Geothermal Energy

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Course Name : Environment And Climatic Changes
Couse Code : CE – 1201
Instructor Name : Dr. Pramod Soni
Team Member Names :
1) Sayed Zameer Qasim 7) Swaraj Mehta 13) Vinoy Wilson
2) Shivanand Maurya 8) Utkarsh Pal
3) Shivangi Swami 9) Vartika Narayani Srinet
4) Shubham Dixit 10) Vikas Maurya
5) Shubham Sharma 11) Vikash Jerai
6) Suryansh Pratap Singh 12) Vinayak Gupta
What is Geothermal Energy :
Geothermal energy is thermal energy generated and
stored in the Earth. Thermal energy is the energy that
determines the temperature of matter. The
geothermal energy of the Earth's crust originates
from the original formation of the planet and from 
radioactive decay of materials (in currently
uncertain but possibly roughly equal proportions).
The geothermal gradient, which is the difference in
temperature between the core of the planet and its
surface, drives a continuous 
conduction of thermal energy in the form of heat
 from the core to the surface. The
adjective geothermal originates from the Greek
roots γη (geo), meaning earth, and θερμος (thermos),
meaning hot.
Hot springs have been used for bathing at least since Paleolithic times. The oldest known spa is a stone pool on China's Lisan mountain built in the Qin Dynasty in the 3rd
century BC, at the same site where the Huaqing Chi palace was later built. In the first century AD, Romans conquered  Aquae Sulis, now Bath, Somerset, England, and
used the hot springs there to feed public baths and underfloor heating. The admission fees for these baths probably represent the first commercial use of geothermal
power. The world's oldest geothermal district heating system in Chaudes-Aigues, France, has been operating since the 15th century. The earliest industrial exploitation
began in 1827 with the use of geyser steam to extract boric acid from volcanic mud in Larderello, Italy.
In 1892, America's first district heating system in Boise, Idaho was powered directly by geothermal energy, and was copied in Klamath Falls, Oregon in 1900. The first
known building in the world to utilize geothermal energy as its primary heat source was the Hot Lake Hotel in Union County, Oregon, whose construction was completed in
1907. A deep geothermal well was used to heat greenhouses in Boise in 1926, and geysers were used to heat greenhouses in Iceland and  Tuscany at about the same
time. Charlie Lieb developed the first downhole heat exchanger in 1930 to heat his house. Steam and hot water from geysers began heating homes in Iceland starting in

