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Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation

College of Criminal Justice Education

Chapter 1


Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation
College of Criminal Justice Education

Reading is the process of making and getting meaning from

printed word symbol. It is the magic key to the world of enlightenment and

enjoyment. It is the basic tool for learning in all subject areas

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College of Criminal Justice Education

Reading enables man to ponder to the mysteries of the world,

explore accumulated knowledge and contemplate the unknown. From this

search, he begins to uncover some answer to question he is stimulated to

raise more question and to continue the pursuit for deeper understanding. It

can be one of man’s ingredients for blending his inner psychological world
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with the outer social world and emerging into a new world of thought,

imagination and reality.

According to bond and tinker, reading and recognition of printed

or written symbols which serve as stimuli for the recall of meaning built up

through the readers past experiences.

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College of Criminal Justice Education

College student are required to do a great deal of reading

because reading stimulates and develops the mind and, at the same time,

give the student a rich fund of ideas. It is probably true that the most college

student do not read with sufficient understanding. Much of their reading is

neither accurate no effective.

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College of Criminal Justice Education

It is for this reason that the researcher come to think and conduct a study on

“Difficulties on Developing Reading Skill” encountered by the freshmen

student of Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation.

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College of Criminal Justice Education

The primary purpose this study is to find out the difficulties on

developing reading skills and to suggest solution to the problem, resources

of the school specific learning objectives, which up-to-date and up graded in

professional approach in reading difficulties, Parents. They will be motivated

to help and augment their supports to the program of the school and to
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improve the reading skill of their Student. Furthermore, they will be

encouraged to be a part of their Student’s. Endeavor toward the

development of the reading skill.

Reading has a vital role in our acquisition for knowledge. It is the main

deepest pleasure for it enables him to know the mystery of the world.
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College of Criminal Justice Education

An individual is considered a full man only when he is endowed with

the ability to read a wide variety of material. By the power of reading, he

ripens his horizons and frees himself from the bondage of ignorance and

retardation. Therefore one who is handicapped in reading his deprived of a

wonderful medium of learning.

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College of Criminal Justice Education

According to James Lowell, reading is the key which admits us to the

world of thoughts and fancy and imagination, it enables’ us to see with the

keenest eye, hear with the finest ear and listen to the sweetest voice of all

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College of Criminal Justice Education

Learners do a great of serious interpretative reading during the period

of refinement or growth in the skill. Reading becomes a tool for study in their

subject, lessons will vary with the learners need and the teachers purpose,

hence there will be practice in the finer skill like wide reading for pleasure

doing research for solution to problems in the science, social studies,

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mathematics and practical arts, or reading orally to entertain others, more

independent reading not only in the classroom but also in the library will

enhanced if the learner has acquired adequate skills in using general

reference books.
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College of Criminal Justice Education

Comprehension requires the fusion of meaning of separate words into

a chain of related ideas, on the literal level, one reads to understand the

passage, its main thoughts specific details, sequence and direction to be

followed. The implied level involves purpose, tone and feelings. These skills

help the reader to grasp the total meaning of the passage.

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College of Criminal Justice Education

Reading should be considered not as a child’s preparation for living. It

is, itself, an experience for him to living one of the man’s greatest

achievement is the ability to put printed or written words into writing, such

as reading which is not simply a process where one identities the vocal

representation is graphic symbols, likewise, it entails meaning from a printed

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page, brought about by correct understanding and correct interpretation of

the message and the intention of the writer.

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College of Criminal Justice Education

Ironically, present day situations where student are not adopt with the

reading skill, thus resulted to graduates who are unproductive. It is this

respect that the school seeks to create civilization of responsible people who

can cope with the ever changing demand of society and who can face

multiple problem and responsibilities.

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College of Criminal Justice Education

In the classroom scene, student are supposed to be competent in

reading, first is skimming, a reading technique use to understand the entire

selection, likewise the authors sense and purpose, scanning to identify

significant factual data-names dates, quotes, definitions, completely and

accurately, finding the main idea is reading is a reading technique to know

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the authors point of view, reading comprehension must be the consideration

of all readers. It is ability of readers to understand and interpret ideas and

give meaning to printed words, reading is a basic skin according to Ron Cry’s

“How to study program “. It is one of the most valuable skills a person can

acquire, reading is not merely an ability to recognize written or printed

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words, but is also refers to putting to what you read and drawing a unified

thought of what is reading is read .

