Three-Dimensional Finite Element Modeling of Intermediate Crack Debonding in Fiber-Reinforced-Polymer-Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Beams

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Original Research

Advances in Structural Engineering

Three-dimensional finite element Ó The Author(s) 2019
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modeling of intermediate crack
DOI: 10.1177/1369433219838082

debonding in fiber-reinforced-polymer-

strengthened reinforced concrete


En-Li Xie , Chao-Yang Zhou, Ya-Nan Yu and Jun Liu

Intermediate crack debonding is a common failure mode of reinforced concrete beams strengthened in flexure with an externally
bonded laminate (sheet or plate) of fiber-reinforced polymer. Many finite element models have been developed to predict this failure
mode. Research shows that the accurate modeling of interfaces between concrete and either internal steel or external fiber-
reinforced polymer reinforcements is very important. This article presents a three-dimensional finite element model based on the
smeared crack approach for predicting intermediate crack debonding failure of fiber-reinforced-polymer-strengthened reinforced con-
crete beams (including preloaded beams). In this model steel-to-concrete and fiber-reinforced-polymer-to-concrete interfaces are
more expediently modeled. The finite element results agree well with experimental results on crack patterns, fiber-reinforced polymer
strain distribution, and the variation of strain and deflection with load. This model can also simulate the fiber-reinforced polymer
debonding process of the beam and the response of the residual beam after the fiber-reinforced polymer reinforcement has separated
from the reinforced concrete beam. In addition, parameters’ analyses are further conducted to find the differences between the two-
dimensional and three-dimensional models. Simulations of fiber-reinforced polymer-plated slabs or beams with additional anchors are
mostly three-dimensional problems, and their focus is also on intermediate crack debonding. This model can be used to simulate
fiber-reinforced-polymer-plated slabs or beams with additional anchors such as U-jacket strips or mechanically fastened fiber-
reinforced polymer strengthening systems in future research.

bonding, concrete beams, fiber-reinforced polymer, finite element method, preloaded beams

Introduction analysis of failure mechanism and prediction of ulti-

mate load are of the same importance.
Reinforced concrete (RC) beams can be strengthened Failure modes (c) and (d) abovementioned can be
by bonding fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) plates to collectively referred to as intermediate crack (IC)
their tension face. There are several failure modes of debonding (IC debonding) which is very common in
this strengthening method. They are summarized as (1) FRP-strengthened RC beams. IC debonding initiates
flexural failure by FRP rupture, (2) flexural failure by at an IC in the beam and then propagates to one of
crushing of compressive concrete, (3) shear failure, and the laminate ends. Many finite element (FE) models
(4) failure by interfacial debonding between FRP plates have been made to simulate IC debonding. To accu-
and RC beams. The modes of debonding in FRP-pla- rately predict IC debonding in FRP-plated RC beams,
ted beams can be classified into four types (Teng et al., an FE approach should consider the following three
2003): (a) concrete cover separation, (b) plate end inter-
facial debonding, (c) intermediate flexural crack-
induced interfacial debonding, and (d) intermediate School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, China
flexural–shear crack-induced interfacial debonding.
Corresponding author:
Many attempts have been made to explore effective
Chao-Yang Zhou, School of Civil Engineering, Central South University,
solutions for debonding prevention (Kalfat et al., 2011; Changsha 410075, China.
Wu and Huang, 2008; Zhou et al., 2017). Meanwhile, Email:
2 Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)

