Adityanath Yogi
Adityanath Yogi
Adityanath Yogi
Basic Details
Sex Male
Date of Birth 5 : 6 : 1972
Time of Birth 1 : 46 : 0
Day of Birth Monday
Ishtkaal 051-20-52
Place of Birth Pauri Garhwal
Time Zone 5.5
Latitude 29 : 56 : N
Longitude 78 : 45 : E
Local Time Correction 00.15.00
War Time Correction 00.00.00
LMT at Birth 1:31:0
GMT at Birth 20:16:0
Tithi Ashtami
Hindu Week Day Sunday
Paksha Krishna, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:07 PM, Page No. 1
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Name Adityanath Julian Day 2441474 Asc Lord JUP Bal. Dasa Jup 15 Y 8 M 26 D
Sex Male Ayan Type Lahiri Asc Pisces Karan Baalav
Date 5.6.1972 Ayan 023-28-17 Yoga Viskumbh Star Lord JUP
Day Monday Place Pauri Garh Tithi Ashtami Star - Pada Purvabhadra-1
Time of Birth 1.46.0 Longitude 78.45.E Sunset 19.13.08 Rasi Lord SAT
SID 18.24.24 Latitude 29.56.N Sunrise 05.13.39 Rasi Aquarius
Ve Ne
Mo 9 7
1 11 10 6
Sa MeSu 2 10 Ra
Ra 11 5 Ke
Ve 2
Ma 3 9 Ju Ur
6 12 4 Su Me
1 3 Ju
Ma Mo Sa
Ke 4 Ur 8 Ne
5 Pl 7 Planetary Positions
Planets Sign Latitude Nakshatra Pada
ASC Pisces 15-22-29 Uttarabhadra 4
Sun Taurus 20-48-39 Rohini 4
Moon Aquarius 20-13-08 Purvabhadra 1
Mars Gemini 21-24-12 Punarvasu 1
Vimshottari Dasha Merc Taurus 20-45-51 Rohini 4
JUP -16 Years SAT -19 Years MER -17 Years
5/ 6/72 - 1/ 3/88 1/ 3/88 - 1/ 3/07 1/ 3/07 - 1/ 3/24 Jupt [R] Sagittarius 12-26-03 Mula 4
JUP 19/ 4/74 SAT 4/ 3/91 MER 28/ 7/09 Venu [R] Gemini 09-45-57 Ardra 1
SAT 1/11/76 MER 13/11/93 KET 25/ 7/10 Satn Taurus 17-05-34 Rohini 3
MER 7/ 2/79 KET 22/12/94 VEN 25/ 5/13 Rahu [R] Capricorn 04-54-07 Uttarashadha 3
KET 13/ 1/80 VEN 22/ 2/98 SUN 1/ 4/14 Ketu [R] Cancer 04-54-07 Pashyami 1
VEN 13/ 9/82 SUN 4/ 2/99 MON 1/ 9/15 Uran [R] Virgo 20-47-50 Hasta 4
SUN 1/ 7/83 MON 4/ 9/00 MAR 28/ 8/16 Nept [R] Scorpion 10-05-35 Anuradha 3
MON 1/11/84 MAR 13/10/01 RAH 16/ 3/19
Plut [R] Virgo 05-49-55 Uttaraphal 3
MAR 7/10/85 RAH 19/ 8/04 JUP 22/ 6/21
RAH 1/ 3/88 JUP 1/ 3/07 SAT 1/ 3/24 Ashtakvarga Table
Sign No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
KET -7 Years VEN -20 Years SUN -6 Years Sun 4 5 4 3 4 2 2 4 6 5 5 4
1/ 3/24 - 1/ 3/31 1/ 3/31 - 1/ 3/51 1/ 3/51 - 1/ 3/57 Moon 3 2 1 6 5 4 5 5 6 1 5 6
KET 28/ 7/24 VEN 1/ 7/34 SUN 19/ 6/51 Mars 3 4 1 4 2 4 3 3 4 4 2 5
VEN 28/ 9/25 SUN 1/ 7/35 MON 19/12/51 Merc 5 4 4 5 3 5 5 3 4 6 4 6
SUN 4/ 2/26 MON 1/ 3/37 MAR 25/ 4/52
Jupt 4 2 6 6 4 5 5 3 5 5 4 7
MON 4/ 9/26 MAR 1/ 5/38 RAH 19/ 3/53
MAR 1/ 2/27 RAH 1/ 5/41 JUP 7/ 1/54 Venu 6 3 3 5 4 5 6 2 3 5 4 6
RAH 19/ 2/28 JUP 1/ 1/44 SAT 19/12/54 Satn 5 5 2 2 3 1 4 4 4 2 2 5
JUP 25/ 1/29 SAT 1/ 3/47 MER 25/10/55 Total 30 25 21 31 25 26 30 24 32 28 26 39
SAT 4/ 3/30 MER 1/ 1/50 KET 1/ 3/56
Chalit Table
MER 1/ 3/31 KET 1/ 3/51 VEN 1/ 3/57
Bhav Sign Bhav Begin Sign Mid Bhav
1 Aquarius 29.50.03 Pisces 15.22.28
MON -10 Years MAR -7 Years RAH -18 Years 2 Pisces 29.50.03 Aries 14.17.37
1/ 3/57 - 1/ 3/67 1/ 3/67 - 1/ 3/74 1/ 3/74 - 1/ 3/92 3 Aries 28.45.11 Taurus 13.12.45
MON 1/ 1/58 MAR 28/ 7/67 RAH 13/11/76 4 Taurus 27.40.19 Gemini 12.07.54
MAR 1/ 8/58 RAH 16/ 8/68 JUP 7/ 4/79 5 Gemini 27.40.19 Cancer 13.12.45
RAH 1/ 2/60 JUP 22/ 7/69 SAT 13/ 2/82 6 Cancer 28.45.11 Leo 14.17.37
JUP 1/ 6/61 SAT 1/ 9/70 MER 1/ 9/84 7 Leo 29.50.03 Virgo 15.22.28
SAT 1/ 1/63 MER 28/ 8/71 KET 19/ 9/85 8 Virgo 29.50.03 Libra 14.17.37
MER 1/ 6/64 KET 25/ 1/72 VEN 19/ 9/88 9 Libra 28.45.11 Scorpion 13.12.45
KET 1/ 1/65 VEN 25/ 3/73 SUN 13/ 8/89 10 Scorpion 27.40.19 Sagittarius 12.07.54
VEN 1/ 9/66 SUN 1/ 8/73 MON 13/ 2/91 11 Sagittarius 27.40.19 Capricorn 13.12.45
SUN 1/ 3/67 MON 1/ 3/74 MAR 1/ 3/92 12 Capricorn 28.45.11 Aquarius 14.17.37, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:07 PM, Page No. 2
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|| Your Ascendant ||
What is Ascendent?
The ascendant house is considered very important in Vedic astrology. During the birth of a person, the sign
which rises in the sky is called the persons ascendant. And, the sign which comes in this house is called the
ascendant sign. The ascendant helps in calculating minutest event in a person's life through astrology. Whereas,
the daily, weekly, monthly and yearly predictions are made on the basis of moon sign and sun sign., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:07 PM, Page No. 3
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|| Life Predictions ||
You are more clever than most other people. This is due to the fact that you can learn things quickly and
without much effort.At times, you show that you are endowed with brilliant attainments, you are far-seeing, you
are charitable and kind, you are hospitable. However, you are advised to think in terms of strength and act in
terms of strength so that you can really achieve whatever you want to show.Though you are an excellent person
but when anger overtakes you, you are irritable, quickly roused, easily annoyed and devoid of patience. The
great thing for you to do on these occasions is to practice the art of mastering your own actions. Make up your
mind to be strong and cultivate such qualities as determination.You are a considerate person. But we advise you
to be more considerate to others so that they need your support and endeavor to be a little better not so that you
may crow over them but in order to give them a helping hand.
Life Style
You tend to be miserable in many ways because you are afraid to tell people how you feel about them. Thus,
you build up hostility. Start immediately to say what is on your mind and you will begin to find meaningful
relationships with others., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:07 PM, Page No. 4
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|| Life Predictions ||
Because you find it hard to stay with same job for too long a time, you should find a career in such areas as
salesmanship, where you are constantly meeting new people. Your job should provide many transfers and
relocations so you will constantly be in new environments with different people and different job
You have, above all, a facility for putting thoughts into eloquent words. Thus, you would do admirably as a
journalist, a lecturer or even as a traveller salesman. Never would you be at a loss for something to say. This
quality would fit you for a teacher also. But, when your impatient moods overtake you, you would fare badly. In
almost any occupation requiring quick thinking, you will succeed very well. But, it must not be monotonous
work or you will prove an utter failure. You like change and variety, so that any job which takes you up and
down the country or to some far-flung outpost, will be suitable for you. You will fare better as your own master
than when working for somebody else. You want to come and go when you like and, to be able to do this, you
must be your own master.
