Path Authentication in Heterogeneous MANET Using Extended Route Authentication Protocol (ERAP)

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-3, Issue-11, November 2015

Path Authentication in Heterogeneous MANET

using Extended Route Authentication Protocol
Rekha B, D V Ashoka
quite high in the tunnel. Implications of the wormhole attacks
Abstract Inter-domain routing and its dynamic nature will lead to disruption of the routing data. Owing to the tunnel
imposes many challenges in the field of heterogeneous Mobile formation, it will lead to disclosure of other adversarial
Adhoc networks. Inter-domain path authentication of the attacks e.g. black whole attack, Sybil attack, DoS etc.
intermediate relay nodes can be affected by nodes selfishness Wormhole attack will also lead to intrusively gain an access to
and many constraints introduced by heterogeneous MANET.
confidential and sensitive data. It will also affect the
This situation brings severe security threats. This paper
introduces an Extended Route Authentication Protocol (ERAP) surveillance system outcomes and lead to declination of
which uses a probabilistic route authentication mechanism to services running over physical layers [7] [8] [9]. From past
ensure reliable data packet transmission between intermediate decades there has been a stream of research work towards
nodes of a heterogeneous mobile Ad-hoc network. The proposed security issues in MANETs. But before starting discussion
method provides flexibility in correct forwarding behaviours of about security, it is also essential to study the algorithm
nodes. It also ensures an effectiveness against malicious and compatibility. A security algorithm usually runs on mobile
selfish behaviour of some intermediate nodes. This study nodes, but it is the routing protocol that mainly governs the
illustrates a mathematical analysis of the proposed system with
communication requirements. A mobile node in this concept
respect to various parameters where IDRM and AODV have
been considered for the demonstration of performance metrics.
can be a cellular phone, laptop, Smartphone, or any other
mobile device where the hardware configurations highly
Index Terms Composite MAC, Inter-domain Route differ. All these devices perform well and optimal with
Authentication, Mobile Adhoc Network. availability of sufficient battery lifetime and starts degrading
if the energy of the devices starts dissipating much. Another
I. INTRODUCTION reality in the viewpoint of cryptography is that security
All the nodes in mobile adhoc network (MANET) are algorithms have a complex encryption scheme, which
routers by themselves. The mobile adhoc network consists of consume maximum of residual energy of the mobile nodes.
multiple nodes in random mobility condition and completely Hence, the existing cryptographic-based approach may
decentralized in nature. The areas of MANETs have been provide 100% robust encryption scheme but that will not
shrouded by multiple problems ranges from intermittent link work out with wormhole attack. Because in such forms of
breakage, energy consumption, routing, Quality-of-Service, attack, the traffic by itself gets directed to the tunnel in order
and security. This paper essentially discusses about the issues to avoid congestion and thereby falls in prey of malicious
of security. Addressing the security issues in MANETs is programs. Moreover, another troublesome part of the
quite a challenging problem owing to the decentralized nature wormhole attack is that incase the security solution is
of the network [1]. MANET is already inflicted with various presented in the forms of intrusion detection and prevention
forms of lethal attacks e.g. denial of service, sybil attack, system, than it will fail the authentication system. In such
blackhole attack, flooding attack, sinkhole attack, replay condition the identified node will be the compromised regular
attack, flooding attack, wormhole attack, rushing attack, etc. node and no possibility of exploring the adversarial node IP.
[2][3][4][5]. In past decades, there have been various forms of This paper presents a novel routing procedure that supports
discussion about the security solutions towards the existing any future cryptographic protocol in terms of energy
adversarial threats. However, the extent of work being done efficiency as well as communication performance. It is also
towards wormhole attack in mobile adhoc network is quite resilient against wormhole attack equally. Section II discusses
less. Basically, in wormhole attack, the adversary about existing literatures followed by issues in Section III.
compromises minimum two nodes in order to create a tunnel Proposed system is discussed in Section IV followed by
[6]. The adversarial node considers the tunnel to route the Implementation techniques in Section V. Result discussion is
data packets. The channel capacity of the tunnel is increased done in Section VI, while the summary of the paper is carried
by the adversary in order to increase the traffic rate to be out in Section VII.
incoming on the tunnel in the peak traffic condition. Owing to
large availability of bandwidth, the rate of data transmission is II. RELATED WORK

