The Strange: The Dark Spiral
The Strange: The Dark Spiral
The Strange: The Dark Spiral
Bruce R. Cordell
Lead Editor
Shanna Germain
Cover Artist
Matt Stawicki
Graphic Designer
Sarah Robinson
Nicholas Cloister, Jason Engle, Erebus, Eric Lofgren, Patrick McEvoy, Grzegorz Pedrycz, Mike Perry, Michael Phillippi,
Joe Slucher, Lee Smith, Matt Stawicki, Cyril Terpent, Tiffany Turrill, Cathy Wilkins
Special Thanks
Torah Cottrill
© 2014 Monte Cook Games, LLC. THE STRANGE and its logo are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Monte Cook Games
characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Monte Cook Games, LLC.
Printed in Canada
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
Table of Contents
Introduction 4
Never, Nederland 30
Mouth of Swords 47
Show ’Ems 91
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral provides player characters (PCs) with several opportunities for
side adventures while they pursue the main arc. In addition, the major sections of
the book can be played as part of that main plot arc, making The Dark Spiral a
mini-campaign, or as separate adventures presented in whole or in part by you,
the game master (GM). However, some chapters of the main arc follow more
naturally from earlier chapters than others do, so that’s the order presented here.
Obviously, the material in this product is for the GM only.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Introduction 1
called the Mouth of Swords, they gain Donna captives inside Nakarand, or possibly from the
Ilsa’s cooperation. She gives them plans to Dustman himself, the PCs learn that Uentaru
a location in Ruk where the spiral dust is helped the Dustman distribute spiral dust SHOW ’EM
processed. across Earth. She is not there to help the PCs ILLUSTRATIONS
but to make sure they don’t succeed. Why? Throughout this
MOUTH OF SWORDS Because spiral dust causes its users to enter adventure, you’ll also
The Mouth of Swords occasionally attracts a state similar to being quickened, and having see the symbol above.
Ardeyn adventurers, given the place’s more quickened people on Earth will empower This denotes that the
reputation as a depository of valuables and the Aleph component hidden in the planet’s image on the page is
magical treasures. PCs who venture to the crust. The Aleph component could be used a Show ’Em. These
site are in for a “classic” adventure featuring to recreate Uentaru’s vanished homeworld, images are designed
exploration, puzzles, and fearsome creatures despite the fact that doing so would likely to be shown to your
of Ardeyn. Once the PCs retrieve some or all destroy the Earth and all the recursions players when they
of Donna Ilsa’s eggs, she gives them what they around it. come upon a particular
need to find and enter the spiral dust lab in scene in the adventure.
Ruk. JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF The symbols are
THE EARTH accompanied by a page
WHOLE BODY GRAFTS To find the Aleph component, switch it off, number as well as a
To gain access to the spiral dust production and save the planet, the characters must travel Show ’Em letter. Show
facility in Ruk, the characters must infiltrate or under the Earth’s mantle, perhaps using a ’Ems are found toward
battle their way past venom troopers and other special recursion engine vehicle (REV) created the back of the book,
guardians of a business called Whole Body by the Estate’s Research Chief Hertzfeld. starting on page 91.
Grafts. Upon doing so, they discover that the Penetrating the mantle is difficult enough.
drug lab is a “place” all its own called Nakarand. But surviving the environment, defeating the
The lord of Nakarand is the Dustman, a horrifying guardian that Uentaru left behind,
sort of nightmarish sandman and the ultimate and possibly having to choose between their
supplier of spiral dust. The PCs learn that own lives and the continued existence of
the Dustman’s method of generating spiral planet Earth will push the PCs to their limit,
dust is nothing less than ghoulish. From and perhaps beyond.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
This section of the book provides the PCs with a hub where other adventures
are assigned and where they can rest and restock provisions between missions.
In addition to providing hooks for the other adventure sections in the book,
“Estate Home Base” has its own adventure content (beginning with “Spiral
Dust Drug Bust” on page 16), which you can use separately or as part of the
main plot arc.
The Estate, page 148 To the world at large, the Estate is a ESTATE SECURITY
philanthropic institute that funds research in PROCEDURES
several scientific fields of inquiry. While that’s • Locks, individual alarm systems, encrypted
partly true (the facade works because the group Wi-Fi, and related elements are level 6.
does award scientific grants to deserving causes • All buildings on the Estate campus
on a yearly basis), the Estate is actually a secret remain locked at all times, usually requiring
organization that actively but covertly protects someone from the outside to get through
the Earth from all threats from the Strange. two to four locked checkpoints to reach a
secure objective. Each operative is issued a
SYNOPSIS personalized ten-digit code to gain access
Whether as operatives of the Estate or to areas he has clearance for.
through other connections, the PCs can • An individual alarm system is wired into
take part in several minor missions. These each building. Accessing a building’s alarm
missions (including two intermissions) are is a difficulty 7 Intellect task, and accessing
described in this chapter. The PCs also have the entire Estate security system at once is
the opportunity to interact more fully with the a difficulty 8 Intellect task.
Estate staff and facility. When you decide the • CCTV cameras are installed at strategic
time is right, the PCs receive the assignment points around the Estate and are monitored
NPC guard, page 303 that begins the main arc: putting an end to by a rotating staff of level 4 NPC guards in
local drug dealer LeRoy Cain. the security building.
NPC agent, page 302 • At any one time, a detail of five security
NOT AN ESTATE guards is on active duty patrolling the
Estate roster, page 149 OPERATIVE? campus, with as many as twenty-five more
The default assumption in The Dark Spiral is guards on call. Up to four NPC agents and
that PCs are already members of the Estate. If four principal members of the Estate roster
you’re not using that assumption, getting the might also be on site at any given time to
PCs involved in the minor missions and the help during a security emergency.
main arc merely requires a little more work on
your part. To help you, each minor mission,
each intermission, and the main adventure arc all, or none of these minor missions, in any
Assigning one or more contains at least one idea for involving non- order, or as PC interest dictates.
SOs to the PCs is great Estate PCs.
for a group that enjoys SUPERVISING OFFICER
roleplaying. Each ASSIGNMENT
potential SO described The Estate follows some (but not all) of the
has a strong personality procedures of a secret government agency.
that the GM can use One of the policies the group sometimes
to make the PCs’ lives chooses to invoke is that of assigning a
easier, harder, or, at the MINOR MISSIONS supervising officer (SO) to new operatives.
very least, a lot more Most minor missions are short and self- If the PCs are lucky enough to get one, they
interesting. contained, though they could serve as hooks might be assigned one SO for the whole
to longer play if you desire. You can use some, group, or different SOs might be assigned to
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Estate Home Base 1
Supervising Officer
Katherine J. Manners
Katherine Manners was a private detective Katherine J. Manners:
and computer security consultant before she level 6
became the Estate’s lead operative. If the GM
assigns her as the SO for one or more of the
PCs, she asks that they show up twice a week
for a one-hour seminar set to last six weeks. seminars learn various methods of gathering Katherine J. Manners,
Look and Personality: Katherine Manners evidence under false pretenses, usually by page 149
(“Kate” to her friends, but to the PCs, she posing as a real estate agent, groundskeeper,
first introduces herself as Lead Operative courier, or plant-watering service provider in
Manners) has red hair that’s normally tied a large office building. She shows the PCs the
back. She presents a calm and collected kinds of kits they can request from the Estate
persona but can be quick with a smile, a for specific jobs (for instance, the group has
humorous quip, or, on rare occasion, a a number of generic coveralls that can be
strong obscenity. She’s open-minded to new configured for a variety of fake service jobs,
information but not gullible. props that go with each job, and a business
Seminars: PCs who attend Manners’s card printer for sealing the masquerade). A
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Estate Home Base 1
specifically requisitioned kit customized for Hertzfeld won’t volunteer it, but if asked, he
the job at hand can serve as an asset during confirms that he is native to a recursion, not
an intrusion attempt. Earth. Other than that, he is not forthcoming
Graduation Test: Manners asks the PCs to (though if the PCs are so bold and skilled as to
see Liza Banks, the Estate’s chief of public access his files, they learn that Hertzfeld takes
relations, and apply their newly acquired a yearly three-week sabbatical to return to his
skills by posing as members of the Morrison recursion of origin—possibly one called Atom
Fellowship Prize delivery team. Before Nocturne, though that’s not certain—where
they leave, she gives each PC a randomly he tends something called the “Orchid”).
determined cypher (if they need one to reach Look and Personality: Hertzfeld’s shock of GMs can use the
their cypher limit). blond hair seems untamable, and his glasses cypher list on page
are more like goggles. He is rarely without his 312 of The Strange
Supervising Officer lab coat and a digital readout of some kind, corebook to provide
Lawrence Keaton which he obsessively checks even during other randomly determined
Investigations Chief Lawrence Keaton was an conversations. With so many experiments cyphers to players.
insurance fraud investigator before coming running concurrently, it’s easy for him to fall
to the Estate. If the GM assigns him as the behind on data collection.
SO for one or more of the PCs, he says he’ll Training Course: Each week for one hour,
contact them later with details of the exercises Hertzfeld ushers the PCs away from the drill
he has planned. field and into a rental van, then takes them on
Look and Personality: Lawrence Keaton is a a tour of the following sites, one site per trip: Lawrence Keaton:
thin man with unkempt hair. He is skeptical, the Seattle Aquarium (fish and other creatures level 6
obstinate, and, when encountered in his of the sea), the Seattle Underground (what
office, never without some sort of amber- used to be street level for the city before it
colored liquid in a crystal glass. Despite how was built over), the Troll Under the Bridge in Lawrence Keaton,
much alcohol he seems to drink, his diction the Fremont neighborhood (a big cement troll page 149
is never slurred—quite the opposite, as if he’s under a bridge), and a tour of chocolatiers
concentrating hard on pronouncing everything in the area. On each tour, Hertzfeld provides
exactly right. a running commentary of little-known facts
Exercises: Keaton mentions his exercises pertinent to each location. He tries to be
whenever he happens to see the PCs around engaging, and it’s obvious that he is quite
the campus, indicating that he is working on excited by the tours. It may dawn on the
them, it won’t be long now, the characters characters that he uses the training to widen
are sure to learn a lot, and so on. However, his own horizons. He obviously bones up with
even if they press Keaton, the exercises never remarkable diligence before each trip, and PCs
materialize. who pay attention can’t help but learn things
Graduation Test: Keaton contacts the PCs they never knew before.
after a month and tells them they’ve been Graduation Test: Hertzfeld explains one of
fast-tracked for graduation, and all they his latest research projects to the characters:
need to do is succeed on a simple internal something called the REV. Their aid in
security procedure. He assigns the PCs the resolving one of his outstanding research Gate House Transfer
task described under “Gate House Transfer questions will serve as their graduation test. to Holding, page 11
to Holding” as their graduation test. Before See “Recursion Lab Scouting Mission” for
they leave, he gives each PC a randomly the full details. Before the PCs enter the odd Recursion Lab
determined cypher (if they need one to reach recursion, he gives each character a randomly Scouting Mission,
their cypher limit). determined cypher (if they need one to reach page 12
their cypher limit).
Supervising Officer Hertzfeld: level 5, level
Hertzfeld MORRISON FELLOWSHIP PRIZE 7 for tasks related to
Research Chief Hertzfeld looks Caucasian, DELIVERY scientific research
but he speaks with a Japanese accent. If the Chief of Public Relations Liza Banks
GM assigns him as the SO for one or more is responsible for putting together Hertzfeld, page 149
of the PCs, he asks them to show up at the representatives of the Estate who hand out
drill ground once a week for four weeks Morrison Fellowship Prizes to people working Morrison Fellowship
for a training course that he developed for in any field who “demonstrate remarkable Prize, page 148
recursors. talent and the promise for continued creative
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
work.” However, the real reason the Estate Strange. The PCs are asked to find out who’s
gives out these prizes is so they can keep tabs stealing Faribault children (or they choose to
on technical advances that might be due to investigate on their own initiative).
effects of the Strange. Modifying for Higher Tiers: If the
Gwendolyn Wertz: level Liza tells one or more PCs that they’ve been characters’ average tier is 3 or 4, increase
2, level 8 for all tasks selected to accompany her on a mission to Joyce2’s level by 3. If the PCs’ average tier is 5
related to robotics and Faribault, Minnesota, to award a prize to one or 6, increase Joyce2’s level by 5 and have her
electronics Gwendolyn Wertz for her winning entry in the duplicate show up. See Modifying a Creature’s
state science fair: how the heat of the human Level for additional guidance.
Modifying a Creature’s body can be used to power smartphones and Faribault, Minnesota: Faribault is the county
Level, page 16 other household objects. The Estate wants to seat for Rice County, Minnesota. It has a
make sure that Wertz or her advisor hasn’t population of approximately 23,000 people
stumbled onto some sort of cypher or artifact and is about 50 miles south of Minneapolis.
from a recursion. The Estate flies the PCs there in business
Non-Estate PCs: Gwendolyn Wertz blows class and puts them up in a hotel called the
away the Faribault science fair judges by Regency Inn.
producing a flashlight powered only by the Liza Banks has a room in the same hotel.
Liza Banks, page 149 touch of a human hand. Gwen’s mom, Joyce, If needed, use NPC agent stats for Banks,
is on hand with a smile that almost seems except that she is level 7 in tasks related to
brighter than the flashlight. She invites all persuasion.
the participants to her home for cake and Wertz Residence: Gwen lives with her
ice cream to celebrate everyone’s hard work. mother, Joyce; her father, Tom, died a year ago
Joyce2: level 5, level (The Joyce the PCs meet is actually an android in a traffic accident. The house seems normal
6 for disguise tasks; called Joyce2.) enough, though all the lights are on at any
health 28; Armor 3; Weeks later, those children begin to given time. Joyce and Gwen knew the prize
inflicts 5 points of disappear. Joyce2 is secretly stealing them team would be coming and are overjoyed
damage with two and putting them in her basement to serve to welcome guests into their home, serving
pummeling melee as additional batteries for a new project she everyone doughnuts and pop (people in
attacks per action has in mind: creating a recursion gate into the Minnesota call soda “pop”).
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Estate Home Base 1
Gwen runs off to grab her Person Power
Prototype One, which looks like a flashlight. Artifact: Power Rod
If handled, bare skin contact causes the bulb Level: 1d6 + 3
to light. If a PC with an eye for the Strange Form: A 1-foot-long (0.3 m) metallic rod
examines the flashlight, it seems like nothing ringed with wires and electronic connectors
more than a particularly clever application of Effect: Each time the end of the metallic 30 kWh is as much
Standard Physics. rod is touched to a living, warm-blooded electricity as an
The prize delivery mission goes by the creature (or on a successful melee attack), average American
book—unless the facade crumbles. the user can siphon a designated amount home uses in one day,
The Facade Crumbles: If the PCs push of health from the target, up to the artifact’s or about 100 miles (161
Gwen or Joyce too hard on where the idea level. For each point of health drained, km) of travel for an
for the flashlight came from, what Gwen’s the power rod gains a charge roughly electric car.
next project will be, or some related topic, equivalent to 30 kWh.
equanimity begins to fade. Gwen grows The power rod can store a total of about
distressed but tries to hide it, while Joyce 1,000 kWh (after which it stops draining
seems to show less and less emotion. health until some of its charge is used up).
Eventually, Gwen says, “Don’t make Mommy If a charged rod is connected to a piece of
angry!” to which Joyce (who’s actually machinery that can use electrical power, the
Joyce2) replies in a robotic monotone, “Too rod powers the machinery until its charge
late.” is exhausted.
If the PCs explore the house before, during, Depletion: 1–2 in d100
or after the confab with the family in the living
room, they might find the real Joyce Wertz
in the basement, strapped into a chair and
connected to an artifact called the power rod. it might be too much of a strain on the laws of
Her body powers the whole house. (The PCs Standard Physics.
can also find three anoetic cyphers in the
basement on a work table filled with other GATE HOUSE TRANSFER TO
equipment: a level 5 uninterruptible power HOLDING Uninterruptible power
source, a level 3 visual displacement device, Investigations Chief Lawrence Keaton assigns source, page 331
and a level 5 set of wings.) one or more of the PCs to be on hand to
Joyce2 is an android that Gwen created provide additional security for a cross- Visual displacement
to be her mom stand-in after her real mom recursion transfer, initiated by field operative device, page 331
become emotionally distant after the death of Harper Nash. Operative Nash contacted the
her husband. The creation of Joyce2 triggered Estate via courier several days ago, letting the Wings, page 331
Gwen’s quickening, whereupon she gained group know when she would be transferring a
strange abilities. couple of green homunculi of Ardeyn through Inapposite gate,
Unfortunately, Joyce2 took its new position an inapposite gate exit in the Gate House, and page 135
a little too seriously. The android violently from there remand the creatures to Holding
opposes any action that might lead to anyone (at the request of Hertzfeld, who wants to Estate Gate House,
discovering its true nature or trying to study them in a nontranslated state, before page 152
separate it from Gwen. they begin to degrade).
Repercussions: Gwendolyn Wertz, if she The date and time of the transfer is today at Holding, page 153
survives, could use psychological counseling, 2:00 p.m.
and her real mother (if rescued from the Gate House: The Gate House contains
basement) could use a lot of medical care. If permanent recursion gates (mostly translation
the PCs arrange for such treatment through gates, but a few inapposite gates) to various
the Estate, they are given a commendation. If locations in Ardeyn, a few places in Ruk,
they leave the task to Liza Banks, Gwen and and several lesser-known recursions. Most
Joyce still get help, but not as quickly or as of these gates require some sort of key or
fully, possibly leaving Gwen with permanent password to use successfully, and each gate is
emotional damage, which she might one day secure within its own room, locked by keypad.
decide to take out on the PCs. The Transfer: When the PCs show up to the
Hertzfeld makes a good case for turning designated gate at the indicated time (call it
the power rod artifact over to him so he can gate B4 on the B sublevel beneath the Gate
conduct further tests on it. He is worried that House), the initial transfer goes well. Two
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
manacled green homunculi appear through they don’t want anyone to know they’ve
Show ’Em: The the expected inapposite gate, accompanied perpetrated a security breach.
Transfer, Image A, by an agent wearing garb in the style of Loot: The red homunculus posing as Nash
page 91 Ardeyn who identifies herself as Harper carries two anoetic cyphers: a level 4 trick
Nash. Also present is Lawrence Keaton, embedder and a level 7 ray emitter (mind-
smelling noticeably of alcohol. He interacts disrupting).
with the PCs and with Nash, but he does not Repercussions: If the PCs defeat the
Betrayer’s homunculi,
accompany anyone out of the Gate House. homunculi, all well and good; the characters
page 259
Rather, he goes his own way after telling Nash receive a commendation. If they have trouble,
to take the subjects to Holding cell 208. a security team consisting of three NPC
Ardeyn, page 160
Though the homunculi came to Earth agents and two NPC recursors shows up a
through an inapposite gate, their abilities minute after the conflict begins.
Trick embedder, page
do not begin degrading for a few minutes Non-Estate PCs: One of the PCs is friends
(as is normal for such travel), which is why with Harper Nash but doesn’t know that she is
Keaton asked the PCs to be on hand. The an Estate operative. When she goes missing,
Ray emitter (mind-
investigations chief may be in his cups, but the PCs arrive in her home, only to discover
disrupting), page 326
he’s no fool. And it’s lucky the PCs are present their “friend” Harper appearing through a gate
because “agent” Harper Nash is actually a red with two green-skinned homunculi in tow.
NPC agent, page 302
homunculus in disguise (a disguise provided Modifying for Higher Tiers: For each tier
by a cypher, forging a facade that lasts for one the characters’ average tier is above 1, add
NPC recursor, page 305
hour and requires a successful difficulty 6 two more green homunculi to the group
Intellect-based task to see through). being transferred. Even with modification, it’s
Escape Attempt: If the PCs become unlikely that high-tier characters will find this
suspicious of Nash, or when the greens and encounter challenging, though they might still
“Nash” reach the 10-foot (3 m) wide, 40-foot find it interesting.
(12 m) long underground corridor between
the Gate House and Holding, the red and the RECURSION LAB SCOUTING
two greens make a break for it. They launch MISSION
a surprise attack at the PCs first because Research Chief Hertzfeld has been testing the
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Estate Home Base 1
creation of special custom recursions through that don’t follow the expected rules. One in The recursion engine
various experimental methods as background particular vexes me. I need someone to scout vehicle (REV) becomes
research for his recursion engine vehicle it and report back. The recursion is designated important in the last
(REV). He approaches the PCs and asks their R639. I would love to take a team in myself, chapter, “Journey to the
help on a related matter. but I’m already too far behind on getting the Center of the Earth”
• “I’m experimenting with recursion REV up and running.” (page 83).
technology. I’m trying to emulate the quality If the PCs are interested, Hertzfeld takes
Ruk once possessed that allowed it to travel them to the Recursion Lab and shows them
the Chaosphere under the direction of a pilot. the gate to recursion R639.
I’ve made a lot of progress. Non-Estate PCs: One or more of the PCs
• (Hertzfeld proudly shows the PCs the REV receives an inheritance from a dead aunt:
blueprint): “This craft, for instance, shows real a rental storage unit containing strange
promise. I call it the REV: the recursion engine odds and ends, plus a large mirror propped
vehicle. It’s able to travel in normal space— up against the rear wall. The mirror is the
not the dark energy network—by going out translation gate described below.
of phase with regular matter. I was hoping to Modifying for Higher Tiers: If the optional
use it as a way to eschew rocket engines for encounter occurs, add one more thonik to the
interplanetary travel, but it turns out that it’s attacking swarm for each tier the characters’
probably more immediately suited to traveling average tier is above 2. If the PCs are fifth- or
beneath the Earth’s crust. Either way, I find the sixth-tier characters, increase the level of the
possibilities amazing.” thoniks present by 2.
• (Hertzfeld rolls up the blueprints): Recursion Lab: Research on the nature of
“But that’s not your mission today—only gates, the interaction of laws, the nature of
background.” (Hertzfeld is easily distracted fundament, and related inquiry is conducted
with his many projects and enthusiasms.) in this stand-alone structure. The lab usually
• “In developing the REV, I’ve also had a contains about ten or fifteen technicians
Show ’Em: REV,
few setbacks. That’s why I want your help. I’ve working at any one time. Several recursion
Image B, page 91
created gates into a few secondary recursions gates are found here in locked cubbies, each
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
flanked by scientific work benches filled with
laboratory equipment. R639
Hertzfeld says the matter could be quickly Level: 4
resolved by sealing recursion R639, but it’d Laws: Standard Physics, Exotic
be a shame to close access to a location that Playable Races: None (translating in
might be rich in cyphers, artifacts, or newly is impossible; the recursion can be
discovered attributes. accessed only by inapposite gate)
R639, Mystery Recursion: The secondary Foci: As Earth
recursion Hertzfeld wants the PCs to scout is Skills: As Earth
codenamed R639. They can access it through Connection to Strange: Above the clouds
an inapposite gate, which he has annealed lies the Strange
to the surface of a large mirror that leans Connection to Earth: One inapposite gate
against the wall in a bare chamber accessible in the Estate’s Recursion Lab
by keycode. Size: Indeterminate
Hertzfeld and his technicians sent a robot Spark: 0%
through the gate (not unlike a bomb-disposal Trait: Afraid. The difficulty of all rolls to
Cypher list, page 312 robot), which returned after spending resist or fight off anxiety, fear, or panic is
some time on the other side taking pictures increased by one step.
Thonik, page 294 and measurements. That allowed them
to determine that the recursion supports
Standard Physics and looks almost
exactly like Earth. Loot: Despite being a “copy” of the campus
Entering R639: PCs who enter in the real world, the Estate in R639 doesn’t
R639 discover a dim replica of the have the cyphers the real Estate possesses.
Estate campus, although one that That said, searching the “remains” yields 1d6
seems to have been without power or randomly determined cyphers.
people for several months. Cloud Optional Encounter: PCs can get in and out
cover is constant and heavy, of this foreboding recursion without learning
which means it’s always dreary what led to the current circumstances, but if
and cold. Beyond the campus, they seem determined to find answers, you
the rest of the city is also shouldn’t disappoint them. In this case, their
visible, equally dark and also investigation finally uncovers something: a
without power. flock of something strange wings overhead.
A cursory examination From a distance it’s hard to tell what kind
would lead one to believe it of birds they are, but when four of the flying
really is the Earth (because no things split off from the group, the PCs
matter how far an explorer discover they’re not birds at all, but something
goes, the recursion seems like sheets of fleshy clay shot through with
to stretch farther), though undulating, mouthlike openings that appear,
an Earth where all higher disappear, open, and close in rhythmic pulses.
animals, including humans, The things attack the PCs and give no
are missing. quarter. The flying sheets are thoniks.
If PCs explore further, they This is a good time for the characters to
eventually find a disturbing make Intellect defense rolls to avoid a round
aspect to R639. The basements of panic (see R639’s trait). PCs who fail spend
and sublevels of the Estate and their next turn running scared, standing frozen
nearby structures are filled with in horror, fainting, or screaming their fool
empty clothes and desiccated dust. heads off (their choice). Affected characters
It’s almost as if everyone retreated find that the difficulty of defending against
to the lowest place they could attacks by the thoniks is increased by two
find but failed to escape whatever steps (although a character who faints is
hunted them. Whatever found automatically hit if targeted by a thonik).
them left behind only a trace of ash The thonik presence suggests that the
and clothing. R639’s previous recursion has somehow been flayed open,
population seems to have been allowing creatures of the Strange to enter it,
utterly wiped out. perhaps at will. That’s not a good thing.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Estate Home Base 1
You’ve already seen “The Curious Case of The Curious Case of
Tom Mallard” in The Strange corebook. If you Tom Mallard,
haven’t yet run it for your players, you could page 386
present it as one of the secondary missions
of this adventure. Lead Operative Katherine
Manners assigns two or more PCs to take a
shift monitoring Tom Mallard, a recursion
If you’ve already run “The Curious Case
of Tom Mallard,” no problem. That was the
PCs’ initial training mission. If they failed to
capture Mallard (a.k.a. Tokmal the Master) at
the adventure’s end, it was probably because
he escaped to Ruk, which means that when
the PCs go to Ruk later in The Dark Spiral (see
“Whole Body Grafts”), they might want to look Whole Body Grafts,
for him there. That’s fine, and a great way to page 65
provide continuity. On the other hand, if the
PCs don’t look for the Master, maybe he learns
that the characters are in Ruk and shows
up unexpectedly while they’re investigating
Semerimis Tower. How things fall out after
that is up to you and your players.
Non-Estate PCs: The adventure in the
corebook provides a couple of options for
non-Estate PCs.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
MODIFYING A CREATURE’S LEVEL might argue otherwise, Keaton remains on his
When modifying a creature’s level upward game—for today, anyhow.
or downward to make it more suitable for Mission Background: Keaton asks the PCs if
characters of a particular tier, remember they’ve heard of the street drug “spiral dust.”
that several other statistics also vary with Whether or not they have, he gets them up to
the level. Certainly a creature’s level is a speed by providing the following information
measure of its power, defense, intelligence, through documents, photographs, and verbal
speed, and ability to interact with the world, explanation:
but you also need to modify its health, • The Estate believes that spiral dust is
damage, and Armor. One rule of thumb made from components gathered in another
is as follows: for every level you add to recursion or in the Strange itself—possibly
(or subtract from) a creature, modify its from cyphers, though that hypothesis hasn’t
health by 3 to 6 points, its damage by 1 or 2 been confirmed.
points, and its Armor by 1 point. For every • People who become addicted to spiral
three levels you add to (or subtract from) a dust are called spiralers. Addicts are easy to
creature, add (or take away) one iteration of spot: their hands tremble with excitement,
its standard attack that it can make during their speech is exuberant, and, most telling
a single action. of all, their irises change color, as if stained
bluish-purple, and deform slightly as if taking
on the shape of a fractal spiral. As a result,
addicts usually wear sunglasses.
