Numenera - Into The Deep
Numenera - Into The Deep
Numenera - Into The Deep
Writers/Designers Monte Cook, Bruce R. Cordell, and Shanna Germain
Creative Director Shanna Germain
Editor/Proofreader Ray Vallese
Cover Artist Kieran Yanner
Graphic Designer Bear Weiter
Jacob Atienza, Christopher Burdett, chrom, Sam Cullum,, Grant Griffin, Guido Kuip,
Brynn Metheney, Grzegorz Pedrycz, John Petersen, Michael Phillippi, Roberto Pitturru, Scott Purdy, Joe Slucher,
Kim Sokol, Matt Stawicki, Cyril Terpent, Tiffany Turrill, Chris Waller, Cathy Wilkins, Ben Wootten, Kieran Yanner
Lee Smith, Hugo Solis, Christopher West
2016 Monte Cook Games, LLC. NUMENERA and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries.
All Monte Cook Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC.
Printed in Canada
Chapter 1: The Island of Undoing 18
Chapter 2: The Drowned City of Cle 25
Chapter 3: The Nullified Harbor 33
Chapter 4: Joria 38
There is as much romantic mystery found adventure The Devils Spine is set in the
beneath the sea as in the farthest reaches so-called Deep Dark. We put a few marine
of space. When we conceived of doing creatures in the corebook, the Ninth World
a book about the worlds beyond the Bestiary, and the Ninth World Guidebook,
Earth of the Ninth World (Into the Night), and that latter book briefly describes a few
Anoetic cyphers we immediately knew that its natural locations that are deep underwater (it was
are simple to use: a pill companion would be a book about the the first meaty treatment of the octopi of
to swallow, a small
ocean depths. the Ninth World, beyond the enigmatic,
handheld device with a
switch to flip, or a bomb Wed already touched a bit on the deeps off-hand mentions of them in the Numenera
to throw. in Numenera. A significant portion of the corebook).
But in some ways, just as Into the Night
couldnt possibly begin to cover every
Occultic cyphers location in the rest of the universe, Into the
are more complex and Deep cant cover the entirety of the ocean by
more dangerous, but they
any means. There is far more room in the
often have better and
more interesting effects.
In the margins of this book, youll find ocean depths than on the surface, and of
An occultic cypher counts occasional search terms, accompanied course weve barely begun exploring all the
as two cyphers for the by this symbol. These are real-world, surface in the Ninth World.
purpose of determining cutting-edge technological terms that What we can do, however, is arm game
how many you can bear can start you on a journey of learning masters and prepare players for what
at the same time.
more about some of the ideas youll find exploring the seas of the Ninth World
in these pages. You dont have to know might be like. Thats what this book is all
a thing about how suspended animation about. We wanted to focus primarily on
works to have cryogenicallypreserved underwater locations, but we knew there
creatures in your campaign. However, if were a few interesting places to go on the
youre interested, you might find further surface of the sea as well. And most of the
research informative and perhaps time, youve got to travel across the surface
inspiring. before you dive into the depths, anyway.
And yet most of the world is sea. The explore aquatic environments, some of
majority of the earths solid surface lies the otherwise simple coastal folk have a
13,000 to 18,000 feet (4,000 to 5,500 surprising understanding of the challenges
m) underwater. Sailors and underwater of diving deep below the surface, and they
explorers cross it or even plumb its depths. have some idea of how those challenges
And its those depths where things get might be overcome. Insights like these
Glavis, page 168
particularly interesting. provide some of the unique ways in which
Whats down there? Ancient ruins? Gods? the numenera has shaped the Ninth World.
Secrets? Treasures? The answer might be This means that in Glavis, you might have
yes to all of these things. And for a certain fisherfolk who use external waterbreathers Waterbreather, page 14
brave, adventurous sort, the question of and pressure pills to descend hundreds
what lies in the mysterious depths is too of feet on quick dives and collect fish and Pressure pill, page 14
great a temptation to resist. These stalwart crustacean traps. Or in a village west of
explorers typically base themselves in Qi, workers could employ diving bubbles Diving bubble, page 14
coastal towns, and their presence has had to help them drill for a substance called
an impact. pellin, found only in domelike pockets along Invisible corridors,
page 12
In such towns and villages near the sea, the seafloor, which is used in maintaining
Aeon Priests, tinkerers, and builders have the systems of the automatons known as
developed, salvaged, or cobbled together Zhev. Or in Kaparin, the small but well-
various means to go deep underwater. known crew called the Redfleets can use Qi, page 148
Because of the presence of prior-world submersibles to traverse the ocean. Aeon Priest, page 269
devices that have allowed people to
Zhev, page 268
Some explorers claim to have maps of the invisible corridors, but they are almost Redfleets, page 167
always woefully incomplete or bear significant inaccuracies.
WHY GO INTO THE DEEP? those thingsonce you do have them, you
The passage of deep time suggests that in should be relatively good to go.
Underwater cities are the history of Earth (a billion years or more), Its possible to set up a campaign where
sometimes called oceia. the landmasses have shifted dramatically. the PCs have no choice in the matter.
What was once underwater is now dry land, Characters kidnapped and brought to an
and vice versa, which means that explorers underwater location may not have to deal
are just as likely to find a remnant of the with how they got there, but simply find
past on the ocean floor as on the land. Even themselves in a submerged city or structure.
if one presumes that there are ruins and Perhaps theyre captured as slaves or as
mysteries beneath the sea, why go there, the subjects of study. Getting back to the
when there are ruins and mysteries on the surface might be a big challenge, not only in
land, and those are easier to reach? terms of physically traveling (and surviving
Thats a question that might answer itself, the trip) but also in finding the way, because
really. Every good explorer knows that you orientation deep underwater is nothing like
want to go where others have not yet been. on the surface.
The harder a potentially treasure-laden place
might be to reach, the more likely that its
treasures are still there. CREATURES OF THE DEEP
Further, once youve overcome the The creatures that live in the ocean far
survival challenges (detailed more outnumber those that live on the land. Fish,
extensively below), particularly using crustaceans, mollusks, cnidarians, and
numenera solutions that are often so more dwell in the depths. This book does
thorough and near-mystical that the not try to catalog them all. Rather, the GM
challenges are utterly negated, operating should feel free to stretch her imagination,
underwater is really not as bad as it seems. describing the most bizarre beasts she
In other words, while you need a way to can think of amid what are perhaps more
breathe, and a way to survive the pressure familiar fish and other sea creatures.
and the coldand most people do not have
A few thoughts to help shape the the surface 1 atmosphere. For every 33
underwater environment: or so feet (10 m) of depth in sea water,
True plants usually live near the the ambient pressure increases by an
surface so they can get sun. However, additional 1 atmosphere. So at a depth of
many marine animals (cnidarians, for 99 feet (30 m), the ambient pressure is
example) can be mistaken for plants by 4 atmospheresone caused by Earths
the unknowing, and they can dwell at atmosphere, plus one for each 33 feet (10
almost any depth. m) of depth. Similarly, the ambient pressure
Many marine animals are predatory, and 297 feet (90 m) beneath the surface is 10
a great many of these are venomous. atmospheres.
A creatures size is not always a good For solid objects, this added pressure
measure of the danger it poses. is not much of a problem. It does affect
Most marine life will have no interest in a living character with air-filled spaces in
PC explorers (much like on the surface). her body like the mouth, ears, sinuses,
Nearer the surface, fish swim in large and lungs. Air reduces in volume when
schools and packs. Deeper, more under pressure and does not support those
animals are solitary. spaces against the higher outer pressure.
No matter how weird things are near the At a depth of only 8 to 10 feet (2.5 to 3 m),
surface, theyre weirder the deeper you go. this can cause pain and even damage to
an unskilled, unprepared, or unprotected
character. Worse, gases in breathable air,
SURVIVAL UNDERWATER such as nitrogen and oxygen, become toxic
Underwater adventuring presents some real at higher pressures. The effects of such As an optional rule,
add a drowning
challenges to explorers. things might be vomiting, hallucinations,
characters Might Edge
or unconsciousness, in addition to to the number of rounds
DROWNING straightforward bodily harm. between moves down the
If explorers cant breathe underwater, their Without sophisticated technological damage track. Thus, a
expedition is going to be remarkably short. assistance, its extremely unlikely that character with a Might
If a character has no access to air, he will characters can deal with this issue, Edge of 1 would move
down the damage track
drown. After every three rounds with no air, which is really a multitude of issues with
every four rounds rather
he moves one step down the damage track complicated mechanics. Suffice it to say than every three.
until he is dead. There is no roll to make if it that spending time below a depth of about
is impossible to get to breathable air. 50 to 100 feet (15 to 30 m) of water is
Characters in a situation where they are likely to move a breathing but otherwise
able to struggle for air (drowning, but near unprotected character one step down the
the surface) can make a Might defense roll damage track after an hour or two. Below
(probably difficulty 4) to get a lungful. If that depth, the time likely becomes minutes
successful, they reset the process, but any rather than hours.
steps moved down the damage track are
not reversed until they rest and breathe OPERATING UNDERWATER
easily. For example, if a drowning character As anyone who has spent time in the ocean
fails five Might defense rolls but makes knows, moving, fighting, seeing, and doing
the sixth, he has moved one step down the anything else in the water is very different
damage track but reset the process so that (and potentially more difficult) than doing
he can fail three more Might defense rolls those same things on land. Being in
before moving another step. shallow water can make it hard to move,
but it doesnt affect combat. Being in deep
PRESSURE water can make things difficult, and being
Once a character doesnt have to worry underwater entirely can seem as different as The effects of pressure
about breathing, the real danger becomes being on another world. and how they relate to air
pressure. The deeper underwater you go, Deep Water: Being in water up to your toxicity and other issues
the greater the pressure on your body. chest (or the equivalent thereof) hinders are too complicated to
At about 33 feet (10 m) below the surface, your ability to attack. Attacks made in such simulate realistically
sea water exerts twice the pressure on the conditions are modified by one step in the without becoming
needlessly complex.
body as air at surface level. For ease, well defenders favor. Aquatic creatures ignore
call the amount of pressure one feels on this modifier.
Underwater Melee Combat: For COLD
nonaquatic creatures, being completely Water conducts heat much better than
underwater makes attacking very difficult. air does, which means that unprotected
Melee attacks with slashing or bashing characters in cold water will lose heat far
weapons are modified by two steps in the faster than in cold air. They take 2 or 3
defenders favor. Attacks with stabbing points of ambient damage per round.
weapons are modified by one step in the
defenders favor. Aquatic creatures ignore
the penalties for underwater melee combat. TRAVELING ACROSS THE
Underwater Ranged Combat: As with SURFACE OF THE WATER
melee combat, nonaquatic creatures have Many expeditions into the deep first
difficulty fighting underwater. Some ranged involve traveling across the waters surface,
attacks are impossible underwateryou probably on a sailing ship or boat. The
cant throw things, fire a bow or crossbow, Steadfast ports offer a wide variety of sailing
Steadfast, page 136 or use a blowgun. Attacks with weapons craft options, but most are likely designed
that do work underwater are modified by to stay fairly close to the coasts. These ships
Ghan, page 145 one step in the defenders favor. Ranges include sloops, cutters, cogs, and in some
underwater are reduced by one category; places, caravels.
Iron Wind, page 135
long-range weapons work only to short Larger craft, such as the massive triremes
range, and short-range weapons work only of Ghans navy and similar vessels, voyage
to immediate range. well past the coasts, and even across the
familiar seas to places like the Rayskel Cays.
SENSES Dangers of such travel include, first and
Rayskel Cays, Ninth Starting about 650 feet (200 m) deep, the foremost, the weather. Storms can send a
World Guidebook,
light is dimabout the same as twilight ship off course, damage sails, knock sailors
page 155
above the surface. Once you get to a depth from the deck, or, in some cases, capsize
of 3,300 feet (1,000 m), theres no sunlight and sink the vessel. Worse, the Iron Wind
at all. Murky water, of course, makes these moves across the sea as well as the land.
conditions worse. There is dim light at best Celestial navigation is used most often
even in shallow murky water. by Ninth World sailors, but a few ships are
Sound travels well underwater, but it equipped with magnetic compasses, or
Search Terms: quickly becomes distorted because it moves perhaps even more sophisticated numenera
sloop, cutter, cog, much faster than in air. Even if a human devices.
caravel, trireme could breathe and speak underwater, Most craft are relatively fragile (level 3
speaking intelligibly is almost impossible. or 4). A few have enhancements, however,
Two characters must be directly next to plated with advanced materials or outfitted
each other to talk without some kind of with prior-world weaponry, defenses, or
communication device. Further, characters propulsion. These craft might be more like
will find it almost impossible to determine level 6 or 7. Most craft in the open sea can
City of Bridges, the direction of sound while underwater. cross about 50 to 60 miles (80 to 100 km)
page 145 The difficulty of all perception tasks based on a good day. This varies from ship to ship,
on hearing is increased by five steps. of course, and those with exotic propulsion
systems might achieve far greater speeds.
For example, something like the infamous
Seskii Spike, a ship sailing out of the City
of Bridges, has an air-suction system put
together out of ancient parts by a woman
named Tyresial. It is said to be able to cross
300 to 350 miles (480 to 560 km) in a day.
REGIONS OF THE DEEP eat you. Most scholars of the Ninth World
As the PCs descend into the depths, the light consider this layer to be the deepest part of
fades quickly, moving from a backlit blue to the ocean, although they are wrong. The Deep
a blackness so stark that even the brightest Dark is called the Midnight Zone by some.
glowglobe cant invade the gloom. Each level The Abyssal: Between 13,000 and 20,000 Glowglobe, page 82
is different and has its own set of challenges. feet (4,000 and 6,000 m) is the Abyssal.
The Shallows: Close to the surface is what This layer is, in fact, most of the ocean.
is sometimes called the Sunlight Zone, Life in the Abyssal is very strange, even by
named because sunlight reaches it, and Ninth World standards. In most places, this
plants and animals can use it. This layer is the area along the ocean floor. But there Alied: level 1
goes down to around 800 feet (240 m). are deeper places still. The darkest trenches
The Gloaming: Here, the light is fainter, sink to 36,000 feet (11,000 m) or more. Sharkfin: level 4,
the pressure higher, and the number Another way to look at this involves using perception in water as
of chlorophyll-based plants almost broader categories of distance from the level 5; Armor 2; bite
deals 6 points of damage
nonexistent. The level is filled with creatures shore. In this sense, there are places close
that have adapted, either via natural to shore, those that are far out to sea, and Black kalium: level 5,
mutation or genetic modification, to low- those in the unfathomable depths. These Intellect defense tasks
light living. Here, you will find creatures descriptions are more conceptual than as level 7; health 20;
that exist nowhere else in the world, like based on precise distances. For example, makes up to four attacks
the bioluminescent alieds, the squamous there could be a place relatively close to the as a single action with
tentacles, each of which
sharkfin, and the black kalium. This layer coastline that gets very deep, and a location also inflicts 3 points of
goes down to around 3,000 feet (1,000 m). in such a place might still be considered in Intellect damage if the
This is sometimes called the Twilight Zone. the depths rather than close to shore. This is struck target fails an
The Deep Dark: This zone begins around because these three categories speak more Intellect defense roll; uses
3,000 feet (1,000 m). Complications of to a locations general nature, remoteness, telekinesis at long range
to grab and move objects
entering this layer include utter darkness, and survivability than to its literal distance
and creatures it could
intense water pressure, near-freezing from land. In theory, then, places in the normally move
temperatures, and creatures that want to unfathomable depths are almost always
harder to reach and more dangerous than Submersibles seem like stealth craft to
those close to shore or out to sea. people on the surface, but to those who are
already underwater, they are no such thing,
DIVING DOWN often being noisy and relatively large.
To get to a particular undersea site, the All underwater vehicles are considered
most likely means is simply crossing the artifacts. They are prior-world creations,
waters surface to a position directly above orin very rare casesNinth World replicas
the site and then diving to it. Diving suits of prior-world creations. The only widely
Navigation to a
or some kind of submersible are desirable, known exception is the submergines, which
particular underwater site obviously, to deal with the dangers involved were designed by a Redfleets founder, using
can be difficult without and the needs of the divers. knowledge gleamed from the numenera.
precise navigational tools Sometimes the craft used to cross the
because visibility can be waters surface remain in contact with the SOLO SUBMERSIBLE
very limited.
divers, feeding them oxygen or power from Level: 1d6 + 3
pumps and generators on board. More Form: An almost coffinlike vehicle
often, the divers have complete autonomy, Effect: One human-sized occupant can
although the craft holds its position as best survive at any known depth, warm
as it can for when they come back up. and able to breathe, for up to a week
before the vessel needs to surface. The
UNDERWATER VEHICLES submersible moves a long distance
Redfleets, page 167 The Redfleets of Kaparin use small underwater each round and can travel
submersibles called submergines. A few up to 100 miles (160 km) in a day.
Kaparin, page 167
other, larger vehicles are known as well, The submersible has a mechanical arm that
both those that move through the water the pilot can control to interact with the
and those that crawl upon the ocean floor. undersea world. Use the artifacts level,
Explorers who use such vessels probably not the pilots level, to determine what
have no surface craft at all, and their entire the arm can accomplish.
trip is beneath the waves. These vehicles are Depletion: 1-2 in 1d100 (check each day)
often slower than surface craft.
Whats down there? Ancient ruins? Gods? Secrets? Treasures? The answer might be
yes to all of these things.
Level: 1d6 + 4 Level: 1d6 + 2
Form: A lozenge-like cylinder (more or less) Form: A transparent cylinder (more or less)
100 feet long and 20 feet across (30 by 50 feet long and 10 feet across (15 by 3
6 m) m)
Effect: Despite the standard form, these Effect: Submergines are clearsynth bioships
large vehicles come in numerous that can safely dive up to 5 miles (8
shapes and configurations. Many have km) beneath the oceans surface and
a bulbous chamber at one end or the stay there for up to six years. A creature
other with extensive viewports. ensconced within a ships hull provides
Regardless of appearance, submarines food and fresh water and recycles
normally require a crew of at least ten, contaminants. The clearsynth allows
and they work best with double that the crew of five to fifteen human-
number. They can also carry as many as sized people to see in every direction.
thirty more people or a lot of cargo. Submergines of level 5 or higher have
Submarines fire underwater torpedoes up lights (including spotlights) and viewers
to 1 mile (1.5 km) that explode in a long that magnify and penetrate murky
radius and inflict the submarines level water, plus camouflage built into the
in damage. A submarine has 1d10 + 4 transparent hull.
such torpedoes. A submergine moves a long distance
A submarine moves a long distance underwater each round and can travel
underwater each round and can travel up to 200 miles (320 km) in a day.
up to 200 miles (320 km) in a day. Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check each day)
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check each day)
Some underwater locales are connected
to each other or to surface locations via
gateways allowing instantaneous travel.
Some of these, even on the surface, are
underwaterin a pool or something
similarto ease the transition. If not, or
if some means of teleportation is used to
get to an underwater locale, the traveler
should be prepared to instantly deal with
the pressure, the temperature, and the lack
of air, or the trip will be short, painful, and
who is not ready for the nonbreathable of how prior-world magic operates, crafters,
water, the temperature, or the pressure on inventors, Aeon Priests, and others who are
Breathing water is a
the outside could instantly die when leaving just extremely motivated have developed
strange and even painful
the confines of a corridor. ways to fashion items out of materials at experience for an air-
Because the tunnels are so extensive, hand. breather at first, as she
explorers from the surface can use For purposes of the tables on the must allow her lungs to
these underwater highways to travel next page, Equipment items are fairly fill with water. When she
comfortably. The corridors dont go common, and Special Equipment items moves back into an air-
filled medium, she must
everywhere, or even most places, but they are much more rarethe products of
expel all the water in her
do pass close to many major sites (although particularly astute numenera tinkerers. lungs, usually through
the route is likely quite circuitous). Perhaps Some equipment and all special equipment vomiting.
the sites were established in places where is local. That is to say, just because one can
they would be close to a corridor. Who find a pressure pill in the City of Bridges
knows which came first? doesnt mean the same is true in Ledon or a
Some explorers claim to have maps fishing village in between.
of the invisible corridors, but they are Some of this equipment can also
almost always woefully incomplete or bear be found in underwater cities and
significant inaccuracies. communities. Many such places have their
own currencies (shins are uncommon) but
also use a type of common trade currency
EQUIPMENT FOR called abadis. An abadis is a pearlescent
UNDERWATER lozenge about the size of a small nut. It is
EXPLORATIONS the secretion of a rare type of anemone,
Many characters will obtain cyphers or gathered by underwater explorers. Each
artifacts to help them survive and operate abadis is worth roughly 2 or 3 shins.
underwater, but in coastal areas, one can Webbing, which costs 8 shins on the
sometimes find equipment devised by surface, would cost about 3 abadis in an
the locals that will serve as well. Using underwater setting.
gleaned bits of knowledge or observations
Item Cost Notes
Lead shoes 2 shins Weighted boots that slow movement to half
but allow underwater walking.
Waterbag 2 shins Fits over an explorers pack (or items of an
equivalent size) and makes it waterproof and
slightly more hydrodynamic.
Waterbreather 20 shins Creates a seal over your mouth and filters
(external) the oxygen out of the water to make it
breathable for ten hours.
Waterbreather 30 shins Injection that shoots a rice-sized device
(internal) into your neck. After 30 minutes, the device
opens, creating an internal filtration system
that allows you to breathe water. Lasts for
five hours.
Webbing 8 shins Small bottle of material sprayed between
your fingers to create webbing. Lasts for one
hour and doubles swim speed.
Item Cost Notes
Diving bubble 100 shins Small round bubble converts water into
breathable air for up to five people who are
connected to it via a 50-foot (15 m) long
retractable tube and ventilator. Protects from
all pressure dangers as well. Each person
must have his own tube and ventilator.
Diving bubble tube 5 shins
and ventilator
Fish eyes 20 shins Pair of anti-fog, pressure-sensitive goggles to
enhance underwater vision (turns darkness
conditions into dim light conditions) and
protect eyes. Requires ambient light to
Pressure pill 5 shins Protects the imbiber from all pressure
dangers for 28 hours.
Spraybreather 50 shins Tiny canister sprays an opaque gelatin
that forms around your head and creates a
permeable oxygen barrier, filtering breathable
air from the water. Doesnt work above water.
Lasts for 28 hours.
Vocal focus 25 shins Allows you to speak and be heard and
understood at up to long range underwater.
Item Cost Type Notes
Elbow harpoon 8 shins Medium weapon Short-range propelled harpoon for underwater
combat; returns to you through a cable-retrieval
Fin piercer 1 shin Light weapon Dual-edged piercing weapon made of metal,
1.5 feet (50 cm) long. Designed for speed
underwater, but feels off-balanced when used
on land.
Narbos 5 shins Light weapon Bottle of liquid metal that you paint onto your
nails; the material hardens into pointed claws
that inflict 2 points of slashing damage (or 3
points if you paint and use both hands). One
bottle is enough to paint twelve nails, which
stay on until clipped or broken off.
Sonar stream 50 shins Medium weapon Projectile weapon that shoots a long-range
sonar pulse that inflicts Intellect damage. The
stream is pinpointed, so you must be able to
see your target to aim and hit it. Works only
when immersed in liquid. Shoots ten times and
takes one hour to recharge.
Supercavitation 10 shins Medium weapon Shoots high-velocity liquid projectiles that use
bubbler cavitation bubbles to aim true and reach long
Item Cost Notes
Bubblewrap 20 shins Offers buoyancy and pressure protection, as well as heat
and cold protection for five hours. Does not provide
Armor but can be worn over light armor.
Cool skin 25 shins Provides +3 to Armor against heat. Disintegrates
after about a week.
Dive suit 50 shins Offers buoyancy and pressure protection, as well
as heat and cold protection for five hours. Treated
as heavy armor in all respects (and thus cannot
be worn with other armor).
Scaled skin 50 shins Light armor that provides protection from pressure
dangers and doubles swim speed.
Warm skin 25 shins Provides +3 to Armor against cold. Disintegrates after
about a week.
GMing UNDER THE SEA place to communicate with each other
Although your instinct while running the more easily through the water?
underwater portions of an adventure might Visibility is likely to be limited. What dark
be to make everything more difficult and creatures can come charging from the
complicated for the PCs, thats not really shadows, and how can the PCs prepare
the spirit of Numenera. Sure, you could for that?
increase the difficulty of every movement Cyphers, artifacts, and mechanized
and encounter by one or two steps to make weapons react differently in water. Some
everything harder, but that kind of gaming wont work. Others will work better.
experience can quickly get frustrating and And still others might respond entirely
boring for everyone involved. Further, if going differently than the PCs expect.
into the deep means everything just becomes Many deep sea creatures have never
far more cumbersome and difficult, no one seen a human before and may not react
will want to play. as expected. They may follow the PCs
Search Terms:
Frilled shark, goblin Instead of thinking of underwater for a while, trying to figure the humans
shark, frogfish, fanfin adventures as more difficult than land out. On the other hand, they may decide
seadevil, sea pig, basket adventures, try considering the ways in that these swimming forms are food and
star, holothurian, which underwater combat is different, attack without warning.
vampire squid, Play up the weird. Whats down there,
especially in terms of flavor and story.
axolotl, bathypelagic
The goal shouldnt be to make the players and what does it look, sound, or feel
fight harder, but to make them fight smarter. like? Do a little research on the bizarre
In the sea, working together to come up with and scary creatures that exist in our
innovative solutions is almost always better modern-day ocean, and then increase
than attacking with more vigorand will the WTF factor tenfold.
likely result in more interesting dynamics. Underwater is a great place to use GM
Some thoughts about making water intrusions. Perhaps an unexpected current
adventures more interesting instead of just moves a PC a short distance away, a
more difficult: school of fish swarms around a character
Water makes it difficult to hear and and blinds her for one round, or whatever
communicate. What devices, powers, or breathing apparatus the PC is using
other solutions could the PCs put into becomes clogged.
GM SUMMARY over until they mash together into a song
The Island of Undoing is a large metal that is impossible to ignore.
island located in the Sea of Secrets, 250 To those nearby, the sound of the island
miles (400 km) northwest of the Island is the sound of a sirens call, metallic and
of the Last Migration. During the day, the melodious. The first whisper from a new
islands shape is reminiscent of a metallic lover. The final death rattle of an old enemy.
flower laid flat upon the water. At night, the The lullaby of a parent long dead.
Sailors have reported islands petal-like structures fold up to form The Island of Undoing isnt alive, but it
hearing the islands call a tightly sealed bud in the very center. certainly sounds that way to those within
from as far away as 3 Something on (or in) the island creates hearing distance. The metallic islands long,
miles (5 km). At that
distance, the song is
a noise that beckons to passersby, making echoing song is hard to resist. The theories
barely audible and seems them want to get to the island at all costs. are many. That the ghosts of past and
fairly innocuous. Once someone sets foot upon the unusual present selves walk the islands glass and
metal shores, they discover that the island metal shores, haunted by their own failings.
slowly leaches their health each night. On That every morning an ancient monster
top of that, warring groups of humans and among the machinery unspools, tangling
hostile creatures roam the land. itself in the thoughts and fears of those
Despite all of the dangers, there are great within reach, and then builds irresistible
treasures to be found here for those willing songs from those fragments. That the island
and able to overcome the odds. itself is the predator, a trap built long ago to
lure beings that no longer exist within this
WELCOME TO THE Whatever the purpose or plan, the
ISLAND OF UNDOING islands call is nearly irresistible to those
To those caught by In the dark of night, the grind of metal within its nearby waters. Vessel captains
the song, the waters
against metal inside the water. The hollow on course for farther seas suddenly find
around the island appear
deep crimson. Those thunk of two boulders being smashed themselves turning toward a length of red
unaffected can't see the beneath the waves. The low squeal of wires and grey upon the water. Those with access
change in color. flowing over with water. Repeated over and to the ship railing find themselves jumping
Because of the islands constant and inexplicable draining of health from those
nearby, living creatures lose 2 points of Might per night while on the island. This loss
cannot be regained by regular healing or recovery rolls until the character is at least
a long distance away from the island. Characters can be healed by devices, including
Works Miracles,
page 75
cyphers and artifacts, or by special powers, such as someone with the Works Miracles
focus. Many of the inhabitants are skilled at making healing devices that counteract
the islands health drain. All other inhabitants have a way to shield themselves or
counteract the drain.
GETTING TO THE identical with their shorn heads, magenta-
ISLAND OF UNDOING dyed clothing, and tool-gloves. Working
In most cases, the Island of Undoing gets together, they can turn almost anything
to you, rather than the other way around. into a healing device of some capacity.
Ziwoh the Redfin: level Once youre within its grasp, the island all Their specialty is garnet tea, an oily red
4; Armor 2 but ensures that you will find your way to it. liquid full of nanites that you suck from
Getting there from any civilization a special device. The tea and the device
Sewn lightning looks like requires sturdy water or sky transportation, cost 10 shins. Refills cost 2 shins. The tea
a very stretchy thread and the journey is long. While it seems restores 2 points of Might each day for three
made of crackling blue prudent to arrive at night to avoid the song, consecutive days.
light. If you pull pieces of thats when the island is locked tight, the
it apart slowly enough, it
eventually splits into two
walls of the closed bud rising more than THE TOWER OF LIFE
threads. You can do this 200 feet (60 m). One of the main features of Delormi is a
endlessly, as the original One sea captain, a double-headed mutant tall, thin machine. It rises nearly 25 feet (8
thread never seems to named Ziwoh the Redfin, runs a regular m) into the sky and is about 5 feet (1.5 m)
diminish. Sewing the ship from various places on land to the square. It seems to be built mostly of fabric,
thread through fabric Island of Undoing, taking on passengers but strands of blue lightning run between the
requires a needle made of
bone or stone. Touching
for the low, low price of 5 shins. Of course, bits of fabric, as if they sew the bits together.
the thread to metal once youre already under way, he gently The tower seems as old as the island,
of any kind kills the suggests that you might also want to and no one remembers being here before it
thread, causing it to purchase your own set of his specially was built. It does appear to draw people to
dissolve into ash. crafted sound dampers for 20 shins each to it; when Banurno first arrived here, people
ensure that you dont jump overboard and were already living around it.
drownor worseat the islands first call. The machine thumps quietly during the
He also offers a serum that gives you two or night, shaking the ground around it violently
Mutation table, more random mutations for a week. A drop for about 100 feet (30 m) out. Those who
page 128 of the serum costs 30 shins. are within the area of the vibrations for the
entire night are not affected by the islands
Face dancing,
vampiric quality. For this reason, many
page 125
DELORMI: THE CITY AT inhabitants fight over their vibe rights,
THE CENTER attempting to ensure that they and their
At the center of the island is Delormi. family are within the machines radius,
Sometimes called the City at the Center, despite the vibrating ground.
Banurno: level 4, Delormi is actually more of a village, Most houses are also built from the fabric
leadership and tasks boasting around five hundred people. When and sewn lightning. They are similar to the
regarding knowledge of the island closes up at night, the city is configuration of the tower, but not exactly the
the island as level 5
smack in the center of the metal bloom. same. The houses do not prevent the loss of
Gate guard: level 3 Run by a face-dancing mutant named health, although many people have tried to
Banurno, the village is composed mostly of replicate the machines powers with them.
those who were sucked in by the island and A large metal wall around the village
found a way to survive there. Banurno is a keeps the islands many creatures from
Jagged Dream, good leader, able to keep people from panic attacking. Its topped with bits of metal
page 224 and skilled at finding ways for everyone to cut into points. The only gate is constantly
use their talents to help improve the village. watched by two guards at any given time.
Sense numenera,
page 125 If you spend enough time with him, he No one is allowed into Delormi unless they
might let on that he is a former member of bring an offering, typically a piece of the
a cult called the Jagged Dream. island or an item that might be used to
Burdler: level 4; level 5 in Burdler, Banurnos second in command, create a healing or protective device.
sensing numenera is also a mutant, one with the ability to
sense numenera. Short and extremely thin, CARRILS
Burdler spends much of her time fitting into Recently, a small cult of worshippers formed
Carril: level 3 tiny crevices to retrieve things her mutant just outside the village walls. These Carrils,
abilities have pointed her toward. as they call themselves, have come to
Myph and Matese: The twin sisters Myph and Matese are believe that the island is the voice of their
level 3, constructing likely the reason that the town and its true god. They believe that it asks for a
devices as level 5
people are able to persist. These two look small bit of their health as their penance for
past wrongdoings and as a show of their toward one of their legs. After a few nights,
faith. Most believe that when their god has that leg withers and falls off, and a new one
taken all it can from them, they will be lifted begins to grow. The following night, the
into the farthest edges of the petals when it island begins to draw from another leg.
closes and remain there forever. Steadfast, page 136
A few of the group members originally CEPHALEEN SPIDERS
lived in Delormi, but the vast majority were Cephaleen spiders, sometimes called gods Glavis, page 168
part of a crew on a ship that wrecked here a assassins, are meat-eating spiders covered
Relia and Bianes,
few years ago. The ship had set sail from a in golden-yellow hair. They can grow as
page 168
port town in the Steadfast called Glavis to large a small seskii. The spiders each have a
spread the gospel of their gods, Relia and purple marking on their abdomen; although Seskii, page 258
Bianes, to the world. The wreck, and the it seems as if no two are alike, its difficult to
death of many of the crew, caused most of know for certain, as cephaleen spiders are
the survivors to lose faith. When Tiass, the exceptionally hard to kill. Tiass: level 5
current leader of the Carrils, found them, They have two sets of fangs on the top
they were eager to believe in a new and of their mouth, so their bite leaves four Cephaleen spider: level
6; Armor 2; regains 1
more present deity. perfectly lined-up puncture marks. After 28 point of lost health per
Tiass, a fiercely strong redhead who hours, the skin around the bite swells and minute; uses a level 6
refuses to talk about her life before the turns purple in a pattern that matches the lasso web to snag prey;
island, is trying to find a way through one on the spiders abdomen. venom is a level 4 poison
Delormis metal wall and destroy the Rather than build webs and wait for prey, that inflicts 4 points
of damage every hour
machine inside. The island has told Tiass cephaleen spiders spin out their webs as
until the victim makes a
that the machine, and those who live within lassos, chasing down and catching prey on successful Might defense
its protection, are blasphemers. the run. Each round, they can run a short roll, checking each hour
distance and throw their lasso web. They
have a biomechanical heart that restores Those who have the good
FLORA AND FAUNA up to 1 point of the spiders health per fortune to kill a cephaleen
spider, or come upon the
The majority of creatures that thrive on the minutemore than enough to compensate
body of a dead one, can
island either have the ability to constantly for the islands effect. scavenge up to 100 feet
regenerate their health or have good (30 m) of strong, sticky
shields against the constant draw. The land ZUNAK webbing from inside the
is mostly various types of solid metal or Known just as them by most people who corpse. The webbing
metal covered in drit. There are occasional actually talk about them, these abhumans live provides an asset to all
tasks related to climbing.
hollows where enough sand and soil have in the crevices and crannies of the island. They
settled to make it look like ground. One are heterogeneous, but most have flat, almost
such place is Callay Garden, on the northern featureless faces and some type of tail.
section of the island. Wildly bloodthirsty, zunak relish in Poison, page 95
Most plants on the island take the form of hunting and killing for the sport of it.
multicolored molds that cover the vertical Typically traveling in groups of four or five,
Zunak: level 4; Armor 1
surfaces, orange-hued rust plants that they sometimes join forces and hunt in
suck their nutrients from the rotting metal, packs as large as twenty. Their hunting cries Callay Garden, page 23
and flylay, a tufted plant that grows on the are a complicated series of chilling call-and-
backs of many of the islands larger-shelled response whistles and growls that carry for
Angusk: level 3; Armor
insects. The flylays in particular are useful, long distances across the island. 2; bite does 3 points of
as each contains a small bulb of fresh water Zunak seem to have developed a damage
at its center. tolerance for cephaleen spider poison and
often build their camps close to the hairy Carrils call zunak the
ANGUSKS creatures nests. Not only do they roast felled, believing the
abhumans were once
Angusks are giant lizardlike creatures with and eat the spiders for sustenance, but their gods favored
four prehensile limbs and a large snout many of their weapons are crafted from messengers but have
filled with multiple rows of teeth. Although scavenged webbing. Bows, snares, and nets fallen from grace. Truly
they walk on only four legs, they typically are sometimes used, but the most common devout Carrils spend
have up to twelve smaller legs in various weapon is a web flail: a long bit of web with many an evening
attempting to understand
stages of growth. The lizards have evolved something heavy and spiked attached to
and transcribe the
so that when the island pulls its energy from the end of it. Zunak also use the webbing to howled messages of the
them, they are able to guide that leaching create clothing and bags. hunting creatures.