key components: (a) appropriate modeling of concrete Appropriate modeling of FRP-to-concrete inter-
cracking, (b) accurate modeling of the bond of FRP- faces is essential for the accurate prediction of IC
to-concrete interface, and (c) accurate modeling of the debonding. Most existing studies considered slips
bond of steel-to-concrete interface (Chen et al., 2010). between the FRP plate and the concrete using a bond-
There are mainly two approaches of FE analysis to slip model. The model is generally derived from pull
simulate the crack propagation in RC beams. One is tests in which the FRP-to-concrete interface is subject
the discrete crack approach, which is the first proposed to shear by loading the FRP plate in tension. However,
crack model to simulate concrete cracking. The basic many researchers have found that the debonding
idea is to treat the crack as the boundary of the ele- strength of the interface is often overestimated if the
ments, adjust the position of the node or add new bonding slip relationship obtained from pull tests is
nodes once the crack appears, and remesh the elements directly used to simulate the interface element (Wong
so that the crack is between the boundaries of the ele- and Vecchio, 2003). When the smeared crack model is
ments. In this way, the discontinuity caused by cracks employed to simulate the crack propagation, the crack
can be described naturally, and the location, shape, is simulated evenly distributed as tensile strain over a
and width of cracks can be clearly expressed. representative zone of concrete. It does not require
Therefore, this approach can predict slip concentra- remeshing, but it cannot predict slip concentrations
tions near a crack. To trace the propagation of crack- near a crack. As a result, the slip near the crack
ing, it requires continuous remeshing in the solution obtained from the smeared crack model is smaller than
process. In RC beams, many cracks need to be traced, the actual slip. Therefore, if the relationship derived
which involves prohibitively large computational from pull tests is directly used to represent the shear
effort. Moreover, pre-definition of crack positions is bond stress–slip behavior of the FRP-to-concrete inter-
required in the discrete crack approach. As a result, face, the load capacity will be overestimated. Lu et al.
the discrete crack approach has only been used to (2007) proposed a dual local debonding criterion to
investigate IC debonding resulting from one or several solve this problem.
pre-defined cracks (Monti et al., 2003; Niu and Wu, Appropriate modeling of steel-to-concrete interfaces
2005; Sun et al., 2015; Yang et al., 2003). The other is is essential for capturing the localization of slips at
the smeared crack approach. Its essence is to ‘‘smear’’ cracks. Most existing studies on FE modeling of FRP-
actual concrete cracks into the entire element, treat plated RC beams considered the bond behavior of
concrete material as anisotropic material, and use the steel-to-concrete interface using either perfect bonding
material constitutive model of concrete to simulate the (i.e. directly connecting the concrete elements to steel
influence of cracks. In this way, when the stress of a elements) or tension stiffening concrete stress–strain
concrete element exceeds the cracking stress, the mate- model (i.e. directly connecting the concrete elements to
rial constitutive matrix can be adjusted without chang- steel elements and modifying the stress–strain model
ing the element shape or remeshing the elements, for concrete elements adjacent to consider the slip
which is easy to implement using a FE program. between concrete and steel tension bars; Baky et al.,
Therefore, it has been much more popular with 2007; Coronado and Lopez, 2006; Kotynia et al., 2008;
researchers who are concerned with IC debonding in Lu et al., 2007; Neale et al., 2006; Nour et al., 2007;
FRP-plated RC beams (Baky et al., 2007; Chen et al., Pham and Al-Mahaidi, 2005; Teng et al., 2004; Wong
2010; Coronado and Lopez, 2006; Fu, 2016; He et al., and Vecchio, 2003). Both approaches are inaccurate in
2006; Kotynia et al., 2008; Li and Wu, 2018; Lu et al., predicting cracking behavior (i.e. crack patterns and
2007; Neale et al., 2006; Nour et al., 2007; Pham and widths), thus leading to inaccurate prediction of IC
Al-Mahaidi, 2005; Teng et al., 2004; Wong and debonding (Chen et al., 2010). Chen et al. (2010) con-
Vecchio, 2003; Wu and Yin, 2003). The assumptions sidered the bond behavior of both steel-to-concrete
in the smeared crack approach lead to the mesh sensi- interface and FRP-to-concrete interface using interfa-
tivity problem: results of the simulation with the cial elements cooperating with the appropriate bond–
smeared crack approach are sensitive to the choice of slip models for them to connect the concrete elements
size of elements. To address the mesh sensitivity prob- and steel elements. Numerical results presented in
lem, Bažant and Oh (1983) proposed the crack band Chen et al. (2010) show that their approach has the
model, which further developed the traditional ability to accurately predict the crack pattern as well as
smeared crack model. By introducing the concepts of crack width, thus accurately predicting IC debonding
fracture zone and fracture energy, the smeared crack of FRP-plated RC beams.
model was combined with fracture mechanics to Based on Lu et al. (2007) and Chen et al.’s (2010)
reduce the influence of element size. research, this article presents a three-dimensional (3D)
Xie et al. 3