Effective reading means reading with speed accuracy and

comprehension, usually we reading this speed is careful reading necessary in

reading unfamiliar material, average speed reading, this king of speed is

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used in reading textbook, novels, newspaper and other material where the

reader has already some familiarity with the subject matter. Fast for rapid

reading this selective read also entails accuracy in comprehension as well as

certain amount of retention of the material read.

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Most student who have reading problem struggling to decode them

and perhaps because of their difficulties with the decoding aspects of

reading they comprehend what they read very poorly. They often resist

reading and consider, confronted by this situation the researcher would dig
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College of Criminal Justice Education

the reading difficulties encountered by the freshmen criminology student of

Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation SY 2009-2010.

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College of Criminal Justice Education

School Administrators, The result of this study may provide them the

valuable data which they could utilize in the preparation of their plan of

action relative to the improvement of classroom instruction.

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College of Criminal Justice Education

Future Researcher, This study will serve as a pattern to future researchers in

making a research paper and may adopt as related study. It will help them to

find facts and data on the reading difficulties of respondents.

The researcher themselves, this serve as a useful tool in improving the

researcher of their reading skills.

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Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation
College of Criminal Justice Education

Statement of the Problem:

This study determines the reading difficulties of the freshmen

criminology student of Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation.

Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation
College of Criminal Justice Education

Specially, it seeks to answer the following question:

1. What factors affect the respondent’s interest in reading?

2. What reading difficulties of freshmen Criminology students?

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College of Criminal Justice Education

3. What measures are to be undertaken to help students overcome

their reading difficulties?

Basic Assumption
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College of Criminal Justice Education

This study is premised the researcher advanced the following


1. There is profile of the respondents according to their age and

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College of Criminal Justice Education

2. First year criminology student encounter difficulties on improving

reading skills.

3. There are factors that affect their love for reading.

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College of Criminal Justice Education

Significance of the Study

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College of Criminal Justice Education

This study will be significance to the following:

[Students] They learn more from this research on how their reading skills

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College of Criminal Justice Education

[Parents] They also has a big help to support their children in improving their

reading skill and abilities.

[School Facilitators] The result of this study may provide them an important

data which they could make a preparation of their plan of action due to the

improvement of class discussion.

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College of Criminal Justice Education

[Future Researcher] This study will serve as a pattern and guide to future

researcher in making their research paper. They many use it as related


[Researchers] This serves as powerful tools in improving and enhancing

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Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation
College of Criminal Justice Education

Scope and Delimitation

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This study will focus on the reading difficulties of freshmen criminology

student of Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation during the school year


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College of Criminal Justice Education

There is no such kind of reading difficulties when the student is

pursuing their capabilities in reading.

Definition of Terms
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College of Criminal Justice Education

Some of the term are defined conceptually and operationally enable

them to understand it well.

{Difficulties} A hindrances and hardness to be done, understand.

{Encountered} To meet and to come upon.

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College of Criminal Justice Education

{Students} It refers to the respondents belonging to this study.

Reading. It refers to the process of making and getting meaning form printed

words symbols.

{Researcher} An individual who conducting a research.

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Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation
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For making this study understandable to the prospective leaders, the

following terms are hereby defined.

Develop. It means to change and grow

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College of Criminal Justice Education

Difficulties. These refer to something not easily done or something that is

hard to do, understand, or deal with.

Encounter. It means to meet somebody unexpectedly

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College of Criminal Justice Education

Factors. Something that contributes to or has an influence on the outcome of


Reading. The process of identifying and understanding the meaning of the

characters and the word in written or printed material

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College of Criminal Justice Education

Skill. These refer to the ability to do something well.