Global geothermal electric capacity. Upper red line is installed capacity; lower green line is realized production.
In the 20th century, demand for electricity led to the consideration of geothermal power as a generating source. Prince  Piero Ginori Conti tested the first geothermal power
generator on 4 July 1904, at the same Larderello dry steam field where geothermal acid extraction began. It successfully lit four light bulbs.  Later, in 1911, the world's first
commercial geothermal power plant was built there. It was the world's only industrial producer of geothermal electricity until New Zealand built a plant in 1958. In 2012, it
produced some 594 megawatts.
Lord Kelvin invented the heat pump in 1852, and Heinrich Zoelly had patented the idea of using it to draw heat from the ground in 1912. But it was not until the late 1940s
that the geothermal heat pump was successfully implemented. The earliest one was probably Robert C. Webber's home-made 2.2  kW direct-exchange system, but
sources disagree as to the exact timeline of his invention. J. Donald Kroeker designed the first commercial geothermal heat pump to heat the 
Commonwealth Building (Portland, Oregon) and demonstrated it in 1946. Professor Carl Nielsen of Ohio State University built the first residential open loop version in his
home in 1948.[22] The technology became popular in Sweden as a result of the 1973 oil crisis, and has been growing slowly in worldwide acceptance since then. The 1979
development of polybutylene pipe greatly augmented the heat pump's economic viability.
In 1960, Pacific Gas and Electric began operation of the first successful geothermal electric power plant in the United States at The Geysers in California. The original
turbine lasted for more than 30 years and produced 11 MW net power.
The binary cycle power plant was first demonstrated in 1967 in the USSR and later introduced to the US in 1981.This technology allows the generation of electricity from
much lower temperature resources than previously. In 2006, a binary cycle plant in  Chena Hot Springs, Alaska, came on-line, producing electricity from a record low fluid
temperature of 57 °C (135 °F).
The International Geothermal Association (IGA) has reported that 10,715 megawatts (MW) of
geothermal power in 24 countries is online, which was expected to generate 67,246 GWh of
electricity in 2010. This represents a 20% increase in online capacity since 2005. IGA projects
growth to 18,500 MW by 2015, due to the projects presently under consideration, often in areas
previously assumed to have little exploitable resources.
In 2010, the United States led the world in geothermal electricity production with 3,086 MW of
installed capacity from 77 power plants. The largest group of geothermal power plants in the
world is located at The Geysers, a geothermal field in California. The Philippines is the second
highest producer, with 1,904 MW of capacity online. Geothermal power makes up
approximately 27% of Philippine electricity generation.
In 2016, Indonesia set in third with 1,647 MW online behind USA at 3,450 MW and the
Philippines at 1,870 MW, but Indonesia will become second due to an additional online 130 MW
at the end of 2016 and 255 MW in 2017. Indonesia's 28,994 MW are the largest geothermal
reserves in the world, and it is predicted to overtake the US in the next decade.
To produce geothermal-generated electricity, wells, sometimes a
mile (1.6 kilometers) deep or more, are drilled into underground
reservoirs to tap steam and very hot water that drive turbines
linked to electricity generators. The first geothermally generated
electricity was produced in Larderello, Italy, in 1904.
There are three types of geothermal power plants: dry steam, flash,
and binary. Dry steam, the oldest geothermal technology, takes
steam out of fractures in the ground and uses it to directly drive a
turbine. Flash plants pull deep, high-pressure hot water into
cooler, low-pressure water. The steam that results from this
process is used to drive the turbine. In binary plants, the hot water
is passed by a secondary fluid with a much lower boiling point than
water. This causes the secondary fluid to turn to vapor, which then
drives a turbine. Most geothermal power plants in the future will
be binary plants.
Geothermal energy is generated in over 20 countries. The United
States is the world’s largest producer, and the largest geothermal
development in the world is The Geysers north of San Francisco in
California. In Iceland, many of the buildings and even swimming This Geothermal power plant in Reykjavik, Iceland, is using
pools are heated with geothermal hot water. Iceland has at least 25
active volcanoes and many hot springs and geysers.
their underground reservoirs of steam and hot water to generate
electricity and to heat and cool buildings directly.
Geothermal energy comes in either vapor-dominated or liquid-dominated forms.  Enhanced geothermal :
Larderello and The Geysers are vapor-dominated. Vapor-dominated sites offer Enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) actively inject water
temperatures from 240 to 300 °C that produce superheated steam. into wells to be heated and pumped back out. The water is
Liquid-dominated plants : injected under high pressure to expand existing rock fissures
Liquid-dominated reservoirs (LDRs) are more common with temperatures greater than to enable the water to freely flow in and out. The technique
200 °C (392 °F) and are found near young volcanoes surrounding the Pacific Ocean and was adapted from oil and gas extraction techniques.
in rift zones and hot spots. Flash plants are the common way to generate electricity from However, the geologic formations are deeper and no toxic
these sources. chemicals are used, reducing the possibility of
Thermal energy : environmental damage. Drillers can employ 
Lower temperature sources produce the energy equivalent of 100M BBL per year. directional drilling to expand the size of the reservoir.
Sources with temperatures of 30–150 °C are used without conversion to electricity as  Small-scale EGS have been installed in the Rhine Graben
district heating, greenhouses, fisheries, mineral recovery, industrial process heating and  at Soultz-sous-Forêts in France and at Landau and Insheim
bathing in 75 countries. Heat pumps extract energy from shallow sources at 10–20 °C in  in Germany.
43 countries for use in space heating and cooling. Home heating is the fastest-growing
means of exploiting geothermal energy, with global annual growth rate of 30% in
2005 and 20% in 2012. Approximately 270 petajoules (PJ) of geothermal heating was
used in 2004. More than half went for space heating, and another third for heated pools.
The remainder supported industrial and agricultural applications. Global installed
capacity was 28 GW, but capacity factors tend to be low (30% on average) since heat is
mostly needed in winter. Some 88 PJ for space heating was extracted by an estimated
1.3 million geothermal heat pumps with a total capacity of 15 GW.