"  #
FE model to simulate IC debonding in FRP-plated st wt 3 ðc2 wwt Þ wt  
RC beams (including preloaded beams), as there is no = 1 + c1 e cr  1 + c31 e(c2 ) ð3Þ
ft wcr wcr
FE model published to simulate IC debonding failure
of preloaded beams. Our model is implemented in GF
wcr = 5:14 ð4Þ
ABAQUS (Simulia, 2013). In this model, the interfaces ft
between the concrete and both the internal steel and
where wt is the crack opening displacement, wcr is the
the external FRP reinforcements are more expediently
crack opening displacement at the complete loss of tensile
modeled. The capability and accuracy of the proposed
stress, st is the tensile stress normal to the crack direction,
FE model are demonstrated through comparisons of
GF is the fracture energy required to create a stress-free
its predictions with selected test results. In addition,
crack over a unit area, and c1 = 3.0 and c2 = 6.93 are
parameters’ analyses that cannot be implemented in
constants determined from tensile tests of concrete. The
two-dimensional (2D) models are further studied to
Comite Euro-International du Beton–Federation
observe the differences between 2D and 3D models.
International de la Precontrainte (CEB-FIP, 1993) equa-
The model is based on the smeared crack approach,
tion is used in this article to estimate ft and GF
while the crack band theory (Bažant and Oh, 1983) is
adopted to overcome the mesh sensitivity problem. 0
More information about this approach is shown in the fc  8
ft = 1:4 MPa ð5Þ
following. 10
2 fc
Modeling of concrete GF = (0:00469da  0:5da + 26) N=mm ð6Þ
The concrete is modeled using the 3D solid element
where da is the maximum aggregate size of the con-
C3D8R which is an eight-node linear brick–adopted
crete. In this study, it is assumed to be 20 mm if no test
reduced integration with hourglass control.
data are given. The stress–displacement curve deter-
The compress and tensile behavior is defined using
mined by equations (3) to (6) can be transformed into
concrete plasticity damage model in ABAQUS.
a stress–strain curve according to the crack band model
Poisson’s ratio and the dilation angle are assumed
to be 0.2 and 35°, respectively. The stress–strain
The damage variable (d) is computed using the
relationship of concrete under uniaxial compression
equations proposed by Lubliner et al. (1989), whose
is defined based on the following equation proposed
plastic degradation occurs only in the softening range.
by Saenz (1964)
It can be described during both compression and ten-
ae sion behavior as
sc =     2 ð1Þ
ae s
1 + spp  2 eep + eep d =1  ð7Þ
where sc and e are the compressive stress and compres- where s is the stress and f is either the compressive
sive strain, respectively; sp and ep are the maximum 0
strength (fc ) or tensile strength (ft) of concrete as
compressive stress and its corresponding strain, and appropriate.
they are set to be equal to the cylinder compressive
strength (fc ) and 0.002, respectively; and a is the initial
tangent modulus which is set to be equal to the elastic Modeling of steel and steel–concrete
modulus of concrete Ec that is estimated following the bond behavior
equation from the American Concrete Institute (ACI,
The steel is modeled using truss element T3D2 (two-
2008) guidelines
node linear displacement), and the constitutive relation
qffiffiffiffiffi is shown in Figure 1, which is a bilinear relation allow-
Ec = 4730 fc ð2Þ ing for the strain hardening slope. In Figure 1, fsu is the
ultimate tensile strength, fsy is the yield strength, and
The tensile behavior of concrete is defined as linear esu and esy are the corresponding steel strains.
elastic up to the tensile strength (ft), and the descending The bond behavior between longitudinal bars and
branch is determined following the stress–crack open- concrete is modeled using spring elements, while stir-
ing displacement relationship proposed by Hordijk rups are modeled using the embedded element tech-
(1991) nique as the slip between stirrups and concrete is
4 Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)

