2010 06 27 - Sunday

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Sunday Sundays @ Hennepin

Seeing with Sacred Eyes

JUNE 27, 11:00 AM — Art Gallery
Lawyers Needed
at Dignity Center
Community Meals Pop Tabs!
How do we see the world? What lens Dignity Center is becoming
a part of the Volunteer Come and help Steeple People You know about our meals, Need a summer project? My
do we use to see the Sacred in the
world? Photographer/historian David Lawyer Network of legal sort and price Christmas but did you also know that Granddaughter, Julie, has a
Astin will share his insights and clinics. The VLN provides items (ie. strings of Christmas we provide socks, underwear, street ministry in Uganda
Season of Pentecost June 27, 2010 lights) this summer, so that diapers, sanitary products,
techniques for capturing the images in legal malpractice insurance that needs pull tabs from
‘Moving’ experience planned nature that take your breath away or inspire you. coverage, which enables they will be ready to sell at dental supplies, toilet paper aluminum cans. Widows use
He will offer a show of the images he has photo- lawyers to provide legal Christmas. For information, and household products?
for Sanctuary Worship! them to make jewelry which
graphed on his travels and encourage us to open advice and more concrete please contact Anne Hepper Promoting good hygiene
This Sunday, June 27, and Sunday, July 4, those at hepperburgh@aol.com or they sell to make money to
our eyes to the Holy in our midst. Photographers legal assistance. Lawyers who and self-care contributes to
that attend the 9:30 AM and wanna-be photographers of all ages welcome call 651-224-1654. raise their children. Start
can volunteer one morning dignity, job access, and
service will need to be and encouraged! collecting pop tabs in a bag
per week or month are Interested in health. Your generous gifts
prepared to move to a and bring them to church in
needed. 3 years civil legal to Community Meals flow
new pew in the Sanctuary! Pilgrim at Tinker Creek experience is required for
Becoming a New August. We’ll keep you posted!
July 11 & 18, 11:00 AM back to the community and
Cleaning of the interior Member? Thanks, Rachel Elliott.
Join Bruce Robbins as we delve into this volunteer opportunity. nourish in many ways.
stonework means that a
Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard. Training provided. Contact New Member classes will

large lift will displace
Published in 1974, this nonfiction work Muria Kruger, a current be held on July 11 and 18.
some of the pews on those two Sundays — but
defies categorization. Winner of the volunteer lawyer, for more Come to the Dossal Alcove
there will still be a seat for YOU. Don't miss it!
Pulitzer Prize for general nonfiction, it’s info: muriak@yahoo.com or off the Social Hall from
often read as an example of American 651-226-0471. 11am-1pm for part 1 of the
Men’s Happy Pride!
nature writing or as a meditation. New Member class. On the Fellowship Members and friends from
Dillard resists these labels, preferring to think of Summer Schedule 11th we’ll talk about what’s Men’s Friday Morning Bible
Hennepin are participating
the book as a theological treatise. Our Summer unique about United Study Group meets from
in this weekend’s PRIDE
Sunday School Methodism, we’ll take a tour 7:00 - 8:30 AM each week.
Can You Help? has begun for Festivities. Groups will be
of the church, and get to With the Bible as a basis,
Volunteers Still Needed! children who commissioned in worship
know one another. The next this diverse discussion
Contact Dana Neuhauser if you can help have completed grades Pre– today, and will be taking
week, July 18, we’ll deepen group encourages thoughtful
with Earth Camp or VBS. 612-435-1306 K (Room 1/3), 1st – 4th part in the parade as well as
our relationships with each exploration of what it means
Join your church friends (and invite others) for a or Dana@haumc.org Grade (Room 5/7) Children staffing the booths in Loring
other by talking about our to be a Christian. New
cook-out lunch after worship on Sunday, July 11 at Summer Fun who’ve completed 5th grade Park for UMC Reconciling
spiritual gifts, the “Three members welcome!
10:45 AM. Bring your own lawn chairs or blanket are encouraged to worship Congregations and for the
at Hennepin! Simple Rules” book, and
to picnic in the parsonage backyard. Additional Registration is now open for both
with their families or to Downtown Congregations.
what it means to join the
seating will be provided in Carlson Hall and the Vacation Bible School and Earth volunteer as helpers with Stop by and say “Hi!” and
church. Both weeks offer
East Entry. Cost is $5/adults and $3/children. An Camp. VBS runs 9:00 AM—Noon the the Pre-K class. Volunteer
free a chance to get to know show your support.
Ice Cream Social is planned for Sunday, August 1. week of August 16th. Earth Camp is scheduled for teachers are also needed for

