"Affordable Housing: A Present Need in Housing Sector": Ankit Pahade, Pranay Khare
"Affordable Housing: A Present Need in Housing Sector": Ankit Pahade, Pranay Khare
"Affordable Housing: A Present Need in Housing Sector": Ankit Pahade, Pranay Khare
86 www.ijeas.org
Affordable Housing: A Present Need in Housing Sector
87 www.ijeas.org
International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-11, November 2015
[3] KPMG report (2010) Affordable housing a key growth driver in the
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[8] Government of India, MHUPA reports 2011
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[10] IFMR, Chennai report, Low Income Housing in India: Challenges
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[11] Housing and urban development corporation limited report,
Integrated housing & Slum development program Thoubal
[12] Affordable Housing in Partnership Scheme Guidelines, Government
of India, 2013
88 www.ijeas.org