Modeling of FRP and FRP–concrete bond

The FRP reinforcement is modeled using 3D shell ele-
ments S4R which are four-node general-purpose shell
elements adopted reduced integration with hourglass
control, and it is assumed to be linear–elastic–brittle.
In ABAQUS, researchers usually use cohesive elements
to analyze bond–slip behavior between FRP and con-
crete; however, this requires a high demand of meshes
and is sensitive to adhesive layer thickness. After
several attempts, we put aside the idea of creating a
new adhesive layer independently; instead, bond–slip
behavior between FRP and concrete can be achieved
Figure 1. Constitutive relation for steel. by defining contact interaction analysis ‘‘Cohesive
Behavior’’ and ‘‘Damage.’’ This method is similar to
neglected. The embedded element technique is the zero-thickness cohesive element, which is insensitive
described in the following: ABAQUS will search for to mesh changes and has better convergence. The
the geometric relationships between nodes on the ‘‘Maximum nominal stress criterion’’ is used as well as
embedded elements and the host elements. If a node the ‘‘Damage stabilization’’ principle in which a small
on an embedded element lies within a host element, coefficient of viscosity is set to increase convergence.
the degrees of freedom at the node will be eliminated The property of the contact interaction is defined
by constraining them to the interpolated values of the using ‘‘Bond-Slip Model II’’ (Lu et al., 2007). The rea-
degrees of freedom of the host element (Simulia, 2013). son we chose the model and the details of the model
The process used to create spring elements is are as follows. Lu et al. (2005a) developed a bond–slip
described as follows. First, create a virtual longitudinal model for the behavior of FRP-to-concrete bonded
bar. Its property, length, position, and mesh size are joints in pull tests (Lu et al., 2005b), and they examined
the same as those of longitudinal bars, but its sectional the interfacial bond–slip curves at different locations
area is very small, that is, 0.001 mm2. Then, embed the along the interface in an FRP-strengthened plain con-
virtual longitudinal bar elements into the concrete ele- crete beam (Lu et al., 2007). The results showed that
ments. Finally, connect the same position nods of vir- the bond–slip relationship is very close for the parts of
tual longitudinal bar elements and longitudinal bar the interface outside the major flexural crack zone. For
elements using spring elements. In this way, the force the part of the interface inside the major flexural crack
of the longitudinal bar can be evenly transferred to the zone, which is the focus of IC debonding simulation,
concrete elements through the virtual bar, and the the bond–slip relationship can be closely described by
modeling process is simplified at the same time. The the bond–slip model of Lu et al. (2005a) with a brittle
behavior of spring elements in the direction parallel to post-peak branch. In this study, the property of the
the steel–concrete interface is defined by using the contact interaction in the direction parallel to the steel–
CEB-FIP (1993) bond–slip model. It can be expressed concrete interface is defined by the bilinear model of
as follows for deformed bars Lu et al. (2005a) with a brittle post-peak branch, which
is a simplified version of ‘‘Bond-Slip Model II.’’ It can
8  a
> s be expressed as follows
> t (0 ł s ł s1 )
s1 8
<t (s1 ł s ł s2 ) < t max s (0 ł s ł s0 )
max s0
t=   ð8Þ t= ð9Þ
> s  s 2 :
> t max  (t max  t f ) (s2 ł s ł s3 ) 0 (s.s0 )
> s3  s2
tf (s3 ł s) where

where s is the slip between steel and concrete and

ffi t is
pffiffiffiffi t max = 1:5bw ft ð10Þ
the corresponding shear stress. t max = 2:0 fc , t f =
0.15tmax, a = 0.4, s1 = s2 = 0.6 mm, and s0 = 0:0195bw ft ð11Þ
s3 = 1.0 mm. In the direction normal to the interface, sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
it is assumed that there is no relative displacement 2:25  bf =bc
bw = ð12Þ
between the steel reinforcement and the concrete. 1:25 + bf =bc
Xie et al. 5

where bf is the width of the FRP plate and bc is the

width of the concrete beam. Normal to the interface,
the property of the contact interaction is assumed to
behave linear elastically with a stiffness of the adhesive
layer, which is also adopted by Chen et al. (2010).