• Spiralers have incredibly vivid
hallucinations while on the drug, and many
of them believe that each drug trip is a
continuing leg of their spiritual journey.
• Particularly heavy users of spiral dust
MAIN ARC STARTING sometimes disappear. It’s hypothesized that
MISSION such disappearances are either because an
What might seem to the PCs at first as just addict leaves behind her regular life to join a
another mission for the Estate is actually one spiritual messiah in a distant compound, or
that connects directly to the main arc of The because she dies of an overdose in an illicit
Spiral Dust Effects, Dark Spiral: stop a drug dealer who sells spiral drug den.
page 36 dust. The Estate rewards initial success by Mission Assignment: Keaton tells the PCs
asking the PCs to roll up the entire spiral dust that they have solid intelligence about a
operation, which requires far more investment local dealer, one LeRoy R. Cain. The PCs are
by the characters. to find Cain, shut him down, and discover
whether he has a supplier or is “cooking” his
The “Spiral Dust SPIRAL DUST DRUG BUST own inventory. Keaton provides the following
Drug Bust” mission is Designer drugs are on the uptick, appearing assets to help the PCs get started tracking
designed to serve as the on the street too quickly to be assessed and Cain:
lead-in to the larger regulated by any official body. One of those • A few pictures of Cain, revealing a tall man
adventure arc of The is a drug called spiral dust. Though the drug in a leather trench coat and a Stetson who is
Dark Spiral. bust mission begins like any other Estate- bearded, black haired, and blue eyed.
assigned mission, it could lead characters • A series of addresses that stretch
down an ever-more-dangerous path of from north of Seattle to far south, each a
investigation. location where Cain has been seen dealing.
Unfortunately, no one knows where he
Drug Bust Mission Briefing currently lives.
Investigations Chief Lawrence Keaton calls • A list of three suspected clients who buy
the PCs into a briefing room on the Estate from Cain, including their phone numbers
campus for a new mission. and addresses: Melissa Romano, Sharon
Keaton: The chief is looking bleary-eyed and Coopersmith, and Eldridge Chopra.
ruffled, and even though Estate policy restricts • A document that assesses Cain’s
alcohol on campus outside designated areas likelihood of being quickened: 90% likely.
and lodging condos, he has a tumbler of • The contact number for the current Estate
The Fixer, page 149
scotch at his elbow. Though appearances Fixer who will get the PCs out of any local
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Estate Home Base 1
legal entanglements if they run afoul of That’s when the characters run
normal police during their mission. into NPC operatives on LeRoy’s
Show ’Em: Effects of
The PCs are directed to warn Cain trail. The operatives are either
Spiral Dust, Image C,
off. If he gives up his supplier or from the Estate, the Office of
page 92
relinquishes the equipment and Strategic Recursion (OSR), or
the method by which he procures the Quiet Cabal. They explain
spiral dust, the PCs can leave it their interest in rolling up the
at that, assuming they believe spiral dust trade and offer the Office of Strategic
him. However, as quickened PCs a limited contract to help Recursion, page 157
Estate operatives dealing with a them do so. Obviously, it’ll be
presumably quickened enemy of less work on the GM’s part if the Quiet Cabal, page 153
Earth’s interests, the PCs have wide Estate is chosen as the contracting
latitude to deal with the situation as they agency.
believe best serves the organization’s charter.
Before the PCs leave, Keaton gives each Cain’s Spiral Dust Clients
character a randomly determined cypher (if The PCs can follow up on one or more of the
they need one to reach their cypher limit). people who have been identified as clients of
Non-Estate PCs: PCs hunting for cyphers LeRoy Cain’s drug trade.
find a small recursion that seems particularly Melissa Romano: Melissa works as a hair
rich with them. The recursion is one of the stylist in a swank Seattle salon. Or rather,
many created by fictional leakage and takes she used to work there; she hasn’t been to
the form of a long beach facing a wide sea the salon for a week, and her peers assume
hidden by autumn mist. The surf always she finally moved to Portland, Oregon, as
throws up a cypher or two during any given she’d long threatened to do. If PCs call her
visit. During their visit to this recursion, the apartment in Seattle, she doesn’t answer, and
PCs run across another recursor, LeRoy R. if they go there, no one has been home for
Cain, who is beachcombing for cyphers, too. several days. Melissa is officially missing, and
He reacts by attempting to lure the PCs into the trail is cold.
a confrontation with the dragon in the cave Sharon Coopersmith: Sharon is a freelance
and then tries to use his cyphers to escape to writer who has credits in online magazines
Earth. and in newsprint, especially in the Northwest.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
PCs can find her by calling the number Of course, if the PCs shake up the local
provided by the Estate or by visiting her drug scene too much, LeRoy Cain becomes
home, a rental house in the Queen Anne aware of them first. In that case (or if the PCs
neighborhood of Seattle. put out word that they’re looking to buy spiral
Sharon comes across as a bit scattered but dust), LeRoy comes looking for them at a time
essentially competent. If the PCs visit her in and place of his choosing; see “LeRoy Sets a
person, she wears shades even inside her Trap,” page 19.
apartment. If questioned about spiral dust,
Sharon smiles and relates how it’s the most Confronting LeRoy Cain
wonderful thing. She says she “sees things If LeRoy is unaware of the PCs, they can
differently now,” and that “the world is a confront him at one of his “places of sale.”
stranger place than you’d believe.” (She wears Regardless of the general area where they find
shades because her irises have taken on a him, when dealing, LeRoy prefers to loiter near
Spiral Dust Effects, blue fractal swirl appearance; see “Spiral Dust a parking lot where his GMC Sierra pickup
page 36 Effects.”) truck is parked. (It’s not immediately obvious
Sharon provides the PCs with the following that the truck is his.)
information: Drug Deal: LeRoy is suspicious of any new
• She has a small stash of spiral dust, customers who show up to buy spiral dust
enough to last her for several months. She from him, but he still wants to make a sale.
offers the PCs a single hit, if they’d like. Unless the PCs actively blow their role as
• She tells the PCs the cross-street address potential clients, he completes the sale of
where she met a man in a leather trench coat one or two doses ($50 per hit, but he can be
(she never got a name) who sold her the wrangled down to $20). If the PCs place a
dust. It’s outside a warehouse where raves are larger order, LeRoy claims he’ll have to make
sometimes held near the port. The address is special arrangements first, which is true, but
not one the PCs already have for LeRoy Cain. he is no fool—a big order from someone he
• Sharon knows three other people who doesn’t know puts him on alert. Unless the
take spiral dust, but she doesn’t volunteer PCs come up with a convincing reason for
that information or tell the PCs their such an order, he either attacks them or sets a
names without very strong reason. These trap for them.
acquaintances have stories similar to Modifying for Higher Tiers: If the
Sharon’s. characters’ average tier is 3 or higher, increase
Eldridge Chopra: Eldridge, or “Ridge” as LeRoy’s level by 3. Regardless, PCs of tier 5 or
his friends call him, works for one of the higher probably won’t have too much trouble
Modifying a Creature’s computer companies in Seattle that provide dealing with LeRoy. See Modifying a Creature’s
Level, page 16 online auction services for whoever has Level for additional guidance.
something to sell. Eldridge got the idea to
resell the spiral dust he bought from Cain LEROY CAIN 4 (12)
under the name “Blue Rain” on an Internet LeRoy is a tall man who is rarely without
auction site of the same name. However, Cain his signature black leather trench coat and
found out and had him killed. If the PCs track Stetson. Bearded, black-haired, and with blue
Eldridge down, it looks like he was the victim eyes like chips of ice, he cuts an imposing
of a homicide on a street corner. The local figure. LeRoy is a recursion miner and a dealer
police have no leads and have ascribed the in spiral dust. Despite dealing, he isn’t a user,
murder to random gang violence. which means his irises aren’t fractally touched
and his hands do not shake.
Finding LeRoy Cain Motive: Acquire cash and cyphers
If the PCs stick with the addresses provided by Health: 20
their Estate briefing, they catch sight of LeRoy Damage Inflicted: 4 points
Cain after a few weeks of stakeouts. If the Armor: 1
player characters are more proactive, either Movement: Short
by trying to shake down the local drug dealers Modifications: Perception as level 6.
or by following up with Sharon Coopersmith, Combat: LeRoy is trained in unarmed combat
they learn of a location that Cain visits every but prefers to use the sawed-off shotgun
few days: outside the rave warehouse that concealed under his coat, which deals 6
Sharon mentioned. points of damage to two targets next to
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Estate Home Base 1
each other in immediate range. LeRoy in order to deal with the potential problem. If
can fire his shotgun twice before he has they somehow catch LeRoy before he can set a
to reload. On the other hand, he fights trap, see “What LeRoy Knows.” What LeRoy Knows,
only if no other option presents itself. He Trailing LeRoy: If the PCs find LeRoy and page 22
first attempts to lie or flee, using some decide to trail him covertly instead of confront
combination of his abilities and cyphers. him, they have to succeed on a difficulty 6
Fleet: LeRoy can move a short distance and stealth task every few hours so they don’t tip
take an action in the same round. him off (his high perception comes from years
Lying: LeRoy can convince a PC who fails an of working the streets with his eyes peeled for
Intellect defense roll of something wildly DEA or rival dealers). If LeRoy realizes that
and obviously untrue for one round. he is being trailed, he plays it cool until he
Translation: When LeRoy translates, he can can use his vanisher cypher to lose the PCs
choose to appear in a recursion as if he completely, then sets the trap as described
went through an inapposite gate. below.
Cyphers: LeRoy has a level 5 vanisher (which If LeRoy fails to notice the tail, the PCs Vanisher, page 331
turns a user invisible for ten minutes), a eventually discover that he lives in the
level 5 curative (which restores 5 points of Crestview apartment complex in a Seattle Curative, page 315
damage), and a level 3 temporary shield neighborhood called Pioneer Square. If they
(which provides the user an asset to Speed catch him asleep in his room without his Temporary shield,
defense rolls for one hour). cyphers at hand, the characters might be page 329
Interaction: LeRoy maintains a friendly able to bypass the trap, the trip to
facade. When challenged, he Oceanmist, and everything else, and
first tries to bully with a show of learn the information in “What LeRoy Pioneer Square: PC
force (even deadly force), though Knows.” locals know that the
if it becomes obvious that he is area can be a bit
outmatched, he tries to get away LeRoy Sets a Trap rough, especially at
from the conflict. If LeRoy learns about the PCs night, because of the
Loot: Cyphers listed under before they find him (or if many bars and the
Combat, twelve shotgun they find him but he gets active drug scene.
shells, $340 in cash, five away), he goes into hiding Lone travelers might
doses of spiral dust, the and then sets a trap. be accosted for their
key fob for his GMC To bait the trap, LeRoy wallet, purse, or shoes.
Sierra pickup truck, and a sends the PCs a postcard
business card. The card is with his address, which is
for an apartment building in a neighborhood called
in Seattle’s Pioneer Square Pioneer Square. The
neighborhood, and it has address is in an apartment
the words “apartment complex called Crestview.
#27b” written on it. Crestview is ratty and not
Fighting LeRoy: LeRoy well maintained, and the
isn’t too concerned about PCs are able to walk right
blazing away at people in the into the place without a key.
parking lot with his sawed- Apartment 27b: 27b is the
off shotgun, but if he faces apartment number scrawled
more than two opponents, on the postcard received
he knows the odds are not in from LeRoy. It’s unlocked,
his favor. He tries to get away and PCs who enter find a
after taking his first couple one-room suite that looks
of shots, using his cypher like it has been used for
that confers invisibility to several months as a place
good effect. If he manages to for homeless people
escape (and once he activates to sleep (and relieve
his cypher, he has a pretty good themselves in corners).
chance), all is not However, the
lost. He sets a place is empty
trap for the PCs of anyone at
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
the moment. If the PCs interview adjoining Duct-Taped Cypher: LeRoy suspects that
apartment tenants, the neighbors claim that quickened agents of OSR or some other
apartment 27b is “haunted” and no one goes organization are after him, but he can’t be
in there anymore. (The adjoining tenants sure that his pursuers have the ability to
include a family with several children, and translate. So his trap has a backup designed
a couple of college-age guys engrossed in a to catch run-of-the-mill DEA agents. The
console video game.) cypher duct-taped to the wall has been partly
The PCs find two things of particular activated (though that’s not immediately clear
interest in 27b: a painting on the wall opposite through casual observation). The cypher is a
the door, and a cypher duct-taped to the wall recursion grenade (level 6) that explodes when
next to the painting. removed from the wall, creating a momentary
LeRoy’s Painting: The painting, displayed in inapposite gate. Creatures within immediate
a gold frame, is a well-rendered reproduction range are sucked into Oceanmist.
of a recursion LeRoy calls Oceanmist, where When PCs travel through an inapposite
he often travels to collect cyphers. gate, they don’t translate, which means they
don’t gain new foci or equipment. Also,
Laws, page 136 read aloud extreme laws like Magic and Mad Science
A beach stretches for miles down the coast, lit also support the underlying baseline law of
by a fractal-studded nightscape where massive Standard Physics. Thus, equipment (and foci)
spirals take the place of stars. Under this alien brought through an inapposite gate from
light, the surf sparkles with strange glints and Earth doesn’t degrade in those recursions
glows. Not far back from the beach, a cave unless specifically noted otherwise.
opening is visible. Mist seeps from the dark
cavity. Oceanmist
If the PCs follow the breadcrumbs into this
The painting is so well rendered, in fact, recursion either by translating to it or by
that a quickened PC could use it to initiate a falling victim to the duct-taped grenade, they
translation to the location shown (Oceanmist end up on the beach shown on the painting.
is level 3 for the purposes of translation). The reality of the new recursion is similar
to the painting in most ways, though the
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Estate Home Base 1
Oceanmist Attributes
Level: 3
Laws: Magic
Playable Races: Human
Foci: Entertains, Leads, Lives in the
Wilderness, Slays Dragons, Wields Two
Weapons at Once, Works Miracles
Skills: None
Connection to Strange: If one travels far
enough into the ocean, the edge of
the recursion is reached in a massive
waterfall that empties into the Strange
Connection to Earth: A few gates
Size: A few miles (5 km) across
Spark: 0%
Trait: None
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
get on its bad side, it might hunt them down When the PCs confront LeRoy, refer to
across the surface of Oceanmist, one by one. “What LeRoy Knows,” below. If the PCs come
to the camp and LeRoy isn’t there (and won’t
Dragon, page 267 Dragon Interaction: The dragon is more be returning), they can search the camp and
melancholy than mean unless physically learn the same information to move the
attacked, whereupon it defends itself as only a adventure forward.
dragon can. But otherwise it is detached and The camp includes a tent filled with basic
depressed, mainly from the lack of a playmate. camping gear, a fire pit, a lawn chair, and
The Oceanmist dragon Getting it to talk or answer questions (instead a cooler with the latest cyphers that LeRoy
has green scales, not of just sigh sadly, shrug disinterestedly, or gathered on the beach. In addition to a good
feathers. mumble something like “What does it matter, amount of sand, the cooler contains three
anyway?”) is something of an effort. cyphers, all level 3. These fractal-shaped
One sure way the PCs can engage the seashells convey the following effects:
dragon is by suggesting that they play a game. • Restores 1d6 + 3 points to the user’s Might
Dragons love games, and this one is no Pool.
different. It perks right up for riddle games, • Increases the user’s Speed Edge by 1.
Tic-Tac-Toe, jacks, cards, or any sort of game, • Allows the user to breathe water for 24
and while playing, it relates the following to hours after activation.
the PCs if they specifically ask:
• “I don’t recall my name. It’s been too long The Beach: Each hour the PCs spend combing
since anyone played with me. Call me what the beach for cyphers gives one of them the
you like.” opportunity to make a difficulty 6 Intellect-
• “A man tried to steal from my hoard. I based roll to perceive a random cypher tossed
burned him a little, but I let him get away up by the surf. No matter how long the PCs
when he dropped what he’d stolen. He didn’t search or how well they roll, the beach throws
want to play.” up a maximum of seven cyphers each week.
LeRoy is careful to • “The thief has a camp nearby. Sometimes I
shed any cyphers he can smell him cooking fish from the sea, even What LeRoy Knows
carries before sifting when I’m asleep.” LeRoy puts up a show fight if the PCs confront
for new ones along • “I’ve thought about going out there and him in his secret camp, but in the end, he
the beach. Even so, he making the man play a game with me. But would much rather surrender than die. As a
loses a few on every then I think, why bother? He’ll just leave. show of good faith, he provides the PCs with
haul. Laying claim Just like you’ll leave, like everyone who’s ever the following information, plus all the hits of
to more than a small played with me has left, never to return.” spiral dust he still has with him.
handful of cyphers Clever PCs might be able to convince the • “Hey, I’m just making a living here!”
at any one time, dragon to help them find or cow LeRoy if they • “The dust is made in Colorado. That’s
even if the cyphers make it part of a game or make promises of where my supplier lives, anyhow. I never met
are stored separately, future visits, though the dragon won’t actually her, only talked to her on the phone. Goes by
is difficult if not attack LeRoy (unless attacked first) or leave the name of Lydia. Lydia Nance.”
impossible. Once more the recursion of Oceanmist. • “Lydia sends me a ‘care package’ of spiral
than a few cyphers dust every month or so through USPS. Usually
are accumulated, Leroy’s Secret Camp: After LeRoy Cain laid not enough for the demand, but apparently,
extra cyphers have a down the false trail to the lair entrance, he she only has so much.”
tendency to dissipate carefully retreated to his camp, hidden by a • “I don’t know if she’s the ultimate source
spontaneously or slip press of palms about 100 feet (30 m) from the or not. She’s my ultimate source, and I don’t
away into another cave entrance. To find it, the PCs must blanket know anyone else who deals.
recursion. That doesn’t the area behind the palms or intentionally look • “Lydia works at a gem shop in Nederland,
keep LeRoy or other for, find, and track LeRoy’s real trail from the Colorado. I got her card right here—you can
recursion miners from cave mouth. have it.” (If the PCs incapacitate LeRoy so
trying. The camp is filled with Earth gear because that he is unable to answer their questions,
LeRoy set it up using his Translation ability. If he leaves behind a business card for the
the PCs have been tracking him, he is present Dreaming Crystal rock and gem shop in
at the camp, tending his fire (which is hidden Nederland, Colorado. Scrawled on the back is
by the press of trees), sleeping in his tent, or the name “Lydia Nance.”)
walking farther down the beach, depending on • “Actually, some other woman gave me
the time of day. my first hit of spiral dust to sell. It was night,
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Estate Home Base 1
raining hard, and I didn’t really get a good
look at her. I never found out her name. I
The PCs are not law enforcement and are
assume she worked for Nance.” (In fact, that
not responsible for taking LeRoy off the
first contact was Uentaru in translated human Uentaru, page 81
street for his crimes. First and foremost,
form, scouting for quickened recursors who
the Estate wants them to find the source
could push her product without worry of
of the spiral dust, so LeRoy’s primary
entanglements from regular Earth authorities.)
importance is as someone who can finger
his supplier. On the other hand, the PCs
are Estate operatives tasked with opposing
As the characters carry out their
threats to Earth that stem from the Strange.
investigations that are part of the main arc,
LeRoy Cain certainly qualifies, which gives
they’ll likely return to the Estate campus
the characters justification for nearly any
to conduct research, rest, and request
solution they devise, up to and including
additional resources. During these periods,
eliminating LeRoy. Less bloodthirsty PCs
intermissions can occur, according to the
can have the Estate put him in Holding
variable timing described for each.
for up to a month while they pursue the
leads he provided. But warning him off and
stopping the drug supply upstream could
As the PCs begin to roll up the spiral dust
also be considered enough.
trade on Earth, reports of their progress by
various observers reach Uentaru. Concerned
that the characters might eventually figure out
what she’s up to, she asks the Dustman to attempting to retrieve the eggs from the Dustman, page 82
eliminate them. However, that turns out to be Mouth of Swords, Intermission 1 could occur.
something of a mistake because the Dustman After Intermission 2: It’s possible that the Mouth of Swords,
isn’t a servitor of Uentaru, only an ally of PCs meet Uentaru (in Intermission 2) before page 47
convenience. Rather than quietly eliminate Intermission 1 happens. Despite coming
the PCs, the Dustman “activates” the minds across as an ally, she could still instruct the
of spiral dust addicts and sends them, Dustman to take the PCs out—probably in an
zombielike, to attack the Estate headquarters attempt to stop them from journeying to the
when the PCs are present. center of the Earth.
Non-Estate PCs: The zombie incursion
described in this section could be adapted to 1. Addicts Gather
occur in nearly any location. In addition to the other consequences of
Modifying for Higher Tiers: For each tier the addiction to spiral dust, an addict also leaves
characters’ average tier is above 2, add one herself open to “activation” by the Dustman,
zombie to each group of zombies that targets a mysterious figure intimately associated with
them. If the PCs are tier 5 or higher, add two the production of the material.
zombies to each group. If the PCs’ average A spiral dust addict who has been partially
tier is 3 or higher, increase the level of all the activated by the Dustman becomes open to
zombies by 2. suggestion for several hours or days, but can
revert to normal afterward with no memory of
Timing for Intermission 1 what she did during the period of activation.
Intermission 1 could occur in a few places Partially activated addicts “present” (to use
during the timeline of the larger adventure. the clinical term) like someone strung out
After Nederland: Once the PCs take care of on hallucinogens (or spiral dust) and thus
Lydia Nance and her Dreaming Crystal rock are not particularly versatile in what they can
shop in “Never, Nederland,” they could return accomplish. On the other hand, they can pass Never, Nederland,
to the Estate campus to research Donna Ilsa as regular, if slightly bewildered, people. page 30
or request aid for translating to Crow Hollow. The Dustman launches a zombie attack on
Intermission 1 could occur just before they the Estate campus by partially activating the
translate to that recursion (possibly even closest hundred spiral dust addicts (which
interrupting the translation trance). means the net extends across several states)
Before or During “Mouth of Swords”: If and gathering them in a location near the
the PCs return to the Estate after accepting campus, such as a park or other public area.
Donna Ilsa’s proposal or at any point while When he sees or gets confirmation that the
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
PCs are on the campus, he sends a busload of them.
addicts posing as lost, befuddled tourists onto Elements to incorporate in the conflict
the grounds. include the following options, some of which
you could treat as GM intrusions.
read aloud Jenkins! At a location just beyond long
A surprising number of people are out and range, one or more PCs see a horde of twenty
about on campus. Most of them lack the or more zombies descend on valiant but
purposeful gait that marks an operative. In doomed Jenkins, an Estate security guard. The
fact, these people almost look like tourists creatures grab him and basically pull his head
who are lost, if their confused expressions and off, abruptly ending his screams.
bewildered body language is anything to go by. Barricade Breaks: To escape a wave of thirty
or more zombies, the PCs run into the nearest
2. Zombies Attack structure (perhaps the Lodging building’s
PCs on campus can learn about the zombie lobby) and barricade the door. However,
attack in a couple of different ways. The most after a few rounds, the barricade breaks and
visceral way is for the characters to serve zombies pour through at an alarming rate.
as the catalyst for the attack as they move The characters must retreat further or stand
between buildings (perhaps on the way to or their ground and fight.
from Lodging). They also might witness the Area Not Safe: While retreating, the PCs
first attack through a surveillance camera. find an area they believe is safe. However, they
learn the error of their ways when a previously
read aloud hidden zombie sits up and bites a PC on the
A change sweeps across all the visitors, ankle.
including several dozen bystanders just visible Security Squad: A group of ten Kevlar-
beyond the edges of the campus. They kick wearing, helmeted Estate guards emerges
and shudder, and a few fall down as if in the from the Security building and begins tasering
grip of a seizure. When they stop shaking, zombies, which seems to short-circuit their
they’re different. Instead of confusion, hunger brains, leaving them breathing but unmoving.
and rage are scrawled across their snarling (Tasered zombies rise again within 24 hours.)
faces. As if of one mind, they shamble Unfortunately, one of the PCs is mistaken for a
forward. zombie and must succeed against a difficulty 5
Might-based attack or take 5 points of damage
The zombies attacking the Estate are from electricity and be stunned and unable to
quickened, which means that their eyes glow act for one round.
with blue-purple light and they are resistant Isn’t That Sharon? One or more of the PCs
to the special abilities of other quickened encounter an NPC they’ve previously met
creatures. Once completely activated, there’s in connection with the spiral dust mission:
no going back from being a zombie. Luckily, Sharon Coopersmith (or another NPC who
quickened zombies are not infectious, though they know to have taken spiral dust). For one
the PCs might not know this (and might PC who is especially surprised, the difficulty of
assume the opposite). a Speed defense roll against the NPC’s attack
is increased by one step.
3. Surviving a Zombie Horde Katherine Manners and Hertzfeld Kick Ass:
The characters can’t fight off a hundred or Just when it seems that a flood of thirty or
more zombies by themselves. But they don’t more zombies is about to wash over the PCs,
have to; they’re at the Estate, which employs Katherine Manners and Hertzfeld distract a
armed security and has other quickened large portion of the invaders with explosives,
operatives. leading them off so the PCs have to deal with
To make it possible for the PCs to survive, only four or five—at least for that moment.
throw groups of no more than five to six The Dustman: A PC sees a dreamy image of
zombies at them at any one time. All in the Dustman observing the fight—a shadowy,
all, they might fight a total of twenty or so hooded figure. If they previously caught sight
zombies during the horde attack; these battles of the Dustman or heard a description of
can be part of a series of skirmishes set to him, they might recognize him. Otherwise,
a backdrop of other Estate operatives and the shadowed, humanoid shape is a new
employees fighting for their lives all around development. The observing PC must succeed
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Estate Home Base 1
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
would reduce a zombie’s health to 0, it does • Anything else the PCs decide is important.
so only if the number rolled by the attack Eight Hours Later: Katherine Manners
was an even number; otherwise, the zombie calls the PCs into a briefing room along
is reduced to 1 point of health instead. This with several other staff and operatives who
might result in a dismembered, gruesomely participated in the fight, including Hertzfeld
damaged zombie that is still moving. and Lawrence Keaton. Manners calls the
GM Intrusion: Even
Zombies can see in the dark at short range. meeting to order and asks for a report. An
after the PC kills the
“Fresh” zombies are vulnerable to electricity. NPC agent named Connolly reads from an
zombie, it doesn’t
The first time a zombie takes 5 or more after-zombie report. Depending on how things
die. In fact, treat the
points of damage from an electrical attack, transpired, it’s possible that PC activities led
zombie as if it had 12
it falls limp and unmoving. Assuming to one or more of the presented points. The
more points of health.
nothing interferes with the process, the PCs are also asked to give their own report.
zombie arises minutes or hours later
without the vulnerability. After-Zombie Report
Some zombies have special additional • Twelve dead staff, with twenty-four injured
qualities, including being quickened. (three seriously).
Quickened: A zombie that “rises” from a • Hertzfeld’s tests show that the zombies
quickened human (or a zombie born of don’t seem infectious “unlike on TV,” which is
a normal person addicted to spiral dust) lucky.
resists attacks gained from focus abilities, • Several operatives reported seeing a
revisions, twists, and moves as a level 5 “shadowy figure in a hood” during the attack.
creature. A quickened zombie’s eyes (or The Estate records have no information on
empty sockets) glow with purplish fire. such a presence, so Manners sent out feelers
Interaction: Zombies groan when they see to special individuals the Estate has used in
something that looks tasty. They do not the past as consultants on entities from the
reason, cannot speak, and never stop Strange. Results of this inquiry are pending.
pursuing something they’ve identified as (Uentaru is one of the consultants.)
a potential meal, unless something else • Hertzfeld’s preliminary tests indicate
edible comes closer. that the zombies were spiral dust-maddened
Use: The characters are asked to clear out the people whose past consumption of the drug
basement of a mad scientist, necromancer, left them vulnerable to the transformation.
or psychic surgeon, or possibly an old Hertzfeld is happy to talk more about these
military depot on Earth. The appearance of results, but he doesn’t know how much
zombies probably comes as an unpleasant spiral dust one must have consumed to be
surprise. vulnerable. PCs who have sampled the dust
might have reason to worry, he cautions.
