for
such judgments beyond their main effects. Declaration of Conflicting Interests
In addition to contextual and affective influences on MIL The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
judgments, future research should examine the contribution to the authorship and/or publication of this article.
of chronic sources of meaning. Chronic sources of informa-
tion are strong contributors to judgment of life satisfaction Funding
(e.g., Schimmack & Oishi, 2005). In fact, many times chronic The authors received no financial support for the research and/or
sources of information are likely the first type of information authorship of this article.
people use when determining the degree to which their
lives are satisfying (e.g., Schwarz & Strack, 1999). Because Notes
chronic sources of MIL represent stable aspects of ones 1. Importantly, such mood-as-information effects are not always a
belief system, they may lower the contributions of mood or function of unconscious misattribution processes. Many people
temporarily accessible information to judgments of MIL. believe that moods are an integrative function of all of the ex-
Finally, examining the role of negative emotions in MIL periences [individuals] have (Schwarz & Strack, 1991, p. 37),
judgment processes may also be fruitful endeavor. Typi- suggesting that affective information is sometimes consciously
cally, both positive and negative moods are thought to influ- perceived as an important component of well-being (which, of
ence judgments of well-being. In our studies, however, we course, it is; Diener, 2009).
do not typically find independent effects of negative affect 2. It should be noted that in Studies 1through 3, the zero-order
on MIL ratings (e.g., King et al., 2006, Study 5). Still, correlations between related needs satisfaction and meaning in
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1316 Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36(10)
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