Mead Esther Educ 240 Lesson Plan Assignment

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3rd Grade PE Lesson Plan

Esther Mead

Ivy Tech Community College


Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan Title: Directional Coordination
Grade Level: 3rd Grade
Duration (Time): 20 min
Skill: Learning directions and coordination along with teamwork.
NASPE Standard: #2, #4, and #5 (Susan K. Kovar, 2012)
Indiana Academic Standard: #1, #2

Students will perform grapevine, skipping, and zig zag walking to work on coordination.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of vertical, horizontal, and diagonal.
Students will participate in teams to improve social skills and good sportsmen ship.
Students will work quickly to keep their heart rates up. (Susan K. Kovar, 2012)

Equipment/Materials Needed:
Tape on the floor in a line, buckets (or hula-hoops), fluff balls, large die with V, H, and D
written on them.
Before class begins, tape 4 long lines on the gym floor, and grab the other supplies (buckets or
hula-hoops, fluff balls, and large die). Review with the students what Horizontal, Vertical, and
Diagonal means. Have the students stretch and sit while you go over the rules and explain the
Introduction/Closing Activity:
Stretching/ Drinks and discussion
Lesson Activity:
Students will be broken up into 2-3 teams. Each team will start from the same side of the line
with a bucket of fluff balls, and a large marked Die. When the instructor says to start, the first
student is to roll the die to determine what type of movement they will need to do across the line.
If they roll a V then they need to move vertically (Skipping), if they roll a D then the
movement will be diagonally (zig-zag), if they roll a H they will move horizontally
(grapevine). After the movement is determined, the student will grab one fluff ball and precede in
the determined fashion to the other side of the line where another bucket will be placed. The
student is then to toss the fluff ball into the bucket. After the student has successfully delivered
the fluff ball, the student will then need to return to his/her team in the same fashion they arrived
(skipping, grapevine, or zig-zag) and tag the awaiting team member. After reaching the team
members the first student is to high-five the waiting student and return to the back of the line.

The student who has just been tagged should then roll the large die and continue as the first
student did in a relay style. The winner of the round is the team who can get all of their fluff balls
into the adjacent bucket.
Assessment Activity:

Instructor observes coordination and a good understanding of Vertical, Horizontal, and

Diagonal. (Susan K. Kovar, 2012)
Instructor observes participation and positive team play within the small teams and the
larger teams as a whole. (Susan K. Kovar, 2012)
Success for All:
Accommodations can be made for students that need it, by working in partners or whole teams
moving together. (Susan K. Kovar, 2012)
Safety Concerns:
Instructors should be aware of high fives to insure they are not too hard.
If using a tennis ball be aware of bouncing and how hard to through.

Susan K. Kovar, C. A.-O. (2012). Elementary Classroom Teachers as Movement Educators. New
York: McGraw-Hill .

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