Unlike other living things, zunak dont and the most obvious sign that anyone has
seem to be affected by the islands health- been there before is the occasional long-
draining nature, due to either a natural decaying skeleton or abandoned belonging.
resistance or a created protection. A number of creatures make their homes
in the dark winding of the Beneath, possibly
because there is no health drain here. The
PLACES TO EXPLORE occasional creature from above finds its way
down through some unknown opening, but
BENEATH either it doesnt stay long or it gets lost in
Large round door: level 9 A number of large round doors, each the tunnels, where it wanders until it dies.
about 6 feet (2 m) across, dot the islands Long-winged bats swoop through the
Long-winged bat: level 2; landscape, suggesting that something shadows by the dozens. Theyre insect
echolocation cry releases
a fiery blast that can
lies beneath the metal. The doors have no eaters and not aggressive, but their blazing
quickly set flammable visible handles or obvious locks, but upon exhale risks lighting hair and clothing on
materials alight each is inscribed three symbols. They look fire. Those who watch closely might be able
like the symbols found on the stomachs of to tell that the bats use their spew of fire for
the cephaleen spiders. directional guidance. A confused or lost bat
Anyone whos been bitten by a spider and is a true danger, as its likely to set a room
whose bite mark has turned into one of the ablaze trying to find its way out.
Blind canine: level 4; bite symbols on a door can open the locking Blind canines travel the halls in packs
and claw do 4 points of mechanism just by pressing her flesh to the of three or four, hunting the skittering
damage indents of the matching inscription. dirshmice and the long-winged bats. The
Dirshmouse: level 1
On the other side of the doors are long, canines are pitch black and nearly silent.
square tunnels with metallic walls, ceilings, Because they are used to hunting their prey
and roofs, about 20 feet (6 m) on each side. from beneath, they can slink almost flat
The tunnels seem mostly undisturbed and to the ground while moving at surprising
largely unexplored. They open into rooms speeds and then spring upward to grab
of a variety of sizes and shapes, and seem their prey in their paws or jaws. Theyre
to go on endlessly. Its very easy to get lost, sometimes called shadow dogs, although if
there is any light at all, their four large white The stomachs of the fallen whales are Tumbleton: level 4;
eyes give off an eerie reflection. filled with treasures theyve accidentally releases a cloud of
Automatons the size and shape of ingested from the sea. A man named Sayir chemicals that does
2 points of Intellect
tumbleweeds, sometimes known as has built an enterprise at the outer edge
damage to everyone in
tumbletons, are also common. They zip of the garden, selling equipment, treasure, short range
along the corridors as though they have a and other useful items hes harvested from
purpose and place. Following one, however, the whales. His prices are quite high, and Sayir: level 3; bargaining,
often turns out to be a dangerous wild everything smells like the inside of a dead scavenging, and haggling
as level 4
goose chase as they turn back on their whale, but his offerings are often unique.
trails, disappear and reappear, and release Echk: level 5, all tasks
chemical clouds in their wake. A dead DEATH COVE related to being in or
tumbleton can be carefully broken apart Tucked into a small cove near Callay Garden on the water as level 6;
to reveal interesting and often usable is an odd structurea half-island, half- Armor 4; medium ranged
mechanisms inside. stationary ship that rests on the water. weapon that is modified
to have one effect in
The hallways are filled with the constant Upon it, towers of warped metal rise from addition to damage when
sound of running water, but the air is dry. It blue-lit bottoms, each one ending in a used by a knowledgeable
is entirely possiblelikely, eventhat dying thistle-shaped roof. The creatures that live echk. Roll 1d6 for each
from thirst is just as large a risk as that from here are humanoid and look like humans, weapons effect.
the creatures that dwell in the dark. but one would be hard-pressed to call them 12 Fear force (causes
such, for they left their humanity behind victim to flee for one
CALLAY GARDEN long ago. Not abhumans except in their round on a failed
On the northern side of the island is a cliff own brutal minds, the echk rob, steal, cheat, Intellect defense roll)
just offshore where the giant red ormvora and plunder without remorse. 34 Blind ray (causes
whales beach themselves to die. No one Nearly a hundred echk, dressed in heavy victim to go blind for
knows whyperhaps they too heed the call bone and metal armor, call Death Cove one round on a failed
Might defense roll)
of the island, possibly as part of a unique home. Its impossible to tell their gender,
mating ritual, or maybe some deeper, more true size, or much of anything else about 56 Brain blaster (victim
suffers 1 point of
ancient relic guides their waybut each them, as their armor covers them from
Intellect damage and
year, hundreds of whales throw themselves head to toe. Even their faces are hidden cannot take actions for
upon the shore and then wiggle their giant behind skeletal masks. They carry stolen one round on a failed
bodies, snakelike, until they reach the edge weapons that theyve often upgradednot Intellect defense roll)
of the cliff, where their weight and gravity to be more deadly, but to be more painful,
Ormvora whales have
cause them to plummet off. gruesome, or menacing. Fast deaths are not
large bioluminescent
The hollow beneath the cliff is so riddled their preference, although death of any kind teeth that grow up to 20
with whale carcasses that a giant garden is reason for rejoicing. feet (6 m) in length.
has grown up. One of the few places on Those whove traveled the world enough
the island where plants thrive, Callay to run across other pirates, such as the Ormvora: level 8; Armor 3
Garden has become a sacred place for Jaekels of Aras Island, might find the
many islanders. The stark contrast of the similarities remarkable, as both groups
surrounding steel against so much vibrant favor simple but brutal weapons, paint Jaekels, page 169
green makes it almost hard on the eyes. their skin in symbols from the blood of
Sarracenians, page 226
Not surprisingly, its much harder on the their prey, and place great value on bodily
nose. The stenchand the possibility of being experimentation. However, that is where
crushed by a falling whalekeep people away the similarities end. The bloodthirsty nature Eating the predilict plant
raw provides an asset to
unless they must approach out of necessity. of the echk is so rampant and furious
mental powers such as
However, the prospect of fresh edibles entices that it makes the Jaekels seem downright telepathy for one hour.
even the most sensitive of noses. Botanists, restrained by comparison. The echk have Eating it boiled is not
Sarracenians, and other experts with a focus been known to take out entire ships full of recommended.
on plant life will find plenty here to keep them passengers and crew on one of their raiding
Rodimo fruits are small,
interested, including the rare predilict plant, parties, just because they could.
round, and spiked. They
the so-called crocodile cactus, and the ever- These parties attack in groups of a glow similarly to ormvoras
bearing rodimo fruits. dozen, riding on water striders. These teeth, but with a slightly
Predators, too, appreciate the garden, long motorized boards can carry up to paler light.
although for entirely different reasons. The three people and are fast, silent and easily Water strider: level 5;
stink of rotting meat and fat draws them maneuverable. cover 100 feet in one
from all over the island. round
Echk steal anything they can get their echk towers are filled with unnecessary
hands on, except peoplepeople they just treasures and junk and everything else
kill. The echk have very little use for other theyve stolen, the objects piled so high
humans, unless they are convinced that a and deep that its hard for the echk to live
particular person is of great value to them in the remaining space. That a giant silver
for the knowledge or experience. Dagger water snake guards their hoard of treasures
in, blood out! is a common echk battle cry. and commands the echk to do its brutal
The one saving grace to anyone running bidding. That under the bright light of the
from the echk: the cruel humanoids will not new moon, the echk turn into giant silver
put foot on dry land, other than their own snakes themselves and course across the
island. In fact, they seem almost fearful of water toward unsuspecting sailors.
land and the creatures it contains. Who knows what of the echk is true, and
There are many rumors of the echk, what is fable? Only those whove been face
told and retold by sailors and others who to face with an echks brutal blade can say.
spend their lives upon the seas. That the And they dont survive to tell.
Cleoids have partly translucent spiral noticeable, nor is it obviously traceable to
shells, spiny water wings, a whipping tail, the tainted tech. The effect described for
and a hideous face whose eyes glow with each step in the transformation occurs after
mental supremacy. a character makes a recovery roll.
When the process begins, the characters
TAINTED ARTIFACTS AND CYPHERS abilities improve. At first, she likely doesnt
Unless an artifact or cypher was brought realize that anything bad is ultimately
into Cle by a recent explorer, such as the in store for her. After each benefit noted
Blade of the Sun, it is probably tainted. below is gained, the character can choose
Anyone who uses such a cypher risks to attempt a new difficulty 5 Might defense
initiating cleoid transformation. A taint roll to end the process. If she succeeds on
on an affected object isnt obvious even three of these before she fails (or chooses
to someone who identifies the cypher or to forgo) three, the transformation reverses,
artifact, though someone might be able to and the character eventually returns to
trace back the origin of the transformation her original state (unless another tainted
with some study (and a successful difficulty artifact, cypher, or effect triggers the
4 Intellect task). Cyphers, artifacts, and transformation anew).
other devices brought into Cle do not
become tainted; only those found within the
structure possess this nightmarish quality. DARNET AND HIS TEAM
Aeon Priests belong to Tainted objects are identified as Tainted Darnet, Aeon Priest: Darnet, a thin
the Order of Truth. Cypher or Tainted Artifact in their titles. A man with a shaved head, was trained in a
tainted object remains tainted until it is used village called Halfstar, which specialized in
(like a cypher) or destroyed. Someone trained maintaining artifacts that prolonged life. A
in the numenera who discovers an objects few years ago, those artifacts finally failed,
Order of Truth,
taint can attempt to remove the malefic effect and several people whod been helped by
page 222
with a successful Intellect-based roll with a the process fell ill. Darnets wife Delona
difficulty equal to the objects level, though on was one. He immediately set off looking
a failure, she would be subject to the effect of for something better hinted at in explorers'
the taint (cleoid transformation). journals from hundreds of years earlier, and
he found Cle. With him came another Aeon
CLEOID TRANSFORMATION Priest named Kasanth and a glaive called
Cleoid, page 27 If a character uses a tainted artifact, which Yellow Sword.
is an artifact with a cleoid transformation Kasanth, Aeon Priest: Five Aeon Priests
risk, she must make a difficulty 5 Might resided in Halfstar. They worked as
Varjellen, page 121 defense roll or begin the transformation one when times were good. Kasanth, a
process. The process isnt immediately varjellen, was considered an oddity among
outsiders, because visitant Aeon Priests especially robust colony of spiny sponges.
are a remarkable thing. When their artifacts The tumbled terrain beneath the waves
failed beyond all repair, Kasanth set off with seems unremarkable, though characters
Darnet to search for a solution. Though with experience in undersea landforms can
humans have a tough time determining it, see evidence of a series of islands near the
Kasanth usually adopts the female gender. mainland, all now collapsed or sunken.
In fact, she was pregnant when she, Darnet,
and Yellow Sword set off to find Cle. ENTERING CLE
Yellow Sword: A female human glaive of With a map, knowledge of the proper
uncommon size and strength and many landmarks, or just a discerning eye, a
golden body markings, Yellow Sword character can find one external entrance
decided to serve Darnet and the other Aeon directly above Cle on the seafloor, described
Priests after they saved her daughter from under Unnatural Amphitheater. Another
cragworm venom. She wields a massive entrance is located in a ruin several miles Cragworm,
artifact shaped like a yellow greatsword that inland, described under Unknown Temple. page 236
can break into two separate weapons that Otherwise, the PCs might use one of the
she fights with simultaneously. means suggested in the introduction to
Klarmac Dal: This male human man-at- travel to Cle via the deep tunnels. If they use Deep tunnels, page 32
arms with an alarmingly deep voice was some sort of instantaneous travel to gain
hired from a nearby fishing village as a entry, such as a gate, they probably arrive in
guide for the expedition. the courtyard.
The city of Cle is located 3 miles (5 km) A few areas within the city retain bubbles
off the coast of the Beyond near Harmuth. of breathable air and other areas are half
Its uppermost chambers lie under 30 drowned, but most sections are completely
feet (10 m) of water plus a layer of silt filled with water. Luckily for surface
and slow-moving sea life, including an creatures exploring Cle, the drowned
areas are saturated with the same breath- (6 m) deeper on a chunk of silt-covered
enabling, pressure-equalizing quality material that is similar to a dais. By day,
Invisible corridors, possessed by the invisible corridors. Thus, light from above illuminates the depression
page 12 surface creatures can generally survive in so that anyone within short range of it has
the city without drowning or freezing. a chance to notice the potential artificial
nature of the formation. If that realization
1. UNKNOWN TEMPLE is made, study of the central cavity reveals a
Located several miles inland, a larger ancient sealed circular hatch beneath a layer of silt.
ruin contains a sealed dome of brittle synth Opening it (a difficulty 5 Might task) reveals
(level 4). The domes interior walls depict a drowned tube 10 feet (3 m) in diameter
an island city that might well be of the prior leading downward. The tube descends at
worlds. Though dust and other signs of a least a long distance.
great passage of time is evident, some tech
in the chamber still functions. Investigators 3. OUTER VESTIBULES
can salvage 3d6 shins and a couple of Marine plants overgrow this series of
random cyphers (but not tainted cyphers chambers. Dim light illuminates most of the
like those described later). If they make area, filtering up through the water from holes
a difficulty 3 Intellect roll to understand in the floor, which are obviously the result of
the numenera, explorers discover how to past collapse and damage, not natural.
Weird Event GM energize a temporary portal that transfers A search among the marine plants
Intrusion: The character anyone in the dome to the unknown island infesting the connected rooms uncovers
must succeed on a city. Of course, the island city depicted has various defunct mechanisms, as well as 3d6
difficulty 6 Intellect since sunk, so when PCs appear, they do so shins and a couple of cyphers (including
defense roll or be
underwater in the outer vestibules. a regeneration engine cypher). The same
convinced that an ally
is just on the verge of search also reveals an explorers pack,
transforming into a 2. UNNATURAL AMPHITHEATER partly rotted from exposure to water, but
flesh-eating monster, a Approximately 30 feet (10 m) beneath the abandoned only within the last few months.
sensation that lasts for surface, the seafloor dips in a series of Weird Event: One PC feels a strong sense
several rounds. steplike depressions that culminate 20 feet of wrongness in the area generally, though
whatever lies farther down seems to be the Weird Event: A character misjudges an GM Intrusion: The weird
actual source of the feeling. If the character innocuous-looking marine plant. Plant tendrils marine plant attacking
the character not only
takes the time to explore the feeling, she has wrap around him and hold him fast, requiring holds him fast, but
a daydream-like experience where one of her a difficulty 5 Might roll to break free. While the also injects venom that
allies transforms into a mind-eating monster. character is held, he can mentally hear what attacks his brain each
his companions are thinking. round, inflicting 1 point of
Intellect damage (ignores
REGENERATION ENGINE Armor). However, instead
of being painful, the
(TAINTED CYPHER) The same red lights found on the courtyard damage seems intensely
Level: 1d6 columns occur at irregular intervals along pleasurable.
Internal: Pill, ingestible liquid this road. Marine plants, rubble, and various
Wearable: Adhesive patch that activates mechanical hulks and devices (which are
GM Intrusion: Yellow
when slapped perhaps vehicles used by the people who
Blade suspects that the
Usable: Injector once lived in the city before it sank) litter the character has realized her
Effect: Each time the user uses a cypher, road. Various side streets and tunnels give secret, and attacks.
an artifact, or a special ability from off the main way, though most are partly
her type or focus during the next 28 or totally collapsed. Investigation of one or Yellow Blade: level 5;
hours, she also restores a number more of the relics garners 3d6 shins, but health 22; Armor 2;
attacks with two blades
of points to her Pools equal to the nothing more substantial. (Blade of the Sun) as
regeneration engines level. Weird Event: A female voice hails the PCs. level 6, inflicting 4 points
Swimming toward them is a huge glaive of damage with each
who gives her name as Yellow Blade. She blade as a single action;
4. COURTYARD says that she came into the city of Cle with can mentally attack a
target in long range like
This massive underwater open area is lit by two Aeon Priests, Darnet and Kasanth (and,
a cleoid; carries a life rod
red crystal globes that top lamplike pillars. she admits, a man-at-arms called Klarmac artifact
The pillars are scattered randomly and reach Dal). She says she was separated from her
to varying heights. Collapsed corridors, group and has been looking to reunite with The Blade of the Sun
domes, and other structures litter the wide her companions ever since. Anything more artifact was brought into
floor, which approaches a half mile (1 km) in than that, she claims not to know. Shes Cle and is not tainted.
diameter. The entire area is overgrown with
marine plants and animals.
The courtyard also holds a floating, LIFE ROD (TAINTED ARTIFACT)
rotting corpse. The corpse is human, Level: 1d6 + 2
male, and obviously the subject of much Form: Synth rod with elongated snail-shell shape
violence. Investigation shows that the Effect: If the rod is touched to a character, she regains 10 points
bodys slimy, partly translucent appearance in one Pool, gains the ability to see in the dark and in silty
might be more than mere rot; the man water as if in bright light within short range, and, if elderly, is
was apparently a mutant. The mans reduced in apparent age by ten years.
possessions identify him as Klarmac Dal, Depletion: 1 in 1d20
a man-at-arms contracted by Darnet. In
addition to rope, rotting food, and 20 shins, BLADE OF THE SUN
Klarmac has a mind rejuvenator cypher. Level: 1d6 + 2
Form: Golden great sword or twin golden long swords
Effect: This two-handed sword functions as a normal heavy
weapon or as two one-handed medium swords. The wielder
can change the artifact conformation as part of any other
action. The difficulty of attacks made with the weapon (or
Level: 1d6 + 2
weapons) is decreased by one step. The blades emit bright
Internal: Pill, ingestible liquid
light (daylight) within short range upon command.
Wearable: Adhesive patch that activates
If the wielder becomes separated from the artifact, the weapon
when slapped
returns to her if she can find any other bladed weapon to
Usable: Injector
grip as a temporary stand-in. The first time the wielder
Effect: Substance adds +1 to the users
attacks another creature with the stand-in blade, Blade of the
Intellect Edge for one hour. In
Sun manifests, replacing the stand-in.
addition, the users maximum Intellect
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (Check each time the blade returns to its
Pool increases by 4 for three days.
current owner.)
Cleoid transformation, lying; in truth, she has been transformed Thanks to her varjellen biology, she proved
page 26 into a cleoid mentally, and she is on the way partially immune, though she has to
to being transformed physically as well. concentrate each dayusing her reforging
abilityto keep the changes at bay. Kasanth
6. CLE GESTATION VAULTS doesnt realize that the source of the
Reforging, page 121
This series of shattered structures, like plague is the tainted cyphers that she and
rounded treasure vaults, each contain her companions collected in the city. On the
masses of gelatinous eggs in stasis. In other hand, she can fill in other pieces of
some cases, the eggs are visible through information regarding the citys background
transparent synth; in others, the synth to PCs who are interested.
barrier is shattered, though the eggs remain Aid Requested: The varjellen Aeon Priest
in stasis. asks the characters to help her detonate the
Investigation reveals that any particular whole city from the ancient power station,
vault can be voided by fiddling with where the thing that was once Darnet has
the controls and making a difficulty 2 holed up. Kasanth says blowing up the city
Intellect roll. When a vault is voided, seven has the best chance of ending the cleoid
glistening eggs, each larger than a human, threat now and in the future, by destroying
Cleoid, page 137 are shunted out into the central area. Each all tainted cyphers and artifacts in Cle.
contains a rapidly gestating cleoid, which Weird Event: Sometimes while shes
GM Group Intrusion: hatches over the course of the next few speaking, Kasanth pauses and winces as
The cleoid personality minutes (one every minute), unless the PCs if in pain, and portions of her anatomy
takes control of Kasanth halt the process by smashing the hatching shift about in a varjellen-like fashion. She
for several rounds, and
it tries to ambush the
eggs. The hatchlings are reduced strength tells anyone concerned that its all okay;
PCs, sabotage whatever cleoids (level 2). sometimes she just needs to spend more
task they attempt to Kasanth: Kasanth, the varjellen Aeon time concentrating on keeping her situation
accomplish, or betray Priest, has taken shelter in an empty in check. Kasanth says she can feel an
them to Darnet. gestation vault. She emerges to investigate alien mind within her own clamoring to get
the sounds of PC activity. Kasanth explains free. Luckily, she claims, shes more than
Kasanth: level 5; Armor
2; attacks with speargun that she and her compatriots contracted varjellen enough to handle it.
artifact as level 6; carries some kind of plague in Cle, one that began
a corpse reviver cypher to transform her friends into monsters.
and low pressure to the water filling the 10. DEEP TUNNELS
station. PCs who dont have their own Excavations beneath the city of Cle existed
protection and means of breathing begin prior to the citys submergence. These deep
Drowning, page 7 to drown. Flipping the control back is tunnels provided routes for networks of
something PCs can do if they make a tech that supported the city above. Nearly
difficulty 3 Intellect-based roll; however, all of those mechanisms are defunct now. A
Maintenance the process requires two rounds to fully handful of marine-adapted automatons that
automaton: level 4, tasks re-engage. have seen better decades patrol the tunnels.
related to maintaining The automatons keep sea lifeboth plants
the numenera as level 7;
Armor 1; swim a short
and animalsfrom colonizing, repair what
distance each round; tech they can, reinforce tunnel structures,
manipulator grip attacks and clear collapsed tunnels. Unfortunately,
as level 3 there are far too few automatons left to
Level: 1d6 + 1
keep ahead of things. They generally ignore
Form: Harness that attaches via spine
intruders, unless those intruders attempt to
salvage shins or cyphers from the various
Effect: While wearing the harness, the
panels and related tech. If activated to
wearer gains +1 to Armor and has
defend the integrity of the tunnels, 1d6 + 2
an asset on Might defense tasks. In
maintenance automatons appear every hour
addition, he can choose to ignore
to eliminate a detected threat. (Characters
the effects of becoming impaired or
can find a total of 3d6 shins and maybe a
debilitated. Finally, he can choose to
cleoid eye artifact if they spend a few hours
ignore the effects of death itself for a
salvaging in a tunnel.)
limited time.
Getting lost in the tunnels is a real
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (Check for each
concern for those who dont know the
minute spent either impaired or
routes. However, eventuallyin about 100
debilitated, and for each round the
miles (160 km)the tunnels provide access
user would otherwise be dead.)
Deep Dark, page 9 to various locations in the Deep Dark.
Accessing this area requires a character to CLEOID EYE (TAINTED
make a difficulty 5 Intellect-based roll to ARTIFACT)
disengage the sealed doors. Level: 1d6 + 2
The area is not so much a vault as a Form: White orb the size of an eyeball
massive, drowned chamber filled with the Effect: Serves the user as a prosthetic
detritus of a collapsed city. If the vault were eye, though only by sacrificing one
in open air, it would be nearly impossible of the owners original eyes. In
to move through the tiny mountains of addition, the eye grants the owner
overgrown material. But swimmers can several abilities, including the ability
hover over the mounded material, some of to see underwater and in the dark
which is debris, chunks of synth, and, here for up to ten hours at a time, the
and there, bits of functioning tech. PCs who ability to see invisible creatures for
search through the vaults can pull out a up to one minute at a time, and the
couple of random cyphers and one random ability to command the actions of
artifact after a few hours of searching. a creature within immediate range
Objects found in these piles are from who meets the eyes gaze for a
the original builders of Cle, but some are period of one minute.
tainted (roll a d6 per item discovered; on a Depletion: 1 in 1d20
1-2, the item is tainted).
While in the garbage vault, characters
who activate any device that has a power
charge draw the attention of a school of
Phayclor, page 148 phayclor looking for easy access to energy.
Not farrelatively speakingfrom the the garden dont thrive. The network of the
islands known as the Rayskel Cays lies an invisible corridors goes nowhere near the Invisible corridors,
undersea locale known by some as the Nullified Harbor, and thus those tunnels page 12
Nullified Harbor, and by others as the cannot be used. Traditional diving methods
Garden of Garralos. Filled with a variety are required, with gear enough to not only
of aquatic flora and fauna, it also has a provide the means to breathe but also cope
surprising number of shipwrecks of ancient with the dangers of increased pressure.
providence, and something even stranger Most explorers from the surface will likely
but possibly more rewardingfarther below. wish to use one of the southern islands of
the Rayskel Cays, 130 miles (210 km) away,
as a base of operations.
GM SUMMARY The garden is well lit day and night by a
Below the waves lies a graveyard of sunken species of bioluminescent barnacle called
ships. Why are they all clustered together? garrala, which gives the garden its name.
No one knows. But the area is surrounded Although not as deep as some undersea
by undersea life. The wrecks offer interesting
opportunities for exploration and treasure-
seeking, although not without a variety of USING THE NULLIFIED HARBOR
dangers. Perhaps most interesting, however, This location serves as a fantastic
is the large cavern below the seafloor, motivation to get PCs to go into the
reached only by passing through a series of deep. Salvaging numenera from the
ancient archways. This machine-filled cavern sunken vessels is a straightforward
promises respiteand long lifefor weary hook, and the mysteries of the garden
travelers, if they can figure out how to bring are alluring as well. But tales of the
the prior-world mechanisms to life. secret to immortalitythats a goal
for almost any explorer to go through
whatever it takes to reach. GMs can
REACHING AND SURVIVING use even an off-handed reference to
THE NULLIFIED HARBOR the Nullified Harbor in a conversation
The Nullified Harbor lies about 350 feet taking place anywhere, above or below
(106 m) below the waves. Here, the daylight the waves, to draw explorers in.
is dim but not so much that the plants of
Crawling along the seabed, explorers might
find a variety of crustaceans, including ghost
Ghost crab, crabs and the brilliant green-shelled britners
page 241 with their twelve spiderlike legs. Britner eggs
are valuable baubles, each usable as a shin in
most places.
Britner: level 1; Amor 1
Other barnacles, anemones, and similar
creatures cling to the various shipwrecks as
The Nullified Harbor gets its name from
all the sunken vessels lying wrecked in one
placelike a harbor whose very essence has
been nullified. These wrecked craft are clearly
all ancient, but some seem far older than
others. Most have distinctly different designs,
as if built by entirely different civilizations.
Most of the wrecks are corroded
skeletons of ships and submersibles (and
possibly flying craft), with just a few metal
spars jutting up from the sand. Many others
locales, it is still deep enough that the greatest are empty shells, providing home to marine
danger to explorers comes from the pressures life. A few, though, still contain ancient
of being so far underwater. The waters of the treasures in the form of shins, oddities, and
Nullified Harbor are surprisingly warm even cyphers and artifacts.
which is to say, cool but not dangerously cold. The wrecked ships are plentiful, and each
is different. If characters explore some, roll
randomly (or choose) on both the Nature of
FLORA AND FAUNA the Wreck table and the Complication table.
Aside from the garrala, a common sight in
the garden is the violet-leafed eval plant, THE NULLIFIED
which grows as a long vine. Even more HARBORS SECRET
interesting, however, is the marrudi, a rare Within the confines of the garden lies
Spirril, page 152
sort of leafy plant that is almost transparent. the true treasure of the Nullified Harbor.
When collected and properly brewed, a In fact, when knowledgeable sailors and
Varramoy: level 1, patch can produce 1d6 + 1 viable doses of aquatic explorers refer to the respite of the
perception as level 5 a drink that increases Might Edge by 1 for a harbor, theyre not really talking about the
week. On the more dangerous side, hidden shipwrecks or the surrounding garden at all,
Perou: level 2; drains an
amid the more typical plants are the spirril, but something more secret. This location is
exposed level 4 or lower
device of power in one ready to grasp at available prey. not an obvious thing to find. In fact, it looks
round Swimming amid the flora are a wide variety very much like a series of three large stone
of fish, including the golden varramoy, a arches, covered with underwater plants and
Chardu eel: level 3; species with eyes located all around its wide creatures, including the bioluminescent
bite inflicts 4 points of body. The perou is a dangerous nuisance garrala found elsewhere in the garden.
fish that harms almost any powered device
Tharnicun: level 3; makes it can touch by draining it of energy. (Woe to THE THREE ARCHES
three bite attacks (or one the diver using a device to breathe or negate In the middle of the harbor, three stone
bite that inflicts 6 points pressure issues.) Preying upon the varramoy archways rise from the seabed, each 20
of damage) as a single and other fish are chardu eels and tharnicun, feet high and 8 feet wide (6 by 2.5 m). They
action the latter being predator fish with multiple are spaced about 100 feet (30 m) apart.
Issik: level 4, attacks and
mouths. Another predator is the issik, a Although there are no nearby shipwrecks,
Speed defense as level 5; carapace-covered, sharklike creature with the garden itself does a pretty good job of
Armor 3 lightning-fast reflexes. concealing these archways.
7680 A spiny scishan floor an equal distance below, but both are
Skeane, page 59
dark, so that distance remains unknown.
8185 A stinging cloak
The darkness is absoluteeven a dropped
8690 A hostile disassembler torch or glowglobe winks out.
9195 A jybril Time spent on the platform is beneficial. Disassembler,
9600 Skeane scavengers Characters Pools are restored at a rate of page 238
1 point per two minutes. They are infused
with nutrients at a slow but steady rate.
A visitor must pass through all three Its likely that after an hour or so, even a
archways within just a few minutes of each character at deaths door is hale and healthy. Characters who wish
other before she can discover the safety offered She even feels well rested as though she has to avoid the tongue
by the location. Once she has done that, the slept a full night. All recovery rolls are reset. (perhaps not expecting
seafloor below her ruptures, and a 20-foot To do anything else in the harbor, a entry into the harbor to
(6 m) long biomechanical tongue lashes forth, character will have to reach the machinery, be quite so startling or
strange) can attempt
wraps around her, and drags her underground. which probably means getting to a wall. to do so with a Speed
The hole quickly seals up behind it. That most likely entails jumping from defense roll. It is a level
This process is preprogrammed somehow platform to platform. Each platform is 7 creature in all respects.
by mechanisms of the prior worlds. It is the about 10 to 12 feet (3 to 4 m) from its Success means that the
only known way of entering the Nullified closest neighbor. That means that the tongue does not grab the
character, and it resets
Harbor. jumps, assuming a bit of a run, range from
into the ocean floor.
a difficulty of 5 to 7. Some of the leaps will
SAFETY IN THE HARBOR be toward platforms lower than the current
The true Nullified Harbor is not for the one, decreasing the difficulty by one step, Characters who fail at a
safety of ships, but for sailorsthat is to while some will be to higher platforms, jump fall. They have one
chance to land upon or
say, for living creatures. It is a massive, increasing the difficulty by one step. Five
grab a lower platform
dry, underground cavern at least 200 feet or six jumps will get a character to the (a level 4 Speed task). If
(60 m) below the ocean floor. The tongue machinery at the wall. that fails, they suffer 10
deposits a character on a circular platform Obviously, characters able to fly will have points of damage from
of soft, glowing metal. There are many a much easier time of it. the fall.
If a character reaches the sides of the cave,
she can find purchase and maneuver across
and up and down without much trouble,
with plenty of handholds and places to
stand. There, a number of control panels
can be found. These could be looted
(yielding 1d20 + 5 shins and one or two
cyphers), or they could be used to gain
access to the chambers various functions.
The machinery here controls the tongue
and the rejuvenation, both of which are
currently set on automatic. This can
be altered, putting a character in direct
control of what the tongue does (up to
and including having it return and take a
character to the garden) or granting the
ability to turn off the healing and restorative
function of the platforms. The machinery
also includes an even more amazing
function: the lengthening of the targets
lifespan. If the controls are properly set, in
addition to the other boons, a platform will
restore a character to a healthy, youthful
state (at the point of about full adulthood
for a human, thats about 18 or 19 years
old), and increase life expectancy by about
50% (for a human, that might mean living
to be well over 100).
The life extension and age restoration
requires about six hours on a platform.
Halfway through the process, someone
must readjust the various controls.
Interacting with the machinery is difficult,
even for those skilled in such things.
Characters might note that after a while, it
seems as though the interface works against
them. This is because there are two semi-
intelligent systems interwoven here, and
they do not cooperate or get along. Whatever
a character does, one system attempts to
comply and cooperate, and the other does THE FLOOR (AND THE EXIT)
not. This is all internalnothing physical. The way to exit the harbor is on the floor,
In the end, what it means is that every in the darkness. With no way to illuminate
time a character wishes to do something this area, explorers will likely have to
identify the functions of the machine, stumble about in the dark. Eventually,
operate the machine, and so forth, she however, they may find a pentagon-shaped
must succeed at two different rolls: one raised platform. If they stand atop it, they
with a difficulty of 5, and the other with a immediately appear in one of the three
difficulty of 7. archways above, teleported. Of course, they
Any time a character fails a roll, the lights are suddenly underwater and had better be
of the room fade to black for a second and all prepared for the transition, or the exit may
living creatures in the room suffer 3 points be their final exit.
of ambient damage and move one step
down the damage track from the dangerous
radiation loosed into the chamber.
When knowledgeable sailors and aquatic explorers refer to the respite of the Nullified
Harbor, theyre not really talking about the shipwrecks or the surrounding garden at
all, but something more secret.
stone, large metallic orbs, membranous The Peacebringer and the Warholder: The
orbs made of mesh and synth, and city is always led by an elected couple, one
triangular towers. About half of the interior of whom is called the Peacebringer and the
of the city is filled with water and half is other the Warholder. The current leader-
filled with air and pressurized, another couple is composed of a Jorian named Heu Heu: level 4; persuasion,
testament to the Jorians ability to adapt and a human named Shyphe. mediation, and
quickly and easily across environments. Heu, the Peacebringer, is particularly diplomacy as level 5
Most Jorians have the skills to repair and skilled in persuasion, mediation, and
Shyphe: level 4,
keep up the building structures, but not to diplomacy. Its the Peacebringers job to motivation and
design or create new ones. Some believe calm rising tensions and diffuse difficult mobilization as level 5
that their ancestors built the city, but that situations.
the knowledge of how to do so has been Shyphe, the Warholder, was rescued
lost through the generations. Others believe from a boating accident and brought to
that the granthu built the city for them. Joria as a child. Shyphe, who is blind from
The inhabitants of Joria
Its not known whether the granthu is the accident, specializes in mobilizing firmly believe the world
the only one of its kind, or whether there and motivating those around her. Its the holds many other cities
are additional such creatures in the world. Warholders job to incite citizens into strong like their own, but they
Jorians believe that other granthu do exist, action when necessary. are in different orbits and
and thus so do others of their species. They havent yet come close
enough to be seen or
seek constantly to find their kithkind. Much contacted.
of their technology is created with an eye JORIANS
toward finding and contacting these other Jorians are humanoids with skin the color
Jorians. and texture of malleable wet stone. Their
Blue Mazars: A special group of Jorians skin tones range in hue from light grey
known as the blue mazars is entrusted with and silver to dark green and near-black, Blue mazar: level 4,
keeping extensive records of the ongoing depending on their environment. Their dark oceanic knowledge as
level 6
search. In doing so, they have accumulated eyes are covered with protective lenses that
a large body of work that explores the ocean adapt to the amount of light.
in great detail.
Most Jorians have a crest of thick, strong Theyre omnivorous, subsisting mostly on
tissue that grows atop their head. If left the chemosynthetic plants that they grow,
unadorned, the crest is off-white and mostly and supplementing their diet with whatever
flat. Many dye their crests brilliant colors creatures and plants they can harvest and
and mold them into unique shapes. Some properly preserve.
Deep Dark, page 9 colors and shapes signify rank and class, Although best suited for living in the
while others are an expression of creativity Deep Dark, which is where the granthu
or rebellion. spends the majority of its life, Jorians are
Jorian: level 4;
camouflage, mimicry,
Jorians move through the water via two highly adaptable to their surroundings.
stealth, deception, and elongated undulating fins that run down Their lungs fold up like accordions,
adaptation as level 6 the sides of their bodies, starting at the becoming small in the high-pressure
tops of their necks and ending around atmosphere of the Deep Dark, and then
Jorian names are typically their ankles. Their hands and feet are expanding to accommodate lower pressure
a single syllable and end
lightly webbed, but they use their limbs for and higher oxygen levels.
with a vowel sound.
direction rather than for propulsion. The Even for a race as adaptable as Jorians,
combination of long limbs and undulating the change in sea level has undesirable side
Gloaming, page 9 fins allows them to move swiftly and silently effects. When the granthu begins to rise
in the water. They prefer to flee and hide into the warmer, more oxygenated waters of
Shallows, page 9
rather than fight, and they are masters of the ocean (the area called the Gloaming),
mimicry and camouflage, blending into Jorians begin to feel lightheaded and overly
The Truth, page 133 their surroundings and appearing to be warm. A yellow fungus called blossom
something they are not. sometimes grows on their skin, beginning
around their ears, eyes, and mouth. All of
these symptoms begin to pass in a matter of
days, as the Jorians bodies adjust to the new
surroundings. Their lungs expand slightly,
their metabolism begins to run at a slower
rate, allowing them to stay cooler, and their
eyes begin to adjust to the lighter waters.
The last section of the orbit is the
Shallows. While here, the granthu may even
rise above the water for short periods of
time. The Jorians skin begins to produce a
protective coating that shields them from
the increased sunlight, the lenses on their
eyes darken, and their lungs expand to their
full size and capacity.
Jorians can live up to 150 years, but
many expire after their second return to the
Shallows. They find the transition back to
the depths more difficult the second time
and often succumb to the high pressure and
cold temperatures on the return journey.
Most Jorians speak the Truth reasonably
well, as well as a smattering of other
languages picked up from visitors.
