CT: Biennial Report On School Districts' Efforts

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A Biennial Report on School

Districts’ Efforts to Reduce Racial, Ethnic and Economic Isolation of

Connecticut’s Students

May 2017

Connecticut State Department of Education

School Districts’ Efforts to Reduce Racial, Ethnic and
Economic Isolation of Connecticut’s Students

In 1996, the Connecticut Supreme Court, in the case of Milo Sheff, et.al v. William A. O’Neill (Sheff) ruled that
Hartford school children were deprived of their constitutional rights of an equal education and attended schools
that were racially, ethnically and economically isolated and that the state should find a remedy to eliminate the
isolation. Although the case was brought on behalf of students in the Hartford Public Schools, most remedies
devised by the legislature have been applied, to some degree, statewide. Connecticut General Statutes (C.G.S.)
Section 10-226h (b) states, “Each local and regional board of education shall report by October 1, 2012, and
biennially thereafter, to the Commissioner of Education on the programs and activities undertaken in its school
district to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation…”. This report is written from data submitted from the
local and regional school districts to the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE), Bureaus of Data
Collection, Research and Evaluation and Choice Programs. The data collection focus is on programs or
activities that districts have initiated to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation using federal, state or local
funds and resources from July 1, 2014, through June 30, 2015. For comparison purposes, 2012-13 data are
included based on the previous reporting cycle. Districts have collaborated in a number of ways with other
school districts on interdistrict programs that provide social interaction and academic enrichment for students.
These collaborations include building and operating interdistrict magnet schools, participating in interdistrict
choice programs and sharing cultural programs.

State Funded Programs

The state provides funding for three programs specifically designed to reduce the racial, ethnic and economic
isolation of students.

The Open Choice Program allows urban students to attend public schools in nearby suburban school districts
on a space-available basis. It also allows suburban students to attend schools in a nearby urban district. The
Open Choice Program operates in Bridgeport, Hartford and New Haven. As of October 2015, there were 2,970
students participating in the Open Choice Program. For districts receiving students, state funding is provided as
a per pupil attendance grant. Interdistrict transportation is provided for the participating regional educational
service centers (RESCs) and Plainville. The state also provided administrative costs to the RESCs for program

The Open Choice Program continues to provide increasing numbers of urban and suburban students with
opportunities to learn with children from different racial, ethnic and economic backgrounds. Choice students
have also become more integrated into the receiving districts. Transportation costs and the time that students
spend on buses have required RESCs to prudently review Open Choice placements. As a result of maximizing
limited resources, many districts are now accepting more students into the program.

Interdistrict Magnet Schools are designed and operated by school districts, RESCs, colleges and universities to
voluntarily reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation. These schools offer a special, high-quality curriculum.
The state provides grant support for building and operating interdistrict magnet schools and for interdistrict
transportation. Interdistrict magnet schools are either full-or part-time programs. In 2014-15, there were 90
magnet schools with a total enrollment of 38,222 students.

Interdistrict Cooperative Grants (IDCG) fund a wide range of all year, summer, after-school, Saturday and
summer residential programs designed to reduce student isolation and enhance academic achievement. These
programs served 39,618 students in 142 programs statewide in 2014-15.

Table 1 shows a comparison of Prekindergarten (Pre-K) through Grade 12 enrollment patterns and the number
of schools or programs in Open Choice, Interdistrict Magnet Schools and Interdistrict Cooperative Grant
Programs (IDCG) in 2012-13 and 2014-15. There was a slight decrease in the Interdistrict Cooperative Grant
programs and enrollments for 2014-15.

Table 1: State-Funded Programs

Enrollment and Program Growth Patterns Comparison for Open Choice, Interdistrict Magnet Schools and
Interdistrict Cooperative Grants – 2012-13 and 2014-15

State- Funded Programs 2012-13 2014-15

Open Choice 2,643 2,970
Interdistrict Magnet Schools 34,694 38,222
Interdistrict Cooperative Grants 45,349 39,618
Total Students 82,686 80,810

90,000 82,686 80,810
50,000 45,349
38,222 39,618
40,000 34,694

10,000 2,643 2,970
Open Choice Interdistrict Magnet Interdistrict Total Students
Schools Cooperative Grants

2012-13 2014-15

Source: CT EdSight and IDCG on-line End of Year Report

Program Growth
State-Funded 2012-13 2014-15
Open Choice 411 511
Interdistrict Magnet 83 90
Interdistrict 144 142
Cooperative Grants
Total Programs 268 284
Participating School Districts
Source: CT EdSight and IDCG on-line End of Year Report

Table 2 shows the funding patterns comparison for Open Choice, Interdistrict Magnet Schools and Interdistrict
Cooperative Grant Programs in 2012-13 and 2014-15. There are increases in the funding stream for Open
Choice and Interdistrict Magnet Schools. The increase for Open Choice and Interdistrict Magnet Schools can
be attributed to CSDE’s attempt to comply with the Sheff case that requires a significant amount of Hartford
students to be placed in reduced racial isolated settings. The IDCG program was level funded in 2012-13 but
there was a slight increase for the 2014-15 grant year. CSDE continues to prioritize programs that both enhance
the quality of the interchange among diverse students and increase student achievement.

Table 2: State-Funded Programs

Funding Patterns Comparisons for Open Choice, Interdistrict Magnet Schools and Interdistrict Cooperative
Grants 2012-13 and 2014-15
PROGRAMS 2012-13 2014-15
Open Choice 26m1 32m1
Interdistrict Magnet Schools 244m1 310m1
Interdistrict Cooperative Grants 8m 9m
In millions
Includes per pupil reimbursements, transportation payments, administration and auxiliary programs.
Source: Bureau of Grants Management-Monthly Financial Status Report.

Funding Patterns
2012-13 2014-15

350 310
50 26 32
8 9
Open Choice Interdistrict Magnet Interdistrict Cooperative
Schools Grants

Table 3 shows the growth of 584 students in the Open Choice Program between 2012-13 and 2014-15.

Growth of the Open Choice Program

Region1 2012-13 2014-15 Percentage
Hartford 1,778 2,259 21
Bridgeport 176 228 23
New Haven 432 483 11
Total 2,386 2,970 20
Sending Districts

Growth of Open Choice Programs

2,500 2,259

2,000 1,778


432 483
500 176 228

Hartford Bridgeport New Haven Total

2012-13 2014-15

Source: Public School Information System, October 1

Other Choice Programs

The CSDE supports three other public school choice programs:
 Charter Schools;
 Regional Agricultural Science and Technology Education Centers; and
 Connecticut Technical High Schools System (CTHSS).

These three programs provide students and families with opportunities to select programs that best meet their
educational needs. In 2012-13, there were 17 charter schools with a total enrollment of 6,518 students. The
number of schools increased to 22 by 2014-15. There was an increase in enrollment of 1,518 students for the
same period. There were 35 Regional Agricultural Science and Technology Education Centers in 2014-15
which represents an increase of 7 schools from 2012-13. The enrollment increased by 105 students with a total
enrollment of 3,586 for the same period of time. The number of Connecticut Technical High Schools increased
by one to 17 by 2014-15 and enrollment also increased by 11 over the same period. Although these programs
are not specifically designed to reduce the racial, ethnic and economic isolation of students, some programs
have a diverse student population.

Table 4 displays the enrollment growth of these programs from 2012-13 and 2014-15. Table 5 displays the
number of schools participating in these programs.

Table 4: State-Funded Programs – Schools of Choice – Enrollment

PROGRAMS 2012-13 2014-15 Growth
Charter Schools 6,518 8,036 19
Technical High Schools 10,699 10,710 1
Regional Agricultural Science and Technology
3,481 3,586 3
Total Students 20,698 22,332 7

Enrollment Growth
25,000 21,274

10,699 10,710
10,000 6,518

3,481 3,586
Charter Schools Technical High Regional Agricultural Total Students
Schools Science and
Technology Centers

2012-13 2014-15

Source: CT Edsight
Table 5: Number of Schools or Centers

2012-13 2014-15

Charter Schools 17 22
Technical High Schools 16 17
Regional Agricultural Science and
28 35
Technology Centers

Number of Schools or Centers

30 22
17 16 17
Charter Schools Technical High Schools Regional Agricultural Science
and Technology Centers

2012-13 2014-15

Source: CT EdSight

District Participation in State-Funded School Programs
In addition to the state-funded programs reported, school districts reported the number of students sent to
Interdistrict Magnet Schools, Charter Schools, Technical High Schools, Regional Agricultural Science and
Technology Education Centers (ASTE) and the Open Choice Program. Table 6 shows the total number of
students sent and the breakdown of their race and ethnicity.

Table 6: District Participation in State-Funded School Programs by Race- 2014-15

Programs Total American Asian Black or Hispanic Native Two or White
Number Indian or African Latino of Hawaiian More
of Alaska American any race or Races
Students Native Other
Magnet 39,339 112 1,746 11,810 13,065 39 1,418 11,149
Charter 9,132 22 145 5,382 2,594 7 207 775
Open Choice 2,970 * 30 1,647 1,015 * 62 206
ASTE 3,586 * 78 293 404 * 54 2,746
CTHSS 10,710 42 112 1,255 3,689 13 375 5,224
Total: 65,737 176 2,111 20,387 20,767 59 2,116 20,100
These data were prepared using the October 2015 Public School Information System (PSIS).
Suppression Rules
Cell counts with fewer than 6 students have been replaced with an "*" to protect student confidentiality

Participation in State Funded Programs By Race

20,387 20,767 20,100



5000 2,111 2,116

176 59
American Asian Black or Hispanic Native Two or White
Indian or African Latino of Hawaiian More
Alaska American any race or Other Races
Native Pacific

State Programs and Projects

Table 7 shows the number of programs operated by the RESCs, school districts and nonprofit organizations that
reported programs or projects designed to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation. Many of these
programs or projects are supported in part, by state funds.

Table 7: Inter and Intradistrict Programs and Activities
No. of No. of Programs
Total No.
No. of Programs Programs Operated by Total No.
Total No. of of Total No.
Operated by Operated NonProfit of
Programs/Projects Students of Staff
RESCs by School Organizations Students
of Color
102 12 28 142 39,618 7,470 1,601

RESCs, districts and collaborating nonprofit organizations reported a wide range of state funded inter and intra-
district programs and projects. One hundred and two programs were operated by RESCs; 12 programs were
operated by school districts; and 28 programs were operated by nonprofit organizations in 2014-15.

These programs and projects serve 39,618 students including 7,470 students of color with a total staff of 1,601.
The programs provide students with activities that enhance their understanding and appreciation of different
cultures. Activities include, but are not limited to, reading and writing initiatives linked to the Common Core
Standards, Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) programs, Career Pathways Initiative
instruction based on scientific theory and project bas++ed activities such as, engineering and robotics, dual
language programs and music projects, which include working with professional musicians, mentorship
programs for high school students, creative writing workshops, marine science education program, arts
integration, international studies, Hartford Stage Theater Program, Connecticut River Salmon Restoration
Program, sustainable energy and the environment, Pre-College Summer Intensive Residency Program, Summer
Program for Psychology and Politics, and Future Teachers Program. Programs also offer cultural theme days,
diversity awareness and racial bias reduction programs. Some of these programs also include technology-based
distance learning.

Additional Reporting on Reduction of Racial, Ethnic and Economic Isolation

Table 8 shows the percentage of non-white administrators serving in school districts. (The category includes
assistant principals, principals and superintendents.) In 2014-15 the percentage of non-white administrators was
11%, representing a 1.5% decrease over 2012-13. The total number of administrators increased by 880 over the
same time period.
Table 8 - Administrators by Race
Years Number of Administrators Percentage of Non-White
2012-13 3,262 12.5
2014-15 4,142 11.0

Administrators by Race
3,000 3,262



Number of Administrators
2012-13 2014-15

Source: ED163 – Certified Staff Files 2010-13 and 2014-15

Table 9 shows the percentage of non-white non-administrators serving in Connecticut school districts. (This
category includes teachers, coaches, school psychologists and library media specialists). In 2014-15, the
percentage of non-white non-administrative professionals remains at 7.8 percent which is the same as in 2012-
13. However, the total number of non-white non-administrative professionals increased by 187 over the same
time period.

Table 9- Non-Administrative Professionals by Race

Number of Non- Percentage of
Administrators Non-White
Years Administrators
2012-13 49,089 7.8
2014-15 49,276 7.8

Non-administrative Professionals By Race

49,300 49,276






No. Of Non-Admin

2012-13 2014-15

Source: ED163 – Certified Staff Files – 2014-15

Districts reported participation in state supported efforts to recruit and retain minority teachers administered by
the RESCs. The RESCs have developed and implemented strategies to increase the number of minority
educators. Strategies include:
 Praxis preparation that includes additional Math classes and Spanish tutoring at various RESCs locations;
 Summer and year-long internships;
 Alternate and accelerated routes to certification;
 Partnership with universities and organizations to promote teaching as a profession;
 Minority teacher recruitment job fairs;
 Early prospective teacher identification at the secondary school level;
 Sponsoring future teachers’ clubs;
 Conducting workshops for the purposes of recruiting teachers;
 Financial aid in the form of scholarships; and
 Loan forgiveness for minority students who enter teacher education programs.

Superintendents’ Narratives of Districts’ Activities and Events: 2014-15

Superintendents from 166 districts reported on activities undertaken by their districts to reduce racial, ethnic and
economic isolation (See Attachment I). Reported activities include, curriculum revisions to reflect cultural
diversity in the classroom, implementation of programs for non-English speaking students and families who are
new to their school districts, programs created with themes promoting diversity and awareness of cultural
differences, partnerships with state universities on diversity, celebrations of diversity through literature, music,
stories and ethnic foods, cross cultural collaborations with other districts and countries, and participation in
magnet and charter schools and the Open Choice program.

Analysis of the Success of Programs and Activities in Reducing Racial, Ethnic and Economic Isolation
This report provides evidence that continued efforts are being made in reducing racial, ethnic and economic
isolation of students enrolled in the Open Choice, Interdistrict Magnet Schools and Interdistrict Cooperative
Grants programs. Table 1 shows enrollment increases in the Open Choice, Interdistrict Magnet Schools and
Interdistrict Cooperative Grant programs and Table 2 shows the increased funding to support these programs
except for the Interdistrict Cooperative programs that have been level funded for the past two grant cycles.
Importantly, applications to this program have increased over the same time period indicating continued interest
in the program.

CSDE Actions on Minority Teacher Recruitment

School districts have had limited success recruiting minority candidates to the teaching profession, however,
the CSDE is committed to focused and increased efforts to recruit and retain educators of color to serve in
Connecticut schools and districts. During fiscal years FY 14-15, 15-16 and 16-17, the CSDE committed
financial resources from the Talent Office budget to support minority recruitment and retention efforts. The
CSDE’s efforts are outlined below.

Current Minority Teacher Recruitment (MTR) and Retention Efforts – February 2017
 The U.S. Department of Education released The State of Racial Diversity in the Educator Workforce
(2016) that addresses the need to increase diversity in the nationwide educator workforce. Students of
color are expected to comprise 56 percent of the student population by 2024.
CT Statewide Data:
o 8.3% educators of color
o 42.3% students of color, of those
o 35% are Black/Latino

 State Board of Education (SBE) 5-Year Comprehensive Plan: To develop a racially, ethnically, and
linguistically diverse workforce by increasing the number of highly-qualified educators of color from 8.3%
to 10% by 2021 (1000 certified educators of color within 5 years).

Current Efforts
 Certification Modernization
o Praxis II: As of September 1, 2016, multi-state cut scores utilized on all content tests.
(Fully implemented)
 Innovative Teacher Preparation Programs
o Accelerated Program Approval Process: Forces credit bearing or non-credit bearing institutions,
focused on educator preparation, to: (1) demonstrate a commitment to the recruitment of minority
teacher candidates (2) meet the standards for educator preparation programs; and (3) receive
approval by the Office of Higher Education (OHE) to operate in the state of Connecticut.
o Relay Graduate School of Education (GSE): An accelerated route to certification (ARC) program
specific to “grow your own” recruitment (e.g., paraprofessionals in urban districts). (Operational)
 RESC MTR Alliance
o Pathways to Teaching: Support systems such as mentoring by certified teachers at the high school
and college levels, SAT preparation, summer educational internships, college field trips, tutoring,
and scholarship assistance for tuition, books, and fees. (Operational)
o Future Teachers Conference: Held annually for high school students in pathways programs.
o Scholarships to Certification: Available for paraprofessionals of color holding a bachelor’s degree
and interested in pursuing a teaching certificate.
(In progress-information session in March 2017)
 Legislative MTR Task Force pursuant to Section 5 of P.A. 15-108.
o P.A. 16-41: An Act Concerning the Recommendations of the MTR Task Force passed in July 2016.
Recommendations include:
o Establishment of an MTR Policy Oversight Council: To advise the Commissioner of Education,
or the Commissioner’s designee on ways to A) encourage minority middle and secondary school
students to attend institutes of higher education and enter teacher preparation programs; B) recruit
minority students attending institutions of higher education to enroll in teacher preparation
programs; C) recruit and retain minority teachers in CT schools; D) recruit minority teachers from
other states to teach in CT schools; and E) recruit minority professionals from other fields to enter
the teaching profession.
(Convened and operational)
o Survey Administration: Specific to students who have participated or are currently participating in
MTR pathways programs. Findings reported annually to the General Assembly.
(Fully implemented-administered in 2/2017 but not yet analyzed)
o Praxis Core: No longer a requirement for certification. Used as a diagnostic tool to identify an
applicant’s need for support in reading, writing, or mathematics during the course of a teacher
preparation program. Praxis Core may not be used as an admission requirement.
(Fully implemented)
o Results-Based Accountability (RBA) Measures: The CSDE will annually submit a report using
RBA to assess the effectiveness of MTR programs in the state to the General Assembly.
(In progress)

o Out-of-State Applicants for Certification: The SBE, upon receipt of a proper application, will
issue to a teacher from another state, territory or possession of the United States, the District of
Columbia or the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, who has received at least two satisfactory
performance evaluations while teaching in such state, territory or possession, a provisional educator
certificate. (Fully implemented)
o Special Education Coursework: No longer required for an out-of-state applicant for certification.
(Fully implemented)
o Recognition Agreement: The Commissioner of Education, if unable to establish or join an
interstate agreement with another state, may create or make available a recognition statement that
specifies the state’s assessments and educator preparation programs that the Commissioner will
recognize for purposes of issuing a professional certification.
(Fully implemented)

 MTR Implementation Grants

o In 2015-16, four local education agencies (LEAs) were awarded $50,000 MTR Implementation
Grants. This followed the award of eight MTR Planning Grants in 2014-15. Districts selected
included Bridgeport, CREC, Hartford, and Waterbury. These four LEAs submitted a mid-year and
end-of-year report by June 30, 2016. (Completed)

 Support and Collaboration with Other Organizations on MTR

o Connecticut National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (Connecticut
NAACP): Convening held to establish partnerships between Connecticut LEAs and the deans of
several historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) from across the country. (Completed)
o Yancy Forums LLC: Yancy Forums are designed to create an opportunity for teacher leaders and
school leaders of color and others to develop and enhance their leadership skills. (Ongoing)
o Center for Policy Research and Leadership (CPRL): Columbia University School of Law
graduate students engaged to conduct research and interviews to create a repository of best practices,
models of success, and partnerships for wide distribution. (In progress)

Recommendations to Assist in the Growth of the Open Choice Program:
The Phase III Stipulation second extension for Sheff that was signed on June 10, 2016, indicates continued
commitment in advancing educational equity for Hartford students.

The Open Choice Program Annual Grant:

Current law provides increased Open Choice per pupil reimbursements based on participation rates as
"$3, 000 for each out-of-district student who attends school in the receiving district under the program if the number of
such out-of-district students is less than two percent of the total student population of such receiving district; $4, 000
for each out-of-district student who attends school in the receiving district under the program if the number of such
out-of-district students is greater than or equal to two percent but less than three percent of the total student
population of such receiving district; $6,000 for each-out-of-district student who attends school in the receiving district
under the program if the number of such out-of-district students is greater than or equal to three percent but less than
four percent of the total student population of such receiving district; $6,000 for each for each out-of-district student
who attends school in the receiving district under the program if the Commissioner of Education determines that the
receiving district has an enrollment of greater than 4,000 students and has increased the number of students in the
program by at least fifty per cent from the previous fiscal year; or $8, 000 for each out-of-district student who attends
school in the receiving district under the program if the number of such out-of-district students is greater than or
equal tofour per cent of the total student population of such receiving district.”

Since the 2012-13 school year, additional grades have been expanded to include Pre-K seats in the Open Choice
regions for both urban and suburban students. Open Choice enrollments increased from 1,778 to 3,073 from FY
2013 to FY 2017 based on increased grant levels or other support initiatives.

Expansion of Open Choice Opportunities: For the 2016-17 school year, the Open Choice target is revised
to add at least 300 additional seats beyond the total number of seats in 2015-16, including new seats,
replacements for graduated student seats and for seats left vacant by student attrition or disqualification
from the Open Choice program.

Maximizing Existing Capacity: This second extension agreement seeks to expand reduced isolation
opportunities for Hartford resident students in existing Sheff magnet schools and requires RESC operated Sheff
magnet schools to enroll at least fifty percent of incoming students at each school for 2016-17 from Hartford.
The stipulations and corresponding statutory provisions imposes a fiscal penalty for failing to meet the fifty-
percent Hartford enrollment requirement.

New Funding Mechanism: The state will propose legislation for 2016-17, which will allow all magnet school
operators to receive and administer their magnet operating grants as a block grant to allow more operator
funding flexibility within their districts.

Attached are the following:

Attachment A: Towns Receiving Open Choice Students - October 2015
Attachment B: Full and Part Time Interdistrict Magnet Schools Operating - 2014-15
Attachment C: Interdistrict Cooperative Grants Programs - 2013-15
Attachment D: State and Local Charter Schools - 2014-15
Attachment E: Agricultural, Science and Technology Education Centers by Districts and Schools - 2014-15
Attachment F: Connecticut Technical High Schools - 2014-15
Attachment G: Administrators by Race
Attachment H: Professionals (Non-Admin) - 2014-15
Attachment I: Superintendent Narratives (Source: EdSight)

Attachment A
Reporting District Number of American Asian Black or Hispanic/ Native Two White
Students Indian or African Latino of Hawaiian or
Alaska American any race or Other More
Native Pacific Races
Ansonia * 0 0 * 0 0 0 *
Avon 134 0 * 100 28 0 * *
Berlin 105 0 0 39 62 0 * *
Bethany * 0 0 * * 0 * 0
Bolton 63 0 0 44 12 0 7 0
Branford 44 0 0 17 17 0 0 10
Bridgeport 22 0 * * 6 0 0 10
Canton 103 0 * 76 20 0 * *
Cheshire 32 0 * 20 * 0 * *
Cromwell 73 0 * 48 23 0 * 0
East Granby 57 0 0 40 13 0 * *
East Haven 19 0 0 6 7 0 0 6
East Windsor 52 0 0 27 24 0 * 0
Easton 15 0 * * 7 0 0 *
Ellington 60 0 0 35 23 0 * *
Elm City 11 0 0 0 * 0 * 9
Enfield 76 * 0 53 18 0 * *
Fairfield 60 0 * 35 22 0 * *
Farmington 133 0 0 90 39 0 0 *
Glastonbury 61 0 0 32 24 * * *
Granby 89 0 0 73 13 0 * *
Hamden * 0 * * 0 0 0 *
Hartford 101 0 * 56 31 0 * 10
Milford 48 0 * 26 8 0 * 12
New Haven 181 * * 86 40 0 0 50
Newington 93 * 0 35 51 0 0 *
North Branford 26 0 * 11 8 0 0 6
North Haven 49 0 * 16 15 * 0 16
Orange 16 0 0 10 * 0 * *
Plainville 128 * * 49 70 0 * *
Portland 50 0 0 16 27 0 * *
Regional 5 16 0 0 12 0 * 0 *
Regional 9 * 0 0 * * 0 0 *
Regional 10 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0
Rocky Hill 43 0 0 10 28 0 * *
Simsbury 144 0 * 104 37 0 * 0
Somers 20 0 0 15 * 0 0 0
South Windsor 132 0 0 93 35 0 * 0
Southington 83 * 0 34 43 0 * *
Stratford * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0
Suffield 98 0 0 61 33 0 * *

Reporting District Number of American Asian Black or Hispanic/ Native Two White
Students Indian or African Latino of Hawaiian or
Alaska American any race or Other More
Native Pacific Races
Trumbull 55 0 0 27 25 0 * *
Vernon * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0
Wallingford 17 0 0 10 * 0 0 *
West Hartford 166 0 * 82 76 0 * *
Weston 16 0 * 6 * 0 * 0
Westport 54 0 0 27 23 0 * *
Wethersfield 89 * * 31 46 0 * 8
Windsor Locks 98 0 0 63 32 0 * *
Windsor * 0 0 0 0 0 * 0
Woodbridge 12 0 0 6 * 0 * *
Total: 2,970 * 30 1,647 1,015 * 62 206

These data were prepared using the October 2015 Public School Information System (PSIS).

