Poulshot Village News - June 2017
Poulshot Village News - June 2017
Poulshot Village News - June 2017
Village News
d i t i o n
F e t e E
m er
Sum u ll -o u t
wi t h p f o l d
e n t re -
m m e c
prog ra
June 2017
Also available online at http://www.scribd.com (search for Poulshot Village News)
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From the Editor
Remember Wed 14th of June for the Vintage Society gathering on the Green,
this year in aid of The Blood Bikes. Catch up on the news of the new Air
Ambulance Station at Semington. Find out why Jerry looks a little different
and check out our rogues gallery of the new Poulshot Parish Council.
Dont forget this month is Fete month so take a look at our pull out
programme in the centre, register yourself now for the Fun Run and/or Tug
of War.
Contribu4ons for next issue by 5pm on the 20th of the month please - or earlier!
Poulshot Village News is happy to accept adverts, indeed relies on them to fund produc9on
costs. Publica9on of an advert does not cons9tute endorsement for that product or service.
Adverts may be taken as full, half or quarter page, standard or colour, to run for the full year of
the magazine (12 issues) or for individual issues.
Issue 237
Holiday Let
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I wonder how many people think much about Ascension Day and what it can
possibly mean. Not all that long ago we all had a day o school and correct me if Im wrong but its s9ll a
na9onal holiday in essen9ally Roman catholic countries. In church circles in this country it will have been
celebrated and depending on churchmanship there will have been incense in some, par9cularly as we
think of the word ascension , and thats exactly what the smoke of incense does, rises, and in others there
will have been joyful services full of music and happiness. Jesus has not only risen from the dead, but he
has ascended into heaven.
Now at this point dont stop reading. Of course its one of the great mysteries of the Chris9an faith and its
perfectly Ok , in fact a good thing to ques9on how this could possibly have happened , but what would be
beber would be to ask the ques9on , why did this happen? Why did Jesus come back and appear to so
many people? Why did he wait so long before he somehow was re absorbed into his fathers territory, or
wherever you like to think heaven is? Some9mes its easier to see things in the way children do. They can
accept that Harry Pober can go through the wall of the plaeorm on the sta9on and in so doing they can
explore the wonderful possibili9es of Hogwarts and the world beyond. They dont get hung up on the rst
Just think for a moment Jesus lived on earth ,and then he died and then he rose and saw so many
people, and then the ASCENSION. How can we possibly explain that? Well Ill try. Imagine a balloon with
the picture of Jesus on it. And the balloon moves along from one person to the next, and obviously whilst
the balloon is in one place, it cannot be in another. Imagine if that balloon were to burst, the air or the
essence of it (of Jesus) would be released into the atmosphere and rise up. The remains of the balloon
would fall to the ground somewhere , but the essence of it, the air would rise, and then come down
again and land on as many people as are around.
If God is one and in three parts, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, then the Holy Spirit which is the link between
God and all of us can be released wherever it will only aAer the contained human Jesus had leA this
earth, and Alleluia at Pentecost (4th June) we celebrate the day when the Holy spirit did indeed come
down on the heads of the disciples like tongues of ame and the church was born.
Maybe thats what it means to have a aming June. Have a good one.
Jane Knowles .
During the 9me of the interregnum, if anyone needs to speak to a priest , please ring me.01380 870325 or email
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Page 8
The Benefice of Holy Cross, Seend,
Christ Church, Bulkington
and St. Peters, Poulshot
Every Tuesday at 9.00 there is a short Benefice service of Matins (BCP*) at Poulshot church
The Lackham Vintage Society has chosen this year to donate the proceeds from The Vintage Vehicle evening on
Wednesday 14th June 2017 to The Freewheelers Emergency Voluntary Service (Blood Bikes). We feel that this is a
very worthwhile cause and not one of the more recognised chari9es.
Freewheelers are a registered charity that provides a free of charge, out of hours medical motorcycle courier service
to the Na9onal Health Service. They provide a courier service to hospitals.
They provide to play a part in saving peoples lives and ride to save the Na9onal Health Service money which would
otherwise be wasted on taxis and expensive couriers. They operate from 19.00hrs un9l 7.00hrs on weekdays and 24
hours at weekends and bank holidays.
The service is provided by volunteers and they depend en9rely on public dona9ons and sponsorships.