Modeling techniques
To improve the convergence of the numerical solution,
a dynamic approach is employed, in which an essen- Figure 2. Simple 3D model with geometrical and loading data.
tially static nonlinear deformation problem is treated
as a dynamic problem and solved using the Hilber–
Hughes–Taylor a method (Hilber, 1978; an implicit section along the width direction, and vertical constraints
time integration method) available in ABAQUS. To should be set at the centerline of the base of the support.
employ the dynamic approach, the densities of con-
crete, steel, and FRP plate are set to be 2400, 7800, and Comparison between FE and
1750 kg/m3, respectively, while Rayleigh mass propor- experimental results
tional damping and Rayleigh stiffness proportional Matthys (2000) reported the results of experimental
damping for all three materials are calculated by pre- study of RC beams strengthened in flexure with CFRP
scribing a viscous damping ratio value of 0.0005, and reinforcement, which included load–deflection rela-
the loading time is set to be 2 s. It is proved in Chen tionship, cracking behavior, moment–strain behavior,
et al. (2015) that this dynamic approach with these set- and FRP strain distribution. Comparisons have been
tings can achieve a close approximation of the static made between experimental data and FE results in
solution for IC debonding in FRP-plated RC beams. such behaviors. Matthys (2000) tested nine RC beams,
To simulate beams under sustained load, the model two of which were reference beams (BF1 and BF7)
change technique in ABAQUS is adopted, which can and others were FRP-plated beams (BF2–BF6, BF8,
be used to simulate removal and reactivation of ele- and BF9). It should be noted that all of the FRP-pla-
ments or contact pairs. The progress of implementing ted beams were failed by IC debonding. Beam BF5
model change technique is described as follows. First, was preloaded with 110 kN. Beams BF4 and BF6 were
create a virtual FRP plate whose progress is similar to precracked and anchored at the plate ends, respec-
the creation of virtual bar. The function of virtual FRP tively, which are beyond the scope of this study. The
is to locate the FRP location at a specific loading time. test behavior of beam BF3 was almost the same as that
Then, ‘‘Merge’’ the virtual FRP part and FRP part, of BF2. Therefore, six beams (BF1, BF2, BF5, and
noting that ‘‘Remove duplicate elements’’ in ‘‘Merge BF7–BF9) were simulated to compare with the test
nodes’’ option should not be selected. In this way, a results in predicting IC debonding failure. Geometrical
new part with the same node numbers but different ele- and material properties of those beams are given in
ment numbers has been generated. Because the virtual Figure 2 and Table 1.
FRP shares nodes with the FRP, when the FRP is reac-
tivated, it is positioned at the location of the virtual
FRP. Next, create contact interaction between FRP Mesh convergence study
and concrete. We set tangential and normal contact The result of mesh convergence study of specimen BF2
interaction behavior between virtual FRP and concrete is shown in Figure 3. To reduce the computing time,
as frictionless and ‘‘Hard’’ contact, respectively, and do meshes in width direction were controlled to be a single
not select ‘‘Allow separation after contact.’’ Finally, set element as forces in that direction are very small.
the ‘‘Model change’’ options: deactivate FRP elements Figure 3 shows the influence of different concrete ele-
in the start and then reactivate them under a specific ment sizes and the effect of meshing one element in
load and deactivate virtual FRP elements simultane- width direction, where ‘‘20 mm in all directions’’ was
ously. The corresponding contact interaction in the meshed in three coordinate system directions of 20 mm
‘‘Model change’’ is set in a similar way. and others are meshed into one element in width direc-
By taking advantage of symmetry, only a quarter of tion. The predicted ultimate loads of beams of element
the specimen was modeled for all the RC beams. Since size of 10, 20, 40, and 20 mm in all directions are
the FE model is a quarter-symmetric model, the corre- 176.9, 177.4, 175.8, and 175.1 kN, respectively, with
sponding symmetric constraints should be set at the mid- differences of only 0.34%, 0.62%, 0.28%, and 0.68%,
span section along the length direction and the mid- respectively, as the mean of these predicted ultimate
6 Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)

Table 1. Geometrical and material properties of RC beam specimens.