Suppression Rules
Cell counts with fewer than 6 students have been replaced with an "*" to protect student

Attachment B
Full and Part Time Interdistrict Magnet Schools Operating 2014-15
School Name Number of American Asian Black or Hispanic/Latino of Native Two or White
Students Indian or African any race Hawaiian More
Alaska American or Other Races
Native Pacific
Academy of Aerospace and 636 0 64 165 178 0 27 202
Academy of Aerospace and 297 * 42 67 81 0 9 95
Engineering Elementary
ACES Educational Center for 353 0 21 87 58 0 5 182
the Arts
Aerospace/Hydrospace, 356 * 15 119 97 0 * 120
Engineering and Physical
Ana Grace Academy of the 313 0 9 88 111 0 20 85
Arts Elem
Arts at the Capitol Theater 141 * * 11 20 0 2 102
Magnet School (ACT)
Barnard Environmental 560 0 * 316 148 0 * 88
Magnet School
Beecher School 502 * * 301 100 0 * 90
Benjamin Jepson Magnet 503 * * 132 224 * * 135
Betsy Ross Arts Magnet 459 0 * 196 137 0 * 117
Betances STEM Magnet 253 0 34 55 110 * * 50
Biotechnology, Research and 348 * 11 106 134 0 0 96
Zoological Studies HS at the
Fairchild-Wheeler Magnet
Breakthrough II Elementary 286 * 9 141 74 0 21 40
Breakthrough Magnet School 357 * 10 93 165 0 * 81
Brien McMahon High School 277 0 33 65 66 0 13 100
Capital Community College 47 0 0 18 23 0 * *
Magnet Academy
Capital Preparatory Magnet 672 * * 370 137 * 31 125
Charles H. Barrows STEM 428 * * * 174 0 18 221
Classical Magnet School 702 0 17 276 212 * 38 157
Connecticut IB Academy 203 * 32 66 36 0 * 67
Connecticut River Academy 407 0 9 95 162 * 9 131
Cooperative High School 614 * 18 292 173 0 * 128
Davis 21st Century Magnet 461 * 9 281 61 0 * 105
Elementary School
Discovery Academy 356 * 31 65 110 * 21 127
Dr. Ramon E. Betances Early 288 * 41 57 134 * * 49
Reading Lab
Dual Language & Arts 138 0 * 15 59 0 15 48
Magnet Middle School
Engineering - Science 571 * 49 239 99 0 * 179
University Magnet School

School Name Number of American Asian Black or Hispanic/Latino of Native Two or White
Students Indian or African any race Hawaiian More
Alaska American or Other Races
Native Pacific
Environmental Sciences 607 * 29 69 322 0
Magnet School at Mary M =43211
Hooker 71
Glastonbury/East Hartford 435 0 45 92 112 0 18 168
Magnet School
Global Experience Magnet 220 * * 107 34 0 * 69
Goodwin College Early 370 0 11 74 111 * 12 98
Childhood Interdistrict
Magnet School
Great Path Academy High 256 0 * 96 80 * 13 59
School at MCC
Greater Hartford Academy of 457 * * 107 156 * 21 170
the Arts High School - Full
Greater Hartford Academy of 305 0 * 39 46 0 * 206
the Arts Magnet Part time

Greater Hartford Academy of 167 * 39 11 17 0 * 95

the Arts & Science Part time

Hartford Magnet Trinity 1001 12 26 232 450 * 37 243

College Academy
Hartford PreKindergarten 144 * 27 37 33 0 * 41
Magnet School
High School In The 282 0 * 116 122 0 * 37
Hill Regional Career High 675 * 32 331 219 0 * 89
High School Inc. 30 0 * 21 * 0 0 *
Hyde Leadership School 183 0 0 129 35 0 * 18
Information Technology and 365 0 14 143 110 * * 94
Software Engineering High
School at the Fairchild-
Wheeler Magnet Campus
Interdistrict Discovery 518 * 27 153 153 * * 176
Magnet School
International Magnet School 465 * 66 116 142 0 15 125
for Global Citizenship
John C. Daniels 522 0 14 83 327 0 * 95
Journalism and Media 136 0 * 88 32 0 * 11
Academy Magnet School
King/Robinson Magnet 564 * 16 439 58 * * 47
Maloney Interdistrict Magnet 592 * 15 89 188 0 28 269
Marine Science Magnet High 272 * * 15 52 * 27 164
School of Southeastern
Mauro-Sheridan Magnet 543 * * 253 168 * * 108
Medical Professions and 529 * 31 161 210 * 13 111
Teacher Preparation Academy
Metropolitan Business 391 0 13 152 136 0 * 89
Metropolitan Learning Center 736 * 34 364 128 * 27 176
for Global and International
Montessori Magnet at Fisher 323 0 36 114 60 0 16 97

School Name Number of American Asian Black or Hispanic/Latino of Native Two or White
Students Indian or African any race Hawaiian More
Alaska American or Other Races
Native Pacific
Montessori Magnet at Moylan 212 * 18 40 91 0 9 51
Montessori Magnet School 357 0 11 60 171 0 14 101
Multicultural Magnet 533 0 27 46 173 * 77 205
Museum Academy 458 * 26 163 126 0 23 119
Nathan Hale Arts Magnet 471 * * 103 209 0 45 104
New Haven Academy 264 0 * 164 64 0 * 27
New London High School 367 * 13 71 107 * 37 137
Noah Webster Micro Society 678 * 19 283 185 * 31 157
Pathways Academy of 375 * * 112 141 * 15 102
Technology and Design
Public Safety Academy 519 * * 121 220 0 22 142
Quinebaug Middle College 160 * * * 37 0 * 114
R.J. Kinsella Magnet School 884 * 16 227 378 * 39 220
of Performing Arts
Reggio Magnet School of the 468 * * 157 118 0 17 166
Regional Center for the Arts 229 0 * 57 42 0 * 119
Rogers International School 696 * 42 72 259 0 20 302
Ross/Woodward School 675 * 16 232 275 0 * 144
Rotella Interdistrict Magnet 612 0 10 92 185 0 33 292
Senior Academy at Goodwin 41 0 * 19 * 0 0 15
Six-Six Magnet School 459 0 22 150 167 * 10 109
Sports and Medical Sciences 702 * 27 134 307 * 38 192
STEM Magnet at Fisher 360 0 59 144 51 * 11 94
The Academy of Information 693 0 61 110 215 0 * 299
The Friendship School 503 * 11 40 144 0 39 265
Thomas Edison Magnet 713 * 28 95 313 * 17 258
Middle School
Three Rivers Middle College 61 0 0 10 * 0 * 41
Magnet School
Two Rivers Magnet High 303 * 17 89 135 * * 54
Two Rivers Magnet Middle 664 * 47 129 209 0 30 247
University High School of 423 * 41 143 77 * 24 136
Science and Engineering
University of Hartford Magnet 446 0 19 189 111 0 10 126
Waterbury Arts Magnet 490 0 11 105 135 * 29 209
School (High)
Waterbury Arts Magnet 330 * * 75 89 0 14 146
School (Middle)
West Rock Authors Academy 272 * * 180 57 0 * 27
Western CT Academy of 413 * 43 30 112 0 * 222
International Studies
Elementary Magnet School
Wintergreen Interdistrict 631 * 24 289 118 0 29 170
Magnet School

School Name Number of American Asian Black or Hispanic/Latino of Native Two or White
Students Indian or African any race Hawaiian More
Alaska American or Other Races
Native Pacific
Winthrop STEM Elementary 558 * 24 114 197 * 74 160
Magnet School
Wintonbury Early Childhood 321 * * 119 45 0 20 127
Magnet School
Total: 38,222 120 1,673 11,598 11,991 42 1,340 11,458

These data were prepared using the March 1 freeze of October 1, 2014 PSIS

Suppression Rules
Cell counts with fewer than 6 students have been replaced with an
"*" to protect student confidentiality

Attachment C

Interdistrict Cooperative Grant Programs 2013-15

RESC/Operator Program Name Award Number
Amount of
Bridgeport Horses: Trails to Learning 14,248 50
Bridgeport Exploring Our Oneness through Diversity in Bridgeport & 23,398 24
Bristol Adventures in Peacemaking & Diversity 57,959 310
Ed Conn STEM Summer Experience & Beyond (STEMSEB) 18,153 60
Farmington Improving Thinking & Language Arts Skills through Arts & 80,678 500
Farmington Inter-district Student Mentoring Program 96,813 600
Killingly Multicultural Mentoring - Bridge to the Future 27,957 120
Middletown Youth Mathematics & Technology Academy 31,660 80
New Haven A Sound Summer Exploring Aquaculture (SSEA) 92,000 225
New London Leaders & Innovators for Tomorrow Academy 64,004 140
Portland Broadway Bound: A Literacy Look at a Modern Musical 28,989 120
Stamford AITE Summer Academy - Explorations in Engineering, 58,536 150
Technology, Robotics & Beyond
Reg. # 5 Greater New Haven Cooperative International Studies Program 49,267 400
CREC Summer CATALYST 33,487 96
CREC Metacomet Ridge Summer Program 38,031 75
CREC Project: Transform 15,838 24
CREC CATALYST: Explorations in Sustainable Energy & the 28,237 80
CREC Metacomet Ridge Interdistrict Academy 51,100 500
CREC The CT YOUTH Forum, Violence in Our Lives Project 44,426 50
CREC Interdistrict ANYTOWN Leadership Institute 57,452 126
CREC Capitol Region Interdistrict Leadership Academy (CRILA) 74,400 160
CREC Exploring Diversity through Aquaculture 30,986 24
CREC CREC/USJ Summer Institute for Science & Mathematics 99,652 50
CREC CREC/USJ Summer Institute for Psychology & Politics 99,535 50
CREC Center for Creative Youth 134,463 150
CREC The Discovery Center: A Classroom without Walls for a Future 134,463 1,000
without Prejudice
Ed Conn Folk Tale Fiesta 56,629 250
Ed Conn Great Getaways 62,415 250
Ed Conn Practices in Early Literacy 57,918 150
Ed Conn Tails to Tales 59,946 300
Ed Conn Academy of Science & Agriculture 51,699 300
Ed Conn Accelerating Achievement in Mathematics through Multicultural 62,765 225
Arts (AAMMA)
Ed Conn Accelerating Achievement in Science & Mathematics (AASM) 93,599 336
Ed Conn Advancing Literacy through Digital Media & Movie Making 71,882 324
Ed Conn Applied Literacy & Numeracy for the Global Market 75,792 273
Ed Conn Digital Literacy & Storytelling through Movie Making 68,083 220
Ed Conn Flanders Academy for Outdoor Science 48,237 250
Ed Conn Healthy Beginnings 61,324 306
Ed Conn Healthy Children, Healthy Minds 82,012 306
Ed Conn Immigration Nation 53,560 300
Ed Conn LEGO League 53,391 260
Ed Conn Literacy Advancement & Innovation Academy 101,539 312
Ed Conn Middle School Writing Project 38,688 200
Ed Conn Preserving Our History of CT Veterans 49,868 200

RESC/Operator Program Name Award Number
Amount of
Ed Conn Project C.L.E.A.R. 56,802 280
Ed Conn Project T.R.E.E. (Teaching Regional Environmental Education) 57,087 300
Ed Conn Real World Applications in Bioscience: Creating Career 49,747 125
Pathways in Healthcare
Ed Conn Science Saturdays 51,016 260
Ed Conn SCOPE (Science Opportunties in Healthcare Environments) 56,633 300
Ed Conn Earl Mosley’s Institute of the Arts 97,238 200
CES Rigor, Relevance & Reading 56,290 75
ACES The Write Stuff: CMT Preparation 122,707 300
ACES Math Does Count 89,639 300
ACES Project LUCID (Literacy Uniting Children in Diversity) 97,000 600
ACES Sharing Our Stories: Living & Learning in 21st Century 58,046 250
ACES Sister Schools 72,545 600
ACES The WELL (World & English Language Learners) 69,188 200
LEARN SummerFEST - It’s a Zoo Out There! 48,818 250
LEARN Yesterday’s Students, Tomorrow’s Teachers 48,092 225
LEARN Writing Buddies 105,598 480
LEARN We Make Mouse Calls 48,006 225
LEARN Weaving Across Cultures 52,673 225
LEARN We are the World 46,705 215
LEARN Time Travelers 58,395 240
LEARN Symmetry and You 59,763 240
LEARN Ready, Set Go Read! 44,999 200
LEARN Reading Buddies 47,156 212
LEARN Physical Scientists 106,114 500
LEARN Pathways to Freedom & Friendship 54,776 230
LEARN Number Kids 79,078 400
LEARN Moonlight & Mythology 54,083 234
LEARN Magical Mystery Tour 57,105 220
LEARN Authors & Amigos 46,379 214
LEARN Amistad Friendship Society 58,697 191
LEARN Bio Buddies 61,824 245
LEARN Building Bridges Across the Curriculum 57,962 230
LEARN Literacy through Dance 58,310 230
LEARN Kidz Art: Links to Literacy 56,379 250
LEARN Insights into Science 87,138 400
LEARN Freedom Riders 53,058 257
LEARN !Exciting Science! 50,927 240
LEARN Equal This 51,452 240
LEARN ConnScience 22,261 180
LEARN City Mouse, Country Mouse 91,378 400
LEARN Circle of Friends Primary 51,110 225
LEARN Circle of Friends On Tour 54,406 224
Project CT River Institute 120,937 120
Project Ocean Explorer Academy 82,756 128
Project CT River Connections 120,943 500
Project Marine Science Elementary Program 120,354 400
Project Saturday Ocean Science Academy 53,646 50
LEARN Ocean Diversity Institute 134,247 280
EASTCONN Arts in the Afternoon 43,028 350
RESC/Operator Program Name Award Number
Amount of
EASTCONN Building Skills, Planning Futures 43,028 350
EASTCONN Creating Community Builders 43,028 350
EASTCONN Elementary Connections 53,785 437
EASTCONN Energy for the Future 43,028 350
EASTCONN Faces of Culture 53,785 437
EASTCONN Farming the Land & Sea 53,785 437
EASTCONN Growing Green Ideas 43,028 350
EASTCONN Healthy Youth, Mind & Body 43,028 350
EASTCONN Heroes & Heroines 53,785 437
EASTCONN Imagination Connection 53,785 437
EASTCONN Learning Lands 43,028 350
EASTCONN Legacy Explorations 53,785 437
EASTCONN Making Waves: Optics & Acoustics 43,028 350
EASTCONN Minds in Motion 53,785 437
EASTCONN Mosaic 48,407 395
EASTCONN New Images 45,717 370
EASTCONN Our Changing Earth, Our Connected World 43,028 350
EASTCONN Skills for Success 43,028 350
EASTCONN Successful Journey 48,407 395
EASTCONN The 4th R: Robotics 48,407 395
EASTCONN Water, Wildlife & People (WWP) 48,407 395
EASTCONN Waves of History 48,407 395
EASTCONN What Does It Mean to be Green? 43,028 350
Ct Tech. High Young Manufacturers Summer Academy 24,868 72
Eli Whitney CAPT-ivating Kids I 71,182 250
Eli Whitney Careers in Sports Medicine & Nutrition 77,093 250
Eli Whitney Cosmic Cultures II 82,326 300
Talcott Mountain CT Kids Fueling the Future 77,321 250
Eli Whitney Dynamic Careers in Aquaculture 78,970 275
Eli Whitney Ecosystem Cultural & Scientific Exchange Project 77,332 360
New Canaan Nature LINKS: A Quality Interdistrict Cooperative Program 115,861 741
Maritime Network Sound Connections 80,678 225
Litchfield Project Poetry Live 77,812 1,038
Performing Arts
Litchfield Litchfield Jazz Camp 99,462 425
Performing Arts
Architecture Design Technology Summer Camp 22,590 66
Resource Ctr.
4-H Auerfarm Auerfarm Adventures 15,275 160
4-H Auerfarm Growing Together 46,984 400
A Drop-IN Learning Academy of Cultural Exchange (ACE) 33,669 100
Eli Whitney CAPT-ivating Kids II 70,738 300
Talcott Mountain ECO-Saturdays 79,083 450
Talcott Mountain The Face of CT: Its Past & Its People 62,237 225
Talcott Mountain Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies 77,757 250
Talcott Mountain CT Kids Fueling the Future II 77,187 225
Eli Whitney Cosmic Cultures I 82,326 150
Beacon The Green Light Academy 140,648 50
Preservation, Inc.
Bristol Science Buddies 27,120 129
CPEP CPEP Cyber-Math Challenge (C3) 156,111 240
CPEP CPEP APP Academy 106,494 180
Total: 8,967,006 39,618
Attachment D
State and Local Charter Schools 2014-15
School Name Number of American Asian Black or Hispanic/Latino Native Two or White
Students Indian or African of any race Hawaiian More
Alaska American or Other Races
Native Pacific

Achievement First Bridgeport Academy 977 * 10 544 430 0 6 15

Achievement First Hartford Academy 954 * * 733 255 * 11 *
Amistad Academy 984 * 0 588 362 0 18 14
Booker T. Washington Academy 91 0 0 78 20 0 * *
Brass City Charter School 150 0 * 47 87 0 23 18
Common Ground High School 180 0 * 58 56 0 6 55
Elm City College Preparatory School 635 * * 473 161 0 10 10
Elm City Montessori School 70 0 * 29 26 0 * 31
Explorations 88 * 0 * 15 0 * 72
Great Oaks Charter School 127 0 * 71 98 0 * 8
Highville Charter School 403 0 0 382 17 0 8 7
Integrated Day Charter School 331 * 36 27 44 0 31 192
Interdistrict School For Arts And 262 * * 36 130 * 28 60
Jumoke Academy 716 * 0 694 33 0 * *
New Beginnings Inc., Family Academy 473 0 * 321 148 0 * 28
Odyssey Community School 328 0 44 67 48 0 19 150
Park City Prep Charter School 360 0 * 189 149 0 * 19
Path Academy 132 * 0 * 102 0 0 32
Side By Side Charter School 235 0 8 70 107 * 13 37
Stamford Academy 141 0 0 82 58 0 * 10
The Bridge Academy 275 * * 162 102 * * *
Trailblazers Academy 119 0 * 59 62 0 * *
Total: 8,036 22 126 4,710 2,233 7 197 741

These data were prepared using CT EdSight and Charter School Grant Estimate
Suppression Rules
Cell counts with fewer than 6 students have been replaced with an "*" to protect student confidentiality.

Attachment E
Agricultural, Science and Technology Education Centers by Districts and Schools - 2014-15
Reporting District School Name Number of American Asian Black or Hispanic/ Native Two or White
Students Indian or African Latino of Hawaiian More
Alaska American any race or Other Races
Native Pacific
Bloomfield Bloomfield High 155 0 0 128 18 0 7 *
Bridgeport Bassick High 10 0 0 * * 0 0 0
Bridgeport Central High 79 * * 29 38 0 0 7
Bridgeport Harding High 6 0 0 * * 0 0 0
East Granby East Granby High 6 0 0 * * 0 0 *
East Hartford East Hartford High 6 0 0 0 * 0 0 *
Fairfield Fairfield Ludlowe 67 0 * * * 0 * 61
Fairfield Fairfield Warde 30 0 0 * * 0 0 26
Glastonbury Glastonbury High 108 0 * 13 21 0 * 65
Killingly Killingly High 154 * * 0 * 0 0 146
Lebanon Lyman Memorial 92 0 0 0 0 0 * 91
Ledyard Ledyard High 215 * * 10 25 0 * 173
Middletown Middletown High 116 0 * 8 15 0 * 88
Milford Jonathan Law 28 0 0 0 * 0 0 27
Milford Joseph A. Foran 21 0 * 0 * 0 0 18
Monroe Masuk High 10 0 0 0 * 0 0 8
New Haven Sound School 340 0 * 37 96 * * 201
Regional 01 Housatonic Valley 176 0 0 * 9 0 * 162
Regional 06 Wamogo Regional 215 * * 0 * 0 6 201
Regional 07 Northwestern 110 0 0 0 * 0 0 109
Regional High
Regional 14 Nonnewaug High 357 0 * * * 0 * 342
Regional 19 E. O. Smith High 129 0 * * 19 * * 100
Shelton Shelton High 79 0 * 0 * 0 * 68
Southington Southington High 145 0 0 * 16 0 * 121
Stamford Westhill High 126 0 6 11 21 0 * 86
Stratford Bunnell High 18 0 * * * 0 0 11
Stratford Stratford High 22 0 0 * * 0 * 15
Suffield Suffield High 121 0 * * 12 0 * 103
Trumbull Trumbull High 290 * 26 16 32 0 * 214
Vernon Rockville High 68 0 0 * * 0 * 58
Wallingford Lyman Hall High 280 0 8 6 31 0 * 234
West Hartford Conard High * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0
West Hartford Hall High * 0 0 * 0 0 * 0
West Hartford Strive-West * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0
Windsor Windsor High * 0 0 0 * 0 0 *
Total: 3,586 * 78 293 404 * 54 2,746
These data were prepared using the October 2015 Public School Information System (PSIS).

Suppression Rules
Cell counts with fewer than 6 students have been replaced with an "*" to protect student confidentiality

Attachment F
Connecticut Technical High Schools - 2014-15

Number Black or Hispanic/ Hawaiian Two or
Indian or
School Name of Asian African Latino of or Other More White
Students American any race Pacific Races
A. I. Prince Technical High School 768 * 11 203 480 * 7 63
Bullard-Havens Technical High School 784 * 6 237 482 0 16 42
E. C. Goodwin Technical High School 636 * 8 35 365 0 16 210
Eli Whitney Technical High School 551 * * 196 297 0 11 45
Ella T. Grasso Southeastern Technical High School 505 * * 50 197 * 21 229
Emmett O'Brien Technical High School 573 * * 54 145 0 28 340
H. C. Wilcox Technical High School 760 * 12 38 278 0 22 406
H. H. Ellis Technical High School 623 7 * * 26 * 26 554
Henry Abbott Technical High School 640 * 12 20 265 0 26 316
Howell Cheney Technical High School 653 * 13 78 147 * 19 390
J. M. Wright Technical High School 250 0 * 58 113 0 6 68
Norwich Technical High School 657 * * 30 76 * 45 497
Oliver Wolcott Technical High School 657 * * 7 54 0 10 582
Platt Technical High School 811 * 7 98 295 0 40 369
Vinal Technical High School 588 * 6 56 95 * 39 389
W. F. Kaynor Technical High School 758 * 14 83 207 * 27 421
Windham Technical High School 496 * 0 8 167 0 16 303
Total: 10,710 42 112 1,255 3,689 13 375 5,224

These data were prepared using the October 2015 Public School Information System (PSIS).
Suppression Rules
Cell counts with fewer than 6 students have been replaced with an "*" to protect student confidentiality

Attachment G

Administrators by Race
District Total Number American Asian Black or Hispanic Native Two or White Percentage of
Name of Indian or African Hawaiian More Administrators
Administrators Alaska American or Other Races that were non-
Native Pacific White
Andover 3 3 0.00
Ansonia 15 2 13 0.13
Ashford 4 4 0.00
Avon 17 17 0.00
Barkhamsted 2 2 0.00
Berlin 26 1 25 0.04
Bethany 3 3 0.00
Bethel 20 20 0.00
Bloomfield 15 6 9 0.40
Bolton 7 1 6 0.14
Bozrah 3 3 0.00
Branford 27 2 25 0.07
Bridgeport 93 1 27 12 53 0.43
Bristol 53 1 1 51 0.04
Brookfield 22 22 0.00
Brooklyn 5 5 0.00
Canaan 6 6 0.00
Canterbury 5 5 0.00
Canton 14 14 0.00
Chaplin 2 2 0.00
Cheshire 31 1 30 0.03
Chester 6 6 0.00
Clinton 15 15 0.00
Colchester 12 12 0.00
Colebrook 2 2 0.00
Columbia 4 4 0.00
Cornwall 6 6 0.00
Coventry 12 12 0.00
Cromwell 12 12 0.00
Danbury 59 7 1 51 0.14
Darien 29 29 0.00
Deep River 6 6 0.00
Derby 9 9 0.00
Eastford 3 3 0.00
East Granby 10 1 9 0.10
East 8 8 0.00
East 9 9 0.00
East 46 1 3 1 41 0.11
East Haven 21 1 2 18 0.14
District Total Number American Asian Black or Hispanic Native Two or White Percentage of
Name of Indian or African Hawaiian More Administrators
Administrators Alaska American or Other Races that were non-
Native Pacific White
East Lyme 16 16 0.00
Easton 6 6 0.00
E. Windsor 9 9 0.00
Ellington 16 16 0.00
Enfield 49 1 48 0.02
Essex 7 7 0.00
Fairfield 56 56 0.00
Farmington 29 1 28 0.03
Franklin 1 1 0.00
Glastonbury 44 44 0.00
Granby 12 12 0.00
Greenwich 66 2 4 60 0.09
Griswold 11 1 10 0.09
Groton 31 2 29 0.07
Guilford 28 28 0.00
Hamden 41 3 1 37 0.10
Hampton 2 2 0.00
Hartford 163 3 45 13 102 0.37
Hartland 2 2 0.00
Hebron 5 5 0.00
Kent 6 6 0.00
Killingly 21 21 0.00
Lebanon 8 1 7 0.13
Ledyard 20 1 19 0.05
Lisbon 5 5 0.00
Litchfield 8 8 0.00
Madison 29 29 0.00
Manchester 40 7 2 31 0.23
Mansfield 9 9 0.00
Marlborough 3 3 0.00
Meriden 64 1 7 56 0.13
Middletown 30 1 1 3 25 0.17
Milford 39 39 0.00
Monroe 25 25 0.00
Montville 23 2 21 0.09
Naugatuck 20 20 0.00
New Britain 40 1 2 8 29 0.28
New Canaan 31 1 30 0.03
New 22 1 21 0.05
New 5 5 0.00
New Haven 127 1 44 18 1 63 0.50
Newington 29 1 1 27 0.07