Stimuli. These refer to an agent or factor that provokes interest, enthusiasm,

or excitement
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Respondents. They are the freshmen students enrolled in College of

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1. Villainy, Araceli M. et al; “developmental Reading” Phoenix publishing

House, Inc. 2001 p.1

2. Newly Reversely Webster’s Dictionary of the American language,

Dictionary Ottenheimer Publish, Inc. 2002 p.2

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College of Criminal Justice Education

New Webster’s Dictionary, Lexicon Publication, Inc 2008

3. Araccli M. Villamin, et al Development Reading Manila; phoenix Publishing

Inc. 2001.P. 3
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Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation
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Chapter 2


This part is the representation of all gathered review of related

literature and studies,they were gathered from existing books, previous

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study other printed materials as well as the internet to support the existing


Related literature
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Hank (2000) defines the year read as to comprehend the meaning of

something written or printed by looking at and interpreting the written or

printed characters.
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College of Criminal Justice Education

Bond and Tinker ( 2009) define reading as “ to recognition of printed or

written symbols which serve as stimuli for the recall of meaning built up

through the reader’s past experience”.

According to http:// www. Related Nancy Williams

(2002) her book provides a description and analysis of 180 children’s

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literature selection for struggling readers that include picture, books poetry

and nonfiction.
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Related studies

Bacalla, et al; (2005) in their study “ Difficulties in English Subject

Encountered by first year criminology students of Our Lady of Lourdes

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College Foundation” found out that students must perform managed reading

system. It is the exposure and application of what they learn to attain better

communication skills. Good study habits should be developed among student

to acquire optimum learning of the students.

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College of Criminal Justice Education

Ebron , et al; (2002) in their study “ Reading Difficulties encountered

by first year criminology students of Nueva Cajseris Naga, Camarines Sur”

their finding revealed the reading difficulties of first year student were;

understanding the context synthesizing a particular selection of any literacy

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College of Criminal Justice Education

Acquino et. al (2003) in their study “Reading difficulties encountered

by first year criminology of Ateneo de Naga.Naga Camarines Sur” their

finding revealed that the reading difficulties of first year student were getting

the main idea, logical organization and inability to expand vocabulary. They
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recommended that parent should supervise their children’s while studying at

home and encourage them to go to school regularly.

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Benjamunde et. al (2001) made a study on “Reading difficulties of first year

criminology of La Salle Dasmarinas,cavite” she found out that reading

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comprehension was very low. She recommended that reading skills and

abilities should be developed in the learning years.

Piguero et. al (2006) conducted the study on “Reading Difficulties of

first year criminology of Ateneo de Manila. Metro Manila” observe that there

was no significant relationship between reading and certain variables. Her

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study showed that the male students had lower reading level than female

counter parts. She conclude that the older male students needed help in

learning to read.

Synthesis of the state-of-the-art

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The present study and the past studies have its interrelated to each

other. Such as the similarities focus on. The reading difficulties of the

student. They were aimed to determine the difficulties of the respondents, to

seek possible solution to the problem. The study of Aquino and Ebron were

related to each other, because they focus on reading difficulties. but they
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College of Criminal Justice Education

differ on setting and respondents. Benjamunde used criminology of La Salle

as her respondents while Piguero used Ateneo de Manila as respondents.

Benjamunde found out that the respondents are low in comprehension while

Piguero observe and concluded that old male students needed help in

learning to read.
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College of Criminal Justice Education

Theoretical Framework

This study is base on the “ Cognitive Theory of motivation” by john

Atkinson (2001). The teacher is an agent in the educative process; he comes

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to situation with his knowledge of the subject matter, his understanding with

his knowledge of the subject matter, his understanding of the condition

which promotes learning and mastery of method that will effectively

influence change in the behavior of his learner.

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College of Criminal Justice Education

Therefore, this theory will be the best agent to determine the reading

difficulties by the first year criminology students of School of Law Daet,

Camarines Norte together with the process needed to overcome the said

difficulty Depending on the instructors, the student motivation is expressed

as motivational disposition meaning incentive and expectation which is

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started on Atkins theory of motivation “that the students are highly

motivated by hope of success while others are by fear of failure.

The working of the theory in this study is illustrated in figure 1. The

theoretical paradigm of the study.

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Theoretical paradigm

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Conceptual Framework
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The conceptual framework of this study is based on the conceptual

approach system. And it consist of the three elements, the input, process

and output.

