Assessm Ent and Student Success
Assessm Ent and Student Success
Assessm Ent and Student Success
makes knowledge
your own, rather than
repeat someone elses
Summative Assessment
-are commonly done as tests or
projects and such, but they
should be done frequently ( not
just at the end of a unit) as well
as students should be able to
express themselves in different
ways throughout them.
-Tiered Assignments
3 Fundamental Attributes
for Implementing
1. Clear Goals for students
2. Student understanding of The only man who behaved sensibly,
important content (vs was my tailor; he took my
measurements anew every time he
memory of content). saw me, while all the rest went on
3. Engage students in the with their old measurements and
process of learning. expected them to fit me. George
Teaching up communicates Bernard Shaw
clearly that everyone in the class
is worthy of the best curriculum
the teacher knows how to create.
The term assessment -Informal Assessment: Talking
derives from the Latin with students about interests and
Teaching Up comfort levels.
assidere, meaning to sit
Is it best to plan for students -Be clear on: Critical vocabulary,
at an average or grade- beside. G. significance, and content skills.
level start, than differentiate
by making some tasks easier?
Wiggins -Tools: Hand signals, KWL charts,
Response Cards and Informative
Perhaps it is best to start with
work for students who struggle, Ongoing Assessment
then enrich tasks for your
-When formative assessment
advanced learners. WHEN: before, during and after a
takes center stage, creates a
Have you tried Teaching community of learners.
UP? WHAT: Readiness, interest and
-Create a teaching-practice-
learning profile
feedback cycle
Plan lessons around your
WHY: Of Instruction- summative -Effective Feedback Attributes:
advanced students, then clear, builds trust, user-friendly,
For Instruction-addressing specific, focused, differentiated,
differentiate by providing
students area of proficiency and
support that enables the timely, and invites follow up.
range of less advanced area of need.
learners to work successfully
As Instruction- Student and peers
with the advanced-level task.
goals and feedback.