District Total Number American Asian Black or Hispanic Native Two or White Percentage of
Name of Indian or African Hawaiian More Administrators
Administrators Alaska American or Other Races that were non-
Native Pacific White
New London 34 1 7 6 20 0.41
New Milford 28 1 27 0.04
Newtown 31 1 30 0.03
Norfolk 2 2 0.00
North 19 19 0.00
North 6 6 0.00
North Haven 29 1 3 25 0.14
North 6 6 0.00
Norwalk 67 1 16 5 45 0.33
Norwich 19 1 18 0.05
Old 9 9 0.00
Orange 7 1 6 0.14
Oxford 15 1 14 0.07
Plainfield 14 14 0.00
Plainville 16 1 2 13 0.19
Plymouth 11 1 10 0.09
Pomfret 4 4 0.00
Portland 10 10 0.00
Preston 3 3 0.00
Putnam 9 1 8 0.11
Redding 6 6 0.00
Ridgefield 34 1 1 32 0.06
Rocky Hill 15 1 14 0.07
Salem 2 2 0.00
Salisbury 6 6 0.00
Scotland 2 2 0.00
Seymour 13 13 0.00
Sharon 6 6 0.00
Shelton 38 1 37 0.03
Sherman 5 5 0.00
Simsbury 37 1 1 35 0.05
Somers 9 9 0.00
Southington 44 44 0.00
South 31 31 0.00
Sprague 2 2 0.00
Stafford 10 10 0.00
Stamford 69 1 13 5 50 0.28
Sterling 3 3 0.00
Stonington 15 15 0.00
Stratford 49 4 45 0.08
Suffield 15 15 0.00
District Total Number American Asian Black or Hispanic Native Two or White Percentage of
Name of Indian or African Hawaiian More Administrators
Administrators Alaska American or Other Races that were non-
Native Pacific White
Thomaston 8 8 0.00
Thompson 8 8 0.00
Tolland 15 15 0.00
Torrington 23 3 20 0.13
Trumbull 44 2 42 0.05
Union 2 2 0.00
Vernon 21 1 20 0.05
Voluntown 3 3 0.00
Wallingford 35 1 1 33 0.06
Waterbury 139 1 2 8 11 117 0.16
Waterford 23 23 0.00
Watertown 13 1 12 0.08
Westbrook 7 7 0.00
West 58 1 6 1 50 0.14
West Haven 41 2 39 0.05
Weston 16 16 0.00
Westport 45 45 0.00
Wethersfield 18 18 0.00
Willington 4 4 0.00
Wilton 23 23 0.00
Winchester 4 4 0.00
Windham 29 1 1 2 25 0.14
Windsor 32 8 24 0.25
Windsor 10 10 0.00
Wolcott 19 19 0.00
Woodbridge 5 5 0.00
Woodstock 5 5 0.00
Regional 01 15 15 0.00
Regional 04 9 9 0.00
Regional 05 23 1 22 0.04
Regional 06 10 10 0.00
Regional 07 14 14 0.00
Regional 08 13 13 0.00
Regional 09 11 11 0.00
Regional 10 21 21 0.00
Regional 11 4 4 0.00
Regional 12 11 11 0.00
Regional 13 16 16 0.00
Regional 14 13 13 0.00
Regional 15 23 23 0.00
Regional 16 22 22 0.00
Regional 17 11 11 0.00

District Total Number American Asian Black or Hispanic Native Two or White Percentage of
Name of Indian or African Hawaiian More Administrators
Administrators Alaska American or Other Races that were non-
Native Pacific White
Regional 18 11 11 0.00
Regional 19 15 15 0.00
CREC 84 1 10 8 65 0.23
Education 3 1 2 0.33
Cooperative 14 14 0.00
ACES 22 1 21 0.05
Learn 19 19 0.00
EASTCONN 16 16 0.00
Jumoke 4 4 1.00
Odyssey 2 2 0.00
Integrated 3 1 2 0.33
Interdistrict 2 2 0.00
Common 2 2 0.00
The Bridge 3 1 2 0.33
Side By Side 2 2 0.00
Explorations 2 1 1 0.50
Trailblazers 2 2 0.00
Amistad 13 2 2 9 0.31
New 4 2 2 0.50
Stamford 3 3 0.00
Park City 2 1 1 0.50
Bridgeport 11 2 1 8 0.27
Highville 6 2 4 0.33
Achievement 13 2 11 0.15
Elm City 10 1 9 0.10

District Total Number American Asian Black or Hispanic Native Two or White Percentage of
Name of Indian or African Hawaiian More Administrators
Administrators Alaska American or Other Races that were non-
Native Pacific White
Path 1 1 0.00
Great Oaks 1 1 0.00
Booker T. 1 1 0.00
Unified 16 1 15 0.06
District #1
Department 1 1 0.00
of Mental
Unified 8 1 7 0.13
District #2
CTHS 349 1 1 23 17 307 0.12
Norwich 19 1 18 0.05
The Gilbert 9 9 0.00
Woodstock 13 13 0.00
State Total 4,142 4 24 285 157 1 3 3,668 0.11

Attachment H
Professionals (Non-Admin) 2014-15
Name Total Number of American Asian Black or Hispanic Two Native Not White Percentage
Educators Indian or African or Hawaiian Reported of Non-
Alaska American More or Other Admin
Native Races Pacific that were
Islander non-White

Andover 26 26 0.00%
Ansonia 189 2 2 4 181 4.20%
Ashford 46 46 0.00%
Avon 279 3 2 3 271 2.90%
Barkhamsted 26 26 0.00%
Berlin 281 1 3 277 1.40%
Bethany 47 47 0.00%
Bethel 259 2 1 2 254 1.90%
Bloomfield 231 4 48 3 1 175 24.20%
Bolton 85 2 83 2.40%
Bozrah 25 25 0.00%
Branford 286 1 1 6 278 2.80%
Bridgeport 1,549 6 28 175 155 1,185 23.50%
Bristol 639 1 2 9 14 1 612 4.20%
Brookfield 229 1 3 12 213 7.00%
Brooklyn 71 2 69 2.80%
Canaan 16 16 0.00%
Canterbury 45 1 1 43 4.40%
Canton 141 141 0.00%
Chaplin 23 23 0.00%
Cheshire 381 3 2 7 369 3.10%
Chester 30 2 28 6.70%
Clinton 196 1 3 192 2.00%
Colchester 237 2 1 234 1.30%
Colebrook 14 1 13 7.10%
Columbia 46 46 0.00%
Cornwall 19 19 0.00%
Coventry 167 2 2 2 161 3.60%
Cromwell 175 1 2 4 168 4.00%
Danbury 884 1 14 33 62 2 772 12.70%
Darien 482 4 4 11 463 3.90%
Deep River 35 2 33 5.70%
Derby 124 1 5 118 4.80%
Eastford 18 18 0.00%
East Granby 84 2 82 2.40%
East Haddam 109 1 108 0.90%
East Hampton 164 2 162 1.20%
East Hartford 625 8 30 33 554 11.40%
East Haven 282 1 1 3 277 1.80%

Name Total Number of American Asian Black or Hispanic Two Native Not White Percentage
Educators Indian or African or Hawaiian Reported of
Alaska American More or Other Educators
Native Races Pacific that were
Islander non-White
East Lyme 281 2 3 276 1.80%
Easton 93 1 2 2 88 5.40%
East Windsor 124 1 123 0.80%
Ellington 223 3 1 1 218 2.20%
Enfield 471 3 2 6 460 2.30%
Essex 55 1 54 1.80%
Fairfield 958 18 12 928 3.10%
Farmington 379 1 5 5 10 358 5.50%
Franklin 18 18 0.00%
Glastonbury 514 1 6 3 10 494 3.90%
Granby 181 3 1 2 175 3.30%
Greenwich 907 1 21 22 44 819 9.70%
Griswold 174 1 2 171 1.70%
Groton 437 2 9 13 7 406 7.10%
Guilford 335 1 1 3 330 1.50%
Hamden 562 1 10 21 17 513 8.70%
Hampton 16 16 0.00%
Hartford 1,828 1 30 217 184 1,396 23.60%
Hartland 21 21 0.00%
Hebron 76 1 75 1.30%
Kent 33 33 0.00%
Killingly 225 2 1 222 1.30%
Lebanon 104 2 2 100 3.80%
Ledyard 212 2 1 4 205 3.30%
Lisbon 43 43 0.00%
Litchfield 104 1 3 100 3.80%
Madison 309 3 1 6 299 3.20%
Manchester 640 3 1 28 17 591 7.70%
Mansfield 129 1 1 2 1 124 3.90%
Marlborough 46 1 45 2.20%
Meriden 645 4 4 8 38 591 8.40%
Middletown 423 8 14 8 393 7.10%
Milford 611 1 4 1 605 1.00%
Monroe 278 3 275 1.10%
Montville 235 2 1 5 3 224 4.70%
Naugatuck 323 2 1 7 313 3.10%
New Britain 741 9 38 67 627 15.40%
New Canaan 411 1 5 1 7 397 3.40%
New Fairfield 231 2 4 225 2.60%
New Hartford 43 1 42 2.30%
New Haven 1,845 3 36 242 122 8 1,434 22.30%
Newington 366 2 6 8 350 4.40%
New London 270 6 11 21 1 231 14.40%

Name Total Number of American Asian Black or Hispanic Two Native Not White Percentage
Educators Indian or African or Hawaiian Reported of
Alaska American More or Other Educators
Native Races Pacific that were
Islander non-White
New Milford 372 9 363 2.40%
Newtown 429 1 4 1 5 418 2.60%
Norfolk 16 16 0.00%
North Branford 179 1 1 177 1.10%
North Canaan 35 35 0.00%
North Haven 291 5 2 5 279 4.10%
North Stonington 84 1 1 82 2.40%
Norwalk 855 2 17 55 59 722 15.60%
Norwich 275 2 6 1 266 3.30%
Old Saybrook 158 158 0.00%
Orange 110 1 109 0.90%
Oxford 155 1 2 1 151 2.60%
Plainfield 201 1 200 0.50%
Plainville 233 1 3 229 1.70%
Plymouth 137 1 1 2 133 2.90%
Pomfret 42 42 0.00%
Portland 116 116 0.00%
Preston 39 1 38 2.60%
Putnam 119 1 1 117 1.70%
Redding 106 1 3 102 3.80%
Ridgefield 442 3 2 7 430 2.70%
Rocky Hill 226 1 5 220 2.70%
Salem 36 1 1 34 5.60%
Salisbury 39 39 0.00%
Scotland 17 17 0.00%
Seymour 193 1 2 1 189 2.10%
Sharon 29 29 0.00%
Shelton 401 2 1 3 395 1.50%
Sherman 42 1 41 2.40%
Simsbury 382 4 3 2 373 2.40%
Somers 145 1 2 142 2.10%
Southington 576 3 1 4 5 563 2.30%
South Windsor 389 6 3 5 1 374 3.90%
Sprague 32 1 31 3.10%
Stafford 158 1 2 155 1.90%
Stamford 1,414 4 31 85 78 1 1,215 14.10%
Sterling 38 38 0.00%
Stonington 211 211 0.00%
Stratford 571 4 15 9 543 4.90%
Suffield 207 1 4 202 2.40%
Thomaston 83 1 1 81 2.40%
Thompson 95 95 0.00%
Tolland 220 1 1 4 214 2.70%

Name Total Number of American Asian Black or Hispanic Two Native Not White Percentage
Educators Indian or African or Hawaiian Reported of
Alaska American More or Other Educators
Native Races Pacific that were
Islander non-White
Torrington 384 1 2 3 13 1 364 5.20%
Trumbull 585 6 2 13 564 3.60%
Union 11 11 0.00%
Vernon 341 1 2 6 8 324 5.00%
Voluntown 33 33 0.00%
Wallingford 570 1 1 7 10 551 3.30%
Waterbury 1,592 1 14 53 108 1,416 11.10%
Waterford 247 2 2 6 237 4.00%
Watertown 215 1 214 0.50%
Westbrook 109 1 1 107 1.80%
West Hartford 904 2 14 16 31 841 7.00%
West Haven 535 2 16 12 505 5.60%
Weston 221 2 1 1 217 1.80%
Westport 542 1 9 1 15 516 4.80%
Wethersfield 298 1 2 2 2 291 2.30%
Willington 50 2 48 4.00%
Wilton 379 2 3 10 364 4.00%
Winchester 65 65 0.00%
Windham 324 7 4 31 282 13.00%
Windsor 376 1 6 28 10 1 330 12.20%
Windsor Locks 172 3 5 4 160 7.00%
Wolcott 222 222 0.00%
Woodbridge 75 1 2 72 4.00%
Woodstock 70 70 0.00%
Regional 01 51 51 0.00%
Regional 04 96 1 95 1.00%
Regional 05 227 4 3 6 214 5.70%
Regional 06 99 99 0.00%
Regional 07 95 1 1 93 2.10%
Regional 08 167 2 4 161 3.60%
Regional 09 91 1 3 87 4.40%
Regional 10 231 1 2 2 226 2.20%
Regional 11 36 1 35 2.80%
Regional 12 96 3 1 92 4.20%
Regional 13 190 190 0.00%
Regional 14 178 1 3 174 2.20%
Regional 15 338 1 3 3 331 2.10%
Regional 16 199 1 2 196 1.50%
Regional 17 215 1 1 213 0.90%
Regional 18 144 2 1 141 2.10%
Regional 19 125 2 123 1.60%
CREC 871 2 15 56 44 754 13.40%
EdConn 13 13 0.00%

Name Total Number of American Asian Black or Hispanic Two Native Not White Percentage
Educators Indian or African or Hawaiian Reported of
Alaska American More or Other Educators
Native Races Pacific that were
Islander non-White
CES 138 2 1 3 132 4.30%
ACES 253 1 10 8 234 7.50%
Learn 220 2 4 9 14 191 13.20%
EASTCONN 83 2 81 2.40%
Jumoke Academy 45 3 13 3 26 42.20%
Odyssey 30 2 28 6.70%
Integrated Day 24 1 23 4.20%
Inter School for Arts 28 1 27 3.60%
Common Ground 19 2 1 16 15.80%
Bridge Academy 21 3 1 17 19.00%
Side By Side 16 16 0.00%
Explorations 11 11 0.00%
Trailblazers 16 16 0.00%
Amistad Academy 95 5 13 5 1 3 68 28.40%
New Beginnings 37 1 5 4 1 26 29.70%
Stamford Academy 15 1 1 13 13.30%
Park City Prep 27 1 3 1 1 21 22.20%
Bridgeport 60 10 4 2 44 26.70%
Achievement First
Highville Charter 25 1 2 22 12.00%
Achievement First 94 2 4 19 3 4 62 34.00%
Elm City 41 10 1 1 29 29.30%
Brass City 15 1 1 13 13.30%
Elm City Montessori 4 1 3 25.00%
Path Academy 6 1 1 4 33.30%
Great Oaks Charter 5 1 1 3 40.00%
Booker T. 11 3 8 27.30%
Unified #1 153 1 6 6 1 1 138 9.80%
Dept of Mental 1 1 0.00%
Unified #2 97 3 10 3 81 16.50%
Dept. of 1 1 0.00%
CTHS 1,185 3 5 59 58 2 1,058 10.70%
Norwich Free 192 4 6 5 1 176 8.30%
The Gilbert 53 1 52 1.90%
Woodstock 90 1 2 87 3.30%
State Total 49,276 63 500 1,548 1,685 31 16 13 45,420 7.80%

Attachment I

Superintendents’ Narratives

Andover School District

At Andover Elementary School, we work with our students to learn about and appreciate the diverse population
of our world. Throughout the year several activities are conducted to foster new knowledge and acceptance of
others. We are proud of both our Social Studies curriculum and our Spanish program, which exposes students
to the various Spanish-speaking parts of the world in South America, the Caribbean, as well as the United
States. We are fortunate to have our 4th through 6th grade students participate in Spanish two times weekly.
We are also very proud of our annual Geography Jamboree. Each grade level becomes a continent, and each
classroom transforms into a country. All aspects of the country’s culture are studied. The Geography Jamboree
culminates into an evening of learning for our whole community when parents and community members come
into Andover Elementary School to sample the cultures of various countries, including their arts, foods, and
history. Jump Rope for Heart is a school-wide activity in which students learn about people with heart defects.
Each fall we conduct our Stuff-a-Cruiser Stuff-a-Bus. This is open to the community and our students and staff.

Students learn about the less fortunate and donate clothing, food, and toys for others. In collaboration with our
Youth Services Bureau, AHM, our students participate in the Power of Words. This program utilizes students
from the area middle school and high school and seeks to educate our 5th and 6th graders on kindness,
acceptance of differences, and anti-bullying strategies. Issues discussed include disabilities, racial issues, socio-
economic status, cultural, religious, and sexual orientation.

The two second grade classes continued their participation in the “Farming the Land and Sea” grant (aka
Planting Pals). This inter-district diversity grant program allows students and teachers from different school
districts an opportunity to meet and interact through partnered learning experiences. Planting Pals is funded by
the Connecticut State Department of Education and facilitated by EASTCONN. Planting learning about new
friends from their partner schools in Hartford and Willimantic, students in this interdisciplinary learning
program explore diversity and its impact.

The Ansonia Public School District educates a student population that is increasingly diverse. Approximately
76% of students qualify for free and reduced-priced meals. The district has taken significant steps to reduce
ethnic, economic and racial isolation. The grade-level structure of our elementary schools is specifically
designed to reduce such isolation. Our two K-6 elementary schools both serve a representative population of
students from the entire city – rather than being neighborhood-based. Each classroom within these schools
receives an enrollment that is reflective of the community’s diversity. This is dutifully maintained by our
Central Office Registrar. Eight years ago, the creation of a Human Relations Club at our High School and
Middle School has been a significant contribution toward these efforts. This student-led organization has grown
to nearly 125 members between the two buildings. They lead and sponsor diversity programming for students
in our schools and for community members, specifically targeting the elderly population through an
intergenerational project. Ansonia has been collaborating with the Boys & Girls Club of the Lower Naugatuck
Valley since 2002 to offer after school programming geared to low-income students in grades 6-8 who require
additional support in academics, recreational and enrichment activities. Our two Elementary Schools now offer
an after school Science and Social Studies club for students in Grades 4-6, providing STEM and enrichment
activities led by our certified teaching staff. Many of our K-12 teachers lead programs that bring Ansonia
students into other communities and learning experiences, including State Department of Education Inter-
district Cooperative Grant Programs (IDCG). Ansonia participates in the New Haven Magnet School Program,
and 284 of our students attended one of the magnet schools last year.

We continue to provide programs to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation. Behavioral curriculum and
our individual subject curriculums are designed and implemented to foster understanding, tolerance, and respect
among all ethnic and racial groups.

We have developed after-school programs to encourage more student participation with clubs and activities for
all interests. Students are also able to participate in local and inter-district programs through our connection
with EASTCONN and The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp. During the 2014-15 school year, students from all
grade levels took part in a series of cultural assemblies sponsored by the Ashford PTO that focused on
awareness of other cultures, people and the differences among them. Other programs include “Primary Pride”,
PBS (Positive Behavior Supports), participation in regional athletics, instrumental music, and choral activities
with other school districts and racial and ethnic understanding woven into the health and physical education
programs, WINGS, WINGS Jr., and SWINGS. The SOAR (Showing Acceptance to Others) program in grades
1-5 promotes tolerance and acceptance of differences. These programs are designed to minimize student
isolation, develop good citizenship, and eliminate bullying in our school.

The Avon Public Schools has implemented significant efforts to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation
during this reporting period. -‘**+To support both non-resident and resident students, the district maintains
school climate and safety committees at all schools to insure that the needs of all students’ are met. These same
groups plan and implement specific activities to reduce isolation of students and families.

The district maintains a strong relationship with the Capital Region Education Council and more specifically the
Open Choice staff and access the resources provided by CREC.

At the elementary level, schools continue to host specific events (movie nights, family fun nights at local
businesses, etc.) in which all parents, staff and students are encouraged to participate. Periodically during each
school year, activities such as multi-cultural fairs and cultural awareness programs sponsored and supported
financially by each school’s parent teacher organization are presented.

At the secondary level, multiple opportunities are provided to both staff and students via the advisory periods to
discuss and review information regarding tolerance, acceptance of differences and cultural awareness. These
discussions have led to schools hosting guest speakers during schools assemblies for such topics as the
holocaust, the World of Difference and other programs specifically designed to assist schools improve the
cultural and climate of their facilities.

Most recently, the Board of Education has reconstituted its communication subcommittee by renaming it to the
Communication and School Climate & Culture subcommittee and redefining its charge to include improving the
district and schools’ efforts to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation.

Efforts to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation are through curricular and extra-curricular activities.
Curricular activities revolve around cultural studies in primary grades. Holidays around the world and Native
American studies expose children to cultures and traditions that are different from their own but that they can
relate to. Upper elementary students dive deeper into different cultures by studying the immigration of various
ethnic groups to both the East and West coast during the Industrial Revolution. Students read historical novels,
study primary resources, visit a working textile mill, read poetry from the time period, perform skits, and visit
Ellis Island. During all of these activities, students focus on the impact of culture and ethnicity on the people
who immigrated to America and how these groups have impacted the shaping of our country.

In addition to these curricular units, students participate in other extra-curricular activities that give them an
understanding of students around the globe. Students at The Barkhamsted School have participated in a variety
of pen-pal type activities where they write to and exchange information with students across the country and
around the world. Some activities include an element of art as students created a large wall mural by coloring
just a small piece of the mural and sent it to other students across the country. In return, they received pieces of
the mural from other students from a variety of states and from parts of Canada. Another pen-pal activity had
students writing to students in an urban district outside of Washington, D.C. Students exchanged information
about healthy habits including, diet and exercise in an urban vs. rural setting. Students have also used
technology such as Skype to explore the geography of the United States. They team up to participate in a
"Mystery Skype" activity where they use a web camera to communicate with students in a mystery location,
then use a "20 questions" format to identify the location of the students they are speaking with. Students must
have a basic understanding of the geography of the country, as well as conduct research on the fly to narrow
down the location.

The Berlin Public Schools provide a variety of programs and experiences that are designed to reduce racial,
ethnic, and economic isolation. We are pleased with the response to these efforts from students, staff, and
members of the community. Our participation in the Open CHOICE Program is districtwide and during this
year we had 114 CHOICE students in our five schools. There is a sincere commitment to reduce racial, ethnic
and economic isolation. The Board of Education recognizes that Berlin is not a highly-diverse community and
that the greater Berlin community also benefits from participation in CHOICE. We continue to expand the
CHOICE seats we offer in an attempt to bring additional students into our district. Many of our CHOICE
students spent time at the Berlin Fair and enjoyed the experience.

Each of our schools continues to participate in and provide a number of learning activities designed to promote
diversity. When curriculum is revised, diligent attention is given to be certain it is reflective of diversity.
Administration continues to offer updates to the Board of Education and community outlining the activities that
are conducted as part of the district’s efforts to educate students about understanding differences among people.

The Bethany Public School District continues to provide numerous opportunities for students and teachers to
interact with students and teachers from diverse, racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds. The District
participates in several regional programs, such as the Summer Writing Project, through Area Cooperative
Educational Services (ACES), as a cooperating District in both the school year and during the summer months.
Bethany participates in several interdistrict programs, such as the River Project (50 students), with nearby
communities. These programs provide opportunities for Bethany students and neighboring districts, New
Haven and West Haven, to interact through a series of educational activities, presentations, and programs
designed to promote understanding, sharing, and cooperation among students of different backgrounds. The
activities take place both on and off campus. In addition, Bethany participates in the Public School Choice
Program where Bethany students attend magnet schools. Five students residing in New Haven participate in the
Open Choice program where they have become part of the fabric of Bethany Community School.

Bethany has regularly scheduled enrichment activities, which highlight the language, art, folklore, traditions,
customs, and lifestyles of other countries and nationalities. These include Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
sponsored programs and activities, language cultural immersion days, and numerous activities throughout the
year, which are integrated into the curriculum to acknowledge the diverse religious and ethnic influences within
the District. These programs impact all 386 students.

The Bloomfield Public School District takes pride in the diversity of our community, as we prepare students
with 21st century skills for a globally competitive society. Located less than ten miles from downtown
Hartford, and within driving distance to New York and Boston, students and staff have ample opportunities to
experience and appreciate diversity. Bloomfield Public School’s proximity to Hartford enables students to
participate in inter-district cultural activities that bring together students from many different communities at the
Hartford Stage, the Wadsworth Athenaeum, and The Bushnell. For example, Global Experiences Magnet
School is designed to nurture relationships between students from Bloomfield and surrounding towns, and peers
in China, Africa, Ireland, South America, and France. The Wintonbury Early Childhood Magnet offers a full
day program for 3-5 year-old students from Bloomfield and surrounding communities. The school partners
with Bloomfield’s Auer Farm linking curriculum and instruction to authentic, hands-on exploration. These
magnet schools reduce racial and economic isolation for Bloomfield students by attracting students from
surrounding school systems with diverse racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds. Bloomfield has also
participated in a number of Interdistrict Cooperative Grants with surrounding school systems, including a long-
standing relationship between Bloomfield High School and Granby High School, as well as Simsbury Public
Schools and The Talcott Mountain Science Center.

With strong support from the Board of Education, the Bolton Public Schools are committed to fostering
understanding of various groups in our society and world, promoting equity and respect among people and
providing learning experiences for students to become more familiar with people from different races, ethnic
groups and economic backgrounds. Equity and respect among students are promoted through the learning
experiences of the academic program as well as extra-curricular and athletic programs. The Bolton teachers
participated in professional development on culturally relevant instructional practices and many volunteered to
join other educators from the Harford region in the Open Choice professional book club. Throughout the year,
teachers PreK-12 incorporated multi-cultural themes within their units of study; participated in outreach
activities and structured field trips both local and abroad to further develop the students’ understanding and
appreciation for other cultures and traditions. Bolton High School implemented year three of the PBIS program
and Bolton Center School implemented year four. This program promotes a healthy school climate through
positive behavior, respect of self and others and tolerance and acceptance of others differences. The PBIS
teams at both schools organized numerous events and activities to promote positive behavior, tolerance and a
healthy school climate. Bolton has been an active participant in the Hartford Open Choice program for the last
13 years with 69 students attending Bolton schools in 2014-2015. In addition, some Bolton students participate
in magnet school programs. At Bolton High School students can choose to participate in Virtual High School
classes that develop and deliver standards-based, student-centered online courses that increase educational
opportunities and 21st century skills. Bolton High School also has a sister school program with Rivington &
Blackrod High School in Bolton, England. In the Bolton Public Schools we believe that an understanding of
and respect for diverse beliefs, cultures, backgrounds, abilities, and perspectives enrich the lives and learning
environments for all our students.

Bozrah Public School District staff work together with the community to nurture respect and provide
opportunities for students to learn about and appreciate the diversity in their world. Through themes, stories or
social studies units, all students study different cultures. Middle school students culminate their study of
various cultures with an ethnic food luncheon. This luncheon celebrates not only cultures that are studied as
part of the Social Studies curriculum but also student. The district partnered with local high school
administration and outreach groups to present experiences that would increase student awareness of the
diversity of individuals. A student and staff high school group gave a multi-media presentation on
understanding and interacting with individuals of diverse and exceptional differences. This program continued
through school-wide activities focused around respect and kindness toward those different than us.
Community service projects included raising money for local area charities, some band students joining with
Norwich Free Academy to perform, and donating food items to help local families. Student led fundraisers
benefited national medical organizations, regional shelters, local foodbanks, and individual families challenged
by economic hardships. The school also participated in Jump Rope for Heart and Hoops for Heart. We are
fortunate to have a very active and engaged Parent Teacher Organization that sponsors several culturally diverse
events for students at the school. In the 2013-2014 school year, we had students attend charter schools. We
also reached out to town residents who home schooled their children to provide support services.