This section discusses about the existing research work

Rekha B, Research Scholar in department of CSE, Jain University, and the problems associated with it.
Bangalore. She received her M.Tech in Computer Networking and
Engineering from VTU. A. Existing Literatures
Dr. D.V Ashoka, Professor working in Computer Science and
The study of Nazeeruddin et al [10] introduced a
Engineering Department, JSSATE, Bangalore. He received his M.Tech in distributed agent based dynamic host auto configuration
Computer Science and Engineering from VTU, Ph.D degree in Computer protocol for heterogeneous MANET nodes. The proposed
Science from Dr. MGR, University, Chennai. method uses a disjoint set of IP addresses. The comparative

Path Authentication in Heterogeneous MANET using Extended Route Authentication Protocol (ERAP)

analysis of the proposed scheme indicates its robustness and limitations such as expansion of system through put and
efficiency as compare to other existing traditional schemes. reduce the delay of the network by choosing a shortest route
An efficient and novel Inter-MANET routing protocol has from the base station to the selected cluster head. The cluster
been proposed by Lee et al [11] which can be applicable for heads also maintain a table where information associated with
handling the heterogeneity and dynamicity of the mobile the nodes which are having the best delay to the destination
Adhoc networks. The experimental outcomes of the proposed node is maintained. As in the heterogeneous mobile Adhoc
system highlights that it can transparently adapt with the network various types of mobile nodes can be present and also
topological changes of the MANET. The study also many nodes join and leave at the same time thus there should
represented the scalability of the proposed system. Shulman be some mechanism for maintain and updating tables for so
and Waidner [12] proposed a method which has been named many intermediate nodes exchanging their data packets.
as Domain Name system security extensions (DNSSEC) There are many methods which do not talk about any type of
which is considered as a very efficient method in the field of inducements associated with data packets forwarding. Those
cyber forensics. The authors also reviewed the proposed techniques also include some of the methods which reduce the
system in terms of DNS cache poisoning. Waheed and battery consumption of the mobile nodes while forwarding
Karibsappa [13] presented the mathematical modelling for a information or data packets to the other user.
new routing technique which has been named as QoS routing The formation of a cluster in a Mobile Adhoc network
protocol for heterogeneous mobile Adhoc networks. The enables the processing of selecting cluster heads as Adhoc
proposed techniques reduce the number of routing hops and network nodes can leave and join a particular domain
also optimize the computational overhead. A study proposed anytime. So that a lot of power consumption will happen due
by Jaroodi [14] investigated and analyzed various security to the updating of sent data packets and received data packets.
issues associated with common types of MANET. The As lot of nodes can be connected to a Mobile Adhoc network
proposed study also detected various specific requirements thus it will increase the computational complexity and the
for secure and reliable data transmission. A secure and response time for two way communications will be much
spontaneous ad-hoc network based on direct peer to peer higher. A close comparative analysis in the field of various
iteration protocol for giving users secure network heterogeneous wireless networks protocols such as Unified
connectivity has been developed by Lacuesta et al. [15]. The Cellular ad hoc Network (UCAN), (Integrated Cellular Ad
proposed system has been developed with an objective of hoc Relay (iCAR), and Scalable Proxy Routing (SPR) shows
improving the communication and data transmission in that these protocols are not efficient due to very poor security
between nodes with less resource. mechanisms which have been installed at all. These all
Kaur [16] considered a single hop cluster ad-hoc network protocols consider a combine network scenario of a cellular
and also LEECH for performing a comparative analysis of network and a mobile Adhoc network, where the shortest
various homogeneous and heterogeneous protocols of Mobile route from source node to destination node is selected by the
Adhoc networks. A novel hierarchical anonymous on demand cluster head. The authors have not mentioned any efficient
routing protocol has been developed in the study of Liu et al mechanism for if a node of a particular route get malicious
[17] which can control the overhead incurred by existing flat and have the smallest delay to the destination node in that case
anonymous routing protocols. Konate and Gaye [18] the node will be considered as a cluster leaded or not.
proposed a secure algorithm which uses the concept of Although a node is selected as a cluster head, it will forward
reputation. The study also introduced an analytical model the error-based information with its neighbors. As a result the
which can be useful for the future research direction of secure malicious node can damage the whole system performance by
and reliable communication associated with MANETs. A sharing the wrong information. And the mentioned protocols
study carried out by Gunasekaran and Premalatha [19] has for heterogeneous MANETs are susceptible to various kinds
introduced a secure privacy-preserving architecture in of attacks such as wormhole, Sybil and black hole attacks.
wireless mobile Adhoc networks for the mitigation of various Those methods do not have any effectiveness for removing
routing attacks performed by many adversaries. The the security threats from a node connected to heterogeneous
experimental analysis and results prove the effectiveness of MANET.
the proposed system with respect to privacy and security in
heterogeneous MANET environments. Gong et al [20] III. PROPOSED SYSTEM
discussed various security problems of heterogeneous
MANET environments. In the paper a threat model for In this paper a novel approach which is named as
collaborative attacks has been developed for scrutinizing the Extended Route Authentication Protocol (ERAP) has been
vulnerabilities of real heterogeneous MANET. The study of proposed. As in the recent times inter-domain route
Yi and Kravets [21] has been developed a key management authentication between source nodes and the destination
technique for heterogeneous infrastructure of MANET. nodes for heterogeneous MANET has become very
B. Problem Identification challenging due security issues so that the proposed system
Presence of so many heterogeneous nodes in a gives a very efficient and secure data transmission over a
heterogeneous MANET increases the probability of various heterogeneous mobile ad-hoc network. The concept of the
malicious attacks thus the delay and throughput associated proposed system shows that it utilizes composite MACs for
with the data packet transmission will increase. Various different types of authentication whereas it uses some of the
security flaws associated with the Mobile Adhoc network also algorithmic processes for computing the path authentication
affects the quality of services (QoS) and the security module. The proposed technique also uses a shared key the
credentials of the whole mobile Adhoc network systems. data packet bits and a flag value for inter route authentication
There many existing techniques which impose various which will be executed between various computing devices of