Geothermal power requires no fuel (except for pumps), and is therefore immune to fuel cost fluctuations.
However, capital costs are significant. Drilling accounts for over half the costs, and exploration of deep
resources entails significant risks. A typical well doublet (extraction and injection wells) in Nevada can
support 4.5 megawatts (MW) and costs about $10 million to drill, with a 20% failure rate.

A power plant at The Geysers

In total, electrical plant construction and well drilling cost about €2–5 million per MW of electrical capacity,
while the break–even price is 0.04–0.10 € per kW·h. Enhanced geothermal systems tend to be on the high
side of these ranges, with capital costs above $4 million per MW and break–even above $0.054 per kW·h in
2007.[41] Direct heating applications can use much shallower wells with lower temperatures, so smaller
systems with lower costs and risks are feasible. Residential geothermal heat pumps with a capacity of 10 
kilowatt (kW) are routinely installed for around $1–3,000 per  kilowatt. District heating systems may benefit
from economies of scale if demand is geographically dense, as in cities and greenhouses, but otherwise,
piping installation dominates capital costs. The capital cost of one such district heating system in Bavaria
 was estimated at somewhat over 1 million € per  MW. Direct systems of any size are much simpler than
electric generators and have lower maintenance costs per kW·h, but they must consume electricity to run
pumps and compressors. Some governments subsidize geothermal projects.
Geothermal power is highly scalable: from a rural village to an entire city.
The most developed geothermal field in the United States is The Geysers in Northern California.
Geothermal projects have several stages of development. Each phase has associated risks. At the early
stages of reconnaissance and geophysical surveys, many projects are canceled, making that phase
unsuitable for traditional lending. Projects moving forward from the identification, exploration and
exploratory drilling often trade equity for financing.
Geothermal power is considered to be renewable because any projected heat extraction is small
compared to the Earth's heat content. The Earth has an internal heat content of 1031 joules (3·1015 
TWh), approximately 100 billion times the 2010 worldwide annual energy consumption. About 20%
of this is residual heat from planetary accretion, and the remainder is attributed to higher
radioactive decay rates that existed in the past. Natural heat flows are not in equilibrium, and the
planet is slowly cooling down on geologic timescales. Human extraction taps a minute fraction of
the natural outflow, often without accelerating it. According to most official descriptions of
geothermal energy use, it is currently called renewable and sustainable because it returns an equal
volume of water to the area that the heat extraction takes place, but at a somewhat lower
temperature. For instance, the water leaving the ground is 300 degrees, and the water returning is
200 degrees, the energy obtained is the difference in heat that is extracted. Current research
estimates of impact on the heat loss from the earth’s core are based on a studies done up through
2012. However, if household and industrial uses of this energy source were to expand dramatically
over coming years, based on a diminishing fossil fuel supply and a growing world population which
is rapidly industrializing requiring additional energy sources, then the estimates on the impact on
the earth's cooling rate would need to be re-evaluated.
A more technical description of the earth’s core energy would be to state that it is vast and
enormous in quantity, but calling it unlimited and renewable in nature is a misnomer which might
well fit today's current levels of use; but perhaps, just like humanity's impact on weather through
global warming, there was a long held belief that human activity such as car emissions were minor,
and could not impact weather conditions, but when an expanding number of cars reach a critical
point, a global impact resulted.
Geothermal power is also considered to be sustainable thanks to its power to sustain the Earth's
intricate ecosystems. By using geothermal sources of energy present generations of humans will
not endanger the capability of future generations to use their own resources to the same amount
that those energy sources are presently used. Further, due to its low emissions geothermal energy
is considered to have excellent potential for mitigation of global warming.

