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Atomic and nuclear physics

Atomic shells
Leaflets P6.2.7.4
Normal Zeeman effect

Measuring the Zeeman splitting

of the red cadmium line as a
function of the magnetic field
spectoscopy using a Fabry-
Perot etalon

Objects of the experiment

g Observing the Zeeman splitting with a Fabry-Perot interferometer using VideoCom
g Determining Bohrs magneton B and the specific electron charge

Principles Uhlenbeck first introduced the hypothesis of electron spin in

1925. Ultimately, it became apparent that the anomalous
Zeeman effect was actually the rule and the normal Zeeman
effect the exception.
The normal Zeeman effect only occurs at the transitions be-
tween atomic states with the total spin S = 0. The total angu-
lar momentum J = L + S of a state is then a pure orbital angu-
lar momentum (J = L). For the corresponding magnetic mo-
ment, we can simply say that:
= J (I)
B = (II)
2m e
(B = Bohrs magneton, me = mass of electron, e = elemen-
tary charge, h = h/2, h = Plancks constant).
In an external magnetic field B, the magnetic moment has the
E = B (III)

The angular-momentum component in the direction of the

magnetic field can have the values
Jz = MJ h with MJ = J, J - 1, ..., -J (IV)
Fig. 1: Level splitting and transitions of the normal Zeeman effect in Therefore, the term with the angular momentum J is split into
cadmium 2J + 1 equidistant Zeeman components which differ by the
The Zeeman effect is the name for the splitting of atomic value of MJ . The energy interval of the adjacent components
energy levels or spectral lines due to the action of an external MJ , MJ+1 is
magnetic field. The effect was first predicted by H. A. Lorenz E = B B (V).
in 1895 as part of his classic theory of the electron, and ex-
perimentally confirmed some years later by P. Zeeman. Zee- We can observe the normal Zeeman effect e.g. in the red
Kem 1006

man observed a line triplet instead of a single spectral line at spectral line of cadmium (0 = 643,8 nm, f0 = 465,7 THz). It
1 1
right angles to a magnetic field, and a line doublet parallel to corresponds to the transition D2 (J = 2, S = 0) P1 (J = 1,
the magnetic field. Later, more complex splittings of spectral S = 0) of an electron of the fifth shell (see Fig. 1). In the mag-
lines were observed, which became known as the anomalous 1
netic field, the D2 level splits into five Zeeman components,
Zeeman effect. To explain this phenomenon, Goudsmit and

LD Didactic GmbH . Leyboldstrasse 1 . D-50354 Hrth . Phone: (02233) 604-0 . Fax: (02233) 604-222 . e-mail: info@ld-didactic.de

by LD Didactic GmbH Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany

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and the level P1 splits into three Zeeman components having
the spacing calculated using equation (V).
Optical transitions between these levels are only possible in
the form of electrical dipole radiation. The following selection
rules apply for the magnetic quantum numbers MJ of the
states involved:
MJ = 1 for components
=0 for components (VI)
Thus, we observe a total of three spectral lines (see Fig. 1);
the component is not shifted and the two components are
shifted by
f = (VII)
with respect to the original frequency. In this equation, E is
the equidistant energy splitting calculated in (V).
Fig. 2: Fabry-Perot etalon as an interference spectrometer.
The Zeeman effect enables spectroscopic separation of the The ray path is drawn for an angle > 0 relative to the optical
differently polarized components. To demonstrate the shift, axis. The optical path difference between two adjacent
however, we require a spectral apparatus with extremely high emerging rays is = n 1 - 2.
resolution, as the two components of the red cadmium line
In the experiment, the Zeeman splitting of the red cadmium
are shifted e.g. at a magnetic flux density B = 1 T by only f = line is measured as a function of the magnetic field B. The
14 GHz , respectively = 0,02 nm. energy interval of the triplet components (see equations (II)
In the experiment a Fabry-Perot etalon is used. This is a and (V))
glass plate which is coplanar to a very high precision with h e
both sides being aluminized. The slightly divergent light en- E= B (VIII)
4 me
ters the etalon, which is aligned perpendicularly to the optical
axis, and is reflected back and forth several times, whereby is used to calculate the specific electron charge.
part of it emerges each time (see Fig. 2). Due to the aluminiz- To achieve spectroscopic separation of the Zeeman compo-
ing this emerging part is small, i.e., many emerging rays can nents of the red cadmium spectral line, the optical ring sys-
interfere. Behind the etalon the emerging rays are focused by tem of a Fabry-Prot interferometer is imaged on the Video-
Com CCD (without camera lens) using an imaging lens. The
a lens on to the focal plane of the lens. There a concentric
CCD detects a diametrical section through the optical ring
circular fringe pattern associated with a particular wavelength system.
can be observed with an ocular. The aperture angle of a
ring is identical with the angle of emergence of the partial
rays from the Fabry-Perot etalon.
The rays emerging at an angle of k interfere constructively
with each other when two adjacent rays fulfil the condition for
curves of equal inclination (see Fig. 4):