Zombie Aftermath • Though the zombies were opportunistic
The PCs survived. Now it’s time to pick up when it came to targets, they seemed most
the pieces and try to make sense of what drawn to the PCs.
happened. • One last, troubling thing: Hertzfeld notes
Immediate Aftermath: PCs who want to that the zombies—as well as regular people
help clean up are welcomed. Immediate needs high on a hit of spiral dust—exhibit qualities of
include: quickened creatures. It’s as if while experiencing
• Find wounded people and provide first aid. the effects of a dose, an addict gains abilities
• Eliminate lone zombie stragglers (a few (and drawbacks) identical to those possessed
managed to get stuck in closets, caught with by quickened creatures. Once the effect of a
their ankle in a gutter, or slammed in a door). dose lapses, the user ceases to exhibit these
• Help identify and transfer electrically characteristics. Hertzfeld wants to do more
zapped but still breathing zombies to Holding. tests, but given the potential for zombification
• Help identify and transfer dead zombies of addicts, it’s probably best to suspend
to a special inapposite gate in the Gate House investigation on that front for the moment.
used for waste disposal (which opens into a
recursion of burning fire). The Upshot: Whatever else comes of the
• Help Hertzfeld transfer two or three after-zombie report, one thing is clear: putting
specimens to his lab, located beneath the an end to the spiral dust trade is far more
Recursion Lab building. important than first imagined. The PCs are
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Estate Home Base 1
enjoined to get cracking. At this point, the free now that they know about it, they can opt out
handout of one cypher to each PC begins to so they can’t be tracked in the future.)
dry up, but the characters are offered three Never: Uentaru prefers to infiltrate the
anoetic cyphers to split among the group: a Estate’s efforts to shut down the spiral
level 5 Strange ammunition clip (cold), a level dust trade, but she might fail to make the Strange ammunition,
6 Strange ammunition clip (fire), and a level 7 connection. In this case, she seeks to join page 328
Strange ammunition clip (poison). the PCs at another location—possibly as they
face the dangers of the Vengeance-class battle
INTERMISSION 2: MEET chrysalid in “Whole Body Grafts.”
Uentaru eventually becomes aware of the Conference Uentaru, page 81
PCs, and when her early attempt to stop The PCs are called to a conference in one of
the characters backfires (Intermission 1), the meeting rooms on the Estate campus. If
she decides that the best way to end their any of them have a supervising officer other
meddling is by infiltrating the group. It’s than Katherine Manners or Hertzfeld, that SO
possible she’s given that opportunity under is also present in the room.
the guise of a special consultant called in to
advise the PCs regarding the Dustman and read aloud Whole Body Grafts,
the quickened zombies that attacked during Doughnuts, coffee, and a vegetable tray are page 65
Intermission 1. laid out on the conference room
Non-Estate PCs: The characters can meet table. Three people eating and
Uentaru as they prepare to storm Whole engaged in quiet conversation
Body Grafts in Ruk, where she pretends to be are gathered around the
a victim who needs to be rescued (possibly table. Two you recognize:
from a surgical theater or one of the areas Lead Operative Katherine
inside Nakarand). Manners and Research Chief
Modifying for Higher Tiers: Intermission Hertzfeld. The third
2 probably won’t include combat. However, is a tall woman with
if the PCs somehow see through Uentaru’s short-cropped blonde
facade and they are fifth- or sixth-tier hair. Despite her black
characters, increase her level by 3. See jeans, blouse, and stylish
Modifying a Creature’s Level (page 16) for yellow jacket, her physique
additional guidance. and posture betray a military
Timing for Intermission 2
Intermission 2 could occur in a few places
during the course of the larger adventure.
Immediately After Intermission 1: During
Intermission 1, at least one PC and several
NPCs witnessed the Dustman. It’s possible
that the consultant called in to help (Uentaru)
arrives so quickly that the PCs haven’t moved
on to another part of the adventure yet.
After the Mouth of Swords: Most likely,
Intermission 2 occurs when (or if) the PCs
head back to the Estate after returning Donna
Ilsa’s eggs (page 46) to prepare for translating
to Ruk.
Summoned by Courier: A courier arrives
with a message requesting that the PCs return
to the Estate to talk to a new consultant who
has important information. (A couple of NPC
agents who act as couriers have a special
ability to track down other Estate operatives.
The fine print of the PCs’ employment
agreement opted them in to this service, but
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
alien survivors from across the universe
Uentaru’s Facade
who share her goals. The group’s name
Uentaru comes across as friendly, helpful,
translated to English is “Chaos Templars,” and
and concerned, but this is an act to hide
as the name suggests, individual templars
her true plans. A masterful deceiver, she is
adventure across the infinite expanse of the
able to fool others (and often herself) as
Strange, always looking for ways to stem the
if level 8. Much of what she reveals during
planetovore threat.
Intermission 2 is true, but it isn’t the whole
• Fascinated by Earth’s special connection to the
picture. For her true goals and motivations,
Strange: People on Earth, even those who are
Uentaru’s Real Plan, see Uentaru’s Real Plan.
quickened, probably don’t realize how special
page 80
their planet is. Unlike any place Uentaru has ever
visited before, Earth has a special relationship
to the Chaosphere. One of her projects is to
The tall woman with military bearing discover why. She throws out a wild supposition
Uentaru (Earth is introduced as Ambassador Uentaru that sometime during the Earth’s late heavy
context): level 6; (pronounced “oo-en-TAR-oo”), a consultant bombardment four billion years ago, perhaps a
health 18; Armor 1; the Estate has used in the past when dealing massive object hit the planet, forming the moon.
all deception tasks as with the Strange. After a few pleasantries, Maybe that object is somehow resonating with
level 8; long-range, she gives a short presentation, and then the the dark energy network.
high-caliber pistol PCs and Uentaru can quiz each other before (Truth is, Uentaru knows that such an object
that inflicts 7 points of deciding on the next steps. is embedded in the Earth—something she
damage; cyphers: level calls the Aleph component, a small piece of a
6 transvolution, level 5 1. Pleasantries defunct alien intergalactic transport system;
vanisher; artifact: level The PCs learn the following about Uentaru for more details, see Earth’s Connection to
6 communicator as they gather around the table to help the Strange in the corebook. Uentaru doesn’t
themselves to snacks. The information is reveal all she knows at this time. She wants to
provided by the Estate staff present or by see what the Estate knows and how close they
Uentaru in answer to questions they pose. The might be to understanding her real plan.)
information is mostly true, up to a point.
• Origin: Ambassador Uentaru is a native of 2. Uentaru’s Presentation
the universe of normal matter. She isn’t from The ambassador has a few things to say
Earth but rather an alien civilization hundreds regarding spiral dust and the Dustman.
Transvolution, page of thousands of light years from Earth. • Spiral dust origin: Spiral dust isn’t made of
330 • Homeworld: Uentaru’s world, Mycaeum, ground-up cyphers or processed violet spiral as
was not as lucky as Earth. Like every other the Estate has postulated, at least not in any way
Vanisher, page 331 realm she’s come across in her travels, it was that Uentaru has been able to reverse-engineer.
destroyed about a thousand years ago by • Creating quickened creatures: Spiral dust
Earth’s Connection to planetovores. use can temporarily give a normal creature,
the Strange, page 148 • Fled her world’s destruction: Uentaru was a even one without the spark, limited abilities
sort of military scientist among her own kind. as if the user were quickened. For the period
Abeyance, page 129 She escaped into the Chaosphere thanks to of time the drug is in a creature’s system, it
advanced technology she commanded. Able actually is quickened. (Hertzfeld may have
to save herself, she could only watch in horror already discovered this.)
and shame as her civilization was consumed • Dreams are partial translations: The intense
by a planetovore. Lest she become caught up dreams of a heavy user represent the user’s
in the end of her world, she had to turn away dream self appearing in a random recursion
and flee across the dark energy network. during the sleep period. The user’s sleeping
• Does good works: She’d like to redeem her body does not go into abeyance.
destroyed homeworld. One way she does so is • Overdose results in one-way translation: The
by helping other survivors. Now that she has user disappears because instead of his dream
discovered Earth and the Estate, she wants to self appearing in a random recursion, he fully
help the organization learn more about the translates against his will and is deposited
Chaosphere. in a mysterious recursion. The nature of that
• Lives in the Chaosphere: Uentaru normally recursion is something that Uentaru has spent
lives in the Strange at a location called the much time investigating, with no success.
Embassy of Uentaru. With her are other (In fact, she knows that addicts are drawn to
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Estate Home Base 1
want to come across as desperate to know
what the PCs have learned, though she asks
Not much is known about this long- details about their adventures and proves a
vanished world, given that Uentaru is great listener.
its only purported survivor. If asked, she
describes it thusly: “Great cities of slender 4. Next Steps
spires reached past Mycaeum’s golden sky, Once general questions are out of the way,
all the way to orbit, glistening in the glory it’s time for Uentaru to leave and for the
of three suns. A great people lived there PCs to move on. But she has a parting gift
and on nearby planets in our solar system for the characters: an artifact she calls a
before they were consumed.” communicator. When the PCs need her, they
shouldn’t hesitate to call, and she’ll answer
any questions they have or, if the need is dire,
Nakarand, though she doesn’t reveal that at translate to them as quickly as she can arrange. Nakarand, page 73
this time.) If the PCs are ready to head to Ruk now,
• The Dustman and spiral dust are connected: Uentaru offers herself as a consultant and
An entity she calls the Dustman is somehow companion. She says she wants to see what
connected to spiral dust and the drug’s users. Donna Ilsa’s “supplier” has to do with the
Sometimes users describe seeing the Dustman Dustman. If the PCs have already linked the two,
in their dreams: a shadowy figure in a hood, she says it’s one of her best leads regarding the
usually without features, though sometimes Dustman, and she’d likely go there on her own if
with points of sapphire fire for eyes. the PCs don’t want her in their group.
• The Dustman can control addicts: Evidence After the conference, Lawrence Keaton
suggests that the Dustman can control suggests dinner and drinks to celebrate the
the minds of addicts through some kind of partnership, but unless Uentaru is convinced
psychic connection. Those so controlled seem otherwise, she is unwilling to engage in such
fully in the grip of a spiral dust trip, which frivolous behavior when “the Dustman is out
means they aren’t as dangerous as they could there, plotting.”
be. Once released, addicts can’t remember Finally, the PCs are offered two anoetic
anything that happened during the preceding cyphers that they can split among them: a
period. level 5 stim and a level 7 curative. Stim, page 328
• Zombification of addicts: If the Dustman
completely activates a spiral dust addict, Curative, page 315
the addict “dies” and a quickened zombie is Artifact: Communicator
born, intent on achieving the last command Level: 1d6 + 2
imparted by the Dustman. This last point Form: Two matched fossil-like spirals
angers Uentaru, but probably not for the Effect: A communicator is a special artifact
reasons the characters believe. She is angered of the Strange that travels between
because the Dustman sent such zombies recursions when its user translates
against the PCs, which endangered her without losing its abilities.
plan, and because zombies are much less The artifact comes in two pieces. Whoever
quickened than spiral dust addicts. They don’t holds one piece can activate it and
provide the same kind of density of quickened verbally communicate with the owner
creatures she needs to achieve her real goal. of the matched piece for up to one
minute per use. The communication is
3. Questions instantaneous and works at any range,
The PCs and other Estate operatives are even across recursions.
encouraged to ask Uentaru questions, and Special Effect: Each piece also serves as
Uentaru to do the same of them. a recursion key, allowing a quickened Recursion key,
• The Dustman must be stopped! If it’s not creature to translate to the location of page 130
already clear, Uentaru attempts to set the the other piece (but otherwise following
Dustman up as the villain behind everything the normal rules of translation). This
the PCs have been investigating. (She leaves special effect isn’t obvious even to those
out the fact that she has been working with the who know the artifact’s main effect.
Dustman to spread spiral dust use on Earth.) Depletion: 1 in 1d100
• What have you been up to? Uentaru doesn’t
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
Never, Nederland
This adventure is part of the main arc of The Dark Spiral and is appropriate for
PCs who learned about the Nederland rock shop during the drug bust mission
in the last chapter. As a stand-alone scenario, “Never, Nederland” offers the
characters a chance to temporarily disrupt the worldwide trade of spiral dust,
put a stop to disappearing homeless people, and travel to the recursion of Crow
Hollow, potentially the most diverse market in the Shoals of Earth.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Never, Nederland 2
drive up, offer a ride to Rosa Wilkins (who RESEARCHING THE ROCK
accepted), and drive off. That was the last SHOP
Marcus ever saw of Rosa. The police remain Nederland’s Dreaming Crystal rock and
uninterested, so Marcus advertises more gem shop is easily found with a web
widely and manages to contact the PCs. He search. The shop has a website, though it
shows them a picture he snapped of the car. was apparently created in the late 1990s
The plates are too blurred to make out, but and never updated, as it provides only
one sticker on the back says, “Nedhead and minimal information, which includes a
proud,” and another proclaims, “Geodes and physical address in Nederland, a phone
more: Dreaming Crystal rock shop has it all!” number, and a few pictures of semiprecious
gemstones. Each photo is captioned with a
MODIFYING FOR New Age sentiment about how this or that
DIFFERENT TIERS jewel will revitalize health, restore vitality,
It’s likely that the PCs have only one encounter or supercharge libido. Anyone wishing to
of note while on Earth during “Never, purchase any of these alluring offerings is
Nederland,” and that’s with the night spiders invited to stop in or call. The site has no
nesting in the basement of the rock shop. For ecommerce option, and hacking it leads to
every tier the characters’ average tier is above no further information.
2, add one more night spider to the mix. If the Calling ahead (whether using the
PCs are fifth- or sixth-tier characters, increase number on LeRoy’s card or finding it in a
the level of the night spiders by 2. web search) always triggers an answering
If the PCs travel to Crow Hollow and are service in a woman’s voice that gives the
fourth tier, increase the level of all the kro hours of operation (9 to 6 Monday to
goons, elite kro goons, and kro coursers by Saturday, closed Sundays) and asks the
2. If the PCs are fifth- or sixth-tier characters, caller to leave a message, which will be
increase the level of all the kro goons, elite kro returned. A week after getting the PCs’
goons, and kro coursers by 4. message, shop employee Everett Rand
finally calls them back (unless they visit
NEDERLAND, the shop in the meantime) and is happy to
COLORADO arrange a sale. Rand knows nothing about
Just west of Boulder, Colorado, up a winding, spiral dust but everything about geodes.
canyon-walled road lies Nederland. It’s not
the average small town, beginning with the
fact that it’s perched reasonably high in the
Rocky Mountains (elevation: 8,230 feet [2.5 DREAMING CRYSTAL SHOP
km). Filled with small shops, sightseeing The shop is a single-story structure on one of
opportunities, and a vibrant music scene, the few main streets in Nederland.
the town sees far more traffic than might be
expected considering that it has a population read aloud
just shy of 2,000. A large sign decked out in flecks of glittering
People in Nederland call themselves mica overhangs the storefront and reads
“Nedheads” because visitors are less likely “Dreaming Crystal Rock and Gem Shop: Find
to impress them with a Lexus and more likely Your Dream Here!” The front of the shop
to impress them with knowledge of foraging features a large plate glass window, behind
for certain kinds of mushrooms or the best which you see all manner of geodes, crystals,
telemark ski routes on the nearby peaks visible polished minerals, and both rough and
from most anywhere in town. polished fossils.
Traveling to Nederland: The PCs can request
travel arrangements through their supervising Surveilling the Shop: Visual surveillance of
officer and, with hardly any red tape, find the Dreaming Crystal reveals that customers
themselves bound for Denver International come and go during normal business hours,
Airport, with a rental car or two waiting at the mostly coming from Boulder to visit the
terminal and reservations at the Residence quaint mountain shop in the quaint mountain
Suites in Boulder (a college town that lies town (though some travel from much farther
in the foothills west of Nederland) or in away). When customers purchase items, it’s
Nederland itself at the Best Western Lodge. never spiral dust.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
Delsey Robinson: level The staff consists of two people, Delsey the shop. If they encounter resistance, they
2, level 4 for all tasks Robinson and Everett Rand. Delsey Robinson call in a dozen more officers on their radios,
involving skiing, rock is a woman in her twenties with many who arrive within a half hour. The best bet for
climbing, and related superlative tattoos who takes frequent clove PCs taken into custody is to use their one call
mountain activities cigarette breaks along the side street. Everett to contact the Estate’s Fixer.
Rand is a thin, white-bearded man who is
Everett Rand: level never without his battered Fedora hat. He What’s Really Going On: About one in ten
2, level 4 for all tasks is an expert self-taught geologist and waxes packages shipped out by the gem shop
involving identifying geologic with the least excuse. contains twenty doses of spiral dust. Lydia
and explaining The owner, Lydia Nance, is a woman always prepares all normal items sold through the
geological features dressed in a fashionable business suit, but she shop in the privacy of her office, and it’s
rarely shows up in the front of the shop except easy to slip shipments of spiral dust into the
as necessary to move from the entrance to the regular flow of parcels without anyone being
back hallway. She spends most of her time in the wiser. The spiral dust packages go out to
The Fixer, page 149 back, presumably in the office. various dealers around the world. LeRoy Cain
Every day, a shipping service drops off was just one recipient.
several packages of new stock and picks up
about as many (fulfillment of merchandise Shop
sold over the phone).
Cleaning service Two cleaning service professionals show read aloud
professional: level 2, up once a day and clean the main shop, the Shelves and displays overflow with lapidary
level 4 for all tasks hallway, and the bathroom. They don’t have equipment, mineral specimens, sea shells,
related to cleaning keys for anything else. finished jewelry, geodes, crystals of every
mineral under the sun, and many “one-of-
Investigating the Staff: The staff and owner go a-kind” gifts, including postcards of scenic
home each night to separate homes. Delsey Nederland. One wall holds a wide counter
rooms with friends in a nearby Nederland with a glass display front of especially
house, Everett has a home in a nearby interesting geologic specimens, mostly fossils.
mountain town called Gold Hill, and Lydia
lives down in Boulder in a moderately sized During store hours, the shop has about six
house in an old neighborhood. customers at any one time, as well as Delsey
Delsey and Everett are the innocents they and Everett. The shop normally carries several
seem to be and know nothing about spiral thousand dollars’ worth of stock and has a
dust. They have only positive things to say few hundred dollars in the cash register. The
about Lydia. The only thing out of the ordinary displays are locked, but Delsey and Everett
that either can come up with, and only if have keys (to the displays and to the shop
pressed, is that Lydia keeps the stairs to the itself).
basement locked and has said that going Insistent PCs with a believable pretense
down there would probably get them killed. can wrangle an appointment with Lydia. She
Both assumed she was joking. also makes time for them if they come right
During regular interaction, Lydia seems like out and say they’re interested in spiral dust or
a cordial professional, happy to talk shop on missing homeless people. Lydia is pleasant
almost any topic but one. If questioned about and engaging, though she wears an oddly
spiral dust, her manner changes; see “Lydia strong perfume (a PC who succeeds on a
Talks About Spiral Dust.” difficulty 3 Intellect-based task identifies it as
insect repellent).
Shop Security: The locks on the front and side
doors of the shop are level 5. Of course, a rock Utility
through the window would provide instant The utility closet has cleaning equipment, a
access. But entering without deactivating the hot water heater, electrical supply lines, and
security system (a difficulty 5 Intellect-based extra boxes of rock polish and metallic wire.
Nederland police task) trips a screaming, flashing shop alarm. It also contains a variety of tools, including
officer: level 3; health The alarm summons two Nederland police several that could be used as medium
9; Armor 2; pistol deals officers, who pull up in a vehicle within five weapons: a crowbar, an oversized wrench, and
4 points of damage at minutes. The police are trained professionals a couple of thick steel rods. Two high-power
long range and arrest any thieves they find breaking into flashlights hang on the wall.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Never, Nederland 2
If the PCs ask Lydia Nance about spiral dust
or missing homeless people, she realizes
that her secret is blown, but she tries to
salvage the situation.
Lydia tells the PCs that there’s something
they just have to see before she says
anything else. Once they see it with their
own eyes, then she’ll talk. To say anything
beforehand would just be wasted breath,
she claims.
At this point, she gives the PCs the keys
to the basement. She tells the characters
to return to her office afterward, and then
they can talk on equal footing about the real
significance of spiral dust. If the PCs want
her to accompany them to the basement,
she is happy to either lead or follow.
If the characters take Lydia up on her
deal, she expects that they will soon be
dead. She intends to shoot any PCs who
survive the night spider attack before they
can leave the basement. If the PCs engage
Lydia in combat, she fights to the death (or
Lydia is not willing to divulge any
information even under duress because
she’s terrified of Donna Ilsa. If the PCs come
up with a way to make her talk, refer to
the file called “Donna Ilsa” on her desktop
computer, which sums up Lydia’s knowledge
and feelings on her involvement.
This bathroom, used by staff and customers,
is cleaned once a day by a service that shows
up right before closing.
The Dreaming Crystal’s business office is
locked (with a level 5 mechanism) at all times,
even when Lydia is inside.
The office features a desk cluttered with
fossils and a desktop computer, filing
cabinets, a safe, and a shelf filled with
shipping supplies. A poster map of the world
is stuck to one wall.
Internet Access: A Wi-Fi router sits beneath
the desk. The Dreaming Crystal’s network
is called “Rocky Start” and the password is
“chrysolite33,” conveniently written on a sticky
note next to the computer.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
World Map: The map on the wall is of the Spirals Folder: If accessed, the Spirals folder
whole Earth. Many blue pushpins are stuck in contains twenty subfolders, each with a name,
the map. If the PCs take the time, they count an address, and a paid balance of 10 to 20
twenty pins almost (though not perfectly) units marked “BTC.” One or more of the
equidistant from one another, such that the characters probably recognize BTC as Bitcoin
pins encompass the entire planet. One of the and know that it’s an alternative currency to
pins is stuck in Seattle, but most lie outside regular money that’s enjoyed some popularity
the borders of the USA and correspond with in recent years.
large cities (including Bangkok, Beijing, The PCs might notice that the physical
Buenos Aires, Cairo, Delphi, Istanbul, Karachi, addresses in the Spirals folder correspond
Lagos, London, and so on). However, some to the locations of the blue pins on the map.
pins don’t correspond to any city visible at the In fact, each pin represents a dealer (similar
scale the map allows, and a couple are pinned to LeRoy Cain) who receives spiral dust from
in the middle of the Atlantic or Pacific ocean. Lydia. The list of names includes the following.
Desktop Computer: Accessing the Wi-Fi LeRoy Cain, Seattle
is one thing, but logging onto the computer Obol Demer, Bangkok
requires turning it on first; Lydia always turns Jack Chén, Beijing
it off when she’s not using it, making a remote Joaquin Lopez, Buenos Aires
hack normally impossible. When the computer Nader Boutros, Cairo
is on, bypassing the password is a difficulty 5 Sania Beti, Delphi
Intellect task. Elia Yilmaz, Istanbul
The computer doesn’t seem to get much
use, but there are three items of note on the BTC Cryptocurrency Wallet: This program,
desktop: a folder named Spirals, a program if successfully accessed, is an electronic
called BTC Cryptocurrency Wallet, and a folder wallet that holds the sum of all the balances
with a crow icon labeled Donna Ilsa. All three indicated in the Spirals folder (a total of 321
items are separately encrypted, and to access BTC). Characters can enrich themselves by
each one, a character must succeed on a stealing the cryptocurrency, but only if they’ve
separate difficulty 5 Intellect task. previously set up their own Bitcoin wallet
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Never, Nederland 2
and have a digital Bitcoin address to which Basement
to transfer the coins. Figuring out how to do The door to the Dreaming Crystal’s basement
that is as simple as spending about twenty is kept locked (with a level 5 mechanism) at
minutes researching the topic on the Internet all times, even when Lydia is down below. The
and downloading one of many suggested door is relatively sturdy, and breaking it down
wallets. requires a successful difficulty 5 Might-based
Donna Ilsa Folder: The folder, marked with a task. Lydia’s key also opens it.
crow icon, contains the photo of an ordinary- The stairs descend a couple of flights into a
looking woman with black hair, dark eyes, and basement that’s much deeper than standard.
a hooked nose. Besides the image file, the The hallway beyond the staircase’s terminus
folder contains a text document called Diary, opens onto a storeroom and a larger chamber
which reads as follows. where night spiders nest.
“If I knew then what I know now, I’d have told Storeroom
Donna Ilsa that I wasn’t interested. But I let The storeroom in the basement is filled with
greed rule me. And now those things live in extra stock (geodes, postcards, lapidary
my basement. If I don’t continue preparing supplies, receipt carbon paper, toilet paper,
and shipping the dust to the list Ilsa supplied, pens, and more—everything a functioning
they’ll eat me, like the others. Or she’ll come shop needs to have on hand for resupply).
take care of me herself . . . That includes a few more flashlights.
As long as I keep shipping out the spiral
dust, I get to live. How did this happen? Night Spider Nest
And how does she deliver the raw product A “No Trespassing” sign is tacked on this
to the prep room every month without coming heavy door, which is kept locked (with a level
through the main shop? If she’s trying to 6 mechanism) at all times, even when Lydia
intimidate me with her ability to overcome any is inside. The door is exceptionally sturdy,
lock and evade all detection, she’s succeeded. and breaking it down requires a successful
Sometimes I wonder if she isn’t a demon, difficulty 6 Might-based task. Lydia’s key also
sent to torment me. I have nightmares about opens it.
her. In them, her face peels away, revealing A light switch just inside the door doesn’t
a crow’s head with dead black eyes. It’s seem to work (though a water spigot beneath
horrifying. the switch issues a stream of water if turned
If you’re reading this, I’m probably dead. I on), so the room is dark. If Lydia is with the
deserve to die for the things I’ve done since PCs, she gets some flashlights from the
Ilsa came. Don’t be like me: stay away from storeroom.
spiral dust, stay away from my basement, and
most of all, money can’t buy back your safety read aloud
once you’ve sold it.” Damp and warm, the air is stifling and smells
vaguely of roadkill. Dozens of white plastic
Filing Cabinets: The filing cabinets are filled buckets filled to the brim with water are
with legitimate material having to do with scattered across the cement floor. Hundreds
owning a rock shop, including contracts with of mosquitoes swarm over each bucket.
suppliers, employee files, tax filings, deeds,
records of sales going back at least ten years, The buckets are filled with mosquito larvae,
and so on. visible as thousands of tiny black dots
Safe: The safe is locked; cracking it is a swimming in the water. If the PCs walk into
difficulty 6 Intellect-based task. The safe the room without any way of keeping the
contains about $2,000 in 20s and 50s, ten insects at bay, swarming mosquitoes bite
doses of spiral dust, and four cyphers: two so ferociously that the characters must
level 5 stims and two level 4 meditation aids. succeed at a difficulty 2 Intellect defense roll Stim, page 328
Shipping Supplies: In addition to collapsed each round or their actions are modified by
cardboard boxes, foam popcorn, tape, and one step to their detriment because of the Meditation aid, page
labels, the supplies include several cans of distraction. (The question of why Lydia keeps 322
insect repellent. so much insect repellent in her office is now
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
Spiral Dust Effects
On Earth, a dose or hit of spiral dust comes in a tiny glass tube with a black screw-top cap; it
looks very similar in other recursions. Several grains of blue dust (about a quarter of a gram)
lie loose in the bottom of each tube. Users take a hit of spiral dust by letting a dose dissolve
under the tongue or, for a more intense rush, by dropping the grains directly into their eyes
for immediate absorption. The spiral dust produces its effects by inducing a temporary
Quickened, page 22 quickened-like status in users, even in creatures that are not quickened or do not possess the
The spark, page 22 A hit of spiral dust translates as if it were a cypher, but it doesn’t count against a PC’s
cypher limit. Most of the following effects are known by the Estate, and the PCs can get a
report. The effects listed under Secret Effects are not initially known by the Estate, though the
PCs likely discover them before the adventure’s end.
