Reinforced concrete structural elements such as beams get
deteriorated and become structurally and functionally b) Plate end debonding
inadequate, due to corrosion of steel reinforcement resulting Figure1. Debonding failure modes
from concrete cracking and spalling, poor design and
maintenance and natural disasters such as earthquake. To Among the failure modes of reinforced concrete strengthened
upgrade the load carrying capacity and durability of such beams, debonding is quite difficult to predict. In fact, crushing
concrete elements, repair and structural strengthening have strain of concrete is known, yielding of tension steel can be
been used all over the world since last decades. While repair measured in the laboratory and hence predicted and FRP
consists of removing damaged concrete, preparation of rupture can be predicted from rupture strain provided by the
concrete substrate and application of a new layer of repair manufacturer; but debonding control is still not well
material, strengthening consists of bonding a steel plate or a understood.
fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) plate to the tension face of the Different approaches have been used to predict the behavior
of such beams and include analytical [14, 22, 24, 26],
Mr Mundeli Salathiel, Department of Civil, Environmental and experimental [14, 15, 18, 20], numerical [4, 8, 23] and
Geomatic Engineering (CEGE), School of Engineering, College of Science fracture mechanics [3, 10, 19]. However, such approaches
and Technology (CST), University of Rwanda (UR) , Kigali City, Rwanda. face some limitations due to complex behavior of concrete
Mobile Phone No: + 250788864091. and that of the interface between concrete and FRP. Such
Dr Mbereyaho Leopold, Department of Civil, Environmental and
Geomatic Engineering (CEGE), School of Engineering, College of Science
complexity for concrete is due to the nonlinear
and Technology (CST), University of Rwanda (UR), Kigali City, Rwanda., load-deformation response of concrete and difficulty in
Mobile Phone No: + 250788474046. forming suitable constitutive relationships under combined
Prof. Pilate MOYO, University of Cape Town, Department of Civil stresses, progressive cracking of concrete under increasing
Engineering, Rondebosch, Western Cape, South Africa. Mobile Phone
load and the complexity in the formulation of the failure
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Finite Element Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Beam Patch Repaired and Strengthened with Fiber-Reinforced
behavior for various stress states, the consideration of steel surface is used to control plastic straining in compression
and its interaction with concrete and time dependent effects whereas in brittle cracking model compressive failure is not
such as creep and shrinkage of concrete [5]. important [1]. Concrete damaged plasticity; available in
Even though such approaches have been used for studying the ABAQUS; due to its capability of capturing both inelastic
behavior and failure mechanisms of patch repaired and deformation and stiffness degradation, was used in this study.
FRP-strengthened RC beams, no numerical study using finite The compressive strength was experimentally determined at
elements method has been done so far taking into the age of 28 days as 50MPa and 70MPa for concrete and
consideration the effect of patch repair. The finite element repair material, respectively. The elastic parameters
method application requires a good understanding of the necessary for the establishment of the first part of the model
mechanical behavior of various materials involved, thus the E cm
requirements of constitutive relationships for the description were the secant modulus of elasticity and mean axial
of such behavior. f ctm
tensile strength, and were calculated according to [9]
This paper presents a finite element analysis of patch repaired
and FRP-strengthened RC beams with varying patch length
Ecm 22 f cm / 10 35000MPa
and loaded in four points bending. Their behavior in terms of
load-displacement response, crack pattern, failure
f ctm 0.30 f ck
2 / 3
mechanisms and strain distribution in FRP is studied and 3.5Mpa (2)
validation against experimental results obtained from the For concrete
same beams is done.
Ecm 22[( f cm ) / 10]0.3 38400MPa (3)
f ctm 2.12 ln1 f cm/ 10 4.3Mpa
The finite element analysis performed in this study consisted For repair material, the post-peak behavior in tension was
of modeling the nonlinear behavior of reinforced concrete represented with tension stiffening to simulate the effects of
beams patch repaired and strengthened with FRP bonded to concrete/steel effects such as bond slip and dowel action.
their tension face to investigate the behavior of such RC Tension stiffening was specified in terms of fracture energy
beams under four points bending. The commercial finite criterion. A fracture energy of 0.08N / mm and
element package ABAQUS software was used. The beam 0.15N / mm were used for concrete and repair material,
modeled in 3D is shown in Figure 2. The beam was reinforced
respectively. The tensile stress in concrete was reduced to
with 2Y20 in tension and 2Y8 in compression. Shear
reinforcement consisted of 8mm diameter stirrups at 80mm zero at a tensile strain of 0.001for both concrete and repair
c/c distributed equally over the whole length of the beam as material [1]. The nonlinear uniaxial compression stress-strain
shown in Figure 2. The FRP reinforcement was placed at a curve was constructed based on the expression proposed by
distance of 50mm from the support. While the height of the [9]:
patch repair was maintained at 105mm, the length was varied c k 2
as 450, 800, 1300 and 1800mm.
. f cm 1 ( k 2) (4)
c c1
k 1.05
c1 f cm and
c1 0.7 f 0.31
cm 2.8 , f cm is the mean value of
concrete cylinder compressive strength derived from concrete
cube strength and c is the compressive stress in concrete.
The curve is shown in Figure 3 for both concrete and repair
Figure 2. Geometry, reinforcement and FRP setup of the beam
(800mm patch length)
48 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-4, Issue-3, March 2016
Tension reinforcements were partitioned and their cross
sections were reduced by 10% over a length equal to that of
the repair to simulate the corrosion effects since corrosion
results in steel cross section reduction and hence mass loss.