= 2d n 2 sin 2 k = k (VIII)
( = optical path difference, d = thickness of the etalon, n =
refractive index of the glass, k = order of interference)).
A change in the wavelength by is seen as a change in the
aperture angle by . Depending on the focal length of the
lens, the aperture angle corresponds to a radius r and the
change in the angle to a change in the radius r. If a spec-
tral line contains several components with the distance ,
each circular interference fringe is split into as many compo-
nents with the radial distance r. So a spectral line doublet is
recognized by a doublet structure and a spectral line triplet by
a triplet structure in the circular fringe pattern.

LD Didactic GmbH . Leyboldstrasse 1 . D-50354 Hrth . Phone: (02233) 604-0 . Fax: (02233) 604-222 . e-mail: info@ld-didactic.de

by LD Didactic GmbH Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany

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Apparatus Set up
1 Cadmium lamp ............................................. 451 12
1 Universal choke in housing .......................... 451 30
1 High current power supply............................ 521 55
1 U-core with yoke........................................... 562 11
2 Coils, 10 A, 480 turns ................................... 562 131
1 Pair of pole pieces with great bore ............... 560 315
1 Fabry-Perot etalon........................................ 471 221
1 Precision optical bench, 1 m......................... 460 32
1 Rider base with threads................................ 460 381
5 Optics riders 60/50 ....................................... 460 373
2 Lenses, f = +150 mm.................................... 460 08
1 Holder for interference filters ........................ 468 41
1 Interference filter, 644 nm ............................ 468 400
1 VideoCom USB ............................................ 337 47USB
1 Universal measuring instrument Physics...... 531 835
1 Mobile-CASSY ............................................. 524 009
1 Combi-B-sensor S ........................................ 524 0381
1 Extension cable, 15-pole .............................. 501 11
1 Stand base, V-shape, 20 cm ........................ 300 02
1 Stand rod, 47 cm .......................................... 300 42
1 LD-multiclamp .............................................. 301 01
3 Connecting leads, 100 cm............................ 501 33
add. required : PC with Windows 98 or higher

Safety notes
The electrical leads on the cadmium lamp and the resistors of
the starting electrodes are open and easily accessible:
Do not touch any current-carrying (live!) parts.
Loose ferromagnetic objects can be strongly attracted by the
electromagnet and can damage the quartz bulb of the cad-
mium lamp.
Check to make sure that the pole pieces are screwed tight
before switching on the magnet current. Fig. 3: Experimental setup for observing the Zeeman effect in trans-
When the magnet current is switched on, do not handle fer- verse configuration. The position of the left edge of the optics
romagnetic objects in the vicinity of the cadmium lamp. riders is given in cm.
a Cadmium lamp with holding plate
b Clamps
Deposits of skin secretions can destroy the quartz bulb of the c Pole pieces
d Positive lens, f = 150 mm (Condenser lens)
cadmium lamp when it becomes hot. e Fabry-Perot etalon
Never handle the quartz bulb of the cadmium lamp with your f Positive lens, f = 150 mm (imaging lens)
bare hands. g Interference filter in holder
h VideoCom (it is helpful to use an ocular for

The complete experimental setup in transverse configuration

is illustrated in Fig. 3.

LD Didactic GmbH . Leyboldstrasse 1 . D-50354 Hrth . Phone: (02233) 604-0 . Fax: (02233) 604-222 . e-mail: info@ld-didactic.de

by LD Didactic GmbH Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany

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P6.2.7.4 -4- LD Physics Leaflets

Mechanical setup: Carrying out the experiment

Screw the threaded rod into the base of the rider. a) Measuring the magnetic field
Put the U-yoke over the threaded rod on the base of the rider Hold the tangential probe vertically in the center of the pole
so that it is freely rotatable and put on the coils. pieces, while the cadmium lamp is not mounted.
Mount the pole pieces and the holding plate of the cadmium Increase the current through the coils and measure the mag-
lamp using the clamps so that a distance of approx. 10 mm is netic field in dependency of the current, see. Table 1.
left between the pole pieces and that the opening of the hold- b) Measuring the splitting of the cadmium line
ing plate points to the back. Do not yet fasten the screws of Cautiously insert the cadmium lamp between the pole pieces
the clamps. without changing the distance of the pole pieces (see Me-
Cautiously insert the cadmium lamp between the pole pieces. chanical setup). Start the software VideoComInt and adjust
See to it that the cadmium lamp is exactly in the middle of the the observing optics.
pole pieces, that the point where the bulb is sealed off points The intensity of the peak should be around 50 % (adjust this if
to the back and that the supply leads are swivelled out of the necessary as the luminance of the Cd lamp changes in the
ray path as far as possible. It must be possible to shift off and magnetic field).
in the cadmium lamp with holding plate for measuring the
magnetic field
Fix the pole pieces and the holding plate with the screws of
the clamps.
Mount the B-sensor S with the help of the stand material, so
that it is possible to hold the tangential probe vertically in the
middle of the pole pieces.