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-3, Issue-11, November 2015
a heterogeneousMANET. The following figure 1 represents works between source node s and destination node d. The
an overview of the proposed system. sender set the flag value with respect to the Mac
authentication tag and shared keys between the sender and the
receiver. The sender then transmits the data packets along
Initialisation Process with flag value. The next two steps of the proposed algorithm
represent aggregation and authentication of the MAC whereas
on input a node S shares its Flag value and data packets with
Message Authentication Process its destination node. It computes another flag value which
takes value of XOR operation that has been performed
between previous flag and the Mac value. The verification
step introduces how the destination node D authenticates and
Accumulation Process verifies flag values which comes from the source node as
input along with the data packets and an expected set of
values which is denoted by L. The calculated aggregated Mac
Overwritten Process can be utilized in order to compute the sequential collective
MAC. In the process of composite MAC the sender node
transmits the data packet along with the shared key and the
actual message as an input. The sender node also computes
Identical Verification Process
the flag value with the use of composition operator which
Figure 1 Proposed System combines the aggregation of Mac and Flag values , where the
Mac contains the message bits and the secret shared key
The proposed algorithm also signifies the robustness and it SK m , n . This process also signifies three different types of
also reduces the computational complexities and probability sub processes which are Aggregate, Overwrite, Keep
associated with complex trade-offs for secure data Identical methods.
transmission. It uses a secret shared key between source and
destination nodes. It computes a FLAG value with respect to 1. Accumulation Process: This is regarding calculating a
the data aggregation and authentication of Mac. Every node composition logical operation between the flag value of the
uses privately shared secret key with its neighbor node while sender node data packets with the secret keys. Mathematical
transmitting data packets. The destination nodes verify the modelling for the Accumulation process is highlighted
key and validate the received message and acknowledge the below.
sender node. Various mathematical equations and algorithmic
steps associated this proposed Extended Route Flag MAC SK m , n (m) == Flag MAC SK m , n (m) (1)
Authentication Protocol for heterogeneous MANET has been
2. Overwritten Process: This performs a composition
illustrated in Section IV. The proposed architecture also
operation between the flag values and the MAC
validates various routing schemes in between heterogeneous
authentication security keys. The following equation shows a
nodes with respect to message and the Flag value attached
theoretical of overview of the proposed method.
with the data packets. The proposed system also ensures the
security aspects and uses packet IDs for detecting behavior of Flag MAC (m) == MAC (m) (2)
SK m , b SK m , n
selfish and byzantine adversaries. It verifies the authenticated
Flag Values by backtracing and also validates routes with 3. Identical Verification Process: The last step which is
higher probability. termed as identical verification state has been highlighted
below. This step computes the flag value of the sent message
and it also uses an expected ordered set I where the number of
IV. IMPLEMENTATION TECHNIQUE nodes N I. Equations (3) and (4) represent the
This section introduces an Extended Route Authentication mathematical modeling of these steps.
Protocol (ERAP) for MAC layer which utilizes the concept of
composite MACs rather than aggregate MACs. The proposed Flag MAC SK
(m) == Flag Value (3)
m ,n
system makes full use of the properties associated with data
aggregation. It is also noticed that optimizing the MAC layer FLAG == MAC SK m , n (M) (4)
tag size to a small number such as 4 to 8 can affect the
authenticity of the MAC layer protocols. It yields some
probabilistic results and indicates vary less authenticity. The V. RESULT DISCUSSION
proposed system analyzes various transmitted data packets in
This section introduces the result discussion of
terms of per packet where the it yields packet loss with
mathematical and theoretical analysis of the proposed
respect to the arrival packets at a particular node. The
Extended Route Authentication Protocol (ERAP) where as a
proposed technique uses composite MAC system as it can be
method of back tracing has also been introduced. The
very useful for reliable, authentic communication associated
proposed method also utilizes the enhancement of composite
with MANET. It controls the route cost trade-offs which are
MAC. Suppose a set of node Z which can possibly modify the
very necessary for data transmission and communication over
authentication flag but in the worst case all the nodes belong
a huge network like MANET. The Algorithm takes a key
to a coalition network N. The backtracking computes the
which is denoted by AK s , d where the authentication key authentication tags with respect to all possible combinations