Finding the city of Joria on purpose is quite
difficult. Although the granthu doesnt
move very quickly and its hard to miss a
creature of that size, its migratory pattern is
haphazard. And with an orbit that spans
around fifty years, its hard to track and
predict its long-term pattern.
Only one Jorian, Fea, made the complete journey from the Deep Dark to the
Shallows three times. Born in the Shallows, which is unusual for Jorians, she returned
again at age 50, at 100, and at 150. She died of respiratory failure shortly after.
Its more likely that people find the city THE LAYOUT OF JORIA
of Joria by accident. And people often Joria is much larger than its number of
do. Motion trackers or heat-seeking inhabitants would imply. The city could
instruments easily detect the granthu easily hold up to three times as many
while it is in the Gloaming or the Shallows. citizens as the 12,000 it currently has.
The Jorians put out a strong signal in an Many spaces are unused or abandoned.
attempt to contact their kithkind, and many Empty areas are closed up to prevent other
a scouting party or adventuring crew has creatures from moving in and taking over
heard its message (even if they might not those spaces, but regular sweeps must still
have understood it). Additionally, any vessel be done to maintain the barriers and make
exploring underwater might come upon this sure there are no openings for stowaways.
giant creature with an unusual structure Most Jorians would not say it, but they hold
on its back, particularly when the granthu out hope that the extra space in their city
passes near or directly through the invisible will someday be filled with kithkind. Invisible corridors,
corridors. The air-filled, pressurized areas of the city page 12
The granthu isnt likely to attack humans are protected by a series of four ciliumways.
or vessels approaching the city unless it A ciliumway is a round door with a frame
Ciliumway: level 5
feels threatened, and honestly its hard made of living coral. The eggs of a creature
to threaten a creature of this size. It eats called a winglash are planted in the
meat, but it prefers to scavenge the remains coral. When the creatures hatch, they root
of whales and other large sea creatures. into the coral and grow long cilia that
Humans and their devices are mostly wave and sweep across the door, creating
too small to be on its radar as threat or a displacement curtain that keeps water
food. Theyre more likely to be accidentally out and keeps air and pressure in. The
knocked over or crushed as the creature doorways need constant upkeep, including
makes its way to wherever its going next. regular planting of new winglash eggs, but
Although many visitors come to Joria, four of them placed together do the job of
very few stay for long. Land dwellers in keeping most of the sea from entering the
particular find the creatures odd swimming air-filled spaces.
movement jarring, and most are not able
to adjust to the changes in sea levels. But THE MAIN
long is relative in the life of a granthu and The main is located at the front of the city,
a Joriana land dweller could live in Joria under a large membrane of mesh and synth.
for fifteen years in the Gloaming before This common area is filled with air and
needing to worry about surviving the Deep houses a large market, community spaces,
Dark. and water gardens (mostly filled with
At first, Jorians can be a bit off-putting chemsynthetic plants, but they also create
to newcomers due to their instincts to devices that produce synthetic sunlight in
run and hide at the first sign of a potential order to grow small quantities of edible
threat. However, once they get past their algae and seagrasses).
fear response, they warm up to visitors and Spreading out from the main in all
are kind and thoughtful hosts, particularly directions are long, high-ceilinged tunnels
to anyone with stories of the outside world that lead to various smaller communities.
that could lead to a connection with their Each community has its own schools,
kithkind. manufacturing spaces, small markets,
chiurgeons, and other services. Some of
these communities are open to the water,
and others are air-filled.
Gastric juices taste as youd expectsour and metallic. They burn your throat and
the insides of your mouth and cause fierce headaches. Theyre also wildly addictive,
causing a few days of excitability and sleeplessness and then putting users into short-
term comas, where they experience vivid hallucinations depicting scenes from their
past. Breaking an addiction requires a difficulty 3 Might defense roll every day for five
consecutive days. Failing a roll means starting over.
A Dangerous Cure: A chiurgeon named Dont Go Near the Water: One of the
Fue believes hes found a cure for gastric aquatic gardens in the main has started
acid addiction. One of the ingredients sprouting a rainbow-colored fungus. It
he needs is the freshly plucked heart of a seems to be slowly growing in the shape
Living death crabs is living death crab, but the creatures are far of a miniature granthu.
likely another name for too tough for him to take on alone.
ghost crabs. Fight Song: There is a strange, low
The Truth Is Out There: A Jorian named crooning coming from one of the
Gea, who mans the honing signal in one closed-off areas near the back of the city.
Ghost crab, of the triangular towers, heard a response Something about it is affecting any Jorian
page 241 to his recent transmission. It seemed who hears it, making them want to attack
more like a distress call than kithkind, but their loved ones.
he wants to gather a crew to head out and
check it out.
I have been stung by his family went back to the land. Hes been
those bastard jellyfish keeping intricate notes about the vunds
hundreds of times. hued patterns since he was a child, and he
Hundreds. But it is all
worth it, despite the fact
believes he has cracked at least a few of the
that Im beginning to lose most basic.
feeling in my face and When vunds 1 and 2 (Kinderi has given
fingers. Kinderi each of them a number) are blue and the
rest are orange, it portends the rising of the
granthu toward the surface. When vunds 3
and 5 are greenish and vund 1 is purple, it
signifies the beginning of a molt. Kinderi
has catalogued more than two hundred and
sixty-seven color patterns among the vunds,
and he still has no idea what most of them
It is rumored that the vunds exist only
within the evolo sphere. That to open the
sphere and remove them would cause
their existenceand perhaps that of the
entire cityto cease. Most regard this as
foolishness, but superstitions run deep, so
few residents are willing to risk opening the
Still, every great while, someone decides
to try. For this reason, the spheres only
doorway is guarded day and night by
Jellyfish: level 5; electric a bloom of amphibious jellyfish. The
tentacles deal 5 points of jellyfish are the only creatures able to
damage enter and leave the evolo sphere at will. An
electrical current runs through their long
tentacles, which they can turn on and off
at a moments notice. The swarm attacks
anyone who attempts to enter or even touch
the evolo sphere.
The Octopoidal Queen has a palace off the GETTING TO THE
Draolis, page 148
coast of Draolis, in the deep inlet called CORAL CATHEDRAL
Eldan Firth. She travels extensively, however, The Coral Cathedral lies about 300 miles
Eldan Firth, page 171 and has other residences. One is a place (480 km) off the coast of Ghan, west
farther out to sea called the Coral Cathedral. northwest of the City of Bridges. It is in the
City of Bridges, Here, her people have encouraged the region of the sea known as the Gloaming,
page 145 building of a massive deep-sea coral along the ocean floor in a wide expanse
structure almost 1,500 feet (460 m) below about 1,500 feet (460 m) below the surface.
the surface. They have used various means
Gloaming, page 9 to shape the coral, creating a multicolored
temple of ominous and formidable USING THE CORAL
appearance. The cathedral extends almost CATHEDRAL
100 feet (30 m) tall and ten times that in The Coral Cathedral is difficult to reach,
Her Majesty, Queen
length, with an orb of living coral 150 feet both in distance and in depth. It is
of All Octopuses: as
standard octopus (page (45 m) in diameter suspended in the deep difficult for surface dwellers to operate
146), except: level 10 in water just above it. there. It is well guarded by a race
all regards; health 45; notoriously unwelcoming to outsiders.
telepathic powers and
However, PCs will want to go there
level 10 nilstones grant
telekinesis at long range,
GM SUMMARY all the same, if for no other reason
a mental blast (10 points
One of the homes of the queen of all than the illavium ore that can be found
of Intellect damage that octopi, and a major spiritual center and there, as well as the startal treatments.
ignores Armor) at long gathering place for all of her people, the Both of these are treasures without
range, Armor 5, and three Coral Cathedral is a significant undersea equal, found virtually nowhere else in
or four other abilities as location. Although it is primarily a seafloor
the world. If the characters learn of
complex carved out of deep coral, the either or both, they might travel to the
cathedral itself is located in a coral sphere cathedral without further prompting, or
Nilstone, page 49 that hovers, suspended in the water, above a wealthy aristocrat could employ them
the rest of the complex. Within this sphere to retrieve one or the other.
are gateways to two other universesone In an entirely different sort of
called Ujehaar, and the other called the Roil. adventure, the PCs could be part of
Thanks to the ultraterrestrial connection, an envoy interested in establishing
in addition to their normal formidable more friendly relations with the octopi.
technology, the octopuses here possess a The Sea King of Ghan, for one, might
Ghan, page 145 material called illavium, which is a stone sponsor such an expedition, as he
that heals its own damage, among other desires their knowledge of the ocean
things, and a drug called startal that can and its mysteries. Such an envoy
grant immortality. would not be welcome, but persuasive
The queen is rarely in residence, but when diplomats might be able to accomplish
she is, the cathedral is far more active, more something.
heavily staffed, and much more fiercely
A pathway through the invisible corridors They still have the means of communicating Invisible corridors,
leads to a location within 2 miles (3 km) of subtly through changes in skin color and page 12
the Coral Cathedral, although the nearest texture, but they do so rarely. Theyve never
surface access is more than 50 miles (80 had a verbal language and their need to
km) away, and the path is a total of 75 miles write is quite limited. Even today, among the
(120 km) long. most sophisticated octopuses, perhaps one
Underwater travel in a vehicle, like a in ten can read and write.
submergine, would provide the most direct Submergine, page 11
access to the cathedral.
There are many varieties of octopuses, but
SURVIVAL IN THE they share basic physical and personality
CORAL CATHEDRAL traits. Most believe that their form has not
The entirety of the Coral Cathedral changed drastically in the last billion and a
is underwater, so surface-dwelling half years. Generally speaking, octopuses Despite being happily
characters need some way of breathing are aloof to the point of xenophobia. They Earthbound, octopuses
and coping with the pressure and the rarely willingly mix with other intelligent are well aware of other
cold temperatures. The octopuses dont species (aquatic or otherwise). Interaction worlds, both those circling
the sun and those in
welcome outsidersparticularly surface with non-octopodes seems to be a futile orbit around other suns.
dwellersso they make no concessions for, waste of time to most. Its like talking to
nor offer assistance in, any of these matters. a stone, orperhaps more accuratelya
spark from a fire before it winks out.
No one knows the history of the octopi, and
they arent telling. What they do say is that
they have always been as sophisticated and
advanced as they are now. They have, in
their own minds, no origin tale.
Even though it seems unlikely, the octopi
have watched the evolution of other species.
They have seen them come and go. Theyve
watched as new civilizations have risen and
fallenreshaping the globe more than once
with their knowledgeand for the most
part stayed well clear of all of them.
From their perspective, a new intelligent
race evolves or arrives from elsewhere,
flourishes for a few million years, and then
either leaves or dies out. In that time, they
likely make quite a fussconsuming natural
resources, changing the environment,
populating the land and the sea, inflicting
incredible destruction in wars or raising up
fantastic creations, and so onbut to the
octopi, even ten million years is a short,
temporary stint.
Thus, octopuses have little to share about
the prior worlds, even if they wanted to.
To them, the worlds are fleeting. They are
simply not worth noting.
Some people believe that long ago,
octopuses were solitary, nonsocial creatures
that communicated through their skins
ability to shift colors. If true, that all ended
when octopi evolved telepathic powers.
Even among their own kind, octopi are They closely guard these secrets, but when
not the most social creatures. Each lives they need to, an octopus might be able to
alone in its own small space and enjoys use a subtle application of a specialized
solitude. Only over hundreds of millions of substance to gain the ability to fight better,
years did they learn that true success and swim faster, or do something even more
security needed at least a certain amount of dramatic. These alterations are usually
cooperation. And that required leadership temporary, basically making them cyphers
and thus a queen. from a human perspective. However, they
are difficult for nonhumans to use, as they
are small capsules that must be broken,
OCTOPUS TECHNOLOGY with a tiny bit of liquid inside designed to be
People who encounter octopuses usually absorbed through the skin. For a human to
believe that they have inexplicable, mystical use a capsule, it must be placed in the eye
powers. Even those learned in the ways of and then broken so the liquid enters the body
the numenera note that octopuses do not directly. This is painful.
usually wield recognizable devices of any Some of the biotechnological alterations
kind. This is because octopus technology are permanent, more or less. Over the
takes two forms, and neither presents itself millennia, they have enhanced octopus
as obvious devices using electricity with brains, physiques, sizes, and ability. The
buttons or screens. creatures have, in a sense, taken control
of their own evolution. One secret that
BIOTECHNOLOGY the octopodes guard particularly well is
Through unknown means, octopuses shape their virtual immortality. For all intents
and control living organisms like tools. The and purposes, they have arrested the very
Coral Cathedral, for example, was formed by concept of aging, and they did so long
creating specific types of coral and controlling ago. Although modern octopodes are still
them to craft particular shapes and spaces. vulnerable to harm, barring violence, they
Another form of biotechnology arises from do not die. The current queen, for example,
the octopuses ability to alter themselves. is well over a million years old.
ULTRATERRESTRIAL TECHNOLOGY warping. They call these swim portals, and Could illavium be
Long ago, octopuses broke down the they are designed so that only octopi can use composed of natural
barriers between universes. They explored them. Most are hoops of illavium no larger nanites, rather than the
products of fantastic
these strange regions and eventually than 2 feet (60 cm) across. By swimming
technology, like that of
discovered a world called Ujehaar. The through one narrow hoop and exiting from the prior worlds? Most
thing they found most significant about another, an octopus can cross vast distances. people who are learned
Ujehaar is a mineral called illavium. Swim portals help the queen rule what is very in the ways of such things
Through means mysterious, this material likely the largest empire on Earth. would never believe it,
hosts nanoparticles that obey the will of an but in all the (possibly
infinite) universes, is
octopus. They have used it to create objects OCTOPUS WEAPONRY AND anything impossible?
called nilstones, but non-octopi who have DEFENSE
gotten their hands on illavium have been In melee, octopus warriors use harpoonlike
able to use it to create objects that heal weapons or grapple with their tentacles.
damage, or add the mineral to existing That said, they rarely engage in melee. Ujehaar (pronunciation):
objects so they heal existing damage. Most of their offensive and defensive
Nilstones: Physical octopus technology capabilities are telepathically triggered
uses what are called nilstones. Small nanotechnological devices of their creation.
objects of what look like mundane This means that only beings with some An illavium item repairs
stone, the nilstones contain millions of kind of telepathic or mental abilities, or damage at a rate of
ultraterrestrial nanoparticles receptive those trained at harnessing the power of about 1 point per hour (if
damage to an item is not
to octopus telepathy. Depending on the nanoparticles (such as many nanos), can
being tracked, assume
design, a nilstone can be used as a weapon, activate these weapons. a damaged item is fully
a tool, or even more fantastic things. repaired in 28 hours). A
Spatial Expansion: Octopus technology ARTIFACTS destroyed illavium item
sometimes incorporates an unknown restores itself completely
means of expanding space. This is not so BOILING ROD in one day per level. The
only way to completely
much an extradimensional space, nor does Level: 1d6 + 3 destroy an illavium item
it create a bigger on the inside than the Form: Short baton with a glowing red is total disintegration,
outside effect. Instead, the device literally nodule at one tip melting, or something
creates more space. It expands the size of Effect: Inflicts points of damage equal to the similar.
the universe on a minute scale. Instantly artifacts level on anyone touched by the
created atmosphere (or, much more likely, tip.
water) comes into being to fill the new Use of a boiling rod underwater (which is
space. If this technology is used near the most of the time) creates a cloud of
ocean floor (or, in theory, on the ground steamy bubbles that obscure vision like
on the surface), land also is created by the fog. They persist for one round after
effect, as similar as possible to the original each use.
land at the point of activation. The device Depletion: 1 in 1d20
does not create living creatures or plants,
nor any kind of organic material. BURSTER
Octopuses use this technology to Level: 1d6 + 4
instantly create cavelike homes within what Form: Pair of synth spheres with a curved
were once tiny crevices in a small rock, or handle
to turn a small cave into a much larger one. Effect: Affects a target within short range,
They use it as a weapon to create empty causing a terrible rent to burst in its
spaces inside the bodies of their foes. They flesh. Against a nonliving target, the
use it for defense to put space between burster likewise tears matter apart,
themselves and a foe. expanding the space between the
Use of this technology over the last billion existing portions. The potential victim
years or so has actually increased the size of makes a Might defense roll. On a
Earth, although no one knows for sure how success, nothing occurs. On a failure,
much. the victim sustains damage equal to the
Swim Portals: Octopuses have perfected artifacts level.
the technology of instantaneous travel Depletion: 1 in 1d20
by harnessing transdimensional spatial
POLAR TOUCH space to accomplish thisor to put it
Level: 1d6 + 3 another way, the device expands space.
Octopi do not worship a Form: Long pike with a softly glowing This is a permanent change.
god, and the cathedral is nodule at the tip rather than a sharp
not a place of worship in
that sense. The nearest
any human has come to Effect: The tip of this long melee weapon
understand, or is likely drastically and immediately lowers the THE QUEENS CITY
capable of understanding, temperature of whatever it touches. You would never know that there was a
is that octopuses worship A target struck by this weapon suffers city of almost 10,000 individuals around
octopuses. That is, they points of damage equal to the artifacts the coral reef in which the queen keeps her
see their species as a
whole as the pinnacle
level. cathedral. This is because octopus homes
of life on Earth and Use of a polar touch underwater (which is are small, hidden, and fairly well spread out.
worthy of veneration. most of the time) also freezes the water To the untrained eye, the area seems like a
This means, in a sense, around the target. Characters who fail a typical deep seabed. Most individuals keep
that all individual Might defense roll are hindered for one gardens and schools of fish that they farm
octopuses are holy in
round, which increases the difficulty of for their own food.
each others eyes, which
helps prevent them from all physical actions by one step.
hurting or betraying each Depletion: 1 in 1d20
other. In fact, octopus- THE CATHEDRAL
on-octopus violence is CYPHERS The Coral Cathedral consists of the portion
extraordinarily rare. on the ocean floor, called the Lower
SAFE DISTANCE Cathedral, and the suspended orb, which is
Level: 1d6 + 2 sometimes called the Sanctum.
Usable: A cube about 1.5 inches (4 cm) to a The Coral Cathedral is one of the homes
side, made of utterly ordinary stone of the queen, but she is almost never here.
Effect: The space between the user and Instead, she tours about the ocean with a
an adjacent target increases to a long grand retinue, visiting her subjects across
distance. The device literally stretches the world.
Octopuses are very likely the most widespread of all intelligent underwater
species. They are disliked by virtually all aquatic peoples and creatures,
and the feeling is mutual.
Entrances and exits throughout the here, the rest either with the queen or out If the PCs come to the
cathedral are almost never at ground level, among the populace. There are always an Coral Cathedral, the
as they were designed for and by swimmers. equal number of underlings here. GM should decide if the
queen is present. If she is
Throughout the Lower Cathedral, all
not, the cathedral is still
manner of normal sea animals swim, crawl, THE GATHERING a dangerous place, but if
and scuttle about the coral. In fact, there This is the main area of the cathedral, at she is present, any sort of
are more such creatures than one would least as far as most visitors are concerned. violence there will bring
normally expect at this depth, as they are There are typically a few dozen octopuses literal armies of octopi
tended by the octopuses. here, most in calm contemplation of upon the characters.
themselves, their species, and their place in
ENTRANCE TO THE LOWER time and space.
CATHEDRAL If more than twenty individual octopuses
This area is open (octopi rarely use doors) gather here, space begins to warp.
but protected by four guards with level 7 Specifically, it expands and contracts. To the Guard: as standard
boiling rods. There are usually a half dozen octopi, this is normal. They can navigate octopus, page 146
other octopuses here at any given time. this effect without issue. To any other
creature, this expansion and contraction
THE SILVER HEAD OF WISDOM is disorienting, nauseating, and even
Just inside the entrance is a massive maddening. All such creatures must make
sculpture that appears to be an octopus both a Might defense roll and an Intellect The Silver Head of
without tentacles. It is telepathic and defense roll each round. Wisdom is a level 6
sentient, and exists only to offer wisdom, Failed Might Defense Roll: The creature artificial intelligence.
insight, and advice to all who ask. It does suffers 2 points of ambient damage as
not have much knowledge of its own and space pushes and pulls against his body.
cannot predict the future. Worse, nausea sets in, and the difficulty
of all actions increases by one step until
THE YOBI the lost points are restored. This penalty
This area consists of a central chamber cumulatively gets worse with each failed Yobi: as standard
surrounded by a number of private Might defense roll. octopus, page 146, except
chambers. These side chambers are only 5 Failed Intellect Defense Roll: The creature level 5 for all Intellect-
based tasks
to 6 feet (1.5 to 1.8 m) across, and entrances suffers 2 points of Intellect damage (ignores
are located up and down the walls of the Armor). The creature has a difficult time Yobi underling: as
central chamber as well as at ground level. coping with the spatial warping. She can standard octopus,
The yobi serve many roles in octopus close her eyes and take no action in the page 146
society. They are the closest things the round. Otherwise, she suffers 2 more
cathedral has to priests, and they shepherd points of Intellect damage (ignores Armor).
the general populace, offering counseling Further, the difficulty of any action she takes
and, in some cases, serving as judges in that round is increased by one step until the
disputes. They are also the queens advisors lost points are restored.
and administrators. Both Defense Rolls Successful: The
The yobi employ a number of servants creature suffers no damage, but she is
and underlings: messengers, guards, law disoriented and the difficulty of all actions is
enforcement, and administrative aides. increased by one step for one round.
These underlings do not live here full time,
but instead live in the Queens City. THE INNER GARDEN
If the queen is in residence, there are The octopi have cultivated a huge garden
typically thirty yobi in this area. If she is not of underwater plants here, and within the
present, there are about a half dozen yobi vast coral cavern they have erected a sort of
false sun in the ceiling that provides enough creature adapted to water (any breathing
light and heat to sustain the plants that apparatus that allows air breathers to
otherwise would not survive at this depth. function underwater works in the Roil as
There are typically at least a half dozen well). There are no pressure dangers in the
octopi here, contemplating as in the Roil, though the liquid is always moving
Gathering. and churning violently. Octopuses find this
Tentacle plant: level 4; Among the various plants are six tentacle invigorating and thrilling. For non-native
rooted in place but can plants. These are trained not to attack swimmers in the Roil, the difficulty of
stretch to attack foes up octopuses, but other creatures are fair moving through the liquid is increased by
to a short distance away;
creatures even touching
game. two steps.
the plant must make an The octopuses have special communities
Intellect defense roll to PORTAL TO THE ROIL in the Roil and those that visit the alternate
avoid suffering 3 points Although a single guard stands watch over universe frequently undergo physical
of Intellect damage this swirling blue and white portal, access training with others of their kind to become
and seeing distracting
is granted to any who wish to pass through. even more proficient swimmers. Octopuses
hallucinations that
increase the difficulty The portal is a circle 30 feet (10 m) across. that take on martial roles train here in mock
of all actions by two All octopi spend at least some of their combats.
steps (hallucinations lives in an alternate universe that they
stop when the Intellect call the Roil. The Roil is a universe that is ENTRANCE TO THE SANCTUM
damage is restored) seemingly comprised entirely of liquid. This A narrow hoop here serves as a swim portal
liquid, while not water, sustains life for any to the entrance of the Sanctum.
Octopuses have little to share about the prior worlds, even if they wanted to. To
them, the worlds are fleeting. They are simply not worth noting.
This area is open, but an artificially orange. If presented with a powerful foe,
induced current makes swimming into or in particular multiple foes, it spawns a
the entrance more difficult, decreasing swarm of tiny versions of itself, each about
movement by half. Four guards maintain the size of a regular eel. These creatures Guard: as standard
a watch here, each armed with a level 7 swarm around foes, befuddling and biting octopus (page 146),
freezing touch. them. The Monster has no concern for its except each is an
exceptionally strong
A small hoop here serves as a swim portal young. It spawns them frequently, usually swimmer
back down to the Lower Cathedral. devouring most of them itself.
Ninth World? What a ridiculous term. From our perspective, there has
been one world. Even from yours, nine seems like an arbitrary number. But
then, your perspective really doesnt count. How could you possibly comprehend
the time that has passed before you? Why would anyone think your outlook
on such things might matter?
Long, long ago, before the land of man, before The City of Rust is named for the orange
the time of the eight-legs and the two-heads, metal that forms its main structures, and
before the water bubbled up to form the for the dried-blood hue of the water around
bowl of the sea, there was only one city. An it (due to leaching from the metal). Once
enormous, wondrous city. A city of giants and the city had another name, but no one alive
gods. A city like no other. remembers what it was. Not even the Book
~inscription in the Hall of Scin of the Scin tells of its name, nor have the
gods deigned to whisper it aloud these
many years.
GM SUMMARY The citys inhabitants know only the
The City of Rust is a bustling underwater names of their four machine gods, passed
city of more than 10,000 inhabitants, down from generation to generation. They
the vast majority of whom are skeane, an have been changed and warped with each
amphibious race that is at home on dry land new mouth around the words until to most,
as well as in the water. The city is also home the names of the powerful have become Varjellen, page 121
to a variety of other humans and even a mere single syllables of what they once
few varjellen. Not surprisingly, amphibious were:
races such as the echryni find Rust a Ka The echryni are
companionable place to live. A few marine Em amphibious humanoids
who hail from an
races like the octopi or the vroaordun can Sa archipelago called the
be found there as well. The only thing that is Ny Rayskel Cays. Theyre
obviously missing is mutants. strong swimmers who
Led by priests called Veds, the citys The Four Scylines. The protectors. The can control and change
inhabitants worship, fear, and sacrifice destroyers. the structure of water.
For more information,
to four volatile and benevolent machine
see the Ninth World
gods, the Four Scylines. Another leader, the Guidebook, page 216.
Russet, is supposed to be in charge of the THE CULTURE OF THE
secular elements of the city, but the current CITY OF RUST Echryni: level 3
Russet is young and her foolhardy behavior Rust feels very much like a city torn between
is creating tension. gods and monsters. The majority of Octopus, page 146
inhabitants are devout believers in the Four
Vroaordun, page 157
Scylines, but some follow a more secular
WELCOME TO THE path, seeking a leader to guide them.
Rust consists of a number of buildings and THE VEDS
tunnels that spread out across the ocean The Veds are five high priests who watch Ved: level 5; Armor 2
floor. A mile or so outside of the main city, and listen to the gods constantly for signs
in four directions, stand the citys machine of displeasure. They currently guide the city
gods, the Four Scylines. Each has its own in taking the proper actions to keep each
personality and its own needs, and much of god happy, aided by lesser priests known as
the citys daily activity goes toward pacifying scyros. Scyro: level 3
and placating these giant deities.
Veds can hear the gods and can talk to two Russets. She was crowned the leader
the scyros via their telepathic abilities. They when she was six days old and has been
coat their flesh in a waxy hazel substance ruling in one form or another ever since. She
Mask of the Will: level and wear cloaks made of long metal strips wears the Mask of the Will, an artifact passed
7; constantly shrouds that they believe increase their telepathic from one Russet to the next. It shrouds
wearer in a sheen of ice connection to the gods. her face in a mask of shifting ice, provides
that gives +1 to Armor
Armor, and allows her to emit a dangerous
and, when activated,
emits a blast of cold in all THE RUSSET blast of cold to all targets within short range.
directions, doing 5 points There is another ruler who has long vied Mostly, Thruird is guided by her trusted
of damage to all targets for power: the Russet. The City of Rust has advisor Enthum. Enthum is truly a stand-
within short range not always had a Russet, but it has had one up counselor, urging Thruird toward good,
for long enough that all but a few forget the smart choices for the city. Guiding a teenager
Enthum: level 4; tasks
related to diplomacy as
origins of the post. with a great deal of power is never an easy
level 5 The original Russet was Tanress, one task, however, and Enthum, for all her good
of the first humans who made their way intentions, usually fails to get the Russet to
to the city long ago. Tanress came as a do much of anything other than scowl, half-
prisoner, brought in by scyros who found burn down the city with her ice armor, and
her attempting to injure Ny with machines alternate between being the powerful center
and hammering devices. Tanress, however, of attention and crying that she wants to go
could convince nearly anyone of anything home to her mother. In light of this, Enthum
and quickly talked her way not only out of has begun taking over the leadership role of
jail, but also into the hearts of those who the city, all in the name of Thruird.
didnt believe in the power of the Four. She Enthum works closely with the Veds,
set herself up as the rogue leader of the city, attempting to calm the anger and divisiveness
despite the protests of the Veds. that has been rising between the two factions
Now, the current Russet is a human for so many years. Of course, every time
Thruird: level 3; wears teenager named Thruird, a name that means Enthum makes headway of any kind, Thruird
the Mask of the Will third incarnation. She is believed to be the does something stupid and knocks the
third incarnation of Tanress. When Thruird relationship back a step. Thruird is sometimes
was born, the entirety of her eyes were a rust- derisively called Baby Em by the people,
colored hue, a trait shared by the previous because her cold abilities remind them of Ems.
to her typical red state. If not, the purple and melted into a type of sticky liquid. Then
flames rise higher. they are transported to Sa and stuffed into
The last time Em was displeased, she the cracks of the orbs.
exploded just as a team of scyros was When Sa is pleased, there is a general
presenting the offering. Six of them were sense of wellness and health among the
killed outright, and four more were injured. population of Rust.
Sa is the god of the north. The god of the Ny is the most volatile of the gods.
white. The god of death. Three-gendered and Although most wouldnt say it aloud for fear
three-faced, Sa is also the god of disease of calling down his ire, many think of Ny as
particularly the Drown, an infection that kills the baby god due to his tantrums. Ny rules
more skeane than anything else. Sa takes the weather, and the weather around Rust
the form of a tall, three-sided tower topped can change abruptly with little warning. Nys
by a group of off-white orbs, interconnected color is the grey of shadows.
and ever-changing. The appearance of the Ny is a giant tripod of metal and stone.
In Rust, many mutations orbs is akin to a sac of eggs that constantly Of all the gods, he looks the most like
are considered to be moves due to the growing creatures inside skeane, which is still only a little bit: he
physical signs of an
it. Sa gives very little warning of impending has a large beaklike shape on each leg that
infection. Those with
discernable mutations ire, other than one or more orbs cracking is deeply carved with ancient runes and
who wish to enter the city open. Typically the action is so small and markings. When Ny throws a tantrum, the
may be quarantined for happens so fast that its hard for the Veds to beaks opensometimes all at once, and
days or even weeks. catch. Once, long ago, the Veds stationed a sometimes slowly, one at a timeand
constant watch of scyros at the site of Sa, but the weather changes. Ice folds, a type of
Upon entering the city, the god seemed to resent the intrusion and underwater snow that turns into smoke and
characters who have was angry much more often. Now the Veds then freezes into folds, are common. Ice
no artificial means of watch from afar in the towers and hope that folds are often followed by push glaciers,
breathing and have not they catch the warning signs in time. large ice structures that form below Nys
had an ooroma shot When the orbs crack open, nothing body and get shoved toward the city by an
must make a level 4
Might defense roll or
appears to come out of them. And yet, unseen force. Rarer, but far more dangerous,
suffer the short-term shortly after, there is almost always a rise in is boiling rain, drops of lavalike liquid that
effects of becoming instances of not only the Drown, but other ooze out of Nys beaks and increase the
water-locked. Those who infections and diseases as well. temperature of the water to near boiling.
become water-locked Prayers to Sa are Living Prayers, in which There is little that the inhabitants of Rust
must make a second
supplicants offer small pieces of their can do to keep Ny from throwing a tantrum.
level 4 Might defense roll
or suffer the long-term flesh, blood, hair, or other body parts as The god can be placated only by Prayers of
effects of becoming appeasement to the god. The parts are Sacrifice. Typically, it is three scyros who make
water-locked. collected in large containers around the city this sacrifice, a trio swimming out to the god
in unison. The three perform an elaborate
dance of undoing around the goda dance
designed to keep them from dying in the
unleashed storm while distracting Nyand
then each slides into one of the open beaks.
The beaks close around them, and Ny falls
into silence. For now.
In order to enter the city, a visitor must Once someone has entered the city safely Ooro is very similar to
pass through one of the three gatehouses. for the first time, she is issued a passtag. the oxygen-rich water
The gatehouses are complicated structures The passtag shows that she has taken the found in the invisible
corridors and may be
with a number of porous and semiporous orientation and is safe to pass undeterred. related.
membranes that visitors must walk or swim
through to reach the inner city. Invisible corridors,
Skeane are amphibious creatures, but SKEANE page 12
rather than breathing pure air or water, they Skeane are furred, feathered, and webbed in
When skeane say
enjoy breathing a special oxygen-rich liquid grey and white, with strips of orange-yellow
the word "ooro," its
that they call ooro. Thus, the inner city is around their faces and along the edges soundless, more of a
filled not with air or water, but ooro. When of their bellies. Their heads are similar to bubbling gesture of the
humans and other non-skeane enter the those of both dolphins and birds, with soft, mouth than a sound.
inner city, they may become temporarily pointed bills, small teeth, and long tongues. It is onomatopoeic,
water-locked. Their lungs quickly fill with Skeane have three sets of multipurpose designed to represent
the sound that bubbles
ooro, which their body is unable to process. limbs. On the ground, they stand on the
make when leaving the
Within two minutes, oxygen deprivation back two sets and use the front set much in lungs and reentering the
occurs and shock begins to settle in. Most the way that humans do. When swimming, liquid upon exhale. It has
peoples bodies are able to adapt to the they can use all three sets, along with their no written equivalent,
liquid air before severe convulsions set in. A kite-shaped tails, to speed through the nor does it have a Truth
few, however, never adapt. Without treatment water, or they can move more slowly and translation.
or assistance, they suffer more serious deliberately, using their front limbs to hold
Typical skeane: level
consequences, such as brain injury or death. 4; swimming, resisting
Those who do adapt find that breathing disease and poison, and
fluid becomes natural, but it also strips all Intellect-based tasks
their lungs of their protective coating. To as level 5; attacks and
avoid gettingand possibly spreading defense rolls as level
3; often has a random
an infection, visitors are required to drink cypher
a fishy-smelling medicinal potion called
florrine once per day. They can purchase
florrine from the shops in the large building
known as the Point. Anyone who is tested
by one of the city guards and doesnt come
up with traces of florrine in his retinas is
quarantined and fined.
A second alternative for visitors is to get an
ooroma shot. This injection allows someone
to begin breathing the ooro without any risk
of becoming water-locked. A large syringe
filled with dark green liquid is injected
through the chest directly into both lungs,
one a time. The procedure is known by
those whove had it, and those who give it,
as the lung slug for its intense feeling that
someone just punched the air out of your
chest. Its not uncommon for someone to
begin the ooroma shot process, get one lung
injected, and then change her mind without
getting the second one done. A single
injection, however, offers no benefit.
Last, those who enter the city for the first
time must sit through a short orientation
about the Four Scylines. This five-minute
presentation ensures that visitors know the
rules and do not accidentally provoke the
gods into action.
A PC can be a skeane rather than a Skill: You are trained in the numenera.
human. Such a character would be native Skill: You are trained in swimming.
to the City of Rust. Rather than having Skill: You are trained in study,
a normal descriptor, the characters contemplation, or mental concentration.
descriptor would be Skeane. These player Skill: You are trained in crafting.
characters might be somewhat awkward Inability: You are susceptible to
on land compared to other PCs, but contagious diseases. The difficulty of
they would obviously excel in the water, resisting disease or poison is increased by
and would be wonderful additions to an one step.
extended campaign in the deep. Inability: Youre fast but not fierce. The
difficulty of tasks involving combat
SKEANE CHARACTERISTICS including attack and defense rollsis
All skeane characters have the following increased by one step.
characteristics: Extra Equipment: One of your starting
Fast Finned: Your Speed Edge increases cyphers is one that you created yourself,
by 1. and thus you can work with the GM to
Amphibious: You can breathe air or determine what it is.
The main center of the city consists of market. If something is worth being bought,
three large buildings: the Point and two sold, or traded, then it is available to be
Pikes. Outside this center are the metal bought, sold, or traded.
gods known as the Four Scylines: Ka, Em, Of particular interest is the various
Sa, and Ny. equipment created by skeane crafters. They
are renowned for the ability to turn scavenged
THE GATEHOUSES and dismantled items into new, useful objects.
The city is accessed via the three gatehouses Devices with multiple usessuch as a light
that are attached to each of the three main that is also a projectile weapon that is also a
structures. These round buildings are filled storage itemare their specialty.
with an orange glow that rises up through The market is carefully designed to be a
the clear floors. Beneath the floors are winding maze that forces you to walk by the
duons, bioluminescent snails held captive in most glamorous, enticing shops first, and Duon: level 1; Armor 2
giant tanks for their warm orange light. then past the scareshopswhich attempt
Each gatehouse has at least six guards to sell disease protection, longer life, and
on duty at all times, as well as a number safer passagebefore you finally arrive at
of porous and semiporous membranes. the section that offers basic necessities
Visitors must pass through all of them, from such as food.
water to air to ooro, to arrive at the inner city. A second, smaller market has four shops
The guards keep the peace and ensure that organized in a square. Each of the shops
everyone who enters is free from infection. is named for the god it serves and offers
various forms of sacrificial and prayer
THE POINT objects designed specifically for that god.