The input serves as the load, that consist of all things that enter the system.

In this research, the input refers to the profile of the respondent according of
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their age, name and gender, in addition of the difficulties encounter by

freshmen criminology student on improving reading skills and the factors

that affect their love for reading.

The process transform the input into output. And refers to the data

gathering through questionnaire, interpretation, analysis, and evaluation.

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The output deal with the accomplishment of the system. In this

research, the output refers to improved student difficulties on developing

reading skill.
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Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation
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Input Process Output

What are the Data Improved

profiles of the gathering students
respondents instruments difficulties in
according to through developing
their age and questionnaire reading skills.
gender. s.

What are the Observation

difficulties of interview
first year
criminology Interpretation

What Analysis
factors that
affect their Evaluation
love for


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Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation
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Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation
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Chapter III

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This chapter present the research design, respondent of the

study, data gathering instrument.

Research Design
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The study use descriptive method the researcher prepare a

questionnaire to be answer by the respondent. Since the present study is

dealing with the reading difficulties, the descriptive method of research is


Respondent of the study

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The respondent of this study were the newly enrolled (first year)

criminology student of School of Law, Daet, Camarines Norte, s/y 2009-

2010.Students who stopped are not included.

Data Gathering Instrument

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The instrument use to collect data’s are reading difficulties

comprehension test and the questionnaire as primary tool, to be followed by

interview and observation of the said respondents. They are use because

they gather data faster than any other method. Besides, the respondents are
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student so they can easily answer the questionnaire, after some instruction

and also explanation.

Statistical Treatment
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The data in this study are subject to statistical analysis using ranking

and weighted mean. For interpretation and analysis of data, the following

statistical tools are use.

Ranking- is used to determine the relative position of one item to

another, if the first, second, third, and so on in rank.

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Weighted mean- is used to determine the average number of

respondent and answer the questions.

Mean = N(1) + N(2) + N(3)

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N = partial sum of the respondent answer in a give choices.

n = total no. of responses in particular item.

1,2,3, - constant

Percentage technique is also used employed for respondent response.

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P = m x 100

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P – percentage

m – no. of response

M – no. respondent

100 – constant
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Reading Difficulties of First Year

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Criminology Students of Camarines Norte School of Law

SY 2009 – 2010

Dear Respondents,
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College of Criminal Justice Education

You are chosen as one of the respondents in our research entitled “Reading
Difficulties of first students of Camarines Norte School of Law”. Please answer the
following test items.

The Researchers

Name: ________________________________(optional) Age: _______

Sex: _______ Male: _______ Female ________
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PART 1: Reading Difficulties:

Direction: Write S if the pair of words has similar meaning and write O if they have
opposite meaning:
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________ 1. Remain – Vanishes

________ 2. Surgery – Operation
________ 3. Friend – Enemy
________ 4. Find-out – Search
________ 5. After sometime – In split second
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Complete each analogy. It may be a comparison to show the similarity between

two or more objects on a certain limited number of features or details.


1. Food: eat: water ________

a. Clear
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College of Criminal Justice Education

b. Liquid
c. Drink
d. Glass

2. Box: square: tube _______

a. Cylindrical
b. Round
c. Flat
d. Oval
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College of Criminal Justice Education

3. Blue jay: robin: apple _______

a. Pie
b. Crow
c. Fruit
d. Pear

4. Win:victory: lose: _________

a. Game
b. Defeat
c. Success
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d. Score

5. Lamb: innocent: peacock ________

a. Humble
b. Jubilant
c. Proud
d. Bird

6. Scale: weight: barometer: _______

a. Air
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b. Pressure
c. Temperature
d. Sky snow

7. First: primary: middle________

a. Final
b. Beginning
c. Last
d. Central
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8. Wealth: poverty: wisdom _________

a. Foolishness
b. Stupid
c. Wise
d. Dumb

9. Neighbors: aliens: friends________

a. Citizens
b. Relatives
c. Aliens
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d. Enemies

10. Claws: paws: wings________

a. Birds
b. Wings
c. Opinions
d. Flights

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Read the following paragraph below. Then read the question and the answer
given. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

Kronos, one of the first gods of Greek mythology, hated his children. So he
swallowed each one as it was born. However, when Zeus was born, his mother ticked
Kronos by giving him a stone wrapped in baby clothes he swallowed. When Zeus grew
up, he forced his father to vomit his brothers and sisters. In gratitude, he made him king
of the gods. Zeus appointed his brother Poseidon ruler of the seas. Because another
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brother, Hades, was quiet and stern, Zeus made him king of underworld where dead
spirits go.

