Fortified Manor PDF
Fortified Manor PDF
Fortified Manor PDF
his article describes a large, fortified good drainage. The pitched roofs are built with narrower,
manor house. It is unnamed and three-inch-thick planks and covered with slate shingles
intended to be usable in any fantasy to protect them from fire. The gatehouse passage, cellars,
campaign. It is an example of the sort and kitchen are roofed with skilfully fitted groin vaults.
of manor house that might be found The rooms above them have stone floors.
on a large, wealthy estate. The lord of Instead of braziers, fireplaces are used throughout.
such a manor is only one step below a baron and can They give out a decent amount of heat and only smoke
afford to build a fine stone manor house, support a large a little bit. With good window coverings and well-built
household, and live in an impressive style. It may be a masonry walls, the manor house is remarkably warm
newly constructed manor in a dangerous frontier region and free of drafts for a stone building. The manor cost
where such strong defences are necessary or it might approximately twice the price of a normal building of
be an old, long-settled manor whose defences are now similar size and took three times as long to build.
merely a reminder of days gone by.
The following pages describe the manor house in
The manor house was constructed under the detail. The rooms are numbered, but GMs can adjust
direction of a skilled master mason. The stone walls their purpose and change occupants to suit their own
are straight, level, and plumb. As a result, they are requirements. Descriptions of the inhabitants have been
exceptionally tight, strong, and draft free. The wood is all kept vague. The members of the household are referred
old-growth oak; single pieces are used wherever possible. to by their role rather than by name to allow them to be
The windows into the nobles chambers and the chapel integrated into any fantasy or historical campaign.
are made with glass, while those in the other rooms are
made with horn or taut sheepskin. All the windows have
two-inch-thick oak shutters; the ones on the ground floor CREDITS
are iron-clad on the outside. The surfaces of the flat Writer: Kerry Mould
roofs of the watchtower and parapets are constructed of Maps & Plans: Kerry Mould,
12-inch-wide, six-inch-thick planks of oak, waterproofed Thomas Shook
with tarred rope driven into the seams, and covered Illustrations: Richard Luschek
with a thin layer of flagstones for fire protection. They Editing and Layout: Brent Bailey
are slightly sloped from the middle out to the sides for
Copyright 2010, Kerry R. Mould
GROUND FLOOR the trapdoor is used to lower crates and barrels into
[1] Dry Moat: The manor house is surrounded by a the cellars below. A spiral stone staircase leads up to
moat that is 10 feet deep and 15 feet across. It is the nobles quarters and down to the cellar. Although
kept dry to keep the cellars from getting damp. Grass the lord prefers to use the stairs in the great hall to
grows in the bottom of the moat and it is used as a reach his solar, everyone else has to pass through
pen for the manors geese. The geese make a lot of the kitchen, making it a very busy place.
noise when disturbed, acting as a living alarm system. [8] Great Hall: The social and legal hub of the manor.
[2] Gatehouse: This is the only access to the manor By night, the lord hosts feasts for this friends and
house. The groin-vaulted entrance is protected liegemen. By day, he manages the concerns of the
by two sets of six-inch thick iron-clad oak doors. manor from his seat on the dais. Once a month, he
The gates are normally open during the day, with presides over his manor court. Two heavy doors
two men-at-arms always on guard. The existing enter at ground level, one from the courtyard and
wooden bridge was supposed to be replaced with a one from the kitchen. The wooden dais supports the
drawbridge but one was never installed. The bridge lords table. Four large fireplaces heat the massive
can be dismantled in a half day if necessary. room, keeping it passably warm in all but the depths
of winter. A stone staircase rises to the catwalk
[3] Courtyard: The courtyard is small but kept neat above. A locked door secures access to the cellar
and tidy. It is cobbled to keep down the mud. Two and siege stores below.
sheds for firewood have been built against the main
hall wall. The manor houses 16 fireplaces consume [9] Bathhouse: The bathhouse has a large wooden tub
vast amounts of wood. A firewood cutter makes and a big fireplace to heat the water and keep the
daily deliveries. A stone-lined well, surrounded by bathers warm. The servants draw water from the
a waist-high wall, serves the manor. The rope and well and heat it in a pair of large cauldrons over the
bucket are attached to a winch. The water is clear fire. It takes several hours to heat enough water to
and cold. fill the tub. Fortunately, the lord only bathes once
or twice a week. A drain empties into the dry moat,
[4] Knight-Retainers Quarters: The lord displays his where the water slowly seeps away.
wealth by keeping a knight as his personal retainer.
