Tds - Pozzolith 55r
Tds - Pozzolith 55r
Tds - Pozzolith 55r
Benefits *Properties
Increases compressive, tensile and flexural Colour: Clear/pale straw coloured liquid.
strength of concrete. Specific gravity: 1.156 at 25C.
Increases density of concrete reducing Chloride content: chloride free to EN 934-2
Freezing point: 0C
permeability and thus increasing durability.
Allows a reduction in free water in the region of
8-12%. Standards
Highly effective in high cement content low EN 934-2 Tables 6 and 10
water cement ratio mixes where its use ASTM C494: Type B & D
enables concrete to be made more workable BS 5075: Part 1 (superseded by EN 934-2)
without loss in strength, density and durability.
Directions for use Storage
POZZOLITH 55R should be added to the Up to 2 years in unopened original packing. Store
concrete mix during the mixing cycle, at the same under cover, out of direct sunlight and protect
time as the water, or the aggregates. Never add from extremes of temperature.
POZZOLITH 55R to the dry cement. No Failure to comply with the recommended storage
extension to normal mixing time is necessary. conditions may result in premature deterioration of
the product or packaging. For specific storage
Dosage advice consult BASF's Technical Services
Field trials should be conducted to determine the Department.
optimum addition rates of POZZOLITH 55R. As
a guide to these trials, a dosage range of 160 to Safety precautions
280ml per 100kg cement is recommended as a POZZOLITH 55R is not a fire or health hazard.
starting point. Dosages outside this range can be Spillages should be washed down immediately
used where improved workability, increased water with cold water. For further information refer to
reduction and / or further set retardation are the Material Safety Data Sheet.
Effects of over dosage Field service, where provided, does not constitute
A severe over dosage of POZZOLITH 55R will supervisory responsibility. For additional
result in: information contact your local BASF
Increased retardation of initial and final set. representative.
Increase in workability. BASF reserves the right to have the true cause of
any difficulty determined by accepted test
Providing concrete is properly cured the ultimate methods.
strength of the concrete will not be adversely
affected and will generally be higher than for Quality and care
normal concrete. Care should be taken to allow All products originating from BASFs Dubai, UAE
for the affect on formwork pressures and on facility are manufactured under a management
stripping times. system independently certified to conform to the
requirements of the quality, environmental and
Dispenser occupational health & safety standards ISO 9001,
POZZOLITH 55R should be dispensed through a ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
proprietary dispenser, such as is available from
05/95 BASF_CC-UAE revised 04/2008
* Properties listed are based on laboratory controlled tests.
Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and represents our best knowledge and experience, no warranty is given or implied with
any recommendations made by us, our representatives or distributors, as the conditions of use and the competence of any labour involved in the
application are beyond our control.
As all BASF technical datasheets are updated on a regular basis it is the user's responsibility to obtain the most recent issue.