1. Why did Kronos swallos each of his children?

a. The child was in danger
b. He hated the child
c. It was the custom to do so.

2. Why was zeus not swallowed by Kronos?

a. His mother saved him from his father
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b. Zeus was too big a baby to be swallowed

c. Kronos was tired of swallowing his children

3. What was one effect of the mother’s trick?

a. Kronos become terribly ill
b. Zeus escaped death
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c. The mother was punished by Kronos

4. Why did Zeus brother and sister make him king?

a. He was the youngest
b. Their mother told them to
c. They were grateful to him

5. Why did Zeus make Hades king of the undworld?

a. Hades had power over the dead
b. Hades was quiet and stern
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c. Hades was Zeus second oldest brother

Factors that affect your reading skill


Kindly put a check () mark on

________ 1. Unwise use of leisure time

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________ 2. Computer games

________ 3. Non checking of assignment given
________ 4. Lack of books at home
________ 5. Lack of recognition from parents.
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The researcher determined the reading difficulties encountered by

freshmen criminology student of Camarines Norte School of Law SY 2009-
2010. This study also incorporated the researcher instruments, respondent
and statistical tools. The descriptive method of research was used in the
study, likewise, questionnaire and library researchers were also utilized.
Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation
College of Criminal Justice Education

Result of the study revealed that majority of the respondents of

freshmen criminology student of Camarines Norte School of Law.

The reading difficulties encountered by the freshmen student of school

of law are poor reading comprehension, lack of vocabulary, lack of practice
in reading, lack of supervision and emotional problem. These are the
problems that affect the reading skill of performance of the respondents. The
measures to be undertaken to overcome the reading difficulties of the
respondent which are; develop love for reading, preparation and checking of
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assignment, excellent attendance in school subjects are interpreted as very

effective, collection of reading materials such as textbook, magazine, pocket
books and develop the hubby of taking notes idioms figurative language,
improve vocabulary adequate parent supervision at home reward and
punishment as effective. These measures are very effective and effective to
the overcome the reading problems of the respondent. And also it is a big
help to them to improve or enhanced their reading skills.
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College of Criminal Justice Education

In the light of the fact revealed the researchers hereby recommended

that first year criminology students of School of Law can overcome reading
difficulties through parent’s supervision while they are studying at home and
they should encourage them to go to School Likewise instructor should
emphasize the need or develop their difficulties in reading student and have
determination to learn.
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Reading Difficulties of Freshmen

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Criminology Students of Camarines Norte School of Law

SY 2009 – 2010


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DECEMBER 08, 2009

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Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation
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Forensic Ballistic
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Submitted by;

Arvee A. Saludes
Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation
College of Criminal Justice Education

Submitted to;

Mr. Michael V. Pamesa

Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation
College of Criminal Justice Education

Webster defines it as "an instrument of offensive or defensive combat." Thus an
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automobile, baseball bat, bottle, chair, firearm, fist, pen knife or shovel is a
"weapon," if so used.

A gun, usually a handgun, with a multi-chambered cylinder that rotates to
successively align each chamber with a single barrel and firing pin.

A shoulder gun with rifled bore.
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Spiral grooves in a gun`s bore that spin the projectile in flight and impart accuracy.
Rifling is present in all true rifles, in most handguns and in some shotgun barrels
designed for increasing the accuracy potential of slugs (a slug is a single projectile
rather than the more common "shot".)

A rimmed or flanged cartridge with the priming mixture located inside the rim of the
case. The most famous example is the .22 rimfire. It has been estimated that
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between 3-4 billion .22 cartridges are loaded in the U.S. each year.

Synonym for a cartridge.

