"Affordable Housing: A Present Need in Housing Sector": Ankit Pahade, Pranay Khare

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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)

ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-11, November 2015

Affordable Housing: A Present Need in Housing

Ankit Pahade, Pranay Khare

estimated that almost a quarter of Indian households lack

Abstract Affordable housing is very hot topic in India, even adequate housing facility.
more in news after the launch of housing for all by 2022 by the The concept of affordable housing seems to be a simple
government of India. Due to rapid urbanization there is huge solution to current housing scenario. Most of the housing
gap created in demand and supply of affordable housing. After development may need to be done for economically weaker
68th years of independence also there is 95% shortage for lower
section or low income households (in both rural and urban
income group houses. There are also many achievements and
initiatives by the government , but the rate of constructing
areas) whose income is less than 2-3 lakh per annum.
affordable jousting is low due to government laws and policies of Affordable housing may be a good strategy to this
housing infrastructure. The paper describes challenges, issues home-buyers dilemma and can help ensure housing across
for the development of affordable housing an also it explains different sections of society.
various strategies to be implement. There is also need of
innovative faster construction technology so the cost of
construction will reduce and economically weaker section, lower II. MOTIVATION
income group will get their own house at affordable cost.
The three basic necessities of life food, clothing, and
shelter are day by day becoming a luxury and no longer
Index Termsaffordable housing, construction, cost, looked upon as an affordable expenditure. Luxury items such
development, government, income group, infrastructure, lower as televisions, mobile phones, refrigerators, etc. are becoming
technology, socio-economic, urbanization affordable due to the Demand created in the Market. Even
after Economic progress of the Nation, we can find
auto-rickshaw driver holding a smart phone in his pocket but
I. INTRODUCTION still he dwells in a slum area. It is true that economic growth
With rapid urbanization and rising population, shortage of leads to rise in income but it has led to high growth rate of
land is major problem in urban India. Growing urbanization property prices leaving it unaffordable for majority of
has led to pressure on the availability of land and population in the country. Many lower income households
infrastructure in city, there is deterioration of housing live in poor conditions and are not satisfied with their housing
conditions of the weaker sections of society, there is increased condition, their search for affordable housing have been a
number of slums and squatter settlements all around. It is failed attempt. People are ready to pay but they have no
expected that Indias urban population to reach about 81 crore assurance of affordable house of their own. Hence, affordable
by 2050. Housing is a basic need for humans and is an housing in India is the need of the era.
important sector for any economy as it has inter-linkages with
nearly 269 other industries. Housing industry in India gives
second largest employment, next to the agriculture sector and III. AFFORDABLE HOUSING MEANING
is ranked fourth in terms of multiplier effects, ahead of Affordability as a concept is very generic and has different
agriculture and transport. The development of housing sector meanings for different people. Affordable housing is housing
has direct impact on employment generation, GDP growth of that meets some form of affordability criterion. Defining
country and consumption pattern in the economy. affordable housing in India is a difficult task because at every
It is true that economic growth leads to rise in income but square kilometer of the country, the dynamics of the country
this has led to even faster rise in property prices leaving it are different. Affordability means people get basic amenities
unaffordable for majority of population. The government of such as sanitation, adequate water supply, power and
India acknowledges the importance of housing issue in the healthcare facilities. Affordability also means project should
Country and has launched a massive campaign which be located within reasonable distances from workplaces and
promises to provide housing to all its citizens by the year should be connected adequately through public transport. As
2022. As per studies conducted by the Ministry of Rural overall the citizens are divided into four main groups on their
Development and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty annual income levels as Economically weaker section (EWS),
Alleviation, the vision would require development of about Lower income group (LIG), Middle income group (MIG),
11cr houses with investments of over USD 2 trillion. It is and Higher income group (HIG). The major demand in
housing is for EWS, LIG and MIG home buyers. So, using
Ankit Pahade, M. E. IInd year, Construction Management, D. Y. Patil
three parameters size of dwelling unit, income level and
School of Engineering and Technology, Lohegaon, Pune, India. affordability/EMI following table is given.
Pranay Khare, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
D. Y. Patil School of Engineering and Technology, Lohegoan, Pune, India.

