Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital: Calendar

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Hamlin Fistula® RelieF and aid Fund

addis ababa
PO Box 965, Wahroonga NSW 2076 Australia | Phone 02 9449 6725 | Fax 02 9440 4764
email: |
Newsletter design donated by Pure Graphics Pty Ltd

Other Christmas ideas

A ‘friendship gift’ this Christmas?
and the number of patients waiting in accommodation at Desta
Mender is now lower than it has been for some time.
getting back into her regular routine on the wards and working
with the fistula women who she loves.
Fistula Hospital ®

Fistula Centre - mekelle Annette joins me in sending you our best wishes for Christmas
If you would like to make a donation to
the work of the Hospital as a Christmas At the Fistula Centre in the laundry ... from this
and the New Year. newsletter | december 2008
gift for a family member or friend, Mekelle we have installed
then complete the reverse side of this
the new water plant
slip and return it to the Fund. We will Mark Bennett
which has been obtained
include with your tax deductible receipt
a greeting card which you can give to through the generous Fund aCtivities
your family member or friend. assistance of the Australian The Fund held its annual
Fund and it is now ready public meeting on bladder. Her husband divorced her and she went to live with her
Catherine’s Gift

John Little’s new
TLE for testing. The centre’s ... to this!
Thursday 13 November widowed mother who was very poor. Abebush’s mother looked

book about daily rain water storage capacity has at St Thomas’ Anglican after her as best she could.
life at the Addis been increased and the water Church Hall, North hiopia
Golden Jub ilee - 50 Years in Et For the last 6 years, Abebush was kept in a little hut. She was fed
Ababa Fistula purification and softening DR CATHERINE

Sydney to which about once a day. All that time she lay curled up on the floor and after
Hospital is now
equipment will mean that we are 100 people attended
available through some time her legs became locked in contractures in the foetal
Cath erin e now able to use our automatic including members
regular retail position. She is unable to straighten her hips or knees or flex her
outlets or from G i F t ’s
Inside the worl
sterilization equipment. It will also of the local Ethiopian community. Their colourful traditional
12/11/08 5:12:53

d of Dr Catherin

enable us to use our large new

e Hamlin
the Fund. The
er.indd 1

dress, rhythmic music and tasty Ethiopian food all added to the She was found by a partner Non Government Organisation which
Fund’s price per washing machine and this will festive air of the evening. Dr Hamlin’s message printed above A great Christmas Gift brought her to us in Bahir Dar. She was in a pitiful state. She was
copy is $35 (including postage and GST). make the job of our laundry staff was read to the audience and Dr Andrew Browning spoke The 2009 Golden Jubilee Calendar provides a lasting
completely emaciated weighing barely 30kgs. She cried in pain
A Walk to Beautiful much easier! about life in Bahir Dar and his work at the fistula centre there. celebration of Dr Catherine Hamlin’s 50 years in Ethiopia.
every time she moved as her bones rubbed on the bed. She was
The Fund now has copies of the DVD Plans for the fifth Hamlin Fistula Centre There was also a DVD presentation by Annette Bennett on the It has many beautiful images of life at the Hospital and
very depressed. The first time she smiled after arriving at the
available for sale at $30 each (including traces the Hamlins’ amazing story.
We have selected a contractor for the construction of the fifth Midwifery College. centre was when William came to cheer her up. William calls her
postage and GST).
Hamlin Fistula Centre to be located at Metu in the west of the As well as continuing to receive financial support and many Price $20 (incl postage and GST)
the ‘tired lady’.
To Order country near the Sudanese border. We are currently preparing colourful shawls, the Fund recently received a donation of See the inside detachable donation slip for how to
Abebush is only about 20 years old and has spent almost a third of
The 2009 Golden Jubilee Calendar, the site for construction. We plan to have the centre opened by 18 hospital beds and some other hospital furniture from the purchase the Calendar and other Christmas ideas.
‘Catherines Gift’ and the DVD of A Walk her life locked away in a little room.
early 2010. Brisbane Waters Private Hospital. With the assistance of the
to Beautiful can be purchased either She has now been moved to our main hospital in Addis Ababa
- Via our website dr Hamlin local Rotary Club the beds and furniture were transported dR andRew BRowning where she will receive much love, care and treatment to prepare
You may have read the article about Dr Hamlin in the recent to Adelaide and loaded into a large sea container bound for Dr Andrew Browning, his wife Stephanie and their young son
- By completing the reverse side of this her for the fistula surgery which hopefully will cure her and give
slip and returning it to the Fund edition of the Good Weekend magazine which reported that Ethiopia. Arrangements are being made with the Hospital and a William recently returned to Australia for several months. her a new life.
- By contacting the Fund’s office on she has been taking treatment for TB. She is doing well and local Rotary Club in Addis Ababa to receive the container when Whilst in Australia, Andrew will undertake further training in
02 9449 6725. it arrives in several months time. reconstructive surgery.
The Directors and staff of the Fund wish you a joyful Christmas Andrew spoke at the recent annual public meeting of the Fund
Requests for a ‘friendship greeting card’
and a safe and happy New Year and thank you for supporting where he told the story of Abebush.
and purchase orders for the Calendar,
‘Catherines Gift’ or DVD of A Walk to the work of the Hospital in so many ways throughout the year. Several weeks ago, just before Stephanie, William and I returned
Beautiful must be received by the Fund to Australia, Abebush arrived at the Fistula Centre in Bahir Dar.
by Wednesday 18 December in time to
tHe Fund’s oFFiCe will Be Closed FRom Abebush was married for 2 years when she became pregnant. She
post to you for Christmas.
wednesday 24 deCemBeR 2008 until went into labour in her village and delivered a stillborn child after