It would be misleading to say that you are robust. Nevertheless, there is no reason why you should not live to an
advanced age, with care. There are two things to watch over : they are indigestion and rheumatism. Regarding
your indigestion, be careful not to hurry over your meals, and eat them in peaceful surroundings. In addition,
see that you take them at regular hours. As regards rheumatism, this need not concern you much as long as you
guard against damp air, cold winds, wet feet and so on., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:07 PM, Page No. 5
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|| Life Predictions ||
Outdoor pursuits engage much of your leisure time and you find them exceedingly beneficial. The fear is that
you may overdo them and harm your constitution. You love movement in the open. Thus, if horse-riding does
not attract you, it is certain that you enjoy the pleasures of fast motoring or perhaps, a long journey in a train, as
well as a pleasure trip. You take a keen interest in educating yourself, using books or educational visits for the
purpose. More than likely you gain far more satisfaction than knowledge from the effort.
Love Matters
You are not a person who ought to go through life in single blessedness and, as a matter of fact, the older you
grow, the more you will need a partner to listen to your joys and your sorrows. You set much score on a home
of your own, and marriage brings this into being in a manner which you consider more perfect than any other.
Your home will be your God. If you are a woman, you will say, when there will be your children because you
were never so completely happy until they came. You will marry for love, naturally, but as the years roll on,
you will think more and more of your partner, until a time will come when you cannot bear to be separated even
for a day or two.
You will have great ability in making money in all forms of industry, business organisation or in the
employment of others. You will always see a way out of any difficulty and be self-reliant and determined in
whatever course of action you may decide to follow. You will be a speculator on a large scale in all you
undertake. You will treat life more as a game than from a serious standpoint. As a general rule, luck will favour
you during the greater part of your life. In relation to finance you need have nothing to fear. Once the early part
of your life is over, you will begin to reap forward for the foundation you have laid and from that point you are
likely to accumulate wealth and position., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:07 PM, Page No. 6
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In the birth chart, Mangal is placed in Fourth house from Lagna, while in the Moon chart Mangal is placed in
Fifth house.
Hence Mangal Dosha is present in Lagna Chart but not in Moon Chart.
Mangal Dosha is considered to create hurdles in the married life of a person. According to some, Mangal Dosha
results in frequent illness or ultimately death of partner(s).
It is considered that if a manglik person marries to another manglik person then the manglik dosha gets
cancelled and has no effect.
Note: We strongly recommend you to consult an astrologer before performing these remedies by your own., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:07 PM, Page No. 7
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|| Sadesati Report ||
Name Adityanath
Date 5/6/1972
Time of Birth 1:46:0
Place of Birth Pauri Garhwal
Sex Male
Rasi Aquarius
Tithi Ashtami
Nakshatra Purvabhadra
S.N. Sade Sati/ Shani Rashi Start Date End Date Phase
1 Small Panoti Taurus April 28, June 10, 1973
2 Small Panoti Virgo November March 14,
04, 1979 1980
3 Small Panoti Virgo July 27, 1980 October 05,
4 Sade Sati Capricorn March 21, June 20, 1990 Rising
5 Sade Sati Capricorn December 15, March 05, Rising
1990 1993
6 Sade Sati Aquarius March 06, October 15, Peak
1993 1993
7 Sade Sati Capricorn October 16, November Rising
1993 09, 1993
8 Sade Sati Aquarius November June 01, 1995 Peak
10, 1993
9 Sade Sati Pisces June 02, 1995 August 09, Setting
10 Sade Sati Aquarius August 10, February 16, Peak
1995 1996
11 Sade Sati Pisces February 17, April 17, Setting
1996 1998
12 Small Panoti Taurus June 07, 2000 July 22, 2002
13 Small Panoti Taurus January 09, April 07,
2003 2003
14 Small Panoti Virgo September November
10, 2009 14, 2011
15 Small Panoti Virgo May 16, 2012 August 03,
16 Sade Sati Capricorn January 24, April 28, Rising
2020 2022
17 Sade Sati Aquarius April 29, July 12, 2022 Peak
2022, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:07 PM, Page No. 8
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|| Sadesati Report ||
S.N. Sade Sati/ Shani Rashi Start Date End Date Phase
18 Sade Sati Capricorn July 13, 2022 January 17, Rising
19 Sade Sati Aquarius January 18, March 29, Peak
2023 2025
20 Sade Sati Pisces March 30, June 02, 2027 Setting
21 Sade Sati Pisces October 20, February 23, Setting
2027 2028
22 Small Panoti Taurus August 08, October 05,
2029 2029
23 Small Panoti Taurus April 17, May 30, 2032
24 Small Panoti Virgo October 23, April 05,
2038 2039
25 Small Panoti Virgo July 13, 2039 January 27,
26 Small Panoti Virgo February 06, September
2041 25, 2041
27 Sade Sati Capricorn March 07, July 09, 2049 Rising
28 Sade Sati Capricorn December 04, February 24, Rising
2049 2052
29 Sade Sati Aquarius February 25, May 14, 2054 Peak
30 Sade Sati Pisces May 15, 2054 September Setting
01, 2054
31 Sade Sati Aquarius September February 05, Peak
02, 2054 2055
32 Sade Sati Pisces February 06, April 06, Setting
2055 2057
33 Small Panoti Taurus May 28, 2059 July 10, 2061, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:07 PM, Page No. 9
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|| Sadesati Report ||
S.N. Sade Sati/ Shani Rashi Start Date End Date Phase
34 Small Panoti Taurus February 14, March 06,
2062 2062
35 Small Panoti Virgo August 30, November
2068 04, 2070
36 Sade Sati Capricorn January 15, April 11, Rising
2079 2081
37 Sade Sati Aquarius April 12, August 02, Peak
2081 2081
38 Sade Sati Capricorn August 03, January 06, Rising
2081 2082
39 Sade Sati Aquarius January 07, March 19, Peak
2082 2084
40 Sade Sati Pisces March 20, May 21, 2086 Setting
41 Sade Sati Pisces November February 07, Setting
10, 2086 2087
42 Small Panoti Taurus July 18, 2088 October 30,
43 Small Panoti Taurus April 06, September
2089 18, 2090
44 Small Panoti Taurus October 25, May 20, 2091
2090, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:07 PM, Page No. 10
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|| Sadesati Report ||
Note: Above predictions are of general nature and are based on general belief that Sade Sati is harmful. Truly
speaking, we found that it is not always the case and we recommend reading this article on Sade Sati. Any
conclusion based on Sade Sati alone is not correct and has good chances of failing. Certain factors like current
running dasa and nature of Saturn also needs to be analyzed before we can conclude whether Sade Sati period
will be malefic or benefic. You are advised not to take above forecasts seriously and in case of any doubt,
consult a good astrologer., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:07 PM, Page No. 11
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|| Kalsarpa Dosh ||
Kalsarpa Dosh/Yog
As per the current definition, when all planets are situated in middle of Rahu and Ketu in birth-chart or
horoscope, the astrologers call it Kalsarp Dosh. In present days, discussions about this dosh are vogue among
Jyotishi or Hindu Astrologers of India. Many of troubles in one's life are mostly because of Kalsarp Dosh.
Without analyzing other areas of astrology, most astrologers, in fact, accept kalsarp dosh is main root of
problems. But the reality is this that if all planets are well posited in horoscope, kalsarp dosh will not be
harmful, and can be supportive to beneficial results endowed by good positions of planets. Kalsarp dosh is
inauspicious when positions of planets are unfavorable in one's horoscope. Therefore, it is not wise to fear
hearing just about 'Kalsarp Dosh'. It is in fact always better to reach on remedies only after consulting jyotishi
for deep analysis on negative influences of Kalsarp dosh. Interestingly, influence of kalsarp dosh is different in
different people. Because influence of kalsarp dosh is based on points-which sign is posited in which house, and
what other planets occupied that house, what are their influences and so on.