The Point is the largest of the three The markets seem to take any currency,
structures and considered to be the true including barters, stories from faraway lands,
heart of the city. Here, you can find the main handwritten money, and shins (though
marketa large, permanent structure full of shop owners have very little use for them).
handcrafted equipment, scavenged goods, In fact, because the city provides for most
common items, and more. There is no black of the needs of the inhabitants, those who
Being master crafters, skeane make many types of Level: 5
equipment, from simpler ways to cook and serve food Form: These backpack-like objects are custom made
to fierce weapons and unique devices. Many of these to fit the wearer.
artifacts are focused on the typical life of a skeane Effect: Small living creatures on the inside of the pack
and are for use in liquid, but skeane are ever-curious, insert their spines painlessly into the back of the
always willing to tackle a new creation challenge. wearer. They monitor and relate bodily functions,
surrounding weather conditions, and incoming
DEVOTEE dangers. A pack costs the equivalent of 10 shins.
Level: 6 Depletion: 1 in 1d20
Form: Large cylinder with a strong light at one end
and a medium projectile weapon at the other. An PERCEIVE ALL
exterior plug allows it to power another device at Level: 4
the same time. Despite its size, a devotee is nearly Form: A perceive all, sometimes just called a percy, is
weightless in the water. Devotees are typically a small device that fits over the eyes.
made to order and must be created in the name Effect: Makes the wearer blind to whatevers right in
of one of the Four, with the appropriate prayers front of her, but enables her to see, smell, and
and sacrifices made each day that the device is hear things that she otherwise wouldnt be able
being worked on. They can take up to a month to to. The percy is connected remotely to a series
be finished and typically cost the equivalent of 30 of small nanoswimmers that spread out through
shins. the water in an invisible cloud. The user tells the
Effect: Serves as a medium projectile weapon, a light, nanoswimmers how far to go, in what direction,
and a power source for another device at the same and what sensory details to pay attention to. The
time. Particularly useful on long-term scavenging nanoswimmers relay everything they experience
trips when one wants to travel light. back to the wearers brain, which triggers the
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 appropriate senses. A low-quality percy has half
a dozen uses before it burns out, but it costs the
equivalent of only 5 or 6 shins. A percy eternal
lasts much longer but can cost as much as the
equivalent of 25 shins.
Depletion: Low-quality percy: 1-2 in 1d6; percy eternal:
1 in 1d100
THE CITY OF RUST HEARSAY guards will pay well for anyone who can
Fire and Ice: Someone has stolen a uncover evidence or find Ouhu and the
necklace from the Russet. She hasnt even automaton, both of which have been
noticed that its missing, but Enthum has missing since the murder.
and, on the sly, is asking people to keep an
eye out for anyone starting endothermic THE WEIRD OF THE CITY OF RUST
fires. It seems the necklace contains a Small Gods: A crafter on a scavenging
small bit of the Russet's ice abilities and is expedition recently came back with tales
quite dangerous in the wrong hands. of another god far out from the city. He
claims it is almost identical to Ny, only
A Grievous Error: A visitor named larger, and it talked to him.
Taisnel recently commissioned a crafter
named Ouhu to create an automaton The Reach: One of Kas blue tendrils has
that would serve as a friend and begun to reach toward the surface. The
companion. Something went wrong, tendril seems to lengthen every few days,
and the automaton killed Taisnel. City as if its growing toward an unseen goal.
A brilliantly white mountainous island that the surface ice that often forms in the
moves, Niress is outwardly a particularly far southern latitudes where icedrifts
Niress pronunciation: large sheet of floating ice that the learned form naturally. Finding such a ship isnt
call an icedrift. It measures about 80 miles insurmountable. More difficult is identifying
(130 km) long and 20 miles (32 km) wide, which icedrift is Niress, then finding a way
giving it a surface area larger than some past the frozen exterior into the hollowed
islandsand thats just the ten percent core. A few high doors exist on exposed
of Niress visible above water. But unlike mountains that reach skyward above water,
other icedrifts, Niress isnt a lifeless chunk including one that opens onto the estathin
Mation, page 70 of frozen seawater. Its gargantuan interior retreat of Mation. Several water tunnels
is tunneled and hollowed. Life thrives in allow access from below, including those
Shatonin, page 72 those frigid caves, caves that mostly lie far surrounding the omath city of Shatonin.
Frieth, page 71
beneath sea level, though many are not In addition, a hidden portal connects the
drowned. Legends say there were once three city of Arxil in the Frozen South with the
Invisible corridors, inhabited icedrifts that plied the oceans. If city of Frieth of Niress. Most creatures on
page 12 true, those sibling icy flows are no more; either end dont realize it exists. Arxilites
only Niress remains. know that sometimes, their citizens just go
missing. Estathin in Frieth never approach
the plinth on which humans sometimes
GM SUMMARY appear, understanding its ability to snatch
The much-tunneled interior of the icedrift away the unwary to an unknown fate.
Estathin, page 66 of Niress is inhabited by estathin and Other methods described in the
omaths. Niress is artificially maintained introduction may also take explorers
Omath, page 147 by a machine at the icedrifts root called from dry land into Niress. Sometimes the
Nalranin, page 74 Nalranin, which the primitive estathin invisible corridors intersect with the drifting
worship like a god, and which the more passage of the lower water tunnels, for
technical omaths seek to study and exploit. instance.
For its part, Nalranin remains enigmatic.
The heat-draining field it exerts across all
Arxil is home to about of Niress makes the freezing temperatures SURVIVAL IN NIRESS
15,000 people. It is a even more severe. However, that same field It is brutally cold in Niresssupernaturally
city built amid the ruins sustains the estathin and a much larger so, in fact, thanks to a field generated
of one from the prior ecosystem within Niresss frozen caves by Nalranin at the icedrifts root. This
worlds. Many items of and tunnels. Great blots of darkness called field penetrates even warm clothing to
the numenera in Arxil
Frozen Cores dot the icedrift, each trapping suck heat away, except for creatures that
rely on cold and ice to
function. in cold stasis something thats valuable, are somehow tuned to the field. Native
dangerous, or hard to explain. creatures, flora, and fauna actually enjoy
the opposite effect and are sustained
and warmed by Nalranins influence. As
GETTING TO NIRESS such, natives suffer no penalties from the
If a traveler wanted to find Niress, she cold, but other characters require proper
would need a large ship, one with a protection, usually in the form of warm
strong prow capable of breaking through clothing, including gloves, face mask, and
insulated boots. Even then, the cold gets FLORA AND FAUNA
in. Explorers soon find that frost begins to OF NIRESS
form around their nose and mouth, metal Plants and animals live in Niress, though
dangerously and instantly adheres to bare their adaptations to the extreme cold of
flesh, and frostbitten fingers and toes are a Nalranins influence can make them almost
real possibility. unrecognizable to explorers from the surface.
Even with warm clothing that protects In fact, grasses, trees, and animals draw
against natural cold, creatures not entirely energy from the field produced by Nalranin,
immune to or protected from the influence the machine frozen into the root of the
of Nalranins heat-draining field (an artifact icedrift. Nalranin beams power to plants and
or cypher that protects against cold will do) other entities adapted to receiving and using
must attempt a Might defense roll with a that energy. The most obvious and important South of the Steadfast
difficulty of 4 once each day. On a failure, side effect of this beamed power is the and the Beyond lies a
realm of cold and year-
the traveler suffers 5 points of damage from supernatural cold that pervades Niress. In
round snow called the
the cold. fact, Nalranin is why Niress first formed and Frozen South, most of
Natives and visitors alike must weather is responsible for maintaining it. which lies beyond what
the icequakes that periodically shake the The grasses that grow on ice cave walls is known as the Southern
caves and caverns of Niress. Usually, are like brush bristles made of silver, and Wall, a seemingly
shaking lasts for less than a minute, but the shrubs and trees are tall with flattened impassible barrier of ice.
some icequakes can last much longer, and canopies of leaves that glow blue light. The
during these events, the normally secure light shed from the vegetation is the chief
tunnels and caverns can collapse. This is form of illumination in Niress.
why natives build low, domelike structures The beasts, vermin, and other creatures
in their cities, in case one day the ice vault that inhabit the frozen tunnels are usually
their community is built within collapses. clothed entirely in shaggy hair that looks
white to human eyes. The beasts eat each
other and the ice-adapted foliage, while the
foliage sustains itself almost entirely on the
energy beamed from Nalranin.
Gorm: level 5, resists and the amorphous, heat-draining gorm
most physical attacks as
Niress is not so different in external that consumes everything.
level 6; health 30; makes
aspect from other icedrifts that float Besides these examples, many more
up to three tentacle
attacks at once; heat- in the seas, which could make it hard creatures and plants, most of them not
draining tentacles inflict to find. Because it drifts, the massive so dangerous, are rampant in the icy-cold
3 additional points of icedrift could show up along nearly any corridors of Niress. All of them ultimately rely
Speed damage (ignores on the great machine Nalranin at the root.
coast. (Niress also sometimes moves
Armor) if a target fails a
Might defense roll according to enigmatic whims of the
machine Nalranin.) Though humans
generally do not live upon the icedrift NATIVE RACES OF NIRESS
or within its tunneled interior, the Two distinct races of intelligent beings are
estathin are humanoid enough to pass prominent in Niress: estathin and omaths.
as humans when encountered. The Between them, three hundred thousand
theme of Niress is twofold: religious intelligent creatures inhabit the caves and
observance on the part of the estathin, corridors of the immense, never-melting
and studious exploration and research icedrift.
on the part of the omaths. PCs face
unbelievable cold while exploring ESTATHIN
Niress, but they might be drawn to Estathin resemble humans, but they are
do so to penetrate the crust of one of shorter, rounder, and far paler, and they
the Frozen Cores that dot the icedrifts have a silky pelt of hair over most of their
interior. Meeting and interacting with bodies. Estathin wear clothing but do not
the estathin could be dangerous, but require it to survive within Niress; they
PCs could maneuver the encounter are naturally immune to the chill because
in their favor by showing off their they possess a connection with Nalranin
mastery over any artifacts or cyphers similar to that of the flora. Although that
they might own. On the other hand, connection isnt enough to completely
humans meeting omaths for the first sustain them, it is enough to keep their core
time might mistake their grim aspect temperature comfortable without heavy
for aggression and prematurely attack clothing or while swimming in icy water.
creatures that might have otherwise Because of their natural adaptations to
proved friendly. Successful adventurers the severe environment, most estathin
are likely to leave Niress with both live at what might seem like just above a
knowledge and technological treasures subsistence level, using basic tools and
not found anywhere else. weapons and living a hunter-gatherer
lifestyle in extended family units. However,
their connection with the machine provides
Some light-emitting plants protect them with a kind of spiritual understanding
themselves proactively from omnivorous of various aspects of the numenera. That
beasts and creatures seeking to gather their said, they do not regard cyphers, artifacts,
shining leaves. One example is the red- and Nalranin as tech; they regard the items
leafed doat tree. The tree grows to a height as magic, the occasional automatons they
of 30 feet (10 m) and fires concentrated encounter as angels, and Nalraninwhose
beams of burning light at anything that presence they can always feel, literallyas
Blacktusk: level 4, Speed comes within short range, requiring a their god.
defense as level 6 due difficulty 3 Speed defense roll to avoid Most estathin are not big on history, other
to quickness; tusked
bite inflicts 5 points of
suffering 3 points of damage. Lusk are than the oral histories each family grouping
damage fernlike plants that flash their leaves in keeps in regard to its own movements,
rapid, brain-dazing patterns; those who see triumphs, and defeats. They do not know
Frellan: level 2, Speed the display must make a difficulty 4 Intellect if they are descended from humans or, as
defense as level 3 due defense roll or suffer 2 points of Intellect some might be wont to suggest, if humans
to size; poisoned beak damage (ignores Armor). descend from estathin, perhaps having
inflicts 2 additional
points of Speed damage
Creatures include the blacktusk, a catlike been cast out by Nalranin.
(ignores Armor) if a mammal over 7 feet (2 m) long with Because estathin always feel Nalranins
target fails a Might massive tusks; the frellan, a birdlike creature proximity, the average member of the
defense roll with a vicious beak that runs instead of flies; race is content, and most are even happy.
According to the faith most subscribe glowing trees that provide edible fruits as
to, when an estathin perishes, the mind well as light. Though the fruits vary in texture
survives and is embodied anew, through and taste, they alone do not sustain an
Nalranins grace, in a newborn estathin. estathin. Many are hunters and venture into
Thus, most members of the community the mazelike tunnels in search of furred prey.
believe they have been embodied thousands Estathin hunters are sometimes
of times and will enjoy thousands more accompanied by trained blacktusks,
embodiments in the future. Such a belief which have been raised from kits to be
also gives many estathin something of a companions and aids in the hunt. Such
carefree attitude, at least when it comes to blacktusks can be distinguished from their
danger. wild kin by the glowing cords of hemplike
Estathin speak their own language, and material wrapped around their necks like
a few speak a tongue they call the God collars.
Tongue, which is based on the Truth. They If an estathin in a community has a The Truth, page 133
use abadis for their primary currency. functioning artifact of the numenera that
A typical estathin community consists is usable, that person is usually considered
Abadis, page 13
of an extended family or group of families blessed of Nalranin. The words and
with usually no more than thirty or so instructions of anyone blessed of Nalranin
members. Most communities are sited are considered to be wise, even if listeners
within a large ice cavern. Homes and other cannot immediately discern that wisdom.
structures are low domes of carved ice, The omaths, the other intelligent race
built with an eye toward withstanding the inhabiting the icedrift, are regarded as
occasional collapse. Collapses are rare, but devils by the estathin. The estathin would
they happen sufficiently often enough to prefer nothing more than to wipe out every
affect both architecture and estathin culture. omath, but the omaths understand and use
The shaking is seen as a sign of divine the numenera in a way estathin have never
displeasure. The parts of a communitys required to survive. For the most part, the
cavern not covered in domes are devoted to omaths ignore the estathin.
OMATHS chameleon-like invisibility fields for when
Omaths are post-biological, but they are stealth is vital to accomplish their mission.
Omath, typical: level 3; no less a race than estathin or humans. Individuals can choose among these or
Armor 3; telekinetically Instead of being born through chance, new many other professions to pursue; the only
moves an immediate
omaths are selected from worthy candidates choice they dont have is whether to be
distance each round;
telepathic within long (usually estathin, but also humans who find made into an omath in the first place.
range their way to Niress). A chosen individual Omath cities are peculiar affairs, in that to
is conducted to a special chamber where an outsiders perspective, most chambers
she is frozen into a chunk of metallic ice carved into the icedrift with buttresses
lined with tiny machines. From the point and archesseem like mausoleums,
of view of the average human, the process filled with row upon row of unmoving
takes a living person, entombs her in a sarcophagi. Omaths do not hover when not
sarcophagus of ice, and revitalizes the brain moving; they rest on the ground. They do
within the frozen coffin with eldritch energy. not emit noise, even when talking among
The revived mind finds that it can make use themselves; they speak via telepathy.
of capacities built into her new extended Omaths do not require light; they can sense
body, including speaking telepathically, the world through other senses.
flying and swimming via levitation, and Omaths are ruled by a small group of
interacting with her surroundings via short- leaders selected by random lot to form
range telekinesis. Omaths are proof against a Mental Council. Each member of the
a wide variety of environmental conditions council serves for a term of seven years.
and can operate in air, the ocean deeps, The Mental Council has the authority to
the vacuum of space, and several other set community and racial goals, command
hazardous environments without coming to
immediate harm.
The personality and knowledge of the
original person implanted in the new
omaths carapace remain. Personality traits,
sympathies, gender identification, and
memories are not wiped away. They are
what make each omath unique, despite a
somewhat similar exterior. That said, the
ice carapace provides an overlay of culture,
new knowledge, and motivation to become
a member in good standing with other
omaths, which means that the original
person is essentially dead, and a new
being takes her place. Once someone has
become an omath, reversing the process
is impossible, at least with techniques the
omaths possess; if a way could be found to
remove the outer carapace, all thats left is a
slushy, fractured, bloody, and dying mess.
Many omath carapaces have additional
abilities beyond basic communication,
manipulation, and movement, including
offensive and defensive measures. Omath
enforcers, for example, are shown how to
access numenera abilities latent in their
carapaces that energize long-range beams
of destructive energy. Omath thinkers
can link their conscious minds together
to create unified minds able to cogitate
on problems enormously more complex
than a human mind could ever hope to
Omath ranger, page 147 comprehend. Omath rangers can trigger
enforcers, and generally move things as especially humans, given how the latter
they will. However, given the somewhat seem to equate omath carapaces with
preprogrammed nature of each carapace never-melting sarcophagi.
before it is inhabited by an estathin or Other omaths remain focused on local
human, those goals are not given to radical discovery, finding the great machine at the
change from year to year. root of Niresswhich the estathin call
Most omath interaction, day-to-day Nalraninof near limitless interest. The
commerce, and relaxation and recreation omaths are uncertain of their own racial
occur within a psychic construct created origin but believe it is wrapped up with the
by multiple linked omath minds. The machine. That said, theyve learned to keep
community goals of omaths are varied and their distance from direct interaction with it.
include leading a good life of pleasure and The tenders of the machine, called vuluns, Vulun, page 75
discovery. Though much of that discovery are composed of the same iron-hard ice as
is mental, many goals also include physical omath carapaces. Despite their apparent
exploration of the surrounding world. Unlike connection, vuluns attempt to slay omaths
the estathin, the omaths make almost on sight, and theyre good at accomplishing
constant use of the underwater tunnels that task. According to omath lore, a vulun
that provide egress from the icedrift of can melt an omath just by touching it.
Niress. They send out groups of rangers Omaths keep shins and other valuables,
and explorers to search for novel objects but only as a way to bribe or attempt
and machines across the vast deeps and diplomatic relations with other creatures.
sometimes onto dry land. They are aware Among themselves, they maintain a mental
of many of the other cultures and creatures balance of favors that operates something
of the world, at least in general conception. like a currency, but these favors have no
If possible, omath explorers attempt to meaning or even existence beyond the
hide their presence from other creatures, omaths that track them.
18 Small dredge similar to those still operating in the Skelirroth Fleet Vroaordun, page 157
19 Nightcraft (vehicle capable of leaving Earth and traveling into space)
Skeane, page 59
20 Future versions of the explorers
FROZEN CORES lies within or to preserve it against some
Blots of solid black ice are frozen future need is a debate that omaths have,
throughout the massive bulk of the Niress though estathin mostly regard Frozen
icedrift. Ranging in size from no larger Cores as holy shrines. For this reason, most
than a room to the diameter of cities, the estathin do not attempt to penetrate a core
Frozen Cores are sealed against casual when they find one, though they do guard
entry. No two blots contain the same thing, and worship the blots. Likewise, omaths
but all contain an object, creature, energy, who are convinced that the Frozen Cores
or anomaly frozen in stasis. The freezing keep trapped dangers that would otherwise
quality provided by Nalranin is especially run loose stay away, though a few think the
concentrated in the blots, as if designed oily blots offer opportunity, not danger.
to keep and preserve what lies within each Penetrating a Frozen Core crust requires
one. Whether the purpose is to trap what a phasing ability or one of several objects
collected by estathin that serve as keys
to open a brief doorway. A sense of being
NALRANIN CONNECTION watched, like a mental touch, descends on
GRAFT each explorer who passes through a Frozen
Level: 1d6 + 1 Core crust, and then fades. The contents of
Usable: Small metallic disk small blots are easily discovered, though the
Effect: When applied to a creatures larger blots, especially those approaching
body, the disk immediately the size of cities, are not always so easily
unleashes microfilaments of ice that inventoried. While some contain enigmatic
penetrate into every organ of the devices or monstrous creatures whose
creature, including its brain. Within size fills the cavity, others are a warren
five minutes, the creature suffers of metallic tunnels, circular chambers,
5 points of damage, and then it mazes, or spiraling corridors like the interiors
gains a connection to Nalranin in of shells. Potential contents include the
the icedrift of Niress. If the creature possibilities on the table on the previous page,
is not within the hollowed interior but the nature of Frozen Cores is to surprise;
of Niress, the connection serves knowing what lies in one crusted blot is no
merely as a strong sense of the predictor of what another might contain.
direction in which the icedrift lies.
If the creature is within Niress, it
gains absolute immunity to heat NIRESS LOCATIONS
drain (cold) from any source, The following are just a few of the
including that created by Nalranin. thousands of locations found within Niress.
She slipped down the narrow ice tunnel that led into the frozen core. Inside she
found innumerable white corridors and pale doors opened to her. A chamber stacked
with masks of a thousand different faces, only a few of them estathin. A room where
many voices spoke, bodiless. A vast space covered in stairs leading everywhere, and
nowhere. And wonders she couldn't put words to.
~a story told in Frieth
primary child-rearing years, inhabits these even though she isnt shy of visiting harsh
structures. The priesthood teaches the words on those who stray from the Virtues.
Virtues of Nalranin: Virtues of Nalranin, helps the sick and hurt, A Frozen Core called the Talas is the
The virtues are a list of gives food to those who need it, ministers to primary reason the priesthood of Nalranin
simple directives that, the spiritually deficient, and more. Though is located in Frieth. The Talas is relatively
if followed, promise
the estathin have no general government large and partly protrudes through the
to promote a happy
life. Virtues embody that ties them all together, the priesthood in translucent ice roofs of the three primary
hospitality, trust, charity, Frieth sometimes steps into that role. vaults of Frieth. The priesthood teaches
and similar concepts. The head priest is Salanthe, an estathin at that the Talas is a physical manifestation
least a hundred years old who nonetheless of Nalranins love and virtue. Those who
Salanthe: level 5, tasks retains her vigor and energy despite her ascend the highest temple (using a set of
related to Nalranin lore
and interaction as level
wrinkles and white hair. Shes ministered ice stairs that provides a path to the vault
7; long-range energy to every other priest in Frieth, most of ceiling) and touch one edge of the Talas
attack from a cypher the support community of estathin that learn the answer to one question vexing
ray artifact; carries a makes up the rest of the population, and a them. Answers are telepathic, but they are
path viewer cypher and reasonable percentage of estathin who have usually vague or given in terms the average
two additional random
visited Frieth on pilgrimage. For the most estathin has no way to understand; however,
part, everyone respects and trusts Salanthe, the priesthood offers interpretation of
knowledge given to each pilgrim as part of
their overall mission. The priesthood allows
CYPHER RAY only one question per pilgrim, mainly for
Level: 1d6 + 1 the pilgrims safety. Those who ask more
Form: Gauntlet than one question while touching the Talas
Effect: The energy of a held cypher is are sometimes bodily subsumed into the
drained, destroying the cypher. The Frozen Core and never seen again.
drained energy can be immediately One of the side temples holds a plinth
emitted as a ray of heat targeting a made of metallic synth instead of ice.
creature within long range that inflicts Sometimes humans from dry land appear
a number of points of damage equal here and claim to be residents of the
to the drained cypher + 2. Frozen City of Arxil, which are ruins from
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 the prior world that humans now inhabit.
Estathin in Frieth are wary of the plinth,
PATH VIEWER but the priesthood teaches tolerance for
Level: 1d6 + 1 those who appear there, despite their lack
Internal: Subdermal implant of spiritual connection with Nalranin. Those
Wearable: Contact lens, glove, ring, who suddenly appear usually wish to return
wristband, headband, belt buckle whence they came, but the estathin are not
Usable: Handheld device eager to allow it, believing that Nalranin
Effect: Connects briefly to Nalranin may have drawn the visitors for a purpose.
Mala Mayda: level 3, and then reveals a direct path to Mala Mayda, an estathin priest new to the
tasks related to spreading the stated objective, if the user fold whose long black hair is streaked with
believable gossip or succeeds on an Intellect-based task blue, is something of a tall-tale teller. The
propaganda as level
5; carries a detonation
based on the level of a creature stories she passes on tend to be somewhat
(crystallization) cypher named or an object or location alarmist. They center around the dangers
sought. In Niress, the revealed path of allowing humans to learn about the glory
takes the form of a glowing line in of Niress, and how estathin should react if
the ice that is visible only to the user they doby killing the humans before they
and anyone he designates; the line can return to dry land and tell their warm-
lasts for seven days. If the user is blooded kind of the bounty of riches that
not near the icedrift of Niress when Niress keeps for the faithful.
the path viewer is used, the difficulty
of the task is increased by one step, SHATONIN
and the path is imparted only once The omath city of Shatonin is carved into
as a telepathic series of instructions. the sides of a mile-wide circular bore
providing a watery egress to Niresss
exterior. Many of Shatonins chambers are
learned to take into account human fear of CITADEL OF WATCHING
the omath form. For that reason, special The Citadel of Watching is a complex tunneled
air-filled, warmed chambers to house into the ice of Niress as close to the portion of
humans in relative comfort have been the icedrift housing Nalranin as its guardian
set aside, and omaths initially interact via vulun will allow. Through the somewhat
automaton intermediaries. Humans and translucent ice, the citadels flickering glow
other creatures trade with the omaths for is detectable for several miles. A series of dry
nuggets of their storehouse of knowledge, tunnels leads down to Nalranin, as well as to
as well as for unique cyphers and artifacts the main passages that connect to the rest of
found within Niress. the interior. A few water tunnels that provide
Badusk, omath: level 3; An omath trader named Badusk, whose an exit to the icedrift also branch off from the
Armor 3; telekinetically icy carapace is lined with golden filigree, Citadel of Watching.
moves an immediate specializes in trade sorties to the vicinity of The citadel houses mostly omath rangers,
distance each round;
telepathic within long
the Skelirroth Fleet. Badusk has a device that over a hundred strong. In addition to the
range; has a phase either knows or can predict where those great armaments each ranger normally carries,
changer cypher machines will be at any given time. The omath weapon turrets of metallic ice swivel and
trader has had many profitable interactions track anyone who approaches from most
Skelirroth Fleet, page 77 with the dredges, especially since much of tunnels. Each turret can fire up to ten missiles
the more exotic produce the dredges create before needing to be refitted. Missiles fired
Omath ranger, page 147
has little apparent value to humansexcept can follow a fleeing target around corners, or
Cuinum, page 84 for cuinum, which the humans value as attack objectives many miles away, as long
much as Badusk does. Unfortunately, as a clear path to the target exists (though
whenever the humans of the fleet have that path doesnt have to be straight). A
caught even a hint of the true ice carapace detonating missile affects all in short range of
forms of Badusk and his small trading where it hits with a blast of concentrated light.
team, the humans have reacted poorly. Those in the area suffer 10 points of damage if
For this reason, Badusk often uses human struck, and a minimum of 3 points even if not
intermediaries to get the material he wants. struck. Affected targets are also rendered blind
Badusk also keeps a secret: an illicit for two rounds.
omath birth unit artifact that other omaths The omath ranger in charge of the citadel
Dellerdra, omath are not aware he possesses. He sometimes is Dellerdra, whose insignia is stamped
ranger: level 5; Armor trades with others using the promise of in relief-shaped ice across the front of her
4; fly or swim a short
evolving them into a higher state of carapace in glowing red. Dellerdra hates the
distance each round;
long-range heat ray beinga being like himself. vulun every bit as much as other omaths do.
attack inflicts 10 points In fact, she hopes its her honor to one day
of damage; carries three wipe out the vulun guardians so that the
random cyphers OMATH BIRTH UNIT omaths can connect directly with Nalranin
Level: 1d6 + 2 and learn its secrets. To that end, Dellerdra
Form: Box of solid metallic ice offers a bounty of cyphers to anyone who
Effect: If placed next to the body of a can provide a means to render a vulun
recently slain intelligent humanoid, inoperative, even temporarily. If Dellerdra
the box extends devices that encase found sufficient means to do so, nothing
the target in a metallic ice carapace could hold her back from ordering all
over the course of ten hours. Once omaths beneath her to attack the chambers
the process is complete, a typical housing the Nalranin en masse.
level 3 omath is born.
If placed next to the body of a living NALRANIN
intelligent humanoid, the box A massive machine called Nalranin is
doesnt activate unless the creature frozen into the root of Niress. The estathin
is unconscious or incapacitated. If know that the great machine is their deity,
the creature is roused or rendered but given that they regard cyphers and
impaired or hale before the box artifacts as physical blessings provided by
completes its transformation, the their god, they do not think it odd that their
artifact reverses its procedure. god partakes of the same blessed form.
Depletion: 1 in 1d6 In truth, the great machine isnt
conscious, at least not in a way that the
omath have ever been able to detect and Besides the omaths in the Citadel of
communicate with. Despite that, Nalranin Watching, a second group keeps tabs on
consistently beams power to plants and Nalranin from a nearby water tunnel under
other entities adapted to receiving and the command of an omath researcher called
using that energy, including the estathin, Mertha, whose carapace is relief-carved to Mertha, omath: level 3;
but not the omaths. A side effect of this resemble (at least from a distance) a natural Armor 3; telekinetically
beamed power is that Niress is continually slab of ice. Mertha avoids the vuluns by keeping moves an immediate
distance each round;
being drained of heat. In effect, the her small omath team almost constantly telepathic within long
presence of the machine maintains the underwater. She watches and waits for an range; has a phase
icedrift into which Nalranin is frozen. The opportunity to interact with the machine changer cypher and an
true nature of the machine isnt obvious. and learn its true purpose, or if it even has one. ice ghost artifact
The learned know or might make the If that opportunity doesnt come soon, she
association with similar machines that lie plans on using the phasing cypher she keeps
in the Frozen South. Creating cold might frozen into her carapace to close the distance Phase changer,
well be the true purpose of these machines, without the vuluns being any the wiser. page 291
but omaths believe there is a deeper
purpose and power hidden in them, or at
least in Nalranin. From their perspective, ICE GHOST
the existence of the Frozen Cores, with the Level: 1d6 + 2
many and varied objects trapped within Form: Wristband-mounted device with
them, provides clear evidence of this belief. a few simple controls
Corridors lead down from the dry, hollowed Effect: Creates a likeness of the user
interior of Niress to an antechamber where composed of metallic ice that
a vast wall of the machine is exposed. persists for up to ten hours as it
Great spinning, glowing, and transforming attempts to complete a research
mechanisms are visible, but attempting to mission imparted upon its creation.
reach them is a monumental task thanks Before it melts, the ice ghost
to a force of guardian vuluns. Vuluns are attempts to find the user and Vulun: level 7, Speed
living automatons of metallic ice. The report on what it has learned. defense as level 6; health
45; Armor 4; fists inflict
creatures are fully composed, through and Missions that are aggressive 8 points of damage;
through, of the same kind of ice that omaths rather than information-gathering short-range ice projectile
use as a carapace. Obviously some kind are conducted as if the ice ghost attack inflicts 8 points of
of connection exists between vuluns and was a level 1 creature. Otherwise, damage on up to three
omaths, but that secret has been lost to its level is equal to the artifacts targets as a single action;
time. Now both creatures abhor the mere attacks ignore Armor
level or the users level (or tier),
granted by ice or cold
concept of the other. Generally, vuluns whichever is lower. The ice ghost effects; for more details,
keep to the areas immediately surrounding has no specialized equipment such see the Ninth World
Nalranin, though they are not adept in water as cyphers or artifacts, but being Guidebook, page 248
like omaths are, and avoid submerging composed of metallic ice gives it
themselves. (Unlike omaths, vuluns have no Armor 3. The ice ghost possesses
telekinetic trick to keep water from freezing the general knowledge of the user
when they come into direct contact with it. but has no special abilities. It is
A vulun who spends more than a few hours immune to cold, pressure, vacuum,
submerged in water becomes so encased in and poison.
layers of freezing ice that it loses the ability Depletion: 1 in 1d20
to move.)
Leaking Core: A reddish fluid is leaking from a crack Tuneful Wanderers: A group of green-armored beings
in one of the largest Frozen Cores. The fluid doesnt that have characteristics of both living creatures and
behave like normal liquid because it doesnt freeze automatons wanders the least-inhabited corridors
or flow along expected routes. Sometimes it flows of Niress. They produce songlike melodies as they
upward, and other times it somehow melts through go, though most of their intonations are more like
the solid walls of Niress. The fluid is usually inert to dirges than celebrations. All the beings have some
the touch in small volumes. However, if enough of sort of obvious damage, limp, or disfigurement, as if
the Red accumulates to form a pool an immediate they passed through a particularly antithetical region
diameter or larger across, the fluid undergoes some before arriving in Niress.
sort of phase shift and becomes a gas that kills
everything within a radius of half a mile (1 km). An Bright Whispers: At irregular times, a mental wave
estathin priest called Laoh claims to know how to erupts from Nalranin that touches the minds of
stop the fluid, but doing so requires a trip into the almost every creature within Niress. The wave usually
leaking Frozen Core. manifests as a cascade of whispers, as if many people
were talking quietly all at once. Though the waves
Unholy Alliance: A half-insane omath has thrown in seem random and unfocused, some omaths believe
with a band of Nalranin religious extremists called that the great machine sends out the mental pulses
the Grey Army; the omath has taken on the title of as a sort of psychic sonar. If so, what Nalranin is
Grey Prophet. The prophet and her followers teach searching for apparently continues to elude the great
(and demonstrate by their violence) that the estathin machine. Lately the whispers heard by the icedrifts
have become soft, weak, and ineffectual in their faith. inhabitants during a mental wave seem more
The prophet reveals the hidden secret of Nalranin, desperate.
claiming that it is a slumbering war god who will only
wake to take its followers to an exalted afterlife if they Ship Sightings: Estathin in Mation sometimes
first prove themselves to be worthy. report seeing a ship of immense proportions. Given
how large Niress is and how Mation sits on the
Dig to the Core: An omath has discovered a mountainous slopes, the ship would have to be
titanothaur called Kthama, a many-tentacled creature many miles long to catch their notice. But those who
surrounded by a cloud of frozen darkness, within a have seen it agree on several salient points: it glows
hard-to-reach Frozen Core. For a reason she doesnt pale blue, it has strange writing on the bow, and
divulge, she believes a human presence is the key to it sometimes flashes a red light in a nonrepeating
unlocking Kthama from its prison. Thus, she seeks pattern. Its a matter for debate whether that light is
adventurers willing to travel to Niress, through the meant to convey a message to viewers in Niress or to
icy corridors, and down a narrow bore-hole drilled some other entity the estathin cant see.
specifically to allow a human to touch the outer crust.
Five supermassive undersea dredging cultures have diverged within each. The
vehicles scrape clean the bottom-dwelling fleet is not unified under the rule of any
creatures along the ocean floor as they particular group, though not from lack of
continue their centuries-long, automated trying.
mission of resource extraction. The massive
blades, lined with intakes, create great
furrows in the ocean floor. Anything that GM SUMMARY
survives the blades is immediately smashed Humans live in massive undersea dredging The surface of the sea is a
flat by tremendous treads. vehiclesthe Skelirroth Fleetwithout any liminal place, where the
The lead dredge vehicle (named the understanding of who originally built the winds mix with the spray,
which smears across the
Skelirroth) is the largest. It is 6 miles (10 vehicles or the damage they do to the areas sky. The heaven opens
km) in length and about a half mile (1 km) wide above, while the
wide and tall. Accompanying the main deeps fall to their watery
vehicle are four additional dredges, the USING SKELIRROTH darknesses beneath.
Zyeburn, the Iskelorm, the Berambus, and The GM can use Skelirroth several ways
the Yarvanax. The vehicles generally travel in a campaign. The following scenarios
shoulder to shoulder in a widely spaced could be provided as hooks to player
line. Each of the five is separated from the characters.
next by a distance of less than 300 feet The fishing waters of a coastal
(100 m). Far, far smaller undersea craft, village in the Steadfast have gone
mostly automatons, flit and jet between the from amazingly robust to almost
dredges in a thick swarm. The automatons dead. Investigation shows massive To learn to swim, you
incessantly conduct thousands of repair underwater tracks where the ocean must first get into the
and upkeep tasks each minute on the larger floor has been scrubbed clean of life. water.
vehicles. ~a truism oft repeated
The tracks lead off into deeper waters.
along the Ancuan coast
When the Skelirroth Fleet passes through A substance known as cuinum, a
an aquatic region, lanes in the ocean floor waxy material that serves as the base
as wide as each dredge are scrubbed clean. for many specialized applications
Only lifeless ocean floor is left behind by Aeon Priests, was once far more
along a well-defined line. Life eventually prolific. The last known source is a
recolonizes these denuded lanes, but it place called Skelirroth, apparently
takes years before the original vivacity located somewhere far out to sea.
returns to what it once was. Some areas The characters ocean-going vessel
never recover fully, at least not within capsizes, and they are rescued by the
human lifetimes. Skelirroth Fleet.
The Skelirroth Fleet, or simply Skelirroth The bounty for Vooritwor, a shyster
as some call the mobile nation, has been nano on the run from authorities in
continuously inhabited by humans for the a few of the larger Steadfast cities,
last several hundred years. For the most has reached astronomical heights.
part, the natives have no control over the According to certain rumors,
fleets route across the ocean floor. Not Vooritwor has found a home in a
surprisingly, trade of needful things keeps mobile undersea city called Skelirroth.
the natives of each dredge connected, but
of the ocean they pass through. In many atmosphere in the primary living quarters,
cases, the humans also fail to understand as well as to keep the resource extraction
that they live within a completely and processing areas running well enough
artificial, mobile environment maintained to feed everyone (or almost everyone,
underwater. during bad times) on each dredge.