The young knight commands the small manor guard. [10] Brew House: This building is dedicated to
He shares this fine room with his wife. They do not supplying the massive quantities of beer and ale the
yet have any children, but are trying. household consumes every day. Extra beer and ale is
kept cool in the cellar of the great hall.
[5] Sages Quarters: A scholar employed by the lord
to educate the household. This room doubles as a [11] Granary: The three aisles and two lofts of this large
classroom for the noble children during the day. barn hold the finished products of the threshing and
other agricultural work done in the outer yard. The
[6] Chamberlains Quarters: The chamberlain contents include the products of the lords demesne
is responsible for purchasing all supplies and land, such as grains and smoked and salted meat
supervising the household servants. He can read for the households consumption, plus seed for next
and write and keeps accurate accounts of household years planting and a reserve in the event of crop
expenses. He wields significant power because he failure. The granary is kept neat, tight, and dry to
effectively runs the household and controls access to keep the valuable food from spoiling. Numerous
the lord. He has a comfortable corner room that he barely domesticated cats keep the rats and mice to a
shares with his wife, eldest son and daughter-in-law, minimum.
and two younger unmarried daughters. The family
members are all employed as domestic servants. [12] Kennel: The manor lord keeps a number of prized
hunting dogs in this large, comfortable kennel. By
[7] Kitchen and Bakehouse: This room has stone day, the dogs are free to roam the courtyard, coming
walls and groin vaulting for fire protection. A here only to sleep.
massive fireplace, 10 feet wide and large enough to
cook an entire ox, dominates the room. A smaller [13] Stables: The warhorses of the lord, his knight-
baking oven flanks it. The double doors from the retainer, and steward, plus three of the most
courtyard are usually left open during the day to valuable palfreys, are kept in the stalls during the
dissipate the heat generated by the cooking fires. A night. In the morning, the ostler takes the horses,
trapdoor just inside the entrance opens to the cellars. plus those from the stable in the outer yard, out to
A block and tackle suspended from the ceiling above the pasture to graze. Tack and saddles are hung
along the front wall.
Note: This character is presented as a possible NPC in
the manor. GMs may prefer to replace him with a character
suitable for their own campaign.
Sir Osberts family have been nobility for many
generations. This manor is his clans primary seat.
However, it is his cousin, not he, who holds the reins
of power. Sir Osberts father and the manor lords
father were first cousins. Sir Osbert himself is the
youngest of three sons. By the time he came along, his
fathers small inheritance was long spoken for. When
he reached adulthood, Osbert decided to become a
herald instead. He spent many years learning about the
history of the kingdom and of his house. His memory
for detail is excellent. By the time he was 30, he had
risen to the very highest levels as personal assistant
to the kings own herald. He grew to be an influential
man, his opinion and council courted by earls and
bishops. Now nearly 80, he has largely retired from the
world and accepted a position as the family herald for
his second cousin.
married are true, then those two sons are legitimate
Although getting on in years herself, Lady Edna,
and legal heirs to the recently vacated throne. If
Sir Osberts wife, is still very active. Her eyes now
the rumour is false, then they will be excluded from
milky white with cataracts, she navigates the house
by memory. She is close friends with all the ladies
of the house. Four decades older than most of the There are few still alive who were present in court
other women, she has taken on the matronly role of before the king was crowned. There are fewer still that
grandmother, councillor, and confidant. No longer able might have been privy to such secrets. Most have died
to embroider or knit, she often sits quietly and tells of old age. The sole remaining eyewitness is Sir Osbert.
tales of her youth and travels with her husband in the Despite his retirement, his memory is still sharp and
kings royal retinue. She spins a fine yarn and has a way his word unimpeachable. If he were to give sworn
of making decades-old gossip seem exciting and new. testimony as to the kings marital status when his sons
were born, it would be as good as a legal document.
The Herald of Woe (adventure hook) There are two groups interested in Sir Osbert.
The king is dead. He died without a legitimate son There are those who desperately wish for his testimony
or naming an heir. The kingdom is in chaos. Rumours to be given and those who will kill to prevent it. The
swirl that five decades ago, while in exile after a fight PCs have been hired to get to Sir Osbert first. Whether
with his father, the king secretly married a commoner they are there to kill him or protect him is up to the
and produced two sons. The woman died giving birth GM. If he stays alive, his protectors (the PCs or an
to the second son and he was allowed to return from NPC group) will want to move him to the capital. He is
exile and be crowned king. If rumours that he was 80 years old. It wont take much to kill him.