Advanced Medical Parasitology
Advanced Medical Parasitology
Advanced Medical Parasitology
املرحلة الرابعة
طفيليات نظري
Phylum Apicomplexa
Toxoplasma gondii
Final hosts (definitive host): is the house or domestic cat and other cats and other
Intermediate hosts: human being (considered as a dead end host) and wide range
of mammals (cattle, sheep, mouse and pig), birds and Hippopotamus amphibious.
1- Congenital via placenta, that is from mother or pregnant woman to the fetus.
2- Acquired by contaminated food and drinks especially infected meat (Ingestion
of undercooked infected meat).
3- Ingestion of the oocyst from fecally contaminated hands (oocyst during the
cleaning of cat litter box) or food, milk and water.
4- Organ transplantation or blood transfusion
Toxoplasma gondii
Life cycle: Cats get infected by ingestion of cysts and the organisms penetrate the
submucosal epithelial cells where they undergo several generations of mitosis,
finally resulting in development of microgametocytes and macrogametocytes.
Fertilized macrogametes develops into oocysts that are discharged into the gut
lumen and excreted. Oocyst sporulate in the worm environment and are infectious
to a variety of animals including rodents and man. Sporozoites released from the
oocyst in the small intestine penetrate the intestinal mucosa and find their way into
macrophages where they divide very rapidly (trachyzoites) and form a cyst- like
which may occupy the whole cell.
Infected cell bursts and release the trachyzoites to inter other cells including
muscles and nerve cell. (bradyzoites), these cysts are infectious to carnivores
(including humans).
2. endodyogony.
Laboratory diagnosis
A. Pathogenic
1) Smears from Lymph node, bone marrow, spleen. For organism detection.
2) Body fluids (in acute infection) or from tissue (chronic infection) inoculated
intraperitonealy into young laboratory mice for demonstrations of the organisms.
B. Serological
Serology remains the primary approach for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis.
1) Indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test and ELISA test including IgM and IgG
In pregnant women: IgG titers show past infection whereas IgM titers
Tissue cyst:
It is spherical. This is the chronic stage of the infection. The tissue cysts can be found
in any organ of the body but are commonly found in the brain ,skeletal and heart
muscles. The cyst contain hundreds of bradyzoite ( cystozoites). Bradyziotes multiply
Oocyst: This stage is only present in cats and other felines but not in humans. It is
oval. Each cyst is surrounded by a thick resistant wall. The oocyst librated from the
intestinal epithelial cell while still immature; it completes its development while
passing down the gut and after expulsion in the feces. Its contents are divided first into
two cells; these then secrete cyst walls to form 2 sporocyst. The content of each
sporocyst then divide once more to produce infective sporozoites.
by entering other cells (muscle cells, neurons, and perhaps others) and secreting a
thin but tough cyst wall around itself form a tissue cyst and initiate the chronic
phase of the disease. A tissue cyst contains hundreds of bradyzoites.
If another intermediate host eats uncooked meat containing this tissue cyst ,
bradyzoites emerge in the duodenum and repeat the cycle.