With a number of families who spoke limited English at home, we worked with software programs in place that
had language translation capabilities. We have improved software programs that allow district personnel to
identify the academic needs of our ELL students through assessments.

Branford continuously strives to increase representation of minority staff members but despite our efforts,
minority representation remains low within the district. That being the case, the district recently increase the
number of minority teaches on staff. Branford Public Schools continue to be determined to raise awareness of
and support efforts to celebrate diversity. Schools’ PTA, at both the elementary level and the middle school
level, support and provide mulit-cultural events throughout the school year. Several students participate in a
summer program run the New Haven’s magnet schools. Our high school’s efforts regarding the creation of
various extra-curricular clubs and the expansion of numerous courses to include Dimensions of Racial and
Ethnic sensitivity and Awareness are a direct effort to raise awareness and decrease racial and ethnic isolation.
Finally, all schools participate in Project Choice. This program has made the greatest difference in reducing
barriers of all types by giving students and families the opportunity to interact and attend school together.

Efforts to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation included the expansion of grade level offerings in the
interdistrict magnet high school to over 1200 students during the 14-15 school year.

Our Human Resources Department formed a Recruitment, Hiring and Retention Task Force of various
stakeholders that support the district’s efforts to attract, develop and retain highly effective educators and
realized a 31% minority representation among new hires for school year 14-15. Human Resources also recruits
from colleges throughout the United States and Puerto Rico and aggressively pursues the hiring of our own
student teachers and student interns.

The district continues to implement an aggressive technology plan that increased wireless and internet speed
and performance to facilitate better utilization of student Chromebooks. The district had over 400 students
participate in regional learning programs such as Global Studies and the Regional Center for the Arts. The
second College Awareness Day was held for students in grades 8 through 12 and all students had the
opportunity to take either the ReadiStep, PSAT or SAT College Board assessments. In an effort to expand
access to rigorous and challenging coursework, the district held its first Advanced Placement Potential Night for
students and their families. The district partners extensively with institutions of higher learning, community
based groups and others to offer over 600 students a range of educational experiences and over 300 secondary
students participated in an early college experience that provided them the opportunity to gain college credit
while still enrolled in high school.

The Bristol Public Schools views its racially and economically diverse population as an asset and engages in a
variety of initiatives to prevent and reduce racial, ethnic or economic isolation within the school community.
Our primary goal has been to improve achievement for all students and close the achievement gap. We have
been implementing significant curricular improvement initiatives in ELA and Math at all levels guided by best
practices and careful analysis of data. This work includes implementing high standards for all students. The
result has been we are maintaining the levels of academic achievement even with rising levels of economically
disadvantaged students.

Bristol students have many opportunities to engage in a variety of events that provide experiences with people
of different cultures, religions, ethnicities and language backgrounds. Each school has a character education
program based upon on the needs of the individual school community. Students participate in groups and
activities that promote understanding, tolerance and acceptance of differences between and among people. This
carries over to our Unified Sports and Unified Theater programs where regular education and special needs
students work together in athletic contests and dramatic presentations. These pairings and the breaking down of
barriers begin in preschool. Our preschool-peers program provides special needs students with developmental
on age, role models.

Bristol has expanded the Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program which provides students,
who may not have set college as a goal, with academic tools to take more rigorous coursework and develop self-
advocacy skills. Bristol’s District Accountability Plan, targets are set and progressing toward reducing the
achievement gap among subgroups performance on standardized testing and improving graduation rates.
Bristol has had a 48% increase in economically disadvantaged students since 2005, but our student achievement
has either been maintained or improved for all subgroups.

Efforts to Reduce Racial, Ethnic and Economic Isolation
The Brookfield Public Schools is committed to reducing racial, ethnic, and economic isolation through local
and regional school and district programs. District schools continue to provide opportunities for students’ and
staff participation in activities that demonstrate this commitment. Programs were offered during the school day,
after hours and during summer months including Inter-district programs offered by our local RESC, e.g. Project
C.L.E.A.R, Healthy Children, Healthy Minds. In addition, Brookfield participates in the Western Connecticut
Academy of International Studies Elementary Magnet School with 41 district students enrolled in that program.
In-district programming includes activities related to World Language classes, e.g. our K-12 Spanish program,
and PTO sponsored activities and presentations designed to provide students with culturally diverse points of
view. The middle school’s “Random Acts of Kindness” program continued this year and our elementary
schools also continued to integrate “Responsive Classroom” strategies.

Issues pertaining to awareness of racial, ethnic and economic isolation, and increased attentiveness to diversity,
continue to be addressed through the district’s curriculum revision process. Many of the district’s instructional
units provide a global focus. Literature selections throughout the grade levels promote understanding and
appreciation of differences. The district continues to address the needs of students meeting the profile of
English Language Learners through provision of tutorial services with support from the Title III grant.

Economic isolation is not a concern for students at Kellogg School. Although we are a rural community, our
proximity to the Metro-North Train line and consequently New York City contributes to a diverse socio-
economic population. We have families living below the poverty line, as well as those that own apartments in
New York or come to Falls Village to enjoy their weekend home in the country. We make efforts to expose our
students to diverse cultures through the use of literature. For example, our 3rd and 4th graders are reading The
Single Shard as a piece in a broader study of world cultures. Our 5th – 8th graders learned about the plight of
refugees all over the world in their study of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Our school librarian is
committed to updating our collection with books on diverse cultures as well as stories and non-fiction literature
exposing our students to racial and ethnic groups from all over the world.

In class activities are used to expose our students to other perspectives. For example, our Spanish teacher has
reached out to families of our English Language Learners. Parents from Spain have shared stories, games, food
and other traditions with our students. Field trips are another avenue for helping to bridge the divide. Our 3rd
and 4th graders traveled to Hartford to visit the capital. Our 6th graders participate in Project Tree, a state-grant
funded program for the very purpose of reducing racial, ethnic and economic isolation through the guise of four
environmental field trips to various sites across the state. Our 6th, 7th and 8th graders travel to New York to
see the city through the eyes of a local New Yorker—riding the train, the subway and the Staten Island Ferry as
well as walking, walking and walking. Our 8th graders travel to Quebec City for a week, immersing themselves
in the culture of the French Canadian.

Finally, in school assemblies are used to expose students to diversity. We had a Hip-Hop group preform for our
K-8 students, as well as an African American storyteller and an Irish dance troupe.

Canterbury Public Schools continue to provide a program rich in multicultural activities. Students in all grades
are introduced and exposed to a variety of literature, research and activities that emphasize a worldwide cultural
experience designed to increase awareness of diverse cultural and economic backgrounds. Literature, both
fiction and non-fiction, about people of various ethnic backgrounds and special education challenges were
embedded in instruction across the curriculum and grade levels. Students in all grades learned of current events
about people throughout the world. Periodicals were used in grades one through four; access to the Internet
provided enhanced opportunities for students to learn about other people and their cultures. Our district fosters
a warm and friendly environment that supports the diversity within our population. Studying world cultures
immerses our students in different customs and traditions. Differences between people are appreciated and
respected. Fiction and nonfiction literature is another approach used to integrate cultural diversity within our
curriculum. Authors are ethnically, racially, and religiously diverse.

Chaplin Elementary School is a PreK - Grade 6 school, located in the northeast corner of Connecticut. The
school has 180 students, with just a 10% ethnic population. We are continually aware of the increase in our
Free Reduced Priced Meals numbers, which have increased every year for the past six years. During the 2013-
2014 school year, Chaplin Elementary School had approximately 47% of our PreK-Grade 6 students on the Free
Reduced priced meals list. We provide a school-wide Breakfast Program to make sure that as many children as
possible have the opportunity to start off their day with a healthy breakfast. On average, 50 students take part in
the breakfast program daily. Sixth grade students spend a week at Nature’s Classroom with students from two
area school districts. As all three districts will end up at the same regional middle high school for grades seven
through twelve, this is a terrific way for students to begin formulating friendships and meet students from
outside of their own school. Moving forward, students in Grade 5 will be participating in an EASTCONN
sponsored program with students from four other towns – two of which are significantly more diverse than we
are here in Chaplin. Through the various Chaplin Elementary School curricula, we have incorporated diversity
and cultural education throughout the school. We continue to bring in presenters and performers that help us in
meeting our goal of reducing racial, ethnic and economic isolation.

The Cheshire Public Schools’ efforts to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation emphasized providing our
students with varied and diverse learning experiences to support an appreciation for an understanding of

differences. Students from Dodd Middle School participated in various programs to support growth in student
understanding of differences including CAPTivating Kids, Rachel’s Challenge, and Let’s Get Real program:
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) - Peer Leaders. All elementary schools in Cheshire continued to provide
learning experiences in partnership with parent organizations. These programs were planned to support and
enrich our efforts to help students learn about different cultures, customs, and traditions. Guest speakers, food
festivals, focused assemblies, and cultural arts programs were among the activities that took place at the
kindergarten and elementary level.

At Cheshire High School, the Truth about Hate program was presented to all 9th and 10th graders. Twenty
Cheshire High School students took part in a 12 day training in order to be part of the presentation. The
program addressed bias and discrimination through various activities, scenarios, and simulations. Comments by
students about the Truth about Hate program confirmed that it was highly effective in helping them gain a
greater understanding of the impact that words and actions can have on others especially when involving
prejudice and acts of discrimination. The annual "Be One Day" was held at Cheshire High School to educate
students and staff members about the diversity in our school community. In addition, the Leadership
Conference took place in the spring with student leaders from Cheshire, Meriden, and New Britain working
together to foster leadership skills and friendships.

The Cheshire Public Schools continued to participate in the Project Open Choice program offering ten
additional seats to students from the New Haven Public Schools. Currently, 30 students from New Haven are
enrolled in Cheshire in Grades 1-12. We continue to seek methods to improve our efforts to provide learning
community members with experiences to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation.

Our Social Development program is in its seventeenth year. Its goal states that Chester Elementary School is a
learning, and caring community. Our Social Emotional Learning Focus (SELF) curriculum teaches awareness
and expression of feelings, emotional control, understanding interpersonal relationships, empathy, caring, and
social problem solving skills. Our service learning projects provide the opportunity for our students to
experience the value of helping other who are less fortunate than they are.

Working with LEARN two classes participated in Number Kids. Each class was paired with a class from
Middletown, CT. The classes met several times during the year at the schools and at different locations that
supported the goals of the grant.

We provide cultural arts and other enrichment programs for all students in grades K-6. Students participate in
assemblies or work with artists that provide programs featuring music of the world and stories of other cultures.
Students in grades 3-6 receive Spanish instruction as part of our Foreign Language in the Elementary Schools
(FLES) program, which includes the study of Hispanic culture around the world. Students participate in an
afterschool enrichment activity where they learn the art of the flamenco dance.

Second grade students studied the peoples of the world through social studies. Third graders studied the
cultural diversity of the regions of the United States. Our fourth graders participated in a Diversity Unit which
focused on African Americans’ contributions to our society. Grade five class meetings are a forum for
discussing tolerance and appreciation of the differences of people. Our literature based reading program (K-6)
presents stories of people from different ethnic backgrounds.

Clinton Public Schools benefits from a community that is growing in its racial, ethnic, and economic diversity.
Clinton Public Schools are fortunate to have students from several South American countries, as well as
Canada, China, India, Iran, South Korea, The Russian Federation, Switzerland, Syria and Vietnam. The
growing number of English Language Learners in the district especial at the high school prompted a shift in
programming to meet this need. Our schools provide wonderful opportunities for students and the community-
at-large to learn in an environment that is both racially and economically diverse. Clinton continues to advance
and support second language acquisition, offering courses in French, Spanish, and Chinese at the high school
level and is proud of advances in the K-12 Spanish program. The program is designed to provide all students,
kindergarten through grade 8, with the opportunity to enter high school prepared to take Spanish level 3. This
year students who successfully complete Spanish level 2 in the middle school are eligible to earn high school
credit. After several years of grant funded positions for offering Chinese at the high school, the program grew
sufficiently to hired its first permanent Chinese Teacher in the 2012-2013. In addition, to Spanish and Chinese
the district continues to offer French as a language option in middle school and high school. Clinton students
continue to have an opportunity to participate in the inter-district magnet schools in New Haven, the regional
technical school, and the vocational-agricultural school in Middletown and the Sound School in New Haven.
The district also entered into a partnership with the town’s library and Youth and Family Bureau to fund a web-
based language program called Mango. The program offers families the opportunity to learn a second language
and also supports our English Language Learners population to learn English. Once again, nearly every student
in the district was involved in at least one locally funded intra-district program designed to reduce isolation,
increase awareness of diversity of individuals and cultures, to reduce eliminate harassment, and or to respect

Reduce Isolation
Colebrook School’s administration, staff, and parent organization are always looking for opportunities to
provide students with experiences with people of diverse racial, ethnic and economic backgrounds. With the
recent establishment of the Colebrook Food Pantry, the student council has collected food donations throughout
the year looking to help our neighbors. Each class visits the town senior center once a year. The children do an
activity with the adults and enjoy lunch and conversation together. There are several opportunities for students
to interact with children from other schools. The Fifth and Sixth grade classes participate in the Immigration
Nation grant program through Education Connection. The students join other districts for field trips throughout
the state and conclude with a trip to Ellis Island. At school, Sixth graders participated in a re-enactment of
people immigrating to the United States. A guest from South Africa portrayed an immigration official,
speaking in a language that the newcomers did not understand, in order to give them the authentic feeling of
being in an unfamiliar place with a new language. The sixth-grade class also attends a 5-day program on Cape
Cod with three other schools from the Northeast. This provides them the opportunity to meet new people.
Every student in grades 4, 5 and 6 has daily use of a laptop and researches world events. The parent
organization provides students with cultural enrichment opportunities throughout the year. Students also
attended two cultural programs with a neighboring elementary school with time to interact socially before the
performance. Efforts to reduce isolation are on-going throughout the school year.

The Columbia School District currently has 51 students K-12 who participate in various magnet school options
including those through the CREC Sheff program in Hartford and the Charles Barrows STEM Magnet in

Working with our AHM partners, our students participate in programs offered in conjunction with the Andover,
Hebron and Marlborough Districts. In addition, our DARE program partners with Canton High School to
provide a student assembly program. This program involves 40+ fifth grade students and 3 teachers.

Our academic programs are culturally and racially diverse and we offer assembly programs that feature the
customs and stories of other cultures. These programs, funded through the PTO, involve all grades (444
students and 25+ teachers).
Our high school students (approximately 225) attend one of the following schools: EO Smith, Bolton, Windham
or Windham Technical School. At Smith they are part of a student body that includes students from Ashford,
Mansfield and Willington.

At Cornwall Consolidated School, we focus on equity and social justice. This is reflected in our curriculum and
our practices. It is important that teachers challenge students to think openly about people, places, and cultures
with which students are less familiar. Beyond curriculum and instruction, providing an inclusive, accepting
environment that is a safe place for all is a priority. That is why we are focusing on school climate and culture,
including implementing Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS).

We work to bring students into direct contact with people of different backgrounds. This includes a variety of
inter-district events. We have one that focuses on the arts (Regional 4th Grade Arts Day), another on math and
science (Regional 6th Grade Math and Science Day), and many days devoted to the rehearsal and performance
of an inter-district music program. Our academic quiz bowl team and Lego robotics team participate in inter-
district competitions. These events and activities expose all of our fourth graders and almost all grade 6-8
students to adults and peers of different backgrounds. The 2014-15 school year also included performances and
workshops by musicians and dancers of Senegalese descent and a historical re-enactment performance by a
diverse group of actors from colonial Williamsburg, Virginia.

Coventry Public Schools is committed to providing opportunities for students and teachers to increase
awareness of diversity and to show greater sensitivity regarding differences. The faculty and staff have
established a variety of programs that celebrate racial, cultural, economic, and ethnic diversity. During the
2014-2015 school year, students at Coventry High School (CHS) participated in Project Opening Doors, a
multi-district diversity program run through EASTCONN. The district added GradPoint online courses for
struggling students, and provided funding for ECE, MCC, and other Advanced Placement course fees. CHS
added the requirement of a Contemporary Issues class, and all seniors are required to complete a Community
Service Project. Both Capt. Nathan Hale (CNH) and CHS students participated in Rachel’s Story, a
presentation that encourages students to be kind to and tolerant of others. CNH’s enrichment program
continued this year. This program provides students with choice and positive peer and adult interactions in a
high interest learning environment. Students may choose from approximately 25 enrichment offerings. CNH
also participated in a number of service initiatives including Pajama Day to benefit CCMC, Two Tiny Hearts
Spirit Week, and the Thanksgiving Food Drive. In addition, CNH participated in a One Book One School
initiative, which integrated themes of accepting peoples’ differences. G. H. Robertson School (GHR)
participated in the “Who is Coventry?” art grant celebrating diversity within Coventry families. GHR also
participated in several inter-district grants including the grade 3 program Heroes and Heroines with Windsor,
grade 4 Water and Wildlife with Windham, and grade 5 Light & Sound with East Hartford. They also ran a
Penny Challenge to support The Coventry Fuel Bank, a fundraiser for the abused animals at Tara Farms, and a
mentoring program with CHS. Coventry Grammar School (CGS) ran several fund raising initiatives including
Jump Rope for Heart, the Kids Caring for Kids food drive, and the Pajama Day for CCMC. They were also part
of an art grant to create a family crest and take a trip to the Wadsworth Atheneum, and they participated in a
Spread the Cheer program during the holidays which connects students to seniors in the community.

Cromwell Public Schools continue to provide our students with a variety and diverse educational experience.
Faculty have implemented a number of programs to support students throughout the district, including
Structured Learning Centers, afterschool homework support centers, and morning check-in programs. Virtual
High School is available for students wishing to accelerate their learning and Odysseyware, an online credit
recovery software program, is available to promote student success in completing curriculum. Our students
participate in grant funded exchange programs which enable them to interact and build relationships with
students from urban communities and diverse backgrounds. Building Cultural Competence has become a goal
for all staff, students and parents throughout our community. This initiative has involved professional
development for staff, establishing student leadership opportunities and offering families opportunity to engage
in dialogue about our schools and our students. Many community members and staff participate in the
Community Read activities and the annual Community Conversation. The Parent Teacher Organization hosts
an annual Cultural Fair through which students and families share their cultural heritage. The Cromwell High
School Unity Club has active participation of our students and attends the Connecticut Forum and engages in
many other activities focused on building understanding and appreciation of diversity. A newly formed Gay-
Straight Alliance at Cromwell High School has actively worked to raise awareness and promote understanding.
The Cromwell Public Schools continue to make a commitment to the Open Choice program by hosting over 74
students across the district. The district plans to offer Open Choice seats in the newly formed PreKindergarten
full day program for the 2016-2017 school year.

Danbury Public Schools is one of the most racial, ethnic and economically diverse districts in the state. The
community celebrates its diversity and works hard to ensure its schools are meeting the needs of all students.
We have an ESL Reception Center that welcome our non-English speaking students and helps their parents
adjust to our schools’ culture. We also work closely with community groups such as the Multicultural Hispanic
Center, the Ford Foundation, the Latino Scholarship Fund, the Danbury School and Business Collaborative, the
United Way, and other groups to assist parents and students in mastering the transition to Danbury Public
Schools. The Academy of International Studies Magnet School opened in 2006. This K-5 school serves
students from the Greater Danbury Area. It mirrors the diversity of Danbury Public Schools. The theme of the
school incorporates learning the Spanish language and while also maintaining an international focus. Our new
middle school academy program in Global Studies, which opened in September 2014 offers Mandarin Chinese
as well as Spanish language instruction. In addition, our schools works closely with the surrounding
communities on a host of student exchange programs. The District continues to work at improving it
percentage of minority employees. Focus has been given to participating in state-based career job fairs as a
potential source of minority teaching candidates. We have had significant success in our efforts to diversify our
workforce. Our most recent and ongoing effort involves the Minority Pipeline Grant Initiative with Western
Connecticut State University and the CT State Department of Education in support of a “grow your own”
approach to minority recruitment, employment, and retention. Danbury High School minority students are
mentored by WCSU students and encouraged to consider a career in teaching. Once these students graduate
from DHS they attend WCSU’s Teacher’s Preparation Program and will eventually hired to teacher in the
Danbury Public Schools. Danbury is also part of the CSDE’s minority recruitment, training, and retention

In an effort to increase interactions among students with varying backgrounds,we took part in: The Center for
Global Study Interdistrict Magnet Prog;the Regional Center for the Arts Magnet; The Westhill Vocational
Agriculture Prog,the Stamford Academy of Inf Tech & Eng’g; the Western Region CMEA HS Music
Festival;FCIAC HS competitions; CSDE Interdistrict Music Composition Prog.Students participated in
activities that foster interactions between students attending schools such as Debate Team,DECA,Robotics
Club, Ultimate Frisbee, JETS, Math Team, Model Congress & Model UN. We also participated in the A Better
Chance Prog; Respect for Differences, Bldg with Books;Person-to-Person; Anti-Defamation League: NAMES
Prog, & the China Youth Exchange.Students from other communities were in residence in Darien through the
ABC Prog. We have a formal intercultural exchange with a high school in Shanghai, China & in Qingdao,
China. Students are involved in clubs such as: Asian Culture, Com Council, Embrace, Ethnic foods, Int’l Club,
Invisible Children, Unite for Africa & Global Connect. Student & teacher participation in interscholastic
athletics, music & theater activities remain high- through these we maintain student-to-student interaction with
urban & suburban schools in the region.At the middle school, there has been collaboration on a project to link
students in Darien with students in Darien, Panama. At the elem level, through Kids Care Student Council
students connect with local agencies to support social initiatives for children & their families in neighboring
towns. Each of our elem schools participate in reading & discussing books chosen to raise social awareness
relating to race,culture,ethnicity,& socioeconomic status in the upper grades. Some schools use the Book of the
Month model to raise awareness & engage in high level discourse about social issues relating to many different
topics relating to race,ethnicity,& economic isolation throughout the entire school. Our elem schools also have
an Int’l Culture Com as part of our PTO that plans activities including such activities as an Int’l Culture Night
& presentation to students to broaden knowledge of different cultures. Periodic mtgs with the entire student
population focus on kindness,acceptance,celebrating & embracing differences.

Deep River
Deep River Elementary School participated in a variety of school-wide programs and opportunities to support
the school and greater town community. These included the fall food drive for the local food pantry organized
by the PTO. Grades 3 – 6 participated in the Chorus Cares holiday gift collection to support shoreline families
and the Hartford Children’s Hospital. In the spring, the school participated in the “E-Race the Hunger” fun run
and food drive for the local food pantry. School staff organized the Tip-A-Teacher fundraiser to raise money
for local community members and organizations. Our school social worker worked with the Connecticut Food
Bank to organize the backpack food program, providing support for families. Kindergarten students
participated in a cultural Bread Share and greeted classmates using different languages. First grade students
compare and contrast family life with that of other cultures around the world. Second grade students compare
and contrast different cultural versions of well-known fairy tales; third grade students read informational texts
about modern lifestyles and cultural history. In fourth grade, the Algonquin culture was explored through
research projects, class discussions, and a field trip to the Bushy Hill Nature Center. The fifth grade focused on
biographies to learn about influential people who helped reduce racial, ethnic, cultural, and economic
differences. They also participated with fellow fifth graders from Bielfiled Elementary School in Middletown
in an inter-district science program through LEARN. This relationship focused on partnering the students for
collaborative field trips and science activities related to the fifth grade curriculum. Sixth grade students use the
DARE program to learn the value of making good choices, reducing peer pressure, and preventing bullying in
everyday life. Sixth graders paired with third graders during lunch to promote friendships across grade levels.
A peer mediation program is used to guide all students toward resolving conflict and developing community.
Whole-school Town Meetings are used to reinforce monthly character themes and the the code of conduct
which explicitly teaches kindness, respect, toleranance,and appreciation of all members of the school

The Eastford School District is a one school District; the Eastford Elementary School houses grades PK-8 and
high school students attend Woodstock Academy. Eastford has little diversity in population, yet the schools
support efforts to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation. It has become apparent that up-to-date
curricular goals provide a powerful vehicle for multicultural education. The curriculum is aligned with
discipline-based standards as well as Connecticut’s Common Core of Learning. Curriculum development has
been enhanced with the purchase of teaching materials that reflect the diversity of the greater community.

Classroom experiences are supplemented with field trips and guest speakers designed to emphasize the
importance of becoming active, constructive members of a larger community. Students at every grade level
attend theater performances on a yearly basis and cultural programs are brought into the school throughout the

There has been a concerted effort to increase the resources of the Media Center. Book collections and
multimedia programs are growing in volume and in diversity. Four mobile computer labs have become
extensions of the Media Center. Distance Learning equipment has been obtained so that students can take
virtual field trips and interact with academic experts located throughout the world. Students have been able to
collaborate with students throughout the United States and even overseas.

The regional service center, EASTCONN, offers regional programs for staff and students. These foster
communication and relationships between Eastford and other communities. Teachers pursue interdistrict grant
programs that offer opportunities for students to communicate and collaborate with students from other
community settings.

A professional development collaborative has been formed among staff in neighboring communities as well as
Woodstock Academy. Administrators and teachers meet regularly to plan joint projects and cosponsor
professional development programs designed to promote success for all students. Eastford students benefit
because collaborating with neighboring districts increases students’ exposure to a variety of viewpoints and

East Granby
In 2014-2015, the East Granby Public Schools provided many opportunities and experiences to reduce racial,
ethnic, and economic isolation. Our district schools are supported by a budget that enables equal access and
opportunities for all students to be engaged in a rigorous curriculum preparing them for success in their future
endeavors. Grant funding enabled the East Granby Public Schools to provide services to our diverse and
growing population of students with special needs and English Language Learners.

Students continued to participate in inter-district initiatives and programs, curricular units of study that
emphasized history and multi-cultural themes and perspectives, and enjoyed co- and extra- curricular activities
that allowed them to interact with students from varying backgrounds. The Anti-Defamation League provided
training for employees and students. Faculty and staff in the district’s schools continued to implement best
practice in instructional models, use of Responsive Classroom approach, expanded Differentiated Instruction
strategies, and the Scientific Research Based Interventions to better meet the needs of diverse learners.