Moderate User Effects: A dose of spiral dust has the following effects on a creature that
doesn’t often use the drug:
• Euphoria for one hour.
• The difficulty of all tasks related to noticing, perceiving, spotting clues, and seeing what’s
hidden decreases by three steps for one hour.
• The difficulty of all tasks related to combat increases by two steps for one hour.
Heavy User Effects: A dose has the effects described above, plus the following effects on
creatures that regularly use the drug:
• Irises become purplish fractals (effect fades one month after last dose).
• User can see fully invisible objects and creatures and can see in the dark, through
obscuring mist, and sometimes through walls for one hour after a dose.
• If a dose is taken before sleep, the user experiences intense dreams.
• Shaking hands and a difficult-to-deny urge to find more spiral dust occur if the user goes
a day without a dose (effect fades one month after last dose).
Overdose Effects: An overdose has the effects described above, plus the following final
effect on a creature that regularly uses the drug and finally takes too much:
• The user drops out, runs away, leaves her old life behind, and is never seen again.
Secret Effects: The special abilities gained from a drug dose stem from the user becoming
partially quickened while the dose remains active.
Heavy User: The intense dreams of a heavy user represent the user’s dream self appearing
in a random recursion during the sleep period (the user’s sleeping body does not go into
Abeyance, page 129 abeyance). A naive user believes that the experience is only a vivid dream.
Overdose Effect: The user disappears because instead of her dream self appearing in a
random recursion, she fully translates against her will and is deposited inside an entity called
Nakarand, page 73 Nakarand, usually never to be seen again.
Dustman Effect: An entity known as the Dustman has a special connection to spiral dust
Intermission 1, page 23 and spiral dust users. See Intermission 1.
• Through a psychic connection, the Dustman can remotely control spiral dust addicts.
When the Dustman lightly controls addicts, the victims are referred to as “partly activated”
and can’t remember anything that happened while they were so controlled.
• If the Dustman completely activates a spiral dust addict, the addict “dies” and a
Quickened zombie, quickened zombie is born, intent on achieving the last command imparted by the Dustman.
page 25
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GM Intrusion: The
character’s weapon
webbing inflicts no damage but is amazingly Nothing of much value persists on the
or other held item
sticky. A webbed character who fails a Might corpses, though the PCs can identify the
is struck by a strand
defense roll is dragged within immediate college kids by their IDs (Maya Haskins
of web and yanked
range of the spider (possibly hoisted up and George Parks, whose disappearance a
out of her hand. The
into the air if the night spider is attached to few months ago in Boulder created a media
item is drawn to the
a wall or ceiling). The night spider attacks firestorm, though that’s mostly blown over by
lurking spider before
only one foe at a time, and only creatures of the time the characters discover the truth).
the character realizes
about human size or smaller.
what’s happened. The
Breaking free from a web strand is a level Drug Prep
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Never, Nederland 2
Lydia out of the picture), they might want to Optional: Sometime during this transition
return to the Estate to report back or conduct period, the events of Intermission 1 (page 23)
Show ’Em: Glittering
research. The GM can suggest this if the PCs could occur.
Market, Image F,
don’t think of it themselves. At the very least, Upon piecing the clues together, the PCs
page 93
reporting back to Lawrence Keaton is probably could also decide to wait in the rock shop’s
advisable. drug prep room until the next shipment of
Whether through their own research or from spiral dust arrives. If they pursue this path,
Keaton after they report in, the PCs learn the Donna Ilsa translates into the taped-off square
following: with another raw spiral dust chunk in 1d6 + 6
• A recursor by the name of Donna Ilsa is days. See “Confronting Donna Ilsa” in the next Confronting Donna
noted in the Estate database. chapter for her stats and her reaction to the Ilsa, page 45
• Donna Ilsa is a member of the Beak Mafia, PCs. She always translates with two additional
though her place in the hierarchy isn’t known. night spiders (adults) for protection. Rather
• The Estate doesn’t have any operatives in than fight, she attempts to flee using a cypher
Crow Hollow, where the Beak Mafia operates, she keeps handy for that purpose.
but they do have an object brought to Earth
through an inapposite gate that can serve as CROW HOLLOW
the seed of a translation: a black feather (a The recursion of Crow Hollow is hosted in the Crow Hollow, page 242
kro’s feather, though very crowlike to be sure). branches of a massive tree. It’s most known
• The PCs can learn the general information for its Glittering Market, an always-open
that all recursors know about Crow Hollow, as bazaar whose fascinating and hard-to-find
described in the corebook, as well as the name goods are collected from many recursions.
of the head of the largest Beak Mafia family: Items both wondrous and mundane can be
Don Wyclef. had in the market, including objects taken
• PCs who try to use spiral dust to initiate a from nearly any recursion created by fictional
translation just to see where they end up fail leakage one might care to name. If it wasn’t
to go anywhere, as described under “Spiral for the Beak Mafia constantly shaking down Spiral Dust Effects,
Dust Effects.” shop-owners for protection money, the place page 36
would be an idyllic consumer wonderland.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Beak Mafia is Crow Hollow’s draw the eye of potential buyers, and flashing,
surprisingly large underworld. Despite magical firefly lights are a popular tactic. The
outward appearances of solidarity, several kro market is composed primarily of kro, and
crime families make up the mafia. Some of the few kro ever saw a gaudy piece of clothing
families are allied with each other, while others or costume accessory they didn’t like. Thus,
are bitter rivals. customers and shopkeepers alike are dressed
in fashions nearly as startling as the many odd
MAFIA GANG WARFARE items for sale in the market.
The current head of the largest Beak Mafia Racial Makeup of Crow Hollow: It’s
family is Wyclef Drood, or as most call him, immediately obvious that most of the people
Don Wyclef. He employs a flock of muscle kro in Crow Hollow look like humanoid crows.
to collect protection money and patrol against They wear clothing, use tools, and speak a
the common thievery and the inroads made by language much like English, but they have
rival kro crime families. Drood’s largest rival is beaks instead of mouths and feathers instead
the Cornaro family, led by Donna Ilsa Cornaro. of hair. Though kro predominate, much of the
The rivalry has grown so pronounced that merchandise here is shipped in through the
violence has spilled into the market, affecting Strange, which means that a sizeable number
business. That’s not good for anybody. Both of people in Crow Hollow are human (because
Donna Ilsa and Don Wyclef want the gang when one enters a recursion via direct
war to end, but both want to win that war, interface with the Strange, it’s like traveling
so neither is backing down. Both have gone through an inapposite gate). A smattering
to extraordinary lengths to defeat the other, of qephilim and other, stranger races native
including calling on aid from powers beyond
the recursion of Crow Hollow.
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The Dark Spiral
Never, Nederland 2
to recursions in the Shoals of Earth are also one of the following items. Each item is one
represented. of a kind, unless noted otherwise. Some are
essentially minor artifacts, others little more
Characters on a shopping trip can find many
strange and wonderful things in the Glittering 1 Globe filled with tiny, glowing, flying
Market, such as magic charms, fabulous humanoids that provides light as bright
clothing, weapons and valuables from other as a flashlight; 2 CC (Magic)
recursions (and Earth), and, if they look hard 2 Powdered pet; add water to create a level
enough, even a few cyphers and hits of spiral 3 dog similar to a pit bull; some training
dust, though at incredibly jacked-up prices. required; 3 CC (Mad Science)
Crow Coin: All prices are paid in crow coin 3 Shotgun shells packed with depleted Crow coin, page 243
(CC), which characters might discover the uranium (8 points of damage per shell);
truth about upon their first purchase. After 5 CC per shell (Standard Physics)
a contractual handshake sealing the deal, 4 Red cloak that reduces older user to age
the shop owner pulls her hand back with the 10 while wearing it; depletion 1 in 1d20;
agreed-upon amount of crow coin glittering 10 CC (Magic)
in her taloned palm, and the same number of 5 A violin purporting to be a Stradivarius;
points debited from the PC as damage. 200 CC (Standard Physics)
If PCs are looking for something particular 6 A chest of soil and writhing worms, If any of the PCs aren’t
but mundane, they find it after searching the guaranteed to eat anything placed inside; at their cypher limit,
stalls for 1d6 +2 × 30 minutes. If searching for depletion 1 in 1d20; 15 CC (Mad Science) the market is a great
something a bit more outre (such as a cypher, 7 Reversible set of clothing: elegant dress place to “top off ” if
an artifact, or spiral dust), they must spend on one side, light-eating black bodysuit they have time to shop.
the indicated time searching and succeed on a on the other; 8 CC (Magic)
difficulty 3 Intellect-based task. 8 100 days of nutrition and hydration in
Regardless of the results, the PCs also find tiny pill form; 5 CC (Mad Science)
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
9 A happy mask that changes the user’s have at most five hits for sale at any one time.
mood to happy when worn; depletion 1 • Only two families are behind the spiral
in 1d20; 10 CC (Magic) dust trade in Crow Hollow: the Drood family,
Sniper module, 10 Cypher: sniper module; 10 CC led by Don Wyclef, and the Cornaro family, led
page 327 11 Stuffed flying monkey, posed to pounce, by Donna Ilsa.
a bit worn; 10 CC (Any) • They indicate whether their supplier is the
12 Latest smartphone with SIM card Drood family or the Cornaro family (it’s about
(limited functionality away from Earth); 8 50-50 for a randomly discovered dealer).
CC (Standard Physics) • Don Wyclef can’t be reasoned or bargained
13 Dragon horn; attracts the attention of with, and anyone who tries to work out a
Asking about the spiral the closest dragon for miles around in deal will soon be dead for their trouble.
dust trade gets the PCs recursions inhabited by dragons; 20 CC Negotiating is safe only if Don Wyclef comes
noticed by more than (Magic) looking for a deal; otherwise, approaching him
just the Beak Mafia. 14 Extra arm graft; performs all activities of is as good as asking for a bullet to the brain.
Word also gets back a normal arm but the difficulty of actions If the PCs become too disruptive, they
to the Dustman, and is modified by two steps to the user’s attract the attention of several kro goons in
then to Uentaru (if she detriment; 12 CC (Mad Science) the employ of Don Wyclef who actually do
15 Brain bud graft; once per day, an Intellect provide protection services, especially to
hasn’t heard already),
action taken by the user is one step less dealers of spiral dust (in case the rival gang
which sets in motion
difficult, but the user is inflicted with a tries to put them out of business). See below
the events described
Tourette-like syndrome that makes all for kro goon stats.
in Intermission 1 on
interaction-related tasks two steps more
page 23.
difficult (and similar tasks for allies are FINDING THE BEAK MAFIA
one step more difficult when the user is PCs can find representatives of the Beak Mafia
near); 8 CC (Mad Science) without too much trouble. Shaking down a
16 A rod that fires an amazing ray of color drug dealer in the Glittering Market is one way
and light that bursts like fireworks (mafia kro goons respond to such intrusive
overhead; depletion 1 in 1d20; 10 CC activities). Asking nearly any shop owner who
(Magic) they pay protection money to is another. With
Speed boost, page 327 17 Cypher: speed boost; 10 CC enough wheedling or bribes, or after making
18 Gauntlet with a mechanical suction a sale, the PCs can learn where to find the
Drood family house, device on the palm that serves as an Drood family house or the Cornaro family
page 43 asset for all tasks related to climbing roost.
and gripping; depletion 1 in 1d100; 5 CC A third way of making contact with the Beak
Cornaro family roost, (Standard Physics) Mafia is by becoming involved in random
page 44 19 Spore worm urine vaporizer; repels spore
gang violence through a group GM intrusion.
worms of Ruk for one minute when
Spore worm, page 293 sprayed; depletion 1–2 in 1d20; 5 CC
KRO GOON 4 (12)
(Mad Science)
Some kro have no compunction about taking
Group GM intrusion, 20 Motorcycle (a fictional leakage version
crow coin for any job under the sun—the
page 341 of a Tomahawk V10 Superbike) with
more violent and less thought required, the
10 gallons of gasoline (0 to 60 in 2.5
better. These toughs always find a Beak Mafia
seconds, with a top speed above 300
family ready to accept them with open wings.
mph); 500 CC (Standard Physics)
New recruits are trained in a brutal lost-
world recursion that eats normal wise kro for
GM Intrusion: The kro FINDING A SPIRAL DUST breakfast. Survivors are slapped with the label
goon employs a clever DEALER “kro goon” and become part of whichever
trick with a wave of If the PCs search the Glittering Market family sponsored them.
its black wings, and and find a spiral dust dealer, that dealer Motive: Getting paid for violent or shady
instead of the character is a shopkeeper whose primary wares are activities
successfully attacking something else entirely (tea, coffee, tobacco, Environment (Crow Hollow | Magic, Mad
the kro goon, the PC spirits, and so on). On the topic of spiral dust, Science): Anywhere, usually in groups of five
successfully attacks a all the dealers are extraordinarily tight-lipped to ten
nearby ally or innocent and share only the following information. Health: 12
bystander instead. • They confirm that they sell spiral dust. Damage Inflicted: 4 points
• The price is 12 CC per hit. Most dealers Armor: 1
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The Dark Spiral
Never, Nederland 2
Not long after the PCs enter the recursion (or at a time of your choosing), a spurt of gang
violence spills into the street, catching the characters in the crossfire. Nine kro goons, guns
ablaze, attack the shop stall where the PCs are asking questions or buying merchandise. The
PCs are targeted along with the shopkeeper and any customers. Typical kro shopkeeper:
The kro goons attack until at least one of the characters is incapacitated and the shopkeeper level 2
is killed, or until the PCs put down more than half the goons, at which point the remaining ones
attempt to flee. In this case, the goons were hired by Don Wyclef to target a shopkeeper selling
spiral dust on behalf of the Cornaro family, but similar incidents have occurred in which Cornaro
has set goons on shopkeepers taking protection money from Drood.
In the aftermath of the fight, the shopkeeper is willing to talk to characters who helped save
her shop or provide first aid for grazing gunshot wounds. Alternatively, the PCs can question
a surviving kro goon. In either case, they get the story about what happened and why, and
they learn where the Drood family house or the Cornaro family roost is located.
Movement: Short when walking or gliding Loot: In addition to the weapons described
Modifications: Perception as level 6; all tasks under Combat, a kro goon is about 20%
related to seeing through duplicity or likely to carry one random cypher. Each kro
disguises as level 6. goon also carries 3d6 crow coins.
Combat: Some kro goons have medium Don Wyclef, page 243
pistols that can target a foe within long DROOD FAMILY HOUSE
range. Other kro goons have longer-barreled The Drood family house, under the control
medium rifles able to spray bullets at up to of Don Wyclef, is located a few levels
four targets within short range as a single down from the main market levels.
action (but the difficulty of such attacks is PCs can find it by asking around
increased by one step, and each time a kro and getting directions, by paying
goon sprays bullets, it must spend its next someone to lead them to it, or
turn reloading its gun). perhaps after being captured
One in five kro goons has an artifact weapon by kro goons in a run-in.
that operates under the law of Magic or the
law of Mad Science: read aloud
Typical Magic Artifact: A staff that fires It’s difficult to tell where
lightning bolts at one target within long this elaborate structure
range for 6 points of damage. Depletion: 1 ends and the tree of
in 1d20. Crow Hollow begins
Typical Mad Science Artifact: A mini rocket because a portion of
launcher able to fire a missile at a target it is carved into the
the user can see within a half mile. The trunk itself. The only
missile explodes on impact, dealing 4 obvious entrance is
points of ambient damage to all creatures in behind two massive,
immediate range who fail a Speed defense shiny metallic doors
roll (and 1 point to those who succeed). set back from a wide,
Depletion: 1–2 in 1d6. pillared porch. Kro
Kro can fall safely from any height and can goons guard the house:
glide five times as far as the distance fallen some on the porch, several
(or much farther, if one is skilled in gliding on slender turrets arranged
and the use of thermals). at strategic points around
Interaction: Kro goons trust their compatriots the building, and a few in
and their family, though most will at least the lane leading up to the
listen to a pitch describing the superior house.
benefits and pay they would receive by
taking coin from a competing interest.
Use: When a Beak Mafia family wants
something done, it sends a crew of kro
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
Approaching Don A total of fifteen kro goons guard the exterior
Wyclef: Every NPC of the house, and as many as ten elite kro
(including kro goons) goons are on hand to provide additional
It’s devilishly difficult to infiltrate a Beak
who overhears the backup. Other powerful Drood assets are
Mafia house under false pretenses, given
PCs discussing the available if the PCs try a frontal assault.
that kro goons are on guard specifically
idea of talking with Talking is only slightly more fruitful.
to prevent such an intrusion. Goons are
the Drood family or Talking With the Drood Family: If the
suspicious of everyone, and even if a PC
Don Wyclef warns characters tell the door guards that they have
impersonates a fellow guard, she must
them not to do it. information about the spiral dust business
come up with the correct phrases for
Don Wyclef is a known being run by Donna Ilsa Cornaro (or if they
passing between secure areas, which are
quantity. He doesn’t come up with another equally compelling
also usually locked (with a level 5 or 6
make deals; he just reason), they’re told that they’ll be killed if they
rolls over opposition.
insist on seeing someone in the family. Don
And he especially hates
The outside of a mafia house has about
Wyclef hates outsiders. But PCs who persist
ten to fifteen kro goons on watch at any
can get a conference with Edward McCreary,
one time. If the PCs decide (against all
Wyclef’s chief lieutenant.
good sense) to penetrate farther into a
Refreshments in the Salon: If the PCs talk
Elite kro goon: level Beak Mafia house, two or three elite kro
their way into the house, they are ushered just
6; health 18; Armor 2; goons show up if an alarm is raised, in
inside the main front doors into a large salon
attacks two targets in addition to a dozen more regular goons.
(hardwood floor, no windows, gilt wallpaper,
long range with a pistol If you need to come up with a floor plan
big table) where refreshments are served
as a single action, for such an undertaking, an Internet
(crackers and cheese). At least ten kro goons
dealing 6 points of search for “mansion floor plan” provides
from the outside accompany the PCs into the
damage per shot several options you can adapt to the PCs’
house to keep an eye on them.
(possibly suicidal) desires.
Drood Representative: Eventually, a kro
dressed in dapper clothing appears, walking
Edward McCreary: with a cane. He introduces himself as Edward
level 5, level 6 for McCreary and says he handles business for getting directions, by paying someone to lead
all tasks related to Don Wyclef. McCreary speaks with an English them to it, or perhaps by tailing Donna Ilsa
duplicity accent and blinks nonstop. Nearly everything after she translates back from Earth.
he tells the characters is a lie.
In a nutshell, McCreary intends to pump read aloud
the PCs for information, then have them killed Massive iron cables bolted to the bottom of
by the ten kro goons in the room. If he can one of Crow Hollow’s gargantuan branches
manage it, McCreary avoids monologuing in suspend an elaborate tree house over empty
case the PCs survive the encounter. blue sky and white clouds. A spiral staircase
Right up until the moment he orders their winds down one iron cable, allowing visitors
deaths, McCreary reassures the PCs that they to descend to the roofwide balcony that also
made the right decision coming to see Don serves as the main entrance of the roost.
Wyclef, and that he’s certain they can work In addition to tasteful rooftop landscaping
something out as long as the characters tell that includes potted plants, benches, and
him everything. But once that’s settled, he comfortable lounge chairs, the top level hosts
Kro courser, page 278 orders the goons to tear off the PCs’ heads patrolling kro goons and a few “pet” kro
and arms (or wings, if they became kro upon coursers that apparently have the run of the
translating). place.
Fighting Free of the Salon: To fight their way
out of the Drood house, the PCs first have to A total of ten kro goons and two trained kro
Kro goon, page 42 defeat (or get away from) the ten kro goons coursers guard the exterior of the roost. If
in the salon, and then do the same for the the PCs try to force their way in, up to ten
guards remaining outside the house. elite kro goons appear within a few rounds to
provide additional backup. The PCs are better
CORNARO FAMILY ROOST off staying on the balcony level and trying to
The Cornaro family roost, under the control talk their way into a meeting with Donna Ilsa.
of Donna Ilsa, is located several levels above Otherwise, the roost has the typical security
the main market levels. PCs who go looking of a Beak Mafia home. In addition, Donna
Night spider, page 37 for the roost can find it by asking around and Ilsa enjoys the protection of several night
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The Dark Spiral
Never, Nederland 2
spiders trained to ignore the members of her spiral dust if they rescue her kidnapped eggs.) Kro eggs are about the
household. She never lies to the characters, though she size of grapefruits, blue
Talking With the Cornaro Family: PCs does not reveal answers until the PCs deliver with black speckles,
looking for a face-to-face meeting with Donna on their end of any bargain that’s struck. and remain essentially
Ilsa can get one if they tell the door guards • “I won’t tell you who my raw spiral viable for years before
that they have information about the spiral dust supplier is . . . unless we reach an they are brooded by
dust business she runs on Earth (or if they understanding. I’m at my wing’s end. I need their mother or father.
come up with another equally compelling resolution, and maybe, just maybe . . . we can
reason). help each other.” Donna Ilsa: level 7;
Rooftop Gazebo Meeting: If the PCs succeed • “I expanded the spiral dust trade I started health 24; Armor 2;
on a bid to talk with someone in the Cornaro here in Crow Hollow to Earth. My supplier attacks two targets
roost, they’re ushered to a large gazebo on the suggested it as a way to one-up Don Wyclef. in long range with
balcony. The gazebo is securely locked from He even provided me with a list of dealers to a pistol as a single
the outside before Donna Ilsa enters through use on Earth.” (LeRoy Cain was one of those action, dealing 7 points
a second entrance in the gazebo floor. supplied names, which Donna Ilsa passed on of damage per shot;
In addition to three elite kro goons inside to Lydia Nance.) carries a level 5 anoetic
the gazebo, the tall gazebo roof hosts a • “Someone kidnapped my five precious grenade (recursion)
night spider nest and two night spiders. The eggs a year ago. I haven’t been able to find out whose endpoint is set
spiders watch the PCs avidly with their many who, or why. In my desperation, I made a deal for the center of the
eyes, quivering in their eagerness to attack with a spiral dust supplier who’d approached Glittering Market in
any characters who show the slightest sign of me only days earlier. I’d rebuffed him once Crow Hollow
hostility or even move too quickly. before, but I agreed after my eggs went
If the PCs previously dealt with Ilsa and missing. I needed the extra funds from the
things got off to a bad start in that first dust sales to do whatever it took to get
meeting, she still might be willing to talk to my eggs back.”
them now because she wants something from • “Apparently, Wyclef made a
them. similar deal. He set up his own
spiral dust operation in Crow
CONFRONTING DONNA ILSA Hollow and would’ve cut
Donna Ilsa usually wears dark, elegant me out completely if I had
dresses, fine pearls, and designer sunglasses, done nothing. Instead
even when inside. Several gaudy rings cover of focusing on retrieving
the fingers emerging from her feathered my eggs, I spend my days
wings, but despite her accoutrements, she beating back Don Wyclef’s
comports herself as one constantly struggling advances. This isn’t
to escape from stifling depression. She’s the what I wanted, but I’m
opposite of cheery and can’t see the humor in locked down. I want
anything. my eggs, but by the
Donna Ilsa’s Motivations: Ilsa’s motives Great Claw, I won’t
are complicated, but they boil down to a toxic give up Crow Hollow
mixture of despair, regret, and vindictiveness. to Don Wyclef without
She despairs that she’ll never see her a fight.”
kidnapped offspring (in egg form) again, she • “While the war
regrets that she got into the spiral dust trade rages, I can’t afford to
to raise funds to locate her eggs, but she spend the resources
vindictively refuses to back down from that I sought to gain by
trade now that Don Wyclef is trying to take dealing spiral dust. But I’ve finally
it from her. She can’t stomach another loss. learned where my eggs are being
The only way she can see through her current held. If you retrieve them, I’ll give you
situation is if she can get her eggs back. the information you want.”
The quickened, nonaligned PCs are the first • “I don’t care if you destroy the
glimmer of hope she’s seen in a long time. spiral dust source because that means
Ilsa Makes A Deal: Donna Ilsa relates Wyclef will also be out of business.
the following information during regular Crow Hollow can go back to the way it
conversation. (Summary: She promises to tell was before all this madness began.”
the PCs where to find the factory that makes
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
Intermission 1: If memorize the map before they translate to
the PCs return to the Ardeyn because it won’t go with them under
Estate after accepting normal circumstances.)
Donna Ilsa’s proposal Ilsa knows precious little about the Mouth
or at any point while of Swords other than its location and the fact
attempting to retrieve that her kidnapped eggs are there. If the PCs
the eggs from the ask how she knows her eggs are there, she
Mouth of Swords, they sighs disconsolately and says only, “A cypher
might encounter the told my fortune.”
events of Intermission 1 Finally, Donna Ilsa offers the PCs the
(page 23). following three unique cyphers as down
payment on their services:
• A level 5 anoetic force screen projector that
creates an immobile plane of solid force up to
20 feet by 20 feet (6 m by 6 m) for one hour.
The screen can be tuned to be transparent,
be opaque, or act like a telephoto lens with
50x zoom. The plane conforms to the space
• A level 4 anoetic friction-reducing gel
that creates an area of slipperiness within
short range. For one hour, the difficulty of
movement tasks in an immediate area is
increased by three steps. If a creature falls in
the area covered by the gel, it must make a
Might defense roll or be knocked unconscious
by fumes for one minute.
• A level 6 occultic psychic communique
that allows the user to project a one-time
telepathic message to anyone she knows with
unlimited range in any recursion (or on Earth).
Upon receiving the message, the recipient can
choose to respond. Each message can be up
to thirty-three words.
Whole Body Grafts,
If the PCs return some or all of Ilsa’s stolen
page 65
eggs, they make a friend for life—if they want
a friend who heads up a Beak Mafia family.
Experience Point
She keeps her word and gives up her supplier
Awards: A PC gains 1
(the Dustman) and the location she visited
XP if she purchases one
once in the recursion of Ruk: a biomod shop
or more items from the
in Harmonious called Whole Body Grafts.
Glittering Market. The
If the PCs reveal to Donna Ilsa that it was
PCs gain 2 XP each if
very likely the Dustman who stole her eggs
they make a deal with
in the first place, they witness something of
Donna Ilsa to find her
a nervous breakdown alternating between
eggs, and another 2 XP
terrifying rage and uncontrollable weeping. It’s
each if they learn the
Next Steps: If the PCs agree to Donna Ilsa’s something she worried about in her darkest
location of the spiral
proposal, she provides them with a rough, moments but didn’t really believe. At any
dust factory in Ruk
tattered map to a location in the recursion rate, if the PCs go on to stop the flow of spiral
(regardless of whether
of Ardeyn called the Mouth of Swords. dust into Crow Hollow, Donna Ilsa accepts it,
they return her eggs).
