Fluid Mechanics - Ii (Lab)

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Experiment: Computing the coefficient of discharge using a Venturi meter.


The apparatus consists of a classical Venturi made of clear acrylic. A

series of wall tapings allow measurement of the static pressure distribution
along the converging duct, while a total head tube is provided along the centre
line of the test section. These tapings are connected to a manometer bank
incorporating a manifold with air bleed valve.


In industrial practice one of the problems most frequently encountered by

engineers is the measurement of fluid properties, such as density, viscosity,

pressure, velocity, flow rate. This apparatus is designed to obtain the flow rate
by using a Venturi meter. It consists of a Venturi tube and differential pressure
gauge. The Venturi tube has a converging portion, a throat and a diverging
portion as shown.

The converging portion increases the velocity of

the fluid and lowers its static pressure. A pressure
difference between inlet and throat develops,
which is related to the rate of discharge. The
diverging cone changes the area of the stream
back to the entrance area and converts velocity
head into pressure head.
Assuming incompressible flow and no frictional losses, and using the continuity
Equation (Q = A1V1 = A2V2)
With Bernoullis Equation, we get:

However, in the case of real fluid flow, the flow rate will be expected to be less
than that given by equation (1) because of frictional effects and consequent head
loss between inlet and throat. Therefore,

In practice, this non-ideality is accounted by insertion of an experimentally

determined discharge coefficient (Cd) that is termed as the coefficient of
discharge. With Z1 = Z2 in this apparatus, the discharge coefficient is:
C d=


1. Connect the venture meter apparatus to the hydraulic bench and turn on
the water supply pump with the inlet valve fully closed and the outlet
valve fully open.
2. Slowly open the inlet valve and allow the water to fill the venture meter,
make sure that the manometer tubes are properly connected and free of
3. Adjust the discharge valve to a high measurable flow rate and after the
level stabilizes, measure the water flow rate using volumetric method and
record the manometers reading.
4. Repeat step 1 to 3 with at least three decreasing flow rates by regulating
the Venturi control valve.
5. Obtain the actual flow rate, Qa from the volumetric flow measurement
6. Calculate the ideal flow rate, Qi from the head difference between hA and
hC using Eq. 1
7. Plot Qa Vs Qi and finally obtain the discharge coefficient, Cd which is the

Actual Ideal
Heights Change Flow Flow Discharge
in rate rate Coefficien
Sr. # Taken
Volume Qa Qi t
hA hC -3 3
x10 (m ) x10
3/ 3/
(m s) (m s)
1 0.258 0.049 9 22.0 4.09 4.4 0.92

2 0.238 0.070 10 26.9 3.71 4.12 0.90

3 0.221 0.077 11 31.2 3.52 4 0.89

Graph and Conclusion:

Chart Title

Actual flowrate


3.95 4 4.05 4.1 4.15 4.2 4.25 4.3 4.35 4.4 4.45

Ideal flowrate

As we can see that due to various losses as discussed in the previous

experiment, the ideal flow rate is always less than the actual flow rate. These
losses include frictional losses and inaccuracies while determining the
experimental values that include human errors (reaction time and parallax error
Since discharge co-efficient is a ratio of the actual to the ideal flow rate,
its value will always be less than 1 in any real scenario, whereas it would be
equal to 1 in an ideal world with no frictional losses and experimental

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