Cadbury Script

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Script of New Cadburys Dairy Milk Advert

Production Title: Cadburys Dairy Milk Advert

Client: Cadburys Dairy Milk
Writer: Emily Hales
Producer: Emily Hales
Director: Emily Hales
Date: 8/2/11

Scene 1: Interior: Glass and a Half Full Production

Scene 2: Interior: Bass Guitar playing.

Scene 3: Interior: two friends sitting, one playing guitar other is sitting bored,
bored friend finds way of distracting bass friend.
Friend 1 (bored friend: Im bored, can I have a go on the guitar said
in a worn out bored voice
Friend 2(bass guitar friend): No you cant its my go said in a
argumentative way.

Scene 4: Interior: Bored friend sees a pillow and picks it up with a cheeky smile
and looks at the camera continuously smiling. Bass friend continues playing
oblivious to whats going on. .
Scene 5: Interior: Bored friend throws the pillow; bass friend is shocked as it is
heading towards them.
Friend 2: Gasps in shock.

Scene 6: Interior: pillow hits bass guitar friend, however doesnt make them
get off the guitar. Bored friend has a sad face on because it didnt work.

Scene 7: Interior: close up shot of bored friend upset.

Scene 8: Interior: close up shot of bored friend thinks of an idea to distract

bass friend.

Scene 9: Interior Bored friend runs to the stairs.

Scene 10: Interior: Bored friend runs downstairs towards the kitchen.

Scene 11: Interior: Bored friend goes into the cupboard to find Cadburys Dairy
Milk bar.

Scene 12: Interior: Bored friend picks up Dairy Milk chocolate Bar from the
cupboard shelf.

Scene 13: Interior: Bored friend runs upstairs with the chocolate bar to the

Scene 14: Interior: Bored friend suggested to swap the guitar for the chocolate.
Friend 1: do you want to swap?
Friend 2: sure, the chocolate is much better then playing guitar
Friend 1: laughs sarcasm

Scene 15: Interior: Both friends decide to swap objects.

Scene 16: Interior: Both friends happy that they have the Cadburys Dairy Milk
and Guitar.

Scene 17: Interior: Guitar friend has finished the chocolate bar with a smile on
there face. Bored friend has a regret face on and now regrets swapping the
chocolate bar.

Scene 18: Interior: close up shot of the both friends with there emotions
showing. Bored friend with a sad face, Guitar friend has a happy face on.

Scene 19: Interior: Slogan showing saying: Nothing is better then Cadburys
Dairy Milk.

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