Specimen BF1 BF2 BF5 BF7 BF8 BF9

Beam Type of strengthening (U = unstrengthened; U S P U S S

S = strengthened; P = preloaded)
Span/shear span (mm) 3800/1250
Width (mm) 200
Height/effective depth (mm) 450/410
Concrete Cylinder compressive strength (MPa) 33.7 36.5 37.4 38.5 39.4 33.7
Modulus of elasticity (MPa) 27,460 28,580 28,927 29,350 29,690 27,460
Tensile strength (MPa) 2.627 2.814 2.873 2.944 3.002 2.627
Tension bars Nominal diameter (mm) 4Y16 (deformed) 2Y16 (deformed)
Yield strength/tensile strength (MPa) 590/690
Ultimate strain (%) 12.4
Elastic modulus (GPa) 200
Stirrups Nominal diameter (mm) Y8 at 100 (deformed, double legs)
Yield strength/tensile strength (MPa) 560/620
Ultimate strain (%) 12.4
Elastic modulus (GPa) 200
FRP plates Nominal thickness (mm) None 1.2 1.2 None 1.2 2 3 0.111
Strip width (mm) 100 100 100 100
Strip length (mm) 3660 3660 3660 3660
Tensile strength (MPa) 3200 3200 3200 3500
Elastic modulus (GPa) 159 159 159 233

FRP: fiber-reinforced polymer; RC: reinforced concrete.

Figure 4. Finite element model of specimen BF2 after


influence of element size on the clarity of crack pattern,

we chose the smallest element size as far as possible
within the acceptable computing time. In this study,
these six beams were modeled using a concrete element
Figure 3. Load versus deflection curve of specimen BF2. size of 10 mm while meshing only one element in the
width direction. Take the beam BF2 for instance;
Figure 4 shows the meshed 3D model after debonding,
loads is 176.3 kN. The corresponding deflections are in which CSLIP1 SPOS is the interfacial slip distance
32.2, 33.7, 31.8, and 33.3 mm, respectively, with differ- between FRP and concrete.
ences of only 1.68%, 2.90%, 2.90%, and 1.68%,
respectively, as the mean of these corresponding deflec-
tions is 32.75 mm. Nevertheless, the load–deflection Load–deflection relationship
curve of the 40 mm mesh has some defects, perhaps
because the mesh is too large. The result shows that Figure 5 shows the comparison of load–deflection
different concrete element sizes have some influence on behavior between simulation and test results. The pre-
IC debonding in simulation, but the influence is very dicted ultimate loads of Beams BF1, BF2, BF5, BF7,
small compared to the variance of the test results. BF8, and BF9 are 143.9, 176.9, 169.3, 78.6, 115.5, and
Meanwhile, reducing the element number in width 95.2 kN, respectively, which are close to the corre-
direction also has a very small influence. Owing to the sponding test values of 144.2, 185.0, 177.0, 80.7, 111.3,
Xie et al. 7

Figure 5. Comparison of load–deflection behavior between

simulation and test results (Matthys, 2000).

and 95.8 kN (Matthys, 2000), with differences of only

0.21%, 4.4%, 4.4%, 2.6%, 3.8%, and 0.63%, respec-
tively. The post-debonding behavior is also obtained in
this simulation, and the results show that the capacities
of strengthened beams after debonding are very close
to the reference beams. The load–deflection behavior
of the preloaded beam BF5 is almost the same as the Figure 6. Comparisons of crack patterns at the ultimate load
reference beam BF1 before the load was applied to between simulation and test results (Matthys, 2000).
110 kN, after which the load–deflection diverges as the
FRP reinforcement was strengthened to the beam. It
follows that the behavior of beams strengthened under
sustained load is accurately simulated.