Students participated in Extra- and co-curricular, athletic programs with students in and from other
communities. East Granby students have the option to participate in programs at The Greater Hartford
Academy of Performing Arts, the University of Hartford, the “Agri-Science Program” in neighboring
Bloomfield, the St. Joseph’s College, and Asnuntuck Community College. Looking-In Theater has presented a
series of mini-vignettes on tolerance and inclusion. Trips near and abroad are organized including tours of Italy,
France, Spain, and Quebec. Students also learned from experiences and participation in events in New York, at
UCONN, NCCC music festivals, New England Math League, “As Schools Match Wits” and College tours.

East Granby elementary school students engaged in a variety of philanthropic activities. Students fundraised for
many national and local organizations and supported our local food pantry. East Granby hosted a dinner in
Hartford in the late Fall for our Hartford and East Granby families. Students participated in the CHOICE Grant
funded afterschool enrichment learning opportunities.

East Haddam
During the past three years we have had some students leaving our district for magnet schools. Three years ago
the number was 111, last year, 114 and this year, 89, a decrease of 25 students.

We strive to assist students to become more aware of all types of diversity. We provide opportunities for all
students to participate in all extracurricular activities and support any student financially as needed. Extra-
curricular provide opportunities for students to interact with students from many different backgrounds. For
example at the high school, 45 students participated in the Model United Nations program competing at Yale,

UCONN and UMASS. 140 students participated in our Interact Club, a community service organization with
activities such as holiday presents for children in need, support for a women’s shelter, and raising money for
Relay For Life. Our French Club continued their partnership with “Roots of Development” Organization
raising funds to help a women’s business initiative in Haiti. Students participate in the Connecticut Youth
Forums by working collaboratively with students across the state. Other activities included attending the
Diversity Conference, the Career Fair, and over one hundred students participating as volunteers for the Special
Olympics. At our Middle School our students engage in an Inter-district Magnet Summer School program,
Broadway Bound. They also attend a leadership conference, a diversity conference, ‘Women in Math and
Science Leadership’ conference and musical festivals. This year we also participated in Unity day in
Middletown to stand up against bullying. Our theme based advisory program provides opportunities for
students from all ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds to work cooperatively with each other. These ideals
are also part of our PBIS program. At the elementary level the use of multi-cultural literature and read aloud
within the classroom foster student interaction and discussion. Through the student council, students take part
in service projects for those less fortunate, including collections for the local food bank, fundraisers for people
in Haiti and Tanzania, making cards for local senior citizens and hospital patients and contributing to “Caring
for Kids”.

East Hartford
The East Hartford Public Schools (EHPS) system reflects the diversity of the community. As active
participants in School Business Partnerships, Inter-Elementary Music Festivals, magnet schools, and inter-
district grant programs, our students are provided with multiple opportunities to interact with students from
within and outside of East Hartford.

East Hartford’s choice program provides students with an opportunity to attend several schools in the district.
At the elementary level, families can elect for their child to attend a neighborhood school or one of two theme
schools. The O’Connell Elementary School offers the International Baccalaureate’s (IB) Primary Years
Programme (PYP) which focuses on developing international-minded students through an inquiry-based
approach to instruction. The O’Brien Elementary School places an emphasis developing the students’
knowledge and skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). In the 2015-16 school year,
students choosing to continue with the IB model can elect to attend Sunset Ridge Middle School (grades 6-7),
which was preparing for IB Candidacy as a Middle Years Programme (MYP). The Connecticut IB Academy
(CIBA) continues its dedication to equity and access as a Sheff magnet, allowing students from East Hartford to
enroll in a school with their peers from urban and suburban cities and towns in the Greater Hartford area.

East Hartford Public Schools has actively sought out additional opportunities so that its students have
experiences with peers and adults who are from other cultures. After school programs funded by the Extended
School Hours grant offer workshops in ethic music and dance. The district has established Sister School
partnerships with several communities, including the Discovery Center classroom, to promote interactions
through curriculum connections and special group activities. An annual math and science camp offered at the
middle school brings together East Hartford students with their peers from Glastonbury. Finally, the School
Business partnership has developed a mentoring program which pairs students with adults who work in local

East Haven
East Haven continues to make reduction of racial, ethnic, and economic isolation a major focus through various
opportunities to embrace diversity and recognize its value in educating our students. East Haven is partnering
with the local RESC in a "Grow your Own" minority recruitment initiative for identified minority
paraprofessionals who are interested in become certified teachers. East Haven also participates in the Open
Choice Program promoting a more diverse educational environment for all. Through this program, students
from urban communities enter in kindergarten and are eligible to remain through grade twelve. Schools also
At Helen Keller Middle School, students continue to benefit from a sister-school partnership with the James J.
Curiale (Elementary) School, an urban school in Bridgeport, CT. In December, our students collected toys
which were delivered to the students at the Curiale School. On the day that the toys were delivered fifty of our
eighth grade students served as teacher assistants at the Curiale School. This connection allows student an
opportunity to connect with peers from another school and participate in community service and academic
support experiences. Additional leadership opportunities are available to students who participate in a number
of different drives to collect food and other items. These items are than donated to communities in need.
Students in the Peer Leaders Program in cooperation with the Council of Churches in Bridgeport, serve hot
meals to individuals in need. Both Helen Keller Middle School and Samuel Staples Elementary school
participate in Project Choice, an urban suburban cooperative program, designed to reduce racial, ethnic and
economic isolation. Students from urban environments enroll as full-time students and complete elementary
and middle school in Easton.

East Windsor
Currently, 52 students attend this district as part of the Open Choice program. Over the past four years, over
4% of the district student population was comprised of Open Choice students. During that same time frame, the
number of students attending magnet schools has increased from 109 to 149 to 164. Presently, 154 students
attend magnet schools.

In order to support the attendance of Open Choice students and their families at evening events, additional
transportation is made available for Open House, parent-teacher conferences and school performances.

Safe School Climate committees are active in each of the schools. The goal of each of the committees is to
create a consistent, safe, compassionate school environment that includes high academic expectations for all
students while supporting their social and emotional growth.

East Windsor High School has established a Unity Team in conjunction with CREC. Students meet to create
activities to promote awareness of diversity of individuals and cultures. At East Windsor Middle School, Safe
School Mentors coordinate skits, videos, and assemblies promoting the social emotional learning tenets of the
school; Be Respectful, Be Consistent, Be Positive, and Be Accountable. At Broad Brook Elementary School,
Safe School Ambassadors are selected from the third grade. Recognized as potential leaders, they help with
morning announcements, assist teachers during dismissal procedures and help with social emotional learning
activities within the school.

In addition, the staff engage in professional development activities regarding dignity and respect for all. Broad
Brook Elementary teachers are trained in Responsive Classroom, an approach to education that supports high
achievement and social emotional competence.

Over the past eight years, Ellington has increased its enrollment from ten students to sixty-one students enrolled
in its schools through the Hartford Open Choice Program. In February 2015, the Ellington Board of Education
authorized the opening of 12 additional seats. Due to the size and configuration of our schools’ enrollment,
opportunities are limited and thus this increase is impressive. In addition, a growing number of Ellington
students do participate in magnet school programs. Ellington High School sponsored three foreign exchange
students, from Austria, Germany and Denmark.

Center School organized a Welcome Back to School Bingo Night honoring the many new families to our
community. Over one hundred people attended. An Open Choice bus was arranged bringing students and their
family members from Hartford for this evening social event, with nineteen riders taking advantage of the
Crystal Lake School’s Responsive Classroom work will continue this year with particular focus on Academic
Choice and Teacher Language. Teachers will be participating in a book club with the Responsive Classroom
companion text, The Language of Learning: Teaching Students Core Thinking, Listening, and Speaking Skills
by Margaret Berry Wilson. Crystal Lake School launched CARES Groups in October. The CARES groups are
small multi-age groups of students who meet throughout the year to learn together about Cooperation,
Advocacy, Respect, Empathy and Self-Control. October’s meeting focused on anti-bullying and advocacy.

The Windermere school year began with teachers helping students to navigate through the school with clear,
consistent expectations in the lunchroom, hallways, and recess. Teachers and students created classroom rules
which linked directly to the PBIS process. Mr. Welch met with each grade level, communicated the “Making
Good Decisions” guidelines for students, and supported students at Windermere in making good choices and

A very successful anti-bullying campaign took place in October as part of a school-wide advisory initiative at
Ellington High School. Students created unique anti bullying slogans for classroom doors that were colorful
and informative.

The District Safe School Climate Committee continuously monitors and improves our Safe School Climate
Plan, Bullying Prevention and Intervention Policy. The district took part in the Rachel’s Challenge Program
which teaches students that they have the power to make permanent and positive cultural change. This program
places emphasis on starting a chain reaction of kindness, compassion and tolerance throughout each school
which can then be brought to the entire community. At the high school level, the student run organization
carried out multiple activities aimed at building relationships both in the school and in the community i.e. a free
community breakfast in December, a Kindness Carnival for elementary students at the end of the year,
volunteering at local food and homeless shelters, completing a number of fundraising activities for the Sisters of
the Poor, Enfield Food Shelf, Enfield Loaves and Fishes and weekly activities reminding students and staff of
the importance of a positive school and community climate. High school students traveled to elementary
schools as mentors to teach the Rachel’s Challenge curriculum and formed lasting bonds with younger students.
High school Teen Leadership courses taught hundreds of students’ valuable social skills such as respect,
kindness, acceptance, tolerance, relationship building, positive decision make and effective communication.
Enfield High School’s CT Spain partnership continues to provide students with the opportunity to live and study
in Valladolid, Spain for three weeks sharing all aspects of each other’s cultures. The district infuses academic
programs with opportunities for students to experience diversity through a variety of cultural programs that
promote understanding and appreciation for the people of our world through classroom curricular projects,
cultural performances, school-wide assemblies, the school-wide respect bucket-filler program and field trips.
Parents and community members are encouraged to visit our schools to share their different cultures.
Afterschool and Youth Service Programs are offered providing homework and reading assistance, tutoring and
clubs with a variety of teachers-students of racial, ethnic and economic backgrounds. Participation in the
Choice Program continued to grow.

Essex Elementary School continues its work to reduce its relative racial, ethnic, and economic isolation.
Working with LEARN for the sixth year, several classes pair with Middletown to work on mathematics
projects. Another Essex sixth grade class completed its sixth year partnering with the Regional Multicultural
Magnet School in New London to study Connecticut history with the support of the Pathways Grant from
LEARN. Students’ culminating activity was a sail on the Argia, simulating an Amistad voyage. One grade six
social studies teacher continued his efforts to collaborate with the town of Essex’s sister city in Haiti. Funding
was secured for Chromebooks to be sent to Deschapelle, Haiti that enabled increased communication between
Essex and Deschapelle students. Haitian culture is shared with students throughout the school through a variety
of cultural awareness activities in our fund raising efforts for the town’s sister city project with Haiti. The PTO
provides a strong cultural arts program for students in grades K-6. The Cultural Arts program focuses the
content of the visiting performers by exposing students to a variety of cultures and traditions through dance,
music, puppetry, and storytelling. In six performances throughout the year, performers represented cultures in
the Middle East, South America, and Asia. The Essex Elementary School Foundation, once again, sponsored
the World Cultures program for students in grade three with guests from Haiti, China, and India through music,
art, food, and history activities. Essex Elementary School provides a weekly class in Spanish for students in
grades three-six (FLES – Foreign Language in the Elementary School) in which students develop their
vocabulary and conversational skills, as well as learn about the traditions and current practices of Spanish-
speaking cultures around the world. Our Social Development Program promotes a school culture, climate, and
curriculum that fosters the social, emotional, and behavioral development of students. A major focus of the
program and curriculum is to develop students’ tolerance for and to celebrate differences among all people. Our
Book of the Month program embeds our core values into the general curriculum in each classroom.

Fairfield Public Schools participates in the Open Choice Program with Bridgeport Public Schools. For the past
six years, an average of sixty students from Bridgeport have been welcomed to school in Fairfield. Many of our
students participate in Magnet and Vocational Programs offered by surrounding towns. Twenty of our students
attend the Six To Six Magnet School sponsored by CES, fourteen students attend the Discovery Inter-district
Magnet School sponsored by Bridgeport, fifty-eight students attend the Fairchild Wheeler Inter-district Magnet
High School for Biotechnology, Engineering, and Information Technology sponsored by Bridgeport, eighty-
seven students attend Bridgeport’s Aquaculture program, five students attend the Agriscience School in
Trumbull, and eight students participate in the Global Studies Program in Norwalk. In addition to these choice
programs, some of our schools participate in the One Book, Two Schools Program which involves the entire
school community and a sister school community in Bridgeport. Generally the chosen reading provides
opportunities to discuss a social topic across both communities and helps to support literacy.

The Farmington Public Schools remain committed to the letter and spirit of the law intended to reduce racial,
ethnic, and economic isolation through local and regional school and district programs. Farmington provides a
multitude of opportunities for all students to experience a variety of cultural enrichment programming
throughout students’ K-12 experience. Farmington enjoys a rich history that is integrated into curriculum
throughout the grade levels that speaks to reducing racial, ethnic and economic isolation.

Farmington’s continuing commitment to the Choice program provides important education and social
experiences for both Hartford and Farmington students. Farmington has participated in Project Concern, now
Choice, for more than 45 years and even with schools at and beyond enrollment capacity, the district continues
to welcome approximately 120 Choice students.

The school district employs a K-12 coordinator who facilitates experiences and activities designed to increase
students’ intercultural competencies and awareness of diversity. Farmington plays a lead role in two
interdistrict cooperative grants designed to increase achievement through the arts and four of our seven schools
are actively participating in Sister School projects. Farmington High School’s students participate in
international student exchange programs. Farmington’s commitment to improving student achievement while
simultaneously addressing education equity, quality and diversity is well established.

The Board encourages the staff to integrate diverse units of study to improve our students’ empathy and
awareness of other cultures and impact of poverty and isolation. Our students study and visit Washington D.C.,
New York City and area poverty areas.

Glastonbury Public Schools has a lengthy history of encouraging programs that promote and celebrate diversity.
The district continues to embed culturally responsive curriculum into units of study at all levels. The lessons
address both academic and socio-emotional development of students with many interdisciplinary opportunities.
Diversity in our schools is celebrated in our K-12 curriculum, a district-wide international night, a multitude of
cultural events and over 100 student clubs and activity groups across all grade levels. Many art, foreign
language, and social science classes utilize Skype and other technologies in programs designed to increase
education, appreciation, and cooperation with students from other countries and cultures. Faculty in the Foreign
Language Department have partnered with the University of Connecticut to increase intercultural competence
through units of study that enhance knowledge, skills, attitudes and cultural sensitivity. In addition, the district
has an extensive international exchange program with Glastonbury High School students traveling to and
welcoming students from Spain, Russia, China, France, and Italy each year. Smith Middle School has an
ongoing cultural program with students from Venezuela. Glastonbury Public Schools participates in a number
of programs with the Anti-Defamation League, including training for teachers and students at the elementary
and secondary level. Since the inception of the Leadership of Greater Hartford’s Common Ground Program,
over 100 Glastonbury Students have participated in leadership training with a diverse group of students
throughout the region. The Glastonbury-East Hartford Magnet School opened in Glastonbury in 2012 and
welcomes students from Hartford, East Hartford, and Glastonbury. In all, nearly 300 students from Glastonbury
participate in magnet schools throughout the Hartford region. Glastonbury was a charter member of what is
now the Open Choice program and the number of students participating continues to increase. Since 1974,
Glastonbury has welcomed students from urban cities in the A Better Chance (ABC) residential program.

Granby addresses racial, ethnic and economic isolation through district curriculum, district and school
improvement plans and opportunities for students to participate in a variety of regional parental choice
initiatives. Granby has participated in Open Choice since its inception and has been one of the highest
participating districts in the state. 27 students attended the F.M. Kearns Primary School; 24 students attended
the Wells Road and Kelly Lane Intermediate Schools; and 35 students attended the Granby Middle and High
Schools during 2014-15. Extracurricular co-curricular activities such as band and chorus have been scheduled to
ensure participation for students in Open Choice. Approximately 30 students from Open Choice participated in
one of the summer school programs. A Choice Intervention Specialist and School Social Worker help support
the program. SERC assists the district to realize equity of outcomes for students participating in Open Choice
by assisting staff in addressing policies, programs and practices promoting equity; provides professional
development for staff on SRBI; and, on-site equity coaching for principals. Staff members participate in an
Open Choice Book Club which meets monthly. 98 students attended inter-district and Hartford host magnet
schools and 8 high school students attend a half-day technical program at Asnuntuck Community College.
Granby schools are committed to international trips and student exchange programs with Japan, Spain and
France. The introduction of Mandarin Chinese classes was inspired by the district’s relationships with a Sister
School in the Shandong Province. Teachers and students benefit from participating in a variety of diversity
workshops and experiences. Other experiences designed to increase students’ awareness of diversity include a
capstone project in grades 2, 6, 8 and 12 that helps students exhibit care and compassion for others and a
District Wellness Committee that promotes wellness and healthy food choices. Minority educator recruitment
efforts have included attendance at local recruitment fairs.

Students participate in various regional, state, and national activities designed to connect students of all cultures
and interests in music, drama, student council, and athletics. Tremendous efforts are made to connect students
at every grade level with educational opportunities within the state and out of state. Griswold students
participated in a collaborative leadership training that incorporated youth from Griswold and Putnam school
systems. This training was sponsored by Griswold PRIDE (Partnership to Reduce the Influence of Drugs for
Everyone) emphasizing training skills essential to leadership, academic achievement, and work place success.
The GHS Student Council participates in overnight leadership conferences and exchanges each year sponsored
by the Connecticut Association of Schools. The world language department sponsors annual trips abroad over
the summer that exposes students to various European cities and cultures. The music department participates in
state festivals, New England festivals, and national festivals that provide students a rich opportunity to meet and
work with students from diverse populations. The high school welcomes international exchange students each
year. Student enrollment in the Virtual High School has increased in the last several years connecting students
with learners from all over the United States and the world. There is a growing diversity within the schools and
community as is beginning to be reflected in the staff. Each school continues to integrate multi-cultural strands
into its curriculum and invites guest authors, musicians, and performers on a regular basis. Teachers are
sensitive and aware of the importance of using daily curriculum to promote broadening understandings and the
increased use of technology to present students with a global view. The school district has established a
relationship with the Shandong Provincial Education Department in Jinan, China and has hosted several school
leaders and teachers from China who have visited classrooms and interviewed students. In addition, families
have hosted visiting Chinese students from schools in the Shandong Province and the Jilin Province.

The Groton Public School System continues to make a concerted effort to ensure that our students receive an
educational experience which enables them to interact with teachers and students from diverse racial, ethnic,
and economic backgrounds.

During the 2014-15 school year, teachers from one of our mot socio-economically challenged elementary
schools, along with staff from our high school, received extensive professional development training from the
National Urban Alliance. The National Urban Alliance training presents educators with specific instructional
strategies that are anchored in cognitive research and that also promote positive classroom environments to cast
a wide net on different learners. Our students benefited from engaging, rigorous instruction that is anchored in
cognitive brain research and that promotes a positive classroom environment.

At one of our middle schools, which is predominately free and reduced lunch, we implemented an iPad
initiative in the sixth grade which allowed for each student to have available for his her classroom and for home
use an individual iPad. The majority of these students would not normally have access to such a technology

Other opportunities to offer enriching and diverse experience for our student population included student trips
to the Mystic Seaport, the Mystic Aquarium, Project Oceanology, and the Eastern Connecticut Symphony
Orchestra, to name a few, as well as our continued partnering with the U.S. Naval Submarine Base and use of
its resources.

Fitch High School students participated in a regional diversity program called More Than Words. The program
engages students from New London High School, Ledyard High School and students from the Mashantucket
Pequot Tribal Nation in a year-long workshop designed to promote respect for diversity and develop skills in
conflict resolution.

The Responsive Classroom model, used in all the elementary schools, teaches students to focus on the
importance of understanding each other’s needs. Other programs are facilitated by school social workers
including Circle of Friends, Bucket Filling, and Treat Others with Respect and Kindness (TOKR). All grade
levels create norms of behavior that encourage fairness and tolerance; schools held food drives and collected
donations for the Guilford Food Bank, Pennies for Patients with Leukemia, and the American Heart
Guilford’s middle schools support character and citizenship development through a combination of curricular
and extra-curricular activities or clubs. Staff and students meet regularly to promote sensitivity to gender,
racial, ethnic, and economic differences; guidance staff specifically address stereotyping, bullying and
tolerance. Middle school students also participate in local charity events, field trips to community dining
rooms, and fundraising activities for organizations such as Toys for Tots or S.A.R.A.H.

Exchange programs, inter-district programs, and interscholastic competitions and clubs, provide Guilford High
School students opportunities during the school year to interact with students of varying backgrounds and to
increase cultural awareness. Approximately 35 Guilford students participated in choice programs including the
Educational Center for the Arts and the Sound School in New Haven. The Guilford ABC program sponsored
five minority students from the New York City area who are spending their entire high school experience at
GHS. In addition, the Genders and Sexualities Alliance meets regularly to foster acceptance and support for
students with different sexual orientations or gender identities. In June 2015, students initiated a change in the
color of graduation gowns from girls wearing white and boys wearing green to all students wearing green.
Their decision to break from tradition supported students with different gender identities and communicated that
all are gender equal.

The Town of Hamden is a racially, ethnically and economically diverse community of nearly 61,000 residents
with 5,595 students attending Hamden Public Schools. Approximately 60 percent of our student population is
categorized as minority while 40 percent receive free or reduced lunch. As an Alliance Grant district, we have
been able to devote more services and resources to our most economically disadvantaged schools, allowing
reduced class sizes, additional tutors and instructional aides, more varied instructional resources, and increased
after school and summer school offerings. We continued to expand the skills of our teaching force to include
more strategies for working with an increasingly diverse student population, including targeted interventions,
effective teaching strategies and differentiation techniques. Technology is used to individualize instruction and
help students develop important lifelong skills. Impacting and eventually eliminating our achievement gap is a
constant theme in district and school goals, initiatives and professional development. We have reached out to
community organizations to provide support for some of our most at-risk students. At the school and district
levels, dozens of programs are held to help increase student and community awareness of diversity of
individuals and cultures.

In an effort to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation Hampton Elementary School students participated in
a number of programs and activities. All students participated in the PATHS program for character
development. In addition, the school counselor taught all grades anti-bullying strategies, peer relationship skills
and decision making skills. The school climate committee trained the staff in using the Positive Behavior
Intervention Support program.

All students learned about other cultures through a series of cultural arts performances such as African
drummers and dancers. Students also learned about other cultures through curriculum studies and field trips.
Sixth graders traveled to Natures’s Classroom to live and work with other sixth graders from the surrounding
towns. This helps make a smoother transition to the regional middle school for seventh grade. The PTO hosts
an ethnic dinner where families share a dish from their own heritage. Our students participate in a pen pal
program with students from different states and countries.

HartfordThe Hartford Public Schools (HPS) Portfolio Model provides the greatest range of educational
opportunities to both Hartford resident and suburban families. In 1996, the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled in
Sheff v O’Neill that racial isolation in the state’s schools denied students an “equal educational opportunity”

and ordered the legislature to devise a solution (Milo Sheff, et al. v William A. O’Neill, et Hartford families can
select from over 28 non-magnet public school districts outside of Hartford through Open Choice and more than
50 magnet school options in the Greater Hartford Region operated by partners including: Hartford Public
Schools, Capitol Region Education Council (CREC), Goodwin College, East Hartford Public Schools, and
Bloomfield Public Schools. Families can select schools

Over the past three years, through the Sheff v. O’Neill stipulated agreement HPS has increased the number of
district operated Magnet Schools from 13 to 20. The Sheff remedies have played an important role in creating
quality, integrated educational opportunities that align with the overall district reform efforts to increase options
and enable families to select quality schools where they live. Currently, Naylor Elementary School is the only
non-magnet desegregated HPS district school. Other efforts to reduce racial isolation have introduced new
models, such as Light House Schools that focus on integrating neighborhoods through community development
strategies and offering options for suburban families to attend HPS district schools.

Annually, a parent information and recruitment campaign is launched to inform families in the Greater Hartford
Region of the 20 HPS Magnet Schools focusing on themes such as Journalism & Media, STEM, Montessori,
Performing Arts and Environmental Sciences. Steady progress has been made in ensuring that Hartford resident
students have access to a quality, integrated educational environment. According data released by the State
Department of Education, 11,670 black and Hispanic children who live in Hartford are currently attending
segregated schools, thus only 47% of Hartford’s minority students are reported to be in integrated schools. (CT
Mirror—New Data 116 2016).

The Hebron Public School system remains committed to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation through
local regional school and district programs. School partnerships with urban districts are encouraged and
continue to be highly successful in bringing children from different backgrounds together. These connections
foster a sense of compassion and understanding for how children from other parts of the state and world learn
and grow. The district completed year seven (8) of a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports program in
both elementary schools. Hebron has been named a “model” school for PBIS and has hosted other districts
interested in promoting this program. The PBIS program has been rolled out in different phases. Phase One
required each building to form a team, undergo training and professional development and have key members
trained as coaches. Phase Two entailed a school-wide adoption of a framework of standards which guide
student interactions, foster a climate of acceptance and will serve to reduce prejudice. The primary goal of this
program has been to develop greater tolerance for differences. Feedback indicates continued reduced behavior
referrals on school buses, and fewer in-school suspensions. The district is once again implementing Second
Step this year, a program designed to help students strengthen their ability to learn, manage emotions, have
empathy, and solve problems. Additionally, Character Education Programs and Town Meetings continue to be
organized and run by students. Character Assemblies are created by children and parents and staff are invited to
attend the wonderful events that are put on. We continue to work on improving intervention planning for
bullying prevention that has become part of Board Policy Regulations. Hebron’s commitment to improving
student achievement while simultaneously addressing educational quality, school climate, and diversity is well
established and will continue to remain a priority and focus for the future.