Despite the massive resources each
vehicle constantly extracts from the seafloor,
DREDGE VEHICLES the amount of usable energy and food
OF SKELIRROTH produced hovers just under 1 percent of
Each dredge vehicle is a three-dimensional all thats taken from the sea. The rest is
labyrinth of metallic corridors, chambers, lost in gross inefficiencies. Only some of
and rooms, many of which are filled with these inefficiencies are due to the constant
breathable air. The interior surface area of malfunctions. The original design of the
each vehicle, given its three-dimensional dredges might be the largest contributing
nature, is larger than that of many large factor to the lost energy and resources.
Abersheen cult, page 84 cities on dry land. The vehicles are ancient The unpopular Abersheen cult believes
and constantly break down in ways big and that if just one dredge could be upgraded
small. Its not uncommon to find chambers and optimized to even a fifth of its true
of a vehicle, or even entire regions, taking potential, it could easily produce enough
automaton: level 2;
swims a long distance on water or completely drowned, and food and energy to sustain every inhabitant
each round; short-range other compartments filled with colonizing of the entire fleet, as well as provide a
grapple attack inflicts fungi. With thousands of malfunctions per massive additional bounty.
4 points of damage on day the expected norm, only the legion of A dredge vehicle moves on a series of
a second failed Speed maintenance automatons keeps the vehicles massive metallic treads and covers a short
defense roll, and catches
target and pulls it toward
running; continuous function requires distance each round, on average. Any
bow of nearest dredge; constant repair. Some humans who inhabit creature in the water within short range
has no sense of self- these spaces work hand in hand with these of a dredge is at risk from the clouds of
preservation or fear of automatons, attempting to prioritize the maintenance automatons, some of which are
being processed repair schedules to keep a breathable tasked with keeping the path clear of random
debris and sea life, usually by directing that Besides flooding and the dangers offered
life toward the bow. A creature within long by other humans, vermin and rogue
range of a dredges primary mouth on the automatons are an ever-present danger to
wedgelike bow is subject to being drawn in fleet residents. As with rebreathers, most
and consumed. The leading edge of each Skelirroths either carry weapons, especially
dredge is about 300 feet (100 m) across. the ubiquitous spike jets, or know where to
Each round, creatures in range can make find the nearest armory containing them.
Might defense rolls to avoid being drawn
in. Those who are drawn into the gnashing
teeth of a harvesting intake mouth sustain REBREATHER
15 points of damage each round (a difficulty Level: 1d6
6 Might-based task is required to swim Form: Face mask with small attached
free). Creatures that die from this damage synth tank connected by tubes
are consumed and processed like other raw Effect: Wearer from the surface can
material within the bowels of the dredge. breathe underwater like a native
creature. The rebreather offers some
protection against the high-pressure
GETTING TO THE dangers of moderately deep water,
SKELIRROTH FLEET but it is not suited for dives into the
The humans inhabiting the dredge vehicles Deep Dark.
of the fleet have been there for as long as Depletion: 1 in 1d6 (check per hour of use)
most of them can remember. Some contact
with the rest of the ocean and even the SPIKE JET
surface still exists, usually instigated by Level: 1d6
outside explorers rather than Skelirroth Form: Small handheld device with tube
natives, as most of the latter tend to be Effect: Projects a spike at a target within
insular or at least so caught up in day-to-day long range that inflicts damage
survival that the concept of leaving is foreign. equal to the artifact level. The spike
Explorers, invaders, or (as happens is poisoned, requiring those struck
somewhat regularly) saboteurs who want to succeed on a Might defense roll
to disrupt the forward motion of the fleet or take 3 points of Speed damage
are usually brought to the main community (ignores Armor) for three rounds.
center of the vehicle in which they are This device is a rapid-fire weapon, and
found, where they await the attention of thus can be used with the Spray Spray, page 30
authorities. Given that most people in the or Arc Spray abilities that some
dredges do not speak the Truth, explorers characters have, ignoring rounds of Arc Spray, page 31
might have to show some patience. ammo costs. The Truth, page 133
Otherwise, any of the means suggested in Depletion: 1 in 1d20
the introduction might see travelers to the fleet.
Level: 1d6 + 2
SURVIVAL IN THE Form: Small handheld device with
SKELIRROTH FLEET harness and projection tube
The air-filled corridors and chambers within Effect: Projects a grappling hook
each dredge are fully compatible with the through air or water at a solid
environment on the surface. In any given surface within 300 feet (100 m).
thirty-day period, theres a real chance that an The hook is attached to a long,
inhabited compartment or a corridor through thin piece of synth. The hooks
which residents must travel becomes claw connects solidly to the target When rebreathers and
flooded with water. Most residents either surface, and in the subsequent other useful items
carry rebreathers or know the closest store round, the user can trigger the synth are in need of repair,
that sells them. These artifacts are built and people of the Skelirroth
cord to retract, which pulls her to
maintained by craftspeople of the fleet (the Fleet rely on the Fixers'
the target over the course of one Guild. Most of Ombel
Fixers Guild), and though the rebreathers round, barring any interruptions. is affiliated with the
work well enough, like everything in Depletion: 1 in 1d20 Fixers' Guild, one way or
Skelirroth, they are given to malfunctioning. another.
MOVING FROM rodents, and even rogue automatons reside.
DREDGE TO DREDGE Various elements of these spore forests
Most of the movement human natives inevitably creep into other areas of a dredge.
experience from day to day is between areas Likewise, some human populations live
in their own dredge. Two cross-dredge wholly within spore forests. These human
societies commonly violate that rule: the bands have forgotten that they live within a
Traders Guild, page 83 Traders Guild and the Fixers Guild. Each much larger artificially created vehicle.
group controls airlocked entrances on The prolific fungi called growlers can grow
Fixers Guild, page 79
two or more dredges and keeps a store of to towering heights in the spore forests, but
rebreathers and relayers in various states they can also grow to arm height in the dark
of repair. If someone other than a trader or recesses of nearly any other compartment.
Growler fungi: level 1+; fixer wishes to travel between dredges (or Growlers have mushroom heads
stationary; bite inflicts 1
leave the fleet entirely), she can probably reminiscent of a snarling beast and lash out
point of Speed damage
(ignores Armor) for one find her own means of exit, but most with a bite that injects poisonous spores.
round per growler level natives usually prefer to contract with one Tiny red fishlike creatures called eckals
of the guilds to arrange their passage. can swim through flooded compartments
Eckal: level 1; a swarm and move down dry corridors. Eckals often
of four or more eckals move in swarms and are not shy about
attacks as a level 3
creature inflicting 3 points
FLORA AND FAUNA taking a nip out of passing residents.
of damage OF SKELIRROTH Emerald-tinged motile slimes that hunt
The artificial environments within each other vermin by dropping over them are
Slime: level 1+; moves an dredge support prolific infestations of fungi. also prolific. Depending on its age and size,
immediate distance each Instead of attempting to eradicate it, the a slime can range from a stinging nuisance
round; contact inflicts maintenance automatons route around the to a truly horrific threat.
3 points of damage
and on a second failed
most severe instances. Thus, great swaths Other creatures are more dangerous,
Might defense roll, the of contiguous compartments have been including the many human bands and
victims armor (if any) is wholly abandoned to spore forests. There, tribes that inhabit each craft. Although
destroyed all manner of dangerous plants, insects, many tribes work to keep the dredge active
Farrac, page 81 the exterior that few other dredge natives produces farrac. Recently, Nylad has been
enjoy. When the Skelirroth Fleet trundles disturbed by dissident residents called the
into the Shallows, sometimes the seafloor Farrac Brigade. This group, led by a man
Ahrin: level 5; tasks rises so dramatically that the dredges upper named Ahrin, is trying to disrupt food
related to deception, portions emerge from the water into the distribution from the vats, claiming that
politics, and dredge air, which from the exterior resembles a the Traders Guild salvage share isnt in
geography as level 7;
Armor 1
massive whale breaching the seas surface. the best interests of the Skelirroth dredge
Those under Ombels dome can see the sky and especially not in Nylads best interests.
and, on at least one celebrated occasion, The Farrac Brigade says that the oddities,
the mystical dry land described in shins, and cuinum flakes traders provide
childrens stories. in return for their vat salvage rights are a
Ombel supports just over two thousand farce. Though only a few of Ahrins closest
humans, most of whom live in a family- lieutenants know it, the food salvage claim
claimed side chamber. The central is a smokescreen under which he intends to
compartment serves as a common area, build up a power base. His ultimate goal is
though a large portion of it is under the to take control of the Skelirroth dredge and
dominion of the Fixers Guild, giving it the then the entire fleet.
look of a busy junkyard to the unpracticed Given that the Skelirroth Fleet runs
eye. Most days, travelers from other parts almost entirely autonomously in the face
of the dredge (and even other dredges) of constant tampering by humans trying
are visiting Ombel looking for help with a to gain control, Ahrins goals might seem
particular problem, great or small. foolish. However, he believes that he finally
Leasel: level 3, tasks Leasel is a Fixers Guild grandmaster who has a lead on where the fabled Command
related to the numenera wears a long gown covered in pockets filled and Control Room lies. Its not on the
as level 7; has a few with tools. She specializes in taking the Skelirroth at all, as most assume given that
random cyphers
bodies of defunct maintenance automatons vehicle's large size. Instead, Ahrin believes
and creating pets, servants, and pieces it lies in a protected, secret chamber on the
of animate art from them. A few times Iskelorm dredge.
she has actually repaired a maintenance
automaton, but given that the Iskelorm
dredge is essentially devoted to repairing ZYEBURN DREDGE
and producing the automatons, neither Only about four-fifths the size of the
she nor the other fixers feel much pressure Skelirroth dredge, the Zyeburn is still a
to take that on themselves. Leasel lost her massive vehicle that would crush nearly
family to a plague of slimes, so she keeps any surface community it rolled across
Repurposed automaton: several repurposed automatons as pets and were it ever to come ashore. Thankfully, it
level 1, pleasant social companions, each named for a missing remains in lockstep with the rest of the fleet,
interaction as level 4 member of her original family. trundling across the seafloor, sucking in
Raychard: level 2, tasks
Raychard, a human with piercing blue enormous quantities of deep sea life while
related to the numenera eyes and short black hair, is responsible managing to return very little. The Zyeburn
as level 5; has one for monitoring and maintaining the Januar dredge is home to about 20,000 people
random cypher Door, the nearby airlocked entrance to distributed across various precincts. The
Ombel. Raychard has also been spreading Zyeburn is in adequate repair, though one
the story that he saw a giant flying creature large interior section has been completely
through the viewing dome the last time lost to a fungi forest. The food vats and
the Skelirroth dredge partly surfaced. other resource ports provide virtually
Whats more, he says, people were riding nothing, but the fungi forests produce a
the beast. Now Raychard wants to mount resin called cuinum that has become a
an expedition to the exterior surface and valuable trade good.
go looking for such a beast for himself,
because he wants to fly. TRADE TOWN
Located in a precinct on the high starboard
NYLAD side of the dredge, Trade Town is the
The precinct of Nylad is a series of primary headquarters for the Traders Guild
compartments located in conjunction that operates throughout the fleet and, very
with one of the sets of food vats that occasionally, to areas far beyond. Trade
Town contains about half of Zyeburns The Traders Guild keeps several
population and is made up of traders, compartments solely for themselves at the
merchants, and the hunters who brave the top of the market. These compartments lead
interior to gather cuinum. to a series of warehouse chambers where all
Trade Town has a five-tiered market in an manner of tradable goods are stored, some
immense but narrow open compartment. of which are especially valuable and require
Within the many subcompartments guards. Monitored passages lead from the
reachable by ladders, pulley systems, guild house to no fewer than four airlocked
rickety stairs, and the occasional fliera exits to the dredge, all of which are under
cornucopia of weird, hard-to-find, direct guild control.
surprising, and not-immediately-identifiable The current Lead Trader is Tamrin Geran, Tamrin Geran: level 6,
goods can be purchased. Sale items include a man never seen without a black scarf tasks related to trade and
puddings, cuinum flakes, fungi dyes, covering the lower half of his face. Tamrin persuasion as level 7; can
use two random active
crunchy vermin coated in farrac glaze, has headed successful trading expeditions dyremmi abilities
oddities of all sorts, and cyphers. Barter and to other locations beyond the fleet,
shins are both acceptable, and haggling is including down to Minifera. In fact, he is a Minifera, page 96
the norm. naiadapt, and keeps dyremmi-bred cyphers
in reserve should he ever need to manifest Naiadapt, page 101
TRADERS GUILD an ability to directly adapt to the ocean
Dyremmi, page 97
Members of the Traders Guild, who make through which the dredge fleet passes.
up only about five percent of the population, Otherwise, Tamrin is a short man with
get around the market levels via ambulatory bands of strange scaled flesh swirling
vine mounts called leaflings. These motile over his skin (marking him as a naiadapt to Leafling: level 4; Speed
plants, snakelike in their movements, those who know) who rules the guild with defense as level 3 due to
size; reacts like loyal pet
stretch about 35 feet (10 m) and can transfer an uncompromising and merciless business
to Traders Guild owner
traders and their chests with ease. Leaflings sense. Hes not amoral, but he would never,
were cultivated from more aggressive ever give away something for free that
versions found in the fungi forest that rots people would trade for.
in Zyeburns core.
ABERSHEEN CULT Forest directly. Little else would explain the
Besides the Traders Guild, Trade Town profundity and exuberance of the fungi and
is home to the Abersheen cult, as the plant life found here.
traders refer to it. The cult teaches that the Several tiny human tribes inhabit the
dredges are dying and have been for longer Fungi Forest. For the most part, the tribes
than humans have inhabited them. The have lost their ancestors knowledge that
cult believes that the Skelirroth Fleet once they live within a traveling undersea dredge
served a higher purpose that has been lost, vehicle. Some tribes are warlike while others
and more important, in their current state, are peaceful, and which is which seems to
the dredges are wasting the bounty of the change each time another Traders Guild
sea. The Traders Guild does not appreciate expedition (chiefly comprised of cuinum
this teaching because they like the status hunters) visits the forest. Finding local
quo just fine. If every dredge could provide guides through the ever-changing outer
everything it needed for itself, who would forest is vital, because all the plants and
trade and support the guild? fungi possess some ability to move. Still,
The Abersheen are led by a former Fixers many treasures can be gathered by those
Guild grandmaster from the Skelirroth willing to brave the spores and predatory
dredge who everyone simply calls the plants. The most dangerous of the latter is
The Priestess: level 4, Priestess. The Priestess always appears the spirril, which seems to especially delight
Speed defense as level fully covered in clerical robes dyed bright in killing humans.
2 due to hemwarts, red (she hides a skin condition called
intimidation tasks as
level 6 due to hemwarts;
hemwarts). She leads spiritual studies
Armor 2 due to hemwarts and services in a small pod that features a TREASURES OF THE FUNGI
wide porthole looking directly out into the FOREST
ocean, where other members of the fleet Cuinum: This waxy material is resin
Spirril, page 152 are visible. This spectacle gives weight to produced by rare treelike pods in the
her sermons. The Priestess believes that if deepest portions of the Fungi Forest.
the mythical Command and Control Room The resin has an uncanny ability to
could be found, the original purpose of unlock the minds of those who take it,
the fleet would be revealed, and it could be providing an asset to any Intellect-based
returned to its true purpose. The Priestess task. In larger doses, it provides a sense
Ahrin, page 82 has unwillingly made an alliance with Ahrin, of euphoria that lasts for several hours,
the head of the Farrac Brigade, on the which washes out any Intellect gains.
Skelirroth dredge. She suspects that his true
motives may not be what he claims, but for Hemwart Bark: This fungal growth
now, they both want to find and access the can be gathered from certain trees. If a
same mythical place. persons skin is lathered with sufficient
moisturizing gel, the hemwart fungi can
FUNGI FOREST be induced to invade it, which radically
A huge swath of compartments has been toughens the dermal layer. This gives the
completely invaded, overgrown, and skin an unappealing and diseased facade,
hollowed out by an uncontrolled fungi increasing the difficulty of a subjects
environment for which all the lesser Speed defense and all interaction
versions are named; this is the Fungi Forest. rolls by two steps, but providing +2 to
Only the skeleton of the former separate Armor. This condition is usually called
compartments remains in this mostly hemwarts, and most people can stand
contiguous area that is more jungle than it for no more than a few months, after
forest. Every so often, a brave maintenance which antifungal treatments can be used
automaton penetrates the interior to to shed the growths.
apply herbicides. These automatons are
usually quickly dismantled by the predator Sporelin: A green-colored spore
fungi and plants that thrive in the humid provides a hot, sweet spice that is a
Farrac, page 81
environment. In fact, its possible that perfect tangy flavoring for farrac, and
some of the processed resources the thus it is highly valued across the
dredge was originally gathering have been Skelirroth Fleet.
organically rerouted and now feed the Fungi
Fanciful stories are told along the creaking corridors of the dredges about the
beginning. Stories of a people with arms like octopi who built the fleet in ages long
past, so long ago that the only thing that remains of them is legend. Legend, and a
single word: Calram. That, and a promise that one day, when the dredges are full,
the builders will return.
that is opaque. The aquarium could be Though long dead, the mass has pickled,
unsealed with a difficulty 5 Intellect task by which explains its preservation. Opening the
someone trained in the numenera, or with aquarium (or trying and failing some other
a difficulty 5 Might task by someone using major task within the chamber) summons
Defense automaton: a heavy smashing implement. Inside is a five spidery defense automatons.
level 4; Armor 2; short- mass of water and jellied brain material.
range electrical attack
inflicts 4 points of
damage and stuns target
for one round, causing it SKELIRROTH FLEET HEARSAY first five. No sixth dredge has ever been
to lose its next turn Hunting Expedition: A group of dry land part of the fleetat least, not as long as
hunters, known for their exploits in taking humans have inhabited the vehiclesso
down game of unusual size and ferocity, these sightings are attributed to a ghost
has learned of massive sea beasts called dredge and put down as hallucinations
skelirroth that sometimes partly emerge and childrens tales.
from the waters along the coast. They
have mounted an expedition in hopes THE WEIRD OF THE SKELIRROTH
of taking one of these mighty beasts as FLEET
a trophy the next time it breaches the Phantom Winds: Winds blow in the
surface. dredge compartments, usually smelling of
oil or fungi. But sometimes, the sound of
Lost Trader: A member of the Traders something scratching and tearing is heard
Guild named Dramben Kol left the fleet just under the winds whine. When those
to find the mythical dry land people in sounds are heard, the smell of blood and
an effort to open trade. Dramben did not rotting meat wafts with the wind, and
receive the blessing of the Traders Guild residents hide in their compartments.
for his outing, and the organization is
jealous of its monopoly. The guild has Knocking: According to no particular
sent a retrieval team of specialists to schedule, dredge natives sometimes
bring Dramben back to the fleet, dead or hear the sound of hard knocking, as
alive. if someone standing on just the other
side of a compartment wall is pounding
Breakdown: The third largest human- on it with a metallic tool. No human
inhabited dredge in the Skelirroth Fleet or automaton is ever found upon
(the Berambus) is falling farther and investigation, but if someone knocks
farther behind the rest, and is leaking back, the pounding immediately ceases.
toxic sludge into the surrounding water
and into interior compartments where New Produce: In addition to the farrac,
people dwell. Unless something can kandu, tuc, and many other items of
be done to prioritize the maintenance produce the vats and taps expel, new
automatons activity, it seems likely that produce is sometimes discovered.
the dredge and everyone aboard it will be Recently, a vat on the third largest human-
lost. inhabited dredge (the Berambus) began
expelling weird objects that can be used
Ghost Dredge: Sometimes fleet humans like cyphers with seemingly random
swear they see a glimpse of a sixth abilities.
dredge vehicle following the track of the
A few of the dredges contain smaller craft nestled like young ones in protective
chambers. They are noisy, tiny, and smelly. But when they are found, they are
treasured by the humans infesting the fleet, because they might offer the chance to
escape the Skelirroth Fleet forever.
The dread domain of King Faralousus is an the case. Most of the subjects, as well
underwater city called Ahmas, home to what as the king himself, are of human origin,
would seem, at first, to be a wide variety the descendants of horrifically altered
of creatures of different specieshundreds kidnapping victims.
of different species. However, this is not
USING THE SQUAMOUS Ahmas is an air-filled, pressurized city deep
COLISEUM underwater, centered around a huge arena
The GM can incorporate the Squamous called the Squamous Coliseum. In this
Squamous: covered with might makes right society, the people
or characterized by scales Coliseum into a campaign by sending
surface-dwelling player characters deep give all power and wealth to the strongest
underwater to retrieve an important among them. The kings agents, in fact,
device from the kings agents or the attempt to isolate the genetic material
Hushed Moh. (The item is probably of the champions of the Coliseum to
some kind of biologically modifying build ever-greater warriors. Meanwhile, a
concoction, for which both groups secretive group called the Hushed Moh
are well known.) The domain is a attempts to concoct elixirs to boost the
dangerous place, but its relatively easy physical characteristics of the weak so they
to reach and operate within, as it is can better survive the harsh community.
filled with breathable air and adjusted
for surface dwellers.
Ancuan, page 166 Another reason to go might involve
history. If the PCs need to track down SQUAMOUS COLISEUM
Datasphere, page 12 The underwater city of Ahmas lies hundreds
what happened to certain people in
Ancuan and they trace the history back, of miles from any significant landmasses
theyll find old records mentioning and almost 2 miles (3 km) below the surface
Deep Dark, page 9 many mysterious disappearances. An in a very deep portion of the Deep Dark.
extraneous source, like the datasphere A pathway through the invisible corridors
Invisible corridors,
or another sophisticated source of leads directly to Ahmas, although the route
page 12
information, might reveal that the is somewhat circuitous. From the nearest
Submergine, page 11 people were taken to Ahmas. surface access, the path is about 9 miles (14
Last, Ahmas might be a place of km) long.
The underwater structure Otherwise, travel by vehicle, like a
general exploration with little specific
of Ahmas, in which the submergine, is the only likely means
coliseum lies, is filled with reason to go there. For example, the
PCs might find an ancient map or of getting to the coliseum. Unless the
air and is fully pressurized
to be comfortable to records suggesting that a prior-world characters take special precautions, the
land dwellers. Numerous complex lies in a specific underwater pressure outside the city would crush them,
airlocks allow for a location, worthy of investigation. Or assuming they dont freeze to death first.
comfortable and quick
perhaps theyre just wandering the
transition to and from
the watery environment invisible corridors and come upon a
around the city. strange structure
Most surface dwellers would say the government of Ahmas is more like a
dangerous criminal gang with an absolute (and ruthless) ruler rather than
a viable system of law and order.
The numenera in The interior of Ahmas was clearly not whatever weapon or armor she wishes,
Ahmas: The original designed by or for humans. There are no although a well-equipped but weak
builders of what is now stairs or elevators connecting levels vertically, combatant wont make it into the actual
the city of Ahmas left so the inhabitants have had to construct coliseum fights if shes killed for her gear by
behind various devices
and technology, but
seaweed rope ladders to ascend or descend. other aspiring warriors before she reaches it.
it has long since been Some accessways are so small that one must Initially, the slashing masses fight in
looted. Thus, most crawl through them, while other doorways or enormous free-for-all battles, sometimes
available cyphers and corridors can accommodate twenty people involving many dozens of participants at once.
artifacts are in the hands walking abreast. Those that survive these savage brawls form
of the strongest members
Most people live in the corridors, often small fighting units that are pitted against
of society. Rumor has it
that the kings sages have in niches or in substructure levels that each other, or against terrible aquatic beasts
storehouses of technology, amount to being lower corridors separated captured and brought here by the kings agents,
much of which they are by metal grillwork. In some places with high andeventuallyagainst a champion.
still trying to understand. ceilings, people use seaweed rope to build
Likewise, the Hushed hammocks or whole hanging structures. THE BEASTS
Moh have stockpiled
The larger chambers are mostly used for Sometimes, horrific predatory beasts
what numenera they can
get their hands on. markets, storage, and the domains of the are caught in the nets used by the city to
strong. These are sometimes subdivided capture food. Most of these are slain and
Spined Captor: level 7; by curtains or woven rope walls, floors, eaten, but occasionally the citizens discover
Armor 3; struck victims and ceilings. The king has a chamber so something that can survive in an air-filled,
who fail a second Speed large that it serves not only as his palace low-pressure environment like the coliseum.
defense roll are caught in but also as the headquarters, barracks, and When this happens, the beast is made the
its spiny rolls and suffer
laboratories of all his agents, located in center of the next combat, pitted against
7 points of damage each
round until they get free; cordoned-off sections or niches and side groups of better-than-average slashing
any creature damaged chambers adjacent to the main room. masses or a champion or two.
by a spine must make a At the center of the city, the hub of all of Spined Captor: This thing looks like a
Might defense roll or be Ahmas, lies the Squamous Coliseum. large, obese anemone covered in rolls of fat,
paralyzed and unable which in turn are covered in spikes. It rolls
to physically act for one
over foes when it attacks.
THE COLISEUM Tentacled Gueryon: Each of the dozen
Tentacled Gueryon: level The Squamous Coliseum takes all comers. or more tentacles of this semi-amorphous
7, Speed defense as level Anyone is welcome to test their mettle. cephalopod ends in a toothy mouth. It is
6 due to size; health 32; Further, all are welcome to come watch about 12 feet (4 m) in diameter.
attacks all foes in short
the fights, which happen every day. Crastalan: This yellow-shelled crustacean
range as a single action
Attendance is normally a thousand or more, has one long poisoned tentacle that can be
Crastalan: level 8, Speed and five times that if the champions are retracted into its shell. It stands 8 feet (2.5
defense as level 6 due participating. Even the enormous coliseum m) tall and is 10 feet (3 m) long.
to size and speed, level can just barely accommodate such numbers
9 for the strength of on those days. The king comes to watch THE CHAMPIONS
its poison; health 40;
quite often, but not every day. Certainly on The champions are the toughest, strongest,
Armor 5; can attack a
foe at short range with any day that the champions fight, however, and most skilled fighters in the coliseum.
spiked tentacle that is he is in attendance with rapt attention. Most have seen hundreds of fights there.
also poisoned, inflicting 5 Although sometimes a newcomer will reach
points of Speed damage THE SLASHING MASSES champion status (as determined by the
(ignores Armor) if a When fighters first come to the coliseum, kings agents), they usually dont last long.
Might defense roll fails
they are thrown in with what are called The current champions who have managed
the slashing masses. There are no rules to lastand are likely to continue to last
Typical member of the or regulationsa fighter can arrive with include the following four warriors.
slashing masses: level
4; Armor 1; ranged and
melee weapons
In the grand tradition of his predecessors, King Faralousus forces his people to
pit their strength and abilities against one another to find and isolate the
greatest traits they might bear.
Orishall: With a hard crustaceans shell and These things, called chrik, latch onto flesh Orishall: level 6, attacks as
massive claws, Orishall is a terror. She stands like leeches and inject a paralytic poison. level 7; health 30; Armor 5;
makes two melee attacks
almost 9 feet (3 m) tall, although she scuttles Vooren throws up to three chrik at a foe as as a single action
low to the ground more often than rising to an action (the attack is based on his level,
her full height. She has bolted scavenged not the chrik level). Those that hit bite and Ehnaa: level 7, perception
pieces of metal to her shell for even greater inject their poison and continue to do so and Speed defense with
protectionmost attacks simply bounce off until removed (requiring an action) or killed. her shield as level 8;
health 25; Armor 2; carries
her. Orishall never uses ranged attacks and Boisterous and confident, Vooren likes
an artifact that fires a ray
is often able to cross the entire battlefield to toy with his enemies a bit if he gains the of superheated energy
while archers or others with similar weapons upper hand. at a single target up to
waste their time trying to penetrate her armor. Huranilla: Tall and lithe, Huranilla is 200 feet (60 m) away
She has a remarkable bloodlust, even for a more snake or eel than human. She attacks (Depletion: 1 in 1d20)
champion of the coliseum. with her bite but also uses an array of long
Vooren: level 6, Might
Ehnaa: Muscular and quick, Ehnaa is the knives if needed. Huranilla also carries a
defense as level 7; health
perfect arena fighter. She typically uses a number of throwing weapons. She is quick, 32; Armor 3
spear and a shield, but she has a level 6 efficient, and quiet.
artifact energy weapon that she can use at Chrik: level 1, attacks and
long range when she wishes it (she does so Speed defense as level 2;
sparingly). Ehnaa is a favorite of the crowds THE HUSHED MOH poison inflicts 1 point of
Speed damage (ignores
because she fights with skill and intelligence A secretive, subversive group calling itself Armor) each round
as well as strength and fortitude. She has the Hushed Moh operates in the shadows of
brilliant blue scales and gills. Ahmas. Using tools and techniques left over Huranilla: level 6, Speed
Vooren: Vooren is stout, with a wide, from the original captors, these people work defense as level 8, attacks
muscular body covered in thick, tough toward creating injections and treatments that and stealth as level 7;
Armor 1; poisonous bite
brown scales. Whats more, he carries a enhance themselves and others. In effect, they
deals 4 points of Speed
number of small creatures harvested from seek to cheat the paths of heredity so they can damage (ignores Armor)
the ocean floor that appear to be fleshy survive in the city and even the coliseum to to those failing a Might
disks about 6 inches (15 cm) in diameter. stand among the strongest of their kind. defense roll
They have devised a number of transfusions and, for lack of a better term,
treatments that involve injecting chemicals are considered artifacts.
and biological materials directly into a The leaders of the Hushed Moh are twin
Ullavan: level 5, subjects body. Although in the early days sisters Ullavan and Ilsha. Each is slight and
numenera knowledge as of the group these treatments resulted in covered in brilliant blue scales. Ullavan has
level 7; Armor 1 deformity or death as often as not, today a large red fin on her head, and Ilsha has
they have been perfected over literally large, bulbous white eyes.
Ilsha: level 6, numenera
knowledge as level 7; thousands of trials. Some of the treatments Most members of the Hushed Moh believe
Armor 1 are temporary, and thus act as cyphers. that they are not in fact subverting the essence
These are called concoctions. Others of the coliseum, because by delving into the
inflict longer-lasting or even permanent numenera, they are merely using the strength
changes upon the subject. These are called of their intellect rather than their bodies.
The Hushed Moh and the kings agents fight a war in the shadows of the city.
For different reasons, neither side of the conflict wants the general populace to
even know the Hushed Moh exist.
Because the benefits of the invisible FLORA AND FAUNA
corridors do not saturate Minifera, OF MINIFERA
characters are more likely to survive their Creatures and sea plants of kinds familiar
visit if they are prepared for the extreme to explorers from the surface are rare in
environment. The crushing pressurea Minifera. The crushing cold in one of the
thousand times that which exists on deepest places in the world means that the
the surfacecan kill an unprotected grasses that grow along the trench sides
surface dweller even faster than the are swaying groves of tendrils, the full-size
airless landscape of the moon. Couple fish that move in slow, stately schools are
the overwhelming pressure with a lack of flattened with mantalike wings, and the
profusion of smaller creatures are some further than granting a cyphera certain
combination of animal, plant, insect, and percentage of humans take to the dyremmi
automatons. For example, the yellow-bulbed constituents a little too readily and become
Naiadapt, page 101 zocqua stalk grows to lengths of 20 feet naiadan hybrids (or naiadapts, as they are
(6 m) and produces tiny fruit from which most often called). Since this essentially
delicate crystal automatons are born. They changes the PCs race to naiadapt, it
resemble tiny swimming insects but can happens to a character only if the player and
serve as parts for anyone trained in the GM agree that it does.
numenera who attempts to repair or craft
an item, or breed a specific trait into a wild
dyremmi population. Otherwise, these CYPHERS OF MINIFERA
zocqua seeds either become food for The naiadans of Minifera possess an
other creatures or eventually become the understanding of the numenera far in
starts of new zocqua stalks. advance of even the Order of Truth. This
Scintillans: Scintillans are everywhere, mastery is biological, owing to the fact
flashing like ambivalent stars in the upper that naiadans themselves are composed of
parts of Minifera and suspended over dyremmi constituents. Though living, each
the wide trench. Close up, scintillans are individual component (a dyremmin) is
revealed as tiny creatures similar to firefly like a finely engineered automaton. When
squids. Related to the scintillans are the naiadans research new tech, they essentially
Noghalor: level 2, Speed much larger noghalor, which hunt both breed and evolve batches of dyremmi to
defense as level 3 due to their smaller cousins and any lone naiadan, accomplish their goals. The Trait Breeders
flashing distraction of
naiadapt, or other visitor to the oceia they have such expertise that they can craft
luminescent body
happen across. cyphers from dyremmi to nearly any
Wild Dyremmi: At least as numerous as specification they desire.
the scintillansthough without flashing Common cyphers in Minifera and other
lights to draw attention to themselvesare naiadan outposts include the following.
the wild dyremmi. When tame, dyremmi
are the amoeboid constituents of individual
naiadans and also specially bred and crafted ACCESS
cyphers made by the naiadans. Individual Level: 1d6 + 2
dyremmin are about 1 inch (3 cm) in Wearable: Sheet of living scales composed
diameter and are variously shaped like of biomechanical amoeboids (dyremmi)
stars, spines, spheres, and knots. Hundreds Usable: Injector containing biomechanical
of different wild populations of dyremmi amoeboids (dyremmi)
Dread spine (swarm): saturate Minifera, some of which are Effect: For one hour, the user can pass
level 2; in groups of six or dangerous pests. One of the most lethal is into or out of most naiadan structures
more, attacks as a single the dread spines, which attack in swarms. whose level is less than or equal to the
level 4 creature inflicting Adapter Spines: The wild dyremmi cypher level as if the solid barrier was
4 points of damage
called adapter spines, which are located insubstantial. In fact, the barrier becomes
Adapter spine (swarm): throughout Minifera, are normally placid. selectively permeable to the user and her
level 2; in groups of six or However, when adapter spines sense a equipment. She can pass into or out of
more, attacks as a single creature not adapted to the environment, structures of non-naiadan architecture, but
level 4 creature inflicting they attack in swarms like dread spines. doing so requires her full concentration
4 points of damage; If their attack succeeds before the target over the course of three rounds.
if prey not adapted to
creature succumbs to the cold, pressure,
the depths would be
killed, instead the prey and lack of air, that creature may survive AMAZING EXPERIENCE
wakes with activated to discover that it has forcefully acquired Level: 1d6
deep adaptation an activated deep adaptation cypher. (If a Wearable: Nodule composed of
cypher in effect character is already at her cypher limit when biomechanical amoeboids (dyremmi)
a deep adaptation cypher successfully force- Usable: Injector containing biomechanical
adapts her to surviving in the depths, roll on amoeboids (dyremmi)
Cypher Danger, the Cypher Danger table to determine if any Effect: User gains the memory of an
page 279 secondary ill effect occurs.) experience so epic that each time he
If the target creature is a human, theres reviews it as an action, he has an asset
a small chance that the attack goes on all tasks in the following round.
Level: 1d6 + 2
Wearable: Nodule composed of
biomechanical amoeboids (dyremmi)
Usable: Injector containing biomechanical
amoeboids (dyremmi)
Effect: For the next 28 hours, the user can
generate an electrical burst at a target
within short range that inflicts damage
equal to the cypher level. Alternatively,
her melee attacks deal 1 additional point
of damage through electrical discharge.
Level: 1d6 + 2
Wearable: Nodule composed of
biomechanical amoeboids (dyremmi)
Usable: Injector containing biomechanical
amoeboids (dyremmi)
Effect: For the next hour, the user can release a
stream of fluid at a target within immediate
range as an attack that inflicts 1 point of
damage (ignores Armor). In addition, until
the end of the next round, the target obeys
the instructions of the user.
SURFACE ADAPTATION process whereby an individual transfers
Level: 1d6 + 2 a memory, an appreciation of a concept
Wearable: Sheet of living scales composed or important experience, a skill, a body
of biomechanical amoeboids (dyremmi) customization, an immunity, or some other
Usable: Injector containing biomechanical special ability: communion. To a naiadan,
amoeboids (dyremmi) communion is an art, a meditation, and
Effect: Physically adapts a deep-dwelling a way to appreciate and connect with
creature to survive like a native surface naiadan culture and history. To an outsider,
dweller, including immunity to low (sea- communion looks like two nearby naiadans
level) pressure, immunity to warmth, and unraveling into each other, after which both
the ability to breathe air for up to 111 hours. are slightly different.