Lagna Chart:
1 11
Sa Me Su 2 10 Ra
Ma 3 9 Ju
Ke 4 Ur 8 Ne
5 7
Pl, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:07 PM, Page No. 12
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|| Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details ||
Janam (Birth) Varsha (Year)
Male Sex Male
5/6/1972 Date of Birth 5/6/2017
1:46:0 Time of Birth 14:38:30
Sunday Day of Birth Monday
Pauri Garhwal Place of Birth Pauri Garhwal
29 Latitude 29
78 Longitude 78
00.15.00 Local Time Correction 00.15.00
00.00.00 War Time Correction 00.00.00
01.30.59 LMT at Birth 14.23.29
05.13.39 Sunrise 05.13.44
19.13.08 Sunset 19.13.16
Pisces Lagna Virgo
JUP Lagna Lord MER
Aquarius Rasi Libra
SAT Rasi Lord VEN
Purvabhadra Nakshatra Chitra
JUP Nakshatra Lord MAR
Viskumbh Yoga Variyan
Baalav Karan Bav
Gemini Sun Sign (Western) Gemini
023-28-17 Ayanamsa 024-05-60
Lahiri Ayanamsa Name Lahiri
Mo Ra
7 5
8 Ju 4
Sa 9 3 Ma
10 2 Su Me
11 1
Ne Ke Ur Ve, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:07 PM, Page No. 13
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|| Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details ||
Muntha:4 Bhav
Some ups and downs in money matters and position are on the cards for Muntha. There may be heavy financial
losses and loss of property. Money matters should be taken care of. Keep your temper in check from getting
into embarrassing situations as there are chances of disputes with close associates and relatives. You need to
keep a check on your health because sickness in on the card., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 14
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|| Varshaphal (Annual Predictions) Details ||
December 02, 2017 - January 31, 2018 Dasha Venus
Venus is in Bhav Number 8
On the darker side, this might well contribute to disputes and love loss with some loved ones. The important
thing is not to involve oneself in others problems at this point of time. Your health and financial situation are at
risk. You might get involved in a scandal and your reputation may suffer damage. There could be chances of
getting money unexpectedly but needless to say expenses will be very high. This period characterizes with
danger, so you need to be extra cautios. Travel will not be rewarding, so avoid it., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 15
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|| Vimshottari Mahadasha Phal (Dasha Predictions) ||
Jupiter Mahadasha Phal (Birth - March 1, 1988)
Jupiter is in Sagittarius in your 10th house
Partnerships are good for you this year, in both the professional and personal sphere. However, the most
important thing is that you might just have that overwhelming, life-changing experience that you were waiting
for so long. You will be able to carry out your responsibilities and maintain the same closeness with your
parents, sibling and relatives. Communications and negotiations will click for you and bring in new
opportunities. There will be frequent travels regarding business/job etc. You may purchase precious metals,
gems and jewelry., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 16
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|| Yogini Dasha ||
Br 4 o"kZ Ba 5 o"kZ Ul 6 o"kZ Si 7 o"kZ
From 21/ 9/72 From 11/ 5/76 From 11/ 5/81 From 11/ 5/87
To 11/ 5/76 To 11/ 5/81 To 11/ 5/87 To 11/ 5/94
Br 21/ 9/72 Ba 19/12/76 Ul 7/ 4/82 Si 16/ 8/88
Ba 10/ 4/73 Ul 19/10/77 Si 6/ 6/83 Sn 8/ 3/90
Ul 10/12/73 Si 9/10/78 Sn 6/10/84 Ma 18/ 5/90
Si 20/ 9/74 Sn 19/11/79 Ma 6/12/84 Pi 8/10/90
Sn 9/ 8/75 Ma 8/ 1/80 Pi 6/ 4/85 Dh 8/ 5/91
Ma 19/ 9/75 Pi 18/ 4/80 Dh 6/10/85 Br 18/ 2/92
Pi 9/12/75 Dh 18/ 9/80 Br 6/ 6/86 Ba 7/ 2/93
Dh 11/ 5/76 Br 11/ 5/81 Ba 11/ 5/87 Ul 11/ 5/94, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 18
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|| Yogini Dasha ||
la 8 o"kZ ea 1 o"kZ fia 2 o"kZ /k 3 o"kZ
From 11/ 5/30 From 11/ 5/38 From 11/ 5/39 From 11/ 5/41
To 11/ 5/38 To 11/ 5/39 To 11/ 5/41 To 11/ 5/44
la 4/ 1/32 ea 1/ 4/38 fia 3/ 5/39 /k 24/ 6/41
ea 24/ 3/32 fia 21/ 4/38 /k 3/ 7/39 Hkz 24/10/41
fia 3/ 9/32 /k 21/ 5/38 Hkz 23/ 9/39 Hkfnz 24/ 3/42
/k 3/ 5/33 Hkz 1/ 7/38 Hkfnz 2/ 1/40 mY 24/ 9/42
Hkz 23/ 3/34 Hkfnz 21/ 8/38 mY 2/ 5/40 fl 23/ 4/43
Hkfnz 3/ 5/35 mY 21/10/38 fl 22/ 9/40 la 23/12/43
mY 2/ 9/36 fl 31/12/38 la 4/ 3/41 ea 23/ 1/44
fl 11/ 5/38 la 11/ 5/39 ea 11/ 5/41 fia 11/ 5/44, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 19
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|| Char Dasha ||
Char Maha Dasha
Char Antardasha, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 20
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|| Char Dasha ||, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 21
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Sun in your 3rd house:
If benefic
(1) The native will be rich, self-dependant and having younger brothers.
(2) He will be blessed with divine grace and will earn profits intellectual by pursuits.
(3) He will be interested in astrology and mathematics.
If malefic
(1) If the Sun is not auspicious in the 3rd house and the Moon is also not auspicious in the horoscope, there
will be daylight robbery or theft in the native's house.
(2) If the 9th house is afflicted, the forefathers would have been poor.
(3) If the 1st house is afflicted, the neighbours of the native will be destroyed.
Remedial Measures
(1) Obtain blessings of the mother by keeping her happy.
(2) Serve others with rice or milk.
(3) Practice good conduct and avoid evil deeds., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 25
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Moon in your 12th house:
This house belongs to Moon's friend Jupiter. Here the Moon will have good effects on Mars and the things
associated with Mars, but it will harm its enemies Mercury and Ketu and the things associated with them. Hence
the business and things associated with the house in which Mars is placed will provide highly beneficial effects.
Similarly, the business and things associated with the houses where Mercury and Ketu are placed will be
strongly damaged. The Moon in the 12th houses causes a general fear in the native's mind about numerous
unforeseen troubles and dangers and thus destroys his sleep and peace of mind. Ketu in the 4th house will
become weak and affect the native's son and mother very adversely.
(1) Wearing Gold in ears, drinking milk after inserting hot piece of gold in it and visiting religious places of
worship will ward off the evils of the Moon in 12th house and also that of the Ketu in the 4th house.
(2) Never offer milk and food to religious saints/sadhus.
(3) Do not open a school, college or any other educational institute and do not help children in obtaining free
of cost education.
(1) Offer sweet milk to the roots of a banyan tree and put that wet soil on your navel.
(2) To avoid havoc from fire, place empty bags of sugar on the roof of your house, shop or factory.
(3) Always keep a square piece of silver with you.
(4) Keep away from black, one-eyed or disabled person., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 26
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Mercury in your 3rd house:
Mercury in the 3rd house is not considered good. Mercury is inimical to Mars. But Mars does not have enmity
with Mercury. therefore the native could receive benefits from his brother, but he will not be beneficial to his
brother or others. By virtue of its aspects of 9th and 11th houses Mercury affects the income and the condition
of the father very adversely.
(1) Clean your teeth with alum everyday.
(2) Feed birds and donate a goat.
(3) Don't live in a south facing house.
(4) Distribute medicines of asthma.
(1) Clean your nose before beginning any work.
(2) Throw copper coins in the running water of a river for 43 days.
(3) Offer almonds to religious places.
(4) A temple with idols must not be established within the house.
(5) Put tilak of saffron on the forehead., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 27
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Venus in your 4th house:
Venus in 4th house strongly establishes the possibility of two wives and makes the native rich, too, If Jupiter is
posited in 10th house and Venus is placed in 4th, the native will face adverse results from all sides if he tries to
be religious. Venus in 4th house destroys the possibility of a son to the native if he covers a well by a roof and
constructs a room or house over it. The business associated with Mercury will also prove harmful. Saturn will
give disastrous effects if the native consumes liquor. The business or trade associated with mars will prove
advantageous to such a native. Venus in 4th and Jupiter in 1st house will create frequent quarrels with the
(1) Change the name of your wife and remarry her formally.