According to the map, the Mouth of Swords though Don Wyclef is less understanding, and
This is in addition to
is located some 75 miles (121 km) south of the PCs should hope he never learns who cut
any XP earned by other
Citadel Hazurrium, near the tip of a ridge line into his action.
called the Gambrion Cliffs. (The PCs should
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Mouth of Swords 3
Mouth of Swords
This adventure is part of the main arc of The Dark Spiral and is appropriate for
PCs who met Donna Ilsa in Crow Hollow and agreed to rescue her kidnapped
eggs. As a stand-alone scenario, “Mouth of Swords” is a great “classic” adventure
featuring exploration, puzzles, fearsome creatures of Ardeyn, and the possibility
of garnering potent treasures. In either case, it gives the PCs a chance to enjoy
the fantastic aspects of Ardeyn.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
imprints on them the tidbits of knowledge that and a few small keeps (including Emirzel), and
What a Recursor a recursor knows about Ardeyn, if they didn’t they might have several chances for random
Knows About Ardeyn, already know those things thanks to their encounters.
page 160 training. The characters can choose to keep a Faustin: This village is large enough to host
human form or become qephilim. a small inn called the Wings where travelers
Citadel Hazurrium, Arriving in Ardeyn via Translation: The stay and locals gather for a drink in the
page 166 default location for first-time translators to evening. The proprietor is a thin man named
Ardeyn is standing before the gates of Citadel Tarnic who dislikes the adventurers who
Hazurrium in the Queendom. A PC who has sometimes operate out of Hazurrium.
Tarnic: level 2 previously visited and initiated the translation Emirzel Keep: Baronet Emirzel was once
appears with his group wherever he last left. a peacemaker pledged to the Queendom,
Baronet Emirzel: level Gates of Hazurrium: This immense fortress but for her bravery in the line of duty, she
3; Armor 3; attacks and sports equally immense gates, made of two was granted a small keep in the hinterlands.
defends as level 5 great valves of magically reinforced bronze. Emirzel is a human woman in her 50s, but
The gates, usually open by day, are overlooked she is quite hale and has half a mind to
by guard balconies and yet higher levels and accompany any adventurers (as opposed to
balconies that climb the amazingly tall sides of the usual traders or farmers) she finds on the
Hazurrium. Through the open gates, a visitor road. At the very least, she puts up the PCs in
can spy a many-storied interior composed of her cramped keep.
tree-lined streets, verandas and porches thick Random Road Encounters: Each day the PCs
with hanging vegetation, spiraling stairs and travel between Hazurrium and the Mouth of
catwalks, and brilliantly lit homes. Swords, they might have a random encounter,
if you wish. Not all encounters necessarily
Sark, page 288 TRAVELING ACROSS ARDEYN lead to combat. For every tier the characters
Approximately 75 miles (121 km) separate are above 1, add another creature of the same
Criminal, page 304 Hazurrium from the Mouth of Swords (see type as those encountered.
the overland map on page 46). Unpaved trade
Free Battalion qephilim paths connect small villages and tiny keeps 1–2 1d6 marauding sark
mercenary, page 284 for most of the way, but the overland trip still
3–4 1d6 + 6 bandits (criminals)
requires at least three or four days of travel
5 4 Free Battalion qephilim mercenaries
Rogue qephilim umber on foot (half that if the PCs acquire mounts in
Hazurrium). During this trip, the characters 6 3 rogue qephilim umber judges
judge, page 285
might pass small villages (including Faustin)
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Mouth of Swords 3
The PCs can try to learn more about the
Mouth of Swords by asking around in
Hazurrium or the small villages they pass
as they travel toward the point on the map
Donna Ilsa showed them. A PC who translated
to Ardeyn might also have access to the
Ardeyn lore skill.
Most Ardeyn natives don’t know much
about the Mouth of Swords, but characters
can glean the following rumors of the place
with persistence (or a successful difficulty 3
Intellect-based roll for someone with Ardeyn
lore; one roll per rumor):
• The Mouth of Swords is an ancient Tidy State of Repair:
qephilim burial place. Given the active
• A crazed spirit of wrath guards the Mouth nature of Myth
of Swords, as do many lesser spirits, traps, Keeper (area 3) and
and sorcerous wards. the various creatures
• Treasures from the Age of Myth are kept under its thrall, the
in the Mouth of Swords, and they have lured chambers beyond the
more than one adventuring company to its entrance are clear of
doom. dust, vandalism, and
• Those who have something they want to detritus, unless noted
keep safe will find no better vault than that to the contrary.
which lies behind the Mouth of Swords.
In addition, a PC who asks around the
villages closest to the Mouth of Swords and
succeeds on a difficulty 3 Intellect-based task
discovers the following:
• Over the past year, a figure wearing a dusty
grey cloak, possibly human, has sometimes
been seen traveling across the plain that lies
before the Mouth of Swords. No one has ever
seen the cloaked figure up close. (The figure
was the Dustman, checking on the kidnapped
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
1. Outside the Mouth of Swords Statue: The statue is weathered and partly
When the characters arrive at the Mouth of defaced, but it retains a vestige of ancient
Swords, it’s not easy to miss. magic. If the head is found in the nearby
underbrush and put back in place, the statue’s
read aloud mouth animates and offers the following
A half mile or more from the line of ridges warning to anyone standing before it:
stretching to the east, a lone outcrop erupts “Enter here, and die. The swords adorning the
from the plain. Its steep cliff face is punctured Mouth were taken from the remains of those
by a gaping cavity. Hundreds of rusted, who failed to heed my prophecy.”
disintegrating swords are bolted around The statue repeats the same warning to
the opening, their tips bare and pointing each new individual who stands facing it
menacingly inward, so that the cavity almost within immediate range, but never to the
resembles the mouth of a beast with hundreds same person twice.
of decaying iron teeth. Standing before the Entrance: The opening is so beset with
opening is an eroded stone sculpture of a rusting swords that passing through requires
humanoid in robes, but the head is missing. a difficulty 2 Speed-based roll to work through
(or jump beyond) the points without getting
If the PCs examine the area around the mouth, a severe cut inflicting 3 points of damage.
they find evidence of several older camps A close examination of the affixed swords
(campfires, discarded equipment, bones, reveals that they are spiked in the cliffside by
and so on) going back decades. The place long iron nails.
has been visited by groups of adventurers
for years. A dedicated search reveals that the 2. Stairs
most recent camp was probably abandoned
only a few months back. read aloud
Those same searches also quickly recover Stairs carved with all manner of faintly glowing
the cracked but intact head of the statue—a runes ascend higher into the cliff. A gently
qephilim head—lying in tall grass near the flickering light, like fire, reflects down from
entrance. farther above.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Mouth of Swords 3
Characters with the foci Shepherds the Dead one covered with relief carvings. Near the fire
or Practices Soul Sorcery or who have a pit, a hooded figure in dirty, tattered yellow
similar connection to the magic of Ardeyn robes stands unmoving.
recognize the runes as a sort of spirit barrier.
“Unclothed” spirits have a difficult time The yellow-robed figure is a wrath lord calling
passing down (or up) the stairs. In effect, itself Myth Keeper. Beneath its disintegrating
the stairs seem like they serve to keep spirits garments, it’s only partly substantial.
bottled up. However, PCs with spirits of their Myth Keeper: Upon noticing the PCs,
own to shepherd must succeed on a difficulty Myth Keeper asks in sepulchral tones, “What
2 Intellect-based task to get their companion treasure have you brought for me to keep
creatures across the barrier. safe?”
If the PCs don’t understand, Myth Keeper The dome height is 40
3. Myth Keeper explains its role. “I keep safe treasures from feet (12 m).
A wrath lord calling itself Myth Keeper the Age of Myth for a fee.”
controls access to the seven locked doors in Really, Myth Keeper stores anything brought
this chamber via the magical fire pit in the to it if payment is sufficient (100 crowns, on
center and the ring on its finger that controls average). The wrath lord gives a receipt for
the flame. each deposit (a tiny, unique clay figurine of a
qephilim) and will retrieve a stored item if the
read aloud receipt is presented to it again. Myth Keeper
This large, plazalike chamber has a high calls the complex the “Vault of Keeping.”
domed roof. The floor is a mosaic of spiraling Myth Keeper will divulge some of what is
tile originating from a large copper bowl fixed stored here in a boastful sort of way, but it
to the floor at the center. A tongue of red flame never reveals behind which door any particular
burns along the edge of the copper vessel, treasure lies, or how any individual item is
rather than in the center, without apparent specifically stored or guarded. If asked about Show ’Em: Myth
fuel source. Seven massive stone doors stand Donna Ilsa’s eggs, Myth Keeper confirms they Keeper, Image G,
closed around the edges of the chamber, each are indeed safely stored. He also describes page 94
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the “Stranger” who deposited the eggs: “A B. Desire: A qephilim dressed and posed in a
creature in the shape of a man, but who never position some might call alluring.
was one, hidden beneath a cloak somewhat C. Lore: A qephilim in simple robes and
like my own, but grey and stained with spectacles clutching a massive tome.
blue dust.” (Myth Keeper is referring to the D. Silence: A monitor in simple robes with one
Donna Ilsa’s five eggs Dustman but doesn’t know his name.) finger to its lips.
are distributed across If it becomes clear to Myth Keeper that the E. War: A qephilim in full plate armor with a
five rooms: 6, 8, 18, 19, PCs do not have a treasure to store, it tells massive talwar (a greatsword with a broad,
and 23. them to be off. If it becomes clear that the curved blade).
PCs are there to steal something stored in its F. Commerce: A qephilim in rich robes holding
keeping, it attacks. an elaborately decorated chest that is
Secret Life: As a wrath lord, Myth Keeper bursting with crowns.
keeps its mental focus in a qephilim clay figure G. Law: A qephilim in magisterial robes
hidden in room 7 under a loose piece of tile. reading from an unfurled scroll so long that
Unless that figurine is found and destroyed, its ends wind about the creature’s legs.
Myth Keeper can’t be permanently killed—it
always reforms again at the next midnight. WRATH LORD 5 (15)
Ring of Fire: Myth Keeper wears a seven- Spirits who lose their way to the Night Vault
sided ring on one partly insubstantial finger. become bodiless spirits of rage and loss
When it (or anyone) turns the ring, the called wraths (or spirits of wrath). A rare few
flame in the copper bowl moves a certain hold onto the sense of who and what they
GM Intrusion: The distance corresponding to the number of were before dying by “adopting” a few bits
wrath lord unleashes turns. Whichever door the flame ends up of physical substance to act as an anchor to
six spirits of wrath from nearest to becomes unlocked; all the other the world. These spirits are wrath lords. A
its cloak. doors are locked. Only one door is unlocked wrath lord usually requires two such objects:
at a time. When a door changes state from one piece of clothing or another garment
locked to unlocked, the sound of a metal bolt that helps give the creature shape, and an
disengaging shakes the entire chamber. amulet, hood, hat, crown, or other charm that
Killing Myth Keeper: If the PCs kill Myth provides clarity of mind.
Keeper twice, the third time it regenerates Wrath lords also choose an undertaking.
(assuming the characters haven’t found and Unlike their lesser kin, wrath lords are not
destroyed its secret life), it might collect mindless engines of destruction. Each one
Rimush from room 21 so that it has backup adheres to a specific goal, task, or duty that,
the next time it faces the intruders. like its adopted physical anchors, holds it
Copper Bowl and Circling Flame: This from slipping away. Often that undertaking is
A wrath lord chooses a magical feature is fixed in place and is linked guarding a tomb, shrine, library, treasury, or
new name to go with with the ring of fire worn by Myth Keeper. similar location, but sometimes wrath lords
its chosen task and The flame circles the edge of the bowl as choose less isolating tasks.
forgets the name it had determined by the wearer of the ring, and the Motive: Research, guardianship, or another
as a living being. doors around the chamber are either locked ongoing task
or unlocked depending on which door the Environment (Ardeyn | Magic): Almost
flame is closest to. Snuffing out the flame is anywhere
possible, but it returns unless the PCs manage Health: 15
to excavate the 1-ton (907 kg) copper bowl Damage Inflicted: 5 points
from its stone foundation. Armor: 1
Seven Doors: Each of the seven doors in the Movement: Short when flying
chamber corresponds with one of the seven Combat: A wrath lord can attack with its touch,
vanished Incarnations of the Maker. Unless a which rots flesh and drains life. Its preferred
door is unlocked, it’s a difficulty 8 task to pick, tactic is to throw back its hood and fix its
break, or otherwise bypass the door. If a door death gaze on foes within short range and
is unlocked using the ring of fire, opening the within immediate range of each other.
door is as easy as pushing. The relief carving Targets who see this flaring spirit light from
on each door is as follows. the wrath lord’s gaping mouth and eyes
A. Death: A qephilim dressed in the robes of must succeed on an Intellect defense roll
an umber judge surrounded by a mist of or suffer 5 points of life-draining damage
spirits. that ignores Armor. The wrath lord can
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Mouth of Swords 3
Court of Sleep qephilim once rode deathless chargers to track
wandering spirits. They could also handle a charger’s disembodied
horn safely and use it to mark those whom the Incarnation of
Death had selected to die.
make this attack once every other round. spike. Unlike the rest of the sculpture, the
(If a PC averts his eyes from the wrath lord, horn appears to be carved of bone.
the difficulty of Intellect rolls to avoid the
death gaze is reduced by two steps, but The “unicorn” sculpture fixed in place in
the difficulty of all attack and other defense the chamber isn’t magical, but the horn has
tasks associated with the wrath lord is unusual qualities. The horn is actually the
increased by two steps.) quiescent, larval form of a deathless charger.
A wrath lord can become fully insubstantial, A simple twist will remove the horn from the
including its physical garment and any statue. Doing so summons the deathless
other possessions. After it does so, it can’t charger the horn belongs to, as well as the
change state again until its next turn. While saddlebags stuffed with the treasure that Myth
insubstantial, it can’t affect or be affected by Keeper stored within.
anything (except for spiritslaying weapons Saddlebags: If the deathless charger is
and attacks), and it can’t use its death gaze. defeated, it leaves behind its horn and two
It can pass through solid matter without large saddlebags. One bag has three cyphers:
hindrance, though many magical wards can a level 3 manipulation beam; a level 5 Intellect Manipulation beam,
keep it at bay. booster, and a level 4 ray emitter (command). page 321
While a wrath lord remains partly insubstantial The other saddlebag contains a fist-sized
(its normal state), it can affect and be peridot and at least 300 crowns. Intellect booster,
affected by others normally. page 320
If a wrath lord is destroyed, it spontaneously DEATHLESS CHARGER 5 (15)
regenerates within six to twelve hours A deathless charger is summoned when its Ray emitter, page 325
unless all the physical objects it uses to give disembodied horn is found and handled.
itself shape and clarity of mind are found Though the charger is deathless itself, it Spirit of wrath,
and destroyed (usually a garment it wears, brings death to other creatures. Charger page 292
plus an object it has hidden elsewhere, victims rarely realize what has killed them.
which is often called its secret life). Survivors describe a terrifying, horselike beast
Interaction: Wrath lords speak in sepulchral with a bone horn as the implement of their
voices, and they might negotiate, but one friend’s death, a horn that moments earlier
will never agree to forsake any part of its was not attached to a ton of bestial fury. GM Intrusion: The
chosen undertaking. When not wed with its horn, a deathless deathless charger fades
Use: The PCs are approached by a wrath lord charger is a bodiless spirit racing along the into mist, leaving its
whose special undertaking is “exploration” Night Vault’s Roads of Sorrow, visible to the disembodied horn
and asked to find a relic in the Chaosphere. living as hardly more than the suggestion of a behind.
Loot: Most wrath lords have a cypher or two, shape and a cool wind. Seeing one pass by is
and possibly an artifact. considered an omen of doom.
Motive: Kill those marked for death
4. Horned Horse Environment (Ardeyn | Magic): A deathless
charger’s disembodied horn can be found
read aloud almost anywhere.
Floor tiles spiral out from a statue embedded Health: 18
in the corner of this area: a horselike creature Damage Inflicted: Varies; see Combat
rears, its head high and its hooves flashing, Armor: 1
though time and perhaps vandalism have Movement: Short
robbed it of its left front leg. A spiraling horn Modifications: First surprise attack as level 7;
erupts from the center of its forehead like a Speed defense as level 4.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
Combat: A deathless charger usually begins a 5. Aisle of Urns
combat with surprise, appearing suddenly
attached to its previously disembodied read aloud
horn, and as if having charged full tilt to This long hallway is composed of a series of
that point. This melee attack is made as facing alcoves. Each alcove contains a heavily
if the charger were a level 7 creature; on carved stone urn stoppered with lead. An
a success, the charger deals 7 points of inscription on each reads, “GUARDIAN.”
On subsequent rounds, the deathless charger If the PCs leave well enough alone in this
can attack with two hooves as its action chamber (and in area 6), nothing happens.
against one or two creatures in immediate But if they open one or more of the urns,
range, or charge a creature that is beyond necromancy flares and the ashes stored within
Spirit of wrath, immediate range but within short range. each urn begin calling spirits of wrath. The
page 292 When it charges another creature using its summoning call occurs over the course of
horn as a weapon, a successful attack deals two rounds and is accompanied by sepulchral
2 additional points of damage (for a total of moaning, flashes of green light alternating with
5 points) that ignores Armor. The charger utter darkness, and the ominous sound of lead
can charge as its attack only every other stoppers popping off the remaining urns.
round. After two rounds, six spirits of wrath appear
If a deathless charger would be killed, from the mouths of six random urns. Every
it dissipates instead, leaving only its round after that, another 1d6 spirits appear.
horn behind (as well as any rider or This continues for as long as the PCs are
accoutrements). present in areas 4, 5, or 6, or as long as the
Interaction: Deathless chargers were made as urns remain unstoppered. Stoppering an
servants of Death, and little can sway them urn requires an action. For each two urns
from attempting to kill whosoever has been stoppered (or smashed), one fewer wrath is
marked by their disembodied horns. generated in the following round.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Mouth of Swords 3
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
iron chains, with smoke issuing from its 7. Shrine of Desire
nostrils. The ceiling is also part of the water
trap. read aloud
Water Trap: If any of the sarcophagi in the Blue tiles on the floor spiral out from the fixed
room are opened, a magical trap is triggered: statue of a female qephilim. The sculpture
an iron panel slides across the entrance, has a grace, beauty, and breathtaking artistry
sealing the chamber. (If the PCs found the that captures the eye and heart. A few figures
pocket door and spiked it open or otherwise sit along the side walls, but their presence is
disabled it, they succeed in delaying the door incidental to the smooth lines and motion of
from sliding shut for 1d6 rounds before the the statue.
magic overcomes any physical intervention.)
Once sealed, opening the door requires three The sculpture of the Incarnation of Desire
successful difficulty 5 tasks; the PCs are free is a magical trap. Anyone in the chamber
to try whatever seems reasonable to gain longer than a few rounds who gazes upon the
those successes, including physical brawn, statue and fails a difficulty 4 Intellect defense
lockpicking, or something else. roll becomes magically fascinated and will
Simultaneously, water begins streaming move only to find a better vantage point for
down from the ceiling in great rivulets, looking at the statue. The effect lasts until
filling the entire chamber within ten minutes someone who is not under the geas of the
(without leaving an air space above). statue spends a few actions slapping a victim
If the door is unsealed, the water runs back out of his daze, or until the statue is physically
to its initial position on the ceiling. Otherwise, covered with a cloth, tarp, or similar barrier.
the trap doesn’t reset for one hour, and PCs Slumped Figures: Three dead humans, dried
stuck inside hopefully remember that three of and mummified from their long stay in the
them working together can try to translate to chamber gazing at Desire, sit slumped against
safety before they drown. the side walls. Most of their belongings have
Sarcophagi: The four sarcophagi contain the rotted long past usability, but PC looters
following stored treasures: recover a total of 100 crowns, a level 5 cell-
First: 300 crowns’ worth of silver, amber, disrupting grenade cypher, and a partial map
and gold coins. of the Mouth of Swords complex that shows
Grenade (cell- Second: Amber statue of a beautiful woman rooms 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, and 16.
disrupting), page 318 worth 300 crowns. Loose Tile: A loose piece of tile (difficulty
Third: Five anoetic cyphers (two level 5 5 Intellect-based roll to find) covers a cavity
Analeptic, page 313 analeptics, a level 6 condition remover, and containing a small burlap pouch. In the
two level 4 effort enhancers) and a leather pouch is a qephilim clay figure that looks like
Condition remover, 314 pouch containing two tiny clay pots stoppered a receipt that redeems stored treasure from
with wax. Each pot holds one dose of spiral Myth Keeper. However, the figure is the source
Effort enhancer, dust. of the wrath lord’s life, and if it’s destroyed,
page 316 Fourth: One of Donna Ilsa’s kidnapped eggs Myth Keeper will not regenerate the next time
in a leather sack. it is killed.
Spiral dust, page 156 Smoking Urn: A thin stream of vapor issues Secret Door: If the PCs search the room and
from a vent in this large urn’s lead stopper, succeed on a difficulty 4 Intellect-based roll,
Demon of Lotan, which has been sealed with wax (the wax they find a secret door behind the statue of
page 265 must be burned or pried off to remove the Desire that connects to room 8.
seal). If the stopper is removed, a demon of
Spiritslaying weapon, Lotan emerges, holding a weapon engraved 8. Three Aspects
page 189 with glowing runes denoting spiritslaying (the
weapon is a medium scimitar of spiritslaying). read aloud
The demon, whose name is Gultrea, is bound Three large alcoves in this chamber each hold
to protect the weapon, but it offers the PCs a unique sculpture. All of them are beautiful,
another way to get it without having to fight: if but each one seems to focus on the beauty
one of the PCs volunteers to be the demon’s of a particular characteristic. One statue
vessel, the characters can have the weapon is of a particularly fit and muscular nude
freely. The demon is good to its word, at least human male throwing a weighty hammer.
at first. Being a demon, it eventually tries to Another statue is of a qephilim (sex uncertain)
exploit the situation. apparently evading two swinging pendulums
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Mouth of Swords 3
with preternatural grace. The last statue is of a “three.” The lost spirit saw a pattern, so it
female human consulting a tome while writing approached the guardian judge and petitioned
sorcerous runes or mathematical script on a for freedom. The umber judge proclaimed
long piece of parchment. “ten,” and the lost spirit answered “five.” But
this answer was incorrect, and instead of
If approached, each statue animates and being freed, the spirit was consigned to the
offers its hand to the supplicant. If the umber wolves. Why was the spirit incorrect?
supplicant places her hand in the statue’s Answer: The correct answer was “three”
hand, she takes damage from one of her because there are three letters in the word
Pools, but afterward, the statue produces the “ten.”
object it keeps safe as if from thin air.
Hammer Thrower: 10 points of Might 10. Essence Transfer
damage; statue produces a sapphire worth The iron door connecting this room to room 9
200 crowns. is normally locked with a level 7 mechanism.
Pendulum Evader: 10 points of Speed If picked or opened by answering a riddle in
damage; statue produces one of Donna Ilsa’s room 9, the door remains unlocked for up to
kidnapped eggs. an hour before swinging closed and locking
Problem Solver: 10 points of Intellect once more.
damage; statue produces an iron chest. The
chest is locked with a level 5 mechanism and read aloud
protected by a level 5 trap (if not deactivated, A silvered altar stands in the room between
the trap deals 5 points of fire damage to the two deep alcoves. A jade-handled lever
person who opens it and everyone within attached to the altar is thrown all the way to
immediate range). Inside the chest is the the left.
Spellbook of the Amber Mage. Spellbook of the
The altar is the treasure that the statue in Amber Mage,
9. Riddling Shrine of Lore room 9 protected. The altar is portable, but page 189
only barely (it weighs as much as a full-grown
read aloud human in plate armor).
The tiles on the floor of this chamber appear If a creature stands in one alcove, an object
to be letters of the alphabet in random (a figurine, a statue, a sword, a doll, a big
assortment. The statue inside looks like rock—anything, really) is placed in the other
a more fully rendered version of the relief alcove, and the lever is thrown, the creature
carving on the door leading into this chamber: must make a difficulty 3 Intellect defense roll.
an angelic qephilim clutching a tome of lore. Failure means its mind is transferred into the
object. If the creature and object are returned
If approached, the statue animates just to the alcoves, throwing the lever the other
enough to pose a riddle to the PCs. The statue way reverses the process.
knows countless riddles plucked from endless If this happens to a PC, the character whose
recursions. One of the riddles it might pose mind is transferred into an object loses the
is provided below. If a PC answers the riddle ability to move but can speak telepathically
incorrectly, nothing untoward occurs. If a PC to anything touching or holding the object
answers the riddle correctly, the door to room that has become his body. The PC is allowed
10 is unlocked. another Intellect defense roll 24 hours after
the transfer, but if he fails the second roll,
Riddle: A lost spirit sought to escape the he should hope that his companions choose
Court of Sleep but wasn’t privy to the test of to reverse the process, or he is stuck—at
lore required that day. The spirit observed a least until he translates to another recursion.
few other souls that managed to escape the However, if he translates back to Ardeyn later,
umber judges. When the first soul petitioned he’ll probably become the object again.
to be freed from its captivity, the judge The body of a living creature whose mind is
intoned “twelve,” and the soul answered transferred into an object falls into something
“six.” When the second soul petitioned, the like a coma. The body can survive in this
judge whispered “six,” and the soul answered fashion for about a week without care.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
11. Empty of descent, the stairs finally level off, and the
corridor ends at the door to room 14.
read aloud
Dust collects in the corners of this empty 14. Another Horned Horse
read aloud
Myth Keeper isn’t at full capacity, and some The sculpture of a rearing horse with a single
of its treasure vaults are vacant. On the other horn on its forehead stands alone here. Words
hand, each empty chamber has a chance to inscribed on the wall opposite the statue read,
Spirit of wrath, have collected wandering spirits of wrath. “JOURNEY NOT INTO THE NIGHT VAULT
page 292 When the PCs first find an empty chamber LEST UMBER WOLVES TEAR YOUR SOUL
marked 11 on the map, roll a d20. FROM YOUR LIVING BODY AND DEVOUR
On a roll of 1, the chamber contains 2d6 YOUR STILL-THRASHING SPIRIT.”
spirits of wrath, which initially appear to be
faintly glowing relief carvings on the wall. If The horn of the rearing horse is not bone (as
disturbed, the “carvings” flow off the wall in room 4) but metal; this statue doesn’t host
to become partly substantial but quite real a deathless charger. However, it does have a
threats. level 5 mechanism.