Electrical connection:
Connect the coils of the electromagnet in series and then to
the high current power supply.
Connect the B sensor S to the Universal measuring instru-
ment Physics or the Mobile CASSY.
Connect the cadmium lamp to the universal choke.
Connect the VideoCom to the computer.
Fig.4: Intensity vs. angle without magnetic field
Adjusting the observing optics:
Mount the optical components according to Fig. 3. The table Zeeman is provided for evaluation; switch to this
table by clicking on the corresponding tab. This table contains
After switching on the universal choke wait 5 min until the
columns for the magnetic field B, the angle 1 of the non-
light emission is sufficiently strong.
displaced line (-component), the angle 2 of the displaced
If available, use first an ocular (e.g. 460 135 Ocular with
scale) to get a sharp image of the ring system. Later on, the line (+ or -) and the corresponding wavelength and energy
CCD of the VideoCom should be placed in the optical plane shifts. These last two values are calculated automatically after
this image is located. entry of 1 and 2 using
VideoCom: cos 2 sin
= 1 with = n = 1.46 for the etalon and
It is possible to optimize the exposure time so that the peaks cos 1 sin
have an intensity of approximately 50 %.

To ensure that the CCD is in the focal plane of the imaging E E = hc with = 643.8 nm for the Cd
lens, move the imaging lens along the optical axis until the 2
peaks of the observed curve are sharply imaged and show line.
the maximum intensity. The center of the ring system must Start the evaluation by marking a peak () with Calculate
then be imaged on the CCD line. For this, you can either Peak Center. Transfer this value to the Zeeman table by
move VideoCom perpendicular to the optical axis or tilt the dragging it from the status line to column 1 of the table (drag
etalon slightly using the adjusting screws. You have found the and drop). To determine the origin in the diagram, drag the
center of the ring system when further adjustment does not value to column 2 as well and enter the value 0 in column B
cause any more peaks to emerge and the two central peaks (non-displaced ring without magnetic field).
(left and right intersections of the innermost rings) are the
Next, examine the ring as it is split in the magnetic field (+ or
maximum distance apart.
-). Once again, determine the displaced angle 2 using
Move the condenser lens until you obtain the most uniform
Calculate Peak Center and drag it to column 2 in the Zee-
possible illumination of the entire CCD line, so that the
maxima in the middle are nearly at the same intensity (see man table. The non-displaced angle 1 remains unchanged
Fig. 4). (you can e.g. import it from a previous measurement using
drag and drop), and the magnetic flux density is entered.
Calibration of VideoCom Using these values, the software calculates the percentage
For angular calibration, the focal length of the imaging lens is shift in wavelength and the energy split. Additionally, the
specified (here f = 150 mm). To shift the zero point, determine corresponding point is plotted in the diagram. (To confirm the
the angles of the two central peaks using the function Calcu- effect for other rings at equal flux densities or for repetition
late Peak Center and enter the negative mean value of the with different flux densities, it is necessary to examine peaks
two peak centers manually. This sets the center of the ring with identical components (+ or -) each time.)
system to 0 on the angular scale. To get the gradients of the line splitting fit straight lines
through the measured points.

LD Didactic GmbH . Leyboldstrasse 1 . D-50354 Hrth . Phone: (02233) 604-0 . Fax: (02233) 604-222 . e-mail: info@ld-didactic.de

by LD Didactic GmbH Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany

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Measuring example Evaluation

a) Measuring the magnetic field The gradients A for + or - components of the curves are:

Tab. 1: Magnetic field B vs. current I eV eV

A = 56.7 and A = 58.8
The mean value gives Bohrs magneton:
A mT A mT eV Js
B = 57.8 = 9.26 10 24
0.0 0 T T
0.5 68 5.5 601
1.0 127 6.0 631
Withh = 6.626 10 34 Js :
1.5 194 6.5 655
e 4 B C
2.0 249 7.0 678 = = 1.76 1011
me h kg
2.5 307 7.5 695
3.0 373 8.0 713
Literature values:
3.5 423 8.5 728
4.0 479 9.0 739 B = 57.9
4.5 528 9.5 752
e C
5.0 569 10.0 765 = 1.759 1011
me kg
Diagramm 1: Magnetic field B vs. current I

b) Measuring the splitting of the cadmium line

Fig. 5: Screenshot Zeeman table with diagramm

LD Didactic GmbH . Leyboldstrasse 1 . D-50354 Hrth . Phone: (02233) 604-0 . Fax: (02233) 604-222 . e-mail: info@ld-didactic.de

by LD Didactic GmbH Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany

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