Though they could easily choose not to,
TELEPATHY, NAIADAN most naiadans prefer to maintain a male or
Level: 1d6 + 1 female gender. Few live out their whole lives
Wearable: Nodule composed of as the same gender.
biomechanical amoeboids (dyremmi) With adequate stocks of dyremmi nearby
Usable: Injector containing biomechanical or via the cooperation of another naiadan
amoeboids (dyremmi) with a specialized ability, a Minifera native
Effect: For one hour, user gains the ability to can gain a new ability (and swap out an
telepathically converse with any naiadan, old one) after just a minute of exchange
naiadapt, or someone using or who and consolidation. Communion isnt
has used a naiadan-bred cypher in the usually conducted in ad-hoc situations
previous week. out and about in the oceia. It normally
occurs in one of the numerous structures
Naiadan can incorporate Minifera-bred called communion shrines. To enter a
cyphers permanently into their bodies, which communion shrine alone is a sign to any
grants them new abilities based on the passing naiadan that one is open to a new
cypher incorporated. A naiadan can have up idea, a new contact, or a new experience,
to three active dyremmi abilities at a time, or is perhaps seeking a special skill or
plus up to six additional inactive abilities that lost memory. Communion is a communal
can be swapped out with the active abilities. experience between two individuals, not one
When an ability is active, it regenerates, so that can generally be forced on an unwilling
after being used, it can usually be used again partner (though there are stories of such).
within minutes or hours. Birthing communion shrines also exist,
though they are rarer. A birthing communion
exchange involves ten or more individuals,
NATIVES OF MINIFERA: all of whom completely dissociate into
NAIADAN individual dyremmi during the ten-hour-long
From a distance, a naiadan appears to event. When the commingling concludes,
be covered with scales shaped like stars everyone reforms. In addition, a newborn
and spines, with finned arms and legs naiadan individual composed of constituents
and an elongated head with no obvious that were contributed by all the others is
mouth. Many have specialized limbs that formed. For the parents, the experience is
include tentacles, projectile weapons, and beyond the kind of description a surface
sometimes light-emitting pods. However, dweller can comprehend, but it includes
the resemblance to scales is superficial. components of sexual pleasure, a sense of
Each naiadan is made up of thousands of overwhelming cosmic unity, and the lingering
constituent living creatures called dyremmi; glow of satisfaction at the assured continuity
the scales are just the outermost layer of of the species.
the dyremmi. The naiadans maintain a civilization
The learned know that everything alive is that exists in harmonious equilibrium with
made of tinier living parts, which is what their environment. They keep a handful of
gives life its versatility and adaptability. For small outposts in other places in the Deep
naiadan, their dyremmi constituent parts Dark, as well as a few embassies of ten or
give versatility a whole new nameliterally. so naiadans in other locations. Naiadans
Naiadans have a special name for the do not seek to grow their numbers or their
influence beyond what theyve already places beyond the grasp of Earth. Naiadans
achieved, but neither are they declining may have been spawned by a hyper-
and losing their advanced knowledge of intelligence of a prior world that engineered
the art required to maintain their bodies, them to inhabit and exploit the deep, as
Minifera, and their place in the Deep Dark. certain ancient dyremmi memories suggest.
If necessary, individual naiadans may Its possible, and it would explain how
become especially aggressive or grasping, naiadans can have real conversations and
but usually only in reaction to an exterior connections with other kinds of creatures,
threat. Naiadans who do not accept this including humans, despite seeming quite
worldview usually leave Minifera to find a alien. In particular, an artificial past might
life of adventure and excitement in the wider also explain why humans are so susceptible
Deep Dark, the Shallows, or even on the to being hybridized with life-saving dyremmi
surface. (Opposing philosophies are also constituents.
common in the naiadan-human hybrids The only enemies the naiadans have
called naiadapts, but thats to be expected.) are the people of the Skelirroth Fleet. Skelirroth Fleet, page 77
Not surprisingly, naiadans are a placid, Skelirroths operate a fleet of massive
accepting people. They welcome change, vehicles that dredge the ocean floor and
even embrace it, but only as far as that overfish to such staggering excess that
change contributes to their ability to they give even the normally equanimous
maintain their current place in the world. naiadans pause, even though the vessels
They have an advanced understanding of rarely come so deep. The mere knowledge
the numenera, one that would make nearly of the fleets existence is enough to drive a
any Aeon Priest jealous, but they dont seek naiadan to distraction.
to use that knowledge to create an empire
or transcend to a higher level of existence. RACIAL OPTION: THE NAIADAPT
Naiadans are content merely to be. Players can run characters who are hybrid
The natives of Minifera are well aware of naiadans, called naiadapts. Naiadapts
other races in the oceans, humans and other are humans who have become partially
creatures inhabiting the surface, and a few hybridized with naiadan biology. Playing
a naiadapt is slightly more involved than Whereas naiadans are placid and
playing an average human, so only players accepting, naiadapts can be unpredictable,
willing to shoulder additional complexity excitable, and even ambitious. Thats
should consider playing a naiadapt, and because their humanlike psychology cant
Varjellen, page 121 then only with the blessing of the GM. help but see the amazing opportunity that
As previously described, naiadans are their changeable physiology can provide.
composed of thousands of individual Some naiadapts revel in their differences,
Naiadapts need to constituent creatures called dyremmi. especially if they rejoin surface-dwelling
eat and drink about Like varjellen, naiadans and naiadapts can societies. Others hide their differences to
25 percent more than adapt themselves to their circumstances. gain an advantage, though a few adapt the
normal to stay healthy,
However, they do so by literally swapping more easy-going attitudes of a naiadan.
mainly because theyre
supporting not only portions of their body with a personal A naiadapt could conceivably far outlive
themselves but also their reservoir of spare dyremmi or with another a regular human, though to do so would
dyremmi symbiotes, naiadan or naiadapt who possesses the require that she find the right specialized
which gain all the desired feature. dyremmi and keep them active for many
nutrients they need by A naiadapt looks like a human who has hours every day. Naiadapts eat human
absorbing them from the
been partly fused with patches of artificial foods, though their hybrid biology means
organic material (the dyremmi). The that strong spices and hard alcohol hit them
fused dyremmi might be wholly hidden particularly hard.
under the skin, or they might resemble
A common slang term for patches of scales here and there replacing NAIADAPT ABILITIES
a naiadapt is dapt. the naiadapts skin. As a naiadapt swaps All naiadapt characters have the abilities
out different abilities, small changes in described in the Naiadapt Dyremmi Abilities
appearance are the norm. For instance, a sidebar. Players can create a new one if
naiadapt who exchanges her ability to be the GM allows it. A naiadapts race is his
Works Miracles,
adapted to the depths with the ability to descriptor, but he can choose any character
page 75 run a long distance each round on dry land type and focus desired. For example, a
might go from appearing essentially scale- player might create a naiadapt nano who
Controls Gravity, covered to looking like a human but with Works Miracles or a naiadapt glaive who
page 56 legs more like that of a fast-moving plains Controls Gravity. Because a naiadapt gains
animal, including a reverse knee joint. more benefits from his racial type than he
Naiadapts can be thought of as humans would from a conventional descriptor, each
A naiadapt can have up
partly colonized with symbiotes that, if carries more disadvantages as well.
to two active dyremmi removed, would kill the human.
abilities at a time, plus
two additional inactive
abilities that can be
swapped out with the
active abilities. The following are typical dyremmi abilities a naiadapt might have stored (or active). If a
character encounters another naiadapt, a naiadan, or a living cypher of the kind typically
found in Minifera, the GM and player can work together to determine if other abilities
are possible.
Contemplative. +2 to Intellect.
Deep Adaptation. Thrive like a native creature in the deep, including immunity to high
pressure and cold, the ability to breathe underwater, and the ability to see in dark water.
(If the naiadapt ascends to the surface, this ability, if active, must be changed out or
ameliorated. Otherwise, the naiadapt undergoes a process that is the reverse of what a non-
native experiences when it visits the hadal depths, and the naiadapt most likely dies.)
Armored Carapace. +1 to Armor.
Spray of Confusion (2 Might points). The character can release a stream of fluid at
a target within immediate range as an attack that inflicts 1 point of damage (ignores
Armor). In addition, the difficulty of all tasks is increased by one step for one round.
Skill. The character is trained in tasks related to the numenera.
Spew Acidic Detonation (4 Might points). The character can project a gobbet
of biological material at a target within short range, whereupon it explodes in an
immediate radius, inflicting 5 points of damage from acidic discharge.
appendages. He has several specialized The caretaker of the assembly dome is a
Thakarsis: level 4, can dyremmi adaptations allowing him to naiadapt named Thakarsis. When council
use two random active connect to all the legs of the crawler at once naiadans are lost in communion, Thakarsis
dyremmi abilities
via a series of living tubes. Though he could guards them. When other naiadans are off
direct the pincers and missile launcher from doing whatever they do when not deciding
Lorrothers tail, he usually allows eager weighty matters of governance, Thakarsis
naiadapts that honor. sees to the maintenance and upkeep of
The vehicle contains a few air-filled, the dome. Given to the caretaker is a
low-pressure chambers set aside for the secret few others know: a tunnel about
occasional creature from the surface that 1 foot (30 cm) in diameter at the back of
Persamlor, page 108
finds its way down to Minifera without the dome is a portal that connects to the
protection. A traveling human peddler naiadan settlement of Persamlor. When
Cheldam: level 4, tasks named Cheldam currently occupies one of decisions are reached in the assembly
related to deceiving, those rooms. Cheldam is old and tottery, dome, Thakarsis sees to it that reports are
knowledge, and history of but he still manages an air of civilized sent via messages coded in chemical seep
Kaparin as level 7
grace despite his dark surroundings. through the tunnel to Persamlor. Given that
According to Cheldam, he is on the run the settlement is inhabited by a dissident
from a crime syndicate based in the Ancuan faction of naiadans, Thakarsis is keen to
city of Kaparin. If asked why he lives in keep his connection private.
Kaparin, page 167 confinement instead of using a deep
adaptation cypher or any of a number of TEMPLE OF THE TRAIT BREEDERS
other solutions, Cheldam claims he has an The Temple of the Trait Breeders is a
allergic reaction to using the numenera, keystone of naiadan culture and mastery
especially dyremmi-bred cyphers. over the numenera. Within the many
segregated breeding chambers are stored
MYESSACH ASSEMBLY DOME all manner of primordial populations of
Naiadans of Minifera
Given how naiadans use communion for dyremmi, as well as those already imprinted
keep small embassies in
various other oceia as communication, art, breeding, and more, its with an ability. The temple is composed of
well as in a few places no surprise they also use a form of the same a large dome surrounded by a campus of
on the surface, including process to govern Minifera. Technically, any smaller interconnected pods and domes, all
Qi, Ledon, Mulen, and adult naiadan or naiadapt can attend a daily of which constantly change locations based
Rarrow. Usually, these governing assembly meeting under the large on updating priorities.
embassies are staffed by
naiadapts who maintain
crystal dome set in the side of the trench. The head trait breeder is, oddly enough,
a nearly human guise. In practice, only a small subset of citizens not a naiadan, but rather a naiadapt named
regularly attend. Those who meet most often Kulusa. Kulusa is a human woman with
are said to be on the council of Myessach. red hair who sports a ring on each finger.
To some, the distinction is a great honor. She arrived in Minifera three hundred years
Qi, page 148 Most naiadans, however, are happy to leave ago. She was already an accomplished nano
the decision making to others as long as and took to trait breeding dyremmi with a
Ledon, page 147
Minifera continues to thrive. converts conviction. She has the respect
Mulen, page 159 Decisions reached during a communion- of most naiadans, though a few remain
like census of the Myessach are spread suspicious of her rise to one of the most
Rarrow, page 169 through a variety of channels depending important positions in the city. A rare few
on the importance of the message. These resent that one of their own doesnt hold
include word of mouth, release of coded the position. Other naiadans regard that
message chemicals into the water, and as a racist attitude and ignore the ongoing
Kulusa: level 5, tasks physical messenger, all the way up to rare murmurings.
related to the numenera ultra-communion events where almost If a Minifera citizen wishes to undertake
and dyremmi trait
breeding as level 8; can
every naiadan in Minifera fuses into a a program of new research on nearly any
use two random active single thinking entity. This leaves little topic, the Temple is the place shell likely
dyremmi abilities room for misunderstanding in the minds of visit first. At the very least, she can apply for
singleton naiadans after the communion, a batch of raw dyremmi imprinted with the
and whats more, the ultra-being is able potential for a variety of nascent traits. If
to send telepathic news to all naiadans shes insistent and can convince Kulusa of
everywhere, including those posted to the importance of her project, a researcher
distant settlements and embassies. may get a tiny attached dome associated
The trench of Minifera extends down much The Implosion Zone is the area at the
farther than the main oceia structures bottom of the trench. Here the trench
and the cozy light of scintillans reach. At finally narrows to just under 1,000 feet (300
these dark depths, mines honeycomb the m) across. Most Miniferans give it little
narrowing walls, where rare minerals and thought, except as the out-of-sight, out-of-
ores can be had, as well as the occasional mind place where unrecyclable trash and
crushed synth fragment from devices dating dangerous items are disposed of. Anything
back to a prior world. The material is mined that comes within immediate range of
by naiadans using dyremmi-adapted bodies or touches down on the trench bottom
capable of burrowing through solid rock is subject to a level 10 attack each round
at a respectable clip. Materials gleaned that inflicts 20 points of gravity damage
from the mines are sent upward in rising (ignores most Armor). Objects destroyed
bubblelike conveyances to the inhabited or creatures killed by the effect are crushed
oceia levels. There they are collected and into drifting dust. The area isnt clogged
incorporated into useful base substances for with subatomic dust because infrequent
construction, dyremmi maintenance, and gravity storms send dust plumes back up
repair of devices. Rarely, dangerous objects the ravines throat.
are found, and these are simply dropped so The level 10 cables that provide power
they fall farther down the trench, toward the to Minifera far above are sunk into the
Implosion Zone. rock floor. Placed there when Minifera was
At the bottom end of the Trench Midzone, founded, the cables have proved resistant
an observation pod hangs in the darkness to the effects of the Implosion Zone and the
on a thick, reinforced stalk. A team of gravity waves that frequently storm upward.
observers is routinely stationed there. Each The cables follow fractures in the stone for
observer incorporates dyremmi-modified hundreds of feet (200 m), and then they
body parts specialized for perceiving light, plunge into the surface of an object buried in
scent, radiation, and especially gravity. the mantle. This objectabout the size of a
Gravity storm Gravity storms sometimes surge up from very small moon, roughly 100 miles (160 km)
(magnitude 3): level 3; the Implosion Zone. Usually these storms in diameteris called the Attractor.
moves a short distance
are weak affairs, but occasionally they are The Myessach and several naiadans
upward each round;
attacks all creatures far worse. The observers are responsible for working in the Temple of the Trait
and objects within short grading each storm, and when necessary, Breeders know about the Attractor, but not
range, inflicting 5 points sounding a warning to the miners above. necessarily why it is so named. That it is
of damage (ignores When the miners receive such a warning, an artifact of a prior world, none doubt.
Armor); persists for 1d6 + they retreat into specially built storm They suspect that the revered naiadan
3 hours unless disrupted
shelters to ride out the gravity flux. Though ancestorsthe proto-naiadans who came
it hasnt happened yet, observers worry that before those who now inhabit Minifera
the increasing volume of low-level gravitic were responsible for sinking the power lines
events augurs a future gravity storm of into the Attractor. Presumably those proto-
extreme magnitude that could reach all the naiadans knew far more about it, enough to
way to the top of the trench, shaking and give it a name. With all that knowledge, they
crushing Minifera itself, and perhaps areas chose merely to tap its excess energy rather
beyond. than try to unearth it. Modern naiadans
Over a dozen level 10 synth cables, each generally believe the wisest course is not to
as wide as a naiadan, extend up from disturb what lies below for that reason.
the darkness of the Implosion Zone. The A cache of artifacts recently found in a
cables are affixed to the sides of the Trench Trench Midzone mine includes many wonders
Midzone, zigzagging to avoid mine mouths, of the extinct proto-naiadans: several sets
and run all the way up to the oceia. They of gravity modulators, phase modulators,
transfer energy from the Implosion Zone powered grips, and a few gravity spears. Those
and meet all the power needs of Minifera. who worry about the increasing frequency of
gravity storms believe it might be worthwhile
to use these tools to trace the power lines
down into the mantle and discover the true
nature of the Attractor.
their original purpose: attract the attention Ruins of ancient structures and artifacts
of more of their warlike kind using tech on sunk from the surface and stored in
their craft, telling them that Earth is a place deposits of amber-colored translucent
rich in resources and potential. synth
Many naiadans assume that the name Previous explorers inexplicably turned to
Attractor, which was passed down from glass
their ancestors, was an obscure reference Tunnels leading into sealed places in
to the objects anomalous gravitational the crust, or all the way through it to the
Inner Sea, page 124 footprint. In fact, its a reference to the Inner Sea
crafts potential to draw attention to the Insane naiadapt nanos building a new
Earth. empire amid prior-world ruins
Automatons that possess living parts
HAUNTED TRENCHES harvested not from naiadans but from
Trenches similar to the one that hosts creatures on the surface
Minifera are located in other parts of the Machines that transport would-be
deep, and in fact they contain structures travelers to other locations in the sea,
not dissimilar to those of Minifera itself. other locations on the surface, or distant
However, these oceia, if thats what they locations in the universeor that just
were, are abandoned and dead. Naiadans disintegrate them
have no memory of their kind having had Creatures trapped out of phase; to
settlements in other trenches that they later become wholly physical at their current
abandoned. location would kill them in a few rounds
A proto-naiadan race preceded those now because they have nothing akin to deep
living. Legends suggest some kind of war adaptation cyphers
between them and a splinter group wiped Crystal pulsing with the trapped mind of
out the proto-naiadans. Only the splinter a prior-age psychic overlord
group remained, who went on to found Detailed plans for building a device
Minifera and the modern naiadan race. capable of quickly and efficiently
The haunted trenches may be evidence unzipping naiadans into their
of the proto-naiadans. Most naiadans constituent dyremmi, effectively killing
want nothing to do with these places, but the naiadan but leaving the constituents
naiadapts feel differently and are eager alive and easily salvageable
to explore them whenever news of a new
haunted trench becomes known. Exploring Not every haunted trench is the same.
a haunted trench provides opportunities Several were obviously never inhabited by
for scavenging shins, oddities, cyphers, and anything like naiadans, and others seem
artifacts. As with any exploration, danger is completely empty (at first . . .).
also constant, often from misunderstood
devices but also from other creatures of the PERSAMLOR
deep that have claimed parts of these cities The naiadans of Persamlor are convinced
as their lairs. that their race took a wrong turn long ago,
Explorers who have entered a haunted perhaps as far back as when Minifera was
trench and returned report finding some of originally founded. Though knowledge of
the following features. that long-before time is essentially legend,
Dyremmi that have gained individual Persamlorans maintain a rich mythology
sentience, and who view naiadans and of how things once were. They subscribe
naiadapts as monstrous, enslaving to the ideology that dyremmi-based tech
conglomerations that must be broken is wondrous, certainly, but ultimately
up so that individual dyremmi can be limiting. Despite naiadan mastery of and
emancipated dependence on it, pure bioengineering
Cyphers of pre-dyremmi construction can take the race only so far. Witness how
made of concentrated or condensate the naiadans of Minifera have remained
psychic energy essentially stagnant for thousands of years,
Domes that seem filled with normal say the Persamlorans. Thus, they seek to
water but are revealed to be stomachlike return their race to a state more like that of
baths of acidic enzymes the proto-naiadans and give up complete
There is no connection Weapons and armor in Morenel are more THE CITY
to the datasphere in basic. Few artifacts of this nature exist. The Morenel is a single mile-high structure,
Morenel. city guards use spears and shields and wear more or less like a hollow, elongated
chainmail hauberks. egg with one end resting on the ground.
However, all artifacts in Morenel, along Within it lies a sprawling complex of
with all vehicles, elevators, air cyclers, food interconnected buildings, towers, bridges,
producers, and other devices, are powered platforms, and multilevel structures.
Generator: level 10 by a single massive generator. This well- Everything is made of stronglass and
guarded and well-maintained generator is advanced metals.
located in the heart of the city, just above Floating platforms, elevators, and flying
the Waterways. Items removed from the city vehicles allow people to move within
cease to function and are depleted. The only this giant space vertically as well as
exceptions (for obvious reasons) are the horizontally. The buildings provide spacious
numerous submarines and submersibles accommodations for living, commerce,
outside the city, and any devices to help food production, and manufacturing as
Abadis, page 13 survive outside its confines. If anything ever well as recreation and art. Abadis are the
happened to the generator, the entire city commonly used currency in the city.
would likely be doomed. The builders of Morenel equipped it with
The gates into and out of
Morenel are level 7.
There are also many cyphers and oddities numerous airlocks for submersibles or
found in the city, but they are not related to individuals equipped to survive outside the
the generator. city. Visitors come and go frequently from
this busy metropolis.
The second most numerous race in THE WATERWAYS
Morenel is the vroaordun. Vroaordun can Telekinetic vroaordun created the Waterways
be found throughout the deeps, in their own out of the rock at the bottom of the city.
groups and mixed in with other races. They In other words, this lower portion of the
possess a variety of strange abilities they city used to be an open area of great size,
claim were granted to them by ancient gods but the vroaordun filled it with an almost
that live deep in the sea, supposedly far mazelike complex of hallways and chambers
deeper than anyone (including vroaordun) of stone. They use their powers at the
have ever been. This could be a reference various entrances, controlling the airlocks
Inner Sea, page 124 to the Inner Sea, but the vroaordun have that allow transition between the air-filled
no knowledge of such a placeand in fact, and water-filled portions of Morenel. Others
most people dont. with different powers keep fresh water
The vroaordun in Morenel trace their flowing into the city via conduits, provide
history back even farther than the humans light, and maintain other necessary aspects
Unpronounceable do, as they remember when the humans to keep the area functioning, for vroaordun
(properly) to humans, first arrived. They aided the surface dwellers do not have an affinity with the numenera.
Tshanng (t-shan-ng) transition to living on the sea bottom, and The interior of the Waterways is ornately
is a close approximation in exchange, the humans helped build a decorated with carved stone reliefs and
of the name that the
vroaordun give to the city. water-filled section of the city for their new sculptures, veined with a variety of exotic
allies. This section is called the Waterways minerals, fossilized remains, and the
and lies at the base of Morenel. remnants of ancient structures. Shells
The vroaordun prince that currently (some quite enormous), bones, and
rules their section is an individual named other organic objects add to the elaborate
Prince Trleng: as a Trleng. His flesh is inky black, and his eyes adornments.
standard vroaordun, but are glaring yellow. He is usually attended The main sections of this lower city
level 6 for all types of by a small group of guards, servants, and are marketplaces and small chambers
interactions; can become
invisible; see page 157
courtiers. Wealth and power motivate the for private exchanges and discussions.
prince, and because of his control of this A portion of all transactions goes to
particular city, he is among the wealthiest pay the vroaordun. If the city is used by
and most powerful of his kind. He also someone who conducts no transactions,
possesses the ability to become invisible the vroaordun still make a profit from tolls
whenever he wishes. paid to get in and out, payment for lodging,
and so on. As above, the generally accepted
currency is abadis, although some vendors the non-native merchants and diplomats,
and merchants take other currencies, in fact, have taken up permanent residence
including barter. in Morenel, particularly in the Waterways.
One particularly important position The vroaordun cater to these individuals,
among the vroaordun is that of rtng for they bring more visitors and thus more
(pronounced r-t-ng), those with the ability wealth to the city.
to freeze time around an individual. The rtng Some of those that come to Morenel do
keep the peace in their section of the city, so because of its proximity to the Fallen
freezing any troublemakers into temporal Tower. These explorers make the city their
stasis and releasing them much later when base of operations, more or less. Merchants
they can be dealt with more easily. sometimes stock exploratory gear and
Many of those who come to Morenel survival equipment more heavily for these
find the Waterways more comfortable individuals, with prices often artificially
(water breathers need to equip themselves high. And of course there are those (mostly
Octopus, page 146
with apparatuses to breathe in the air of charlatans and hucksters) trying to sell
the main city). The vroaordun do not use maps, keys, or other things an explorer Skeane, page 59
numenera, but others bring it to them. Such might want inside the ruined tower.
devices have been used to create many Last, scholars and tinkerers spend their Naiadan, page 100
chambers that provide warmth, additional time in Morenel to purchase and study the
Glanae, page 117
light, and other comforts. things that explorers bring back when (or if)
they return from the Fallen Tower. Echryni are amphibious
VISITORS humanoids who hail from
When octopi, skeane, and naiadans come an archipelago called
to Morenel, they spend more of their time THE DEEP GRAVEYARD the Rayskel Cays. Theyre
in the Waterways rather than above. Some For reasons unknown, many deep-sea strong swimmers who
can control and change
visitors, such as Glanae and echryni, enjoy creatures come to this place to die. Even
the structure of water.
both parts of the city. animals that do not normally come to For more information,
Most of the visitors to the city are this region or descend to this depth are see the Ninth World
merchants, buyers, and diplomats. Many of sometimes compelled to travel here Guidebook, page 216.
Massive fish, aquatic mammals, cephalopods, sea snakes, and other
prodigious animals settle here on the ocean floor, along with tiny fish
and other creatures, their bones becoming a mixed landscape of
salt-encrusted white.
when they know they are going to die which not only gives it sustenance but also
soon. Massive fish, aquatic mammals, stimulates its growth just by its proximity.
cephalopods, sea snakes, and other In some cases, grayscourge been known
prodigious animals settle here on the to grow so fast over a living creature that
ocean floor, along with tiny fish and other touches a patch that it seems as though the
creatures, their bones becoming a mixed fungus swallows the victim. Even creatures
landscape of salt-encrusted white. protected by armor or environment suits are
Scavenger creatures feed off the corpses not immune, as the fungus can somehow
Tetterig: level 1; Armor 2 here. Most common are the tetterigs, sense the presence of organic life that is
crustaceans about the size of a human hand encased in inorganic materials.
Deepworm: level 3,
with a shell large enough to store extra In the case of proximity to a patch of
Speed defense as level 4
due to translucency and food. Also found in number are the almost grayscourge, a character must make a
quickness; makes two translucent deepworms, plucking flesh from Speed defense roll with a difficulty of 5 to
bite attacks as a single bones with a nasty mouth on each end. avoid being overwhelmed by the funguss
action sudden growth. An overwhelmed character
is encased in the fungus, unable to see or
THE FALLEN TOWER move unless he makes a Might-based roll to
The Fallen Tower is a prior-world remnant, break free (again, difficulty 5). Overwhelmed
massive and dangerous. Speculation is that characters with exposed flesh suffer 5
this area was not underwater long ago, and points of damage per round of contact
The sudden appearance
of grayscourge or one of the tower stood on dry land. Those with a with the flesh-eating fungus. Overwhelmed
the strange effects of the (long-view) understanding of geology know characters without exposed flesh suffer no
tower can be handled as that thats quite plausible. damage, but if the armor or suit is lower
GM intrusions. The tower lies on its side on the ocean than level 5, the fungus destroys it in two
floor, mostly intact. It is a slowly tapering rounds to get at the character.
cylinder of mainly metal, more than 1
mile (1.5 km) long, and averaging about THE EFFECTS
800 feet (240 m) across. Various doors, Throughout the tower, strange effects
airlocks, and open rents provide access distort the very nature of reality in
to the interior, which is about 70 percent unpredictable and often extremely
water filled. The remaining 30 percent is still dangerous ways. This can involve gravity,
completely sealed and airtight, but getting time, energy, matter, or any of their various
access to it might involving flooding more relationships. These effects vary throughout
of the tower. The fallen structure contains the tower. Examples include but are not
literally thousands of interior chambers limited to the following.
and is not laid out in any way intuitive to a A doorway shrinks as one swims toward
human mind. Most of the interior chambers it, always becoming too small to pass
have machinery and devices that can be through by the time its reached.
scavenged, but there are many dangers. Sound becomes a semisolid form of
matter in one area.
THE FUNGUS The closer one comes to the center of a
A rare underwater fungal growth called round chamber, the slower time moves,
grayscourgeor hjuoun (pronounced and at the very center, time stops.
huh-joo-oun) in the language of the Gravity is five times stronger than
vroaorduninfests water-filled parts of normal in a corridor, except that it
the tower. This fungus grows very quickly affects only organic matter.
when provided with organic material,
creatures called ebons. These dark, silent Not knowing the truth, the Glanae work
swimmers have discovered that Glanae are ceaselessly to find a way to stop their city
quick and easy food sources. from self-destructing. Some worry that the
The dark secret is that the city-sponge city-sponge is dying from disease or old age.
actively encourages the ebons to draw near Others believe its being weakened by the
by secreting a special hormone, and then crystal gardens or the growing population.
bursting open one of its mouth sacs to
present the ebons with an easy meal. By GLANAE
encouraging the ebons to stick around, the The people of Onisteles are called Glanae.
city-sponge ensures that it has protectors Although they look very similar to the
against one of the few creatures that will humans that live in places like the Steadfast,
attempt to eat it: the abyss slug. These dark there are some discreet differences. Glanae Abyss slug: level 4,
blue creatures grow up to 3 feet (1 m) around have a thin layer of fat and tissue, called defend as level 3 due to
speed; spew acid that
and 5 feet (1.5 m) long and appear to be banding, under their skin. Banding keeps
does 3 points of damage
covered with swirling black holes that spew them warm and helps offset the constant to living creatures within
ebony acid when the creature is threatened. deep-sea pressure on their organs. Their short range
Abyss slugs can burrow into a sponge and eat eyes are crystalline and nearly spherical,
it from the inside out in a matter of weeks. allowing them perfect underwater vision.
Some Glanae believe the city-sponge Glanae also have two small blood-vessel- Glanae: level 4; Armor
is intelligent and self-aware, but thats rich openings at the base of their spine that 2; most carry one or
two knives, as well as a
not been proven; it either cant or wont allow them to absorb oxygen from the water.
ranged aquatic weapon
communicate with its inhabitants. However, it is considered pass by current
The ebons get free dinner from the cultural norms to breathe this way, so many
sponge. The sponge gets protection from Glanae cover their openings and breathe
the ebons. And the inhabitantsat least the underwater via other methods, including
ones not in the exploded center of town gill implants. They also grow gardens of
get free room and board. Almost a win-win crystals, called amulstones, that produce
for everyone. and store oxygen, and then release it into
the nearby water. If picked at the right time, your arms when you greet others (down,
amulstones can be used as oxygen sources. across your body, or touching their arms,
A Glanaes natural lifespan is forty years depending on their age and social standing
on average, but many extend this (or in relation to you) to the proper way to ask
attempt to) through technological means. for help (Glanae consider it bad form to
Glin: level 5, knowledge They dont desire to live forever; they just refuse a request for help, so getting out on
of etiquette and social
want to live a very, very long time and a technicality if the request isnt proper is
mores as level 4
to do so with all of the luxuries they can essentially the only way to say no).
Maasq: level 4; carries a manufacture. Glanae wear ornate dress crafted from
markmaker, a telescoping A communal people, Glanae are used chitin, shell, coral, and other hard materials.
rod designed to deliver to living and moving in large, close-knit It is considered proper to design and
the maximum shock to a groups. Maintaining ones proper place in decorate your own dress, as well as any
Glanaes nervous system
society is important to the Glanae, so most weapons and tools you use. In fact, it is
(does 4 points of damage
to Glanae, and 3 points quickly learn and follow the complicated bad form to purchase items, so Onisteles
of damage to all other social norms that are expected of them. has very little in the way of economy. If you
living creatures) These range from how to properly position cant make a thing or do a job yourself, its
acceptable to receive help from someone
more skilled. Many technologies, buildings,
and tasks are co-created in this way (some
for better, some for worse).
Although Glanae can speak, they
use touch as a primary means of silent
communication. A tap, a brush, a light
pokethese all mean different things
depending on the angle, proximity, and
accompanying word or sound. The concept
of individual names is not something the
Glanae embrace. Instead, individuals are
identified by a category name, based on
their craft or societal place. Maker, venter,
and mastercrafter are common monikers.
The group of Glanae that runs the city
called Glinschanges every generation.
Glins are chosen at birth and raised by the
citys six oldest residents, a collective known
as Maasqs. Maasqs impart all of the proper
knowledge and skills Glins need to become
part of the ruling group when they turn fifteen
years of age. They rule until they turn twenty,
and then the next generation takes over.
Glins mostly have the power to enact
punishment for social transgressions.
Punishments for true infractions,
particularly murder, thievery, and
destruction of communal property, are
decided upon and enforced by Maasqs. The
sentence is almost always death by electrical
charge. Few Glanae break the law unless
they are sure they will get away with it.
These sleek, streamlined creatures are
master hunters, slipping through the
shadows with speed and stealth. Their
elongated, finned arms and strong tails
allow them to move from a still float to a
chance of quickly boiling or freezing to THE HISTORY OF ONISTELES
Venter: level 5 death (depending on which vents are below Its unknown how the first citizens came
Moving across the top of
you at the time). to Onisteles. Where did they come from?
tube worm clusters is a Visitors may try to hop a ride aboard a How long ago was it? All that anyone
level 4 task, but it enables venter. Venters are mechanized vehicles knows is that there are currently four living
you to move as quickly that make a wide orbit of Onisteles, tracking generations in the city, and those families
as if you were running existing and potential vents in the valley. have stories that stretch back another four
across land. Anyone who
They were designed for two people to generations, and there is no tale of arrival
tumbles from the top is
frozen or burned by the ride inside and one person to ride on top. among them.
vents below for 3 points of However, many are now on a self-driven The city has few outside visitors and few
damage per round until course and are unmanned. Jumping on top non-Glanae, although tales speak of a time
they make their way back of one and hanging onto it as it returns to when that was not the case. According to
up to the top. the city is a level 2 task. Finding a way to the stories, before the Great Succumb, land-
open the hatch and get inside is a level 5 dwelling humans and Glanae lived together
task, and provides the user with a breathing in peace. Asking about the Great Succumb
device. Figuring out how to take control of will most likely get you a wide eye and a
Search Terms:
hydrothermal vents,
a venter to pull it off its predestined course sharp poke in the arma signal not to
endothermic vents and steer it elsewhere is a level 7 task. speak of such thingsbut here and there,
Moving in deep Occasionally, a large number of new vents will develop or be extinguished at
water, page 100 once, causing an extreme temperature fluctuation that kills off the bacteria
(and other creatures and plants). When that happens, the valley is shrouded
in deep-sea darkness until the water temperaturesand the light-producing
bacteria levelsreturn to normal.
you might find someone who will tell the creation occur. The Glin nursery and the
story of two sponge-cities living side by side Maasq headquarters, training center, and
in the valley in harmony: one Glanae and observatory are also housed in this location.
one human. After that, the tales vary widely. Most buildings have a mix of dwellings,
For those who know where to look, labs, workshops, amulstone gardens, and
the evidence of such a past life can be whatever else might get added as the space
glimpsed. Many Glanae adorn their dress expands.
with a symbol for good luck that looks The buildings are connected to the core
eerily like the symbol of the Convergence. of the sponge by its many throats Convergence,
A common childrens story tells of a scary chitinous tunnels that deliver food from page 223
spidery humanoid called Culova who comes the buildings to the digestive system of the
Culova, page 236
out of the coral woods to eat tasty boys sponge. Glanae sometimes use the curved
and girls. And here and there, one will find tops as swimways, but more often they are The Truth, page 133
an Onisteles inhabitant who doesnt bear planted with amulstone gardens.
the typical banding or spherical eyes of a Some of the buildings appear to have
Glanae. Perhaps the most pertinent piece large, jagged holes in their sides, as if a
of evidence is that many Glanae speak a strong force from inside has burst them
bit of the Truth, having learned it from a open. Unbeknownst to the Glanae, these
grandparent or other elder when they were are the places where the sponge is plying
young. its dark secret. After it releases a hormone
However, its hard to know how Glanae into the water that draws the ebons close,
will react to visitors, should they arrive. Will it bursts open one of its mouth sacs with
they be met with ire over a half-imagined enough pressure to push everything out of
and mostly forgotten slight? Will they be it. Surprised (and often stunned) ejected
looked at as a threat, or perhaps as long- Glanae are easy pickings for the ebons.
lost family? Only those early visitorsor Various fixes are used, from patching
perhaps re-visitorsto Onisteles will know. the holes to coating the entire mouth with
special substances to try to keep buildings
from blowing. But so far, Glanae have had
THE LAYOUT OF THE CITY little luck solving the problem.