Some of the things that they carry are Blood for transfusion, Platelets and other blood products, Urine, Pathology
and Microbiology specimens, X-rays, Scans, Pa9ents notes, Breast milk and small medical equipment.
They use liveried BMW motorcycles bed with blue lights and sirens so that deliveries classied as an emergency
can be delivered safely and quickly.
In 2008 the Freewheelers Volunteers were awarded The Queens Award for Voluntary Service this is recognised as
the MBE for Volunteers.
Hopefully the weather will be kind to us on the night and with your support we will be able to raise a substan9al
amount of money for this cause.
Can You Help Us To Build A Better Future For Your Air
Wiltshire Air Ambulance has been saving lives for over 27 years and work has begun on our
new airbase at Semington, near Melksham.
The new airbase will bring together our helicopter, aircrew and charity team
onto one site for the first time.
The central location of our new airbase will mean our helicopter will be
able to reach all parts of Wiltshire within 11 minutes, as it currently
does now from its base in Devizes.
Our fundraising appeal for the new airbase has got off to a flying start,
but we still need to raise just under 1 million to complete the building
and equipping of it.
Can you help us raise the vital funds for our Airbase Appeal? There are lots of different ways
you can get involved, such as holding a cake sale, organising a challenge event or uploading a
photo for our helicopter mosaic.
We also have fun ways for schools and businesses to get onboard and support our appeal.
Find our more by visiting our special website www.wiltshireairbaseappeal.co.uk , call the
Charity Team office on 01380 739453 or email hello@wiltshireairambulance.co.uk
The night was met with a fantastic band 5 Wheel Drive, amazing curry, great fun and
generous friends raising in excess of 2000.00.
Jerry is grateful for all the well wishes and the generosity shown to such a needed charity.
He will not be submitting the money raised for another week so any further donations are
warmly welcomed.
Booking fees
Residents - 6 an hour
Non-Residents - 10 an hour
email bookings@MyPoulshot.com
On Tuesday May 23rd BT were found to be placing telegraph poles on the Green illegally.
The Green is deemed a Conservation Area privately owned by the Parish Council and
by law must receive special permissions before changes to the Green may be made. The
Authorities were called and Wiltshire Council as residents of Poulshot blocked any further
works to be completed. There will be continued discussions with BT with the purpose of
finding an appropriate solution. The Council wishes to thank those parishioners that
helped on the day and will work to keep the Village updated as negotiations continue.
Poulshot Friends & Neighbours
On May 16th, the PF&N visited the Hawk Conservancy - a fantastic day out.
We do need your support and I would like to remind everyone that the PF&N is open to everyone in
Poulshot and that we also welcome friends and visitors at a small charge.
If you have any ques4ons. please contact Pam Gillies on 828151 or Kate Hunloke on 828333
Poulshot Ladies Reading Group
The next
Library visit
is 12:40pm
on June 5th at the Raven
Car Park (the following visit
will be June 26th) see http://
I would like to say a huge thank you for the warm recepXon I received
from all residents of Poulshot during the recent Wiltshire Council elecXon
campaign. Thanks to you, standing for elecXon has been a life-arming
experience and I was overwhelmed by your support. Id like to wish Cllr
Seed every success over the next four years and I will conXnue to work for
the best possible outcomes for our villages. With best wishes, Jo
Adrian Baber
Mike Wilson
I am happy and honoured to be re-
elected for another term as a Parish I have lived in the village at the Old
Councillor. I was born in this village Chapel for over 30 years, in the
in 1963 and am endeavouring to Tim Jalland past I have been a Parish Councillor
continuing my family involvement in Thank you very much indeed for and a Parish clerk for Poulshot. I
Parish affairs following the many voting for me. It is a true honour and am retired and volunteer for
years of service my father and privilege to be a member of the various things in the local area
grandfather gave as Parish Poulshot Parish Council. I hope that and I am a believer in open
Councillors. I am always happy to I may serve the village to best of my government.
chat to and here the views and abilities over the years to come
concerns of any parishioner.
Jonathan Seed
(Wilts County Council)
Steve Housby
Thank-you for your vote
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Poulshot Fete 2017
7pm - midnight
Picnic on the Green with entertainment from Nicoles Disco