(2) Throwing rice, silver and milk in the running water or feeding Kheer or milk to mother like women will
ward off the quarrels between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.
(3) Keep the roof of the house clean and well-maintained for the health of your wife.
(4) Drop things of Jupiter, like gram, pulses and Kesar, in the river.
(1) Serve three dogs.
(2) Distributing medicines for eyes free.
(3) Keeping a dark room in the house will prove highly beneficial., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 28
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|| Lal Kitab Prediction ||
Rahu in your 11th house:
11th house is influenced by both Saturn and Jupiter. Native could be rich as long as his father is alive.
Alternatively, establishing things of Jupiter would help. Native has wicked friends. He gets money from mean
people. After the death of ones father he should wear gold in the neck. If Mars is malefic for a native with Rahu
in 11th at time of his birth, there is every thing in his house, but every thing gets destroyed later. If Rahu in 11th
house is malefic then the native has bad relations with his father or he may even kill him. Planet in 2nd house
would act as enemy. If Jupiter/Saturn are in 3rd or 11th house then wear iron on the body and drink water in a
silver glass. If ketu is in 5th house then Ketu gives bad results. There may be diseases of ear, spine, urinary
problems etc. There may be losses associated with business concerned with Ketu.
(1) Wear iron. Use silver glass for drinking water.
(2) Never take any electric equipment as a gift.
(3) Do not keep blue sapphire, ivory or toys in the shape of an elephant.
(1) Donate milk and sugar.
(2) The remedies of Jupiter would be useful., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 29
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|| Lal Kitab Calculation ||
Name Adityanath Sunrise 05.13.39 Dasa Balance JUP 15 Y 8 M 26 D
Sex Male Longitude 78.45.E Tithi Ashtami Sunset 19.13.08
Date 5.6.1972 Latitude 29.56.N Yoga Viskumbh Karan Baalav
Day Monday Place Pauri Garh Lagna Pisces Lagna Lord JUP
Time of Birth 1.46.0 Ayan 023-28-17 Rashi Aquarius Rasi Lord SAT
SID 18.24.24 Ayan Type Lahiri Naskshatra Purvabhadra-1Naskshatra Lord JUP
Lagna Chart
Planetary Degree And Their Positions
Planets Sign Positions Soya Kismat Benefic / Mo
Jaganewala Malefic 2 12
Sun Gemini ---- Yes No Benefic Sa Me Su 3 11 Ra
Moon Pisces ---- Yes No Malefic
Mars Cancer ---- No No Malefic Ve
Mercury Gemini ---- Yes Yes Malefic Ma 4 10 Ju
Jupiter Capricorn ---- No No Malefic 7
Venus Cancer ---- No No Benefic
Saturn-Ret Gemini ---- Yes No Benefic Ke 5 Ur 9 Ne
Rahu-Ret Aquarius ---- No No Malefic 6 Pl 8
Ketu-Ret Leo ---- No No Malefic
Ven 3 Year Mars 6 Year Mer 2 Year Sat 6 Year Rahu 6 Year Ketu 3 Year
From 05/06/1996 From 05/06/1999 From 05/06/2005 From 05/06/2007 From 05/06/2013 From 05/06/2019
To 05/06/1999 To 05/06/2005 To 05/06/2007 To 05/06/2013 To 05/06/2019 To 05/06/2022
Mars 05/06/1997 Mars 05/06/2001 Moon 05/02/2006 Rahu 05/06/2009 Mars 05/06/2015 Sat 05/06/2020
Sun 05/06/1998 Sat 05/06/2003 Mars 05/10/2006 Mer 05/06/2011 Ketu 05/06/2017 Rahu 05/06/2021
Moon 05/06/1999 Ven 05/06/2005 Jup 05/06/2007 Sat 05/06/2013 Rahu 05/06/2019 Ketu 05/06/2022
Jup 6 Year Sun 2 Year Moon 1 Year Ven 3 Year Mars 6 Year Mer 2 Year
From 05/06/2022 From 05/06/2028 From 05/06/2030 From 05/06/2031 From 05/06/2034 From 05/06/2040
To 05/06/2028 To 05/06/2030 To 05/06/2031 To 05/06/2034 To 05/06/2040 To 05/06/2042
Ketu 05/06/2024 Sun 05/02/2029 Jup 05/10/2030 Mars 05/06/2032 Mars 05/06/2036 Moon 05/02/2041
Jup 05/06/2026 Moon 05/10/2029 Sun 05/02/2031 Sun 05/06/2033 Sat 05/06/2038 Mars 05/10/2041
Sun 05/06/2028 Mars 05/06/2030 Moon 05/06/2031 Moon 05/06/2034 Ven 05/06/2040 Jup 05/06/2042
Sat 6 Year Rahu 6 Year Ketu 3 Year Jup 6 Year Sun 2 Year Moon 1 Year
From 05/06/2042 From 05/06/2048 From 05/06/2054 From 05/06/2057 From 05/06/2063 From 05/06/2065
To 05/06/2048 To 05/06/2054 To 05/06/2057 To 05/06/2063 To 05/06/2065 To 05/06/2066
Rahu 05/06/2044 Mars 05/06/2050 Sat 05/06/2055 Ketu 05/06/2059 Sun 05/02/2064 Jup 05/10/2065
Mer 05/06/2046 Ketu 05/06/2052 Rahu 05/06/2056 Jup 05/06/2061 Moon 05/10/2064 Sun 05/02/2066
Sat 05/06/2048 Rahu 05/06/2054 Ketu 05/06/2057 Sun 05/06/2063 Mars 05/06/2065 Moon 05/06/2066, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 30
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Sun Consideration
Your Sun is in Taurus sign which is a Enemy sign for Sun. Sun is lord of 6th house and situated in 3rd house.
Sun aspects 9th house and aspected by Rahu.
The Sun posited in third house will give you a special charm. You may be courageous and this courage of yours
will help you attaining perfection in your work. You may find interest in astrology and mathematics. You may
become a good poet. You are a royal and a brilliant person.
You have a strong and reputed personality. However, sun is posited here which indicates that you may have
lesser number of brothers. Also, the present position of Sun increases the teaching abilities in you, hence you
may become a tutor or a professor. If you wish to start a business, then you may start a venture that is related to
mental abilities. If you choose any work related to software field, then it will be beneficial for you.
The sun posited here, is alone, which is not harmful for you. But, if sun gets malefic effects of other planets and
Yogas, then you may have some problems in character, to some extent. You may also develop some bad habits.
There are chances of theft or your uncle and neighbors may face some problems. You may get support from
subordinates, sometimes.
Moon Consideration
Your Moon is in Aquarius sign which is a Neutral sign for Moon. Moon is lord of 5th house and situated in 12th
house. Moon aspects 6th house and aspected by Saturn.
The Moon posited in twelfth house makes you a person who loves loneliness. However, if you would go in
isolation you can give a good time to speculation, as you are a good speculator. You are a soft spoken person.
You will have lots of expenses. You may found getting angry, even on small issues. You will suffer from eye
related issues, along with cough problems.
You may become lazy and emotionally disturbed, at the same time. You will find interest in the subjects related
to love and suspense. You will also have craze to go for foreign trips and you will get the chance for the same.
The number of enemies may be more. You may have involvement in hospitals or religious institutions.
You may have to face many restrictions in your life. You may not be able to gather much knowledge about
commercial issues, this may make you stay away from such matters. You may get worried due to your
expenses. However, these expenses will be made by you only and these problems will create trouble for you., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 31
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Mars Consideration
Your Mars is in Gemini sign which is a Enemy sign for Mars. Mars is lord of 2nd, 9th, house and situated in
4th house. Mars aspects 7th, 10th, 11th house and aspected by Jupiter.
The Mars posited in fourth house will give you happiness of good vehicles and children also, but may keep you
deprived of happiness by means of your mother. You may stay away from your native place or from home. You
will gain profits from different means. You will have fear of getting dangers from fire. You will achieve great
success in your work area. along with this, you will stay in a very good house.
The present position of Mars indicates the fear of losing the paternal property. You may also feel stuck in land
relates issues. Also, due to some mental restlessness, you may become violent. You may also feel a bit worried
about your married life. You may also take some silly decisions about your siblings.
Your father may have to face problems in domestic issues. There is also a possibility that he may have to live
away from family and may have to face financial issues. You may have to face some obstacles in receiving
education. You may not get expected support from your family. Your opponents may be famous personalities.