Rimush, page 63 On a roll of 2–4, the PCs encounter Rimush If the horn is rotated to the left, the secret
the golem (normally in room 21), clearing out door on the east wall slides open. If the horn
spirits of wrath that have taken up residence is rotated to the right, a piercing scream blares
in the chamber. from the statue’s mouth, and all creatures
within short range that fail a Might defense
12. Closet roll suffer 5 points of damage from the flesh-
ripping audible intensity of the blast.
read aloud Finding the secret door without turning the
Dust collects in the corners of this small horn requires a difficulty 5 Intellect-based task.
room. A metal box sits on an otherwise empty
shelf. 15. Roads of Sorrow
The first set of stairs past the door is like the 16. Masterful Shrine of War
stairs in room 2 and serves as a barrier to
spirits. read aloud
If the PCs continue down the snaking path, Black tiles with white highlights on the floor
which alternates between a corridor and spiral out from the fixed statue of a male
stairs, it plunges deeper with no apparent qephilim in full plate armor bearing a massive
side exits. The stairs grow more dusty, too, as blade. The sculpture captures fierceness,
if they haven’t been used or cleaned in years power, and breathtaking mastery. Racks of
(Myth Keeper cleans the used chambers in weapons of various kinds are affixed to two
the depository). After more than a mile (2 km) walls.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Mouth of Swords 3
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
by summoned sark. designating this setting is a simple vertical
Step Pyramid: Climbing each 5-foot (2 m) rectangle. If the dial is turned to this setting,
tall step is a difficulty 2 Might task. A search of the door to room 18 clicks loudly as it is
the pyramid uncovers a few bones from past unlocked (unless the PCs managed to unlock
fights (human, qephilim, and sark), though it previously). After an hour, the dial returns to
Myth Keeper generally keeps the pyramid tidy. the central setting if not held or disabled, and
Summoned Sark: If sark are summoned the door closes (if it is open) and locks.
while any PCs are in room 17, they appear in a
random location on the pyramid, but always 18. Bountiful Shrine of War
higher than the PCs (if possible). The sark The iron door to this chamber is locked (level
target PCs who are not on their level with 7 mechanism) unless the dial on top of the
ranged weapons (bows, each with seven red- pyramid in room 17 is turned to the right
fletched arrows) and engage in melee combat setting, which unlocks the door.
with PCs who climb to the same ledge. A sark
standing above a climbing PC gets a free shot read aloud
at stamping on the character’s fingers, or a Black tiles with white highlights on the floor
kick in the face as the character comes over spiral out from the fixed statue of a male
the top. The primary goal of the sark is to qephilim in full plate armor bearing a massive
keep the PCs (or any intruding creature) from blade. The sculpture captures fierceness,
reaching the altar on top of the step pyramid. power, and breathtaking mastery. Three
Their secondary goal is to kill the intruders. chests inlaid with pearl and ebony are stored
Door to Room 16. This iron door is in the chamber near the statue. A couple
connected to a hidden level 7 mechanism. of mummified remains of humans lie like
The door shuts and locks when sark are discarded logs along one wall.
summoned to the arena. It unlocks once those
sark are dead. Except for the danger of staying too
Altar: The bronze altar on top of the long, the PCs are free to rifle through the
pyramid has a bronze dial with three settings. unlocked chests without triggering further
It’s normally set to the central setting. The dial repercussions.
is connected to a hidden level 5 mechanism. Chest 1: This chest contains three bottles
Central Setting: A cuneiform-like symbol of of four-hundred-year-old wine from the lost
a step pyramid designates this setting, which vineyards of Sanurfa. Each bottle is worth
is the neutral setting. The dial returns to a few hundred crowns to a connoisseur.
this setting a few minutes after it is changed Otherwise, it’s just very good wine.
(unless damaged or held in place). Chest 2: This chest contains the head of
Left Setting: The cuneiform-like symbol a heavy maul. On the head is inscribed (in
designating this setting is a simple rectangle the Maker’s Tongue) “Grandfather’s maul.”
on its side. If the dial is clicked to this setting, Possibly invaluable to whoever asked it to be
the entire top level of the step pyramid goes stored here, the maul has no other apparent
into freefall and drops 40 feet (12 m) into a significance.
pit beneath the center of the pyramid, hitting Chest 3: This chest contains one of Donna
the bottom of the pit with a crashing boom. Ilsa’s eggs, packed in sawdust. It also contains
PCs standing on the level when it falls must two anoetic cyphers: a level 6 ray emitter (fear)
Ray emitter (fear), succeed on a difficulty 5 Speed defense roll and a level 5 strength boost.
page 325 or fall the same number of feet (and take Bodies: The bodies are those of adventurers
4 points of damage that ignores Armor). A who made it into this chamber, only to linger
Strength boost, round later, the mechanism clicks, and the too long and become trapped when the door
page 329 top level snaps back into place. This has the to room 17 closed and locked itself. They
unfortunate side effect of flinging PCs who died of starvation and have been stripped of
Multiphasic module, fail a second difficulty 5 Speed defense roll valuables.
page 323 into the ceiling, followed by an inevitable
plunge back onto the top level (inflicting 4 19. Glass Urn
more points of damage that ignores Armor).
At this point, the dial clicks back to the central read aloud
setting. An iron tripod is bolted to the floor in the
Right Setting: The cuneiform-like symbol center of this chamber. The tripod’s claws
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Mouth of Swords 3
hold a glass vessel about 4 feet tall and 2 feet coiled tail, but one measured from head to tail GM Intrusion: The
in diameter (1.2 by 0.6 m) filled with misty tip would be much longer. ngeshtin breathes a
condensation. Steam rolls off the vessel, Ngeshtins have a special fondness for the blast of cold air, and
covering the floor. fermented gifts of the vine. In some parts of instead of dealing
Ardeyn, ngeshtins are known more as spirits damage, it creates a
PCs in the chamber immediately note that it’s of wine than of winter. The cold that ngeshtins dome of translucent ice
colder here than in the rest of the complex, emit doesn’t adversely affect wine of any kind. around one PC within
and those sensitive to magic who succeed on Motive: Defense short range. The dome
a difficulty 3 Intellect-based task detect spells Environment (Ardeyn | Magic): Anywhere, but has 2 points of Armor
of containment around the glass vessel. usually in cold areas and can take 12 points
Touching the supernaturally cold vessel Health: 18 of damage before
inflicts 1 point of damage, accompanied by Damage Inflicted: 6 points shattering. Lifting the
a violent, telepathic scream of anger. If a PC Armor: 2 dome high enough to
attempts to strike up a conversation with the Movement: Short get out is a difficulty 3
telepathic entity in the vessel, she must call Modifications: Speed defense as level 4 due Might-based task.
on all her powers of persuasion (a difficulty 4 to size.
Intellect-based task) and hold her hand on the
vessel (which inflicts 1 point of cold damage
only for another round or so, if the PC calms
the entity).
Entity in the Urn: The entity in the urn
is a ngeshtin, a creature of winter, but one
that enjoys warming itself with wine. If a PC
achieves good relations with the ngeshtin, it
indicates that it guards two treasures on Myth
Keeper’s behalf: a large egg (one of Donna
Ilsa’s eggs) and a small chest that contains
a level 4 multiphasic module cypher. The
ngeshtin goes so far as to suggest that it will
give up one or both treasures in return for a
jug of wine. If the PCs so bribe the creature,
the offered wine disappears, and one or
both treasures materialize on the floor of the
chamber, each coated in a rime of ice crystal.
The only other way to get the stored
treasures out of the glass urn is to smash it.
This causes the treasures to materialize on
the floor but also releases the ngeshtin, which
attacks the PCs who destroyed its home.
Ngeshtins inhabit glaciers, frozen lakes, and
winter storms. Though completely physical
while manifest, ngeshtins possess something
of a spiritual nature, and they can appear
seemingly out of nowhere when the seasons
change or in the presence of something
exceptionally cold.
A ngeshtin looks somewhat like a qephilim
from the waist up (if a qephilim’s fingers were
tipped with claws of sharp ice) and like a
massive snake from the waist down. Its entire
body smells of pine needles and is covered
in white scales, frost, and steaming cold.
Quick and dexterous despite its chilled body, a
ngeshtin “stands” about 9 feet (3 m) tall on its
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
Combat: A ngeshtin can use its claws in melee Anyone other than Myth Keeper or Rimush
or spend an action to first fashion a massive the golem who moves more than 30 feet (9
curved sword (a talwar) of ice, condensed m) down the passage triggers the effect: the
from moisture in the air. Attacks with the apparent plane of gravity shifts 90 degrees
talwar deal 2 additional points of damage in an instant. The shift lasts until no living
(for a total of 8 points of damage). creature remains in rooms 20 or 21.
Once every other round, a ngeshtin can Pit of Area 20: When the trap triggers, what
breathe a blast of cold air within short range was west is now down. PCs in the hallway
at a group of targets in immediate range of who fail a difficulty 5 Speed defense roll (or
each other. Targets who make a successful who were not holding onto something fixed in
Speed defense roll still take 1 point of place) fall into the arch at the end of the hall.
damage. The distance they fall is equal to wherever they
A ngeshtin can fashion basic objects out of were standing, which you can round to 60 feet
ice condensed and frozen from moisture in (18 m) for each character, so each PC takes 6
the air. Such objects can be no larger than a points of damage.
human and could include a shield, a chair, The arch at the end of the hall opens into
a solid sculpture, and so on. The ngeshtin a shallow cavity in the west wall, but when
can also use this ability to seal an opening the trap triggers, the cavity becomes a well
or bridge a gap. of absolute darkness in the floor. Each round
A ngeshtin is vulnerable to unexpected heat. that a living creature remains within 10 feet (3
Lesser inkling, Fire damage dealt to a ngeshtin causes it to m) of the cavity, a lesser inkling curls out like
page 273 lose its next action, but only the first time vapor and attacks the closest living target.
during any given combat. Climbing out of the “pit” of what was a
A ngeshtin regenerates 3 points of health per hallway is a difficulty 4 Might-based task.
round if any part of its body is touching a Gravity is normal in rooms 21 and 19, so
large mass of ice (or is dipped in a large reaching those rooms means the ordeal
body of snow or ice water). is over.
Interaction: Ngeshtins communicate
telepathically with creatures they can see 21. Work Room
within 100 feet (30 m). Different ngeshtins
have different goals, but most are willing to read aloud
subordinate those goals in return for good This chamber is something of a jumble. Stone
wine. sculptures in various stages of completion are
Use: The PCs are asked to bring a gift of wine scattered about the room. A large workbench
to a meeting with someone of importance heaped with rusted swords stands against one
in Ardeyn. When the characters go to wall near a rack filled with all manner of stone
procure the wine, they find that a ngeshtin working tools, cleaning implements, and other
has made a prior claim. oddments. Five large iron pails sit beneath the
Loot: If wine is of value to the PCs, a ngeshtin workbench. A second workbench is littered
usually has a couple of bottles in its hoard. with tiny clay figures. A brilliant point of red
light hangs in midair over the workbench,
20. Trapped Hallway illuminating the entire room in crimson.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Mouth of Swords 3
Rimush the Golem: Rimush is a golem Ray Emitter (Stranger
of few words, but it’s not violent unless Slaying)
provoked or ordered to be so by Myth Keeper. Level: 1d6 + 4
In addition to being good with a hammer, Earth: Handheld device
Rimush is an artist that enjoys working in Ardeyn: Wand
several mediums. It answers basic questions Ruk: Shoulder-mounted module
regarding its function in the Mouth of Swords Effect: Allows the user to project a ray up to
but won’t tell characters where any particular 200 feet (61 m) that deals damage equal
treasures are located. If asked about the to the cypher level to the target. If the
drawing on the workbench, it identifies the target is a native of the Strange itself, the
sketch as “the Dustman.” On the topic of the difficulty of the attack roll is decreased
Dustman, the otherwise terse Rimush gives by two steps, and the damage equals
the following answers to questions, which are double the cypher level.
true as far as it knows:
• “The Dustman stores special treasures in
the Mouth of Swords. But he is a Stranger, not
of Ardeyn, and I hate him.”
• “The Dustman only visited a few times.
The very first time, he was with a qephilim
woman with bright gold mythlight. She never
came again. I never found out her name.”
(In fact, this was Uentaru, translated into an
Ardeyn form.)
• “The Dustman visited four times that I
know of. He hasn’t been here in months.”
• “If Myth Keeper didn’t command me
otherwise, I would kill the Dustman. I have
saved a special device of ultimate sorcery that
I would use to strike him down.” (The device
is a level 10 Stranger-slaying ray emitter.)
• “If you swear on the Maker to kill the
Dustman, I’ll give into your hands the device,
since I may not use it myself.” (If the PCs
swear, Rimush is as good as its word.)
Workbench: Beneath the heaped, rusted
swords (about thirteen or so), a large piece of
parchment is visible. The parchment contains
a drawing of some sort, but the swords
obscure it until they are moved aside.
Pails: Three pails hold different grades of
polishing sand, one pail is half filled with bolts
used to secure swords to the exterior of the
complex, and one pail is filled with inks and quills.
Drawing: This is a drawing of the Dustman,
expertly rendered but smudged by sword rust.
Rimush made it because he distrusts the
Clay Figures: The receipts that Myth Keeper
gives to depositors are in the form of tiny
clay figures made by Rimush. None of those
on the second workbench have yet been
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
22. Exacting Shrine of Law
Seven Sins of Ardeyn
COMMERCE. Accumulation of obscene
read aloud
levels of wealth in the face of poverty
Gold tiles with black highlights on the floor
DEATH. Murder
spiral out from the fixed statue of a female
DESIRE. Give a Stranger or Lotanist access
qephilim in ornate magisterial robes reading
to Ardeyn (usually because of lust or greed)
from an unfurled scroll so long that the end
LAW. Theft of another’s livelihood
winds about her legs. The sculpture captures
LORE. Lies meant to harm another
intelligence, unwavering authority, and easy
SILENCE. Failure to aid another when it is
within your power to help
WAR. Cowardice that betrays a trust
If approached, the statue animates just
enough to ask the PCs to recite seven acts
against Ardeyn’s rules that are considered
sins. If a PC answers correctly, the door to Chest 3: Packed in sawdust is one of Donna
room 23 is unlocked. Ilsa’s kidnapped eggs.
Reciting the seven sins is something that Sword in Blue Scabbard: The source of the
Ardeyn natives or a PC trained in Ardeyn lore cold in the room is an artifact frozen onto
can attempt as a difficulty 2 Intellect-based the wall. The artifact comes off with a sturdy
task, one task per sin recalled. A player might tug (and the chill in the room immediately
also try his luck at naming the seven sins; begins to dissipate). The artifact is a level
Soul weapon, page 188 approximate answers are accepted. However, 4 soul sword that deals an extra 4 points of
each incorrect answer requires the answerer to damage per hit from a burst of freezing cold;
succeed on an Intellect defense roll or take 3 depletion: 1–3 on 1d100. Though a PC wielder
points of damage to his Intellect Pool (ignores might be able to ascertain the foregoing by
Armor). If three sins are described incorrectly reading the bone-white runes on the blade,
before all seven are described correctly, a what’s not revealed is that this is one of the
shrieking alarm sounds, and Myth Keeper and cursed varieties of soul sword. When it is
Rimush respond if they are able to do so. depleted, it requires another soul to take
the place of the one previously bound to the
23. Cold Treasure blade. This means the current wielder’s soul
The iron door connecting this room to is forfeit unless she kills the nearest sentient
room 22 is normally locked with a level 7 creature to serve as the replacement soul.
mechanism. If picked or opened by reciting
the seven sins in room 22, the door remains 24. Secret Chamber
unlocked for up to an hour before swinging The secret door leading to this chamber is
Experience Point closed and locking once more. well hidden and securely locked with a level
Awards: For each of 8 mechanism. Myth Keeper usually becomes
Ilsa’s eggs they recover, read aloud fully insubstantial to access the chamber. This
the PCs gain 1 XP Frost rimes this chamber, including three secret room is where the wrath lord stores
each. Defeating Myth large chests along the north wall. A sword in a the pay it receives from depositors. The room
Keeper permanently bright blue scabbard seems frozen to the wall currently holds several thousand golden
is worth 2 XP for each over the chests. crowns, packed 500 to a chest.
PC. Recovering the
Stranger-slaying cypher The chests are locked (level 4 mechanism)
from Rimush is worth 1 but not otherwise protected. The first chest By the end of this chapter, if the PCs have
XP for each PC. These is the size of a person, the second is small acquired some or all of the kidnapped
awards are in addition enough to be picked up in one hand, and the eggs, they can return to Crow Hollow; see
to any XP earned for third splits the difference. Returning Donna Ilsa’s Eggs (page 46).
recovering artifacts or Chest 1: Packed in sawdust is a fabulous Ilsa rewards the characters by telling them
by other means. feathered dragon marionette made of where her spiral dust supplier operates.
Marhaban silk (worth 500 crowns). However, before the PCs can take on that
Chest 2: Packed in sawdust is a leather challenge, they’re likely to be caught up in
pouch containing three tiny clay pots the events of Intermission 2 (page 27).
Spiral Dust Effects, stoppered with wax. Each pot holds one dose
page 36 of spiral dust.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Whole Body Grafts 4
Whole Body Grafts
This adventure is part of the main arc of The Dark Spiral and is appropriate for
PCs who have learned that Whole Body Grafts in Ruk is the ultimate supplier
of spiral dust. As a stand-alone scenario, “Whole Body Grafts” introduces
the characters to Ruk and its particular oddities, including the prolific body
modification in the recursion. The PCs can also put a real end to the deadly
spiral dust trade.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
specific, related pieces of information about above the press of humanity. At the center of
Ruk, which provide the impetus for the the platform, a public All Song communal is
translation trance. Alternatively, the PCs might thick with people standing, sitting, and even
What a Recursor find some other way to get to Ruk. lying spread-eagled, their eyes closed and their
Knows About Ruk, When the PCs translate, the process umbilicals plugged into the All Song.
page 190 imprints on them the tidbits of knowledge Finding Whole Body Grafts: The PCs can
that a recursor knows about Ruk, if they didn’t explore Harmonious (as presented in the
Harmonious, page 196 already know those things thanks to their corebook) as they wish. When they’re ready
training. to visit Whole Body Grafts, finding it is as
All Song communal, Arriving in Ruk via Translation: The default easy as plugging an umbilical into a nearby
page 198 location for first-time translators to Ruk is communal. The All Song provides location,
in a wide public lobby of Harmonious, the directions, and the basic information given
Glistening City. A PC who has previously below under “Whole Body Grafts.”
visited and initiated the translation appears Spiral Dust Trade in Ruk: Determined PCs
with her group wherever she last left. can find spiral dust being sold by small-time
LeRoy Cain, page 18 Uentaru in Ruk: If Uentaru meets the PCs dealers (akin to LeRoy Cain). In Ruk, spiral
in Ruk after they arrive, or if she accompanies dust isn’t illegal, though it probably would
them during their translation, she wears be if the long-term effects of the drug were
Inim-shara: level 4, her golden armor and gains access to her known. The All Song provides the name
level 5 for all tasks starshine lance, as described in her full stats of a dealer (Inim-shara) who lives in the
related to commerce on page 81. Shadowed City. If the PCs approach him,
Harmonious Public Lobby: The lobby is they can eventually convince him to give
Don Wyclef, page 44 an apparently open-air platform secured by up the name of his supplier: Don Wyclef in
organimer trusses between several tower Crow Hollow. (Whole Body Grafts does no
structures. The platform streams with all spiral dust business directly in Ruk; the spiral
manner of people sporting body modifications dust created in Nakarand moves by direct
of every kind, some of them extreme. Gene- translation to Beak Mafia family mansions in
engineered pets, cybernetic couriers, and tiny Crow Hollow.)
robots are also present, moving between and
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Whole Body Grafts 4
PCs can learn a lot about Whole Body Grafts
simply by asking the All Song. The All Song
answers all queries with an overwhelming
sensory dump that includes text, audio, visual,
sensation, and smell.
Map: Refer to the Semerimis Tower
map while PCs investigate the showroom,
the surgical theaters, the research and
development area, and the roof. Refer to the
Nakarand map (page 75) when they venture
onto the combined floors housing the massive
living organism.
Location and Information: Whole Body
Grafts occupies the uppermost ten levels of
the Semerimis Tower, one of the twenty largest
towers in Harmonious, with two hundred
floors plus the roof level (floor 201). Whole
Body Grafts has a public showroom on the
lowest level of those it owns, occupying floors
191 and 192. Its “safe and sanitary” surgical
theaters, located on floors 193 and 194,
are by appointment only. The research and
development labs are on the levels above the
surgical theaters, floors 195 and 196. Publicly
available information doesn’t describe what
might lie on floors 197 to 200.
A PC who succeeds on a difficulty 5 Intellect-
based task learns that Whole Body Grafts is
associated with the faction Zal but is more
like a wholly owned subsidiary. As with many
Zal facilities, access between secure areas
is granted only to those who have special
color-coded rings, or visitors who accompany
employees with rings. White rings are least
secure, and red are the most. Many Zal
employees have white rings, but only a trusted
few wear the red.
A successful difficulty 6 Intellect-based
roll uncovers the principal owner of Whole
Body Grafts: Ur-dust. No other information
regarding Ur-dust is easily accessible via the
All Song.
Looking for Whole Body Grafts via the
All Song also floods the inquirer with
advertisements from similar shops describing
their wares and philosophy, as encapsulated
in Body Modification Is for Everyone, a
representative ad.
Gaining entry to the showroom is as simple as
taking a lift from the base of Semerimis Tower
or flying (through personal means, a flying
rickshaw, and so on) into the aerial garage on
floors 189 and 190. One main entrance to the
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
showroom channels visitors who arrive from BODY MODIFICATION
the tower lift or aerial garage. IS FOR EVERYONE!
read aloud YOUR BODY is a canvas, a space to mix
This glittering showroom features several and match physical and philosophical
dozen amazing humanoid forms, each on elements that define who or what you
a pedestal and the focus of brilliant light want to be. We provide surgical body
beams. The forms are fabulous both in their modifications and grafts for spiritual,
number and their elaboration. Some of the decorative, and personal protection
standouts include a man with elaborately purposes. The pain of the modification
streaked lavender skin sporting breathtaking is part of your spiritual journey to a new
musculature, a woman with beautifully you, so don’t let that deter you. Explore
textured black-and-white skin who has three something as simple as a body piercing
arms and two heads (neither of which has or as extreme as an entirely new dermal
hair), and a slight humanoid with blue and layer to achieve a unique new look.
red skin whose unfurled wingspan covers a
portion of the ceiling overhead. Customers
walk among the displays, talking to sales clearance ring or fail to take control of it,
associates about the grafts they’d like for the elevator drops to the showroom level
themselves. regardless of what they select.
A PC who tries to hack or otherwise
The showroom is open around the clock. The override an elevator finds that accessing the
easiest way for the PCs to get access to the surgical theaters is a difficulty 5 Intellect task,
next higher section of the building is to buy accessing R&D and the roof is a difficulty
a modification and schedule a procedure. 6 Intellect-based task, and accessing the
However, they can also attempt to steal maintenance levels (which are actually
an access ring from an associate, hack the Nakarand) is a difficulty 7 Intellect-based task.
elevators, or use some other method. Sales Associates: At any given time, ten
General Security: Visible security includes sales associates in elegant white robes
Venom trooper, page seven venom troopers: three by the main walk the floor, engaging the 2d6 customers
300 entrance and two on either side of the bank of browsing the wares. See the sidebar titled
elevators that lead up to the surgical theaters. “PCs Buying Grafts.”
If a fight breaks out in the showroom, the Sales associates on the showroom floor
Sales associate: level venom troopers call for backup, and six more don’t know anything about the Dustman,
3, level 5 for all tasks appear through the main entrance after a spiral dust, or Nakarand. If quizzed by the
related to sales; wears couple of rounds, having come up from below. PCs, the best a sales associate can do is
white ring Security Chief Mu-dagan also responds to any say, “Do you mean Ur-dust? He doesn’t
trouble. take appointments. In fact, I’ve never seen
Customer: level 2 Exits: The showroom has a few exits him.” If a PC has a lot of questions about the
(besides the main entrance that leads up from science behind grafts, a sales associate might
Mu-dagan: level 5; the lower lifts and the aerial garage). These suggest that the character talk with one of
Armor 3 (hidden lead to offices, restrooms, and maintenance the chief researchers on the R&D level, but
carapace graft); spaces. The central pillar in the showroom to do so, they’d need an appointment and a
attacks two targets in also hosts a set of matching elevators. good reason for a researcher to give up her
long range as a single Elevators: Both elevators have an identical time. PCs who provide such a pretext can be
action with needler for interior, which includes a touchscreen panel chaperoned up to the R&D floor within the
5 points of damage per on the wall that displays a palm. If someone hour.
shot; wears red ring wearing an employee’s ceramic ring presses The sales associates are not heroes, and, if
her palm to the print, the elevator rises, threatened, they give up their white rings that
granting access to the associated levels: grant elevator access.
• White ring: the showroom and the surgical In any event, if the PCs press about the
Graft technician: level
theaters. Dustman (or Ur-dust), start a fight, or
3, level 5 for all tasks
• Green ring: the showroom, the surgical otherwise seem to be trouble, Security Chief
related to medical
theaters, R&D, and the roof. Mu-dagan is summoned. He always keeps an
procedures; wears
• Red ring: all levels, including maintenance. eye on what’s happening throughout Whole
green ring
If the PCs enter the elevator without a Body Grafts using hidden cameras that feed
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Whole Body Grafts 4
to his office in one of the side rooms on this
Security Chief Mu-dagan: Dressed in
white robes with red trim (and wearing a red A sales associate can explain to curious PCs that Whole Body Grafts,
ring), Mu-dagan plays the part of the sincere despite the name, also offers a host of lesser modifications and
company manager who makes things right grafts, in addition to the attention-getting “whole body” options
for customers who feel they’ve been wronged. on display. A PC who makes use of the services offered—whether
If he identifies the PCs as troublemakers, he standard graft, body modification, or whole body graft—retains that
tries to defray a tense situation by offering free mod each time he translates back to Ruk.
sessions for each character in one of the “safe Standard Grafts: The shop will create a custom graft from almost
and sanitary” surgical theaters. “If you will just any piece of Ruk equipment listed in the corebook (page 91) for ten
follow me?” times the listed price. This does not apply to armor. If a PC wants a
Mu-dagan’s red ring offers access to all the carapace graft, for instance, he actually wants a whole body graft.
levels above 190, including the maintenance The item grafted becomes part of the PC’s body as if it were a
levels, where Nakarand is hosted. natural limb. Such a graft can be “folded” away when it would be
If Mu-dagan believes the PCs are ordinary inconvenient, or instantly deployed when the PC wants to use it.
troublemakers, he keeps his word about Whole Body Grafts works with the customer to determine the form
the complimentary sessions, in which each of the graft, based on the equipment chosen. For instance, if a PC
character can receive a standard graft or body wants a binoculars graft, the price is 100 bits and the procedure
modification of her choice. However, if he has takes an hour in a surgical theater. When the PC emerges, he
reason to believe that the PCs know about might have a biomechanical fleshy “hood” he can lower over
the Dustman or the spiral dust production on his eyes to see farther when needed, or nictitating “binocular
floors 197 to 200, he programs the surgical membranes” he can blink into play.
theater for a mishap. Body Modifications: The shop is also happy to help clients
Of course, if the PCs offer direct physical artistically restyle their bodies and offers a complimentary
violence, Mu-dagan fights back, summoning consultation along with any paid modification. Prices run from 10
the seven visible venom troopers (who are to 200 bits for the modification services.
followed by an additional six who storm up Services include permanent “shaped” holes (such as heart,
from the aerial garage). Troopers on other diamond, or circle) through nonvital limbs, limb extension,
levels (as described below) go on alert, and implants (3D art implants, genital beading, transdermal implants,
the PCs find it more difficult to move unseen silicone injection, and more), castration, corsetry, tongue splitting,
or under the guise of people that belong. scarification, tooth art, facial sculpture, fingernail mods, urethral
reroutes, and amputations.
SURGICAL THEATERS Piercing Services: 10 bits per piercing, plus the cost of the ring,
Two large floors of Semerimis Tower are given stud, or other piercing item (which runs from 10 to 100 bits).
over to performing the procedures. Types of piercings offered include bridge (horizontal piercing
A maze of hallways leads away from through the bridge of the nose), cheek, chin, custom (something
the waiting room, connecting to twenty unusual), daith (inner ear cartilage piercing), eyebrow, genital
surgical theaters, three recovery rooms, an (ampallang or Christina), hand web (piercing in the finger
impressively large tissue bank, and staff webbing), knuckle (surface piercing between the knuckles on the
lounges. If the PCs are interested in visiting top of the hand), labret (lower lip piercing), Madison (surface
any of these chambers, glowing, labeled lines piercing at base of neck), nape (back of neck piercing), navel,
on the floor lead them wherever they’d like to nipple, nostril, tongue, and wrist.
go on the level. Whole Body Grafts: A whole body graft is a more extreme
In addition to the personnel described version of a standard graft, as it essentially involves peeling away
below, twelve venom troopers patrol the the client’s skin and replacing it with something else. For example,
hallways in case someone wakes up with a a PC can get a whole body graft of Ruk armor (for ten times the
new graft and becomes dangerous. listed price of each armor set). Doing so allows a PC to “fold” the
armor away when it’s not in use, even a carapace. The armor drapes
Waiting Room like a cape or another dramatic, flaring shape behind the character.