Crack patterns
Figure 6 shows the comparison of crack patterns at
the ultimate load between simulation and test results
(Matthys, 2000), which match closely. The numbers of
cracks of beams BF1, BF2, and BF5 are obviously
more than those of beams BF7, BF8, and BF9, which
is also shown via simulation. On account of the
dynamic effect and quarter-modeling of the specimen,
the FRP plate would entirely separate from the con-
crete beam after totally debonding in simulation as
shown in Figure 6. The debonding behavior in simula-
tion will be explained in detail later in this article,
Figure 7. Comparison of strain of steel reinforcement
which has good agreement with the test results shown
between simulation and test results (Matthys, 2000).
in Figure 6.

Strain of steel reinforcement and obtained by calculating the average strain of the ele-
ments within the length of mechanical deformeters
which has a gauge length of 200 mm in this study
In Figures 7 and 8, the steel reinforcement tensile (Matthys, 2000). The strain of steel reinforcement and
strain and concrete compressive strain are given. The concrete shows good agreement between simulation
strains of simulation in the following figures are and test results.
8 Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)

Figure 9 appear clear, the simulated curve is truncated

after debonding.
The FRP strain distribution along its length is
shown in Figure 10, where Figure 10(a) shows the
strain distribution of beams BF2 and BF5 under the
load of 150 kN, while Figure 10(b) shows the strain
distribution of beams BF2, BF8, and BF9 under the
load of 70 kN. Owing to cracks, the simulated strain
distribution is not very smooth. The strains for beam
BF5 are considerably lower than BF2, as the beam
was already loaded before strengthening. For a given
load level, higher strains are measured for beams BF8
and BF9 than for beam BF2 (Figure 10(b)). Indeed,
the beams BF8 and BF9 have a lower amount of steel
reinforcement, so that the FRP has to act to a larger
Figure 8. Comparison of concrete strain between simulation extent to build up the same total (steel and FRP) ten-
and test results (Matthys, 2000). sile force in the section as for beam BF2. The strains
increase rapidly as the load increases after the tensile
steel yields, which can be seen in Figure 9. For load
levels above the yielding of the internal steel reinforce-
ment, the tensile force in the section can only further
increase, thanks to the FRP (the tensile force in the
steel remains constant after yielding). As a result, FRP
strains shall increase to a larger extent. At that stage,
once the simulation and test results have a little differ-
ence, the strains under the same load would differ con-
siderably. The strain distribution for beam BF5 under
the load of 150 kN does not match very well; neverthe-
less, the test results under the load of 150 kN and the
simulation results under the load of 153 kN show
good agreement.

Debonding process analysis

The debonding process in the simulation is described
Figure 9. Comparison of FRP strain behavior between the
as follows: This study takes the beam BF8 for example
simulation and test results (Matthys, 2000).
and selects three representative states during the
debonding process: state 1 when FRP plate starts
debonding; state 2 when FRP plate is in the debonding
FRP strain and its distribution
process; and state 3 when complete debonding of the
Figure 9 shows the comparison of load–FRP strain FRP plate occurs. Because the debonding process hap-
behavior between the simulation and test results. The pened abruptly, the midspan deflections of the beam
predicted maximum FRP strain values of beams BF2, at these three states are almost the same and they are
BF5, BF8, and BF9 are 5948 me, 5030 me, 6211 me, 28.0854, 28.1046, and 28.1058 mm, respectively. The
and 10630 me, respectively, which are close to the test distributions of interfacial shear stress, interfacial slip,
maximum strain values of 6700 me, 5700 me, 5800 me, and FRP strain at these three states are shown in
and 10,000 me, respectively (Matthys, 2000). The load– Figure 11. It can be seen from Figure 11(a) that inter-
FRP strain curve of beam BF5 is quite different from facial debonding started at the intermediate section of
the others, because of the preload. When the load the FRP plate and then propagated toward the nearer
reaches 110 kN and the FRP plate is attached, the plate end as the area where the interfacial shear stress
FRP strain begins to increase. When FRP debonds, is zero has already debonded. At state 3, interfacial
strain value will fluctuate sharply. Therefore to make debonding had propagated to the plate end and the
Xie et al. 9