A lightweight carrier surrounding a heavier projectile of reduced caliber, allowing a
firearm to shoot ammunition for which it is not chambered. For example, a hunter
could use his .30-30 deer rifle to shoot small game with .22 centerfire bullets.
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A catchy phrase having no legal or technical meaning.


Common term for federally restricted "short-barreled shotgun (rifle)" i.e. a
conventional shotgun with barrel less than 18" (rifle less than 16") or overall length
less than 26."
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A firearm's ability to be fired fully automatically, semi-automatically or, in some
cases, in burst-fire mode at the option of the firer.

A firearm designed to fire a single cartridge, eject the empty case and reload the
chamber each time the trigger is pulled.
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College of Criminal Justice Education

A shoulder gun with smooth-bored barrel(s) primarily intended for firing multiple
small, round projectiles, (shot, birdshot, pellets), larger shot (buck shot), single
round balls (pumpkin balls) and cylindrical slugs. Some shotgun barrels have rifling
to give better accuracy with slugs or greater pattern spread to birdshot.

The cartridge for a shotgun. It is also called a "shell," and its body may be of metal
or plastic or of plastic or paper with a metal head. Small shotshells are also made
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for rifles and handguns and are often used for vermin control.

A virtually prohibited device for attachment to a gun's muzzle for reducing (not
silencing) the report. Better terms would be "sound suppressor" or "sound

A gun mechanism lacking a magazine where separately carried ammunition must
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be manually placed in the gun's chamber for each firing.

A gun mechanism activated by manual operation of a horizontally sliding handle
almost always located under the barrel. "Pump-action" and "trombone" are
synonyms for "slide-action."

Descriptive of (usually) a revolver with an unusually short barrel.
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An automatic firearm commonly firing pistol ammunition intended for close-range

Trade name for a synthetic sometimes used to coat hard bullets to protect the
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Other synthetics, nylon for instance, have also been used as bullet coatings. None
of these soft coatings has any effect on lethality.

A gun, usually a handgun, with a multi-chambered cylinder that rotates to
successively align each chamber with a single barrel and firing pin.

A shoulder gun with rifled bore.
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Spiral grooves in a gun`s bore that spin the projectile in flight and impart accuracy.
Rifling is present in all true rifles, in most handguns and in some shotgun barrels
designed for increasing the accuracy potential of slugs (a slug is a single projectile
rather than the more common "shot".)

A rimmed or flanged cartridge with the priming mixture located inside the rim of the
case. The most famous example is the .22 rimfire. It has been estimated that
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between 3-4 billion .22 cartridges are loaded in the U.S. each year.

Synonym for a cartridge.

A lightweight carrier surrounding a heavier projectile of reduced caliber, allowing a
firearm to shoot ammunition for which it is not chambered. For example, a hunter
could use his .30-30 deer rifle to shoot small game with .22 centerfire bullets.
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A catchy phrase having no legal or technical meaning.


Common term for federally restricted "short-barreled shotgun (rifle)" i.e. a
conventional shotgun with barrel less than 18" (rifle less than 16") or overall length
less than 26."
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College of Criminal Justice Education

A firearm's ability to be fired fully automatically, semi-automatically or, in some
cases, in burst-fire mode at the option of the firer.

A firearm designed to fire a single cartridge, eject the empty case and reload the
chamber each time the trigger is pulled.
Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation
College of Criminal Justice Education

A shoulder gun with smooth-bored barrel(s) primarily intended for firing multiple
small, round projectiles, (shot, birdshot, pellets), larger shot (buck shot), single
round balls (pumpkin balls) and cylindrical slugs. Some shotgun barrels have rifling
to give better accuracy with slugs or greater pattern spread to birdshot.

The cartridge for a shotgun. It is also called a "shell," and its body may be of metal
or plastic or of plastic or paper with a metal head. Small shotshells are also made
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College of Criminal Justice Education

for rifles and handguns and are often used for vermin control.

A virtually prohibited device for attachment to a gun's muzzle for reducing (not
silencing) the report. Better terms would be "sound suppressor" or "sound

A gun mechanism lacking a magazine where separately carried ammunition must
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be manually placed in the gun's chamber for each firing.