monday 12 JanuaRy 2009. 5 days of labour. When she regained consciousness she found she
dr Hamlin with mark and annette Bennett was leaking urine and faeces from fistulae both to her rectum and abebush – the tired lady
“Every cent of every dollar donated to the Fund is available to support the work of the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital” visit our website

dR CatHeRine Hamlin’s message to tHe the Ethiopian Government had to close the training programme encouragement which David Barnsdall, the Deputy Chairman, FRom maRk Bennett, HosPital Ceo Please accept the attached donation for the work
annual PuBliC meeting oF tHe Fund because of a lack of money. and the other Directors have given to me during the course of I am pleased to be able to report good progress on many of the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital through the
ReCently Held in sydney Therefore it has been a great pleasure to me in the last 12 the past year and their dedication to the task of assisting the Hamlin Fistula® RelieF & aid Fund
aspects of the Hospital’s activities and I thank all our
months to see the Hospital establish its own midwifery training Hospital in many and varied ways. Please post to PO Box 965 Wahroonga NSW 2076
My Dear Friends in Australia supporters in Australia for their continuing interest and
Donations of over $2 are allowable Income Tax Deductions.
college. Although we have started in a small way with the The Australian Fund has been very active this past year and practical support for the work of the Hospital.
Since the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital was first opened 34 DGR 900484487 (Please print clearly)
first intake of 12 students commencing in November 2007, once again has made a very significant contribution to the Harer
years ago, it has treated and cured thousands of destitute Title Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Rev
this is the Hospital’s most important initiative so far towards ongoing work of the Hospital. (please circle)
women. Many of them are still in their teenage years. Their After the official opening of our Harer centre in May there was
preventing the scourge of obstetric fistula. It is my prayer that My trip to Australia during the year was a wonderful Name
lives have been ruined by the devastating effects of obstetric significant work still to be undertaken to get the centre ready
in time the college will contribute significantly to eradicating affirmation of the work we are doing and the overwhelming
fistulae. It gives all of us who help these poor women a great to receive patients. This included completing the kitchen and Address
obstetric fistulae which ruin the lives of so many young rural support and appreciation which I received from so many
sense of joy and satisfaction to see so many with their lives the lower level of the two storey building. The centre has now
Ethiopian women. supporters was immensely encouraging to me personally.
and dignity restored. been fully equipped and we have installed additional rain water
The past year has been one of further growth and development retention and storage capacity on the site.
in spreading amongst the Australian community the message Phone
The centre is now fully operational and Dr Yifru and his team
about the plight of the Ethiopian fistula sufferers. The Fund has
have started to receive patients. Gift or Cheque Attached $
actively promoted the documentary A Walk to Beautiful with
a number of screenings being held around Australia. In April I Please send a greeting card with my receipt
enjoyed the screening of the film in Mudgee with about 400
Allocate for Hamlin Fistula Int’l Foundation
other members of the audience. The documentary has provided
a most effective means of informing many more people about Send to me suitable wording for a Bequest
the estimated 2 million women in the developing world who
Send to me a free DVD and brochures to
suffer from the ‘hidden epidemic’ of obstetric fistula. dr yifru with dr Hamlin interest others
Hamlin College of midwives dean, annette Bennett and trainee midwives