Onisteles grows as the sponge grows. The
buildings vary in size and are water-filled
the sponges mouths have small, square FLORA AND FAUNA
openings that allow for a constant exchange Rosepop: These tiny fish with their Rosepop: level 1
of water. These are the same openings that bioluminescent pink middles often swarm in
Glanae use as entrances and exits. giant schools around ebons to scavenge their
Inside each building, the semi-transparent leavings. They are sometimes kept as pets by
floor, roof, and walls are concave and Glanae due to their rose-colored light.
spongy to the touch. Moving around inside Scarpworm: A spined sea serpent Scarpworm: level 6;
them feels much like moving inside a that grows up to 50 feet (15 m) long, electrical attack disables
the muscles of any
large, gelatinous, translucent mouth thats the scarpworm is a fearsome opponent.
creature within long
filled with water (as thats essentially what Dwelling in creviced and dead vents (ones range. Victims who fail
they are). Inside most of the buildings, that are still open but no longer pump Intellect defense rolls are
bone-colored fibrous filters run from the out near-boiling or -freezing water), a paralyzed for two rounds.
floor to the ceiling, dividing the space into scarpworm attacks and eats anything that Victims who fail Might
semi-private rooms. Although the buildings crawls or swims within reach. Its body is defense rolls move one
step down the damage
quiver lightly, theyre mostly still inside until pearly white, and it bears multiple purple track. When it bites a
a vent explodes or a storm sweeps churning eyes. Scarpworms attack by generating an paralyzed victim, its
water through the interior space. electrical charge of up to 600 volts, which sharp tug and tear does 8
The sponge grows both upward disables the muscles of any creature within points of damage.
and outward at the same time, so the long range.
oldest buildings are located along the Finterfuge: Finterfuges spend most of
bottom interior of the city. These are their lives in a larval state, tiny grubs buried
mostly communal creator spaces, labs, in the ocean floor, eating as many of their
research centers, and other places where siblings as they can manage, until they are
scientific discovery, manufacturing, and nearly 1 foot (30 cm) long. When they reach
Wrongful Deaths: There is talk that Dark Lullaby: One patch of the valley floor
Maasqs are using captive young stays in shadow, even when the rest is
scarpworms to torture criminals before bathed in bioluminescence. Anyone who
killing them. A Glin has been trying to enters it begins to hear a soft, sweet song
learn the truth but is afraid of what the that makes them want to take off their
Maasqs might do if they discover the equipment and lie down among the coral.
Hello? While on a vent-dive, a venter
Blood Bulbs: A young Glanae was heard someone talking on the other side
badly bitten while playing in an of the vent. When the venter peered inside
amulstone garden. It was discovered the opening, five glowing yellow eyes
that bioengineering has turned some peered back.
Finterfuge grub: level 1 of the amulstones carnivorous. There
is a citywide drive to find the rogue
Finterfuge pupa: level amulstones and wipe them out.
3; a host who fails a
Might defense roll begins
to experience mental
changes, including this size, they push up through the dirt and EQUIPMENT
hallucinations and sand and begin their search for a host. A Visitors wishing to purchase equipment in
changes in personality. good host is anything with an intestine. A Glanae will find it difficult and confusing.
The host may find
himself good at things he
great host is a creature with a large, warm The very idea of selling or buying things
usually has an inability intestine, and an easy way to access it. offends most Glanae sensibilities, and they
in, and bad at things During the resting stage, a finterfuge is respond as if the suggestion is a personal
that he is normally vulnerable, so it settles into the hosts body affront (which it is, for them).
skilled at. When the and curls up as small as possible. During The only real way to get something in
adult emerges, it does this time, the host typically experiences Onisteles (other than by stealing it) is to
1d6 points of damage
to the host, depending
hallucinations, changes in personality, and ask for help making it. According to the
on where it exits. other mental effects. conventions of Glanae society, its impolite
In a few days to a week, the adult to refuse a request for help, so visitors may
Finterfuge adult: level 4; finterfuge emerges through whatever use that to their advantagebut only if they
Armor 1; does 4 points of opening it can find. Typically it prefers the learn how to ask the correct way.
damage with its pincers
mouth or nose, perhaps because thats how To ask for assistance properly, you must
it likely entered, but it may also make its bring a handcrafted item of your own
own hole on the way out. making to a Glanae and explainwith just
Harvesting an amulstone
crystal without breaking The black-and-white striped body of an the right amount of pride and humility
it is a level 3 Intellect adult finterfuge is nearly 2 feet (60 cm) long, how your skill sets allowed you to create
task, unless you have a and its striated, wing-shaped fins can be twice such a thing. When the Glanae murmurs
Glanae-crafted amulknife that in width. It has a beetlelike head with a appreciation for the craftsmanship (which
(which makes it a routine set of sharp black pincers that can grip and they will, whether the item is good or not),
task). Sucking on an
hold onto something twice its size and weight. you must then tell a story of how you used
amulstone crystal allows
the user to absorb oxygen Amulstone: These orange and pink the item. This shows that you did not make
into his saliva for up to crystals grow higher up, off the valley floor, the item just for the purpose of impressing
an hour. along the sides of the mountain range. They them and shows good faith that you will
spread by bulbed roots, forming extended use the item that you are asking for help
colonies. In their naturally occurring form, with. After finishing the story, you ask the
amulstones are chemosynthetic, releasing Glanae what they are skilled in (as if you
Routine task,
page 15 small amounts of oxygen into the water as a didnt already know). They will go through
waste product. The Glanae have cultivated the same ritual of showing you an object
bioenhanced versions of amulstones that they made and telling a story about it. Then
release much larger quantities of oxygen you must concede that they are the better
into the water. They plant them extensively craftsman, and ask for their assistance.
Search Term:
chemosynthesis in and around the city and use the harvested The best way to learn the ritual of asking
crystals in various breathing devices. for help is to watch it being done. Figuring it
out on your own is a level 4 Intellect task.
Deep beneath the Earths solid crust lies RUMORS OF THE BENEATH
a second ocean as large as the one on One tidbit of information surface dwellers
the surface. This hidden seas existence have on the so-called Beneath is based
is suspected by a handful of the learned. on a psionic audio relay discovered years
They call it the Inner Sea and suspect that ago by one of the Aeon Priests in Ledon.
surviving descendants of one of the prior The audio relay was believed to be quite
worlds hid themselves away in the hot old, and the language was unknown. There
waters far beneath the worlds outer rocky have been many different interpretations
rind. That places the Inner Sea some 250 of the message. Most consider the relay
miles (400 km) below the surface. Why to be the rantings of a mad creature, but
those prior-world survivors were driven to others believe that the speakers ship found
hideor indeed, if the creatures that reside somethingan impossible place of light
there now even have a direct connection and lifefar beneath the darkness.
with their forebearsis a question for
philosophers, because the truth is lost in I hereby swear that I have translated this
deep time. psionic audio relay to the best of my ability,
Whatever its origin, the Inner Sea and without swaying the testimony either
assuredly remains. The water-filled toward or away from its possible true intent.
Search Terms: crust, region is so large that it defies human Signed this day, Gadya Erdos
mantle, lithosphere,
comprehension. No ones ever crossed it
outer core, inner core
completely to measure its full span. Most
surface dwellers have never even heard of Day Y3ui. Captains Log. The dark goes on
it, and those who have know it from rumors and on and on. It eats you like a many-toothed
and tall tales by another name: the Beneath. shadow, like a thousand wriggling water maggots,
like your own nails pulling your skin from your
bones. It makes us crazy, it does. Every one of us.
GM SUMMARY We have lost our minds, we tug our hair just to
The Inner Sea is a secret, hidden ocean release the pressure from our brains, we scrape
layered between the worlds crust and our eyeballs to see what covers them. We talk into
mantle, a sea maintained by artificial these recorders and our own voices scare us to
supports known as the Towers. The most wailing, because they are not our voices anymore.
wide-ranging inhabitants of the Inner Sea They belong to this great, horrible expanse, to this
are the chearrans, a race of humanlike place of great nothingness.
creatures who have become so dependent
Niephris, page 127 on parasites called the niephris that Day somewhere. Everything. Nothing.
chearrans arent truly intelligent without Mmmm. My tongue went disappeared. This
a niephris bond. The chearrans inhabit speak is tentacle voice. This button. Push. What.
mobile prospecting cities that flit all about
the Inner Sea, but which also sometimes Light. Lightlightlightlightlightlightlight.
burrow up to the surface oceans.
Day B8hh. Captains Log. We have found
something here, beneath the very black
bottom of the sea. There is light and food
and the pressure in my head goes. I blink and GETTING TO THE INNER SEA
blink. I am the only one of the crew alive, but A variety of means to get to the Inner Sea
there are others here, wild creatures of innards exist, including those described under
and invisibility. We cannot talk, but they have Using the Inner Sea, a random cypher or
taken me into their sphere. More soon. artifact, or being teleported via an artifact
called the Sealorn kept by the University of Sealorn, page 134
Doors. It can also be physically reached by
This, of course, reveals that there is a submersible able to find the entrance and
a direct connection between the ocean survive the unimaginable pressures of diving University of Doors,
page 216
and the Inner Seaa place where one hundreds of miles beneath the waves.
can somehow descend and descend until Finding the Inner Sea is an achievement,
reaching its deep, comparatively safe, and but given the extensive volume of the hidden
surprisingly illuminated environment. ocean, moving between various locales
This placeor at least, perhaps, one within it could be something of a challenge
such placeexists to the southwest of without a vehicle or other special means.
the Steadfast, almost a thousand miles.
Whether you call it the Beneath or the Inner SURVIVAL IN THE INNER SEA
Sea, it is an extraordinary place. The invisible corridors dont reach down Invisible corridors,
The hidden ocean is relatively dense with to the Inner Sea, so characters will survive page 12
odd objects and devices. The most obvious their visit only if they are prepared for the
examples are the equally spaced Towers that environment. That said, the water pressure The Towers, page 128
rise like pillars from floor to ceiling of the is about the same as in the shallow regions
Inner Sea, each about a half mile (1 km) in of the surface seas. The temperature of the
diameter. The Towers directly maintain the water is somewhat warmer than balmy, in
structural integrity of the vault overhead, that it never fluctuates far from 90 degrees
moderate the water pressure, keep the water F (32 degrees C). Though some would
from boiling, and possibly continuously consider that uncomfortably warm, the sea
conduct other less obvious functions. If isnt the boiling hellbroth it would otherwise
explorers from the surface want to find be without the influence of the Towers.
fascinating relics of earlier worlds, they need The native creatures of the Inner Sea
look no farther than beneath their feet. are perfectly adapted to the waters here,
but humans from the surface will require
equipment allowing them to breathe CHRONICE
underwater, at minimum, and perhaps a Level: 1d6 + 2
way to mediate the overly warm waters so Form: Mask with dark crystal lenses
that heat exhaustion doesnt set in. Effect: The wearer can operate in any
Although the Inner Sea One issue of deep-sea exploration that watery environment without penalty,
has a day and night does not arise in the Inner Sea is constant regardless of the surrounding
cycle, the days are darkness. The towers provide a day-night pressure, temperature, or lack of
about twenty-six hours breathable air. The wearer loses the
long, and thus slightly
cycle of light and dark, so much so that
confusing to surface when it is day the illumination is equal ability to swim but can walk, run,
dwellers. to that of being very close to the surface, in or even sprint along a surface as if
crystal clear water. moving through an air-filled, rather
Water-adapting cyphers and artifacts than a water-filled, environment.
found and used within the Inner Sea are Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check per day
usually one-of-a-kind devices, whether they of use)
are mechanical, psychic, biological, or rely
on some other underlying principle. For FRANG SUIT
example, an artifact known as the chronice Level: 1d6 + 1
seems to work by curling reality around Form: Pseudo-living fishlike suit with
the wearer, so that instead of trying to inner cavity large enough for a human
breathe and swim through bath-hot water, Effect: The wearer can use the frang
the wearer feels as if she is operating in an suit as if it was his own body. The
air-filled environment (because she actually frang suit allows him to breathe, to
is). The frang suit encloses the wearer in a survive hot or cold water without
second skin, which from the outside gives coming to harm, and to swim a long
her the semblance of a creature native to distance each round.
the Inner Sea (a frang) with a similar ability Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check per day
to survive and move through the water. of use)
creatures whove encountered the chearrans Most chearrans live in massive, mobile
fear them and their sometimes ruthless spherical cities that move about the
ways. Chearrans wield great technologies Inner Sea. These cities have the capacity
in the pursuit of uncovering still-greater to burrow above or below the Inner
mastery. They are well aware of the surface, Sea through solid rockthe cities can
including the various intelligent races apparently levitate in open air as easily as
sprawled across the main continent. With they move through liquid and stone. Each
their expanded dual minds, chearran city exterior resembles an orb of rough
intelligence is likely superior to that of stone gleaming with hot lines of magma.
humans, though given relative proximity, Exits and observation ports are opened
a connection may exist between the two as need be. Inside, a hivelike confusion of
species. The chearrans suggest that a lost water-filled tunnels lead to chamber after
prospecting nodule sent to the surface some chamber filled with tech required to keep
twenty thousand years earlier engendered the the cities operational. Many chearrans
human race that lives there now. are employed in clambering across these
The learned may note some similarities machines to keep them in peak condition.
Lattimor, page 122 between chearrans and the lattimors The rest operate at deeper levels of the city,
that live on the surface. However, unlike engaged in all the many duties required
lattimors, a chearran never operates with to keep a community in food, clothing,
one intelligence in greater control than the entertainment, medicines, and so on, as
other. If a chearran is somehow separated well as duties like research, leadership, and
from its bonded niephris, the chearran is piloting the city.
no better than an animal, while the niephris Each city has a Custodian, who has
acts essentially like a large insect. absolute power over every other chearran
Chearran life can be exciting, chaotic, and in the city. Custodians are awarded an
filled with discovery, at least after a bond implement of their office in the form of a
mate (a niephris parasite) is selected, psycholon.
usually for chearrans whove reached the Most of the cities cooperate, but a few
age of eight or nine years. A celebration rebel cities have gone their own way.
similar to a wedding leads up to the event.
Afterward, a child (who had the position
and cognitive abilities of a treasured
Level: 1d6 + 2
pet) is considered an adult. Awakening
Form: 6-foot (2 m) long staff of blue-
to self-awareness and thought is often
purple crystal
an overwhelming experience, and newly
Effect: A psycholon serves as a
uplifted chearrans are given time to adapt
medium melee weapon that inflicts
before they begin life anew, which frequently
2 additional points of Intellect
involves throwing themselves into studies.
damage (ignores Armor). It can also
When niephris are not bonded, they
project a long-range bolt of psychic
scuttle around special breeding pods with
decoherence that inflicts 5 points of
the apparent intelligence and awareness of
Intellect damage (ignores Armor).
their situation of insects. Chearrans revere
If the psycholon is used against
unbonded niephris, though not quite so
a niephris, an affected niephris is
much as they cherish unbonded chearrans.
stunned and loses its next turn.
Indeed, unbonded niephris, if not confined
Against a bonded chearran, the
and regularly fed, can become aggressive.
niephris is forced to detach.
Chearrans speak their own language and
Depletion: 1 in 1d20
many other languages of other intelligent
creatures living within the Inner Sea.
Interestingly, one of those languages
(spoken by the people of Achmosar) is THE TOWERS
The Truth, page 133 very close to the Truth. Chearran currency Most creatures of the Inner Sea accept
is counted in faintly luminous blue-purple these pillarlike structures as a natural part
gems called zans. Other creatures value the of their environment. The Towers stretch
currency for its beauty. A human might pay from the floor to the ceiling, a height of
up to 20 shins for one zan. some 50 miles (80 km), are about half a
mile (1 km) wide, and are approximately 50 numberless when it comes to turning back
miles (80 km) from each other. Morning small- or large-scale attempts to enter a
comes when vertical lines along the Tower.
surface of the Towers kindle to faint golden
radiance. The day proceeds as the golden
Normally, bright light
light strengthens to a brilliant shine over INNER SEA LOCATIONS travels about 3,000
six and a half hours, and then fades over A very limited selection of Inner Sea feet (1,000 m) through
the same span of time. Night falls when the locations is provided below, but they are seawater. Given how
light is extinguished. At least, thats true for only examples of the amazing variety and much farther it travels
creatures within about 25 miles (40 km) of wonder the hidden ocean contains. from the Towers, its
possible that some
a Tower; light doesnt usually travel much hidden Tower influence
farther, which means many small pockets of PROSPECTING CITY OF allows the light to
the Inner Sea are eternally dark, though still CARNULLFAR propagate much farther.
quite warm. Carnullfar is a mobile spherical city
The chearrans recognize that, in addition inhabited by chearrans. The city spends a
to providing light, the Towers moderate good portion of its time exploring areas far
what would otherwise be unbearable from the Inner Sea. In fact, it specializes in
pressure and heat conditions. Not even burrowing up through the ceiling and rising
they know the origin of the Towers, but to the worlds surface, where the gleaning
they accept that the columns are artificial is unopposed by rival prospecting cities.
constructions created by intelligences Carnullfar houses just over a thousand
far greater than their own. Though chearrans.
the chearrans like to believe that they Surface dwellers have noticed the city
themselves are remnants of a prior world, floating like a solid thunderhead over the
they couldnt replicate the tech that goes oceans and sometimes over solid land as
into these ancient pillars. In some ways, Carnullfar conducts its enigmatic surveys.
merely by existing, the Towers challenge When the city finds something of interest,
chearran claims of supremacy. more often than not it merely scoops up Chearran landing
Close up, each Tower is barnacled and what it wants, whether thats a creature, a party member: level 3;
overgrown with sea life (except along ruin, or even an entire aldeia, complete with long-range focused light
wide vertical striation lines of gold crystal all those living there. weapon inflicts 5 points of
that shine each day). The Towers are Sometimes a landing party of chearrans is damage and dazes target
for one round, making all
honeycombed with passages and inner dispatched if the nature of the investigation its actions one step more
cavities, but these spaces are defended by doesnt lend itself to being brought within difficult
inimical creatures, apparently formed of Carnullfar (as is the case if something is
solid water, called curusa. Curusa seem too big to fit, like a city or a large ruin). Curusa, page 138
Chearrans on the surface wear lightweight
air suits that allow them to breathe DETONATION (CURUSA)
normally. Level: 1d6 + 2
Carnullfar Custodian: The Custodian of Carnullfar, a chearran Wearable: Wristband projector (long
level 6, health 30; +3 to male whose niephris crown constantly range)
Armor from an esotery; hums and whistles, often visits the Inner Usable: Explosive device or ceramic
long-range attack inflicts sphere (thrown, short range) or
Sea city of Achmosar to trade, especially
5 points of Intellect handheld projector (long range)
damage (ignores Armor) for cyphers that give him the ability to
from a psycholon; carries manipulate or summon curusa. But Effect: Bursts in an immediate radius,
a ray emitter (curusa his fascination with curusa is nothing draining moisture from everything
controlling) cypher compared to his obsession with humans within the area. Living creatures take
specifically, how humans seem to have damage equal to the cypher level.
Niephris, page 127
almost chearran-level intelligence without Water in the area is sucked into a
niephris bonds. The Custodian wonders central globe. One round later, a
what might happen if a human formed a curusa is called into being and does
niephris mind-link, despite deep chearran the bidding of the detonation user
cultural taboos that prohibit allowing for ten minutes before it disperses.
niephris to bond with any other creature.
He continually revises half-serious plans
for capturing a breeding stock of humans of the menagerie of different intelligent
in order to experiment and see what would creatures that live within the Inner Sea.
Humans who survive happen. Citizens might be creatures that look like
their arrival in Achmosar colorful fish, bubbles, eels, masses of wet
but have no way to ACHMOSAR hair, and many that defy easy description.
stay alive there are
fitted with sculions,
Achmosar is a city that exists withinand Among all these are also a few humans.
symbiote creatures that crusted upon the exterior ofa Tower that Some of the humans hail from the surface,
breathe for humans ceased to function long ago. No longer though many descend from surface dwellers
and similar beings providing illumination for any but its who arrived even earlier. Other humans in
suited to breathing air. current residents, the massive artificial Achmosar arrived via a technological device
structure has been continuously inhabited in the bowels of the city called a line node.
for a couple of thousand years. Whatever
wonders its interior may have once held
were looted long ago. Those water-filled SCULION
spaces now serve as grand city plazas alight Level: 1d6
with leashed globes of the radiance that Form: Tentacled creature that fits over
the Tower once used to illuminate the Inner users nose and mouth
Sea. Effect: Allows an air breather to extract
In addition, the Tower retains its ability to oxygen from water so she can
generate curusa for defense. That defense breathe underwater. Most creatures
function is controlled by the self-described forced to rely on a sculion find that
Terectril: level 7; benevolent despot named Terectril. it doesnt provide quite enough air;
Armor 4; integrated Terectril is almost certainly an automaton, the difficulty of all Might- and Speed-
artifact can produce and based rolls, including attacks and
given its metallic, eel-like lower body, its
fire a detonation defenses, is increased by one step.
(curusa) cypher once bladelike sculling limbs of synth, and its
every other round metal-plated humanoid upper body. Terectril Depletion:
(Depletion: 1 in 1d20) has ruled Achmosar for as long as it can
remember, partly thanks to a weapon
integrated into its body that fires curusa Getting around the city is as easy as
detonation cyphers. Terectril allows pretty swimming, but given its size, citizens prefer
much anyone into Achmosar and almost to use a variety of personal movement
anything is permitted, except for slavery of gear and vehicles, many of which qualify
any kind, attempts to wrest control of the as artifacts because they were salvaged
city from Terectril, and vandalism or theft of from much older tech. The most popular
property. means of conveyance include impellers
Chearrans predominate in Achmosar, but and various Inner Sea creatures that serve
the city also holds a representative sample as swimming mounts. Knowing where
Perra, niephris: level An entity called Perra controls the Christo sometimes accepts prisoners
4; Armor 4; operates a Vigilants. Perra is a niephris that has remanded from the Vigilants, or explorers
humanoid automaton chearran-level intelligence despite having who want to see where the portal will take
body with integrated
long-range energy blast
never bonded with a chearran. Perra them, allowing them to use the line node
that inflicts 6 points of interacts with others from its perch with in return for a small fee. Christo simply
damage and stuns victim a crystal-helmed humanoid-shaped warns that no one hes ever sent through
for one round automaton that allows it to speak. the device has ever returned, despite many
The Gangs: Despite the curusa and the indicating they would certainly do so. A
Vigilants, many in Achmosar would prefer to small inn and tavern is associated with the
flout the law rather than abide by Terectrils chamber where the line node is installed.
desires. The Gangsso called because Also run by Christo, the inn is usually filled
there are dozensare usually smart enough with creatures getting up their nerve to try
not to actively cross the line and risk their luck on the hoop. Most never do.
reprisal. On the other hand, they survive by
Upwelling, page 133 existing in the grey areas. Graffiti, sale of SERPENT FOREST
goods that should possibly be banned, and Enormous, verdant, and dense with living,
Crown crab, page 127
contracts on nebulous deeds that might or rooted, tubelike worms commonly referred
Glare shark, page 127 might not involve killing a rival are things to as serpents, the Serpent Forest grows
the Gangs specialize in. in thick profusion along a vast region of
Whisper frang, page 127 One of these groups, Golloch Ventures, the Inner Seas rocky ceiling. Its known for
provides services that include transporting the eponymous serpents, some of which
Serpent, active: level 7, clients to distant parts of the Inner Sea to reach down for miles. Within the forest of
Speed defense as level
exciting locations such as the Upwelling, serpents and other less prodigious growths,
3 due to size; health
50; Armor 2; acidic the Serpent Forest, and other interesting, gulfs of darkness exist where even the
bite inflicts 7 points of dangerous sites. Golloch Ventures is light of the Towers cant reach. In addition
damage for three rounds classed as one of the Gangs because it to the serpents, a wide variety of sea life
purportedly takes some clients against their swims, though crown crabs, glare sharks,
Christo: level 5, Might- will. Whenever theyre investigated, all the and whisper frang are also abundant.
and Speed-based tasks permissions seem to check out. Still, some The ceiling-rooted serpents are generally
as level 4, knowledge
of Achmosar as level clients never return from their trips. Those innocuous but can be roused from their
8; wears a sculion who decry Golloch Ventures (usually family torpor if attacked, though sometimes a
artifact; carries a and friends of the missing victims) say that serpent randomly becomes active when a
serpent blood cypher Golloch must sacrifice a certain percentage hunger pang strikes it. Then the reason the
of clientele in order to retain rights of free normally quiescent living tubes are called
SERPENT BLOOD passage through contested areas. But rather serpents becomes abundantly clear. Though
Level: 1d6 + 2 than use actual paying clients, Golloch rooted somewhere on the ceiling, their
Usable: Injector grabs innocents to serve that role. incredible length allows active serpents to
Effect: For 28 hours, the
users touch becomes
Line Node: A human named Christo move about through great swaths of the
acidic, granting her controls the fabled line node of Achmosar. forest.
a touch attack (that Christo is an obese man in a white One serpent in particular dangles into
she is practiced with) jumpsuit, lined with pockets for tools, who the depths some 20 miles (32 km) when
that inflicts damage wears a sculion. The line node is a level 8 fully extended. Called the Serpent Emperor
equal to the cypher
mechanism consisting of a circular hoop of by chearrans, it can purportedly speak and
level on a target.
green stone about 10 feet (3 m) in diameter. interact with creatures, but only those who
Some humans who arrive through it say please it with some sort of gift, story, or
they come from a city on the surface called other amusement. Sometimes the Serpent
Nebalich, page 208
Nebalich, though others say they come from Emperor vomits forth a bolus of organic
a water region called Branus Kiss. material that doesnt come from the Inner
Branus Kiss is a bubble Christo sees to the comfort of arriving Sea, and that bolus might include living
of blue-green water humans, providing them with sculions if creatures. Thats because this mighty worm
about 30 miles (48 km) they have no other way to breathe water. is far longer than the tiny portion of it that
in diameter tumbling
through the endless night Christo himself wears a sculion, despite normally extends into open water; most
between Earth and the having better options available, because of its bulk extends through the uppermost
sun. For more details, see hes grown quite attached to the symbiote. mantle and crust of the Earth, all the way
Into the Night, page 16. He treats it something like a treasured pet. up to an island in the Sea of Secrets called
The Serpent Emperor is thousands of fissures, like seashells on a beach. Most Serpent Emperor: level
years old, maybe millions. It is a being of are tiny, broken, or half-melted blobs, but 10, Speed defense as
vast memory and lore. Its seen everything. some are as large as houses, and a few level 3 due to size; health
100; Armor 7; can coil
Despite its weary soul, it will bestir itself to seem like they once might have been part and strike at a target up
swallow anyone who wishes it and deliver of structures at least as big as the Towers. to 1 mile (1.5 km) away,
them up to the surface through miles of Collectors brave the black geysers, which inflicting 20 points of
mantle and crust, where they can seek their can suddenly vent upward in new locations damage
fortune in dry air. with little warning, seeking cyphers and
clues to what the Earths core might
UPWELLING contain. Of more immediate concern are
Along the border of regions where Towers the sasquand, entities of crystal that wander Sasquand, page 149
stand dark and broken is the Upwelling. the cracked plain, possibly for a similar
Here, black water vents into the Inner purpose as the intruding collectors, but
Sea from irregular, pillar-like fountains only because they share some unknown
thousands of feet tall. Between them, connection with the devices they collect.
the Inner Sea floor is cracked with great Sasquand usually attempt to kill any
crevices, and what appears to be red-hot creature they notice collecting cyphers from
raw magma glimmers in their depths. the area.
Some residual effect of the Towers keeps At least one chearran prospecting city
the water in the region from boiling, but the usually hovers along the edges of the
temperature is even higher than the already- Upwelling, watching for anything large and
warm temperatures in the rest of the Inner new. Thus, getting into the Upwelling to
Sea, inflicting 1 point of damage per ten collect the goodies requires an explorer to
minuteseven to creatures normally brave not only the black geysers and the
comfortable with the warmth of the sasquand, but also the jealous attention of
surrounding sea. Those struck directly by a artifact-hungry chearrans. The prospecting
black water geyser are subject to far more city likely keeps a lookout using a pressure
extreme temperatures (which deal 5 points watcher artifact, which is usually held by the
of damage per round of exposure). citys Custodian, unless observation duty
The Upwelling is famous for the strange has been delegated.
devices that it routinely throws up, which
lie along the surface between the vents and
Dread destroyer,
page 239
INNER SEA HEARSAY been annihilated, as have chearran mobile cities that
Belarbulon: A massive habitat of synth and glass investigated. Terectril of Achmosar seeks a diplomatic
called Belarbulon half protrudes from the floor of envoy to intercept the fleet before it reaches his
the Inner Sea. It is inhabited by intelligent crablike Tower-city and find some way to divert the invaders.
creatures who call themselves the Children of Belar.
Belarbulon possesses advanced knowledge of the War Machine: A colossal machine with a vague
numenera about on par with that of the chearrans. semblance to a living creature has been noted
They say that their habitat once had the ability to patrolling the middle waters, sculling through the sea
interface with a massive liquid metal machine that using propellers located on its insectile abdomen. The
lies in the Earths core. chearrans have unearthed lore describing the thing
as a dread destroyer of immense power. It might
Sealorn Door: Those who inhabit the University of be guarding some ancient site, but if so, it must have
Doors claim to keep an artifact called the Sealorn, lost track of that location because the entity appeared
which appears to be seawater sealed in a transparent only a few months ago. Everyone who encounters
synth cylinder no taller than a human. During certain the thing gives it a wide berth. Those who do not are
planetary alignments, the Sealorn expands in volume never seen again.
to the size of a large chamber. When the Sealorn
returns to its former size, everyone and everything in THE WEIRD OF THE INNER SEA
the chamber is gone, transported (it is believed) to Bad Water: Rumors of dead water regions, where even
a hidden ocean beneath the Earths crust called the a sea creature adapted to breathing water cant get
Inner Sea. sustenance, gain ground. The Towers influence is
known to prevent such stale regions from spreading
Insane Serpent: As happens sometimes, an elder beyond the edges of the Inner Sea, but these areas
serpent has uprooted itself from the Serpent Forest of dead water seem to move and flow almost like
(or a similar region) and now swims freely throughout living thingsalbeit living things with no discernable
the Inner Sea. Cut off from its society, it is apparently shape other than the asphyxiation that heralds their
completely insane, and only a force strong enough presence.
to put one down can end the danger it represents.
That is, unless it can somehow be lured back and Dead Coral: A mountainscape of dead coral stretches
convinced to put roots down again in the Serpent north along one region of the Inner Seas floor. Once
Forest, or perhaps to found a new forest. a living community as large as a continent, the
entire area perished in just days after the arrival of
Invasion: A fleet of crystalline craft from the eastern an animate globule of slime that rests at the regions
reaches of the Inner Sea bearing unfamiliar designs center. Rumors suggest the entity is merely in repose,
and never-before-seen creatures moves toward and once it finally finishes digesting the life force of
Achmosar. Habitats and communities in its path have the Coral Mountains, it will move on.
Heeldran 2
Mercurial wasp 3
Octopus 3
Phayclor 3
Viscid watcher 3
Ebon 4
Karestrel 4
Shore stalker 4
Tarak 4
Urtilla 4
Vroaordun 4
Jybril 5
Omath ranger 5
Spiny scishan 5
Stinging cloak 5
Cleoid 6
Curusa 6
Morigo 6
Sasquand 6
Spirril 6
Kaorund 8
CLEOID 6 (18)
The spiral shell was partly translucent, revealing a mass of gelatinous slime wrapped
along the tight interior path. Then a portion of it emerged, spreading spiny water
wings, a whipping tail, and a hideous face whose gaze drank minds.
~a passage from Darnets Exploration Journal What cleoids call
themselves is a term
that is longer and more
The legacy of a dead race survives concealed within tainted cyphers and artifacts ominous, and one that
can be conveyed only
as psychic seeds. Victims who use these devices are slowly transformed into massive
by telepathic contact.
monsters of slime and hate, partly enclosed in a protective shell. Dubbed cleoids by Victims hear this name
Ninth World explorers, these creatures want revenge against all living things for their each time they are
genocide. psychically attacked by
Motive: Restoration of the cleoid race; revenge a cleoid, though most
Environment: Almost anywhere underwater fail to appreciate the
underlying meaning.
Health: 27
Damage Inflicted: 6 points
Armor: 2
Movement: Immediate; swim a short distance each round
Modifications: Speed defense as level 4 due to large size; tasks related to insight, detecting
falsehoods, and knowledge related to psychic phenomena and psychic engineering as Mind rejuvenator, page 29
level 8.
Life rod, page 29
Combat: A cleoids main mode of attack is a psychic assault, which it can use against a
single foes mind within short range. The attack inflicts 4 points of Intellect damage GM Intrusion: The
(ignores Armor), and a victim must make a second Intellect defense roll or lose its next characters attack cracks
turn. A creature that would be killed by a cleoid instead falls into a 28-hour coma, during the cleoid shell, but out
which time the victim is slowly transformed into another cleoid. of that hole oozes a
Interaction: Vastly intelligent and filled with hate for other living things, cleoids generally half-strength cleoid (sans
shell; level 3) that joins
do not deign to communicate telepathically with
the fight against the PC.
other creatures.
Use: A strange plague afflicts a fishing
community. Investigators find that
those who succumb to its effects are
slowly transformed and finally wake
as cleoids.
Loot: A tainted cypher or two, such
as a mind rejuvenator or life rod,
can usually be found
near cleoid
CURUSA 6 (18)
Artificial entities of shaped water, curusa are usually found guarding remnant structures of
Inner Sea, page 124 the prior worlds that stud the Inner Sea, especially the pillarlike structures that natives call
the Towers. Curusa may not actually exist until called to action in a predetermined situation
Towers, page 128
by devices that otherwise lie dormant for hundreds or thousands of years. Once formed, a
curusa persists only until it fulfills its guardianship role. If it fails to accomplish its purpose
when first created, a curusa can persist for months or even years, growing more unstable
and desperate all the while, as it seeks to accomplish its goal.
Motive: Guard remnant structures
Environment: The Inner Sea
Health: 36
Damage Inflicted: 7 points
Movement: Long when swimming; can flow through tiny cracks and reform without harm
Combat: A curusa can make attacks with its fists, which temporarily become as hard as
diamond. Once every other round, a curusa can create a miniature whirlpool in the
surrounding water. All creatures within short range of the curusa must succeed on a
Might defense roll or be violently swirled and tumbled around and around it, taking 5
points of damage in the process and losing their turn.
In addition, as an action a curusa can disperse its form and reassemble a new body
anywhere within long range that is underwater. A curusa regains 2 points of health each
time it travels in this fashion.
Interaction: Curusa are barely sapient and usually respond only to the rare few who have
artifacts or cyphers that provide the means
to call or control the artificial entities. Even
then, there is a chance that a curusa will
turn on a creature attempting to speak
Black Riage,
page 177 to or control it.
Use: Strangely carved pillars are
discovered high in the Black Riage
around a spherical synth structure.
GM Intrusion: The
curusas touch injects Inside, a globe of what seems
or hardens water in to be water floats in defiance
the characters lungs of gravity over the entrance
(or a similar breathing to a larger structure buried
organ). The character underground. But whenever
must succeed on a Might
anyone gets close, the globe
defense roll or descend
one step on the damage transforms into a curusa
track. and tries to kill the
EBON 4 (12)
Like the shadow of a shadow, an ebon slips through the water soundlessly, noiselessly,
and nearly imperceptibly. Streamlined and sleek, they are designed to be the perfect
hunters. They can move from a still float to a prey-dive in less than a second, thanks to
their elongated, finned arms and strong tails. They hunt and eat almost constantly, as they
require large amounts of food, particularly fat, to fuel their revving metabolisms. In some areas of the
world, ebons are a myth,
Ebons fight among themselves constantly for power, position, and the best bits of food. a bedtime story to scare
They often start eating their prey before its completely dead to ensure that they get the children. In those stories,
choice bits before another member of their pack swoops in for a steal. Additionally, the theyre called death
sooner they eat after an attack, the more of their own poison they ingest, which temporarily shades.
increases their toxicity.
Motive: Hungers for flesh
Environment: Anywhere in the ocean, but particularly in the Deep Dark
Health: 12
Damage Inflicted: 5 points
Armor: 5
Movement: Long
Modifications: Speed defense as level 5 due to quickness; stealth
as level 5
Combat: Ebons hunt in loose packs of two or three creatures.
When they see or scent something they desire, they zoom
toward it, wrap their finned arms and tails around it, and GM intrusion: Another
then sting it repeatedly with their poisonous vibrissae. ebon joins the fight and
In their first attack, ebons wrap and poison their prey. If attacks the character
this attack is successful, they inflict 1 point of immediately.
damage, and the poison inflicts 5 points of
additional damage (unless the victim makes
a successful Might defense roll). Either way,
the ebons grasp increases the difficulty of
the victims next action by one step. In
subsequent rounds, ebons bite grabbed
prey for 5 points of damage.
Use: As the player characters are
engaged in some other activity,
they begin to get the sense
that someone or something is
following them through the water.
That sense continues to grow
stronger as an ebon hunting pack
sidles ever closer.
Able to breathe in both air and water, heeldra are an aquatic abhuman race that builds dens
out of hardened self-secreted mucus. Heeldra communities are usually in out-of-the-way
Heeldra mucus huts places that are still close enough to human dwellings that heeldra infiltrators can steal away
pock the exterior of the children, the old, and those otherwise too weak to defend themselves. The heeldra will eat
Skelirroth Fleet like most anything, but they prefer human meat.
barnacles, and predate Heeldra dont speak; they communicate with each other via mucus discharge. This not
the humans that live only disgusts other creatures but also can physically impair those close enough to smell it
inside the massive
undersea vehicles.