PCs who get off the elevators on either of PCs can also request more extreme body replacements. The GM
the two surgical theater floors appear in a and player should work together to come up with something that
waiting room where 1d6 customers wait for satisfies both.
Graft Technicians: The waiting room also
usually hosts 1d6 graft technicians in white
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
robes with blue trim. The graft technicians in a surgical theater with a competent
have similar knowledge about spiral dust programmer setting up the procedure.
and the Dustman as the sales associates 1 The PC descends one step on the damage
do (none), and they summon Mu-dagan if track; normal recovery fails to erase step
they see PCs wandering the area without an damage until 24 hours have passed.
appointment or a chaperone with the proper 2 The PC slips into a coma. Once a day,
ring clearance. Each graft technician wears she can attempt a difficulty 5 Might-
a green ring, which grants access to the based roll to rouse herself.
showroom, the surgical theaters, research and 3 The PC gains one deformity.
R&D researcher: level development, and the roof. 4 The PC gains two deformities.
3, level 4 for all tasks Elevators: These are the same as described 5 he PC gains three deformities.
related to molecular, for the elevators in the showroom, requiring 6 The PC’s head is sutured onto a small
cellular, and biological the same ring-clearances to function. animal that resembles a hairless dog,
research; wears green and her body is stored in the tissue bank.
ring Surgical Theaters
A red light outside a closed door means that Other Rooms
Chief R&D researcher: theater is occupied, and the door won’t open The other chambers on these levels (staff
level 3, level 6 for unless hacked or forced (the doors are level 5 lounges, tissue banks, recovery rooms, and so
all tasks related to mechanisms). A green light outside a closed on) are unlikely to come into play during the
molecular, cellular, and door means that theater is unoccupied, and course of this adventure, but feel free to detail
biological research; the door opens to a touch. About half of the them as needed.
wears red ring twenty surgical theaters are occupied at any
Two large floors of Semerimis Tower are given
read aloud over to research on improving the services
A metallic chair with numerous metallic offered by Whole Body Grafts.
clamps is nestled in the center of a A maze of hallways leads away from the
nightmare sphere of mechanical arms. R&D lobby checkpoint, connecting to a
They are customized for slicing, lasering, dizzying array of labs that conduct research
sawing, injecting, suturing, and less obvious through a variety of analytical methods using
methods for modifying the flesh of whoever impressively advanced equipment. The R&D
straps in. floors also host rooms for cold storage,
experimental surgical theaters, chemical
If a PC wants a graft or modification, she must storage, medical-grade radioactive isotope
sit in the chair. An attending graft technician storage, and so on.
will instruct the mechanism through an In addition to the personnel described
umbilical just outside the door. below, twelve venom troopers patrol the
Each procedure normally lasts one hour hallways, on alert against rival faction spies
whether it’s successful or not. Technicians attempting industrial espionage (or other
rarely fail to program a surgical theater disruptions).
correctly. However, if a PC attempts to
instruct the surgical theater to perform a R&D Lobby
procedure, she must succeed on a difficulty PCs who get off the elevators on either of the
4 Intellect-based task or suffer a mishap (for two research and development floors appear
added tension, don’t ask her to roll until in a lobby that has comfortable seating,
after the procedure is finished). If Mu-dagan refreshments, and a counter behind which
has lured the PCs to a surgical theater a few R&D associates stand ready to help
because he suspects they are saboteurs, he researchers or authorized guests.
automatically triggers a mishap with the Elevators: These are the same as described
mechanism. for the elevators in the showroom, requiring
Surgical Theater Mishap: When a mishap the same ring-clearances to function.
R&D associate: level occurs, roll on the following table and apply R&D Associates: R&D associates wear
3, level 4 for all tasks the result. If the PC gains one or more white robes with green trim. They have similar
related to research deformities, roll on the Harmful Mutations knowledge about spiral dust and the Dustman
protocol; wears green table in the corebook (page 240). All mishap as the sales associates do (none), and they
ring results can be reversed with another session summon Mu-dagan if they see PCs wandering
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Whole Body Grafts 4
the area without an appointment or a • “The Nakarand Project is a Zal trade
chaperone with the proper ring clearance. Each secret, as I’m sure you can appreciate.
R&D associate wears a green ring, which grants Blabbing about trade secrets to other factions
access to the showroom, the surgical theaters, is strictly prohibited by factol decree, so don’t
research and development, and the roof. go spreading what we’ve told you, unless
If PCs ask about the maintenance floors, you’re looking forward to a visit by a troop of
the associates indicate that only red-ring Myriand.” Myriand, page 198
clearance grants such access, and that only • “We feed clone-grown laborers to
Mu-dagan, Ur-dust, and a handful of the fifty Nakarand, but that’s not my area. You’d have
or so researchers who work in R&D have to talk to Bel-temar up in Maintenance.” Bel-temar, page 74
red rings. The associates would be happy
to summon Mu-dagan or, if the PCs have
somehow fast-talked their way to this floor
without arousing suspicion, one of the R&D
researchers with a red ring.
Chief R&D Researchers: There are four
chief researchers with red rings: Iphur-
kishi, Pra-qatum, Ipqu-adad, and
Dram-shara (although Dram-shara
went missing a few days ago; see
area 8 of Nakarand). If one of them
is summoned by an R&D associate
or if the PCs find one in the array of
labs on the R&D levels, characters
who are skilled at persuasion can learn
more about what’s going on, at least as
far as the scientists understand it:
• “Spiral dust? Never heard of it.” (If told
about spiral dust, most R&D researchers
ask for a sample so they can run tests,
but they don’t react in outrage.)
• “Ur-dust isn’t a native of Ruk;
he’s a native of the Strange. He’s
the one who gave us Nakarand.
We only see him when he’s tending
the Nakarand Project on the
maintenance levels.”
• “The Nakarand Project is
named for Nakarand itself. It’s
a living mass of immense size
with unexplainable abilities
and powers. It’s some kind of
chimera of strange genes and
enzymes. We take samples from it
regularly and use them as the
basis of our research. We’ve
developed more than one
graft improvement from
studying the creature.”
• “In return for tissue
samples, we house Nakarand
and supply cloned venom
workers to Ur-dust when he
asks. We have clone banks
set up on the maintenance
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
Other Rooms
The other chambers on these levels (analytical The hangar also contains an inactive
labs, cold storage rooms, experimental Vengeance-class battle chrysalid in standby
surgical theaters, chemical storage rooms, mode. If the PCs are subtle, they can avoid
medical-grade radioactive isotope storage triggering its activation. Remember to reduce
vaults, and so on) are unlikely to come into the chrysalid’s level as described at the
play during the course of this adventure, but beginning of this chapter if the PCs are tier 2
feel free to detail them as needed. or lower.
A total of about ten R&D associates (whose Uentaru: If Uentaru is with the PCs or the
white robes have one green stripe) and fifty characters summon her, she goes above
R&D researchers (whose white robes have two and beyond to gain their trust by apparently
green stripes) can be found throughout the putting her life on the line against the battle
section, attending to their experiments during chrysalid. She tells the PCs that she’ll hold the
regular shift hours. thing off while they get to the elevators. (Later,
she catches up with them before they enter
ROOF Nakarand or joins them after they’ve already
Semerimis Tower’s “floor 201” is the roof, entered.)
which, despite its apparent openness, is
defended against unscheduled landings. In VENGEANCE-CLASS BATTLE
addition to the roof security, the area hosts a CHRYSALID 7 (21)
large power station and a hangar with flying A chrysalid is an engineered body in Ruk made
craft in case evacuation is needed. to fulfill a purpose. Battle chrysalides, for
Elevators: These are the same as described instance, are made for conflict. Chrysalides
for the elevators in the showroom, requiring come into being after normal Rukians receive
the same ring-clearances to function. expensive modifications that give access to
Roof Security: Roof security includes two a chrysalid form (such as is the case for a
Autonomous gun autonomous gun turrets and a company Myriand or a PC who Metamorphosizes).
turret: level 3; health of twelve venom troopers stationed in a However, some modifications are so extreme
12; fixed to roof; long- permanent structure backed up to the power that certain classes of chrysalid do not
range projectile attack station. The turrets are positioned so that allow regression back to normal—at least,
that inflicts 4 points of between them, they cover the entire roof. not without the intervention of a surgical
damage Avoiding the attention of the venom troopers procedure, such as is the case with a
and the turrets is a difficulty 5 Speed-based Vengeance-class battle chrysalid.
task that must be performed each minute an These battle chrysalides control an
infiltrator remains active on the roof. amazing amount of firepower, but in return,
If one autonomous turret and/or half the they give up a bit of autonomy. Designated
venom troopers are defeated in combat, the commanders can upload their orders to
Vengeance-class battle chrysalid is summoned the chrysalid via umbilical link. Though this
GM Intrusion: from the hangar. interface allows a chrysalid’s firepower to
Consider presenting the Power Station: A massive structure remain under control, it also introduces a
Vengeance-class battle on the roof provides power that runs vulnerability; see Interaction.
chrysalid encounter as Semerimis Tower’s elevators, lights, research Motive: Follow programming of battle
a group GM intrusion equipment, air circulation stations, and other commander
(see page 341 of The mechanisms. Accessing the power station Environment (Ruk | Mad Science): Anywhere
Strange corebook for and selectively turning off and on subsystems Health: 21
more information). requires several minutes of uninterrupted Damage Inflicted: 10 points
concentration and a successful difficulty Armor: 3
5 Intellect-based roll for each subsystem Movement: Short when walking or flying
cracked. A failed attempt is usually good for Modifications: Speed defense as level 5 due to
summoning more security. size.
Hangar: The hangar (locked with a level 5 Combat: A Vengeance-class battle chrysalid
mechanism) houses a vehicle akin to a private can make a single attack with a fist or a
jet, except the wings are far stubbier than one shoulder-mounted laser cannon (long
would expect on Earth, and flying it is much range) for 10 points of damage. It can
easier, requiring a green or red clearance instead attack two different foes as a single
ring and a difficulty 3 Intellect-based roll for action, inflicting 8 points of damage with
standard maneuvers.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Whole Body Grafts 4
both attacks (fists or long-range laser Use: Any time the GM needs an extremely
cannons). potent guardian for an area in Ruk, a
battle chrysalides are
Once every other round, a Vengeance-class Vengeance-class battle chrysalid is a good
fashioned of normal
battle chrysalid can fire a grenade at a target choice.
Rukians, as opposed to
or area within long range that explodes Loot: PCs who investigate an inert Vengeance-
venom troopers, which
in an immediate radius for 8 points of class battle chrysalid discover that 1d6
are synthesized entities.
damage. Creatures that succeed on a Speed cyphers have been worked into the
defense roll still take 1 point of damage mechanism and can be salvaged with a
from shrapnel. successful difficulty 3 Intellect-based task.
A Vengeance-class battle chrysalid regenerates
GM Intrusion: The
1 point of health per round while its health NAKARAND
character is knocked
is above 0. Floors 197 to 200 of Semerimis Tower host
down and disarmed by
Interaction: A Vengeance-class battle chrysalid Nakarand, though most employees of Whole
the chrysalid, which
specifies its current duties if queried, but Body Grafts don’t know that. Those who have
offers the PC a chance
otherwise it doesn’t interact. However, heard the term don’t know that Nakarand is
to surrender.
if a PC is able to attach her umbilical to an entity originally native to the Strange that
the port on the back of the chrysalid’s serves as the ultimate source of spiral dust.
“neck,” she can attempt to compromise its
orders. Doing so is a multistep process, 1. Maintenance Lobby
first requiring a difficulty 5 Speed or Might Elevators
defense roll each round to remain clinging These elevators are the same as described
to the bucking chrysalid’s back, and then for the elevators in the showroom, requiring
requiring two difficulty 5 Intellect-based the same ring-clearances to function or
rolls, one per round. The first successful hacking skills to override. One thing that
reprogramming roll modifies the chrysalid’s becomes apparent only after the fact is that
actions and defenses by two steps to its the elevators only go to floor 199, red ring
detriment, and the second successful roll or not—floors 197 through 200 apparently
puts the chrysalid in standby mode. belong to one “mega” floor.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
2. Maintenance Lobby (complete with armor; armament provided
separately). The other half grow similar
Venom worker: level 1; read aloud entities called venom workers that are made
no attacks This wide room is clean but smells strongly of for labor, not defense.
brine, like the sea. Several comfortable chairs Venom Vat Maintenance: A single red-ringed
Bel-temar: level 3, level and lounges are cluttered near the elevators, R&D researcher (Bel-temar) tends the vats
6 for all tasks related but the middle of the large chamber is bare. here, and he knows the same things the chief
to molecular, cellular, A counter stands opposite the elevators, R&D researchers know about the Nakarand
and biological research; helpfully labeled “Maintenance Desk.” Three Project, as well as the following:
wears red ring people in maintenance onesies work the desk. • “We purchased these vats from Zal to
create venom troopers. We modified a few to
Assuming that Whole Body Grafts hasn’t make venom workers, which do for labor what
gone on alert because of a fight involving the troopers do for security.”
PCs within the previous few hours, characters • “Almost all the venom workers grown
who arrive on the elevator don’t initially raise here are destined for Nakarand. The thing
Maintenance desk the suspicions of the maintenance desk eats them. Well, that’s what we thought, but
staffer: level 3, level staff. Even so, getting past the staff without apparently, ingested workers survive for a time
6 for all tasks related triggering countermeasures is tricky. and help the Dustman accomplish something
to seeing through Maintenance Desk Staff: The three people inside. We’ve seen the Dustman enter and
deception; wears green behind the counter wear grey onesies leave Nakarand, and sometimes venom
ring reminiscent of coveralls for laborers in many workers too. But more of them go in than ever
recursions and on Earth. Each wears a green come out again.”
ring (Mu-dagan oversees shift changes). • “The Dustman needs the workers for
It’s difficult to deceive the maintenance whatever he does inside Nakarand. He lets us
staff, and attempting to do so and failing keep the biological samples we cull from the
triggers the security countermeasures. But exterior. In return, we don’t ask what goes on
PCs who manage it can learn everything from inside the organism, though of course we’re
Chief R&D researcher, the staff that the chief R&D researchers know curious.”
page 71 about the Nakarand Project. • “Whatever need the Dustman has for
Security Countermeasures: If the PCs arrive venom workers, he goes through them pretty
in this chamber with the alarm already raised fast. We deliver a new worker about once a
or if they make the desk staff suspicious (and day.”
it’s the desk staff’s job to be suspicious), a
20-foot-by-20-foot (6 m by 6 m) section of 4. Nakarand Feedway
the ceiling drops down. Revealed are twelve
venom troopers or (if the PCs haven’t yet read aloud
faced the chrysalid on the roof) a Vengeance- A sticky, brownish organism, vast and coiled,
class battle chrysalid. Use the information fills a multistory space hollowed inside the
provided for the chrysalid attack on the roof tower. A pier extends from the chamber
here instead, including Uentaru’s offer of aid. entrance, protruding so that its tip is poised
(Don’t make the PCs fight one of these things immediately before the organism’s slowly
twice; once is probably enough.) chewing, sluglike maw. The smell of ocean
brine and an underlying stink of rot are
3. Venom Clone Vats overwhelming.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Whole Body Grafts 4
rouses the massive organism, which raises no apparent gravity, and you float in a vast,
its mouth to the pier and ingests whatever is open space, bounded behind you by a wall
there, leaving behind goo that smells of brine. of slowly undulating fleshy material, and
If the PCs stake out the location, they stretching away in the opposite direction as if
note the occasional feeding. Normally, the you’re inside a great, living worm. Fist-sized
Dustman translates between locations, so he bubbles float here and there, nodules filled
rarely comes and goes by way of the feeding with white fluid. They grow thicker as they get
pier. However, on any given day, there’s a 1 in farther from the bounding wall of material
20 chance that he wants something from the behind you, making it difficult to see too far
researchers a few floors down, and he finds it ahead.
easier to “exit” Nakarand through the mouth.
When that happens, it looks like the giant Nakarand’s interior is akin to a separate
organism vomits him up. recursion in the sense that the laws of reality
PCs who stand on the edge of the pier are within it are altered in several immediately
swallowed through the inapposite gate that obvious ways. However, it’s not a fully realized
serves as the living recursion’s mouth, and recursion of its own; while it’s in Ruk, it’s part
they appear in its interior (area 5). of the recursion of Ruk.
PCs who rain down fire and destruction on Inconstant Space: Areas within Nakarand
Nakarand from the pier find that the creature are larger than the exterior (and different
is incredibly hardy. However, it responds with from location to location). Outside, one map
a swallow attack (which, if successful, does no square is roughly equal to 10 feet (3 m) on a
damage and deposits its victims in area 5). side, but in area 5, one map square is roughly
equal to 100 feet (30 m) on a side.
5. Inside Nakarand No Gravity? At first it seems there’s no
gravity within Nakarand, though that’s not
read aloud entirely true. In fact, the inconstant space
A sourceless, pale blue light gives everything, quality confers another odd property on
even your own flesh, a washed-out look. The creatures in Nakarand: while inside, they can
air is thick and salty, but breathable. There is fly at their regular movement speed. This
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
might take the PCs a few minutes to get used attracted to the PCs. If the characters continue
to, but it doesn’t ultimately penalize their to disturb the spheres after they’ve found
Show ’Em: Nakarand actions or tasks. several cyphers, a “bubble vortex” (see area
Feedway, Image J, Floating Spheres: The floating spheres 7) is soon created, with the PCs as the focus.
page 95 are far enough apart in area 5 that the PCs Before the vortex forms, it should be obvious
can easily avoid them. If they investigate the to the characters that their actions are creating
spheres, each bubble has enough surface a dangerous disturbance.
tension that it doesn’t immediately pop if
touched. However, a prick or slap causes a 6. Waving Fronds
bubble to collapse, releasing a milky acid that
inflicts 1 point of damage to the investigating read aloud
PC. If a PC takes damage, he might notice The sides of the long, curled tube you swim
(difficulty 3 Intellect-based check) that the down seem to constrict until it’s only about
burned area of his skin isn’t blackened so 40 feet (12 m) across. Thousands of waving
much as “blue-ened.” yellow fronds growing from the sides of the
The floating spheres are a side effect of passage limit your vision to just a few paces.
Nakarand’s digestion described in area 8. If
the PCs spent more than four or five days Distance in this area is more like the
inside, they’d begin to feel the same long-term dimensions outside of Nakarand, and each
lethal effects indicated for the venom workers map square corresponds to 10 feet (3 m)
in area 8. on a side. Travelers who push deeper down
Cyphers in Spheres: Because Nakarand is Nakarand’s gullet discover that distances
from the Strange, it sometimes condenses open up again toward area 7.
cyphers the way that a recursion does. Every Yellow Fronds of Recovery: The fronds
so often, a pricked or burst floating sphere are semi-independent organs of Nakarand
disgorges a randomly determined cypher involved in the entity’s health and
along with the milky fluid. However, the more maintenance. If any creature moves near
spheres that are purposefully burst searching them, the fronds begin to reach for the
for cyphers, the more the other spheres are intruder in a way that might seem threatening.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Whole Body Grafts 4
Attacks against the fronds cause them to curl If PCs approach (or have some kind of vision-
away, allowing a determined PC to get through magnifying device), they can see what’s going
without being touched. on, though it might leave them with more
However, anyone who allows the fronds questions than answers.
to pat and flicker across his body can
immediately make a recovery roll without read aloud
using an action, and the roll doesn’t count The tortured texture of the planetoid resolves:
against the daily limit of recovery rolls. it’s made of people. To cover the surface of a
The fronds confer this benefit on any given planetoid more than a mile in radius like this
creature once per day. one would require thousands of bodies. Milky
fluid runs like veins across the entire imperfect
7. Bubble Exuberance sphere, and where the fluid runs, the bodies
have become partly petrified blue sculptures.
read aloud Several figures are moving around near the
The sides of the tube you’re passing through artificial structure, revealed as a metallic
open up somewhat, but some kind of building.
standing-wave effect in the air disturbs the
normally placidly floating bubbles ahead, The PCs have some leeway to investigate the
churning them into a vortex that fills the tube. strange tableau until the Dustman arrives to
challenge their intrusion.
The fabric of space in area 7 expands so that Massed Bodies: PCs who investigate the
one map square is equal to 50 feet (15 m) on bodies (all without clothing or possessions)
a side. Beyond area 7, distance continues to discover that though they are apparently
expand even further. dead, none are rotting—at least not in a GM Intrusion: A PC
Bubble Vortex: A character passing through normal fashion. Instead of breaking the investigating the bodies
the bubble vortex is splattered with acidic bodies down by bacterial decay, the milky is startled when a stiff
bubbles and possibly gets turned around. white fluid flowing across (and under) the suddenly opens his eyes
Each time a PC makes an attempt to get surface is extracting soft tissue and leaving and begins screaming.
through, she must succeed on a difficulty 4 behind a bluish material that is as hard and Jonathan Ballard (level
Speed-based task. On a success, she makes brittle as chalk. If powdered, the material 1) has only recently
it through but still takes 3 points of damage. becomes spiral dust. overdosed and just
On a failed roll, she takes 3 points of damage, If the PCs don’t realize the truth, the R&D made the translation.
and the vortex spins her around and spits her researcher trapped in the artificial structure If pulled free from the
out the way she entered. If she wants to get or the Dustman himself can confirm that the matrix of corpses, he
through, she’ll have to try again. “mass grave” floating at Nakarand’s core is survives the ordeal
composed of spiral dust addicts who have (though he’s way out of
8. Nakarand Digestion overdosed and translated here (even if they his league).
The sides of the tube fall away in a haze of weren’t technically quickened, they were while
bubbles as the PCs gaze down on a truly vast high on the drug).
area. The fabric of space in area 8 expands Undulating Spindle Tube: The tube is something
so that one map square is equal to about 1 like Nakarand’s proboscis. It distributes the milky
mile (2 km). From a distance, the PCs get an white enzyme and sucks up the resultant nutritious
overview of the situation: mix, leaving behind the waste product: petrified
blue bodies (solid spiral dust).
read aloud Artificial Structure: The silvery structure on
Hanging in the center of the space, a mottled- the planetoid is a large metallic warehouse
blue-and-white planetoid is visible. A curling with an open front. It’s half filled with lines of
spindle of Nakarand plunges down into petrified bodies stacked like cordwood, several
the heart of the object, like a long straw busy venom workers, and one R&D researcher
punched into the side of a swollen and half- in hiding.
rotted blueberry. The tubelike spindle slowly Venom Workers and Stacked Bodies:
undulates. Milky bubbles seep up through The figures the PCs spied from afar are
gaps and cracks in the planetoid’s surface. venom workers, many of them “blue-end” Venom worker: level 1;
An artificial structure forged of silvery metal is with constant exposure to the digestive no attacks
visible on the planetoid’s surface near where enzymes. Their job is to quarry fully
the tube is attached. petrified bodies from the planetoid, bring
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
them into the warehouse, and stack them She is also a great way for the PCs to get a
neatly. Any given venom worker lives for summary of what’s going on inside Nakarand.
Show ’Em: Planetoid only five days before it succumbs to the If asked, she explains about the massive tube
of people, Image K, environment, and then its body is in turn proboscis and other things the characters
page 96 stacked by its fellows. have questions about.
If the venom workers are left to their If Dram-shara doesn’t explain the workings
own tasks, they ignore the PCs. They’re to the PCs, the Dustman still might—at least,
mute, so they’re not a great source of direct until Uentaru interrupts him.
information. • “Nakarand is an entity from the Strange.
Dram-shara: level 3, R&D Researcher: Dram-shara, the chief R&D Even before Whole Body Grafts decided
level 5 for all tasks researcher who went missing from Semerimis to secretly host it in Semerimis Tower, the
related to investigation Tower a few days ago, is here of her own creature was feeding on living things from
and biological research; volition. Unlike her fellows, she wanted to Earth and recursions in the Shoals of Earth.”
wears red ring know more about the Dustman’s motivations • “Nakarand has a peculiar feeding strategy.
and what was going on inside the great A sentient extension of the creature—an
organism. She learned a lot more than she avatar called the Dustman—spreads spiral
bargained for. dust through various locations. Spiral dust is
Dustman: At some point during the PCs’ highly addictive, and even creatures without
investigation of the planetoid, the star of the spark can become partially quickened
the show makes his appearance. See “The while the drug is in their system.”
Dustman Arrives.” • “A spiral dust addict’s first and last full-
body translation transfers her here, where she
Meeting Dram-shara becomes trapped and dies as the Nakarand’s
If Dram-shara sees the PCs in or anywhere enzyme digests her flesh. What remains is a
near the warehouse, she emerges from hiding waste product that is converted to spiral dust
and asks for their help in getting away. She by the simple application of blunt force.”
is a bit shell-shocked and shows signs of • “Since I’ve been here, I’ve discovered
extensive “blue-ing” because of how long that the Dustman shows up on an irregular
she’s been subjected to the environment. schedule, and he translates out with a stack of
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Whole Body Grafts 4
petrified bodies, presumably delivering them especially since the Ruk venom workers
to whatever distribution network he’s set up.” allowed so much more productivity. Nakarand
(The PCs might recall what they encountered vastly increased its nutritional intake, and
on Earth and in Crow Hollow.) Uentaru increased the apparent number of
• “Believe me: Whole Body Grafts didn’t quickened creatures on Earth. The Dustman
know this was happening. Thanks to the never really questioned why she wanted that.
unending supply of venom workers we’ve But in recent months, the Dustman
sent in here, the Dustman has increased his did begin to wonder, and he discovered
production by a few orders of magnitude. that though their aims seemed aligned,
I’m worried where it will end. It should be the opposite was true. He learned that if
stopped. If you can get me out of here safely, Uentaru completes her plan, Earth and all
I’ll make certain that the powers that be eject the recursions in its Shoals will be destroyed.
Nakarand from the premises, one way or the Given that Earth and its Shoals are the
other.” richest feeding ground he has ever found, the
When the Dustman
Dustman wants to prevent this outcome.
appears and makes the
The Dustman Arrives Thus, his greeting to Uentaru is meant to
announcement that
The Dustman is the intelligent, mobile avatar reveal her as a betrayer to the PCs, not an offer
reveals Uentaru as a
of Nakarand, so he knows when the PCs to join forces and kill the characters.
traitor, treat it like a
have entered the entity’s body (which is part If given the chance, the Dustman reveals
group GM intrusion
of him). However, he has been using his Uentaru’s real plan (see below). In addition, if
(see page 341 of The
powerful translation abilities to chase down the PCs request it as a sign of good faith, he
Strange corebook for
information on Uentaru. He only manages to is willing to remove Nakarand from the tower
more information).
put the last pieces of the puzzle in place after and scale back his distribution of spiral dust
the characters (with Uentaru in tow) begin on Earth, at least for a time.
exploring Nakarand.
