Kongenital Toksoplasmosis
Kongenital Toksoplasmosis
Kongenital Toksoplasmosis
Congenital Toxoplasmosis
James B. McAuley
Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois
Corresponding Author: James B. McAuley, MD, MPH, 1653 W. Congress Parkway, Chicago, IL 60612.
E-mail: jmcauley61@gmail.com.
Received April 22, 2014; accepted June 20, 2014.
Toxoplasmosis is caused by infection with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii. It is one of the most common
parasitic infections in humans and is most typically asymptomatic. However, primary infection in a pregnant
woman can cause severe and disabling disease in the developing fetus. Recent developments have included
increased understanding of the role of parasite genotype in determining infectivity and disease severity. Risk
factors for acquisition of infection have been better dened, and the important role of foodborne transmission
has been further delineated. In addition, strategies have emerged to decrease mother-to-child transmission
through prompt identication of acutely infected pregnant women followed by appropriate treatment. Rened
diagnostic tools, particularly the addition of immunoglobulin G avidity testing, allow for more accurate timing
of maternal infection and hence better decision making during pregnancy. Congenitally infected children can be
treated, beginning in utero and continuing through the rst year of life, to ameliorate the severity of disease.
However, despite these many advances in our understanding of congenital toxoplasmosis prevention and
treatment, signicant areas of study remain: we need better drugs, well dened strategies for screening of
pregnant women, improved food safety, and improved diagnostic tests.
Key words. infant; toxoplasmosis; transmission.
Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that infects are then excreted. The unsporulated (ie, noninfective) oo-
most species of warm-blooded animals, including hu- cyst takes 1 to 5 days after excretion to become sporulated
mans. The taxonomy has recently changed: Phylum (infective). Although cats shed oocysts for only 1 to 2
Apicomplexa, Class Coccidea, Subclass Coccidiasina, weeks, large numbers may be shed, often exceeding
Order Eimeriida, Suborder Eimeriorina, Family Sarcocys- 100 000 per gram of feces. Oocysts can survive in the
tidae, (Sarcocystis), Subfamily Toxoplasmatinae, Genus environment for several months to more than 1 year and
Toxoplasma [1]. are remarkably resistant to disinfectants, freezing, and dry-
Members of the cat family Felidae are the only known ing but are killed by heating to 70C for 10 minutes [2].
denitive hosts for the sexual stages of T gondii and thus Human infection may be acquired in several ways: (1) in-
are the main reservoirs of infection. The 3 stages of this ob- gestion of undercooked contaminated meat containing
ligate intracellular parasite are as follows: (1) tachyzoites T gondii cysts; (2) ingestion of oocysts from hands, food,
(trophozoites), which rapidly proliferate and destroy in- soil, or water contaminated with cat feces; (3) organ trans-
fected cells during acute infection; (2) bradyzoites, which plantation or blood transfusion; (4) transplacental trans-
slowly multiply in tissue cysts; and (3) sporozoites in mission; and (5) accidental inoculation of tachyzoites.
oocysts. Tachyzoites and bradyzoites occur in body tissues; Transmission through breast milk has not been described.
oocysts are excreted in cat feces (Figure 1). Cats become in- The 2 major routes of transmission of Toxoplasma to hu-
fected with T gondii by carnivorism or by ingestion of oo- mans are oral and congenital. In humans, ingesting either
cysts. Cats that are allowed to roam outside are much more the tissue cyst or the oocyst results in the rupture of the cyst
likely to become infected than domestic cats that are con- wall [3], which releases sporozoites that invade the intestinal
ned indoors. After tissue cysts or oocysts are ingested by epithelium, disseminate throughout the body, and multiply
the cat, sporozoites are released and invade epithelial cells intracellularly. The host cell dies and releases tachyzoites,
of the small intestine where they undergo an asexual cycle which invade adjacent cells and continue the process. The
followed by a sexual cycle and then form oocysts, which tachyzoites are pressured by the hosts immune response to
Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, Vol. 3, Suppl 1, pp. S30S35, 2014. DOI:10.1093/jpids/piu077
The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society.
All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@oup.com.