(or come in contact with diffusing mucus, if underwater).
Motive: Hungers for flesh
Skelirroth Fleet, page 77 Environment: Small communities dwell near the shore
Health: 9
Damage Inflicted: 3 points
Movement: Short when walking; long when swimming
Modifications: Perception and deception as level 5.
Combat: Heeldra prefer to fight with spears. They like to attack with surprise, rising from
the water (even apparently shallow pools or runoff) in an attempt to catch their target
unawares. In the face of stiff resistance, they flee back to the water (or, if in the water,
onto dry land).
Heeldra mucus discharge is constant, providing an asset to any swimming task, a barrier
against dryness while they
are above water, and a
means of communication.
However, creatures within
immediate range that
contact the mucus via
smell or diffusion take 1
point of Intellect damage
(ignores Armor) each round
from a combination of
several properties endemic
to the mucus that is acidic,
poisonous, and psychedelic.
Heeldra are immune to most poisons.
Interaction: Communicating with
heeldra is nearly impossible, but
they seem to understand at least
a little of the human languages
and can convey information
through gestures or drawings in
the sand.
Use: Thoroughly without redeeming
qualities, heeldra consider
humans to be the finest cuisine
available, and they will go to
GM Intrusion: A great lengths to secure fresh
heeldran spear is coated flesh for their next meal.
with mucus. The struck Loot: Aside from weapons, each
character must make heeldran has a mass of collected
a Might defense roll or
valuables carried in a hardened
suffer hallucinogenic
visions for one round, mucus pocket. Items include strangely
which convince her that shaped fish bones, broken pieces of various
her allies are heeldra. ancient devices, and usually 1d6 shins.
JYBRIL 5 (15)
The jybril is a sea predator that routinely reaches 16 feet (5 m) in length whose flesh is
infused with nanomachines that give it a truly unfair advantage over its prey and other
predators. These sharklike creatures, with their massive mouths and complex eyes, are
feared by land dwellers who go out to sea and by intelligent creatures of the deep, who
sometimes call them jawtails.
Jybrils eat anything, including humans, slimes, other predators of the deep, automatons,
and other jybrils. The nanomachines that infest jybril flesh see to it that no meal is too
exotic for these creatures to digest.
Motive: Hungers for flesh (or anything)
Environment: Almost anywhere underwater, hunting alone or in pairs
Health: 22
Damage Inflicted: 5 points
Armor: 1
Movement: Long when swimming; can jet 500 feet (150 m) through the water once per
Modifications: Perception as level 7.
Combat: A jybril can jet through the water at incredible speed for short bursts, which it
does when attacking prey, especially prey that doesnt yet know it is being stalked. When
using this jet attack, a jybril inflicts 2 additional points of damage. A jybril can make a
jet attack about once every minute.
The nanomachines infusing jybril bodies enable their jet movements, allow them to digest
nearly anything, and provide the following additional benefits. GM Intrusion: The
Armor 5 against damage from poison, venoms, or toxin. character hit by the jybril
Regain 2 points of health each round. is caught in the creatures
If the jybril does nothing other than drift with the current, the difficulty of its stealth mouth, and it jets 500
feet (150 m) away from
tasks decreases by four steps, until it moves or attacks.
the PCs allies.
Once per hour (usually in
conjunction with its first attack),
it can release a pulse of energy
that suppresses the active effects of
cyphers and artifacts of the jybrils level
or less for one round.
Interaction: Jybrils are predators and act that
Use: The PCs are hired by a nano to return with a
living jybril so the nanomachines within its flesh
can be studied. The nano gives them a map of a
reef where jybrils are known to hunt, as well as
an artifact called a normalizer.
Loot: Almost anything can be found in a jybril
stomach, and a dead beast usually gives
up 1d6 shins, one or two cyphers, and
sometimes an artifact.
Level: 1d6
Form: Spear with devices on shaft
Effect: Suppresses all the advantages
(and disadvantages) of active
nanomachines in a target for one
Depletion: 1 in 1d6
KAORUND 8 (24)
A deadly danger, infamous in the deep, the kaorund is gigantic, almost 80 feet (24 m) long,
Ormvora whale, page 23 not counting the length of its tendrils. It hunts ormvora whales and similarly large prey,
but is happy to attack almost anything. While it sticks mainly to the Deep Dark, its not
unknown for one to come close enough to the surface to attack a ship. And of course, an
entire submarine is fair game.
A kaorund has a long, spiny, snaky body, a number of tentacle arms, and a horrible
mouth with powerful jaws.
Motive: Hungers for flesh
Environment: Anywhere in the ocean
Health: 75
Damage Inflicted: 10 or 8 points
Armor: 2
Movement: Long underwater
Modifications: Speed defense as level 6 due to size.
Combat: As a single action, a kaorund can attack with its bite, inflicting 10 points of
damage, and attack two additional foes with its grasping tendril-arms for 8 points of
damage. A foe grabbed by a tendril must make a Might defense roll or be grasped and
pulled toward the kaorunds mouth, so that next round the creature can use its bite to
automatically inflict 10 points of damage.
But the kaorund has a different weapon in its arsenal as well. Instead of any of the previous
attacks, it can lash out with two smaller tentacles near its mouth. Targets so much as
touched by these get a bioelectric shock that stuns both biological and mechanical
systems. Those failing a Might defense roll cannot act for two rounds.
Last, if fighting a very large group, a kaorund can simply thrash about and attack all
creatures within long range with the spines that cover its body. Each potential victim
suffers 8 points of damage.
Interaction: As a ravenous predator of animal intelligence, there really is no peaceful
interaction possible with a kaorund.
Use: One of the scariest things in the sea, the kaorund is likely a challenge for an entire
group of well-armed and well-protected characters. Its usually encountered far from a
Invisible corridors, city or other such siteperhaps hunting in or near a stretch of the invisible corridors.
page 12
GM Intrusion: If the
bitten character fails a
Might defense roll, she
is swallowed alive by the
kaorund. She can still
attack the creature from
within, but she suffers 10
points of damage each
round while swallowed.
Burn a feather plucked from a karestrels crest and breathe in the fumes. You will
become fearless and unable to feel pain for a time. You will be ready to fight as a
warrior for Nalranin.
~Nalranin priesthood teaching
Karestrels are aggressive seabirds with a wide range and a fearlessness that makes them
especially dangerous. That, plus their 20-foot (6 m) wingspans, vicious beaks, slashing
talons, and ability to hunt equally well on land, in the air, and underwater.
Omnivores who nest in flocks that migrate between islands and icedrifts, karestrels Surprise, page 95
spend most of their time overflying wave-tossed waters looking for prey. When they sense
something, they flash downward into the chop with nary a splash, then emerge from the
water seconds or minutes later with their prey grasped in cruel talons. Estathin, page 66
Motive: Hungers for flesh
Environment: Any cold climate in flocks of five to ten GM Intrusion: The
Health: 19 character hit by the
karestrel is carried a long
Damage Inflicted: 4 points distance straight up and
Armor: 2 then dropped, unless
Movement: Long; long when flying or swimming she succeeds on a Might
Modifications: Attacks as level 5; perceives as level 6; resists frightening effects as level 8. defense roll to break free
Combat: Karestrels prefer to dive from the sky when they attack, and they usually gain of the talons before she
is carried upward more
surprise when flashing through the air and into the water to nab swimming prey. Attacks
than an immediate
against surprised prey are modified by two steps in the attackers favor. distance.
Their colorful wings provide more than physical armor and
protection from cold (to which they are immune); karestrel
plumage also bounces a blast of force, concentrated light,
or a focused heat ray back in the direction it came from.
Other kinds of energy are not redirected and affect the
karestrel normally.
Some karestrels, when not in the water, can emit a
discombobulating hunting scream as part of their attack.
The target must succeed on an Intellect defense roll or the
difficulty of its Speed defense roll against the paired attack
is increased by one step.
Interaction: Karestrels have animal-level intelligence. They
are vicious, yet estathin and other peoples who live near
their nests still attempt to hunt them for ceremonial
purposes, to show their strength, or because they believe
that karestrel feathers have special properties. Some
estathin have learned how to rear and train karestrels,
though even a trained one is liable to snap at its master.
Commanding a trained karestrel is difficult (a level 6 task)
but not impossible. A child or small person might even use
a trained karestrel as a mount for a short time.
Use: A fishing boat drifts back to harbor under its own steam. The
only bits of the crew that remain are bloodstains. In addition,
the boat is scored as if with large talons, and many colorful
feathers are found all over the ship, even within the forced-
open inner crew compartments.
Loot: A karestrel nest, built high on a usually inaccessible rocky
shelf, contains 2d6 shins, 1d6 cyphers, and possibly an artifact.
Aggressive. Angry. Voracious. Deadly. These are words you might use to describe a swarm
of mercurial wasps, if their venom wasnt already closing your throat and paralyzing your
vocal cords.
Looking much like their land-dwelling namesakes, these undersea wasps swarm through
the water in groups of up to a dozen creatures at a time. While these blue-and-black striped
creatures might be smallonly about 1 foot (30 cm) longtheyre deadly. They appear to
constantly shift between solid metal and liquid metal states, making them difficult to see,
Mercurial hive: level 7
much less strike.
Member of the Court: Mercurial wasps eat metal and build their hives by chewing complex tunnels and rooms
level 3, persuasion as level deep inside structures. A hive can house as many as three dozen wasps.
4; health 20; Armor 4; Hidden and protected deep inside each hive is the Court, a group of three slightly larger
will flee rather than fight wasps that are more clearly solid metal constructs. Unlike other mercurial wasps, members
of the Court have large, glowing orange eyes and no visible stingers. They are able to
A swarm of a dozen
mercurial wasps is
communicate and might attempt to beg for mercy. They flee the hive rather than fight,
a challenge for even should it come to that.
powerful PCs. The GM Motive: Territoriality
can have a group of eight Environment: Underwater, near metal structures, vessels, and machines
to twelve wasps attack Health: 9
en masse as a single
Damage Inflicted: 4 points
creature that is two levels
higher, inflicting double Armor: 1
the original creatures Movement: Long
normal damage. Modifications: Defend as level 4 due to
shifting states.
Combat: A character struck by a
mercurial wasps sting must make a
Might defense roll or be paralyzed,
Paralysis, page 95 unable to move, for one round.
A swarm of five mercurial
wasps work together to attack
with stunning speed and
coordination. They do so as
a level 5 creature, inflicting
8 points of damage, and the
paralytic effect lasts for two
Use: Due to the wasps proclivity
for metal, they may attempt to
build a hive in the PCs vessel,
or perhaps theyve already
established one among
some metal ruins that the
characters are exploring.
Interaction: Members of the
Court may attempt to cajole or
reason with the PCs if they feel
GM intrusion: The threatened.
effects of the paralysis
last for two rounds
Loot: A wasps venom sac holds
(rather than one) for the enough poison for three uses. The
character. barb can be used as the blade of a
shiv or other light weapon.
MORIGO 6 (18)
Morigo are biomechanical remnants of a prior age, likely created by bioengineers with great
knowledge and skill. Although no more intelligent than the other fish they hunt, they come
equipped with advanced technological systems that give them clear advantages.
Morigo are extraordinarily agile swimmers, possessing biomechanical sensors that
allow them to sense movement, pressure changes, temperature changes, and more with
incredible accuracy.
Motive: Hungers for flesh
Environment: Anywhere in the ocean
Health: 26
Damage Inflicted: 6 points
Armor: 2
Movement: Long underwater
Modifications: Perception as level 8; swim as level 7.
Combat: As an action, a morigo can generate a pulse of infrasound that reverberates
through the water, affecting all in long range. A morigo has a number of hovering
pods around it, each of which functions to amplify and direct the waves of infrasound.
Victims in the area failing an Intellect defense roll have their mind affected by the
infrasound in a randomly determined fashion:
0130 Dazed for one roundthe difficulty of all actions is increased by one step
3140 Stunned for one roundno action
4145 Utter immobility for one round
4655 Panic for one round, during which the character moves away at top speed
5670 2 points of Intellect damage and dazed (as above) until those points are restored
GM Intrusion:
7180 3 points of Intellect damage and dazed (as above) until those points are restored The morigo uses its
8190 4 points of Intellect damage and dazed (as above) until those points are restored infrasound and then
makes a physical attack,
9100 Madness for one round, during which the character attacks nearest target all in the same round.
Morigo move in
to attack those
affected by
their pulse with a
nasty bite. They are
immune to infrasound
Interaction: Morigo have
the intelligence of most
animals. They cannot be
reasoned with. Its unknown
if anyone has ever tried to train or
domesticate them.
Use: Morigo are nasty predators, using their infrasound
attack to disable whole groups and then moving in to
attack the choicest target. They are fearsome alone, but
deadly when encountered in a pack.
Loot: A morigo is a biomechanical creature, and
knowledgeable characters can scavenge a random
cypher and an oddity from its corpse.
OCTOPUS 3 (12)
If the seas have a ruler, it is the octopus. Their billion-year empire spans the entirety of
all seas, and their queen rules over all of it. They are, however, xenophobic and aloof,
preferring to keep to themselves. Thus, many people call them the quiet empire.
Octopuses vary in size, color, and, to some degree, shape. For the most part, they all
The plural of octopus can have eight extremely flexible limbs, a surprisingly malleable body, two sophisticated eyes,
be octopuses, octopi, or and a beaklike mouth. They can change their color and, to a large extent, their shape to
appear as a rock, a fish, or some other creature. They perceive not just with their eyes but,
in a limited way, with all their skin. They think not only with the brain in their head but also
with the distributed neural network that runs throughout their limbs.
Octopuses are extremely intelligent, often possessing mental powers a human would
deem supernatural. Thanks to their advancement in various sciences, they are also
Motive: Hungers for flesh and solitude
Environment: Anywhere in the ocean
Health: 15
Damage Inflicted: 4 points
Movement: Long underwater
Modifications: Stealth as level 5; all defense, perception, knowledge, and Intellect-based
tasks as level 4.
Combat: All octopi can use camouflage to help them hide. They can attack with their beak,
but if they must fight, most use weapons such as short spears. All octopi can emit
a cloud of ink in the water that blocks vision in an immediate area. Many octopuses
Nilstone, page 49 carry a nilstone that lets them extend their telepathy into something that can affect the
physical realm. Nilstone powers might include:
Psychokinesis (uses their own strength, but at long range)
Forceblast (at long range, inflicting 4 points of
Clairvoyance (can see something occurring up
to 10 miles [16 km] away)
Octopus weaponry, Kinetic shield (Armor 3)
page 49 In addition, octopi have specialized weaponry
(often nilstone based) that they can wield.
Interaction: All octopuses can communicate
telepathically with each other, and about
one in five can communicate in a similar
fashion with other creaturesalthough
they rarely do so. Language does
not seem to be a barrier in this
form of communication, although
sometimes octopi lie and pretend
that it is, mostly when they do not
want communication to happen.
Abadis, page 13
Use: A lone octopus knows the secret
GM Intrusion: The of how to get into an underwater
octopus produces a small installation, but getting him to talk
substance that it absorbs to the PCs at all is difficult enough
through its skin to fully and getting him to give up the
restore its health, double valuable information may require
its speed, or double its
melee damage. These
diplomacy, trade, a favor, or serious
latter effects last at least intimidation.
an hour. Loot: A few octopuses will carry 1d6 + 4
The cold spurns death, giving life to the dead frozen into solid coffins of ice.
~Staven, wandering healer
Omath, page 68
Human bodies stare with red eyes from inside translucent slabs of unmelting ice studded
with unknown devices and machinesthats how the average Ninth Worlder sees an GM Intrusion: The
omath. Each omath has a specialty, be that research, communication, or war, but all omath lands on or falls
have the ability to speak telepathically, fly and swim via levitation, and interact with their atop the character,
inflicting 8 points of
surroundings via short-range telekinesis.
damage. Both the
character and the omath
lie prone on the ground,
OMATH RANGER 5 (15) and the PC is pinned.
A Might-based check
Omaths who pursue the path of direct force are called rangers. They learn to unlock the (difficulty 7) allows the
character to free himself.
latent functions of their metallic ice carapaces, gaining increased carapace integrity and Each round the PC
various methods to inflict egregious damage on their foes. remains pinned, he takes
Motive: Defense 3 points of damage from
Environment: Almost anywhere, in exploration groups of two rangers and 1d6 level 3 omath the cold.
Health: 15
Damage Inflicted: 6 points
Armor: 4
Movement: Fly or swim a short distance each round
Combat: Omath rangers can generate and direct different kinds of energy
at a foe within long range. The three most common energy attacks
are telekinetic force, heat rays, and psychic blasts.
A telekinetic attack pummels a foe within short range for 6
points of damage.
A heat ray targets a foe within long range for 6 points of
damage; the ray ignores Armor provided from cold, ice, or
similar methods.
Finally, a psychic blast targets up to three foes within short
range for 2 points of psychic damage (ignores Armor). Those
struck by a psychic blast must also make an Intellect defense
roll or lose the desire to continue attacking omaths for up to
one minute, unless attacked or damaged by an omath.
Omaths (both rangers and other varieties) are immune to a wide
variety of environmental conditions and can operate in air, the
ocean deeps, the vacuum of space, and several other hazardous
environments without coming to immediate harm.
Interaction: Omaths in general are open to communication via
telepathy; however, omath rangers prefer to delegate such
interaction to other omaths making up their group.
Use: Characters exploring a ruin discover a chamber filled with what
at first appear to be icy coffins, but which are actually omaths in a
research and exploration group. The leader of the group has been
taken captive by a force deeper within the ruin; the other omaths
retreated to this chamber to assess options.
Loot: Looting the remains of an omath yields a bounty of 1d6 + 1 cyphers
and an artifact, all made of metallic ice that doesnt melt until used or
These bizarre squidlike creatures are composed partly of flesh, partly of cyphers and
A famous painting in artifacts that they accumulate to siphon energy from, and partly of delicate energy fields
Qi features a colossal liberated from said objects, which these creatures use as a protective (and offensive)
phayclor reaching up out
of the ocean to pull a
mantle. Phayclor are about twice the size of a human.
zeppelin to its doom. The sea is a wide and deep place, and many varieties of phayclor inhabit it, but all seek
out powered devices as sustenance.
A rare few phayclor live long enough to grow far, far larger. Thankfully, these rarely stir
from the ocean depths.
Motive: Hungers for energy
Environment: Anywhere underwater
Health: 18
Damage Inflicted: 4 points
Movement: Immediate; long when swimming
Modifications: Defends against energy attacks as level 8; stealth as level 7 when using
chromatophores to blend into surroundings.
Combat: A phayclor can attack by lashing a foe in immediate range with a tentacle that
inflicts 4 points of damage and holds the target from moving (until it can escape), or
it can release an energy burst in the water that stuns all creatures in immediate range,
causing them to lose their next turn. This latter attack can be attempted once every
other round.
A phayclor can also use a
random cypher that it has
incorporated into its body,
either gaining the effect the
cypher provides (if useful) or
hurling the cypher as a level 7
detonation. Each time a phayclor
uses one of the cyphers making
up its body, it loses 1 point of
Finally, a phayclor can feast on energy
directly. If a beam or energy attack
made against it misses the
phayclor, it is healed by the
residual energy and regains 2
points of health.
Interaction: Phayclor speak with
each other through rapidly
flashing skin chromatophores.
They have no ability to understand
other creatures, unless one uses a
cypher that can open a channel of
Use: A colony of phayclor has taken up
GM Intrusion: The residence in the bay, making things
cypher the character dangerous for everyone who lives in
attempts to use (either the area. Its possible that they could
on the phayclor or for be convinced to relocate, but only for a
some other reason) is quantity of cyphers offered as a bribe.
drawn from her hand to
Loot: Every phayclor carries 1d6 + 1 cyphers,
the phayclor like iron to a
magnet, and subsumed. though if salvaged, most are found to be at the
The phayclor regains 5 minimum possible cypher level thanks to the phayclors
points of health. metabolic feeding.
Sasquand are encountered mostly in a region of the Inner Sea called the Upwelling. There, Inner Sea, page 124
they wander in a never-ending search for technological oddities and artifacts vomited up
from even deeper in the Earths core. They tend to slay other creatures who draw near and Upwelling, page 133
then return to their prospecting.
Motive: Collect numenera
Environment: Inner Sea, usually the Upwelling If a sasquand is killed,
characters within long
Health: 44
range must make an
Damage Inflicted: 8 points Intellect defense roll
Movement: Long (level 4) for each cypher
Modifications: Knowledge of the numenera as level 10. and artifact in their
Combat: A sasquand can morph itself or produce weapons from its body that allow it to possession, or that device
make up to two ranged attacks as a single action. is affected. Usually,
the affected device
Characters with nano abilities, who Fuse Flesh and Steel, who are automatons, or who
gains a new capability
otherwise integrate tech devices into their bodies find the difficulty of defending against determined by the GM.
attacks by a sasquand increased by one step. It is as if the inorganic tech somehow
resonates with the will of the sasquand. (Organic devices are immune to this effect.)
Interaction: Sometimes a sasquand decides that characters, especially those not native
to the Inner Sea, are not mere looters to be destroyed. In such a case, it telepathically Fuses Flesh and
communicates with the characters and asks about interesting items of technology they Steel, page 64
have encountered. If sufficiently impressed, the sasquand may spare their lives.
Use: A sasquand frozen into a block of ice is found floating off the coast and brought to
a community for further study. For some reason, the ice doesnt melt and wont break GM Intrusion: One of
the characters cyphers
through normal physical force. The characters are asked to help investigate. is activated under the
Loot: A dead sasquand usually yields 1d6 + 2 cyphers. control of the sasquand.
They appeared one morning without warning, a thin forest of spongy growths
sprouted up along the shore. Danel waded out to investigate. I still hear his screams
in my dreams.
~Danels widow
Shore stalkers look like naturalif weirdgrowths along the shoreline. However, they
seem to appear only when no one is watching. One day, an area of water is open; the next,
a thin grove of shore stalkers is growing there, as if theyd been planted there for years.
A shore stalker can be
But shore stalkers are not mere plants; they can command constituents of the physical
convinced to serve as a world with frightening mastery. Possibly hailing from deep below the sea, their appearance
messenger, teleporting always seems a mystery. Understanding their motives has eluded everyone who has tried to
to find a target described communicate with or study them.
by a PC. The stalker Motive: Inexplicable
finds the recipient using
Environment: Shallow seawater in groves of four to ten
an inner connection
to the datasphere to Health: 23
narrow down possibilities; Damage Inflicted: 5 points
however, the better the Movement: Immobile (but able to teleport an indeterminate distance once every ten hours)
description, the more Modifications: Defends as level 1 while rooted.
likely it will give the Combat: A shore stalker isnt insubstantial, but its substance is a solid gel-like material
message to the correct
hardly more substantial than air. Successful attacks inflict only 1 point of damage,
unless the attack is pure force or paradimensional in nature.
A shore stalker can acidify its tissues to defend itself or attack. When it attacks, a shore stalker
emits a flurry of wedge-shaped darts from its canopy, targeting up to three creatures
within short range as a single action. An acidic wedge inflicts 5 points of damage for three
rounds. The same damage affects a creature that touches a shore stalker.
Alternatively, a shore stalker can suffuse its gel-like body with more helpful substances,
which means sometimes it can restore health, cure disease or poison, and make other
positive changes in a biological creature. How to implore a shore stalker to act benignly
rather than attacking is a trick that most people despair of understanding; they believe
that a groves reaction is random.
GM Intrusion: The gift Interaction: These gel-based creatures are intelligent. When not attacking, they can communicate
provided by the character via touch by inserting thin gel tendrils into an interlocutors skull (which inflicts 1 point of
to the shore stalker is damage). A shore stalker asks a boon of anyone who attempts to communicate with it. If a
returned, having been cypher, oddity, or artifact is provided, the shore stalker and those in its grove are less likely to
transformed into a new
random cypher. No
react negatively. Such gifts are absorbed into the shore stalkers body.
explanation is given for Use: A shore stalker encounter has the possibility of turning into combat, but the PCs have
this behavior. the opportunity to turn it into an interaction-based encounter if they are cautious when
investigating the appearance of the strange trees out along the water.
Loot: The decomposing body of a shore stalker might contain one or two cyphers and an oddity.
Rising just above the sand, a flutter of red and gold catches your eye. Is it the fallen flag of
your worst enemy? A piece of clothing from a loved one? A delicious and easily caught fish?
The closer you draw, the more certain you are that you know that shape and color, that
its important to you in some way, but you cant quite remember exactly why.
Lucky (or rather unlucky) you: youve fallen into the trap of a spiny scishan, a 4-foot (1 m)
telepathic predator that buries itself in sand or loose gravel along the ocean floor, using its
kite-shaped tail to attract prey.
Motive: Hungers for flesh
Environment: Along sandy or gravel ocean floors
Health: 15
Damage Inflicted: 5 points
Armor: 1
Movement: Long in the water
Modifications: Trickery and deception as level 6.
Combat: The spiny scishan lays its trap by burying most of its body in the sand and GM intrusion: During
waving its tail about. When a creature is within short range, the scishan uses its the fight, the scishan hits
the character with its kite
telepathic abilities to discover an image of something the creature cares about. Then
tail, doing an additional 3
it manipulates its tail to more closely resemble that image, drawing the creature ever points of damage.
closer until it can pounce. It does 5 points
of damage with a mouth full of
thin, needle-sharp teeth.
Use: Scishans add a bit
of weirdness to
any underwater
encounter, as each
player character is
likely to see something
unique and personal in
the kite tail trap.
SPIRRIL 6 (18)
A spirril is an animate piece of coiling, fibrous plant matter that can grow 100 feet (30 m)
or more in length. Green and red serrated leaves grow in great spikelike tufts along its body,
Spirrils are active most as do occasional smaller globular white fruits.
of the year, but they Spirrils can survive in air or underwater with equal facility. In air-filled pockets (or on the
require twenty days every surface), they can slither across or up any surface, somehow adhering even to completely
year in which they lie
fallow and defenseless
smooth walls or ceilings. In water, spirrils undulate like sea snakes, homing in on prey. In
while undergoing an any environment, spirrils can squeeze through tiny apertures no more than a few inches in
internal life-sustaining diameter, which allows them to hide in almost any terrain.
renewal process. During Motive: Hungers for flesh
this period, they must Environment: Usually underwater, near water, or in a humid environment
hide away or risk
Health: 30
becoming sustenance
for other creatures. Damage Inflicted: 7 points
Movement: Short; long when swimming
Modifications: Speed defense as level 5 due to size; perception tasks as level 4.
Combat: Spirrils can grab prey and encase it in coils of tightening vine. To do so, a spirril
makes up to two vine attacks as a single action (with a vine end or a loop or two within
its body). Anyone struck by an attack takes 7 points of damage and must succeed on a
second Speed defense roll or be enveloped by the spirrils mass of coils. A victim at the
center of the tightening coil suffers 7 additional points of damage each round. He can
attempt to struggle free with a successful Might-based task, or attack from inside with
nothing larger than a light weapon.
A spirrils fruit contains different concentrations of spores. Some serve the plant for
reproduction, and others are for defense. A spirril can hurl a spore fruit up to a long
distance away, where it explodes in an immediate radius and the acidic spores inflict
7 points of damage. Some spirrils can hurl spore fruit that inflicts Intellect damage
(ignores Armor).
GM Intrusion: A Interaction: Spirrils usually act like simple predators,
character must make but they can show a cunning in hunting prey that
a Might defense roll requires extensive planning and the ability to
or become blinded in predict how prey might think. Explorers with the
a spore fruit explosion.
ability to speak with plants or fungi find
She must use water or a
similar cleansing fluid to that spirrils possess a form of intelligence,
wash out the spores and but even so, its hard to convince them
restore her normal sight. that humans and other animals are
anything more than compost that
hasnt stopped moving yet.
Use: A seaside community
wakes one morning to find
a particularly thick tide of
seaweed has washed ashore.
When villagers go to clean it
up, the seaweed animates and
drowns those trying to gather it.
Now the animate vine lengths have
besieged the town.
Stinging cloaks of all sizes and colors swim with two or more wide wings. Most cloaks
are benign, but one of the largest varieties is a predator sporting several stinging tails. A A colony of stinging
stinging cloaks body is more than 16 feet (5 m) from wing tip to wing tip, and is perfectly cloaks trails after the
constantly moving
shaded to blend into its watery environment as it stalks prey. When one attacks, the
Skelirroth Fleet, hunting
stinging tails lash like a nest of disturbed snakes. Otherwise, the tails trail placidly behind both heeldra and the
the stinging cloak as it flaps through the deeps. human traders and fixers
Motive: Hungers for flesh who move between the
Environment: Almost anywhere underwater dredges.
Health: 28
Skelirroth Fleet, page 77
Damage Inflicted: 5 points
Armor: 1 Heeldran, page 140
Movement: Short when swimming
Modifications: Perception and stealth as level 6.
Combat: A stinging cloak is usually a lone predator whose many stinging tails are especially
venomous. An attack with the tails inflicts 5 points of damage and transmits a paralytic
poison that inflicts 5 points of Speed damage if the victim fails a Might defense roll.
Worse, the poison continues to inflict 1 point of Speed damage per round until the
victim succeeds on a Might defense roll.
The stinging tails constantly lash. Anyone coming close enough to make a melee attack
on a stinging cloak suffers 1 point of Speed damage on a failed Might defense roll.
Likewise, when the cloak attacks a foe, if the attack misses, the target still takes 1 point
of damage from one of the lashing stingers, though it doesnt manage to inject venom.
(If the stinging cloaks attack hits, there is no additional damage from the lashing tails.)
Interaction: The stinging cloak is a predator with animal-level intelligence. However, if
a cloak is birthed and raised by a skilled trainer (the creatures are live-birthed, not
hatched from eggs), it can be trained to guard or serve as a companion.
GM Intrusion: The
Use: Sometimes two or three stinging cloaks hunt together. A less expected encounter relentlessly lashing
would include a stinging cloak and another creature that the cloak is guarding or stinging tails damage
accompanying. This could be as simple as a human fisher whose boat is guarded by a a piece of equipment,
stinging cloak when she takes it out each day, but an artifact, or an active
it could include other creatures cypher that adapts
the character to living
that have made an improbable
alliance with a cloak.
Loot: A defeated stinging
cloak has a venom
sac that some
creatures of the
ocean prize.
TARAK 4 (12)
These aquatic automatons are vaguely fishlike and could be mistaken for such at a
distance. However, a close view of these device-studded creatures makes it clear that they
Taraken are interested in are animate machines of the deep sea. The creatures are 9 feet (3 m) long on average,
devices and machines, though individuals can vary greatly in overall form.
and they may decide Taraken (also called ironfish) school in complex geometric patterns that defy
to liberate such objects explanation by most observers. They dont seem to be chasing prey, following diffusion
from other creatures if an gradients, or creating a pattern to evade predators. Instead, it seems like taraken are
interaction goes poorly.
pursuing some ancient directive that can only be played out in three-dimensional aquatic
movement. Some people believe that if one tracked all the patterns created by a particular
school of ironfish, deeper meaning would become evident.
Motive: Schooling in complex patterns
Environment: Swimming almost anywhere underwater in schools of six to ten
Health: 12
Damage Inflicted: 5 points
Armor: 2
Movement: Short when swimming
Cleoid, page 137 Modifications: Tasks related to creating and deciphering complex patterns as level 8; Speed
defense as level 3 due to size.
GM Intrusion: A Combat: A tarak bashes an opponent with its iron flukes.
character attacked by a A tarak can also extend a metallic antenna and produce a brain-dampening pulse. With this
neural dampening pulse
device, it can attack up to five selected targets within short range, dealing 5 points of
must make an additional
Intellect defense roll or Intellect damage (ignores Armor) to each. The tarak can generate this pulse no more
go temporarily insane than once per minute.
for a few rounds, Some ironfish also incorporate a few random cyphers into their bodies and can call
which usually means on those abilities in combat. The most common is a level 5 detonation cypher that
he attacks his allies torpedoes up to a long distance before exploding within an immediate radius.
or decides to remove
all the gear adapting
Interaction: Taraken usually ignore other creatures but will defend themselves if attacked.
him to the water. A creature able to talk to machines can strike up a conversation with a school, during
which time it learns that ironfish are sentient, but only in groups of six or more. Ironfish
will not reveal the reason for the
complex patterns they swim.
Use: A school of taraken swims into
a recently collapsed sea cave
where cleoid artifacts are stored.
They are immune to the influence
such artifacts can exert, and one
or two ironfish incorporate those
artifacts into their bodies. After
that, they leave a trail of cleoids
in their wake.
Loot: A defeated taraken yields 1d10
shins and 1d6 + 1 cyphers.
URTILLA 4 (12)
Prized as mounts, urtillas are massive crustaceans that scuttle across the ocean floor but
also swim. They possess long tendrils that end in bioluminescent nodules, so they provide
their own light even in the darkest depths. These meat-eaters prey upon large marine
animals or entire schools of smaller fish. They are not picky eaters and will swallow a
human (and his diving suit and gear) if need be.
Urtillas are not particularly bright or astute. They get what they need through brute force
or not at all.
Motive: Hungers for flesh
Environment: Anywhere in the ocean
Health: 24
Damage Inflicted: 6 points
Armor: 3
Movement: Short
Modifications: Climb as level 6; resist trickery as level 3; Speed defense as level 3 due to
Combat: Urtillas have huge maws. If they strike with a bite, a foe smaller than the urtilla
must make another Speed defense roll. Those failing the second roll are held fast and
suffer an automatic 6 points of additional damage each round until they escape.
Interaction: Obtaining an urtilla mount almost certainly involves getting one when it is very
young and training it from the start. Urtillas are never friendly companions and likely
would not hesitate to eat a rider if the opportunity presents itself. Thus, most riders
use a strong reward or pain incentive (or both) to keep them under control. Its not
uncommon to see a rider with a long staff holding a live fish in front of the urtilla to GM Intrusion: Another
urge it onward or direct its movements. Spikes embedded in the urtillas shell can also urtilla joins the fray,
control it through pain. More sophisticated riders might use some kind of electrical drawn by blood in the
prod device. water. The two do not
work in conjunction,
Use: An encounter with a hungry urtilla, followed later by another with creatures using
but they attack prey
them as mounts, might garner some respect for the riders in most characters eyes. first before potentially
Alternatively, a situation in which a PC must use an urtilla mountever wary that the attacking each other to
creature shes riding would just as soon rip her to shredscan be a real experience. see who gets the scraps.
Its my guess that more people are killed by viscid watchers than by any other
creature of the sea. Its just that people tell stories about heeldra and others that
emerge from the water to prey on land dwellers. Viscid watchers just wait in the
waves, watch, and sting.
~Staven, wandering healer
Humans cannot truly pronounce the name of this race of intelligent deep sea creatures, but
v-row-or-dun is close. The vroaordun believe that gods of the true deep (a realm said
Moyag: For details, refer
to be far deeper than anyone ever goes) created them and gave them unique gifts. These to The Devils Spine,
gifts often manifest as incredible powerstelekinesis, telepathy, and more. The vroaordun page 83
have a few specific names for their gods: Kyrumus, Moyag, Iibrus, and more. Some humans
speculate that these powers may have come from early vroaordun exposure to something
strange in the Deep Dark. Perhaps, in fact, the original vroaordun were members of another Powerful mutations,
page 125
species altogether.
They have four nimble hands and swim with grace. Vroaordun have little skill or interest The Truth, page 133
in the numenera, or even most simple tools. They speak their own language and rarely any
Vroaordun are driven by wealth and influence. Theirs is a class-based society, with a rich Heeldran, page 140
aristocracy claiming titles that equate to prince or king and ruling over their fellows based
Ebon, page 139
solely on affluence and political power.
Motive: Wealth Abadis, page 13
Environment: Anywhere in the ocean, but particularly in the Deep Dark
Health: 12 GM Intrusion: The
Damage Inflicted: 4 points vroaordun suddenly
Movement: Long underwater displays a new ability, one
conveniently appropriate
Modifications: Interactions as level 5.
for the situation at
Combat: One in three vroaordun has a special ability. Roll on handteleportation to
the Powerful Mutations list or simply choose a singular help it flee, invisibility to
ability like teleportation or the capacity to stop time. help it sneak away, the
Those without an offensive power rely on weapons to fight. generation of powerful
However, the typical vroaordun fights only in self-defense. heat against a flame-
vulnerable foe, or the like.
Interaction: Without the help of something
like telepathy or an interpreter,
interaction with vroaordun can be
challengingnot because they dont
want to talk, but because even those
who know the Truth have great difficulty
in making themselves understood (just
as humans cant pronounce vroaordun
words accurately).
Use: Perhaps more open-ended in their
use than any other deep sea race,
one vroaordun might be an ally while
another is a foe. They mix with other
races and societies well, so a heeldran
could have a vroaordun companion,
or a pack of ebons might have a few
vroaordun helpers.
Loot: Most vroaordun have a container
made of shells or some other simple
material to hold their wealth, usually in
the form of 1d6 + 20 abadis.
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