Many people support the Hospital in many different ways. I would like to order:
Ethiopia has a population of nearly 80 million people with It has taken a long time for the Hospital to be able to establish
midwifery College
Whether this support is through donating money, organising
65 million people living in rural villages. There are only about a residential midwifery college and to develop a comprehensive The Midwifery College has now completed one full year of 2009 Calendar - $20.00
fund raising events or knitting the coloured shawls which our
1,100 trained midwives in the whole country and nearly all of three year curriculum. It is only because of the faithful and training. The first intake of students completed their initial
patients love to wear and which have become such a feature of A Walk to Beautiful DVD - $30.00
them work in the main cities and towns. So there is no proper dedicated support of the Australian Fund and the Hospital’s year of study with a clinical practice module in two locations
life at the Hospital, it all helps the Hospital do its vital work.
medical help for the thousands of village women who each other partner organisations around the world that this has outside Addis Ababa. The second intake of students took place ‘Catherine’s Gift’ - $35.00
Therefore it is with sincere gratitude that I thank you for being
year experience obstructed labour. For these women there is no been possible. in October.
here this evening to show your support for the work of the oR Please debit the sum of $ ___________to my
hope. Many of them die. A “lucky” few survive the ordeal. But The size and complexity of the Hospital’s activities have medical services
they only live to suffer a worse horror - a life of incontinence expanded enormously over the last few years. As a result, Since the resignation of some of our senior doctors, Dr Habte MasterCard Visa
I also thank you, and all of the many other supporters of the
resulting in social ostracism and destitution. changes are required in how the Hospital is managed. The and Dr Hailemariam have worked hard and together with the
Hamlin Fistula® Relief and Aid Fund here in Australia, for your
The only way to prevent the estimated 8,000 – 9,000 new Hospital Trustees together with the CEO, Mark Bennett, are assistance of several visiting specialists including Professor
continuing support for the work of the Hospital over the past
cases of obstetric fistula occurring in Ethiopia each year is to working hard to put in place the skills, systems and capacity Gordon Williams, they have managed to treat our patient load
put in place strategies that will ensure women can receive necessary to ensure that the Hospital continues to be and tackle some of the longer term cases effectively.
I pray that God will continue to bless the Hospital as we work
appropriately trained medical help when the time comes for effectively managed into the future. The process of change is Our hospital is in good shape with bed utilization improving
together to treat and prevent the hidden epidemic of obstetric
them to deliver their babies. not always easy and there have been some difficult challenges CCV*
fistula amongst the poorest women of Ethiopia.
Training midwives is the key prevention strategy. A century ago over the last year. However, I am confident that the changes *three digit security code on the signature strip of your
I send my love and warmest good wishes to you all for the credit card
Egypt, Sweden and the United Kingdom dramatically reduced which are being introduced will secure the Hospital well into
coming Christmas season. Name on card
the incidence of maternal mortality through the widespread the future.
deployment of trained midwives. The Board of the Australian Fund supports the Hospital’s
Expiry Date
My late husband, Reg, and I went to Ethiopia in 1959 to train direction and the work of the Hospital Trustees and the CEO. I
midwives. We could only train about 10 young women before have especially appreciated the ongoing friendship, support and Dr E. Catherine Hamlin AC Professor gordon williams, dr Hailemariam and dr Habte Signature

