Poulshot Village News - February 2018
Poulshot Village News - February 2018
Poulshot Village News - February 2018
Village News
February 2018
Also available online at http://www.scribd.com (search for “Poulshot Village News”)
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From the Editor
Please send in your information for the upcoming events and other news for the next
edition before the 15th of February to news@mypoulshot.com or call us on 828206.
Poulshot magazine sends its thanks for continued support and warm wishes to all!
Contribu4ons for next issue by 5pm on the 15th of the month please - or earlier!
Poulshot Village News is happy to accept adverts, indeed relies on them to fund produc9on
costs. Publica9on of an advert does not cons9tute endorsement for that product or service.
Adverts may be taken as full, half or quarter page, standard or colour, to run for the full year of
the magazine (12 issues) or for individual issues.
Issue 245
Holiday Let
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For readers who are not aware of the Community Fund Panel, it is made up of eleven
resident villagers, including 2 members of the Parish Council. The Panel membership seeks
to best represent the demographic balance in the Village. The Panel meets every quarter,
unless an applica9on for funding is received earlier at which point the panel will convene at
the earliest opportunity. The Panel consider all applica9ons in open forum reques9ng
further informa9on if considered necessary. The applica9on is then scored, and voted on,
for a proposal to go forward to the Parish Council for considera9on on funding
The next mee9ng will take place in the Village Hall on 12th April 2018. If you are interested
in taking part in this important group please come along then.
Prestige Painting
There is a wheelchair in the Village Hall for the use of Poulshot parishioners.
Should you wish to borrow it please contact Malcolm Nixon 828355
I do love the month of February, but maybe that’s because as a child
I knew that once Christmas was over February was not far away, and
it would soon be my Birthday!
Did you make any New Year resolutions and how are they going?
I often wonder why, because of an arbitrary bit of counting, that we
call the calendar, we choose the coldest, darkest, most difficult days
of the year to try to suddenly challenge ourselves to pull our socks
up, and fix everything in our lives, in one go! I don’t know about you
but at this time of year all I want to do is curl up somewhere warm
and dry and keep warm, surrounded by all the things that bring me
Now don’t get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with wanting to make
changes in your life, to stop doing things or take up a new
challenges. But from my experience and others it doesn't work just
like that – scientists have shown that it takes 30 days for a new
routine to become a habit, and we need plans to get new actions into
The following poem by Adrian Plass describes so well how many of us feel about new year's
Once I've cleaned this house up properly, I honestly think I'll get somewhere.
Once I've pulled out every single piece of furniture and used an abrasive cloth with strong stuff on
it, I think I shall come to grips with the rest of my life.
Once I've put everything into separate piles, each containing the same sort of thing, if you know
what I mean. I think I'll manage.
Once I've written a list that includes absolutely everything, I think the whole business will seem
very much clearer.
Once I've had time to work slowly from one item to another, I'm sure things will change.
Once I've eaten sensibly for a week and a half,
Once I've sorted out the things that are my fault,
Once I've sorted out the things that are NOT my fault,
Once I've spent a little more time reading useful books, being with people I like, going to pottery
classes, getting out into the air, making bread, drinking less, drinking more, going to the theatre,
adopting a third world child, eating free range eggs and writing long letters.
Once I've pulled every single piece of furniture right out and cleaned it all properly.
Once I've become somebody else, I honestly think I'll get somewhere.
How many of us are trying to change who we are because we think that's the problem – or that
we're more likely to be loved if we change?
Jesus came to a world that was hurting and hating, because He loves it, just as it is. And he loves
you, just as you are. He longs to know you and all that you love and hate about yourself. We don't
have to change to be loved by Jesus. The world tells us that if we change x, our lives will become
perfect. Jesus says that he loves us, even in our imperfections.
In the darkest days of the year, Jesus walks with us and as we choose to be in relationship and to
walk with him, our lives are changed in the process too.
So this month as we begin to see signs of Spring - new buds, new shoots, birds busy in the trees
and hedges, the days lengthening, we can look forward to the new season, the great season of
Lent, a time in the church year when we join our faith journey with Jesus’ journey to the Cross.
May we also find hope in the new life of Spring, and trust that Jesus will guide us through these
brightening days, as we approach the drama and sorrow of Holy Week and the joy of Easter Day.
Yours in Christ, Ali (Revd. Ali Bridewell)
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St. Peter's Church is now part of the larger Wellsprings Benefice along with Seend, Bulkington,
Potterne, Worton and Marston. On 30 November 2017, the Reverend Alison Bridewell was
licensed and given overall charge of the new Benefice. She, and her husband Stuart and
family, are now resident in the new Vicarage in Potterne.
At the moment, the old Benefice of Poulshot, Seend and Bulkington is in the process of finding
a House For Duty priest who will live in the new Vicarage in Seend and work with Alison.
So, it is all change for 2018, but before we head into these changes full time, on behalf of St.
Peter's, I must thank the Reverend Jane Knowles for all she has done for us during 2017. Not
only has she conducted the usual Sunday services, but also weddings, funerals and baptisms
and, of course, the lovely Carol Service. She has contributed monthly articles for the Village
Magazine and led the Buzz Group. For myself, Jane has been a good listening ear and source
of considered and sound advice. She has been loved by the whole congregation who
appreciated her gentle manner and thoughtful approach, with humour where appropriate. She
has been a joy to work with and, on behalf of everyone at St.Peter's, I thank her
Polite Notice:
We are at the end of the Christmas season and rapidly approaching Lent- 14 February,
therefore, please remove all Christmas arrangements and decorations from the graves
in St. Peter's churchyard. Any that remain after Ash Wednesday will be removed by the
Churchwardens or members of the PCC. Thank-you.
There are Five theory meetings in Bishops Cannings village hall on Wednesdays 7.30 –
9.30pm – February 21st., March 7th., 21st., April 11th., 25th. Two practicals are at the Club
apiary nearby on Saturdays around mid-day for 2 hours on May 5th and May 12th ( with May
19th as a reserve in case of inclement weather).
The Cost is £36.00 for existing Full or Country members OR £72.50 for the Course with
Country membership OR £84 with Full Club membership, giving a variety of benefits locally
and nationally
Equipment will be provided on the day…just turn up and have some fun getting “Picked
Up In Poulshot” <wink> <wink>
We also make bespoke hand-tailored curtains and roman blinds, tailored loose
covers, soft furnishings and fabric walling.
2 0 A T h e B r i t t o x , D e v i z e s , W i l t s h i r e S N 1 0 1 A J