Mercury Consideration
Your Mercury is in Taurus sign which is a Friendly sign for Mercury. Mercury is lord of 4th, 7th, house and
situated in 3rd house. Mercury aspects 9th house and aspected by Rahu.
The Mercury posited in third house makes you toned, physically. You are a religious and a glorious person. You
respect all the gods and your teachers, also. You are an intelligent and humble person. You have courage and
bravery incorporated in you. Due to your humbleness, you will be able to command over any ill natured person
and will get favorable results as per your wish.
The number of your siblings and friends would be more in number and you will be loved by them. You will
have a large family. You will get happiness by your siblings. You may have two sons and three daughters. You
will be surrounded by your loved ones and will work for their well being. You are a soft hearted person and this
makes you fall in love with females.
You are a person with soft simple heart. You have more number of friends. You talk very softly with the
known people. At this time, you need to become self-centered. It is not the right time to emphasize more on
financial gains. You may find interest in writing, publication and printing related work. You may feel inclined
toward detachment at the later stage of your life., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 32
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Jupiter Consideration
Your Jupiter is in Sagittarius sign which is a Own sign for Jupiter. Jupiter is lord of 10th, 1st, house and
situated in 10th house. Jupiter aspects 2nd, 4th, 6th house and aspected by Mars,Venus.
The Jupiter posited here gives you a good character and will give you independent thoughts. It also makes you
reasonable and truthful. You will favor justice. You are a sacred, good spirited and a saint like person. You will
have sound knowledge of scriptures and you will have interest in the science of astrology. You can own land or
may get profits by means of land. You will own many vehicles.
You will be appreciated by all, in the society. You will get respect from all due to your influential personality.
Your glory will be incomparable. You will gain more fame than your ancestors. You respect your parents, a lot.
Your father loves you a lot. You will earn wealth, fame, happiness and will become prosperous. You will
possess attractive dresses and jewellery.
You will start getting success as soon as you initiate the work. You will get wealth through your brothers. You
will get average happiness from females and son. Hence, you will get a bit tensed about your children or about
their future. You will remain healthy, normally. You may become preacher, judge or may involve in import-
Venus Consideration
Your Venus is in Gemini sign which is a Friendly sign for Venus. Venus is lord of 3rd, 8th, house and situated
in 4th house. Venus aspects 10th house and aspected by Jupiter.
The Venus posited in fourth house gives you favorable result, mostly. You will stay fit, physically and remain
generous. You are a well-behaved, brave person and remains happy. However, you may have to keep a control
on use of words. You are a generous person by heart and believes in helping others. You will also have interest
in religious works. You always remain mentally happy.
You like to the work during religious rituals or functions. You feel happiness in seeing others happy and if you
see anyone sad you also feel bad due to this. You should gain intelligence and knowledge in life. You will be
respected by people. Even the well known people pay regards to you and feel privileged in doing so.
You will be respected and honored in royal families. You will obey your mother and be ready to do anything for
her and she will be a source of happiness for you. You will get all worldly pleasures including home, vehicles,
jewelry, clothes, etc. Your life partner will have attractive personality. But, you may stay a bit tensed due to
financial issues., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 33
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Saturn Consideration
Your Saturn is in Taurus sign which is a Friendly sign for Saturn. Saturn is lord of 11th, 12th, house and
situated in 3rd house. Saturn aspects 5th, 9th, 12th house and aspected by Rahu.
The Saturn posited here make you factual, intelligent and you will favor justice. You are a deep thinker and a
good advisor. You may have interest in occult sciences like astrology. You are a healthy, Yogi, and a less
talkative person. You are good at reasoning. You are a brave, glorious and a person who completes work on
You defeat your enemies. You are a lucky and playful person. You help everyone without any mean thoughts
and favor them upto the maximum extent. You become famous on a huge scale. You will have luxurious
vehicles. You may be head of village or city and will gain respect from royal people.
You will have large circle of friends and will be liked by opposite gender. You will accumulate good wealth.
The Saturn posited here gives you some unfavorable results, also. You may be lazy, unhappy, or may feel
disturbed. There may face some hurdles in education. You may fall ill during rainy season or winters.
Rahu Consideration
Your Rahu is in Capricorn sign which is a - sign for Rahu. Rahu is lord of house and situated in 11th house.
Rahu aspects 3rd, 5th, 7th house and aspected by Mars,Ketu.
The Rahu posited here decreases the problems of life. You will be physically fit and will be long lived. You
may also be hard working, luxurious and sometimes poetic also. You will be wealthy and enjoys various
luxuries of life. If you want you can control all your senses. You will be an attractive, less talkative and will
have knowledge of scriptures.
You will be intelligent, joyous by nature and playful. The society where you live in, you will be the leader of
that society. You will receive respect on a big level. You will be a glorious person and will have contacts with
intelligent people. You will get many benefits in your life and will be a wealthy person.
Some of the mediums of receiving wealth may be unethical. You may also get money by means of foreigners.
You may also have many vehicles. But, you may be proudy, also. You may waste your energy by involving in
some useless arguments. You should avoid earning money by means of cheating, otherwise your children may
have to face problems., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 34
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|| Planet Consideration in Astrology ||
Ketu Consideration