“Every cent of every dollar donated to the Fund is available to support the work of the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital” visit our website

dR CatHeRine Hamlin’s message to tHe the Ethiopian Government had to close the training programme encouragement which David Barnsdall, the Deputy Chairman, FRom maRk Bennett, HosPital Ceo Please accept the attached donation for the work
annual PuBliC meeting oF tHe Fund because of a lack of money. and the other Directors have given to me during the course of I am pleased to be able to report good progress on many of the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital through the
ReCently Held in sydney Therefore it has been a great pleasure to me in the last 12 the past year and their dedication to the task of assisting the Hamlin Fistula® RelieF & aid Fund
aspects of the Hospital’s activities and I thank all our
months to see the Hospital establish its own midwifery training Hospital in many and varied ways. Please post to PO Box 965 Wahroonga NSW 2076
My Dear Friends in Australia supporters in Australia for their continuing interest and
Donations of over $2 are allowable Income Tax Deductions.
college. Although we have started in a small way with the The Australian Fund has been very active this past year and practical support for the work of the Hospital.
Since the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital was first opened 34 DGR 900484487 (Please print clearly)
first intake of 12 students commencing in November 2007, once again has made a very significant contribution to the Harer
years ago, it has treated and cured thousands of destitute Title Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Rev
this is the Hospital’s most important initiative so far towards ongoing work of the Hospital. (please circle)
women. Many of them are still in their teenage years. Their After the official opening of our Harer centre in May there was
preventing the scourge of obstetric fistula. It is my prayer that My trip to Australia during the year was a wonderful Name
lives have been ruined by the devastating effects of obstetric significant work still to be undertaken to get the centre ready
in time the college will contribute significantly to eradicating affirmation of the work we are doing and the overwhelming
fistulae. It gives all of us who help these poor women a great to receive patients. This included completing the kitchen and Address
obstetric fistulae which ruin the lives of so many young rural support and appreciation which I received from so many
sense of joy and satisfaction to see so many with their lives the lower level of the two storey building. The centre has now
Ethiopian women. supporters was immensely encouraging to me personally.
and dignity restored. been fully equipped and we have installed additional rain water
The past year has been one of further growth and development retention and storage capacity on the site.
in spreading amongst the Australian community the message Phone
The centre is now fully operational and Dr Yifru and his team
about the plight of the Ethiopian fistula sufferers. The Fund has
have started to receive patients. Gift or Cheque Attached $
actively promoted the documentary A Walk to Beautiful with
a number of screenings being held around Australia. In April I Please send a greeting card with my receipt
enjoyed the screening of the film in Mudgee with about 400
Allocate for Hamlin Fistula Int’l Foundation
other members of the audience. The documentary has provided
a most effective means of informing many more people about Send to me suitable wording for a Bequest
the estimated 2 million women in the developing world who
Send to me a free DVD and brochures to
suffer from the ‘hidden epidemic’ of obstetric fistula. dr yifru with dr Hamlin interest others
Hamlin College of midwives dean, annette Bennett and trainee midwives
Many people support the Hospital in many different ways. I would like to order:
Ethiopia has a population of nearly 80 million people with It has taken a long time for the Hospital to be able to establish
midwifery College
Whether this support is through donating money, organising
65 million people living in rural villages. There are only about a residential midwifery college and to develop a comprehensive The Midwifery College has now completed one full year of 2009 Calendar - $20.00
fund raising events or knitting the coloured shawls which our
1,100 trained midwives in the whole country and nearly all of three year curriculum. It is only because of the faithful and training. The first intake of students completed their initial
patients love to wear and which have become such a feature of A Walk to Beautiful DVD - $30.00
them work in the main cities and towns. So there is no proper dedicated support of the Australian Fund and the Hospital’s year of study with a clinical practice module in two locations
life at the Hospital, it all helps the Hospital do its vital work.
medical help for the thousands of village women who each other partner organisations around the world that this has outside Addis Ababa. The second intake of students took place ‘Catherine’s Gift’ - $35.00
Therefore it is with sincere gratitude that I thank you for being
year experience obstructed labour. For these women there is no been possible. in October.
here this evening to show your support for the work of the oR Please debit the sum of $ ___________to my
hope. Many of them die. A “lucky” few survive the ordeal. But The size and complexity of the Hospital’s activities have medical services
they only live to suffer a worse horror - a life of incontinence expanded enormously over the last few years. As a result, Since the resignation of some of our senior doctors, Dr Habte MasterCard Visa
I also thank you, and all of the many other supporters of the
resulting in social ostracism and destitution. changes are required in how the Hospital is managed. The and Dr Hailemariam have worked hard and together with the
Hamlin Fistula® Relief and Aid Fund here in Australia, for your
The only way to prevent the estimated 8,000 – 9,000 new Hospital Trustees together with the CEO, Mark Bennett, are assistance of several visiting specialists including Professor
continuing support for the work of the Hospital over the past
cases of obstetric fistula occurring in Ethiopia each year is to working hard to put in place the skills, systems and capacity Gordon Williams, they have managed to treat our patient load
put in place strategies that will ensure women can receive necessary to ensure that the Hospital continues to be and tackle some of the longer term cases effectively.
I pray that God will continue to bless the Hospital as we work
appropriately trained medical help when the time comes for effectively managed into the future. The process of change is Our hospital is in good shape with bed utilization improving
together to treat and prevent the hidden epidemic of obstetric
them to deliver their babies. not always easy and there have been some difficult challenges CCV*
fistula amongst the poorest women of Ethiopia.
Training midwives is the key prevention strategy. A century ago over the last year. However, I am confident that the changes *three digit security code on the signature strip of your
I send my love and warmest good wishes to you all for the credit card
Egypt, Sweden and the United Kingdom dramatically reduced which are being introduced will secure the Hospital well into
coming Christmas season. Name on card
the incidence of maternal mortality through the widespread the future.
deployment of trained midwives. The Board of the Australian Fund supports the Hospital’s
Expiry Date
My late husband, Reg, and I went to Ethiopia in 1959 to train direction and the work of the Hospital Trustees and the CEO. I
midwives. We could only train about 10 young women before have especially appreciated the ongoing friendship, support and Dr E. Catherine Hamlin AC Professor gordon williams, dr Hailemariam and dr Habte Signature