(a) (b)
Figure 10. Comparison of FRP strain distribution between the simulation and test results: (a) Beam BF2 and BF5 under the load of
150 kN and (b) Beam BF2, BF8 and BF9 under the load of 70 kN(Matthys, 2000).

(a) (b)

Figure 11. Debonding process of the beam BF8: (a) interfacial shear stress distribution, (b) interfacial slip distribution and (c) FRP
strain distribution.

FRP reinforcement had separated from the RC beam, Parameter analysis

which can be seen in Figure 11(b). It can be seen from
Figure 11(c) that FRP strain varies very little at the The effect of FRP placement on IC debonding is dis-
debonding area. In addition, FRP strain reduces con- cussed as follows:Figure 12 shows a schematic diagram
siderably at state 3 and has not reduced to zero yet on of the FRP plate location. We choose four configura-
account of the dynamic effect. tions. Configuration 1 is the same as beam BF2, and
10 Advances in Structural Engineering 00(0)

(a) (b)

Figure 13. Load–deflection curves of different configurations.

not only shows good prediction of IC debonding fail-

ure but also shows good agreement on details such as
load–deflection relationship, crack patterns, load–
strain relationship, and FRP strain distribution. The
(c) (d) model also has the following characteristics:
Figure 12. Schematic diagram of the FRP plate location: (a)
configuration 1, (b) configuration 2, (c) configuration 3, and (d) 1. This model can simulate preloaded beams.
configuration 4. 2. Compared with other models on the basis of
the smeared crack approach, the interfaces
between the concrete and both the internal steel
other configurations divide an FRP plate into the same and the external FRP reinforcements are more
two pieces and place them in different positions. These expediently modeled.
beams were modeled using a concrete element size of 3. This model can simulate the FRP debonding
20 mm in three coordinate system directions. The process of the beam and the response of the
results of these different configurations are shown in residual beam after the FRP reinforcement has
Figure 13. The predicted ultimate loads of beams of separated from the RC beam.
these configurations are 175.4, 175.0, 175.9, and 175.0,
respectively. The predicted ultimate loads before com- The parametric analysis shows that the 3D model is
pletely debonding are 34.8, 37.3, 34.1, and 32.4 mm more advanced than the 2D model, although it is not
respectively. It can be seen that the ultimate loads of obvious in simulating IC debonding of RC beams with
these beams are almost the same, but the deflections purely bonded FRP laminate. Nevertheless, this model
are slightly different. We can obtain an approximation can be used to simulate FRP-plated slabs or beams
indicating that the more dispersed the FRP plates are, with additional anchors such as U-jacket strips or
the more likely the beam is to debond. In addition, if mechanically fastened FRP strengthening system in
the location and total amount of the plates are the future research.
same, it is more difficult to debond for a few plates
than a single one. However, the difference in the results Declaration of conflicting interests
between these beams is not significant. The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
This article has presented a 3D FE model on the basis Funding
of the smeared crack approach for predicting IC The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
debonding failure of FRP-strengthened RC beams. port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
Compared with the experimental results, the FE model article: The authors are grateful for the financial support
Xie et al. 11

received from the National Natural Science Foundation of Li X-H and Wu G (2018) Finite-element analysis and
China (Grant No. 51878664) and the National Key R&D strength model for IC debonding in FRP-strengthened
Program of China (National Key Project No. RC beams. Journal of Composites for Construction 22(5):
2017YFC0703506). The authors are also grateful to the 04018030.
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quality of the manuscript. FRP sheets/plates bonded to concrete. Engineering Struc-
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