Khulna University, Khulna: Business Administration Discipline

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Khulna University, Khulna

Business Administration Discipline

Proposed Amendment for the Ordinance of Evening MBA Program
(The proposed amendment will be effective from October, 2016)

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Existing Ordinance Proposed Amendment
Section 7: Coordinator of the Program Section 7: Coordinator of the Program and Academic Advisor
There will be one Coordinator (accountable to the Head of the Discipline), who will be i. There will be one Coordinator (accountable to the Head of the Discipline), who
responsible for conducting the whole Evening MBA Program. The Coordinator will be will be responsible for conducting the whole Evening MBA Program. The
appointed by the Head of the Discipline for 02 years duration from among the teachers of the Coordinator will be appointed by the Head of the Discipline for 02 years duration
Discipline in order of seniority and this will rotate among the Teachers of the Discipline having among the Teachers of the Discipline in order of seniority and this will rotate among
postgraduate degree and not below the rank of Assistant Professor. The Coordinator should the Teachers of the Discipline having postgraduate degree and not below the rank of
maintain the EMBA fund jointly with the Head of Discipline and must submit a financial report Associate Professor. The Coordinator should maintain the Evening MBA fund
at the end of his/her tenure jointly with the Head of Discipline and submit a financial report to the head at the
end of each semester.
ii. There will be one academic advisor for each batch of Evening MBA Program to
look after the academic and personal development of the students of Evening MBA
Program. The academic advisor will be appointed for 2 terms. The conditions of
appointment and honorarium of the academic advisors will be set by the academic
committee of the discipline and the academic advisors will be appointed by the Head
of the discipline.

Section 15: Financial Need & Fee Structure (Existing) Section 15: Financial Need & Fees Structure (Proposed)
As Khulna University has decided to offer Evening MBA Program, students must contribute the As Khulna University has decided to offer Evening MBA Program, students must contribute the
entire cost of administering the program. Moreover, under the prevailing circumstances in the entire cost of administering the program. Moreover, under the prevailing circumstances in the
country, tuition fees cannot be changed frequently. Therefore, it is necessary to create fund for country, tuition fees cannot be changed frequently. Therefore, it is necessary to create fund for
meeting expenses during exceptional circumstances and that the Teachers and Staffs should be meeting expenses during exceptional circumstances and that the Teachers and Staffs should be
offered additional financial support since they have to conduct the program during evening time. offered additional financial support since they have to conduct the program during evening time.
Expected number of students to be admitted: 45. Students Hence, it is agreed to set the fee Expected number of students to be admitted: 45. Students Hence, it is agreed to set the fee
structure as follows: structure as follows:

Cost of Completing the Program per Student (in normal schedule): Cost of Completing the Program per Student (in normal schedule):
Admission fees to university fund (1500+20) 1520
Enrollment and Other Admission fees Tk. 10,000.00
Admission fees to discipline fund Tk. 12,000.00
Term fees (Tk. 3000 05 terms + Tk. 250 05 terms ) Tk. 16,250.00
Term fees to university fund (950X5) Tk. 4,750.00
Course registration fees (Tk. 1400 58 ) Tk. 81,200.00 Term fees to discipline fund (5500X05) Tk. 27, 500.00
Hall attachments fees (Tk. 550 X 02 years) Tk. 1,100.00 Course registration fees (Tk. 1750 58 ) Tk. 1,01,500
Total Tk. 108,550.00 Hall development fees Tk. 1,000.00
Hall attachments fees (Tk. 550 X 02 years) Tk. 1,100.00
Total Tk. 1,49, 370.00
Distribution of Available Fund: Distribution of Available Fund:
Contribution to the University Fund @ 20% of the amount collected Contribution to the University Fund @ 20% of the amount collected
Contribution to the Heads Fund [for the @ 10% of the amount collected
Contribution to the Heads Fund [for the @ 10% of the amount collected Page 2 of 2
development purpose of the Discipline]
development purpose of the Discipline]
Contribution to the Deans Fund [for the @ 1% of the amount collected
development purpose of the Business Administration

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