Kent Center School has two programs that promote a positive school community. Second Step, is a nationally
recognized program used to teach empathy and communication skills. The program is for students in Grades 1,
2, 4, 6, 7 and 8. The program addresses topics relevant to each developmental stage, and an opportunity to focus
on topics that are important for all ages. The goal is for students to develop tolerance and compassion and to
work in groups to problem solve in a positive and proactive style. The second program is Student Success
Planning, which teaches students in grades 6, 7 and 8 how their learned skills are relevant to the real world.
Students set goals and learn to use their strengths and interests to create a career path.

Kent Center School students attend enriching field trips and events. Students visit the Metropolitan Museum of
Art and The Museum of Natural History in New York. Students in 8th grade attend a Broadway show. 4th
grade students attend 4th Grade Arts Day, a day of Art events for students in Region 1 and hosted by Hotchkiss
School in Lakeville, CT. Students are exposed to artistic expressions, including dance, puppetry, and acting.
7th grade students attend camp at Nature’s Classroom for exposure to activities that promote creative thinking,
independence, confidence and positive risk-taking. Kent Center School has a student activity fund that provides
financial assistance so that all students have access to all activities.

Kent is a socioeconomically diverse town and has programs to help families in need. “Neighbors Helping
Neighbors” provides emergency grants to residents to pay for items such as rent, utilities and fuel. The Kent
Santa Fund helps families make the holidays positive with the purchase of toys and clothes. The Arts Fund of
Region 1 provides an opportunity for students to attend a variety of arts camps and programs. Families may
participate in the “Back to School Clothes for Kids”, sponsored by the United Way of Western CT. Kent’s
social worker helps families in need with applying for programs for heat assistance, health insurance, food
stamps and WIC. Residents also have access to the Kent Food Pantry, which is stocked with food and
household items.

Killingly Public Schools have provided many opportunities for teachers and students to gain increased
awareness of diversity, greater sensitivity to differences, and personal experiences to connect cultures. The
faculty and staff have made conscientious efforts to incorporate diversity in a community that has a limited
diverse population. The entire district is moving in the direction of a full-inclusion model. To help all students
be successful in the regular education program, pyramids of intervention have been strategically developed in
all buildings throughout the district. This has given all schools in the district a great foundation for
implementing SRBI systems and ongoing interventions such as, after school support programs, READ 180,
during-the-day support labs, tutors, and homework programs have been created. The high school AB Block
Schedule has been modified to incorporate an AdvisoryIntervention period every other day. One of the goals of
the Advisory is to “build community and a sense of belonging.” Grant dollars continue to assist the district in
providing opportunities for students to increase awareness of differences through inter-district activities and
after-school programs. The two elementary schools and the middle school will continue to participate in the
Positive Behavioral Supports. Additionally, our middle school and high school faculty have participated in
professional development called Capturing Kid’s Hearts, which focuses on improving peer-peer, adult-students,
and adult-adult relationships. Killingly High School students have the opportunity to enroll in the ACT Magnet
School in Willimantic (4 students) and EASTCONN’s Quinebaug Middle College High School at QVCC (38

Interested students (grades 5-8) from the Killingly Intermediate School and Windham Middle School participate
in a unique one-on-one multicultural mentoring program, Kids & UConn Bridging Education. The goals of the
program are to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation and to help students achieve academic success in
science, writing, and 21st century skills. The UConn students consist of two program coordinators, ten group
leaders, and approximately 75 mentors that meet monthly with the 75 middle school students at the Storrs

Lebanon Public Schools, in an effort to increase and expand interactions among students of varying
backgrounds, strives to provide our students with a variety of experiences. Enriching programs such as
assemblies, field trips, and music competitions in conjunction with the curriculum have a multi-cultural
perspective. Economic isolation is also partially addressed through our eighth grade participation in the LMS
“Job Shadow” program. Students are exposed to a diverse selection of career options and required to spend a
day “shadowing” an employee of that career choice. The world language department exposes students to our
national Hispanic culture as well as foreign Hispanic cultures. North American French culture and European
French culture are also studied. Lebanon Middle School attends to the need to reduce racial, ethnic, and
economic isolation through these curriculum and enrichment programs. We will continue these efforts to
maximize the experiences of students. Our grade 4 students participated in an inter-district grant opportunity
that allowed them to collaborate with a neighboring urban school. Lyman Memorial High School, during the
2014-2015 school year, accepted several students from an exchange program into our school. Students came to
us from Italy and France. The GSA club organized two dances, one in the fall and one in the spring, open and
advertised to all. In addition, there were presentations in the district through the Arts for Learning program for
students with an anti-bullying message.

Ledyard Public Schools continues to be dedicated in its efforts to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation
through its curricula and extra-curricular programming. Annually, each School Climate Team updates their plan
of action based on data analysis from yearly school climate surveys. The goal for the 2014-2015 school year
was improved communication with stakeholders. Spring surveys evidence that 88% of stakeholders felt well-
informed about the educational opportunities for students. New goals for 2015-2016 focus on peer inclusion.
Other opportunities to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation are embedded into the curriculum through
instructional lessons that broaden the cultural horizons of our students. In-school and out-of-school experiences
in science, history, music, visual arts, and performance arts are supported at the elementary and middle school
levels through collaboration with our parent organizations. Our high school music, fine arts, and drama
programs routinely celebrate diversity through multicultural expression. Ledyard High School, Fitch High
School, and New London High School conduct a youth leadership program, “More Than Words”. Students are
trained as youth leaders to educate their peers to better understand diversity and to provide positive
communication strategies for students. District and building administrators collaborate with Mashantucket
Pequot tribal leaders to meet the needs of our children and improve student achievement. Ledyard staff also
cooperates with the School Liaison Officer for Naval Submarine Base New London to support military families
and students. Ledyard Public Schools, through the Ledyard Agricultural Science Program, provides a quality
comprehensive high school experience to 221 students, including 161 students who come from neighboring
urban, suburban, and rural towns. Ledyard Public Schools offers participation in a number of charter and
magnet schools in Southeastern Connecticut to help reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation. Seventy-two
students in grades K through 12 are enrolled in choice programs in Groton, New London, Norwich, Waterford,
and Willimantic.

An ongoing goal of the Lisbon School District is to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation. Over the past
three years, upper grade students have participated in group discussions using famous art works as well as
musical compositions to determine the “artist’s” message, the relevancy of the message in today’s world; and
cultural morals. Sixth grade students visit the United Nations in New York to study how organizations seek to
influence policy decisions. Grade eight students visit Boston and learn about historic and current culture. Our
eighth graders are given the choice to select from several high schools which have diverse populations. In the
lower grades, multi-cultural books, toys, dolls, puzzles, posters and foods are used to teach about racial and
ethnic differences. Teachers also incorporate diversity in to instruction. A diversity team has been established
and has met to increase awareness and brainstorm activities and programs that will address the needs of our
school community.

Our EL tutor provides support and instruction and helps promote positive communication between home and
school. The Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports system awards students for being respectful to
students and staff.

The Litchfield Schools provide opportunities for students to interact with others as part of an effort to reduce
racial, ethnic, and economic isolation. Several different initiatives are intended to promote improved
understanding and sensitivity to individuals from different backgrounds, including our 1-to-1 laptop initiative
which has connected students to the Internet and a wealth of virtual experiences all day long. We are also in the
midst of exploring a sister school relationship with China beginning with the 2016 – 2017 school year.

Litchfield High School’s “Peer Educators” contribute to understanding teenage issues. This year they began
writing and presenting skits for the younger grades. Prominent among the issues they address are acceptance of
differences and diversity. Programs, such as this, provide opportunities for LHS students to interact with
students of diverse cultural, racial, and economic backgrounds. Litchfield also worked with Calvin Terrell this
year, and started a club called The Change to continue the socio-centric work they began under his guidance.

Litchfield High School’s very active Interact Service Club is sponsored by the Litchfield Morris Rotary club
with the goal of developing service projects that benefit people in our town and in our world. Students from
Litchfield High School enroll in the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts, Oliver Wolcott Tech, and Wamogo
along with students from numerous other districts. Litchfield Intermediate School students will participate
again this year in an inter-district collaborative grant funded program with a sister school in Torrington.

Litchfield students at all grade levels have participated in activities including cultural enrichment programs,
studying Native American culture, reading about diverse cultures, participating in special programs such as
“Partners in Science” and the UCONN “Mini Med School,” and music and robotics competitions, regionally
and throughout New England.

As a small school district in rural Northwestern Connecticut, located an hour from Hartford, the Litchfield
Public Schools continue to make a conscientious effort to enhance student awareness and understanding of all
types of diversity to assist students.

Madison Public Schools are committed to fostering the understanding of various racial, ethnic, and economic
groups in our society and world. Students are being prepared to learn, work and live as responsible, productive
members of a diverse global society. School staff helps students understand attitudes and positive behaviors
that give them skills to increase cultural competencies and learn in cross-cultural situations. Madison practices
cultural competencies to integrate the patterns of behavior that include thoughts, communications, actions,
customs, beliefs, values, and the institutions of racial, ethnic, religious, and social groups. Madison schools
respect diversity, build capacity for cultural self-assessment, and are conscious of the dynamics inherent when
cultures interact. To institutionalize cultural knowledge, staff members have developed adaptations to the
service delivery of instruction reflecting an understanding of diversity between and within cultures. In addition
to special programs and speakers, there are teacher and student exchange programs, a sister school partnership
in Costa Rica, interscholastic programs, international travel opportunities and outreach programs. Educators
incorporate learning activities to celebrate diversity in curriculum and instruction as well as at school events.
Embedded in our K-12 student outcomes is the requirement that our students engage in global issues, take
multiple perspectives and develop citizenship. One of our departments with a strong focus on diversity (racial,
ethnic, economic and diversity of thought) is World Language. The department has expanded making it
possible for the Spanish program to start in Kindergarten, while French is an additional option in the middle
school, and the high school has rich offerings in Mandarin Chinese as well as Latin . Madison Public Schools is
a participating district in fifteen interdistrict magnet schools and five interdistrict projects designed to reduce
racial, ethnic and economic isolation.

The District Improvement team described above is representative of the diverse population of the Manchester
Public Schools and includes representation from every school and grade level. Improvement within the system
continues to require a targeted investment aligned to the district’s most pressing needs. The district and each of
its schools focus on the implementation of best practices to increase effectiveness and efficiency resulting in
higher student success rates.

The persistent achievement gap across the district indicates the need to expand both new and existing
interventions to support struggling students and provide more rigorous standards for all students. In addition to
our work to partner with families described above, we piloted the Social Thinking curriculum in several
elementary schools as part of our efforts to support skill building in the area of social-emotional learning and
strengthen school communities. We also continued to focus on increasing collaboration between community
agencies and schools to meet the social, emotional, and mental health needs of students and families.

In the area of recruitment we continued to strategically recruit candidates that are representative of the student
demographic of Manchester Public Schools. We have cultivated strong university partnerships for student
teaching, internships, research grants, and reciprocal program development.

In our English Learner (EL) programs we continued to strengthen the programming provided for our English
learners and focused on meeting the needs of individual students through thoughtful and intentional planning of
interventions. In addition, collaborative efforts have been made between our Coordinator of English Learner
Programs and our Equity Coordinator to provide professional development to all staff, which will result in
creating culturally responsive classrooms and providing support for all students. The Manchester Board of
Education is committed to helping our district and community address racial, ethnic and economic isolation as
evidenced by a school renovation plan that was passed at referendum and will ultimately result in racially
balanced schools.

Mansfield is a culturally rich community spurred on by the University of Connecticut. Children of graduate
students attend our schools resulting in as many as ten percent of our students in a single school coming from
homes where English is not the primarily language. We capitalize on this richness by inviting parents into the
school to share their culture and family traditions. Several schools host cultural dinners which attract upwards
of 200 students and families each.

Our instructional program promotes learning about a variety of cultures including the Hispanic culture as
presented in our elementary schools as part of the Spanish language program. By middle school, students may
select one of four languages to study. Extracurricular programs and field trips at all school levels further
enhance cultural learning for our students. In grades 7 and 8 students are offered the opportunity to spend three
weeks in Germany as part of an annual exchange programs or to host students from Germany for three weeks.
About 40 students make the trip to Germany every other year and more than 80 students serve as either family
or school hosts to German students when they visit Mansfield. Each year six to eight students attend local
magnet schools.

At Marlborough Elementary School, the 2014-2015 school year was the inaugural year of a daily Spanish block
for all of our students in grades 1-6. In daily 15 minute blocks, students experience lessons focusing not only on
vocabulary development, but also on pronunciation, culture, and continual opportunities for conversational
experiences. During the 2015-2016 school year, we will be continuing our in-depth foreign language
exploration, but with the addition of a 15 minute block two days per week for our kindergarten students.

Marlborough Public School is an equal opportunity employer who continues to recruit and retain staff that is
dedicated to providing a curriculum that is rich in opportunities for our students to learn about and explore the
world they live in. All grade levels provide experiences through literature and social studies classes to
understand and appreciate the cultural diversity of the world they live in. Each April, Marlborough Elementary
School celebrates Multicultural Day, with visiting performers and workshops for selected students and grade
levels. From African drummers to Chinese acrobats, MES, with the terrific support of our PTO, has provided
enriching programs that focuses on cultures from around the world.

During the 2014-2015 school year, Marlborough Elementary School implemented an afternoon PASS Program.
The two-day per week program was developed to assist students in grades 4, 5 & 6 with skills in the areas of
math one day and language arts the other. To ensure accessibility to all, we provided a late bus for the students
who needed transportation. Students met in small groups with a teacher or curriculum specialist to help close
the achievement gap. Students were assessed at the beginning and end of the program to monitor their progress.
Students who met the attendance requirement were treated to a fun-based field trip in the spring. Grant funds
were used to pay staff, provide transportation where needed and to provide a healthy snack to start each of the
hour-long sessions.

The socio-economic make-up of the Meriden Public Schools provides our students a rich and diverse
environment. In addition to many activities that occur in our individual schools, such as field trips, pen pals,
and sister-school arrangements, academic competition and student participation in state and national
conventions, the Meriden schools on a district level participate in an inter-district magnet school.

Thomas Edison Middle School, a magnet school with a science technology theme, was opened in September
2001. Edison Middle School is the result of a partnership with Middletown, Madison and Regional 13, and
functions under the management of the Area Cooperative Educational Services (ACES). This school provides
the opportunity for students from these towns to interact; it also provides an opportunity for staff to work with
colleagues from other towns. At this point, Thomas Edison accepts 556 Meriden students and about 200
students from partner towns.

Meriden is also a partner district with Wintergreen Interdistrict Magnet School (WIMS). WIMS is a K-8
magnet school also under the management of ACES. WIMS serves the communities of Hamden, Meriden,
New Haven, Wallingford and Woodbridge.

Middletown Schools offers programs for students, staff, parents, and community members designed to enrich
interaction and understanding among Middletown’s diverse educational community. After years of revising and
reporting out on the district’s District Improvement Plan, with its emphasis on raising expectations, maximizing
parent and community involvement, and offering enrichment to support academic performance, the district now
chooses to focus intensely upon meeting its goal to close the achievement gap. Balanced literacy in grades
PreK-11, Scientifically Researched Based Interventions (SRBI) and the rigorous CT Core Curriculum and
STEM curricula are fully implemented. The district data shows the narrowing of the achievement gap since
2006 has improved in reading, writing, and mathematics. This school year there has been an emphasis on
developing Cultural Competence. The work is based off of Gary Howard’s guide to equity, “We Can’t Teach
What We Don’t Know.” Middletown continues to offer activities and programs to reduce racial, ethnic and
economic isolation: A range of after-school programs, including the elementary Free to Be Club, After School
Academic Enrichment Programs at Title I schools, Pride Patrol, 21st Century After School programs, X-Men
and Wonder Women clubs at Woodrow Wilson continue to promote multicultural appreciation and self-respect.
Middletown High School’s Minority Student Coalition continues to educate students, teachers, administrators
and community members about the challenges facing students of color along with ways to meet those
challenges. The District Data Team and School Data Teams continue to be involved in a “Courageous
Conversation” Initiative around diversity, cultural sensitivity, and high expectations for all students. The
Cultural Council organizes and offer programs in multicultural music, dance, drama, and the arts in all schools.
The district has purchased PowerSchool, Pearson Inform, and NWEA to progress monitor student achievement
and disaggregate data to better inform the progress of all our students; particularly students who are at risk. Due
to the Title I funding the district has become more aggressive in pursuing grants and drawing upon its own
resources to close the achievement gap.

The Milford Public School district is committed to developing a universal awareness and acceptance of all
people, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or economic status and to reducing racial, ethnic and economic
isolation. With approximately 15% of our students representing minority communities in Milford, we work to
incorporate global content throughout our entire curriculum. In history and language arts, lessons are developed
to include facets of world culture, viewpoints, and experiences. In math and science, students learn about the
contributions of thinkers from around the world. Our world language programs (Gr. 7-12) integrate cultural
studies into the study of languages. Through the work of our 13 school-based PTA-PTO chapters, students in
Milford are fortunate to have access to many special programs designed to highlight world culture. Funding
from our PTA-PTO chapters has made dozens of presentations possible during the school day, including
African Drummers, Dances of Brazil, performances of Peter and the Wolf, the Nutcracker Ballet, and
Multicultural Storytellers, as well as evening programs such as International Pot Luck dinners, International
Nights, and World Tours and trips to the New Britain Museum of Art and to the Audubon Society.

As a district, we have seen the number of students qualifying for Free-Reduced meals increase since 2010-2011
(currently around 22%) and, similarly, the number of high school students working 16+ hours a week on the
rise. With the economy placing strain on families today, the Milford School district has worked to make
schools more accessible. Before- and After-school programs abound, and students are welcome to use the
school media centers for extended hours. To help during the summer, the elementary school media centers are
now open one day per week so children may access materials and borrow books from a safe, familiar

We are also home to 44 students from New Haven who participate in the Open Choice program in our region.
Their perspective and experiences bring a rich point of view to the students in their classrooms. In addition,
204 Milford children elected to attend public schools in the magnet and or Open Choice programs throughout
the region.

The district supports school-based efforts that include differentiated curricula to present diverse cultural
perspectives involving a variety of topics and concepts. In the development of curriculum units of study and
lesson plans, teachers are challenged to consider multi-cultural perspectives that go beyond the demographics of
the community. The multi-cultural perspective in its broader sense includes race, ethnicity, religious
perspective, economics, and gender. Schools provide opportunities for students to engage in community service
projects and special programs, including exchanges with students from other districts within the region. The
district supports participation in the Bridgeport Six-to-Six Magnet School and six Monroe students participate
in that program. Seven Masuk High School students have chosen to participate in the Regional Center for the
Arts (RCA) and ten students participate in the Aquaculture School program in Bridgeport. Ten students
participate in the Discovery Inter-district Magnet School and twenty participate in Fairchild Wheeler Inter-
district Magnet High School in Bridgeport. Inter-district grants coordinated by Cooperative Educational
Services (CES), the district’s local Regional Education Service Center (RESC), provide opportunities for
students to work with students from other districts in various disciplines. Additionally, grants have supported
exchanges involving theater, music and the visual arts. The school’s Positive Climate Committees also focus on
creating a climate where all students are valued. Each school provides a school based positive behavior program
and three of our school have participated in the State initiative of Positive Behavioral Intervention System
(PBIS). Ours schools have extensive, grade level appropriate community service programs. School-wide
activities at the elementary level transition to middle school’s community service club referred to as the Student
Activists. The high school has a very active Interact Club that follows the local Rotary Club in its design and
commitment to service.

The Montville School District is dedicated to providing quality education to all students. All students are held
to the same high standards, and the district pays careful attention to the achievement of students in racial, ethnic
and economic subgroups in efforts to reduce achievement gaps. Through our SRBI process, the needs of
individual students are thoughtfully addressed and consistently monitored. The district believes that a vital part
of providing students with quality education means having a wide variety of interactions with students and
community members of diverse backgrounds. In order to accommodate families of our English Learners, the
district sends translated versions of all communications to the student’s home, and provides translators as
needed at parent conferences and evening events. Parents are welcomed into our schools for programs like
Raising Readers and school assemblies. We hold individual parent teacher conferences at all grade levels each

School-Parent organizations meet monthly to discuss academic programs and other topics relevant to parent
needs and interests. These organizations also help to provide money to support cultural assemblies and trips for
students. These assemblies and trips expose students to many different cultures as they study dance, music,
language, food, and folktales. Fifty-seven Montville elementary students attended the Regional Multicultural
Magnet School located in New London. Additionally, eleven students attend the Dual Language Magnet

The Naugatuck Public Schools are a culturally diverse community with approximately forty-two hundred
students attending ten schools. The school community works conscientiously to reduce racial, ethnic and
economic isolation through its curriculum, enrichment activities, and school-based clubs, inter-district grants
and diversity projects. Our partnership with the Naugatuck Cultural Council continues to provide opportunities
for the community to celebrate cultural differences through several town-wide cultural and heritage fairs and
events. We continue to partner with Waterbury Magnet Schools to provide Magnet School opportunities for our
students. Approximately two hundred students have chosen to attend inter-district magnet schools in Waterbury
and other surrounding communities. We believe that all members of our learning community can be successful
but when they use their individual creativity, culture, ethnicity and religious diversity to enhance their learning
and to enrich the lives of their peers it becomes more powerful. Our goal is to educate and inspire all students
to be successful, to enrich their experiences, and to prepare them to meet the challenges of the next generation.

New Canaan
New Canaan Public Schools provide students with many opportunities throughout its academic programs,
specifically Social Studies, Language Arts, and World Languages for students to learn about diversity through
content that addresses world cultures and by analyzing issues through multiple perspectives. Our English
Language Learner program provides staff, students and parents with opportunities to develop cultural literacy.
Exchanges with students across diverse communities and nations are integrated into K-12 learning experiences.
While global travel is part of music and world language opportunities, an emerging trend is the use of
technology as a connecting tool. New Canaan’s commitment to develop culturally competent and bilingual
students is evident in the realization of its K-5 World Languages in all of the district’s elementary schools and
in the expansion of our World Languages program grades 6-12 to include Mandarin. The elementary language
program continues to grow as student acquisition of language grows each year. New Canaan Nature Center’s
LINKS, an inter-district program administered by the Center, unites all grade 4 NCPS students with peers from
Norwalk. The goal of the program is to enhance student awareness of diversity by involving student in
integrated partnerships for cooperative learning and teamwork through ecological study. The theme of diversity
is used to examine both nature and neighbors using environmental science, and social science learning
objectives. All grade 4 New Canaan students study and experience diversity and how it enriches and protects
the environment, people, and communities. Other diversity opportunities include: a day of service sponsored by
NCHS senior class (330 students) and Kids in Community Service Program, which involves all K-4 students in
outreach service projects. The elementary Parent Arts Council sponsors a series of multi-cultural performances
that bring in guest artists, including troupes from other nations. These performances based learning
opportunities teach students about the uniqueness of cultures and at the same time focus on unity through the
New Fairfield
The New Fairfield Public Schools continue to use both grants and local resources to make efforts to reduce
racial, ethnic, and economic isolation. At Consolidated School (PreK-2), students learn to respect and value all
people, seeking opportunities to develop an awareness of people and customs from around the world and to
benefit from the ideas, wisdom and experience of others. Special area educators teach the art, music, literature
and recreational choices of different cultures. The State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) helped evaluate
policies, practices, and the physical environment to make families and community members feel valued and
connected. Meeting House Hill School (3-5) welcomes parental involvement in their child’s educational
experience and academic development. The entire staff is committed to providing a wide variety of
opportunities for families. The PTO supports the school in many ways, including through mini-grants and gifts
so that tools such as Child’s Play, High Touch- High Tech, and author visits can enrich the students’ education.
Through the middle school’s (6-8) developmental guidance classes, the topics of stereotyping, bias,
discrimination, and bullying are addressed. The world language department sponsored a cultural heritage day
and some students also visited the Modern Museum of Art in New York and the United Nations. At the high
school students participate in a variety of cocurricular club and sports activities, including a number of state and
national competitions. These activities— State Latin Day, DECA and FBLA state and national competitions,
Model United Nations conferences at Yale and Cornell—expose the students to a diverse group of people.
Students participated in Virtual High School (VHS), taking semester or yearlong courses, interacting with and
learning from students throughout the country and around the world. In addition, the mission of the high school
includes the expectation that every student every year will have the opportunity to understand varying opinions,
diverse beliefs, and cultural differences. Student groups at all schools also participated in various fundraisers to
support local charities and non-profit groups.

New Hartford
New Hartford Public Schools works to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation through our core
curriculum and through enrichment activities. Our students experience and appreciate a variety of multicultural
music, artwork and literature. The District purchases curriculum materials that reflect a vast array of cultural
perspectives. Additionally, our PTO sponsors a variety of programs which help our children better understand
cultural differences and traditions of people around the world. Members of the PTO work with teachers to
ensure curriculum integration. Our social studies curriculum incorporates content about Native Americans and
immigration throughout the years, emphasizing the diversity that makes the United States so extraordinary. All
fifth and sixth grade students take Spanish, as well. The approach to teaching Spanish at this level focuses on
the culture and traditions of various Spanish-speaking countries.

The multi-dimensional methodology allows students to experience food and customs that may be very different
from their own. In addition to providing foreign language instruction and related cultural experiences to our
students there is an interdisciplinary, school-wide “Market Day” and "Peace Day" celebrations. Our students
also organize events that raise money for charities and collect food for our local food bank. This year our
students connected with an orphanage in Liberia providing our students with the opportunity to be global
humanitarians. The children reached out, providing food, clothing, toiletry items, seeds and toys. Through this
extended project, our students gained a global perspective on racial, ethnic and economic differences, and also
came to understand how they could help people, even beyond their own little community. Children throughout
our district participate in a number of off-site field trips that bring them into contact with children outside our
rural community, as well as opportunities to explore global issues. For example, children in grade 6 participate
in a field trip to Ellis Island after studying immigration in the United States.

New Haven
The New Haven Public Schools (NHPS) system has the one of the largest Choice Programs in the State of
Connecticut and it has reduced the racial, ethnic and economic isolation for students in the greater New Haven
Region. NHPS offers an array of school options including, neighborhood, Inter- and Intra-district magnet, and
Charter schools. NHPS is a member district of Ct. State Department of Education’s Open Choice program.