Path Authentication in Heterogeneous MANET using Extended Route Authentication Protocol (ERAP)

of MACs. The best possible combination of Macs will protocols have been highlighted in Table-1 where the
z proposed study compares the performance metrics of the
be 2 . The mathematical analysis associated with the
proposed algorithm with two other algorithms which are Inter
proposed system shows that the worst complexity of back

Domain Routing Protocol (IDRM) and AODV respectively.
tracing will be O 2 . There are some constraints which Table 1 Comprehensive Analysis
affect the backtracking so that the proposed model limits the
Nodes Factors Proposed IDRM AODV
range of the backtracking within a limited depth which is
considered as L << Z . It is also found that optimizing the Delay (Sec) 0.00023 0.00141 0.00784
computational complexities decreases the ability for Execution
0.00145 0.00234 0.00543
producing the desired result of backtracking. The theoretical Time (Sec)
approach also highlights that the worst case complexity of the 20 Network
backtracking can be exponential with respect to various sub Load 98,967 187,261 186,287
flags whereas the respective Mac ID of length L is divided and (Bits/Sec)

segmented into S n . Equation (6) defines the Mathematical Delay (Sec) 0.01234 0.01528 0.04181
0.00123 0.00278 0.01256
modelling for this step which is defined below. Time (Sec)
40 Network
MAC i, d == Load 187,567 368,120 456,345
MAC i , d 1 MACi ,d 2 MACi ,d Sn (5) Delay (Sec) 0.01546 0.01789 0.16789

