Production of Biogas From Biomass
Production of Biogas From Biomass
Production of Biogas From Biomass
Read this article to learn about the production of biogas from biomass. The two methods
are: (1) Microbial Production of Methane (Biogas) and (2) Biogas Production by Biogas
Biogas is a mixture of gases composed of methane (50-80%), carbon dioxide (15-40%), nitrogen
(4%) and hydrogen sulfide (1%) with traces of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon monoxide. There
are many other common names for biogas gobar gas, sewage gas, klar gas and sludge gas.
Biogas is a gaseous fuel and serves as a good source of energy for various purposes.
3. It can be purified to yield good grade methane. Methane gas is extensively used as a fuel for
domestic and industrial purposes. It is employed for the generation of electrical, mechanical and
heat energy.
It is estimated that under ideal conditions, 10 kg of biomass can produce 3m of biogas. This
biogas can provide 3 hour cooking, 3 hour lighting or 24 hour refrigeration (with suitable
equipment). The calorific value of biogas (with 80% methane) is around 8,500 cal/m3.
Biogas production significantly contributes to worlds energy source. China has the largest
number of biogas or gobar gas systems, with an estimated 7 million units. Government of China
encourages and offers subsidies for construction of biogas units. As a result, the cost of a biogas
plant is cheaper than a bicycle in China!
Governments in many developing countries also encourage installation of biogas plants. In India,
Government provides 25% subsidy, besides encouraging banks to offer loans for construction of
biogas plants. They are becoming popular in rural areas. Pakistan also has a good number of
gobar gas plants.
The usual substrates for biogas production are the waste products of animal husbandry,
industries, agriculture and municipalities. In India and other developing countries, cattle dung
(gobar) is most commonly used. The major raw material for biogas in China is pig dung.
The concentration of organic dry matter or total solids (TS) is useful for grading the industrial,
agricultural and municipal wastes. Thus, low grade (< 1% TS), medium grade (1-5% TS), high
grade (5- 20% TS) and solid (20-40% TS) wastes are available. Solid or high grade wastes are
preferred as substrates for biogas production.
In general, most of the substrates used in biogas plants contain adequate quantities of almost all
the essential nutrients required for microbial growth. If necessary, nitrogen, phosphorus and trace
elements are added. A carbon nitrogen ratio (C/N) less than 40: 1 is preferred for optimal biogas
Water hyacinth (Eichornia crasipes) an aquatic weed with huge biomass is a good source (raw
material) for methane production. With high C/N ratio and low lignin content, the yield of
methane is high. Another aquatic weed Azolla is equally important for methane generation.
Methane is the most abundant constituent of biogas. It can also be directly used for various
domestic and industrial purposes. The microbial generation of methane, appropriately referred to
as methanogenesis from biomass occurs in four phases (Fig. 31.2).
1. Hydrolytic Phase:
Certain facultative anaerobic bacteria hydrolyse the complex organic materials of the biomass
(cellulose, starch, proteins, and lipids) to low molecular weight soluble products and some
organic acids.
2. Acidifying Phase:
This phase is characterized by more formation of organic acids, besides H2, CO2, and alcohol.
3. Acetogenic Phase:
Acetogenic bacteria convert alcohol into acetate. These bacteria also generate acetate from H2
and CO2.
4. Methanogenic Phase:
This is the actual phase of methane gas formation. The methanogenic bacteria (e.g.
Methanobacterium omelianskii, M. formicicum, M. bryantii, Methanosarcina barkeri) convert
acetate, and CO2 and H2 into methane.
Some other substrates like formate and methanol can also be converted to methane.
The overall reaction of methane formation from glucose as the starting material may be
represented as follows.
The complex polysaccharides particularly lignin and cellulose due to their inefficient conversion,
limit methane production. In the normal process of methanogenesis, approximately 50% of the
complex polysaccharides contribute to methanogenesis.
Biogas production from biomass is an anaerobic process. The anaerobic digestion is usually
carried out by using air tight cylindrical tanks which are referred to as anaerobic digesters. A
digester may be made up of concrete bricks and cement or steel, usually built underground. The
digester has an inlet attached to a mixing tank for feeding cow dung (Fig. 31.3).
The methanogenic bacteria from another digester are also added with cow dung. The digester is
attached to a movable gas holding or storage tank with a gas outlet. The used slurry (spent cow
dung) comes out from the digester through an outlet. This can be used as a manure. The
anaerobic digester described above, is a low technology gobar gas plant, commonly used for
domestic purposes in rural areas in India. The process of digestion usually takes about 2-3 weeks
when cow dung is used as the substrate.
Landfill sites are low cost digesters built underground for the digestion of solid wastes (of
industries and municipalities). As the anaerobic digestion of solid organic material occurs,
methane gas is generated. It can be recovered by boring gas wells into the top of the landfill.
The factors affecting methane production, with special reference to biogas plant, are briefly
The ideal temperature is 30-40C, while the pH is 6-8, for good yield.
2. Slurry composition:
The ratio between solid and water composition in the slurry should be around 1: 1. A carbon
nitrogen ratio of 30: 1 in the slurry results in optimal methane production. Good mixing and
solubilization of the organic constituents is required.
3. Anaerobic conditions:
4. Presence of inhibitors:
Ammonium sulfate and antibiotics inhibit methane production. Agricultural wastes, pig and
chicken manure (generating ammonia) and wastes from paper (rich in sulfate) inhibit biogas
By using a simple technology, agricultural, industrial and municipal wastes can be converted into
a biofuel. The left over residue after biogas formation can be used as fertilizers. Thus, the waste
materials that would cause environmental pollution are fruitfully utilized for biogas and fertilizer
Many people argue against the large scale commercial production of methane for the
following reasons:
1. Methane is abundantly available in the natural oil and gas fields (produced by the same
mechanism of methanogenesis, over a period of years).
2. Microbial production of methane is more expensive than its isolation from the natural gas.
3. Methane production by gasification of coal is more economical than its production from
4. Being a gaseous fuel, it is quite difficult as well as expensive to store, transport and distribute
5. Methane is unsuitable for use as a fuel in automobiles. This is because it is very difficult to
convert the gaseous methane into liquid state.
Despite the limitations listed above, production of methane from a wide range of biodegradable
materials (particularly the wastes) is still attractive. This is due to the fact that the biomass used
for methane generation is renewable, in contrast to the permanent depletion of naturally
produced methane (in the gas and oil fields).