Environmental effects :
Fluids drawn from the deep earth carry a mixture of gases, notably carbondioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulfide
 (H2S), methane (CH4) and ammonia (NH3). These pollutants contribute to global warming, acid rain, and
noxious smells if released. Existing geothermal electric plants emit an average of 122 kilograms (269 lb)
of CO2 per megawatt-hour (MW·h) of electricity, a small fraction of the emission intensity of conventional
fossil fuel plants. Plants that experience high levels of acids and volatile chemicals are usually equipped with
emission-control systems to reduce the exhaust.
In addition to dissolved gases, hot water from geothermal sources may hold in solution trace amounts of toxic
elements such as mercury, arsenic, boron, and antimony. These chemicals precipitate as the water cools,
and can cause environmental damage if released. The modern practice of injecting cooled geothermal fluids
back into the Earth to stimulate production has the side benefit of reducing this environmental risk.
Direct geothermal heating systems contain pumps and compressors, which may consume energy from a
polluting source. This parasitic load is normally a fraction of the heat output, so it is always less polluting than
electric heating. However, if the electricity is produced by burning fossil fuels, then the net emissions of
geothermal heating may be comparable to directly burning the fuel for heat. For example, a geothermal heat
pump powered by electricity from a combined cycle natural gas plant would produce about as much pollution
as a natural gas condensing furnace of the same size. Therefore, the environmental value of direct
geothermal heating applications is highly dependent on the emissions intensity of the neighboring electric
Geothermal energy has many advantages, especially when compared to conventional
sources of energy:
1. Geothermal Energy Sourcing Is Good for the Environment
First and foremost, geothermal energy is extracted from the earth without burning fossil
fuels, and geothermal fields produce practically no emissions. What’s more, geothermal
energy can be very beneficial, as you can achieve savings of up to 80% over
conventional energy usage.
2. Geothermal Is a Reliable Source of Renewable Energy
Geothermal energy also has many advantages when compared to other renewable
sources like solar, wind or biomass. It is an exceptionally constant source of energy,
meaning that it is not dependent on neither wind nor sun, and available all year long.
When looking at the availability factor, which shows how reliable and constant specific
energy sources are, geothermal is ranking on the top (see the figure below), way above
the other groups, which supports the argument of its independence on inconstant
external circumstances when delivering energy.
3. High Efficiency of Geothermal Systems
Geothermal heat pump systems use 25% to 50% less electricity than conventional
systems for heating or cooling, and with their flexible design they can be adjusted to
different situations, requiring less space for hardware as opposed to conventional
4. Little to No Geothermal System Maintenance
Due to the fact that geothermal systems only have few movable parts which are sheltered
inside a building, the life span of geothermal heat pump systems is relatively high. Heat
pump pipes even have warranties of between 25 and 50 years, while the pump can
usually last for at least 20 years.
However, there are always two sides of the coin so let’s have a look at the cons of
geothermal energy:
1. Environmental Concerns about Greenhouse Emissions
Unfortunately, no matter its reputation of being an environmentally friendly
alternative energy source, geothermal energy also causes some minor concerns in
regards to the environment.
The extraction of geothermal energy from the grounds leads to a release of
greenhouse gases like hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia.
However, the amount of gas released is significantly lower than in the case
of fossil fuels.
2. Possibility of Depletion of Geothermal Sources
Furthermore, despite being considered a sustainable and renewable energy, the
chances are that specific locations might cool down after time, making it
impossible to harvest more geothermal energy in future.
The only non - depletable option is sourcing geothermal energy right from
magma but the technology for doing so is still in the process of development. This
option is worth the investment mainly thanks to the fact that magma will be
around for billions of years.

3. High Investment Costs for Geothermal System 4. Land Requirements for Geothermal System to Be Installed
Another disadvantage is the high initial cost for individual households. The need for In case of geothermal systems, having a piece of land next to the house
drilling and installing quite a complex system into one’s home makes the price is required in order to be able to install one. That makes 
climb quite high. Nevertheless, the return on such investment is very promising, geothermal systems hard to be implemented for homeowners in big
being able to earn the investment back within 2 to 10 years. cities, unless a vertical ground source heat pump is used.
As per the Geothermal: International Market Overview Report of the Geothermal Energy
Association, “As of May 2012, approximately 11,224 MW of installed geothermal power
capacity was online globally.”

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