Pramod Soni Visualcv Resume
Pramod Soni Visualcv Resume
Pramod Soni Visualcv Resume
An enthusiastic, adaptive and fast-learning person with a broad and acute interest in thefield Hydrology
of climate and hydrology, I particularly enjoy collaborating with scientists from different Climate change
disciplines to develop new skills and solve new challenges. Aerosols
Solar Dimming
Climate Modelling
Education Hydrology Modelling
Job experience
Served as president of SBRA community (Residential apartments for married students in IIT
Kanpur) during 2015-2016.
Served as Sports committee member in HEC, Hall-4 at IIT Kanpur during 2012-2013
Awarded with DAAD Masters sandwich program to pursue research in Germany (KIT-IMK-
IFU) for 9 months during October,2011-May,2012
Received Academic Excellence Achievement award for highest CPI during M.Tech in Civil
Engineering, IIT Kanpur
Received Second Prize in Billiards Inter-Hall Tournament at IIT Kanpur in year 2010
Received First Prize in Snooker Inter-Hall Tournament at IIT Kanpurin year 2010
Three times winner of Institute pool championship at IIT Kanpur, 2014,2015 and 2016
Received certificate of appreciation from Director, IIT Kanpur for getting excellentfeedback
from students during the summer course ESO208A (Introduction to numerical methods and
40 day Training of Township Construction in UMMAID HERITAGE Jodhpur during 2007
60 day Training at Waste Water treatment plant of R.U.I.D.P. Jodhpur during 2008
Soni, Pramod, Sachchida Nand Tripathi, and Rajesh Srivastava. "Radiative effects of black
carbon aerosols on Indian monsoon: a study using WRF-Chem model." Theoretical and
Applied Climatology (2017): 1-20.
Poster presentation entitled "Performance of WRF-Chem model during monsoon season
over India" received best poster award in category Monsoon simulation and prediction in
Annual Monsoon Workshop Pune (IMSP) organized by India Institute of Tropical
Meteorology (IITM), Pune, held during 2nd March 2-3, 2015 at IITM Pune
Presentation entitled "Observational Evidence of Streamflow Trends in India"
presented in International conference on "Modeling of Environmental
and Water Resources Systems (ICMEWRS 2017)" held during March 24-26 in HBTU, Kanpur
Languages known
Marwari (Regional)