Congenital Toxoplasmosis S31
transform into bradyzoites and form tissue cysts, most com- The incidence of congenital toxoplasmosis varies with
monly in skeletal muscle, myocardium, and brain; these cysts the trimester during which maternal infection was ac-
may remain throughout the life of the host. Recrudescence of quired. For untreated women, the transmission rate is ap-
clinical disease may occur if the host becomes immunosup- proximately 25 percent in the rst trimester, 54 percent in
pressed and the cysts rupture, releasing the parasites. the second trimester, and 65 percent in the third trimester.
Congenital infection occurs predominantly after prima- Although the precise mechanism of movement of the para-
ry infection of a pregnant woman. However, well described site across the human placental is not fully understood, re-
cases of transmission from women infected shortly before cent studies may offer new insights [5]. Human placental
pregnancy, transmission from immunosuppressed women studies suggest that the extravillous trophoblasts (EVT)
undergoing reactivation, and transmission from women that anchor the placenta to the uterus are much more vul-
previously infected with one serotype developing a new in- nerable to infection than are the syncytiotrophoblasts that
fection with a second serotype during pregnancy have all are bathed in maternal blood [5]. Studies in animals have
been described [4]. shown that initial infection occurs in the uterus [5].
S32 McAuley
Thus, it is likely that after primary infection a woman be- accomplished using serologic tests, because isolation of
comes parasitemic, leading to intracellular infection in the the parasite can be difcult. Molecular testing, such as po-
uterus, which then gradually leads to EVT infection, as the lymerase chain reaction, plays a critical role in diagnosing
tachyzoites move from cell to cell, with eventual infection infection in the fetus. Interpretation of diagnostic tests in
of the fetus. It is also possible that direct movement of pregnant women and newborns can be difcult and should
tachyzoite infected maternal leukocytes to or across the be undertaken using a reliable reference laboratory
placenta contributes to fetal infection. It seems likely that (Toxoplasma Serology Laboratory, Palo Alto, CA; http://
multiple mechanisms are involved; which could explain www.pamf.org/serology/) [1].
the apparent time delay between primary maternal infec- Acquired infection with Toxoplasma in immunocompe-
tion and fetal infection. tent individuals is generally an asymptomatic infection.
In recent studies, researchers have begun to appreciate However, 10%20% of patients with acute infection
that differences in (1) reactivation and (2) disease severity may develop cervical lymphadenopathy or a u-like illness.
may be explained in part by different genotypes of T gondii, The clinical course is benign and self-limited; symptoms
of which there are 3 occurring in different parts of the world usually resolve within weeks to months. Recent data have
[4]. These studies are important because they may explain suggested an association between T gondii infection
conicting reports from different regions of the world on and various neurologic or psychiatric syndromes, includ-
the relative public health importance of screening and treat- ing schizophrenia, Alzheimer disease, and even suicide
ment for congenital disease. Further research is needed to [810]. These ndings are intriguing but require further
dene the role of T gondii genotypes and the interplay study to validate.
with human innate immunity, particularly in the developing Immunodecient patients often have central nervous sys-
fetus and newborn infant. One study on transmission across tem (CNS) disease but may have myocarditis or pneumoni-
the human placenta showed a trend towards increased trans- tis. In patients with acquired immune deciency syndrome,
mission by 1 genotype; however, the differences were not toxoplasmic encephalitis is the most common cause of intra-
statistically signicant [5]. cerebral mass lesions and is thought to be due to reactivation
of chronic infection. Toxoplasmosis in patients being treated
EPIDEMIOLOGY with immunosuppressive drugs may be due to either newly
acquired or reactivated latent infection [11, 12].
Serologic prevalence data indicate that toxoplasmosis is
Ocular toxoplasmosis, an important cause of chorioreti-
one of the most common infections of humans throughout
nitis in the United States, may be the result of congenital or
the world, and prevalence increases with age [6]. Due to en-
acquired infection [13]. Congenitally infected patients can
vironmental factors impacting the survival of the oocysts,
be asymptomatic until the second or third decade of life,
infection is more common in warm climates and at lower
when lesions develop in the eye presumably due to cyst rup-
altitudes than in cold climates and mountainous regions.
ture and subsequent release of tachyzoites and bradyzoites.