Your Ketu is in Cancer sign which is a - sign for Ketu. Ketu is lord of house and situated in 5th house. Ketu
aspects 9th, 11th, 1st house and aspected by Saturn,Rahu.
The Ketu posited in fifth house makes you strong. Present position of Ketu decreases the number of children.
You may have lesser number of sons and more of girl child. Your children will have close attachment with your
family. You may have cattle and you will get financial profit from them. You will like to go for pilgrimage or
for foreign tours.
Though you have the talent to work on your own, but you will prefer to work for others. However, you also
would have people to work for. You may also get profits by deceiving someone. Your brother and friends
remain happy. The knowledge that you give to others, marks a good impact on them. You will have a desire to
go to foreign lands. But, the Ketu present here may give you bad effects. Hence, you may have lack of patience.
You may feel surrounded by negative thoughts. You may also have to remorse for the wrong decisions taken by
you. Due to erroneous knowledge and mistakes you may have some physical suffering. There are chances of
having disputes with your brothers. You may also have some sufferings because black magic. You may have
lesser happiness from your son. You may get hurt at stomach or may be some other reason as well, may give
you some pain., E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 35
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|| Shodashvarga Charts ||
Lagna Chart Hora Wealth
Pl Ra
Ke Ma Ne
Mo Mo
Sa Ur
1 11 6 4
Sa MeSu 2 10 7 3
Ra Su
Ju Me Ve
12 5
Ma 3 9 Ju 8 2
6 11
Ke 4 Ur 8 Ne 9 1
5 Pl 7 10 12
Ve Mo
5 3 7 5
Pl Sa 6 2 Sa MeSu 8 4
Ke Ur Ve Ke
4 6
Mo 7 1 Ju Ma 9 3
10 12
8 Su 12 Ne Ra 10 Ju 2
9 Ra Me 11 11 1
Ma Ne
Ke Ve Ne
10 8 9 7
Sa Ju 11 7 Ma 10 6
Me Pl
9 8
Su 12 6 Ra 11 5 Ke
3 2
Pl 1 Mo 5 Ve 12 4 Su Me
2 4 1 3 Ju
Ur Ra Ne MaMo Sa, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 36
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|| Shodashvarga Charts ||
Dashamamsha - Profession Dwadashmamsha - Parents
Mo Ke
2 12 7 5
Pl Sa 3 Ju 11 Pl Sa 8 Ve 4
1 6
Su 4 10 Ma 9 3
7 12
Mo 5 Ra 9 MeSu 10 Ne 2 Ur
6 Ne 8 11 1
Ve Ur Ra Ma Ju
Me Ke
Su Ra
6 4 Ke 4 2
7 3 Ju Mo 5 Ne 1 Ju
Ur Sa
5 3
Ma 8 2 Ve Ur 6 12
11 9
9 1 Ma 7 11 Ve
10 12 8 10
Ne Pl Pl Sa Mo Su Me
Ke Ke
4 11
Ra 7 1 Ma 2 8 Ra
10 5
Pl MeSu 8 Ma 12 Ve Ne Ve 3 7 Sa Ne
Ur 9 11 4 6
Mo, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 37
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|| Shodashvarga Charts ||
Trimshamsha - Misfortune Khavedamsha - Auspicious Results
Ve Ve
1 11 4 2
Ke Ra 2 10 MeSu Sa Ju Ma 5 1 Ke Ra
Sa Mo
12 3
Mo 3 9 Ju 6 12
6 9
4 Ne 8 7 11
5 Pl 7 8 10
Ne Me Su Ur
MeSu 12 4 Ur Ve 10 Sa 2
1 3 11 1
Ju Ur Ke, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 38
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|| KP System / Nakshatra Nadi ||
Name Adityanath Sunrise 05.13.39 Dasa Balance JUP 15 Y 8 M 26 D
Sex Male Longitude 78.45.E Tithi Ashtami Sunset 19.13.08
Date 5.6.1972 Latitude 29.56.N Yoga Viskumbh Karan Baalav
Day Monday Place Pauri Garh Lagna Pisces Lagna Lord JUP
Time of Birth 1.46.0 Ayan 023-22-54 Rashi Aquarius Rasi Lord SAT
SID 18.24.24 Ayan Type KP Naskshatra Purvabhadra-1Naskshatra Lord JUP
Ruling Planet
Planet Rasi Lord Nak Lord Sub Lord
Mo(11) Moon SAT JUP JUP
Day Lord MON
1 11 Cuspal Positions
Su(2) 2 10 Cusp Degree RASH NAK SUB SS
1 345-27-52 JUP SAT JUP MER
2 021-41-47 MAR VEN JUP RAH
3 048-45-37 VEN MON MER MAR
Ke(4) Ra(10)
4 072-13-17 MER RAH SAT RAH
Ma(3) 5 096-27-40 MON SAT MER MAR
3 9 Ju(9)
6 126-01-36 SUN KET RAH JUP
6 7 165-27-52 MER MON JUP RAH
8 201-41-47 VEN JUP JUP RAH
9 228-45-37 MAR MER KET SUN
10 252-13-17 JUP KET MER SUN
4 Ur(6) 8 11 276-27-40 SAT SUN MER JUP
12 306-01-36 SAT MAR MON JUP
5 7
Planetary Positions
Planet Degree RASH NAK SUB SS
Pl(6) Ne(8)
Sun 050-54-02 VEN MON VEN SUN
Moon 320-18-30 SAT JUP JUP SAT
Mars 081-29-35 MER JUP JUP MAR
JUP -16 Years SAT -19 Years MER -17 Years Mercury 050-51-13 VEN MON VEN SUN
5/ 6/72 - 1/ 3/88 1/ 3/88 - 1/ 3/07 1/ 3/07 - 1/ 3/24
Jupiter 252-31-25 JUP KET MER RAH
JUP 19/ 4/74 SAT 4/ 3/91 MER 28/ 7/09
Venus 069-51-19 MER RAH JUP SUN
SAT 1/11/76 MER 13/11/93 KET 25/ 7/10
Saturn 047-10-56 VEN MON SAT RAH
MER 7/ 2/79 KET 22/12/94 VEN 25/ 5/13
Rahu 274-59-30 SAT SUN SAT JUP
KET 13/ 1/80 VEN 22/ 2/98 SUN 1/ 4/14
Ketu 094-59-30 MON SAT SAT RAH
VEN 13/ 9/82 SUN 4/ 2/99 MON 1/ 9/15
Uranus 170-53-13 MER MON VEN SUN
SUN 1/ 7/83 MON 4/ 9/00 MAR 28/ 8/16
Neptune 220-10-58 MAR SAT VEN MER
MON 1/11/84 MAR 13/10/01 RAH 16/ 3/19
Pluto 155-55-17 MER SUN MER MON
MAR 7/10/85 RAH 19/ 8/04 JUP 22/ 6/21
RAH 1/ 3/88 JUP 1/ 3/07 SAT 1/ 3/24 Significators of Houses
House Planet
KET -7 Years VEN -20 Years SUN -6 Years 1 MO MA JU
1/ 3/24 - 1/ 3/31 1/ 3/31 - 1/ 3/51 1/ 3/51 - 1/ 3/57 2 MA SA KE
KET 28/ 7/24 VEN 1/ 7/34 SUN 19/ 6/51 3 SU ME VE RA
VEN 28/ 9/25 SUN 1/ 7/35 MON 19/12/51 4 MA ME JU KE
SUN 4/ 2/26 MON 1/ 3/37 MAR 25/ 4/52 5 SU MO ME SA
MON 4/ 9/26 MAR 1/ 5/38 RAH 19/ 3/53 6 SU RA
MAR 1/ 2/27 RAH 1/ 5/41 JUP 7/ 1/54 7 ME
RAH 19/ 2/28 JUP 1/ 1/44 SAT 19/12/54 8 VE
JUP 25/ 1/29 SAT 1/ 3/47 MER 25/10/55 9 MA
SAT 4/ 3/30 MER 1/ 1/50 KET 1/ 3/56 10 MO MA JU VE RA
11 SA KE
MER 1/ 3/31 KET 1/ 3/51 VEN 1/ 3/57
MON -10 Years MAR -7 Years RAH -18 Years Planet Signification
1/ 3/57 - 1/ 3/67 1/ 3/67 - 1/ 3/74 1/ 3/74 - 1/ 3/92
MON 1/ 1/58 MAR 28/ 7/67 RAH 13/11/76 Planet House
Sun 3 5 6 12
MAR 1/ 8/58 RAH 16/ 8/68 JUP 7/ 4/79
Moon 1 5 10 12
RAH 1/ 2/60 JUP 22/ 7/69 SAT 13/ 2/82
Mars 1 2 4 9 10
JUP 1/ 6/61 SAT 1/ 9/70 MER 1/ 9/84 Mercury 3 4 5 7 12
SAT 1/ 1/63 MER 28/ 8/71 KET 19/ 9/85 Jupiter 1 4 10
MER 1/ 6/64 KET 25/ 1/72 VEN 19/ 9/88 Venus 3 8 10
KET 1/ 1/65 VEN 25/ 3/73 SUN 13/ 8/89 Saturn 2 5 11 12
VEN 1/ 9/66 SUN 1/ 8/73 MON 13/ 2/91 Rahu 3 6 10
SUN 1/ 3/67 MON 1/ 3/74 MAR 1/ 3/92 Ketu 2 4 11 12, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 39
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Dasa Balance: JUP 15 Y 8 M 26 D || Vimshottari Dasha - Pratyantar || Ayanamsa Name: Lahiri
From 5/ 6/72 - To 19/ 4/74 From 19/ 4/74 - To 1/11/76 From 1/11/76 - To 7/ 2/79 From 7/ 2/79 - To 13/ 1/80 From 13/ 1/80 - To 13/ 9/82
JUP 13/ 6/72 SAT 13/ 9/74 MER 27/ 2/77 KET 27/ 2/79 VEN 23/ 6/80
SAT 15/10/72 MER 23/ 1/75 KET 14/ 4/77 VEN 23/ 4/79 SUN 11/ 8/80
MER 4/ 2/73 KET 16/ 3/75 VEN 30/ 8/77 SUN 9/ 5/79 MON 1/11/80
KET 19/ 3/73 VEN 18/ 8/75 SUN 11/10/77 MON 7/ 6/79 MAR 27/12/80
VEN 27/ 7/73 SUN 3/10/75 MON 19/12/77 MAR 27/ 6/79 RAH 21/ 5/81
SUN 5/ 9/73 MON 19/12/75 MAR 7/ 2/78 RAH 17/ 8/79 JUP 29/ 9/81
MON 9/11/73 MAR 13/ 2/76 RAH 9/ 6/78 JUP 2/10/79 SAT 1/ 3/82