Hamlin Fistula® RelieF and aid Fund

addis ababa
PO Box 965, Wahroonga NSW 2076 Australia | Phone 02 9449 6725 | Fax 02 9440 4764
email: |
Newsletter design donated by Pure Graphics Pty Ltd

Other Christmas ideas

A ‘friendship gift’ this Christmas?
and the number of patients waiting in accommodation at Desta
Mender is now lower than it has been for some time.
getting back into her regular routine on the wards and working
with the fistula women who she loves.
Fistula Hospital ®

Fistula Centre - mekelle Annette joins me in sending you our best wishes for Christmas
If you would like to make a donation to
the work of the Hospital as a Christmas At the Fistula Centre in the laundry ... from this
and the New Year. newsletter | december 2008
gift for a family member or friend, Mekelle we have installed
then complete the reverse side of this
the new water plant
slip and return it to the Fund. We will Mark Bennett
which has been obtained
include with your tax deductible receipt
a greeting card which you can give to through the generous Fund aCtivities
your family member or friend. assistance of the Australian The Fund held its annual
Fund and it is now ready public meeting on bladder. Her husband divorced her and she went to live with her
Catherine’s Gift

John Little’s new
TLE for testing. The centre’s ... to this!
Thursday 13 November widowed mother who was very poor. Abebush’s mother looked

book about daily rain water storage capacity has at St Thomas’ Anglican after her as best she could.
life at the Addis been increased and the water Church Hall, North hiopia
Golden Jub ilee - 50 Years in Et For the last 6 years, Abebush was kept in a little hut. She was fed
Ababa Fistula purification and softening DR CATHERINE

Sydney to which about once a day. All that time she lay curled up on the floor and after
Hospital is now
equipment will mean that we are 100 people attended
available through some time her legs became locked in contractures in the foetal
Cath erin e now able to use our automatic including members
regular retail position. She is unable to straighten her hips or knees or flex her
outlets or from G i F t ’s
Inside the worl
sterilization equipment. It will also of the local Ethiopian community. Their colourful traditional
12/11/08 5:12:53

d of Dr Catherin

enable us to use our large new

e Hamlin
the Fund. The
er.indd 1

dress, rhythmic music and tasty Ethiopian food all added to the She was found by a partner Non Government Organisation which
Fund’s price per washing machine and this will festive air of the evening. Dr Hamlin’s message printed above A great Christmas Gift brought her to us in Bahir Dar. She was in a pitiful state. She was
copy is $35 (including postage and GST). make the job of our laundry staff was read to the audience and Dr Andrew Browning spoke The 2009 Golden Jubilee Calendar provides a lasting
completely emaciated weighing barely 30kgs. She cried in pain
A Walk to Beautiful much easier! about life in Bahir Dar and his work at the fistula centre there. celebration of Dr Catherine Hamlin’s 50 years in Ethiopia.
every time she moved as her bones rubbed on the bed. She was
The Fund now has copies of the DVD Plans for the fifth Hamlin Fistula Centre There was also a DVD presentation by Annette Bennett on the It has many beautiful images of life at the Hospital and
very depressed. The first time she smiled after arriving at the
available for sale at $30 each (including traces the Hamlins’ amazing story.
We have selected a contractor for the construction of the fifth Midwifery College. centre was when William came to cheer her up. William calls her
postage and GST).
Hamlin Fistula Centre to be located at Metu in the west of the As well as continuing to receive financial support and many Price $20 (incl postage and GST)
the ‘tired lady’.
To Order country near the Sudanese border. We are currently preparing colourful shawls, the Fund recently received a donation of See the inside detachable donation slip for how to
Abebush is only about 20 years old and has spent almost a third of
The 2009 Golden Jubilee Calendar, the site for construction. We plan to have the centre opened by 18 hospital beds and some other hospital furniture from the purchase the Calendar and other Christmas ideas.
‘Catherines Gift’ and the DVD of A Walk her life locked away in a little room.
early 2010. Brisbane Waters Private Hospital. With the assistance of the
to Beautiful can be purchased either She has now been moved to our main hospital in Addis Ababa
- Via our website dr Hamlin local Rotary Club the beds and furniture were transported dR andRew BRowning where she will receive much love, care and treatment to prepare
You may have read the article about Dr Hamlin in the recent to Adelaide and loaded into a large sea container bound for Dr Andrew Browning, his wife Stephanie and their young son
- By completing the reverse side of this her for the fistula surgery which hopefully will cure her and give
slip and returning it to the Fund edition of the Good Weekend magazine which reported that Ethiopia. Arrangements are being made with the Hospital and a William recently returned to Australia for several months. her a new life.
- By contacting the Fund’s office on she has been taking treatment for TB. She is doing well and local Rotary Club in Addis Ababa to receive the container when Whilst in Australia, Andrew will undertake further training in
02 9449 6725. it arrives in several months time. reconstructive surgery.
The Directors and staff of the Fund wish you a joyful Christmas Andrew spoke at the recent annual public meeting of the Fund
Requests for a ‘friendship greeting card’
and a safe and happy New Year and thank you for supporting where he told the story of Abebush.
and purchase orders for the Calendar,
‘Catherines Gift’ or DVD of A Walk to the work of the Hospital in so many ways throughout the year. Several weeks ago, just before Stephanie, William and I returned
Beautiful must be received by the Fund to Australia, Abebush arrived at the Fistula Centre in Bahir Dar.
by Wednesday 18 December in time to
tHe Fund’s oFFiCe will Be Closed FRom Abebush was married for 2 years when she became pregnant. She
post to you for Christmas.
wednesday 24 deCemBeR 2008 until went into labour in her village and delivered a stillborn child after

