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1 Educational Models

2.1.1 Compare educational models and explain how they impact the classroom

Response to Student Led Teacher Led Collaborative

intervention (RTI)

What is it? What is it? What is it? What is it?

1.Identify students Students are in The teacher plans, Teachers and
with learning charge of learning.. delivers and students work
disabilities who are They peer teach, find monitors together to make a
at risk. different ways to instruction. product. Students
solve problems, can self assess
2.Provide early
model the correct
intervention way to do a task, run
support. centers and
3. Continued participate in Socratic
assessments to seminars.
determine supports.

Theorists Theorists Theorists Theorists

Jean Piaget John Dewey - focus JeanPiaget -Theory Bloom, Skinner -
-Theory of cognitive on creating of cognitive Changes in behavior
development. individuals that break development. are the result of an
-This helps mark out of social groups -This helps mark individual's response
important goals in and think for important goals in to events (stimuli)
development and themselves (value development and that occur in the
helps teachers hand on and learning helps teachers environment. There is
understand where a through action) understand where a a system of rewards
student is at in their Jean Piaget -Theory student is at in their to reinforce
learning of cognitive learning behaviors.
-This helps mark B.F. Skinner -
Jean Piaget -Theory
important goals in Changes in behavior of cognitive
development and are the result of an development.
helps teachers individual's response -This helps mark
understand where a to events (stimuli) important goals in
student is at in their that occur in the development and
learning environment. There is helps teachers
a system of rewards understand where a
Lev Vygotsky to reinforce student is at in their
Bloom’s Taxonomy -
behaviors. learning
used to classify
educational learning
and Constructivism,

Strategies Strategies Strategies Strategies

Tier 1- Whole Cooperative learning, modeling, lectures, Making graphic
classroom group peer teaching, demonstration, direct organizers,
(Management ladder, centers, student instruction, concept map, Step by
Give clear directions, feedback to each scaffolding, 1-1 step process,
Track daily class other, project based Gamification, Group
points) learning, socratic research
Tier 2- Small group seminar Pros - students will
(Check in/ Check out, learn the correct
Pros- Engage in
Break passes) information since the
Pros- Students are better writing,
Tier 3- Individualized teacher is delivering
responsible for their relationship building
learning (1 on 1, it.
learning and take
Counseling, modified
ownership. Cons-Requires
schedule) Cons - Takes away
experience and much
autonomy, classroom
Cons - Students may planning, one may
Pros-More children is quiet as all the
miss pieces of the take over the group,
can immediately energy comes from
instruction or may not some may not feel
receive support the teacher, can be
have a true comfortable talking in
stressful for the
understanding. group, team
Cons-Children teacher
management, one
performing at grade
may do all the work
level are not
Impact in P-12
Allows students to
Impact in P-12
become more aware
Teacher selects the
of their strengths and
learning area to be
develops confidence. Impact in P-12
Impact in P-12 taught.
Data collected for all Development of
students and Teacher sets criteria higher-level
immediate support for for success. thinking, oral
struggling student communication,
Teacher informs self-management,
students' criteria and leadership
ahead of the lesson.
skills. Promotion of
Teacher demonstrates student-faculty
to the students interaction.
successful use of the Increase in student
knowledge/skills retention,
through modeling. self-esteem, and
Teacher evaluates
student learning.

Teacher provides
remedial opportunities
if needed.

“Collaborative Learning: Center for Teaching Innovation.”

Collaborative Learning | Center for Teaching Innovation,

“Effective Instruction Overview.” The Wing Institute,

Newman, Portia. “Response to Intervention Strategies to

Improve Student Behavior.” Kickboard, 18 Mar. 2021,

“What Is Response to Intervention (RTI)? - Rush

NeuroBehavioral Center: Building on the Strengths of
Children, Teens, and Young Adults.” RUSH NeuroBehavioral
Center - Building on the Strengths of Children, Teens and
Young Adults,

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