Variations in mode of exposure also lead to variations in
Chorioretinitis is more often bilateral (30%80%) in con-
prevalence. Analysis of National Health and Nutrition
genitally infected individuals than in individuals with acute
Examination and Survey (NHANES) data showed T gondii
acquired T gondii infection. Further dening the interac-
seroprevalence had declined in US-born persons 1249
tion of human immunity, timing of infection, and parasite
years old from 14.1% in 19881994 to 9.0% in 1999
genotype is an important area of ongoing research in un-
2004 [7]. The incidence of congenital toxoplasmosis
derstanding ocular toxoplasmosis.
depends upon the proportion of women entering pregnan-
Congenital toxoplasmosis has a wide spectrum of clini-
cy without prior immunity and the rate of exposure to
cal manifestations, but it is subclinical in approximately
Toxoplasma during pregnancy. Estimates of congenital
75% of infected newborns. The severity of clinical disease
infection in the United States have ranged from 1 in 3000
in congenitally infected infants is related inversely to the
to 1 in 10 000 live births.
gestational age at the time of primary maternal infection
with rst-trimester maternal infection leading to more
severe manifestations. When clinically apparent, it may
Toxoplasmosis can be categorized into 4 groups: (1) ac- mimic other diseases of the newborn. In a proportion of
quired in the immunocompetent patient; (2) acquired or re- cases, spontaneous abortion, prematurity, or stillbirth
activated in the immunodecient patient; (3) ocular; and may result. Involvement of the CNS is a hallmark of con-
(4) congenital. Diagnosis and treatment may be different genital Toxoplasma infection. The presence of choriore-
for each clinical category. In general, diagnosis is tinitis, intracranial calcications, and hydrocephalus is
Congenital Toxoplasmosis S33
considered the classic triad of congenital toxoplasmosis. (gardening and yard work), and eating raw unwashed veg-
Fever, hydrocephalus or microcephaly, hepatosplenome- etables or fruits [2, 3, 1416]. Recommendations for pre-
galy, jaundice, convulsions, chorioretinitis (often bilateral), vention of toxoplasmosis in pregnant women are
cerebral calcications, and abnormal cerebrospinal uid are available on the Centers for Disease Control and
the classic features of severe congenital toxoplasmosis. Prevention web page: http://www.cdc.gov/parasites/
Other occasional ndings included rash (maculopapular, toxoplasmosis/prevent.html. These recommendations in-
petechial, or both), myocarditis, pneumonitis and respirato- clude the following: (1) whole cuts of meat should be
ry distress, hearing defects, an erythroblastosis-like picture, cooked to safe temperatures of at least 145oF with a 3 mi-
thrombocytopenia, lymphocytosis, monocytosis, and nute rest, ground meat should be cooked to 160o F, and
nephrotic syndrome. poultry should be cooked to at least 165oF with a 3 minute
Some infected children without overt disease as neonates rest; (2) fruits and vegetables should be peeled or washed
may escape serious sequelae of the infection; however, a thoroughly before eating; (3) cutting boards, dishes, coun-
signicant number (14 to 85%) develop chorioretinitis, ters, utensils, and hands should always be washed with hot
strabismus, blindness, hydrocephalus or microcephaly, soapy water after they have contacted raw meat, poultry,
cerebral calcications, developmental delay, epilepsy, or seafood, or unwashed fruits or vegetables; (4) pregnant
deafness months or years later. women should wear gloves when gardening and during
Current treatment regimens work primarily against the any contact with soil or sand, because cat waste might be
actively dividing tachyzoite form of T gondii and do not in soil or sand, and wash hands afterwards; (5) pregnant
eradicate encysted organisms (bradyzoites). A signicant women should avoid changing cat litter if possible. If no
paradigm shift over the past 2030 years has been the one else is available to change the cat litter, pregnant
realization that therapy begun prenatally and within the women should use gloves, then wash their hands thorough-
rst 12 months after delivery can signicantly ameliorate ly. The litter box should be changed daily because T gondii
subsequent neurologic damage in infected children. For oocysts require more than 1 day to become infectious.