49 www.erpublication.org
Finite Element Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Beam Patch Repaired and Strengthened with Fiber-Reinforced
Figure 6. Finite element model for patch-repaired and CFRP Figure 7. Cracking initiation for control beam [17]
strengthened RC beam (800mm-Patch) [17]
Even if cracking for control beam took place after the first
The perfect bond model between concrete and steel was increment, the cracking load was found to be higher than that
adopted. It was implemented by embedding steel of patch repaired and strengthened beams though for such
reinforcement in concrete, i.e. incorporation of one beams it took place after the third increment for 450mm,
dimensional element into a three dimensional elements 800mm and 1800mm patched beams and after the fourth
allowing reinforcing bars to pass through concrete elements in increment for 1300mm patch repaired beam. For
an arbitrary fashion [21] thus, introducing new nodes in the patch-repaired and strengthened beams cracking loads were
concrete elements. Full Newton solution technique was used lower as compared to control beam. Figure 8 compares
in this analysis. In this method, the solution to nonlinear cracking loads from both experiments and finite elements
problems is obtained by defining the load as a function of time analysis while Figure 9 compares structural crack pattern for
and breaking the simulation into a number of time increments control beam and 1800mm patched beam. For graphical
and finds the approximate equilibrium at the end of each time visualization of cracks using concrete damaged plasticity
50 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-4, Issue-3, March 2016
model for concrete and repair material, it was assumed that not anchored as in experiment. In addition, as reported by [7],
cracking initiated at points where the tensile equivalent plastic concrete damaged plasticity overestimates the stresses in
strain was greater than zero and the maximum principal concrete and this could also be a reason of discrepancies. It is
plastic strain was positive [13]. It is important to note that in observed that for control RC beam after yielding of steel no
this study no precracking was considered. Force control was further increment in load carrying capacity was experienced
used for structural crack distribution. until failure. However, for patch repaired and FRP
strengthened beams, this was not the case. This shows that
repair and strengthening increase the load carrying capacity of
reinforced concrete beams in addition to increasing their
service life.
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Finite Element Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Beam Patch Repaired and Strengthened with Fiber-Reinforced
The figure 11 compares the load deflection curves for all the
Figure 12. Damage energy release rates
beams numerically analyzed in this study. It can be seen that
cracking for all beams initiated at nearly the same load as
4.4. Strain distribution in FRP
discussed in section 4.1 but at different load increments
Debonding of FRP plate from concrete is a special failure
mode associated with strengthened RC beams. It is caused by
high interfacial stress concentrations around flexural or
flexural-shear cracks or at the plate end. A common measure
used to control debonding is to limit the strain in the FRP
material to a usable or debonding strain which, when
exceeded at some locations, FRP will separates from the
beam. Strain in FRP is mostly a governing factor in design of
strengthened RC beams. The figure 13 shows the strain
distribution for analyzed beams from where it is observed that
as the length of the patch is becoming larger, strain
distribution was becomes uniform. This shows that the
discontinuity in the material to which FRP is bonded affects
the strain distribution in FRP which in turns affect the
Figure 11: Load deflection curves for all beams analyzed [26] debonding failure. It is clear that there is a peak strain in FRP
at which debonding is initiated.
This means that the effect of patch repair was to delay crack [2] recommends that in order to prevent debonding of the FRP
initiation. For beams repaired over a length of 450mm, laminate, a limitation should be placed on the strain level
800mm and1300mm the behavior was more or less the same developed in the laminate. ACI proposed the following
except the differences in yielding and debonding which expression for debonding or usable strain:
occurred at different loads and displacement. Beam with
fd m fu
1800mm length patch repair showed a slightly different load (7)
displacement relationship. In comparison with the behavior of fu
other beams, the behavior is relatively brittle since the where is the design rupture strain given by the
debonding load was high but at small deflection as compared
manufacturer as 1.7% and
m is the bond dependent
to other beams. The reason may probably be attributed to the
reduction in tension steel cross section and large size of repair coefficient given by
with high tensile strength.
4.3. Damage energy release rate.
Damage energy release rate is another parameter that can be
used to study the overall behavior of reinforced concrete
beams under bending. In fact, the four stages of failure, i.e.
cracking initiation, yielding of steel, debonding load for
strengthened beams and crushing load may be readily
identified on the load-energy relationship, as it is seen in
Figure 12. This is the energy dissipated when concrete is (8)
undergoing damage failure. From the figure, it can be
observed that after yielding, the energy release rate is highly
where is the tensile modulus of elasticity of FRP (MPa),
nonlinear indicating extensive deformation (cracking) of tf
different reinforced concrete beams. The output in terms of is the nominal thickness of one ply of FRP reinforcement
load versus energy from Abaqus clearly shows that concrete fu
starts to release energy after a number of load increments, and in mm , is the design rupture strain of FRP in
that before cracking the energy release rate is zero and then mm/ mm and n is the number of plies used.
starts to increase linearly up to yielding.
52 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869 (O) 2454-4698 (P), Volume-4, Issue-3, March 2016
The table 1 compares the peak strain from our finite elements
Failure in adhesive showing debonding
analysis with ACI prediction. It is clear that there is a good
agreement between the two, hence the integrity of our model.
From our finite elements analysis, the peak strain in FRP was
in the constant bending moment or just under loading points.
That is where debonding initiated.
Table 1: Comparison of debonding strain: FEM vs ACI Figure 13. Intermediate crack induced debonding
440.2R-02. (b)
53 www.erpublication.org
Finite Element Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Beam Patch Repaired and Strengthened with Fiber-Reinforced
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completed respectively. We are also grateful to Mr. Thabiso [21] Simonelli, G. 2005. Finite element analysis of RC beams retrofitted
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