Summer Choir
July 19-22 at Koininia. The theme this year for VBS is
ReNew, and will inspire us to grow in faith while we
learn to change the world through stewardship of
the summer. A schedule is
available for sign up in
Carlson Hall. This summer,
others! We hope you’ll come!
(Questions? Contact Kristyn
Ebert or Larry Duncan by
Welcomes You! creation. Registrations forms are available on the all children are invited to calling 612-871-5303.) Calling Cursillo, United Methodist
Summer Choir is open to all bulletin board in the stay for the entire worship Emmaus, Unidos Night at the Twins
from 9th grade-adults. We gather Education Wing, and at service on the first Sunday of
A Penny en Cristo Folks The annual UM Night at
at 8:45 on Sunday mornings in HennepinChurch.org. the month. Children are for your S olscheduled for
A Potluck dinner will be held the TwinsOu is d
the Choir Room to prepare for encouraged to participate “Thoughts” July 11th at 5 PM in the Social Thursday, Aug t!19, 7:10 pm
the 9:30 service. There’s no Open My The 2010 Summer more fully in the worship With the new Ministry Plan Hall. Greet your friends, bring at Target Field, Twins vs the
need for an ongoing commitment — you can take life of the congregation, Chicago White Sox. Due to
in place, we have set up an a dish to share. We are starting
it week to week. Call the Music Department (612- Eyes Devotional is Here! including the receiving of the capacity crowds at the
online blog for folks to join our support network for new
435-1319) for more information, or just show up. Pick up your copy today at the communion. Activity bags the conversation about what people thinking about the
l d
new field, reservations are
This is a great way to “try out” the choir on a short
So u t
reception desk, or near the entry will be available. We know October Walks: Oct. 7-10 for due EARLY this year, by
it means to “Cultivate Your
term basis, or invite your visiting friends or family that children may squirm; men, Oct. 14-17 for women.
to the worship space. Enjoy the thoughtful writings! Spiritual Vitality” and to Sunday, June 27. Cost is

members to sing just for the day. All are welcome! we welcome children just
as they are. A Nursery is
“Reach New People.” A
copy of the plan and goals
Contact Nancy Sjoquist 612-
nsjoquist@gmail.com, 825- O
$18 per seat “home plate
viewing.” Your check for $18
available for children 3 years 3576, or Larry Duncan 612-
is also online on the page: is your reservation, payable
old and younger. 435-1309 Larry@haumc.org
Thoughts.HennepinChurch.org to Hennepin.

Weekly Classes/Activities Donate! Volunteer! Can Openers! Do you have an extra
can opener or would you purchase
Calendar of Events MONDAY, JUNE 28
Masonry Work in Sanctuary
Kjerringsleppets women’s spirituality The June Hunger offering supports one for Community Meals’ guests? Sunday, June 27, 2010
group meets at 5:30 PM on the first Loring Nicollet Meals On Wheels. 9:00 AM Dignity Center—Open
Time after time we hear, “I’d love to 8:30 - 9:00 Holy Communion Border Chapel
Wednesday of the month. Contact MoW helps people maintain a
take that can of peas/applesauce/soup TUESDAY, JUNE 29
Sally Johnson with questions: healthy lifestyle and remain living 8:30 - 12:30 Coffee Fellowship Carlson Hall
but I don’t have a can opener.” Masonry Work in Sanctuary
independently in their homes as long 8:45 - 12:30 Nursery / Child Care Room 105
Sally@haumc.org. All are invited, Thanks so much!
as possible! Volunteers deliver each 9:00 - 10:00 Sacred Journey Art Gallery 8:30 AM Library Committee
and new participants are always
hot meal at lunchtime and provide a 6:30 PM Multicultural Committee
9:30 - 10:30 Festival Worship Sanctuary
welcome! July 7: The Guernsey daily safety check and some friendly Bike Ministry Update
Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society interaction. Thanks for your support Adult Bikes in usable condition are 9:45 - 10:45 Summer Sunday School Education Wing WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30
by Mary Ann Shaffer. of this program. needed for donating to impoverished Pre-K and Kindergarten Room 1/3 Masonry Work in Sanctuary
40 Below (Young Adults) Grab your U.M.W. funds available: a United clients of the Dignity Center through First through Fourth Grades Room 5/7 9:00 AM Dignity Center—Open
favorite chair or blanket and join us Methodist Women member left a the new Bicycle Program sponsored 11:00 - 12:00 Many Voices Border Chapel 9:30 AM Knotty Quilters
at Phelps Park on Friday, July 16 for bequest to be used for UMW by the Downtown Congregations to 11:00 - 12:00 Seeds of Celebration Harrison Room 1:00 PM Recyclers
a free viewing of The Muppet projects. All groups at Hennepin are End Homelessness. The bikes can be 11:00 - 12:00 Seeing With Sacred Eyes Art Gallery 6:00 PM Abundant Life Group
Movie. Meet at Hennepin at 7:00 welcome to apply. Deadline: Aug. 1. taken to Mr. Michael Recycles Bicycles, 12:00 - 10:00 Parking for Pride Festival Parking Lot 6:00 PM Staff Parish Relations
pm then carpool over to the park. Contact Karen Andrew at 651-485- 520 Prior Ave. St. Paul. Call ahead to
* Cars must be removed by 10:00 PM or risk being towed* THURSDAY, JULY 1
6630 or karenandrew@juno.com for make sure they’re open: 651-641-1037.
Bring snacks and drinks to enjoy for Masonry Work in Sanctuary
the form or with questions. Please tell them that you are donating
the movie. Find us on Facebook at:
HAUMC 40 Below. Dignity Center needs Sandwiches: We the bikes for giving to clients of 3:00 PM Labyrinth
have just a few bags left. Directions: the Downtown Congregations. Also Masonry Work Continues FRIDAY, JULY 2
The Science & Faith Roundtable: If Put meat and cheese between two needed are volunteers to repair the
you’re interested in how science In June and early July, the light colored stonework in the sanctuary Masonry/Organ Work in Sanctuary
slices of bread; no condiments; bikes. Basic skills in bike repair are
and religion can be partners in the will be cleaned. Much of it was discolored in the days of our coal-fired 7:00 AM Men’s Fellowship
place into individual baggie then all needed. Hours for repairing bikes are
quest for truth, this group may be placed back into bread bag. Label flexible. Call the shop to schedule boilers, and then with two experiences of water damage. From June 21 9:00 AM Dignity Center — Open
bag with date/type of sandwich. repair hours. Thanks for participating through July 8, a large lift will be needed to reach the highest areas of 10:00 AM Alanon
for you! Next meeting is 7:00 PM,
Bring to church reception desk. in such a unique ministry! the vaulted ceiling. This will require moving pews in the center section
Thursday, July 22 - Einstein's God:
Thanks for your help! of the sanctuary, and because it is so large and difficult to move, the lift Please Send all Calendar Updates
Conversations About Science and
will be in the sanctuary on Sundays June 27 and July 4. You won’t want
the Human Spirit by Krista Tippett. Dignity Center needs: a food or a
to miss church those days, just to see this contraption — but you may
and Corrections to Jodi@haumc.org
Life Adventures for Senior Adults has bathroom scale and a card table. If or call 612-435-1325
need to sit in a different pew!
you have one of these items to give,
arranged an outing to the Science
please bring to the church reception
Museum to see the Dead Sea Scrolls
Exhibit on Friday, July 23 at 1:00
PM. Paid reservations are due no
desk. Thanks so much! Also, we
need a Wednesday Receptionist to
volunteer every other Wednesday.
“Don’t Worry -
Be Happy!”
Steeple People
Breakfast at Hennepin
is on Summer Break.
Each week there is always Coffee
Fellowship in Carlson Hall. Special