The above equation performs the concatenation operation of Execution

0.00567 0.00345 0.06789
MACs flags with respect to the normal tags of full length. The Time (Sec)
80 Network
analysis also clarifies that if a Flag value is segmented into 4
Load 436,798 662,275 704,935
sub flags then the mathematical analysis and interpretation (Bits/Sec)
will intensifies by a factor of 4. There are some constraints
which create some drawbacks in the case of back traceable
flags which are the smaller probabilities. The second The computational efficiency as compared to the proposed
mathematical analysis includes the pseudo random selection Extended Route authentication Protocol has been highlighted
of a small subset of nodes. This ensures the authentication in the above table. It shows that the Execution time, Delay,
scheme and aggregation of nodes on a per packet basis. The and Network load are very less as compare to others. The
proposed scheme also ensures that the choice of node for proposed protocol also ensures the reliable 2-way
aggregation, overwrite and keep undistinguishable will be communication for heterogeneous mobile nodes.
updated to its respective neighbor nodes and the destination
node. F and G are considered as aggregated and modified sub VI. CONCLUSION
flags that computes the aggregation. 1-F-G represents the
fraction of sub-flags which care considered as identical and This paper introduces a novel Extended Route
indistinguishable by the node. The following equation shows Authentication Protocol (ERAP) which utilized the concept
how node m considers n sub flag value in order to aggregate of a novel probabilistic route authentication mechanism for
MACs of its data packets. The equation also uses a publicly inter-domain MACs. It also identifies the presence or absence
Pseudo random function (PRF). The pseudo random function of incorrect data packet forwarding behavior associated with
uses a packet ID, shared key and a j th sub flag for computing the heterogeneous nodes of MANET. It computes a length of
the parameters F and G. the equation for this theoretical 4 or 8 bits signature of the authentication flags. It also ensures
overview is given below. high efficiency in terms of time and space complexity. The
comparative analysis which is highlighted in the Table-2

PRF (P-ID, Key, Tag) Packet Size. 10 . MOD 10 (6) shows that the proposed algorithm is very efficient as
The process also executes the inter domain route compare to existing routing techniques such as Inter Domain
authentication which is explained in the equation (8) Routing Protocol for MANET (IDRM) and AODV. The
mathematical modelling represented in section III and IV also
P. 10 < PRF (P-ID, Key, Tag) < M + N. 10 mod 10 (7)
make sure that the proposed system can be applicable in
The proposed ERAP method also keeps the pseudorandom
informal security analysis of MANET. It can designate so
function identical whereas SK m, n is the privately shared key many techniques for authenticate routes with higher
between the node m and the node n. The proposed algorithm probability effectiveness.
also computes the probability associated with the accuracy of
packet ID where Packet ID [0, 1]. This also ensures the REFERENCES
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Rekha B is a Research Scholar in department of CSE, Jain University,

Bangalore. She received her M.Tech in Computer Networking and
Engineering from VTU. She has 15 years of academic
teaching experience and 3 years of research experience.
Her fields of interest are Ad-hoc Networks and Wireless

Dr. D.V Ashoka, is a Professor working in Computer Science and

Engineering Department, JSSATE, Bangalore. He received his M.Tech in
Computer Science and Engineering from VTU, Ph.D
degree in Computer Science from Dr. MGR, University,
Chennai. He has 20 years of academic teaching and
research experience. His fields of interest are
Requirement Engineering, Operating System, Computer
Organization, Software Architecture, Computer
Networks and Cloud Computing.


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