MAR 24/12/73 RAH 29/ 6/76 JUP 28/ 9/78 SAT 25/11/79 MER 17/ 7/82
RAH 19/ 4/74 JUP 1/11/76 SAT 7/ 2/79 MER 13/ 1/80 KET 13/ 9/82
From 13/ 9/82 - To 1/ 7/83 From 1/ 7/83 - To 1/11/84 From 1/11/84 - To 7/10/85 From 7/10/85 - To 1/ 3/88 From 1/ 3/88 - To 4/ 3/91
SUN 27/ 9/82 MON 11/ 8/83 MAR 21/11/84 RAH 17/ 2/86 SAT 22/ 8/88
MON 21/10/82 MAR 9/ 9/83 RAH 11/ 1/85 JUP 12/ 6/86 MER 26/ 1/89
MAR 8/11/82 RAH 21/11/83 JUP 26/ 2/85 SAT 29/10/86 KET 29/ 3/89
RAH 21/12/82 JUP 25/ 1/84 SAT 19/ 4/85 MER 1/ 3/87 VEN 30/ 9/89
JUP 30/ 1/83 SAT 11/ 4/84 MER 7/ 6/85 KET 21/ 4/87 SUN 24/11/89
SAT 15/ 3/83 MER 19/ 6/84 KET 26/ 6/85 VEN 15/ 9/87 MON 24/ 2/90
MER 26/ 4/83 KET 17/ 7/84 VEN 22/ 8/85 SUN 29/10/87 MAR 27/ 4/90
KET 13/ 5/83 VEN 7/10/84 SUN 9/ 9/85 MON 11/ 1/88 RAH 10/10/90
VEN 1/ 7/83 SUN 1/11/84 MON 7/10/85 MAR 1/ 3/88 JUP 4/ 3/91
From 4/ 3/91 - To 13/11/93 From 13/11/93 - To 22/12/94 From 22/12/94 - To 22/ 2/98 From 22/ 2/98 - To 4/ 2/99 From 4/ 2/99 - To 4/ 9/00
MER 21/ 7/91 KET 6/12/93 VEN 2/ 7/95 SUN 9/ 3/98 MON 21/ 3/99
KET 18/ 9/91 VEN 13/ 2/94 SUN 29/ 8/95 MON 8/ 4/98 MAR 25/ 4/99
VEN 1/ 3/92 SUN 3/ 3/94 MON 4/12/95 MAR 28/ 4/98 RAH 20/ 7/99
SUN 18/ 4/92 MON 6/ 4/94 MAR 10/ 2/96 RAH 19/ 6/98 JUP 6/10/99
MON 8/ 7/92 MAR 29/ 4/94 RAH 1/ 8/96 JUP 4/ 8/98 SAT 6/ 1/00
MAR 5/ 9/92 RAH 29/ 6/94 JUP 3/ 1/97 SAT 29/ 9/98 MER 27/ 3/00
RAH 30/ 1/93 JUP 22/ 8/94 SAT 4/ 7/97 MER 17/11/98 KET 30/ 4/00
JUP 10/ 6/93 SAT 25/10/94 MER 15/12/97 KET 7/12/98 VEN 5/ 8/00
SAT 13/11/93 MER 22/12/94 KET 22/ 2/98 VEN 4/ 2/99 SUN 4/ 9/00, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 40
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Dasa Balance: JUP 15 Y 8 M 26 D || Vimshottari Dasha - Pratyantar || Ayanamsa Name: Lahiri
From 4/ 9/00 - To 13/10/01 From 13/10/01 - To 19/ 8/04 From 19/ 8/04 - To 1/ 3/07 From 1/ 3/07 - To 28/ 7/09 From 28/ 7/09 - To 25/ 7/10
MAR 27/ 9/00 RAH 17/ 3/02 JUP 21/12/04 MER 4/ 7/07 KET 19/ 8/09
RAH 27/11/00 JUP 4/ 8/02 SAT 15/ 5/05 KET 24/ 8/07 VEN 18/10/09
JUP 20/ 1/01 SAT 16/ 1/03 MER 24/ 9/05 VEN 19/ 1/08 SUN 6/11/09
SAT 23/ 3/01 MER 11/ 6/03 KET 17/11/05 SUN 2/ 3/08 MON 6/12/09
MER 20/ 5/01 KET 11/ 8/03 VEN 19/ 4/06 MON 14/ 5/08 MAR 27/12/09
KET 13/ 6/01 VEN 2/ 2/04 SUN 5/ 6/06 MAR 5/ 7/08 RAH 20/ 2/10
VEN 20/ 8/01 SUN 24/ 3/04 MON 21/ 8/06 RAH 15/11/08 JUP 8/ 4/10
SUN 10/ 9/01 MON 19/ 6/04 MAR 14/10/06 JUP 11/ 3/09 SAT 4/ 6/10
MON 13/10/01 MAR 19/ 8/04 RAH 1/ 3/07 SAT 28/ 7/09 MER 25/ 7/10
From 25/ 7/10 - To 25/ 5/13 From 25/ 5/13 - To 1/ 4/14 From 1/ 4/14 - To 1/ 9/15 From 1/ 9/15 - To 28/ 8/16 From 28/ 8/16 - To 16/ 3/19
VEN 15/ 1/11 SUN 10/ 6/13 MON 13/ 5/14 MAR 22/ 9/15 RAH 16/ 1/17
SUN 6/ 3/11 MON 6/ 7/13 MAR 13/ 6/14 RAH 15/11/15 JUP 18/ 5/17
MON 1/ 6/11 MAR 24/ 7/13 RAH 30/ 8/14 JUP 3/ 1/16 SAT 13/10/17
MAR 30/ 7/11 RAH 10/ 9/13 JUP 8/11/14 SAT 1/ 3/16 MER 23/ 2/18
RAH 3/ 1/12 JUP 20/10/13 SAT 28/ 1/15 MER 20/ 4/16 KET 17/ 4/18
JUP 19/ 5/12 SAT 9/12/13 MER 11/ 4/15 KET 11/ 5/16 VEN 20/ 9/18
SAT 1/11/12 MER 22/ 1/14 KET 10/ 5/15 VEN 10/ 7/16 SUN 6/11/18
MER 25/ 3/13 KET 10/ 2/14 VEN 5/ 8/15 SUN 28/ 7/16 MON 22/ 1/19
KET 25/ 5/13 VEN 1/ 4/14 SUN 1/ 9/15 MON 28/ 8/16 MAR 16/ 3/19
From 16/ 3/19 - To 22/ 6/21 From 22/ 6/21 - To 1/ 3/24 From 1/ 3/24 - To 28/ 7/24 From 28/ 7/24 - To 28/ 9/25 From 28/ 9/25 - To 4/ 2/26
JUP 5/ 7/19 SAT 25/11/21 KET 10/ 3/24 VEN 8/10/24 SUN 4/10/25
SAT 14/11/19 MER 13/ 4/22 VEN 4/ 4/24 SUN 29/10/24 MON 15/10/25
MER 10/ 3/20 KET 9/ 6/22 SUN 11/ 4/24 MON 4/12/24 MAR 22/10/25
KET 27/ 4/20 VEN 21/11/22 MON 24/ 4/24 MAR 28/12/24 RAH 11/11/25
VEN 13/ 9/20 SUN 9/ 1/23 MAR 2/ 5/24 RAH 1/ 3/25 JUP 28/11/25
SUN 24/10/20 MON 30/ 3/23 RAH 24/ 5/24 JUP 27/ 4/25 SAT 18/12/25
MON 2/ 1/21 MAR 26/ 5/23 JUP 14/ 6/24 SAT 4/ 7/25 MER 6/ 1/26
MAR 20/ 2/21 RAH 22/10/23 SAT 7/ 7/24 MER 3/ 9/25 KET 13/ 1/26
RAH 22/ 6/21 JUP 1/ 3/24 MER 28/ 7/24 KET 28/ 9/25 VEN 4/ 2/26, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 41
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Dasa Balance: JUP 15 Y 8 M 26 D || Vimshottari Dasha - Pratyantar || Ayanamsa Name: Lahiri
From 28/ 9/25 - To 4/ 2/26 From 4/ 2/26 - To 4/ 9/26 From 4/ 9/26 - To 1/ 2/27 From 1/ 2/27 - To 19/ 2/28 From 19/ 2/28 - To 25/ 1/29
SUN 4/10/25 MON 21/ 2/26 MAR 13/ 9/26 RAH 28/ 3/27 JUP 4/ 4/28
MON 15/10/25 MAR 4/ 3/26 RAH 5/10/26 JUP 18/ 5/27 SAT 27/ 5/28
MAR 22/10/25 RAH 5/ 4/26 JUP 24/10/26 SAT 18/ 7/27 MER 15/ 7/28
RAH 11/11/25 JUP 3/ 5/26 SAT 17/11/26 MER 11/ 9/27 KET 4/ 8/28
JUP 28/11/25 SAT 6/ 6/26 MER 8/12/26 KET 4/10/27 VEN 30/ 9/28
SAT 18/12/25 MER 6/ 7/26 KET 17/12/26 VEN 7/12/27 SUN 17/10/28
MER 6/ 1/26 KET 18/ 7/26 VEN 11/ 1/27 SUN 25/12/27 MON 15/11/28
KET 13/ 1/26 VEN 23/ 8/26 SUN 19/ 1/27 MON 27/ 1/28 MAR 5/12/28
VEN 4/ 2/26 SUN 4/ 9/26 MON 1/ 2/27 MAR 19/ 2/28 RAH 25/ 1/29
From 25/ 1/29 - To 4/ 3/30 From 4/ 3/30 - To 1/ 3/31 From 1/ 3/31 - To 1/ 7/34 From 1/ 7/34 - To 1/ 7/35 From 1/ 7/35 - To 1/ 3/37
SAT 28/ 3/29 MER 25/ 4/30 VEN 21/ 9/31 SUN 19/ 7/34 MON 21/ 8/35
MER 25/ 5/29 KET 15/ 5/30 SUN 21/11/31 MON 19/ 8/34 MAR 26/ 9/35
KET 18/ 6/29 VEN 15/ 7/30 MON 1/ 3/32 MAR 10/ 9/34 RAH 26/12/35
VEN 24/ 8/29 SUN 3/ 8/30 MAR 11/ 5/32 RAH 4/11/34 JUP 16/ 3/36
SUN 14/ 9/29 MON 2/ 9/30 RAH 11/11/32 JUP 22/12/34 SAT 21/ 6/36
MON 18/10/29 MAR 23/ 9/30 JUP 21/ 4/33 SAT 19/ 2/35 MER 16/ 9/36
MAR 11/11/29 RAH 17/11/30 SAT 1/11/33 MER 10/ 4/35 KET 21/10/36
RAH 11/ 1/30 JUP 4/ 1/31 MER 21/ 4/34 KET 1/ 5/35 VEN 1/ 2/37
JUP 4/ 3/30 SAT 1/ 3/31 KET 1/ 7/34 VEN 1/ 7/35 SUN 1/ 3/37
From 1/ 3/37 - To 1/ 5/38 From 1/ 5/38 - To 1/ 5/41 From 1/ 5/41 - To 1/ 1/44 From 1/ 1/44 - To 1/ 3/47 From 1/ 3/47 - To 1/ 1/50
MAR 25/ 3/37 RAH 13/10/38 JUP 9/ 9/41 SAT 1/ 7/44 MER 25/ 7/47
RAH 28/ 5/37 JUP 7/ 3/39 SAT 11/ 2/42 MER 13/12/44 KET 25/ 9/47
JUP 24/ 7/37 SAT 28/ 8/39 MER 27/ 6/42 KET 19/ 2/45 VEN 15/ 3/48
SAT 1/10/37 MER 1/ 2/40 KET 23/ 8/42 VEN 29/ 8/45 SUN 6/ 5/48
MER 30/11/37 KET 4/ 4/40 VEN 3/ 2/43 SUN 26/10/45 MON 1/ 8/48
KET 25/12/37 VEN 4/10/40 SUN 21/ 3/43 MON 1/ 2/46 MAR 30/ 9/48
VEN 5/ 3/38 SUN 28/11/40 MON 11/ 6/43 MAR 8/ 4/46 RAH 3/ 3/49
SUN 26/ 3/38 MON 28/ 2/41 MAR 7/ 8/43 RAH 29/ 9/46 JUP 19/ 7/49
MON 1/ 5/38 MAR 1/ 5/41 RAH 1/ 1/44 JUP 1/ 3/47 SAT 1/ 1/50, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 42
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|| Friendship Table ||
Permanent Friendship
SUN --- Friend Friend Neutral Friend Enemy Enemy
MOON Friend --- Neutral Friend Neutral Neutral Neutral
MARS Friend Friend --- Enemy Friend Neutral Neutral
MERC Friend Enemy Neutral --- Neutral Friend Neutral
JUPT Friend Friend Friend Enemy --- Enemy Neutral
VENU Enemy Enemy Neutral Friend Neutral --- Friend
