Glücklich Trumpets: Parents' Info Update
Glücklich Trumpets: Parents' Info Update
Glücklich Trumpets: Parents' Info Update
We thank you for continuing to be vigilant and cooperate with us to keep our
children safe and healthy. The Ministry of Community Development, Youth and
Sports still raise the alert on the outbreak of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
(HFMD) within the child care centers / preschools in Singapore.
Please keep up with the good hygiene practices at home and your support to us
at providing a clean and safe child care environment for each and every child in
our school!
Enrolment :
Glücklich Schoolhouse is very pleased to have Hayden (Toddlers -
Rabbit), Jadon (Nursery 1 - Koala), Savannah, Zhan Peng (Kindergarten 1 –
Elephant) who joined us in June 2010. We wish that they spend the
best of their time here with us.
We are also grateful for your appreciation towards our given care,
activities (curriculum) we have installed, for your child/children during
the past months.
Field Trips:
K2 Special Outing 1– Thursday, 17 June 2010
This special outing is only applicable for the K2 children. We believe the
children deserve a little fun break with each other, during the school
holidays or Term Break. We plan to have a “hands-on” activity during this
special outing on Thursday, 17 June 2010. The children will be encouraged
to buy their own lunch during the outing.
We will then watch the movie “Nanny McPhee and The Big Bang” (2010) at
Golden Village Cinema (Yishun). We will take the public transport there
(bus 169) and appreciate you provide your child (who are above 0.9m) with
the appropriate EZ-link card. We plan to leave at 11.45 am and be back to
school by 4.30 pm that day.
This outing is appropriate with the new theme - Plants and Flowers which
the children will be learning when the new Term 3 starts on Monday, 28
June 2010. We welcome parents to join us during the outing as well, as
the Festival / garden shows are yet another great family outing with a
We encourage you to take part in the national pledge. You may make the
“pledge writing card” a family bonding time as you / get your child to draw
(if they have yet to write independently). Please let us have the pledged
card soonest possible this week (by 17 June 2010).
Warmest Regards:
Glücklich Schoolhouse
PS: Our copies of the Parents’ Info Update are sent through email to keep up with the Information Age, & to
help keep the Earth a greener place by reducing paper usage. But, if you are more comfortable reading
printouts, a hardcopy of this is also available upon request.
We enclose our payment of ___________ for the above Field Trips which is non-
_______________________ _________________
Signature of Parent / Guardian Date
Glückli ch School house will ensure that all due care for our chil d’s safety will be exercised by the teachers at all ti mes but shoul d
any acci dents occur and the chil d is hurt i n any way, we agree that we shall not hol d the Sc hool responsi bl e and will indemni fy the
School agai nst any cl ai ms.