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Sophie Lee Task Rotation Lesson

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Candidate Name: Allison Smith and Sophie Lee

TAG Strategy in this lesson: Task Rotations

UNIT NAME: Pollution and Conservation

LESSON NAME: Give a hoot-dont pollute!

Time Needed (Hours/Days): 1.5-2 hour block

Grade: 3 Subject: Science

STANDARDS/ELEMENTS: CCGPS, GPS/GSE (where applicable) and TAG Standards

Advanced Communication Skills: Advanced Research Skills:

1. The student uses written, spoken, and Choose an item.

technological media to convey new learning or
challenge existing ideas.

Creative Thinking and Problem Solving: Higher Order/Critical Thinking Skills:

5. The student develops original ideas, presentations, 2. The student responds to questions with supporting
or products through synthesis and evaluation. information that reflects in-depth knowledge of a

S3L2. Students will recognize the effects of pollution and humans on the environment.
S3L2.a. Explain the effects of pollution (such as littering) to the habitats of plants and animals.

Students will gain an understanding of various types of pollution that impacts all living things and the environment. Students will
develop an understanding that people may be cause of the problem, yet hold the power to be solution as well.

How do choices we make affect the world around us?
How do people affect the environment?


-prepare 2-1-4 materials for hook
-create anchor chart with 4 learner styles
-create task rotation boards and work pages) for each child and post criteria for the tasks on board
-prepare devices for students to use during task rotations

Use Discovery Education Spotlight Strategy of Can You Guess My 2-1-4?
-use link to access strategy information: http://bit.ly/2jJdLFy
Teacher will explain to the class that THEY will have to become detectives to use 2 facts, 1 clue, and 4 images to predict the topic
of todays lesson. Teacher will present the facts to the students one at a time. After, students will think/pair/share about their first
prediction of the topic. Then teacher will share a clue and ask students to refine their prediction. Finally, share 4 images to the class
all once for students to create a final prediction. Allow students to share their predictions, sharing their justification, or evidence,
that led them to their final answer.
-teacher choice as to how to present or reveal clues, facts, and images to best fit class needs

Teacher will reveal answer: Pollution.

Instructional Sequence and Activities including use of technology
Part 1:
Explain to the class that today they are going to be participating in four activities that will allow them to gain knowledge, reflect, and
express their understanding of pollution and how people affect our environment.
Introduce and explain the four learning styles to students by posting an anchor chart detailing the four styles. Teacher will point out
that learners tend to be stronger or prefer one type of style of learning over the others. By working on your preferred style, you may
feel more comfortable and successful. When you work or explore another type of learning style, your brain is encouraged to think
differently and stretch beyond your comfort zone.
-Anchor chart below

Part 2: Explain tasks, set criteria

Teacher will hand out task rotation board to students and explain each task. Remind the students that some of the tasks may be out
of their comfort zone, but by engaging in the task it will help them to be stretch and become more versatile thinkers. Students will be
expected to complete all of the task and may work independently or with a partner to complete. Explain the criteria for the task
rotations and answer any questions about the tasks.

Before students begin working on the lesson, share the criteria for each task so they know what is expected of them when
completing each task.
-Can you identify the three types of pollution and causes of each type?
-Can you explain and provide details how pollution affects plants or animals in their environment?
-Can you personally identify the impact of pollution in your own life?
-Can I understand and recognize how the world around me will continue to change as a result of pollution?

Part 3: Complete tasks/observation by teacher

First, students will need to closely read Science textbook pages 322-331 and may move through task rotations as they wish. Allow
students time to complete all four tasks and work should be completed on work pages provided or in science journal. Teacher
should observe and take notes while students are engaged in tasks and discussions with learning partner. Engage in one-on-one
conversations regarding thinking process, responses, learning style preferences, and students approach to learning.
-For struggling students, encourage them to start with mastery and understanding tasks first. Teacher can check student
responses on these tasks for thorough understanding before student moves on to the next tasks.