86 www.ijeas.org
Affordable Housing: A Present Need in Housing Sector

Income Size of Affordability/

level dwelling unit EMI Government initiatives approach for development of
Less than Up to 300 30% of gross affordable housing.
EWS 1.5 lacs per sq. ft monthly income a) After the decision of state government to resuscitate
annum of buyer the Shivshahi Punarvasan Prakalp Ltd (SPPL), about
Between Between 35% of gross 30 top developers have submitted proposals to build
LIG 1.5-3 lacs 300-600 sq. ft monthly income low cost affordable houses in the Mumbai
per annum of buyer Metropolitan Region.
Between Between 40% of gross b) Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation Ministry
MIG 3-10 lacs per 600-1200 sq. monthly income today approved construction of 2,28,204 houses for
annum ft of buyer the urban poor in five states for which the Centre will
provide an assistance of Rs 3,231 crore. The minister
for Central Sanctioning and Monitoring Committee
Chatterjee approved the housing projects.
Housing shortage is going up because of increased
c) MHADA has identified land parcels spread over 1100
urbanization and migration. As per estimates, housing
acres across Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR)
shortage is 18.78 million in 2012. More than 95% shortage is
for developing affordable housing projects.
for EWS/LIG houses. As per census 2011, slum households
d) The government relaxed foreign direct investment
are 13.75 million, up from 10.2 million in 2001. Growth in 10
(FDI) norms in construction sector by removing two
years of slum households is 36.5% and of slum population is
major conditions related to minimum built up area as
25.1%, whereas of urban households is 44.9% and urban
well as capital requirement. Real estate industry
population is 32%. Housing shortage is gigantic and more
today hailed the government's decision to relax FDI
pronounced in certain states and big metro cities. By 2026,
norms for construction sector saying the move would
46% population will live in urban areas. Hence different
boost foreign investment particularly into the
strategies should be apply to meet the needs of different
affordable segment.
e) The Central government keeping discussions on fast
track mode with the state governments about
measures being taken to promote affordable housing
V. CHALLENGES, SUGGESTIONS AND projects for the Economically Weaker Sections
AFFORDABLE HOUSING f) The Reserve bank of India (RBI) has made new
announcement that banks can provide home loans up
Developing affordable housing in Indian cities faces to 90% on the property that cost up to Rs. 30 lakh.
significant challenges due to several economic, regulatory Earlier, it was 90% on the property which cost Rs. 20
and urban issues. lakh.

a) Lack of availability of land within the city limits VI. CONCLUSION

b) Excessive control on development of land creates
artificial shortage
Development of housing sector is very important for the
c) Higher cost of construction
growth of the country. Government should focus on policies
d) Cost overrun and project delays
and make them easy for public private partnership. There
e) Lack of access to home finance for lower income groups
should be some relaxations in policies to construct houses at
f) Lengthy approval and land use conversion process
affordable price. New technologies and innovations like
g) Lack of clarity in building bylaws and their guidelines
(precast elements) should emerge to reduce construction cost.
Housing and urban development is a state responsibility. State
To make affordable housing work in India, it would require
should consider the following suggestions for affordable
will from all the private stakeholders and government
housing development.
officials by slightly adjusting their interests towards wider
socio-economic development.
a) Grant infrastructure status to the affordable housing
b) Streamlining the approval process through a single
window clearance mechanism
This paper was made possible through help and support of
c) Developing Public private partnership (PPP)
my parents, teachers and friends. I am very much grateful to
framework to encourage private participation
Prof Pranay Khare for valuable suggestions. I am thankful to
d) Channelizing long term funding in urban housing,
the D. Y. Patil School of Engineering & Technology for
emergence of microfinance institutions
providing me the opportunity.
e) Smart transit oriented development
f) Enhancing supply of urban land
g) Extra floor space index (FSI) for affordable housing
wherever possible [1] Report of Jones Lang LaSalle, Housing in India
h) Relaxation of density norms [2] Charan Singh, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (2013 )
i) Improvement in construction technology Housing market in India: A comparison with the US and Spain.

87 www.ijeas.org
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-11, November 2015
[3] KPMG report (2010) Affordable housing a key growth driver in the
real estate sector.
[4] JLL & CREDAI report (2014) Housing for all- Reforms can make it
happen sooner.
[5] Rakesh Ranjan (2014) Housing for all by 2022: Access, Affordability
and quality of life.
[6] KPMG & NAREDCO, Decoding housing for all by 2022
[7] PRAJA (2014) The State of Affordable Housing in Mumbai.
[8] Government of India, MHUPA reports 2011
[9] Deloitte Consulting Report (2013) Private built Low income Housing
in India.
[10] IFMR, Chennai report, Low Income Housing in India: Challenges
and Opportunities for Microfinance, 2007
[11] Housing and urban development corporation limited report,
Integrated housing & Slum development program Thoubal
[12] Affordable Housing in Partnership Scheme Guidelines, Government
of India, 2013

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