monday 12 JanuaRy 2009. 5 days of labour. When she regained consciousness she found she
dr Hamlin with mark and annette Bennett was leaking urine and faeces from fistulae both to her rectum and abebush – the tired lady
Hamlin Fistula® RelieF and aid Fund

addis ababa
PO Box 965, Wahroonga NSW 2076 Australia | Phone 02 9449 6725 | Fax 02 9440 4764
email: |
Newsletter design donated by Pure Graphics Pty Ltd

Other Christmas ideas

A ‘friendship gift’ this Christmas?
and the number of patients waiting in accommodation at Desta
Mender is now lower than it has been for some time.
getting back into her regular routine on the wards and working
with the fistula women who she loves.
Fistula Hospital ®

Fistula Centre - mekelle Annette joins me in sending you our best wishes for Christmas
If you would like to make a donation to
the work of the Hospital as a Christmas At the Fistula Centre in the laundry ... from this
and the New Year. newsletter | december 2008
gift for a family member or friend, Mekelle we have installed
then complete the reverse side of this
the new water plant
slip and return it to the Fund. We will Mark Bennett
which has been obtained
include with your tax deductible receipt
a greeting card which you can give to through the generous Fund aCtivities
your family member or friend. assistance of the Australian The Fund held its annual
Fund and it is now ready public meeting on bladder. Her husband divorced her and she went to live with her
Catherine’s Gift

John Little’s new
TLE for testing. The centre’s ... to this!
Thursday 13 November widowed mother who was very poor. Abebush’s mother looked

book about daily rain water storage capacity has at St Thomas’ Anglican after her as best she could.
life at the Addis been increased and the water Church Hall, North hiopia
Golden Jub ilee - 50 Years in Et For the last 6 years, Abebush was kept in a little hut. She was fed
Ababa Fistula purification and softening DR CATHERINE

Sydney to which about once a day. All that time she lay curled up on the floor and after
Hospital is now
equipment will mean that we are 100 people attended
available through some time her legs became locked in contractures in the foetal
Cath erin e now able to use our automatic including members
regular retail position. She is unable to straighten her hips or knees or flex her
outlets or from G i F t ’s
Inside the worl
sterilization equipment. It will also of the local Ethiopian community. Their colourful traditional
12/11/08 5:12:53