Our schools accommodate the challenges and interests of our diverse population. Each school has a specific
theme integrated into a rigorous academic curriculum. Students are chosen through a lottery; most schools have
a wait list, which demonstrates how popular these schools have become. This year the Office of Choice and
Enrollment aggressively recruited new students by conducting two School Choice Expos, Community
Information Sessions, extensive mailing of new brochures, delivery of brochures to all schools in New Haven
County, television and radio communications, digital billboards, street banners, and thorough outreach to

All schools hold a late summer “Meet and Greet” orientation for continuing and incoming students that provides
both parents and new students with information about their magnet theme. The schools participate in the
district-wide School Choice Expos and hold individual follow up open houses at their schools. The magnet
schools offer dates for individual tours and classroom visits in the spring and tours throughout the school year to
support families. School websites serve as a recruitment tool, a means of parent community communication,
and a study aid for students. New Haven focuses on are to increases student awareness of diversity of
individuals and cultures including cultural fairs in many schools across the district, strategically aligned
celebrations for Hispanic Heritage Month, Women’s History, and Black History. All schools have implemented
school wide cultural events and programs hoping to involve parents in their children’s achievement and
academic needs. These events include STEM nights, International Read Aloud Days, and a Project titled Go
Baby Go where students from our magnet schools partnered with Central Connecticut State University to
construct mobile cars for disabled children.
New London
All Magnet School District Transformation
New London Public Schools’ efforts to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation through purposeful
strategies center on transforming the district into a high-performing, regional public system; i.e. the state’s first
all-magnet school district. The all-magnet system will result in a regionalized education system that will break
down barriers of race, economic disparity, and geography. These unique, specialized academic programs
provide choice and access based on preference and interest, thus reducing isolation. The Pathways will include
a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), Arts, Dual Language, and Leadership.

Talent: Recruit, Engage, Develop, Retain

Over the past three years (2012-2014), the district has been engaged in assessing, developing and implementing
a recruitment and retention plan to increase diversity in the teaching and administrative ranks. This has resulted
in increased representation of educators of color – from 17% Educators of Color in 2012 to 19% Educators of
Color in 2014. NLPS has been able to successfully recruit, engage, develop and retain educators of color by
implementing the following strategies:
• Conducted exit interviews and other surveys to collect and analyze data to understand the reasons educators,
including educators of color, chose to leave the district;

• Focused efforts on increasing the representation of Administrators of color;
• Sponsored aspiring educators of color to complete the Alternate Route to Certification ; and
• Invested in strategic advertisement placement to attract educators of color.

Inter-district Academic Programs are grant funded by the Connecticut State Department of Education and
coordinated in partnership with the RESC Alliance. There are approximately 375 New London students and 15
teachers who participated in programs including, but not limited to: Equal This, Insights into Science,
NumberKids, Pathways to Freedom and Friendship, Freedom Writers, and SummerFest. A variety of clubs and
extracurricular activities are sponsored for students at the secondary level. These include a Multicultural Club,
the Key Club, the Athletic Leadership Group, Dance Team, etc.

Newtown Public Schools is committed to fostering understanding of diversity in society, promoting respect for
differences, and offering experiences for student learning with and about people from diverse races, ethnic
groups, and economic backgrounds. Newtown has a small minority population; therefore, students must have
opportunities to understand and appreciate the diversity of our society. Newtown sends 23 elementary students
to Academy for International Studies (AIS) Elementary Magnet School in Danbury. Spanish and French classes
are offered after-school in our schools, and weekly Spanish lessons are embedded in the kindergarten
curriculum. Elementary schools provide performances, programs, literature, and art to develop appreciation of
diversity, engage in learning about other ways of life, and to help those with various economic and social needs.
The Responsive Schools program teaches elementary school children interpersonal skills to empathize with
others and respect divergent views. The grades K-8 Second Step curriculum teaches foundational skills for
socially responsible behavior, including conflict resolution. The intermediate and middle schools implement a
“respect for diversity” theme to encourage students to confront issues of diversity in early adolescence through
intensive study and careful reflection, including a student personal mission statement. The high school inter-
district program with Danbury High offers a shared learning environment for urban and suburban students with
diverse representation. The Link Crew at Newtown High engages all ninth graders in activities that foster inter-
connections between students of socio-economic and ethnically diverse groups. Three Newtown schools have
established partnerships with two schools in China. High school students and staff from three district schools
traveled to our sister schools, visiting and staying with families. Newtown families host Chinese delegations
during their visits. Additional interest in collaboration has been offered through post-secondary Chinese
institutions, and Japanese, French and Spanish educational programs. More information is available through
Newtown International Center for Education: www.newtown.k12.ct.us.

Recognizing that Norfolk is a small rural community, somewhat isolated by its location, the school program
regularly includes initiatives that encourage an appreciation of diversity and an understanding of different
peoples, communities, and socio-economic backgrounds.

All elementary age students at Botelle receive regular instruction in Spanish. Intended outcomes of our Spanish
program include building awareness of Latino culture by comparing contrasting the language, history,
traditions, and celebrations in Spanish speaking cultures.

Supportive parent and cultural communities enhance the school’s efforts by sponsoring diverse cultural
presentations for Botelle students. This year’s events included a presentation by Soro Bindi revolving around
the history and presentation of African dance.

North Branford
NBPS are committed to reducing racial, ethnic and economic isolation. Students are offered numerous
opportunities to interact with students from a variety of ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds. Curricula,

inter-district programs (ACES), multi-cultural events, and extra-curricular activities and clubs are offered to
enable students to understand and appreciate diversity in their lives. Staff incorporate activities that celebrate
diversity in curricula and instruction and at school-sponsored events. NBPS support character development and
citizenship through Positive Behavior Intervention Supports. PBIS is firmly in place at each of our schools,
ensuring students and staff are working together to build a respectful and positive school climate and foster
improved student achievement. Teachers at the K-2 level also have experience with the Responsive Classroom
model. Components of the NBPS Character Education program are Respect, Responsibility, and Caring.
Subcategories of honesty, tolerance, and perseverance are integrated throughout the school cultures. Our
district has incorporated monthly recognition assemblies and activities that promote multicultural awareness and
build a sense of community-art exhibits depicting different cultures and celebrations of Black History, Native
Americans, and Hispanic Heritage. Students participate in programs (Rachel’s Challenge, the ADL’s Names
Can Really Hurt Us) designed to reduce bias. Students have opportunities to participate in clubs (Diversity
Club, Gay-Straight Alliance) celebrating similarities and difference among students. Students are strongly
encouraged to participate in community service from Grades K through 12. Staff and students work together
yearly to fund raise and collect food, clothing, books and other necessities to assist economically disadvantaged
individuals and families locally and around the world. The Community Roundup, an annual event stocking the
local food banks, involves the entire school community. The district embraces the Open Choice program as a
means to provide some welcomed diversity and reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation. Several NB
students participate in choice programs including the Education Center for the Arts, the Sound School, and
several New Haven Magnet Schools.

North Haven
North Haven Public Schools recognizes the importance of enhancing student acceptance of difference and
providing them with experiences with individuals for the many racial and ethnic groups that make up our
community, and our state. The North Haven Board of Education encourages and supports district participation
in programs highlighting diversity.

North Haven students are enrolled in a number of inter district magnet schools including Hill Career,
Cooperative Arts and Humanities High School, the High School in the Community, the Betsy Ross Magnet
School, and the Sound School to name some. A number of North Haven students also participate in less than
full time regional programs including the Education Center for the Arts, the Yale-New Haven Saturday Seminar
Program, the Urban Suburban Exchange Program, and the Sound School Summer Aquaculture Program.

Over fifty students from New Haven attend the North Haven Public Schools as part of Project Open Choice.
They can be found throughout our elementary schools and North Haven Middle School. Additionally, our
students participate in a number of regional cooperative programs with area districts sponsored by Area
Cooperative Educational Services (ACES). Our schools also host a number of cultural events throughout the
year exposing students to a variety of cultures and their customs. There is also a vibrant Diversity Club at
North Haven High School recognized as a model throughout the state of CT.

Each of North Haven’s schools remain committed to establishing safe, student centered school cultures built on
cooperation and mutual respect.

In focus groups and surveys, the community’s diversity is continually ranked as one of the strengths of Norwalk
Public Schools. Students of all ethnicities and backgrounds are represented in every school. Programs within
NPS provide students at all levels with opportunities and experiences that promote the value of diversity. All
Norwalk schools also celebrate diversity as part of their regular activities, including heritage celebrations,
recognition of Black History and Hispanic Heritage Months, and more.

On the elementary level, about 330 students from across Norwalk attend Columbus Magnet School, an intra-
district magnet based on the Bank Street Model. A second magnet program that draws from the neighborhood
and city-wide population is housed at Jefferson Science Magnet School, which was named a 2014 Blue Ribbon
school for its progress in closing the achievement gap. The Mano-a-Mano program at Silvermine Elementary
offers a dual language English & Spanish instructional model. On the secondary level, students from Norwalk
mix with those from other communities at the Center for Global Studies, an inter-district magnet program
housed at Brien McMahon High School. Students experience intensive study including instruction in Japanese,
Chinese and Arab languages, culture and history. CGS students are housed in an expanded and renovated
school facility, and have opportunities to be exposed to the world through international travel. Launched in
2014-15 through a partnership with IBM and Norwalk Community College, Norwalk Early College Academy
became the state’s first P-TECH model early college program, enabling students to earn both a high school
diploma and a college degree.

Parent outreach programs are also in place. A parent outreach worker performs translation services, referrals
home visits, and makes phone calls and community visits. Public forums on topics ranging from Special
Education to school budgets are held in locations throughout the City so that all can attend, and translators are
made available.

To ensure faculty diversity, recruitment and hiring practices are in place to encourage candidates from all
backgrounds. Our recruitment coordinator works a variety of sources to expand the pool of candidates for all
open positions.

Norwich Public Schools is home to two intradistrict magnet schools; one which focuses on environmental
education and the other focuses on technology and the arts. Student recruitment efforts at both magnet schools
are intended to reduce racial and ethnic isolation. Wequonnoc Arts and Technology Magnet School is
supported through a PEACE grant which focuses on attracting more white students and more affluent families
to the school. The application and selection process has resulted in a deep and diverse applicant pool from the

At Moriarty Environmental Magnet School the fourth grade students complete a distance learning unit of study
with similar age students in Costa Rica and farmers. The students look at climate changes and its impact on the
forests of Costa Rica and Connecticut. Through the use of video conferencing the students are able to discuss
their data.

Within the community of Norwich, parents have school choice for their children. Besides the two intradistrict
magnet schools parents can opt to send their child to magnet schools in the city of New London or to one of the
LEARN sponsored magnet schools in the region.

Uncas School, a K-5 Network School, has been adopted by the Mohegan Indian Tribe. Tribal members visit the
school several times a year. During the visits tribal members work with students sharing information about
their language, culture, customs, tribal dances, and tribal history. Each Fall Uncas School holds an appreciation
ceremony, inviting tribal members, parents, local community members, staff and students to celebrate this

A District Administrative Literacy Specialist oversees several district initiatives related to the District
Improvement Plan and the Alliance Grant goals. One initiative is the recruitment of more minority educators
for the district.

Several schools participate in grant funded interdistrict programs which bring together urban and nonurban
students to collaborate on projects.

Each year the district’s music department holds their All City Music Festival for parents and community
members. The group reflects the diversity of our district population.

Old Saybrook
During the 2014-2015 school year, the Old Saybrook School District was involved in numerous inter-district
collaborative programs and school-wide programs for the purpose of reducing racial, ethnic, and economic
isolation. The Goodwin School continued its multi-cultural exchange with neighboring priority districts.
Additionally, eight interactive multi-cultural programs funded by the PTA were offered to all students.
Students at Kathleen E. Goodwin continued their activities to support several acts of giving throughout the year,
developing a sense of community within the school. Old Saybrook Middle School offered multiple cultural
curricular experiences for students in grades 4-8, including the COLT World Language Poetry Competition. Old
Saybrook High School students participated in the COLT World Language Poetry Competition, a True Colors
Conference, and Transition Expo.

We are committed to guiding our students toward celebrating differences, interacting peacefully, and accepting
others. The Orange Elementary School staff continues to strive toward providing opportunities for students to
explore experiences from other cultures. As a district, we continue our efforts to expose our students to various
cultures by providing programs connected to the curriculum that increase awareness of and sensitivity to
diversity. Offerings throughout the year include PTO PTA multicultural assemblies with an emphasis on Native
American, African American, Middle Eastern, Hispanic American, and Asian American themes. Students are
exposed to cultural studies surrounding Hispanic Heritage Month, Black History Month, and Chinese New
Year. Every year, the study of famous African Americans expands through literature and students have
opportunities to learn about prejudice in meaningful contexts and promote tolerance. Students participate in a
myriad of multi-cultural experiences, such as Latin American Theme Day, a Native American Pow-Wow, and
Southwest Fiesta Day. There have also been initiatives through our special education department and regular
classroom teachers to expand the students’ understanding of children with significant disabilities in our
classrooms. Moreover, students in Orange study Spanish as a world language and are immersed weekly in the
language and culture of Hispanic people. Finally, all Orange Elementary Schools participate in PBIS (Positive
Behavioral Interventions and Supports). Each school focuses on creating a climate where tolerance and respect
are emphasized and celebrated. Individual classrooms focus on emphasizing these pillars of character through
classroom lessons, circle time, and morning meetings.

The District participates in the Open Choice Program and enrolls sixteen students from New Haven. In
addition, some schools participate in a Sister School Grant Program from ACES in which Orange students work
with classrooms from urban districts on academic projects that focus on reducing racism, prejudices, and
oppression in today’s society. Some schools receive grants from the Anti-Defamation League to train students
on how to be an ally and work to eliminate exclusion and isolation among peers.

The Quaker Farms School community initiates and implements a variety of school-wide efforts that highlight
cultural differences. Monthly character education assemblies take place to promote positive school climate
while showing respect for others. We have celebrated Constitution Day.

Participated in Project Lucid where students and teachers from diverse schools throughout Connecticut have
the opportunity to videoconference and participate in collaborative tasks.

Grade 3 Pow Wow integrating Native American Art, Music, History and Literature. Grade 4 Alaska Day
integrating Inuit Art, Music, History, and Literature. Black History Month, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.,
Explorers, Veterans Day, Flag Day, and Earth Day.

Programs stressing diversity; 6th graders take a class called “Self-Awareness” where topics of diversity include
racial, ethnic and economic differences; peer mentoring and peer mediation programs through Connecticut State
Trooper, cyber bullying speaker for each grade level are provided.

Periodic mailings and quarterly report cards are part of the regular correspondence with parents guardians. The
OHS Booster Club meets on a monthly basis and sponsors school-wide activities including speakers, post-prom
activities, Oxford Day and Trees of Hope. Parents are involved with Band, Chorus, Drama Club, Capstone, and
other activities. Informational events, College Fair, Meet the Teachers, Senior Awards, Underclassmen
Awards, PSAT Review, Parent-Teacher Conferences, New Student Orientation, Student Athlete
Parent meetings, Freshmen orientation, NCAA Workshops, Junior and Senior Informational evenings, etc.

Although 90% of our student population is Caucasian, the total minority population in the Plainfield Public
Schools has nearly doubled in the last six years. Approximately 2% of our students speak a language other than
English at home. Over the past five years student poverty as defined by free and reduced lunch counts has risen
from 26% to 51%. In order to ensure a well-rounded education for all our students that exposes them to
different cultures and ethnicities each school provides programs and lessons promoting the appreciation of
diversity which range from African drumming, a day where disabilities are explored and celebrated, and
programs such as Holocaust Awareness and the Encountering Survivors program. Plainfield sends students to
three area full-time magnet schools, ACT – Arts at the Capitol Theater, the Science and Technology Magnet
School, and the QVMCHS - Quinnebaug Valley Middle College High School with ten partner towns
participating. These magnet schools address the needs of many of our students who are looking for alternative
educational experiences and they provide students with opportunities to work and learn with students from other
ethnic backgrounds. Other opportunities are provided through a variety of inter-district grants administered by
East Conn. In addition, our athletics and co-curricular programs engage many of our grade six through twelve
students with a host of districts in our region. The programs allow our students to compete and meet diverse
students in both an academic and athletic setting. Plainfield has initiated a number of programs and practices to
address economic isolation. Programs and services provided through the school system are offered on a sliding
scale to maximize participation equitably. Plainfield participates in a free regional adult education program to
increase learning and career opportunities for residents.

Plainville has a long-standing partnership with the state dating back to Project Concern. Over 5% of our
students are Open Choice students, and we continue to increase the number of Open Choice students in our
school. In 2014-15, 118 students from the Open Choice program were integrated into our schools. Students
participated in summer school offerings, an Open House and luncheon for incoming high school students, and
an ice cream social for incoming elementary students and their families. Achievement Centers at the middle
and high schools provide tutoring and support for students during the school day, and our homework club is
staffed daily after school to provide homework support.

In addition to Open Choice, we have increased our magnet school participation from 40 in 2011-12 to 118
students in 2014-15. Hartford Magnet attendance increased from 10 students in 2011-12 to 44 students in 2014-
15, and attendance at CREC magnet schools increased from 30 in 2011-12 to 53 in 2014-15.
Plainville actively recruits minority educators and has added two administrators representing minority groups
over the last three years. Eleven educators recently took part in a book study on “Culturally Responsive

Plainville partners with Farmington and New Britain each summer to offer inter-district opportunities
combining literacy and the arts. Approximately 40 Plainville students and three staff members take part each

Texts such as Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman or Families Are Different by Nina Pelligrini are used in
elementary schools to explore diversity of individuals and cultures. Eighth grade humanities emphasizes the
theme of “tolerance” and explore the diversity inherent in our global society. At the high school, students
participate in programs sponsored by the Anti-defamation League, participate in a cultural awareness fair and a
career day that promotes student awareness of a variety of careers. Finally, our one-to-one Chromebook
initiative is designed to level the playing field for all students, enabling each of our students in grades 5 through
12 to have access to the technology they need to be successful in acquiring 21st century skills.

Plymouth Public Schools engage in many activities designed to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation.
Through intra-district collaborative programs or community based efforts, the students that attend Plymouth
schools are nurtured and cared for despite Plymouth being a community of moderate means and with 34% of its
students on free and reduced lunch. Embedded in the curriculum for all elementary levels are many
opportunities that expose students to our diverse world. For instance, students in grade three, four and five
explore various authors of different ethnicity and spend time researching and presenting information on various
influential figures of different races and cultures and their contributions to the world. Social Studies, Civics,
World Language, and Language Arts teachers at the middle school level introduce students to a variety of
cultures and traditions through the utilization of multicultural literature as a component of our students’ literacy
experience. The 8th grade curriculum contains a unit of study on Prejudice and how it affects Human Rights.
The Leo Club at Terryville High School continues to engage in a significant number of civic opportunities. We
send more than 100 students to magnet schools in Waterbury, such as Maloney, Rotella and the Performing Arts
Magnet School. Our School-to-Career program is heavily involved in community work; our students also
participate in the Day of Caring for the United Way, Youth Government Day, and the Diversity club. Our Kids-
in-the-Middle program also works on civic and philanthropic activities, this middle school program partners
with the United Way in Bristol, Burlington, and Plainville.

Plymouth Public Schools is committed to helping our students develop understanding and greater diverse
cultures. In order to prepare our students for a global economy and the 21st century experience, we strive to
engage our students in as many authentic and real-life opportunities as possible.

Pomfret Community School is located in a region of Connecticut with very limited racial, ethnic and economic
diversity. Our current student population is approximately 92% white, 2% African American, 4% Asian, 1.8%
Latino and .2% Native American. Our staff is 100% white. To address our lack of diversity, we provide
opportunities for student so to be exposed to other cultures. We have a school club called Hope for Haiti that
studies the region and has conducted fundraisers to support education in that country. Students in the middle
school have the opportunity to participate in Spanish language classes which includes study of the cultures of
Spanish speaking countries. In addition, we hold a cultural arts week each March to provide awareness of
diversity. In the 2014-2015 school year the focus country was Ghana. This program included crafts, stories,
activities and a dancer from Ghana.

Our five schools provide many opportunities for teachers and students to gain increased awareness of diversity,
and greater sensitivity to differences. All students participate in enrichment activities that bring them to
educational settings throughout the state including numerous area colleges and Connecticut school districts. For
instance, this past year, fifteen sixth graders participated in the Youth Technology and Mathematics Academy at
Middlesex Community College with students from Middletown and East Hampton. In addition, student at
Portland High School participate in the Wesleyan Upward Bound Program including tutorial services, student
volunteering as mentors to young students from other communities. Our high school students annually
participate in a highly acclaimed diversity conference attended by students from our member consortium
schools of Coginchaug, Cromwell, East Hampton, Middletown, Haddam and Deep River. This program has
resulted in the development of a heightened awareness of diverse issues confronting young people today and led
to the Diversity Club being established at our high school. These and many other opportunities throughout our
five schools build a sense of community, develop attitudes for academic excellence, and increase understanding
and acceptance of different people and cultures in our society. Portland is a proud participant in the Hartford
Region OPEN CHOICE program. The Open Choice Program offers public school students in Hartford the
opportunity to attend public schools in suburban towns, and public school students in suburban communities the
opportunity to attend public schools in Hartford, at no cost to the student’s family.

Both schools comprising Preston Public Schools, a small and relatively homogeneous district enrolling 430 PK-
8 students, employ a variety of strategies that are designed to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation. We
are especially proud of our immersion-oriented K-8 Spanish Program which affords all students the opportunity
to learn Spanish as well as exposure to other countries and cultures. All students at the middle school level
participate in an Advisor-Advisee program, a program that provides a supervised venue for discussing a variety
of topics, including racial, ethnic, religious and economic differences. At the PK-5 level, the school’s annual
Thanksgiving Food Drive is an event that engages virtually every student in appreciating the needs of those who
are economically challenged and less fortunate. Lastly, both schools offer one or more assemblies throughout
the year that are designed to enlighten students about the wide array of differences - racial, ethnic and otherwise
- that exist among people.

The Putnam Public Schools is committed to providing its students with a broad range of opportunities in order
that students can interact with students of all racial, ethnic and economic backgrounds. With this in mind, the
Putnam Public Schools, the Putnam Family Resource Center and the Putnam Recreation Department work in
partnership to reduce economic isolation by making after school, weekend and vacation activities and programs
accessible to all students regardless of their family income. The district has funded field trips to expand
students’, as well as, families’ horizons. Students have traveled to museums and sport events throughout the
area. Students have also enjoyed amusement parks in New England, participated in activities such as cooking,
photography and bowling at little or no cost to families.

The Redding School District is committed to providing students with multiple opportunities to develop global,
ethnic, and cultural awareness. In partnership with Danbury, a large urban district, Redding Elementary School
students participate in The Zone Program, which provides social activities, many of which take place in
Danbury, in an effort to increase awareness regarding opportunities the city has to offer. Students in grades two
through four participate in the Kindness Klub, an afterschool program designed to promote community service.
Parents play a large part in these efforts; the PTA sponsors many cultural programs throughout the school year
including an International Festival where different families become Country Captains and share the most
valuable traditions of their native countries. A group of fourth grade students meet regularly with the principal
and teacher representatives as a Character Council to discuss how students and adults should model and teach
character attributes as well as “give back” to the community. Redding Elementary School participates annually
in the International Peace Day and The Great Kindness Challenge.

Student life at John Read Middle School focuses on the theme of taking care of self, others and community.
Students in the Outreach club organized a canned food drive, a coat drive and a fundraiser for St. Baldrick’s
cancer research. Students in musical performing groups made several visits to hospitals and Meadow Ridge, the
local retirement home. Many aspects of the curriculum lend themselves to discussions and activities that are
multi-cultural in nature or focus on social justice issues. Grade 8 students engaged in an investigation of real
world problems, and presented their ideas for solutions to a panel of community members. Students at John
Read Middle School take Project Adventure each year and learn the necessary skills to work with others. A
representative group of students are engaged in Project Dream, an exchange and partnership program with
Broadview Middle School in Danbury.

In an effort to recognize and celebrate the diversity of our families, the district participates in a variety of
educational opportunities throughout the school year. These activities and experiences are tied closely to the
district priorities and curriculum. Thus, they serve as extensions of our learning programs, as well as
meaningful integration of multicultural concepts.

The K-8 social studies and English curricula examine several facets of diversity and emphasize understanding
and appreciation of multiple perspectives and multi-culturalism. The tenets of PBIS are inherent within
elementary Responsive Classroom initiatives and the middle and high school Advisory programs, as well as the
whole-school safe school climate efforts.

Community service projects and clubs are specifically designed and developed to increase student awareness of
global diversity issues and promote understanding of individuals and cultures. Student Councils in every school
focus on community projects to raise funds for or participate in activities related to local agencies that serve the

Ridgefield High School has several students enrolled through the ABC (A Better Chance) Program. This
further diversifies the student population and provides opportunities for those students. The vision of the ABC
program is to place talented young people of color into the nation’s leadership pipeline through increased access
to academically rigorous independent and public schools.

Ridgefield is also participating district with the inter-district magnet high school, Academy of Information
Technology and Engineering. AITE is a college preparatory public high school engaging students in core
elective programs in information technology, digital arts, pre-engineering, and architecture, business and
biomedical sciences, with an emphasis on technology integration to promote skills in communication, problem-
solving, digital proficiency, teaming and numeracy. All students are provided with a laptop computer.

Additionally, a variety of school and community events, such as Family University, Diversity Day, and field
trips within and outside of the United States further engage students and families with themes of tolerance,
empathy, and understanding the perspectives of others.

Rocky Hill
The Rocky Hill Public Schools foster an understanding of various racial, ethnic, and economic groups in our
society and world. At each academic level, students have the opportunity to interact with classmates from
diverse racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds. Our district participates in the Open Choice Program in
which students from an urban setting are integrated into our schools. Rocky Hill High School students attend
half-day programs at the Greater Hartford Academy of Math and Science (GHAMAS) and the Greater Hartford
Academy of Arts (GHAA), magnet schools located in Hartford.