congenital infection, treatment regimens that include pyri- Pregnant women should be encouraged to keep their cats
methamine and sulfadiazine with leukovorinprolonged inside and not adopt or handle stray cats. Cats should be
for at least 1 year and often initiated before birthseem fed only canned or dried commercial food or well cooked
to be associated with substantially less frequent and severe table food, not raw or undercooked meats. Several out-
sequelae. Further rening the optimal treatment regimen breaks have been reported in association with drinking un-
is an area requiring further research, especially as newer treated water contaminated by oocysts. Freezing meats for
drugs (azithromycin, atovoquone, etc) with activity several days at subzero (0oF) greatly reduces the risk of in-
against the various stages of Toxoplasma are developed. fection and may partially explain the declining prevalence
Continued research is required to determine the impact of of Toxoplasma infection in the United States, because in-
therapy during infancy upon recrudescent ocular disease in creasing proportions of meats are frozen for prolonged pe-
adolescents who were congenitally infected. riods before human consumption. An important area of
ongoing study is improved food safetyincluding the role
of irradiation, monitored freezing of meats (as is done for
Trichinella), and development of vaccines for use in cats or
Prevention of congenital toxoplasmosis infection involves intermediate host animals.
prevention of primary infection in pregnant women or pre- Spiramycin (available through the US Food and Drug
vention of transplacental transmission once primary infec- Administration, phone 301-796-0563 or 301-796-1400,
tion has occurred in the mother. Secondary prevention of or if no response then 301-796-3763) is recommended
severe disease in the infected fetus and newborn relies for pregnant women with acute toxoplasmosis when fetal
upon early detection and initiation of appropriate therapy infection has not yet occurred, in an attempt to prevent
for the child, as described above. transmission of T gondii from the mother to the fetus
Primary prevention of maternal infection depends upon [17, 18]. Although randomized prospective studies of treat-
an understanding of modes of acquisition of infection for a ment during acute infection in pregnant women have not
pregnant woman. Risk factors for T gondii infection iden- been performed, several large prospective and retrospective
tied in epidemiologic studies include eating raw or under- cohort reviews have been analyzed. Some researchers have
cooked pork, mutton, lamb, beef, ground meat products, questioned, or been unable to demonstrate, the effective-
oysters, clams, or mussels and wild game meat, kitten own- ness of treatment during pregnancy in preventing congeni-
ership, cleaning the cat litter box, contact with soil tal infection [19, 20] or sequelae in infants [20]. However, a
S34 McAuley
Table 1. Research Needs in Maternal and Congenital several important questions remain to be explored (Table 1).
Toxoplasmosis Does parasitic genotypic variation explain the variability
Defining role of parasitic genotypic variation in the variability of seen across the globe in disease prevalence and severity?
disease prevalence and severity Are there better treatment options available, both for pre-
Better treatment options for prevention of transmission of
Toxoplasma infection from a pregnant woman to her fetus vention of transmission from an infected pregnant woman
Better drugs for treatment of infants and children with congenital to her developing fetus and for the treatment of congenitally
Effective approaches for toxoplasmosis screening in pregnant infected children, particularly newer drugs that have shown
women activity against related parasites? Is it time to seriously con-
Strategies to improve food safety
sider universal screening of pregnant women in the United
States? Do we understand the epidemiology well enough
multicenter observational study found that the treatment of to institute such screening? Can more be done to improve
acute T gondii infection in pregnancy was associated with a food safety? In 1988, McCabe and Remington [23] wrote
reduction of sequelae in infants, but not a reduction in an editorial stating that the time had come to seriously
maternal-fetal transmission [21]. Alternative medications, address toxoplasmosis in pregnancy to prevent congenital
such as azithromycin, have been used but have not been infection. Perhaps now the time has really come.
as extensively studied as spiramycin.
Prevention of transmission from a pregnant woman Acknowledgments
who has experienced primary infection to her fetus re- Financial support. This work was supported by the Eunice Kennedy
Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
quires prompt identication of what is most often an
National Institutes of Health.
asymptomatic infection in the woman. Several strategies
have been attempted or proposed to identify acutely infect- Potential conicts of interest. Author: No reported conicts.
Author has submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential
ed pregnant women. Most strategies involve routine sero-
Conicts of Interest.
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