d of Dr Catherin

enable us to use our large new

e Hamlin
the Fund. The
er.indd 1

dress, rhythmic music and tasty Ethiopian food all added to the She was found by a partner Non Government Organisation which
Fund’s price per washing machine and this will festive air of the evening. Dr Hamlin’s message printed above A great Christmas Gift brought her to us in Bahir Dar. She was in a pitiful state. She was
copy is $35 (including postage and GST). make the job of our laundry staff was read to the audience and Dr Andrew Browning spoke The 2009 Golden Jubilee Calendar provides a lasting
completely emaciated weighing barely 30kgs. She cried in pain
A Walk to Beautiful much easier! about life in Bahir Dar and his work at the fistula centre there. celebration of Dr Catherine Hamlin’s 50 years in Ethiopia.
every time she moved as her bones rubbed on the bed. She was
The Fund now has copies of the DVD Plans for the fifth Hamlin Fistula Centre There was also a DVD presentation by Annette Bennett on the It has many beautiful images of life at the Hospital and
very depressed. The first time she smiled after arriving at the
available for sale at $30 each (including traces the Hamlins’ amazing story.
We have selected a contractor for the construction of the fifth Midwifery College. centre was when William came to cheer her up. William calls her
postage and GST).
Hamlin Fistula Centre to be located at Metu in the west of the As well as continuing to receive financial support and many Price $20 (incl postage and GST)
the ‘tired lady’.
To Order country near the Sudanese border. We are currently preparing colourful shawls, the Fund recently received a donation of See the inside detachable donation slip for how to
Abebush is only about 20 years old and has spent almost a third of
The 2009 Golden Jubilee Calendar, the site for construction. We plan to have the centre opened by 18 hospital beds and some other hospital furniture from the purchase the Calendar and other Christmas ideas.
‘Catherines Gift’ and the DVD of A Walk her life locked away in a little room.
early 2010. Brisbane Waters Private Hospital. With the assistance of the
to Beautiful can be purchased either She has now been moved to our main hospital in Addis Ababa
- Via our website dr Hamlin local Rotary Club the beds and furniture were transported dR andRew BRowning where she will receive much love, care and treatment to prepare
You may have read the article about Dr Hamlin in the recent to Adelaide and loaded into a large sea container bound for Dr Andrew Browning, his wife Stephanie and their young son
- By completing the reverse side of this her for the fistula surgery which hopefully will cure her and give
slip and returning it to the Fund edition of the Good Weekend magazine which reported that Ethiopia. Arrangements are being made with the Hospital and a William recently returned to Australia for several months. her a new life.
- By contacting the Fund’s office on she has been taking treatment for TB. She is doing well and local Rotary Club in Addis Ababa to receive the container when Whilst in Australia, Andrew will undertake further training in
02 9449 6725. it arrives in several months time. reconstructive surgery.
The Directors and staff of the Fund wish you a joyful Christmas Andrew spoke at the recent annual public meeting of the Fund
Requests for a ‘friendship greeting card’
and a safe and happy New Year and thank you for supporting where he told the story of Abebush.
and purchase orders for the Calendar,
‘Catherines Gift’ or DVD of A Walk to the work of the Hospital in so many ways throughout the year. Several weeks ago, just before Stephanie, William and I returned
Beautiful must be received by the Fund to Australia, Abebush arrived at the Fistula Centre in Bahir Dar.
by Wednesday 18 December in time to
tHe Fund’s oFFiCe will Be Closed FRom Abebush was married for 2 years when she became pregnant. She
post to you for Christmas.
wednesday 24 deCemBeR 2008 until went into labour in her village and delivered a stillborn child after

monday 12 JanuaRy 2009. 5 days of labour. When she regained consciousness she found she
dr Hamlin with mark and annette Bennett was leaking urine and faeces from fistulae both to her rectum and abebush – the tired lady
“Every cent of every dollar donated to the Fund is available to support the work of the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital” visit our website