A gun mechanism activated by manual operation of a horizontally sliding handle
almost always located under the barrel. "Pump-action" and "trombone" are
synonyms for "slide-action."

Descriptive of (usually) a revolver with an unusually short barrel.
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College of Criminal Justice Education

An automatic firearm commonly firing pistol ammunition intended for close-range

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Trade name for a synthetic sometimes used to coat hard bullets to protect the
rifling. Other synthetics, nylon for instance, have also been used as bullet coatings.
None of these soft coatings has any effect on lethality.

A rifle with a relatively short barrel. Any rifle or carbine with a barrel less than 16"
long must be registered with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
Shotguns with barrels less than 18" long fall into the same category.
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A single, complete round of ammunition.

The envelope (container) of a cartridge. For rifles and handguns it is usually of brass
or other metal; for shotguns it is usually of paper or plastic with a metal head and is
more often called a "shell."
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A cartridge with its primer located in the center of the base of the case.

The rear part of the barrel that is formed to accept the cartridge to be fired. A
revolver employs a multi-chambered rotating cylinder separated from the stationary

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A constriction at or near the muzzle of a shotgun barrel that affects shot dispersion.

A device for holding a group of cartridges. Semantic wars have been fought over the
word, with some insisting it is not a synonym for "detachable magazine." For 80
years, however, it has been so used by manufacturers and the military. There is no
argument that it can also mean a separate device for holding and transferring a
group of cartridges to a fixed or detachable magazine or as a device inserted with
cartridges into the mechanism of a firearm becoming, in effect, part of that
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An inflammatory phrase having neither historical basis nor legal or technical

The drum of a revolver that contains the chambers for the ammunition.
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A small single-shot or multi-barrelled (rarely more than two) pocket pistol.

To explode with great violence. It is generally associated with high explosives e.g.
TNT, dynamite, etc., and not with the relatively slow-burning smokeless gunpowders
that are classed as propellants.

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A handgun mechanism where pulling the trigger retracts and releases the hammer
or firing pin to initiate discharge.

A British military bullet developed in India`s Dum-Dum Arsenal and used on India`s
North West Frontier and in the Sudan in 1897 and 1898. It was a jacketed .303 cal.
British bullet with the jacket nose left open to expose the lead core in the hope of
increasing effectiveness. Improvement was not pursued, for the Hague Convention
of 1899 (not the Geneva Convention of 1925, which dealt largely with gas warfare)
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outlawed such bullets for warfare. Often "dum-dum" is misused as a term for any
soft-nosed or hollow- pointed hunting bullet.

A projectile containing an explosive component that acts on contact with the target.
Seldom found and generally ineffective as such bullets lack the penetration
necessary for defense or hunting.

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Any substance (TNT, etc.) that, through chemical reaction, detonates or violently
changes to gas with accompanying heat and pressure. Smokeless powder, by
comparison, deflagrates (burns relatively slowly) and depends on its confinement in
a gun`s cartridge case and chamber for its potential as a propellant to be realized.

A rifle, shotgun or handgun using gunpowder as a propellant. By federal definition,
under the 1968 Gun Control Act, antiques are excepted. Under the National
Firearms Act, the word designates machine guns, etc. Airguns are not firearms.
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A complete cartridge of several obsolete types and of today's rimfire and center-fire


A muzzle attachment intended to reduce visible muzzle flash caused by the burning
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The bore size of a shotgun determined by the number of round lead balls of bore
diameter that equals a pound.

The British restrict the term in portable arms to shotguns. Here it is properly used
for rifles, shotguns, handguns and airguns, as well as cannon.

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Chemical substances of various compositions, particle sizes, shapes and colors that,
on ignition, serve as a propellant. Ignited smokeless powder emits minimal
quantities of smoke from a gun's muzzle; the older blackpowder emits relatively
large quantities of whitish smoke.

Synonym for pistol.

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An inexact, non-technical term indicating a magazine holding more rounds than

might be considered "average."

A bullet with a concavity in its nose to increase expansion on penetration of a solid

The envelope enclosing the core of a bullet.
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College of Criminal Justice Education

A gun mechanism activated by manual operation of a lever.

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