Traveling Dustman: The Dustman is an
entity of the Strange and doesn’t follow
the same rules for translation that player
characters do. When he translates, he can
always translate to anywhere inside of
Nakarand no matter where in Ruk he last
translated from. He needs only a one-minute
translation trance before transition. And
whatever recursion the Dustman appears in,
he always has the same look and the same
abilities. He also has a special sense for
anyone who has recently taken spiral dust and
can translate to within short range of anyone
“enjoying” the drug’s effects, even if he hasn’t
previously been to the recursion in question.
read aloud
A passing shadow leaves in its wake a hooded
man whose voluminous cloak is like layered
shadows. The man says in a raspy voice,
“Uentaru, have you delivered these intruders to
my stomach so we can eliminate them together?”
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dustman knows that if he is defeated, Uentaru’s Real Plan, from the Dustman’s
another avatar of Nakarand will arise and Point of View:
take up his work. Thus, even if the PCs • “I have watched Uentaru since she and I
turn on him, he makes sure they get his began working together to spread spiral dust.
entropic seed, along with an explanation of I’ve recently learned her real plan.”
its significance. Ultimately, the Dustman • “After thousands of years of searching
won’t finish off the PCs because he realizes the Strange network, Uentaru found Earth—
they are his best hope of retaining his rich and more important, the Aleph component
feeding ground. buried in the mantle beneath the crust. The
Aleph component is a piece of the ancient
mechanism that first created the Strange
billions of years ago. The component is the
Uentaru’s Real Plan reason Earth is special and hosts so many
If Uentaru is present and challenged by the quickened creatures and recursions. Its
Dustman as described above, she suffers a impact with your proto-planet created the
moment of alarm, visible to any PCs studying Earth’s moon, so it is not small or delicate.”
her. But she quickly recovers and accuses the • “Uentaru wants to use the power of the
Dustman of trying to divide “the forces of buried Aleph component to revive a recursion
justice” that have come to put an end to his of her destroyed homeworld. This requires
horrifying feeding on Earth. that the component be fully woken by setting
If the PCs quiz the Dustman further, he up a planetwide resonance with quickened
reveals what he has learned of Uentaru’s real minds. Earth and its recursions don’t possess
plan. Under other circumstances, Uentaru nearly enough quickened to create such
might reveal some or all of these points, too, an effect. However, minds become briefly
but only if she believes her plan is about to quickened while affected by the fertilizer of
succeed. Nakarand—the spiral dust. Not knowing
her ultimate purpose, I became her ally and
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The Dark Spiral
Whole Body Grafts 4
magnified the number of quickened on Earth Environment (the Strange | Mad Science):
and in its Shoals a thousandfold or more.” Anywhere
• “The Aleph component is waking. I don’t Health: 27
know if it will give Uentaru the mastery over Damage Inflicted: 6 points
reality she desires or the ability to resurrect her Armor: 2
world, Mycaeum. But I know one thing. When Movement: Short
it fully wakes and is triggered to do her bidding, Modifications: Speed defense as level 7 due to
the Earth and its recursions will shatter.” golden armor; all tasks involving deception
• “I propose a new alliance: you and I as level 8.
against Uentaru. I don’t want Earth and its Combat: Uentaru’s armored fist or foot is
recursions to be destroyed. If you or someone a melee weapon in its own right, but her
in your organization can reach the Aleph most impressive weapon is her starshine
component buried beneath the Earth’s mantle, lance. The lance is a ranged weapon that
I have something that might shut it down, fires coherent space-time at targets within
though I fear it has already gone past the point immediate range of each other and within
of no return.” (He’s referring to his entropic Uentaru’s direct line of sight, up to 2 miles
seed, noted in the Dustman’s equipment.) (3 km) away. When she focuses the beam on
one foe, the attack ignores Armor. When she
It’s up to the PCs to decide whether they widens the aperture so that an attack targets
believe the Dustman or Uentaru. Both several creatures at once (essentially, as
deserve to be stopped. At some point during many creatures as she can see at the same
the course of your game, conflict between time within immediate range of each other),
the characters, the Dustman, and Uentaru the attack does not ignore Armor.
is inevitable (whether the PCs begin it or During any round in which Uentaru spends an
Uentaru lashes out against the “lying”
Dustman). It’s possible that conflict breaks
out even before the Dustman reveals her true
plan. However, if he and the PCs defeat her, he Shethosh and Aleph
still offers them an alliance. He would prefer Recursion Key
to accompany them to the Aleph component, It’s unlikely to come up during the
but he understands if they’d rather not allow a adventure, but Uentaru has a secret base
mass-murdering creature from the Strange as that no one knows about (though the
a member of their group. Dustman suspects): a pocket-dimension-
sized recursion she calls Shethosh.
UENTARU, CHAOS TEMPLAR 6 (18) In her base, Uentaru keeps extra
Over centuries of existence, the extraterrestrial supplies, a few cyphers, and her most
humanoid Uentaru has gathered knowledge of prized possession: an Aleph component
the Strange, power from cyphers, and reality recursion key. This partly melted metallic Recursion key,
and entropic seeds, and she has mastered the object strung on a pendant is a recursion page 130
use of an artifact called the starshine lance, a key for the subterranean chamber where
beam weapon that fires coherent space-time. the Aleph component resides under
She founded the Chaos Templars, a group of Earth’s mantle. The PCs are unlikely to
fellow survivors drawn from across the universe find Shethosh unless desperation from a
of shattered prime worlds who pledged to find malfunctioning REV (described in the final
methods of killing planetovores. However, chapter) forces them to come up with other
Uentaru’s secret quest is to find some way to options for journeying deep into the Earth.
redeem her destroyed homeworld. The translation gate for Shethosh is hidden
Like all Chaos Templars, Uentaru sometimes on Earth in the form of a rolled-up poster,
commits random acts of kindness, though other which is in the possession of Obol Demer, Obol Demer, page 34
times she ignores those in need. She might seem one of the spiral dust dealers that Uentaru
understandable at times, but she and every Chaos helped set up. Obol has no idea of the
Templar is alien and just as often comes across poster’s significance or provenance, and he
as inscrutable. In the end, she cares far more for a keeps it in a separate storage unit from his
chance to revive her homeworld than she does for home.
Earth or any other living creature.
Motive: Redeem her destroyed homeworld
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
GM Intrusion: When action tending to her wounds, she regains Modifications: All tasks related to stealth as
the PC is hit by a blast 6 points of health (thanks to her golden level 8.
from the starshine armor). Combat: When the Dustman unleashes his
lance, she catches If Uentaru spends an action reconfiguring her shadowy aura, it acts like an immaterial
fire and burns for an golden armor, she can make it impervious digestive enzyme. This means that when he
additional 5 points of to heat, cold, or another extreme produces a greatsword apparently fashioned
ambient damage each environment (only one type at a time) for of shadow, its attack inflicts 6 points of
round on her turn until up to an hour. Doing so reduces the Armor damage from the impact and 4 points
someone spends a turn value to 1 during that time. of damage from the digestive process.
smothering the flames. Interaction: One of the functions of Uentaru’s Moreover, anyone within immediate range
armor is to serve as a universal translator, of the Dustman when he attacks takes
allowing her to converse with most aliens 1 point of damage each round from the
she meets. She is driven and might seem enzymatic digestion. (Wounds the Dustman
honorable up to a point, but her goals are inflicts are stained blue because the victim’s
more important than anything else, including flesh has partly petrified. Someone killed by
any promises she might have made. the Dustman completely petrifies, becoming
Loot: Uentaru carries a couple of cyphers, plus a chalky blue statue—solid spiral dust.)
GM Intrusion: The
her golden armor and starshine lance, both While within Nakarand or in immediate range
Dustman fixes his
of which are keyed only to her—anyone else of someone experiencing the effects of
burning sapphire gaze
would find the items difficult to use. spiral dust, the Dustman regenerates 2
on a PC within long
range. If the character
fails a difficulty 5
If the Dustman is killed, Nakarand retreats into the Strange,
Intellect defense roll,
she is stunned into breaking through whatever barriers lie between. There Nakarand
inactivity for one round
hides away until a new avatar forms, one that has the
by this psychic attack.
characteristics of creatures from the nearest prime world.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Journey to the Center of the Earth 5
Journey to the Center of the Earth
This part of the adventure is the finale of The Dark Spiral and is appropriate
for PCs who have learned about the Aleph component and the real reason that
Uentaru secretly helped the Dustman increase the distribution of spiral dust. As
a stand-alone scenario, “Journey to the Center of the Earth” offers the characters
a chance to enjoy a scenario quite different from most others they’ll encounter
while playing The Strange—not to mention save the Earth and its recursions
from destruction.
A native of the Chaosphere (the Dustman, ENTROPIC SEED ON EARTH
avatar of Nakarand) and an alien from the If the PCs have the entropic seed provided Entropic seed,
universe of normal matter who has lived in by the Dustman, on Earth it takes the form page 219
the Strange for thousands of years (Uentaru) of a rounded black briefcase. Inside is a
conspired to dramatically increase the use liquid crystal interface where directions are
of the drug spiral dust on Earth and its input by voice command.
recursions. One spiral dust quality is to
temporarily wake the user’s mind to a state
much like being quickened. Uentaru leveraged Strategic Recursion, or a researcher in Ruk—
that quality to activate an ancient alien device has noticed alarming patterns of data from
buried deep under the Earth’s crust, the Aleph various sources. The scientist hypothesizes that
component, which was embedded during some kind of enormous, high-energy object
the late heavy bombardment of the planet deep beneath Earth’s mantle has become
billions of years ago. She wants to use the perturbed. If current trends continue, Earth
Aleph component to recreate her own long- will eventually be rent asunder. The PCs are
demolished alien world of Mycaeum. recruited to investigate the anomaly using an
experimental craft referred to as a recursion
SYNOPSIS engine vehicle or, as it’s nicknamed, the REV.
The PCs have to find a way to physically
journey into the Earth. (Hertzfeld, the Estate’s MODIFYING FOR
research chief, has a method.) Obviously, the DIFFERENT TIERS
trip offers its own challenges. If all goes well, If the PCs are second-tier characters or lower,
they arrive in the subterranean bubble under decrease the level of the inkling snatcher and
the Earth that contains the Aleph component. extereon by 2. See Modifying a Creature’s Modifying a Creature’s
Surviving the environment, defeating the Level for additional guidance. Level, page 16
horrifying guardian that Uentaru left behind,
and possibly having to choose between their PREPARING TO SAVE
own lives and the continued existence of THE WORLD
planet Earth will push the PCs to their limit, If the PCs return to the Estate (or another
and perhaps beyond. allied organization) with news of potential
disaster hiding beneath the Earth, they are
GETTING THE PCS taken seriously. It’s soon discovered that not
INVOLVED much time remains, and the PCs are given
The most straightforward way to bring the PCs every resource the organization can manage
into the adventure is by having them learn on such short notice.
about Uentaru’s real plan, as revealed at the
end of “Whole Body Grafts.” If that doesn’t TESTS CONFIRM THE END IS
work out, try the following option. NIGH
Non-Estate PCs: A quickened research The PCs are pulled into a small conference
scientist—which could be Hertzfeld of the room. Besides the characters, the room holds
Estate roster, page 149
Estate, a scientist working for the Office of all the senior staff of the Estate, including
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
the enigmatic Fixer, who only observes. The gives way to the Earth’s outer core. Hertzfeld
floor is given to Hertzfeld, who begins a points this out on a schematic of the Earth’s
presentation slide show, complete with several interior.
data graphs. Earth Salvation Team: The Estate staff
• “Your warning was priceless. You’re right; determines that the PCs are the quickened
I’ve confirmed that the Earth has about five agents who will take on the task of switching
days before it’s destroyed.” off the Aleph component, given their previous
• “This data was collected from many involvement. If they plan to use Hertzfeld’s
sources around the world: seismographs, REV, he’ll go along to help pilot the craft.
university gravimeters, the Super-Kamioka Destination: Crunching all the data even
Neutrino Detection Experiment, radio and more finely, Hertzfeld determines that an open
high-energy particle detectors, and even a space nearly 20 miles (32 km) in diameter
couple of my own experimental dark energy lies in a zone contiguous with the Aleph
flux detectors.” component. He theorizes that that’s where the
• “The data was there all along, but no one PCs have the greatest chance of succeeding
was making correlations. After we started in their intervention. Knowing where to go, he
looking, we discovered several trends that says, is half the problem. Having a way to get
began to tick up a few years ago, but recently there is most of the rest of the solution, except
show a likelihood of spiking asymptotically!” for “a few additional considerations.”
(Hertzfeld presents a quick slide show of Protection: A destination so close to
simple charts that begin as shallow trends but the core suggests that travelers will face
end with scary-looking slopes heading toward dangerously high temperatures—several
a spike. The spikes are all labeled with dates thousand degrees, in fact. While the REV
that average between three and seven days in cab should be able to maintain livable
the future.) temperatures, once the PCs reach their
• “Even without your information regarding destination, they might have to leave the cab.
Sun Suit: provides
this ‘Aleph component,’ this data shows that The Estate has two solutions.
5 Armor against
some sort of destabilizing event is underway Sun Suits: The PCs and Hertzfeld are
direct damage from
approximately 1,800 miles beneath the Earth’s each issued thin silvery suits with strange
heat or fire; protects
surface. If it’s not stopped, not only will Earth writing; Katherine Manners says the suits
wearer from extreme
suffer untold devastation from earthquakes were retrieved from a burned-out recursion
constant heat for one
and volcanoes, but it will be rent entirely operating under the laws of Standard Physics
hour before being
asunder.” that tried (and failed) to restart an analogue of
• “So how do we stop an alien device their sun. The so-called sun suits will protect
billions of years old from reactivating?” (If PCs against regular heat and should provide
they haven’t mentioned it already, the PCs can up to an hour’s protection (but no more)
chime in here about how they have something even in the face of 6,000-degree Fahrenheit
Curative, page 315 called an entropic seed which, if brought into temperatures.
Meditation aid, proximity with the Aleph component and used Heat Stop Cypher: A heat stop will give one
page 322 correctly, might do the trick.) PC a full hour of complete protection against
Analeptic, page 313 • “As it happens, an unrelated project of heat. Unfortunately, the Estate has only one
Nutrition and mine is a vehicle that might be able to reach device to offer.
hydration, page 324 the device under the mantle… though I’ve Other Cyphers: The Estate relaxes its policy
Phase wall, page 324 never had a completely successful test of it. I of restricting free cyphers given to operatives
Recursion anchor, call it the recursion engine vehicle, or REV for during early missions and provides the
page 326 short.” (Hertzfeld flashes a slide of the vehicle characters with enough cyphers to bring them
Reflex enhancer, in question, perhaps the very one he might to their cypher limit. The devices offered are
page 326 have showed the PCs in “Estate Home Base.”) limited to the following selection: curative
Strange apotheosis, (x3), meditation aid (x4), analeptic (x1),
page 329 ADDITIONAL DATA AND nutrition and hydration (x2), phase wall (x1),
PREPARATION recursion anchor (x1), reflex enhancer (x1),
Colonel Angela Hertzfeld’s combined data streams reveal that and Strange apotheosis (x1).
Whitesides: level 5, an energetic object more than 100 miles (161 Final Resort: If the PCs’ entropic seed
level 6 in all tasks km) in diameter lies about 1,800 miles (2,900 doesn’t work (or if they lost it or never
related to strategy and km) below the surface of the Earth, right obtained it), Lawrence Keaton introduces
tactics around the area where the thick, rocky mantle Colonel Angela Whitesides from OSR. She
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The Dark Spiral
Journey to the Center of the Earth 5
gives the PCs a tactical nuke small enough
to fit in a suitcase. She says that once it’s
activated, detonation time is ten minutes,
which is cutting things fine whether the PCs
retreat via the REV or through their own ability
to translate.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
What’s That Big Red Button? As a last, Repercussions: At minimum, this encounter
desperate way to stop the cab from being means that the REV loses valuable time on
destroyed, Hertzfeld explains that pressing the the way to its destination. The vehicle might
Big Red Button detonates explosive charges also sustain damage, in addition to any lasting
designed to jettison the recursion engine field. damage inflicted on characters.
Doing so (he explains) will either kill everyone
in a blast of light and heat as the REV is Seismo-Strange Anomaly
destroyed, or slingshot the cab into a random Just before the PCs arrive at their destination
recursion in the Shoals of Earth. In the latter (when they’re 1,700 miles or 2,736 km into the
case, it would be akin to a translation failure (a planet), Hertzfeld excitedly tells them to look
Translation failure particularly bad roll on the translation failure at the sensors.
table, page 128 table, such as 86-90), except that instead of • “Something’s going on. The energy
translating, the cab and passengers might end signature of the Aleph component just spiked
up in an unexpected location as if they were and then dropped off again. But some sort
punted through an inapposite gate. But, says of secondary wave is spreading out from the
Hertzfeld, it’s hard to be certain. event, both down into the core and up into
the mantle. In about ten seconds, it’s going to
ENCOUNTERS ALONG THE sweep across us. Get ready!”
DESCENT • “If it’s strictly seismological, we should
The REV could encounter a few challenges as weather it just fine. But if there’s a dark energy
it descends toward its target. Use some, all, component, we may be in for—”
or none of these as seems prudent. If the PCs Anomalous Wave: The wave hits the REV
are using some other method to descend, like a hammer hitting an anvil. Sparks burst
consider adapting these encounters to that from every monitor, the noise is shattering,
method. red lights and alarms go off, and the vehicle
enters into another spin. In addition,
Uentaru Strikes Back quickened PCs discover that special abilities
During Intermission 2, Uentaru gave the PCs granted by their type have become somewhat
Communicator, a communicator artifact. If they still have “fuzzed.”
page 29 it, the communicator’s special effect grants REV Spin: Saving the REV requires a
it the status of a recursion key endpoint, series of tasks. The pilot or pilots must pull
allowing Uentaru’s servitors to find and attack the vehicle out of its spin by making two
the characters. And one does just that when successful difficulty 5 Intellect-based rolls
the PCs are a few hours into their descent before failing three rolls.
within the tiny cab of the REV, not long after If three failures are rolled before two
Hertzfeld takes a break to lie down and rest. successes, add another malfunction to the
Is That Smoke? Black vapor begins to issue two described below, and start the piloting
from the communicator, though the source attempts over again. Not attempting to gain
is probably not immediately apparent and control of the spin on a given round counts as
might be diagnosed as a malfunction in the one failure.
Inkling snatcher, REV. After three rounds, an inkling snatcher REV Malfunctions: While the pilots attempt
page 273 resolves, whispers, “Uentaru said I could to pull the REV out of its spin, the other PCs
have whatever I found at the other end,” and need to attend to other system malfunctions.
attacks. Mechanics must make two (or more, if the
The inkling snatcher preferentially attacks pilots fail in their attempts, as described
the REV pilots. (Remember to modify the above) successful difficulty 5 Intellect-based
inkling’s level if the PCs’ tier is too low or too rolls to repair the electronics and mechanical
high.) systems before failing three attempts. Not
GM Intrusion: A successful attack against a attempting to fix the REV on a given round
PC pilot causes the REV to spin out of control. counts as one failure.
In the short term, the Coriolis effect caused If three failures are rolled before the
by the spinning affects the PCs’ attacks on required successes, the PCs probably need to
the inkling: each time a character misses press the Big Red Button to save themselves
the creature, the attack is made against the because the REV begins to crumble around
interior of the REV instead. The vehicle’s them. Pushing the button takes courage,
Armor doesn’t count against such attacks. since the PCs probably expect that it will end
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The Dark Spiral
Journey to the Center of the Earth 5
their mission. But not to worry: thanks to the yet somehow not burning. Bathed in that
Aleph component’s distortion of the dark unforgiving light is a structure that pulls at
energy network less than 100 miles (161 km) the human brain like a blind spot revealed.
away, instead of being kicked into a random It protrudes from the floor, only partly
recursion, the dead REV cab appears 50 unearthed, but utterly alien in its geometry.
feet (15 m) above the ground in the Aleph
vault and drops the PCs at the foot of the Conditions in the Vault: Temperatures are
component. not as hot as they should be (nor pressure as
Anomalous Type Ability “Fuzzing”: If the crushing), but the temperature is still about
PCs attempt to use their type abilities, they 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit (538 C). Once the
might have unusual results. A roll of 1 or 2 PCs leave the protection of the REV, they’ll
causes a GM intrusion. On the other hand, if a have only about an hour to accomplish their
PC rolls a natural 17, 18, 19, or 20, the positive purpose if they use the sun suits provided by
effect is doubled. the Estate. Like the suits, other measures that
Dustman: If the Dustman joined the PCs as protect the PCs from heat also protect them
an ally, the anomalous wave instantly exiles from breathing in the superheated air.
him to the Chaosphere and prevents him Anomalous Type Ability “Fuzzing”: The
from returning to the vicinity of the Aleph ability fuzzing previously described continues
component. His disappearance is preceded to affect the PCs while they remain in the
by his verbal exclamation, “That’s strange...” vault or the Aleph component. The Dustman
followed by an audible “pop.” likewise remains fenced out of the vicinity.
The Aleph component is oppressively large.
read aloud Luckily for the PCs, study of the exterior Show ’Em: Aleph
The mantle opens into a mammoth, reveals a break in the side of the sloping wall Component, Image L,
miles-wide cyst. The area is lit by rivulets of alien technology, where someone (Uentaru) page 96
of white-hot magma along the far walls has forced an entry.
and an atmosphere so hot it’s luminous,
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
1. Golden Entrance passes from one end of the hole to the other.
A break in the surface of the component is
coated in what looks like melted gold, though Uentaru learned about the Aleph component in
it’s actually nanotechnology deployed by this chamber, figuring out how to wake it and how
Uentaru to keep the breach open (otherwise, to program it to recreate her own lost planet of
the Aleph heals itself). The Aleph is composed Mycaeum in the aftermath of Earth’s destruction.
of a synthetic material advanced beyond the By the time the PCs arrive, there is no time to
capability of human science to catalogue. reprogram the alien technology, even if they
understood the workings of the golden nanotech.
2. Aleph Interior They have two options: use the entropic seed, or
use the tactical nuke supplied by OSR.
read aloud Extereon: Before the PCs can make a
The interior space of the Aleph component looks decision, they’re attacked by the extereon,
similar to the exterior, composed of thousands the guardian that Uentaru left in the control
of flat ivory- and amber-colored surfaces in interface room.
faceted series that form irregular floors, walls, What About Uentaru? If the PCs killed her,
and ceilings. Though the chamber before you is she’s gone. If they merely defeated her (or if
discrete, there is a sense that at any moment the she got away), she might choose this moment
entire cavity might fold out or in, reconfiguring to show up and join the fray in a last-ditch
Group GM intrusion, itself into some new mazelike space. attempt to defeat the PCs; treat it as a group
page 341 GM intrusion.
If the PCs press anywhere along the walls, they
trigger minor reconfigurations in wall shape EXTEREON 8 (24)
and height. Every step they take does the same Extereons are native to the universe of normal
on the floor, like ripples on a pool’s surface. matter, but from a world far distant from Earth
But while current conditions hold in area 3, in time and space. Eyelike protuberances
nothing more serious occurs. provide them with a 360-degree view of their
White Glow: It’s dark inside the Aleph surroundings, and multiple prehensile limbs
except for a golden glow leaking from the exit allow them to manipulate what they spy around
that leads toward area 3. them with machinelike precision. Extereons
once thrived in an environment of extreme
3. Control Interface temperature with a sulfuric acid atmosphere.
Right before their sun went nova, a group of
The Chaos Templars read aloud Chaos Templars saved several extereons by
secretly induced the A horrifying creature stands in this chamber, transferring them to a haven in the Strange. For
extereons’ home sun its odd limbs flexing and quivering as if it waits this good deed, the surviving extereons and their
to go nova and then for some sign. Behind it, the far wall of the descendants remain extraordinarily grateful.
swooped in to “save” a chamber is damaged. A massive glob of golden An extereon’s prehensile limbs seep acid,
subsection of the race. substance surrounds an irregular cavity, like and its eyes have the psychic power to strike
blood around a bullet wound. Revealed in the terror in prey.
cavity is a flickering tube of white energy that
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Journey to the Center of the Earth 5
Motive: Survival, pay debt to Chaos 4. Aleph Interior
GM Intrusion: The
Templars through service A PC could become utterly lost in the PC’s weapon is slapped
Environment (the Strange | Standard mazelike, lightless interior of the massive by an acidic tentacle. If
Physics): Anywhere Chaos Templars Aleph component, which has a penchant the PC fails a difficulty
roam for reorganizing its paths without seeming 5 Speed defense
Health: 24 purpose or reason. A brilliant white light shows roll, her weapon
Damage Inflicted: 6 points the way to room 3, but everyplace else is dark. is destroyed. If the
Movement: Immediate PCs who persist on exploring the Aleph weapon is an artifact,
Modifications: Perception as level 9; might find particularly weird locations. the difficulty of the
speed defense as level 5 due to size However, each time they progress to a new defense roll is decreased
and nature. area (requiring about 2d6 minutes of travel), by two steps.
Combat: The creature attacks by simply the route they used to get there reshuffles
touching its foes and can make three behind them, requiring a difficulty 3 Intellect-
melee touch attacks as one action. based check to find the path back.
Standard material objects that would Each additional time the PCs press deeper,
strike an extereon (even bullets and the return route reshuffles more completely,
other high-velocity attacks) are mostly increasing the difficulty of the return trip by
eaten away by acid, so the creature takes one step. A failed attempt to find the way
only one-quarter the damage (round back means the PCs must rely on the rules
down) from any physical attack made for retrying a task or, if they’ve exhausted that Retrying a task,
against it. Objects whose level is less option, translating to another recursion. page 102
than the extereon’s level are destroyed PCs who risk exploring the component
if they touch the creature, after dealing
whatever damage they deal. However, raw
energy, such as from a ray emitter or an
explosion, affects an extereon normally.
(Special objects, such as artifacts, that
strike the extereon are not destroyed if
the PC succeeds on a difficulty 5 Might
defense roll.)
When an extereon attacks, it fixes its
terrifying eyes on all creatures within
immediate range. Opponents in range
must make an Intellect defense roll
against unreasoning (psychically
induced) fear. On a failed roll, the
victim freezes in terror for one round.
This psychic attack is not an action
for the extereon. For frozen prey, the
difficulty to dodge the extereon’s melee
attacks is increased by three steps, and
a successful attack inflicts 2 additional
points of damage.
Interaction: Those with telepathic abilities
(or a device that provides the same)
might be able to establish a
dialogue with one of these acidic
horrors. If so, the PC would find it
difficult to negotiate with an extereon
if it involves contravening the
wishes of a Chaos Templar.
Use: The PCs must find a specific
artifact, but it’s in the keeping
of Chaos Templars in a facility in
the Strange, guarded by extereons.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
might find areas and objects that delight and setting causes the beam to act as propulsion,
terrify, including the following. which rockets the artifact away unless the
• The characters walk through an arch that user can hold onto it with a Might-based task.
disassembles and reassembles them in a The other setting fires a reactionless beam
flash. Everything seems the same afterward, that can be used as a long-range plasma
except for newly acquired dark splotches on attack that inflicts 6 points of damage plus
their skin that resemble faces. 1 additional point for each point the user
• They discover a level 6 artifact (part of a spends from his Intellect Pool (as if using a
larger indecipherable mechanism) that can special ability). Depletion: 1–2 in 1d20.
be used to fire a beam of energy within short • They find a crystal vial filled with ten amber
Age taker, page 313 range. The artifact has two settings. One chewable tablets that act like level 5 age taker
cyphers (without counting against a user’s
cypher limit).
• A second instance of a character is formed
as an NPC under the control of the GM. The
NPC has the PC’s memories and equipment
and many of her abilities, but the inhabiting
intelligence is alien and potentially malign.
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Show ‘Ems 6
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Show ‘Ems 6
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
The Dark Spiral
Show ‘Ems 6
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)
Riley Dutton (order #6323839)