dR CatHeRine Hamlin’s message to tHe the Ethiopian Government had to close the training programme encouragement which David Barnsdall, the Deputy Chairman, FRom maRk Bennett, HosPital Ceo Please accept the attached donation for the work
annual PuBliC meeting oF tHe Fund because of a lack of money. and the other Directors have given to me during the course of I am pleased to be able to report good progress on many of the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital through the
ReCently Held in sydney Therefore it has been a great pleasure to me in the last 12 the past year and their dedication to the task of assisting the Hamlin Fistula® RelieF & aid Fund
aspects of the Hospital’s activities and I thank all our
months to see the Hospital establish its own midwifery training Hospital in many and varied ways. Please post to PO Box 965 Wahroonga NSW 2076
My Dear Friends in Australia supporters in Australia for their continuing interest and
Donations of over $2 are allowable Income Tax Deductions.
college. Although we have started in a small way with the The Australian Fund has been very active this past year and practical support for the work of the Hospital.
Since the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital was first opened 34 DGR 900484487 (Please print clearly)
first intake of 12 students commencing in November 2007, once again has made a very significant contribution to the Harer
years ago, it has treated and cured thousands of destitute Title Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Rev
this is the Hospital’s most important initiative so far towards ongoing work of the Hospital. (please circle)
women. Many of them are still in their teenage years. Their After the official opening of our Harer centre in May there was
preventing the scourge of obstetric fistula. It is my prayer that My trip to Australia during the year was a wonderful Name
lives have been ruined by the devastating effects of obstetric significant work still to be undertaken to get the centre ready
in time the college will contribute significantly to eradicating affirmation of the work we are doing and the overwhelming
fistulae. It gives all of us who help these poor women a great to receive patients. This included completing the kitchen and Address
obstetric fistulae which ruin the lives of so many young rural support and appreciation which I received from so many
sense of joy and satisfaction to see so many with their lives the lower level of the two storey building. The centre has now
Ethiopian women. supporters was immensely encouraging to me personally.
and dignity restored. been fully equipped and we have installed additional rain water
The past year has been one of further growth and development retention and storage capacity on the site.
in spreading amongst the Australian community the message Phone
The centre is now fully operational and Dr Yifru and his team
about the plight of the Ethiopian fistula sufferers. The Fund has
have started to receive patients. Gift or Cheque Attached $
actively promoted the documentary A Walk to Beautiful with
a number of screenings being held around Australia. In April I Please send a greeting card with my receipt
enjoyed the screening of the film in Mudgee with about 400
Allocate for Hamlin Fistula Int’l Foundation
other members of the audience. The documentary has provided
a most effective means of informing many more people about Send to me suitable wording for a Bequest
the estimated 2 million women in the developing world who
Send to me a free DVD and brochures to
suffer from the ‘hidden epidemic’ of obstetric fistula. dr yifru with dr Hamlin interest others
Hamlin College of midwives dean, annette Bennett and trainee midwives
Many people support the Hospital in many different ways. I would like to order:
Ethiopia has a population of nearly 80 million people with It has taken a long time for the Hospital to be able to establish
midwifery College
Whether this support is through donating money, organising
65 million people living in rural villages. There are only about a residential midwifery college and to develop a comprehensive The Midwifery College has now completed one full year of 2009 Calendar - $20.00
fund raising events or knitting the coloured shawls which our
1,100 trained midwives in the whole country and nearly all of three year curriculum. It is only because of the faithful and training. The first intake of students completed their initial
patients love to wear and which have become such a feature of A Walk to Beautiful DVD - $30.00
them work in the main cities and towns. So there is no proper dedicated support of the Australian Fund and the Hospital’s year of study with a clinical practice module in two locations
life at the Hospital, it all helps the Hospital do its vital work.
medical help for the thousands of village women who each other partner organisations around the world that this has outside Addis Ababa. The second intake of students took place ‘Catherine’s Gift’ - $35.00
Therefore it is with sincere gratitude that I thank you for being
year experience obstructed labour. For these women there is no been possible. in October.
here this evening to show your support for the work of the oR Please debit the sum of $ ___________to my
hope. Many of them die. A “lucky” few survive the ordeal. But The size and complexity of the Hospital’s activities have medical services
they only live to suffer a worse horror - a life of incontinence expanded enormously over the last few years. As a result, Since the resignation of some of our senior doctors, Dr Habte MasterCard Visa
I also thank you, and all of the many other supporters of the
resulting in social ostracism and destitution. changes are required in how the Hospital is managed. The and Dr Hailemariam have worked hard and together with the
Hamlin Fistula® Relief and Aid Fund here in Australia, for your
The only way to prevent the estimated 8,000 – 9,000 new Hospital Trustees together with the CEO, Mark Bennett, are assistance of several visiting specialists including Professor
continuing support for the work of the Hospital over the past
cases of obstetric fistula occurring in Ethiopia each year is to working hard to put in place the skills, systems and capacity Gordon Williams, they have managed to treat our patient load
put in place strategies that will ensure women can receive necessary to ensure that the Hospital continues to be and tackle some of the longer term cases effectively.
I pray that God will continue to bless the Hospital as we work
appropriately trained medical help when the time comes for effectively managed into the future. The process of change is Our hospital is in good shape with bed utilization improving
together to treat and prevent the hidden epidemic of obstetric
them to deliver their babies. not always easy and there have been some difficult challenges CCV*
fistula amongst the poorest women of Ethiopia.
Training midwives is the key prevention strategy. A century ago over the last year. However, I am confident that the changes *three digit security code on the signature strip of your
I send my love and warmest good wishes to you all for the credit card
Egypt, Sweden and the United Kingdom dramatically reduced which are being introduced will secure the Hospital well into
coming Christmas season. Name on card
the incidence of maternal mortality through the widespread the future.
deployment of trained midwives. The Board of the Australian Fund supports the Hospital’s
Expiry Date
My late husband, Reg, and I went to Ethiopia in 1959 to train direction and the work of the Hospital Trustees and the CEO. I
midwives. We could only train about 10 young women before have especially appreciated the ongoing friendship, support and Dr E. Catherine Hamlin AC Professor gordon williams, dr Hailemariam and dr Habte Signature


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