Sustainability Lesson Plan
Sustainability Lesson Plan
Sustainability Lesson Plan
Science- Sustainability
SC05-S1C1-02: Formulate predictions in the realm of science based on observed cause and effect
SC05-S3C1-02: Propose a solution, resource, or product that addresses a specific human, animal, or habitat
5.W.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information.
a. Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which
b. Provide logically ordered reasons that are supported by facts and details.
c. Link opinion and reasons using words, phrases, and clauses (e.g., consequently, specifically).
Students will be able to formulate a solution to food waste in America by selecting the least impactful diet
(formative)- Students will debate the least impactful diet for the environment and support it with
(summative)- Students will write a reflective essay summarizing all of the information they learned
over the week and make their final decision about which diet is the least impactful.
Sub-objectives, SWBAT (steps that lead to completion of objective; sequence from simple to more
the environment
Lesson Summary and Justification: (summary gives detailed information about what students are
This lesson is intended to focus on how the three major diets differently impact our environment. Students
will use futures thinking to decide what diet is the best for our environment in the long run. This lesson
encourages students to discover the information for themselves and will reinforce skills such as research and
communication which will be important for their success when they move on to sixth grade. Students will be
engaging in group work, debate, reflection, and discussion to learn about how the three major diets impact
the environment to different degrees. The lesson encourages students to take in information to use at the end
For this lesson to be successful, students will need to know what meat-eating, vegetatrian and vegan diets
are. They will also have to know a little bit about how food is made whether from farms or factories and they
will later learn how it is all put together to be brought to their homes
Misconception: (what possible misleading thoughts might students have?)
The misconceptions above will be addressed with the students research and debate. They will reflect on
Interpretting data
Safety: (what safety rules and items need to be addressed?)
1. What does it take to produce food for meat-eating, vegetarian, and vegan diets?
1 timer
Engage - In this section you should activate prior knowledge, hook student attention, pose a question
(IQ#1) based on your lesson objective that students will seek to answer in Explore.
Teacher Will: (hook) Students Will:
Call students attention to the front of the class Give examples of what humans need
by saying today we are going to start a unit Think about and discuss how they get the
about how we get our food. Before we start, can nutrients they need
Introduce journal-
Have the following sentence frames on the board for ELL students to help them organize their thoughts:
I have the _______________diet and it creates waste by _____________, ____________, and _________.
that will help them answer the question posed in Engage. Teachers may choose to give steps to follow,
especially for younger students, but the goal is for students to discover some or all of the sub-objectives of
the lesson.
Teacher Will: /(pose IQ #1) Students Will: (list all steps)
Today we will be researching what it takes to Work with group to research designated
manufacturing impacts
Have ELL students work with a buddy and have them focus on researching on the laptop so they can see the
words for their project in relation to pictures and different articles online.
Explain In this section students share what they discovered, teacher connects student discoveries to
correct content terms/explanations, students articulate/demonstrate a clear and correct understanding of the
lesson sub-objectives by answering the question from Engage before moving on.
Teacher Will: Students Will:
Ask students to get back in their groups from Get in groups from previous day
the previous day and create a poster by Work with group to create a poster about
Explain that they will be the experts on the Participate in gallery walk
gallery walk.
Day 3
Best Teaching Practice Strategy/Differentiation/ELL and Teacher Notes
Have the following sentence frames for ELL students to help them give feedback to groups:
I liked ____________________
and apply it to a new circumstance or explore a particular aspect of this learning at a deeper level. Students
should be using higher order thinking in this stage. A common practice in this section is to ask a What If?
question. IQ #2
Teacher Will: (pose IQ #2) Students Will:
Prepare for this lesson by writing meat- Choose one type of diet to debate
eating, vegetarian, and vegan on different Work with group to develop debate points
pieces of paper and hanging each in a different and write them in journal
spot in the classroom to designate one area to Participate in debate
each diet.
Respectfully listen to peers points and
Tell students I want you all to think back on
yesterday and look at all of your notes from all
Reflect on debate by deciding whether or
of the different perspectives. When you are
not to stay with initial opinion
going through them, think about what it would
Ask questions if needed
be like if the whole world had that diet. Try to
on it.
Have ELL students work with a buddy to develop their points and use them as starting questions or
statements so they do not have to go off of previous comments and improvise. Also provide the sentence
frame: I think __________ is the best diet for the environment for the ending statements.
Evaluate In this section every student demonstrates mastery of the lesson objective (though perhaps not
mastery of the elaborate content). Because this also serves as a closing, students should also have a chance
"Today we are going to wrap our unit on Write 3-5 paragraphs explaining the final
diets impact on the environment. You have position taken and why it was chosen.
diets and heard the other sides from your Ask questions if needed
peers. Today, I want you to reflect on it in
Turn in journal
your journal. Turn to the next blank page and
What did you learn from hearning all of these different perspectives?
How did your views change from the beginning to the end of this week?
**Best Practices List the Best Teaching Practices you will use to enhance the learning outcomes. In
each section where prompted, list the best practice, how the practices will be used and the purpose.