Part 4: Class discussion/closing

After students have completed tasks, lead discussion on the following:
-What tasks did you enjoy the most/least? Why?
-What task proved to be most challenging for you? Why? Was it the same or different task as your learning partner?
-How was your thinking stretched by completing tasks out of your comfort zone?
-Closing: Rank each learning style from 1-4 with 1 being most preferred and 4 being your least preferred.
-If time, allow students to share self-expressive project.

Assessment Strategies
Teacher will use task rotations work and products, along with observation notes to assess students understanding.

Go back and to hook lesson and describe how each fact, clue and picture relates to pollution. Create your own 2-1-4 about
pollution, another environmental topic, or topic of choice.
Investigate some environmental laws in place that are protecting the environment in your community, nation, or world.
Create a unique solution to pollution, such as device or community plan.
Create a way for people to keep track of how they are conserving and preventing pollution.

Materials/Links/Text References/Resources
Hook: Discovery Education Spotlight Strategy-Can You Guess My 2-1-4: http://bit.ly/2jJdLFy
Link for pollution facts: http://www.conserve-energy-future.com/various-pollution-facts.php
Harcourt School Publishers: Georgia Science- Chapter 8 pgs. 322-331
Learning styles anchor chart
Devices for students to use during self-expressive project
Can you guess my 2-1-4?

2 Facts:
There are more than 500 million cars in the world and by year 2030 the
number will rise to 1 billion.
Americans buy more than 29 million bottles of water every year.

1 clue:

You are part of the problem and the solution.

4 Images:
Anchor Chart:

Mastery Interpersonal
Remember and describe Explore feelings and personal reaction
Give definitions Relate personally
Summarize Problem solving
Create a diagram or label a picture

Understanding Self-Expressive
Reason and explain Design
Compare and contrast Imagine and create
Classify Thinking differently
Argue your point Artistic expression
_______________________s Pollution Task Rotations

Closely read Science textbook pages 326-331 before completing the tasks below. You
may choose to complete the tasks in any order.

Mastery Interpersonal
Closely read pages 328-330 and answer the following: Reflecting on what you learned about pollution, think about
your own community. How has your community been impacted
Describe the three types of pollution. by pollution? Can you name specific areas that are affected?
Write a letter to the city council explaining the impact of
pollution in our community. Be sure to explain what you think
What are some causes of each type? can be done to reduce pollution in your community.

Understanding Self-Expressive
After reading pages 326-331, answer the following: Pretend you are an animal or plant that is being threatened by
pollution. You want to get the word out about how pollution is
Choose one animal or plant. Explain how pollution impacts its
changing your world. Create a commercial, rap, song,
habitat and survival needs. Use evidence or details from the
story/skit, or poem that expresses your feelings, frustrations,
text in your explanation.
and possible solutions to pollution.
Suggested digital programs for creating and expressing your
message could include:
Chatterpix iMovie Adobe Spark Video


____Can I identify the three types of pollution and causes of each type?

____Can I explain and provide details how pollution affects plants or animals in their environment?

____Can I personally identify the impact of pollution in my life?

____Can I understand and recognize how the world around me will continue to change as a result
of pollution?

After reading pages 328-330 and answer the following:
Describe the three types of pollution.

What are some causes of each type?

After reading pages 326-331, answer the following:
Choose one animal or plant. Explain how pollution impacts its habitat and survival needs. Use evidence or details from the text in
your explanation.
Reflecting on what you learned about pollution, think about your own community.

How has your community been impacted by pollution?

Can you name specific areas that are affected?

Write a letter to the city council explaining the impact of pollution in our community. Be sure to explain what you think can be done
to reduce pollution in your community. You may use another piece of paper to write your letter.
Pretend you are an animal or plant that is being threatened by pollution. You want to get the word out about how pollution is
changing your world.
Create a commercial, rap, song, story/skit, or poem that expresses your feelings, frustrations, and possible solutions to
pollution. Use this paper to plan your ideas!
Suggested digital programs for creating and expressing your message could include:
Chatterpix iMovie Adobe Spark Video

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