SATN Enemy Enemy Enemy Friend Neutral Friend ---
Temporal Friendship
SUN --- Friend Friend Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy
MOON Friend --- Enemy Friend Friend Enemy Friend
MARS Friend Enemy --- Friend Enemy Enemy Friend
MERC Enemy Friend Friend --- Enemy Friend Enemy
JUPT Enemy Friend Enemy Enemy --- Enemy Enemy
VENU Friend Enemy Enemy Friend Enemy --- Friend
SATN Enemy Friend Friend Enemy Enemy Friend ---
Five-fold Friendship
SUN --- Intimat Intimat Enemy Neutral Neutral Bitter
MOON Intimat --- Enemy Intimat Friend Enemy Friend
MARS Intimat Neutral --- Neutral Neutral Enemy Friend
MERC Neutral Neutral Friend --- Enemy Intimat Enemy
JUPT Neutral Intimat Neutral Bitter --- Bitter Enemy
VENU Neutral Bitter Enemy Intimat Enemy --- Intimat
SATN Bitter Neutral Neutral Neutral Enemy Intimat ---, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 43
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ShadBala Table
BhavBala Table
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bhavadhipati Bala 446.37 368.32 524.52 313.43 400.38 479.46 313.43 524.52 368.32 446.37 240.38 240.38
Bhavdig Bala 30 20 10 30 50 20 0 10 40 30 50 50
Bhavdrishti Bala 27.24 54.24 -7.94 50.88 26 -20.9 -46.11 -22.81 -74.11 -70.19 -51.28 -15.24
Total Bhav Bala 503.61 442.56 526.58 394.31 476.38 478.56 267.32 511.71 334.21 406.18 239.11 275.14
Total Bhav In Rupas 8.39 7.38 8.78 6.57 7.94 7.98 4.46 8.53 5.57 6.77 3.99 4.59
Relative Rank 3 6 1 8 5 4 11 2 9 7 12 10, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 44
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|| Ashtakvarga Table ||
Rashi 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
SUN 4 5 4 3 4 2 2 4 6 5 5 4
MOON 3 2 1 6 5 4 5 5 6 1 5 6
MARS 3 4 1 4 2 4 3 3 4 4 2 5
MERC 5 4 4 5 3 5 5 3 4 6 4 6
JUPI 4 2 6 6 4 5 5 3 5 5 4 7
VENU 6 3 3 5 4 5 6 2 3 5 4 6
SATU 5 5 2 2 3 1 4 4 4 2 2 5
Total 30 25 21 31 25 26 30 24 32 28 26 39
Ashtakvarga Chart:
30 26
1 11
25 2 10 28
21 3 9 32
31 4 8 24
5 7
25 30, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 45
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|| Prastharashtakvarga Tables ||
Sun Moon
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT
Su 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 8 Su 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 6
Mo 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 4 Mo 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 6
Ma 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 8 Ma 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 7
Me 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 7 Me 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 8
Ju 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 Ju 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 7
Ve 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 Ve 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 7
Sa 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 8 Sa 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 4
As 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 6 As 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 4
Total 4 5 4 3 4 2 2 4 6 5 5 4 Total 3 2 1 6 5 4 5 5 6 1 5 6
Mars Mercury
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT
Su 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 5 Su 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 5
Mo 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 Mo 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 6
Ma 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 7 Ma 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 8
Me 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 4 Me 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 8
Ju 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 Ju 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 4
Ve 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 4 Ve 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 8
Sa 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 7 Sa 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 8
As 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 5 As 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 7
Total 3 4 1 4 2 4 3 3 4 4 2 5 Total 5 4 4 5 3 5 5 3 4 6 4 6
Jupiter Venus
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT
Su 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 9 Su 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 3
Mo 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 5 Mo 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 9
Ma 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 7 Ma 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 6
Me 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 8 Me 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 5
Ju 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 8 Ju 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 5
Ve 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 6 Ve 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 9
Sa 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 Sa 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 7
As 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 9 As 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 8
Total 4 2 6 6 4 5 5 3 5 5 4 7 Total 6 3 3 5 4 5 6 2 3 5 4 6
Ar Ta Ge Ca Le Vi Li Sc Sa Ca Aq Pi ToT
We wants to make it clear that we put our best efforts in providing this report but any prediction
Su 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 7
that you receive from us is not to be considered as a substitute for advice, program, or treatment
Mo 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 that you would normally receive from a licensed professional such as a lawyer, doctor,
Ma 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 6 psychiatrist, or financial adviser. Although we try our best to give you accurate calculations, we
do not rule out the possibility of errors. The report are provided as-is and we provides no
Me 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 6
guarantees, implied warranties, or assurances of any kind, and will not be responsible for any
Ju 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 4
interpretation made or use by the recipient of the information and data mentioned above. If you
Ve 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 are not comfortable with this information, please do not use it. In case any disputes the court of
As 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 6
Total 5 5 2 2 3 1 4 4 4 2 2 5, E-mail:, Phone: +91 95606 70006, Printing Date: 3/20/2017 3:08:08 PM, Page No. 46