PASTORAL CARE: Please notify the

later than Sunday, July 18. Cost is If interested, please contact Mary church office if you, a family member
Surplus Store food events are planned throughout
$18. Contact the church office to Martin, Volunteer Coordinator at or an other church member are experi-
Mary@haumc.org. the summer months. Next up:
sign-up and drop off or mail your In Jamaica when something goes encing an illness, a hospitalization, or
July 11 All Church Cook-Out
check to arrive before the 18th. wrong they shrug their shoulders, smile another need for pastoral care.
and say “Don’t Worry – Be Happy.”

Summer Vacation you can be a part of this exciting Now Accepting PayPal
We have that same attitude at Steeple
People. We try to find you, our great
customers, those items that will make
and Continued Support
At the end of May, the Operating
Budget Income Received in each of
the past three years has amounted to:
are posted each week in the Pastoral
Care section on the kiosk in Carlson
Hall. Greeting cards for members in
need of cheer are available to sign at
summer event for the children of the you “Be Happy.” We don’t gift wrap the reception desk near the East Entry.
Bible School: ReNew! If you wish to make a gift or donation 2010—43% of Budget Thank You
congregation and our neighborhood. to Hennepin Church, please note we but we do have excellent customer 2009—40% of Budget For your PACEM SINGERS are available to sing
Information for participants and for service with a smile.
This is a great opportunity to invite have another way to facilitate that. 2008—37% of Budget Support! to Hennepin members and friends
volunteers is available online. Just You may make your gift online, safely
friends/neighbors to Hennepin! bringing comfort of favorite hymns
go to the front page of the church through PayPal. Just go to our new Sunday Spire Deadline Church Closed July 5 and songs to your surroundings.
website: HennepinChurch.org and church website: HennepinChurch.org Please email all information to The Church Building will be closed DOWNTOWN GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP:
click on the VBS link. You can find and then choose “Giving” on Monday, July 5, in observance of
Spire@haumc.org by 10:00 AM May 1 through August 28, this group
out more information about how from the top menu. Independence Day. The Church will meets Saturday mornings at St. Marks
on Monday for the following
be open all day on July 4 for worship Episcopal Cathedral (519 Oak Grove St.)
Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church Sunday Spire, or drop off at the at the usual times, as well as for the 9:30 - 11:30 AM. July 3: Independence
511 Groveland Avenue | Minneapolis, MN 55403 | 612.871.5303 | HennepinChurch.org church, attn: Daniel Pederson. Community Meal in the evening. Day Weekend. Video/Group Discussion.
Koinonia Retreat Center | 7768 Pilger Ave. NE | South Haven, MN 55382 | 888-801-7746

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