Throughout the district, there is a range of programs that promote diversity and awareness of individual
differences. Rich literature and picture books related to various cultures, races, and traditions are included in
our elementary curriculum. Our world language program develops awareness of social and cultural values in
foreign societies. Non-disabled peers have the opportunity to work side-by-side with students with disabilities
in athletics through the Unified Sports Programs. Partnerships have been established with the Anti-Defamation
League and the National Conference for Community and Justice (NCCJ) which provide diversity training for
staff and students. Our schools work in conjunction with the Town of Rocky Hill’s Social Services department
to sponsor families within the community who are in need. The high school sponsors a Unity Club, which
promotes cultural and social awareness. In addition, high school students annually participate in the Habitat for
Humanity project in New Orleans. Various clubs focus on helping others through volunteerism. Student
Council members are involved in service-based projects such as Lend-a-Paw, which directly meets the needs of
the Town of Rocky Hill.

As a district, the Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) approach is well established. Students
focus on respect for self, respect for others, and respect for their school. Through the instruction of these
principles, our school climate has improved and our office referrals have decreased.

Salem School’s civic lessons in our social studies curriculum exposed students to social responsibilities and to
promote acceptance of diversity. Our school provided support to the community through our food and clothing
drives organized by our students and teachers. Students participated in various cultural assemblies throughout
the school year, which occurred both in our school building and outside of school as students traveled to various
educational sites in CT, MA and Rhode Island. During the fall of the 2014-2015 school year, middle school
aged students participated in a variety of teambuilding activities, including Camp Hazen (an outdoor
environmental educational center).

Through our developmental guidance program, a middle school advisory group was established matching staff
members with a small group of students. The advisory groups met twice a month to work on establishing goals,
developing an understanding of tolerance and positive school climate. These groups allowed students the
opportunity to connect with another adult in the school building.

Our school positive behavior team met regularly to support our core values of: Respect, Responsibility, Safety,
and Honesty. There were seasonal spirit weeks and assemblies to promote these core values. Our eighth grade
students helped organize, create, and run these activities.

The PTO also provided students with cultural enrichment opportunities throughout the year. The PTO
coordinated with the local municipality and staff members the development of a “giving tree” This tradition
ensured that all the families in the community were supported throughout the holidays.

Although Salisbury Central School is located in the rural corner of northwest Connecticut, it is committed to
broadening the exposure of our students to people and places from other cultures whether in our own country or
around the world. Our curriculum is rich with literature from many cultures. Current events from around the
world are a frequent source of interesting class discussion in the middle school grades. Other opportunities to
reduce isolation come in the form of field trips. The third grade class visits Ellis Island as part of a unit on

Prior to their visit students learn about the cultures of a variety of countries from around the world. Our
Spanish program begins in first grade continues through eighth grade. In addition to learning the Spanish
language, students are exposed to the culture of a variety of Spanish-speaking nations. Students in grades four
through six Skype and write letters to sister schools in Peru. Our eighth grade students visit a traditional
Mexican restaurant to experience cultural aspects of Mexico and use their Spanish in a real-world situation.
Finally, students in the kindergarten write letters, exchange pictures, and send school supplies to students in
Hong Kong. Though the town may seem isolated, the school staff places a priority on bringing the world to its

Scotland Elementary School was again involved in three programs that created interaction between students and
teachers of diverse racial and economic backgrounds. The first program was a Sister School program with the
Discovery Center which involved students in grades 5 and 6 from Scotland and 6th graders from Beckett School
in Manchester, CT. Students from both schools stayed for three days and two nights at the YMCA camp in
Woodstock. The Discovery Center program will continue next year in the 2015-2016 school year.

The second program involved students in grade 5 and 6. These students participated in the second year of Inter-
district grant provided by EASTCONN entitled “Creating Community Builders”. Students from Scotland
Elementary School, Hampton Elementary School, the Windham STEM School and Stanton School of Norwich
integrated art, science and technology in the service of others through community projects. Through literature,
students explored the concept of character and the ways in which it defines and creates community, while also
improving their academic skills and increasing their understanding of diversity.

The third program involved students in grade 4. This class participated in the second year of an Inter-district
grant provided by EASTCONN entitled “Elementary Connections”. Students from Scotland Elementary
School, North Windham and Vernon explored their personal culture and heritage. They examined a variety of
factors that guide people in different geographic locations to choose the food they do. Students shared their
learning digitally and during several in-person, all-team meetings and workshops.

Seymour is a district that values, respects and welcomes diversity. This learning organization works attentively
in its efforts to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation. The Seymour School District has an excellent
sense of priorities and high expectations for all students. Our mission is to educate and to encourage all
students, to enhance their experiences, to prepare them with 21st century skills and to meet the challenges of a
global society. The district promotes the importance of individuality and originality in the learning process in a
safe school climate. Seymour Public Schools continues to educate our students in cultural, ethnic and religious
diversity through our curriculum; school-based clubs and inter-district sister school grants as well as countless
enrichment activities throughout the school year. The four schools in the district have school based activities,
clubs and events to benefit people in need.

Sharon Center School is a district of one school. We enroll students in grades Pre-K through grade 8, offering a
traditional program of studies. Our official enrollment count in October 2014 showed one- hundred seventy
seven students. We graduated twenty-eight eighth graders, proudly sending three to Oliver Wolcott Technical
High School and twenty-five to Housatonic Valley Regional High School.

Along with five other elementary schools, we finance a Regional High School covering a 250 square mile
radius, a Superintendent’s Office, and a Pupil Services Department. The funding from the local towns is based
on a percentage basis. Each board of education presents a budget to the board of finance and to the community.
A hearing is held in April and the first town vote is in May. About ninety-eight percent of our funding is
through local taxation. About two percent of our funding comes from the State of Connecticut and Federal
Our efforts to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation continue to be somewhat limited due to our
geographic isolation. Programs such as Nature’s Classroom, Grade Four Arts Day, the eighth grade class trip,

and many other trips, attempt to enhance diversity. We link our school with inner city schools for the Nature’s
Classroom Program. The Grade Four Arts Day is yet another opportunity to bring various ethnic groups to our
students. Students in grade eight travel to a city environment as part of their eighth grade trip. We seek
opportunities to bring to our students assemblies that promote diversity. Our students experience cultural
studies through their social studies program and foreign language program.

The Sherman community continues to make an effort to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation. During
2014-2015, many integrated language arts social studies and holiday activities were designed to increase
students’ awareness of cultural and individual diversity. Assembly programs, which often focus on cultural
diversity, have been presented to the K-8 students. Sherman students have the opportunity to participate in
interdistrict activities through Education Connections, such as LEGO League and Science Saturdays. The drum
troupe, Infinite Roots, worked with our middle school population in small workshops and then provided a whole
school assembly to increase an awareness of African culture. In order to deepen their understanding of our
commonalities and celebrate our differences, students read a variety of books that deal with bullying and
misjudging people, ethnic bias, immigration status, and economic and social position prejudice. Our guidance
staff provides activities for our students to enhance their skills for awareness and tolerance of others. PBIS
committee sponsors town meetings that promote acceptance of differences and involvement in community
building. Our art program has a wide variety of multi-cultural activities, which include discussions of cultural
origin and how art objects are integrated into those cultures.

The vision of the Simsbury School District is to cultivate the mind, body, and character of each student. We
promote equity and respect among students through the teaching & learning experiences of our academic
program, including extracurricular and athletic programs. Throughout our schools, the faculty provides learning
opportunities for students toward reducing racial, ethnic, and economic isolation, so they can contribute to a
global society with integrity, compassion, and resilience. We have been committed to the Open Choice
Program since its inception, with 144 Hartford students attending our seven schools. A district Choice
Coordinator works with students, parents, teachers, and administrators to support a positive and seamless
integration. In Simsbury there are a range of programs that highlight our commitment including, but not limited
to: inclusion of rich literature and picture books related to various cultures, races and traditions; well-developed
Character Education Programs; school-wide PTO sponsored Cultural Enrichment programs focused on
diversity; grades 1 and 4 participate in a Community Farm project with students and teachers from Hartford;
SEED program extends the school day for local and Choice students; the K-12 SS curriculum integrates themes
and activities teaching about diverse cultures and instilling appreciation for diversity; WL (5-12) develops
student awareness of the social and cultural values of foreign societies; 7-12 students participate in a sister-
school relationship with China via CAS and SDE; gr. 8 students attend a Holocaust survivor presentation;
several SHS students attend classes at the Greater Harford Academy of Math & Science and the Academy of
Performing Arts located in Hartford; SHS students participate in the Model UN Club and Mock Trial
competitions; and the town of Simsbury supports the ABC program. Simsbury students have opportunities to
work with students with disabilities in athletics and the arts. The Multicultural Club, Gay Straight Alliance, and
dance step team are active at SHS. In Simsbury, we believe that an understanding of and respect for diverse
beliefs, cultures, backgrounds, abilities and perspectives enrich the lives and learning environments for all our

Given the predominantly homogeneous make-up of our school, we strive to expose our students to a variety of
different ethnic, racial and cultural groups. This year we have increased our participation in the Project Choice
program with an increase to twenty-three Hartford residents attending our school. In addition our students at
Somers Elementary continue to communicate with our sister school in Jinan City, China through artwork and

letters. Our PTO sponsored several cultural enrichment performances focused on broadening our students’
horizons. Furthermore we have been fortunate to have several authors and artists come share their craft with
our students. Our After School Program that is held two days a week for an hour assists our Hartford residents
and Somers residents to receive support in homework and social skills. This program runs from October
through May.

To help reduce racial and ethnic isolation at Mabelle Avery Middle School, we continue to participate in the
Open Choice Program. MBA students are also required to take a World Language each year. Students learn
about the cultures of French or Spanish speaking countries in each of these programs through international food
days, celebration of national holidays, and cultural activities. During our annual “Free-To-Be” day, the whole
school participates in activities designed to celebrate our differences in talents, interests, and unique abilities.
Finally, one of our school’s most popular after school program is the Service and Volunteer Effort (S.A.V.E.)
club. Each year, club members help to raise money and perform volunteer work for local charities. The club
conducts annual food and dairy drives, each time donating collected items to a local food pantry.

Somers High School continues to participate in Project Choice. Activities brought together families from both
communities for social activities beyond the school day. Grant money was secured to support participation in
activities such as prom, senior banquet, senior outing, athletics and drama. Project Choice students and local
students with need were compensated for participation fees. After hours transportation was also provided so
these students were not dependent upon private vehicles to get them home.

The Southington Public Schools recognize our growing diversity, and our responsibility to teach acceptance,
and expand our view of the world. This effort includes our parents, teachers, staff, and the community of
Southington. Ethnic and cultural customs are embedded in the language arts, social studies, history, music, and
art curriculum, Pre K – 12. The schools provide many educational opportunities for students to interact with
students and teachers from diverse racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds. Instructional and cultural arts
programs focus on the appreciation of the many diverse cultures throughout the world. Programs such as
STEPS (Southington’s Town-wide Effort to Promote Success) and Rachel’s Challenge support students within
our community. The district continues to participate in the Open Choice Program with the Hartford Public
Schools and hosts several foreign exchange students throughout the course of the year.

Southington High School students participate in the Greater Hartford Academy of Math and Science and
Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts Interdistrict magnet schools. ECO-Saturday and ECO-Summer Camp is
an Interdistrict partnership with three urban elementary schools in West Haven. Students are engaged in field
studies in small collaborative groups. Elementary students serve as pen pals students from diverse
backgrounds. Individual school CARE Programs provide economically disadvantaged families with support
through many school-based programs and activities. In addition, schools host many multi-cultural festivals and
provide community service opportunities for our students. As a result of these opportunities, the Southington
Public Schools’ students are more aware of the diversity of people from around the world.

South Windsor
Stafford continues to participate in inter-district programs, such as Legacy Exploration and The 4th R-
Robotics, to increase contact with diverse student populations. Within our economically-diverse community,
we have worked to reduce isolation in significant ways. The district is an active partner with the Stafford Early
Childhood Collaborative to advocate for children throughout the town. Events sponsored by the Family
Resource Center bring younger students and their families together to work in intra-district programs. Stafford
offers pre-kindergarten through local support and School Readiness Grant funding. The Discovery Grant from
the Graustein Memorial continues to be a significant factor in facilitating conversations about valuing diversity,
promoting tolerance, and appreciating multicultural perspectives.
Initiatives at all schools have been instrumental in focusing students and staff on specific diversity themes.
Thoughtful replacements of texts, reading materials, and curriculum revision have been successful actions in
redefining and increasing multicultural experiences for students. We continue to explore opportunities to honor
multicultural voices by expanding literature titles in libraries. Youth leadership conferences and field trips to
local, regional and international destinations have broadened students’ perspectives and experiences. In
addition, through the use of grant and local PTO PTA funds, students are exposed to additional multicultural

Access to Internet-based activities promotes our students’ understanding of other cultures. We continue to
expand participation in distance learning projects with schools in other regions of the United States, Canada,
and Europe. The use of the Responsive Classroom and Second Step models has increased students’ capacity to
interact effectively with others and develop positive character traits in grades PK- 5. The district has made
great strides in implementing inclusionary practices via a continuum of collaborative services and models to
ensure that all children have access to high quality learning experiences. Future efforts may look to technology
and beyond the school day programming to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation.

Stamford Public Schools is deeply committed to diversity in all our schools.
1. Demographic Balance - The policy of the Stamford Public Schools requires that all schools are within 10%
of the district’s demographic integration standard.
2. Magnet Schools - Stamford Public Schools includes five magnet schools - three elementary magnets, one
middle school magnet and one high school magnet. The purpose of the magnet schools for Stamford is to
manage enrollment and demographic balance. Accordingly, these magnet schools select students through a
lottery process to control enrollment and achieve the district’s integration standard.
3. Interdistrict Magnet Schools - One K-8 Interdistrict Magnet (Rogers IB) was initiated eight years ago as an
International Baccalaureate (IB) school. Demand for admission both by Stamford residents and by out of
town families far exceeds the number of available seats. In September 2016, the Rogers IB school will be
expanded to a second campus, with an ultimate student population of 900.
4. Curricula - Curricula, particularly in English and Social Studies, are written with sensitivity to cultural
5. Charter Schools - Stamford is home to several charter schools. At the elementary level, the New School for
Academic Excellence opened in September 2015 with grades preK-2. Additional grades will be added
annually to reach grades preK-8. Trailblazers is the middle school charter; Stamford Academy is the high
school charter. The Stamford district provides bussing and assistance for Special Ed students in the charter
6. Rites of Passage - The Rites of Passage Program is a Stamford middle school program that includes a 14
week literature review of African and African-American history. The academic portion concludes with a
voluntary journey to West Africa. More than 100 students, parents, and teachers have participated over the
past five years.
7. Cultural Events - All schools plan numerous events in the course of the school year to promote student,
parent, and teacher knowledge and sensitivity to the wide variety of cultural backgrounds in Stamford. The
events involve research projects, art and music performances, and food fairs.

Located in a rural community in the Northeast corner of Connecticut, Sterling Community School is miles from
urban areas where the makeup of those communities manifests a wide range of economic, racial and ethnic
diversity. We continue to provide many integrated language arts social studies activities that are designed to
increase student awareness of cultural and individual diversity. In social studies classes there is a focus on
cultural and religious customs of people from around the world. The annual eighth grade trip to Washington,
DC is a culmination of activities that emphasize cultural respect and knowledge.

Teachers regularly provide students with opportunities to communicate and collaborate with others outside the
Sterling Community School. PTO sponsors events throughout the year that promotes and celebrate diversity
and teach our students tolerance and developing an understanding of others. Each year some students
participate in the Mashmucket Pequot Museum’s programming on Native America culture and history. Students
also attend Old Sturbridge Village and the Connecticut Science Museum.

Stonington Public Schools continues to foster student understanding and respect for the diverse populations who
attend our schools and live in our community. School climate data and teacher and parent conversations inform
our efforts. In the elementary positive behavioral support program “It’s Up to Me” students learn collaboration
and communication skills. Lessons focus on developing compassion and empathy for others. Mental health
staff works with students to instill common language and positive behavioral expectations. Elementary students
run and participate in Community Gatherings to create a sense of community and share learning. Through
classroom studies, students develop an appreciation for cultural perspective, learning about family customs and
traditions. The use of technology expands access to local and global information, while music and art
instruction support cultural studies. Each year, students participate in a variety of service projects to support
needs found within our community. PTOs provided cultural arts programs for students. Pawcatuck Middle
School participates in the Amistad Friendship Society, an interdisciplinary program involving students, parents,
teachers, and community members in the exploration of individual attitudes about basic civil rights and
strategies to reduce prejudice and increase cooperation skills. The School-Based Health Center works with
local agencies to provide programs for students and families on health and nutrition, included are mental and
physical well-being activities along with healthy food and meal preparation based on simple, low cost
ingredients. Middle school provides presentations and assemblies on diversity and anti-bullying. Stonington
High School Friends of Rachel Club provides opportunities to become aware of the importance of relationships
in the school and community. They partnered with the Stonington Community Center to sponsor a screening of
the feature film Bully. Stonington High School also organized the Gay Straight Alliance Club to heighten
awareness of student differences. The district has a robust Unified Sports program supported at all building
levels with elementary teams added in 2014. Students participate in a variety of Unified Sports as well as
Unified Arts and Talent events.

Stratford Public School District is committed to racially balancing its schools meaning the minority population
of each school comes within fifteen percent of the district average at the elementary (54%) and secondary
(52%) levels. Stratford’s Racial Balance Plan consists of several elements. First, Stratford Academy (magnet),
is regulated for enrollment and racial balance through a lottery process. Another element is the “Pathway
System.” Each year, after analyzing data and projections, “pathways” are organized from elementary schools to
either of the two middle schools. This process creates a pathway to the secondary schools that blends
elementary schools having a higher minority population with those having a lower minority population.
Element three is the full-day kindergarten program. Minority students in the Academy attendance zone,
accepting placement in kindergarten classes outside that attendance zone, are expected to remain in the pathway
established for the school to which they are assigned, but non-minority students are expected to return to their
base school. Boundary line waivers are considered on a limited basis and tightly controlled. Stratford teachers
and students participate in school-based programs to improve school climate and stop bullying, Yale’s Model
United Nations program, and multicultural programs. Stratford PS are represented on the Stratford Youth and
Family Advisory Board, the local council for positive youth development, and the School Readiness and
Childcare Advisory Council. Schools partner with local community agencies and institutions in a town-wide
effort to affirm and support Stratford’s rich cultural, religious, and ethnic diversity. Schools create
opportunities for community connections to expand student knowledge of local volunteer opportunities and
experiences. Link Crew provides a smooth transition for incoming freshmen and new students connecting them
with an upper classman. Minority applicants for school positions are encouraged through job fairs and
relationships with higher institutions.

Spaulding School continues its partnership with Open Choice. Increasing student awareness of diversity &
individual differences is addressed within classroom lessons. Social skills lessons reinforce efforts to understand
& celebrate differences & build acceptance. Spaulding Stars addresses & promotes positive social interaction &
responsibility. McAlister Intermediate School students participate in programs & efforts that broaden their
experiences as citizens in a diverse world. We provide programs that celebrate & increase awareness of
diversity. Each year McAlister enrolls a number of students in the Open Choice Program. At SMS
opportunities to integrate & relate students to the diverse cultures & people of the global society are embedded
in the school’s mission, curriculums, extra-curricular activities & community service opportunities.
Partnerships with Windsor, Hartland & Hartford allowed students & parents to organize & facilitate “I am
Unique! I am Woman!” Health Fair. Support of groups such as the Emergency Aid Society Relay for Life
fundraiser, Leadership Symposium VII, Mix-It-Up Day & CREC programs are initiatives that the students &
staff focus on which contribute to a Positive School Culture. The Anti-Defamation League trained all teachers
& staff in the “Let’s Get Real” middle program and trained 42 students to be Positive School Ambassadors with
an active role in promoting positive school climate. SHS participates in the Open Choice program & several
inter-district programs & projects in racially-mixed communities. We engage in activities designed to increase
student awareness of diversity & cultures. As a Regional Agriscience School, we increased students from
Hartford helping to provide diversity that represents our broader cultural, racial, & ethnic world. SHS
participates in the Bridges program, sponsored by the NCCJ & has active awareness & appreciation
organizations such as Gay-Straight Alliance, Best Buddies & Friends of Rachel. We host the Names Can
Really Hurt Us assembly program sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League. We host foreign exchange
students & the flags of these students’ countries are on permanent display. Our faculty is trained on culturally
responsive education strategies & is sensitive to issues of diversity.

Each day at Black Rock School, teachers and other staff integrated the Second Step program themes into their
instruction; themes included empathy, caring and inclusion. The school psychologist and social worker
supported both students and teachers through these themes.

Thomaston Center School provided students with many opportunities to appreciate and celebrate diversity.
During the 2014-2015 academic year, classroom and school-wide activities focused on mutual respect,
tolerance, and positive character. Students participated in the BEAR (Behaving Exceptionally And
Responsibly) program, created by staff and specifically designed to build a student’s social-emotional skills,
actively encouraging acceptance of others. Students also participated in Project Wisdom, a daily announcement
program offering students opportunities to reflect upon positive, daily choices; corresponding Project Wisdom
lessons were provided to teachers.

A student group representing all three grade levels attended the Elementary Level Leadership Conference.
Students studied various cultural traditions and customs within the social studies, language arts, music, and art
curricula, i.e., a world drumming unit in music which allowed for a hands-on study of instruments from around
the world, and field trips to local museums.

Thomaston High School was purposeful in the development of programs that would reduce racial, ethnic, and
economic isolation. The goal for the Thomaston High School student body was to enhance cultural knowledge,
instill a greater appreciation for diversity, and to embrace, rather than reject, differences within the school.
Programs such as Advisory, Gay Straight Alliance (GSA), Beauty, Inside and Out, world language courses, and
culturally themed assemblies were used to achieve this goal. Students were given the opportunity to interact
with a diverse group of students from other schools through the Connecticut Youth Forum, Middle School
Leadership Conference, and Middle School Writer’s workshop.

Linked directly to the school’s Advisory Program, Thomaston High School sponsors Challenge Day (a
nationally recognized diversity program) every four years. The program is focused on instilling respect and
appreciation for a diverse environment.

Multi-cultural education occurs at every grade level including in and out of school activities. Students take part
in patriotic assemblies and we recognize all cultural and religious holidays. Through the fine arts the countries
of Japan and China became this year’s focal point exposing students to the art, language, traditions and culture.
TEEG continues to serve as a valuable connection to our community. Destiny Africa visited Thompson Middle
School. This was a concert performed by children from Africa. An acting ensemble also performed various
Shakespearean skits for the entire student body. Fifth grade field trips to Mystic Seaport and The Boston Duck
Tours, as well as attending a play entitled “We the People”, add to the students’ awareness of multicultural
history. Fifth grade students also read various multicultural novels throughout the school year. All sixth grade
students participated in a curriculum fair focusing on a specific country requiring in depth research into the
cultural, economics and lifestyle of people living outside the United States. Seventh grade students attended
Nature’s Classroom for a week in October. Eighth grade students participated in field trips to The Statue of
Liberty, West Point, and Washington D.C. Topics covered in the eighth grade curriculum through
interdisciplinary units focused on the negative impact intolerance and racism can have on our society. At the
high school a variety of assemblies and programs are run annually by our very active Diversity Club, promoting
tolerance, acceptance and understanding. Such events include Ally Day – which highlights the effects of and
minimizes bullying by having students pledge to use appropriate language and stand up against bullying. The
Day of Silence is a National program that Tourtellotte students take part in. The Names Program is a whole day
event run through the Anti-Defamation League. Additionally, Tourtellotte hosted The Looking Glass Theater
assembly for students to explore the effects of bullying and promote the acceptance of all. All students in
Thompson participate in a program called Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS). This program’s goal
is to encourage students to be respectful, responsible, and safe in everything they do.

The schools engage regularly in activities to support families in need, donating food, clothing, and other items.
The students work independently by school, and in collaboration with organizations like the Tolland Junior
Women, to address economic disparities and provide community programming. The TPS curriculum includes
programs on African drumming and culture, as well as other cultural explorations (i.e. Mexico, Spain, etc.) and
the PBIS programs in the schools encourage responsible behaviors and actions. Student Council, and Service
Corp groups work in the community to promote tolerance, acceptance, and social responsibility. TPS Schools
have Culture and Climate committees that include parents, and help with cultural and civic minded
programming. One such effort was a program on homelessness. The Social Studies classes engage in cultural
relativity programming, as does ELA classes thereby giving students exposure to a wide variety of authors and
literary perspectives.

The TPS provide educational opportunities for students that promote respect and an appreciation for individual
and cultural differences. A course in Native American Studies is offered at Tolland High School. The
curriculum emphasizes the experience of the original inhabitants of North America and the diversity which
existed among tribes. In addition to bringing in speakers from different native tribal nations, student activities
include field trips to museums, sweat lodges, and native reservations. Fine Arts instruction has focused on
minority and multi-cultural art and musical expression. Concerts have included pieces composed to celebrate
diverse origins.

Strategies to include multicultural references and diversity are currently being added to all relevant curricula.
English courses have included new units on WWII Japanese-American internment, Russian culture, African-
American authors and Native American experiences. The Gay-Straight Alliance conducted activities such as
the Rainbow Campaign to promote respect and tolerance in our school. Students at the high school worked
collaboratively with local senior citizens to pack over 100,000 meals as part of a community fundraiser.
Tolland High School students have dual-enrolled in magnet and regional school opportunities.

Torrington is a community whose demographic diversity continues to increase. In order to promote equity and
access for all ethnic and income groups served by the schools, district publications are made available in
English and Spanish. Our ELL population has increased significantly this year. Extra staff has been hired to
address the needs of our students. Communications are sent electronically or in paper form. All parents can
access student grades and can monitor student progress electronically and confidentially throughout the year.

In alignment with the district’s school climate plan, each school site engages in developmentally appropriate
activities to build community and promote respect and an appreciation of differences. Each school sponsors a
series of anti-bullying, tolerance building and respect for diversity workshops. These sessions are designed to
promote appropriate, positive behavior. The district hosts a large number of events which celebrates and
features our award winning music program. The character education curriculum and PBIS system emphasize
the importance of all individuals and their membership in the school community. The district uses funding to
enable students of different socio-economic backgrounds to participate in various activities. Local
organizations provide tolerance building and respect for all educational programs at every elementary school.
Students collaborate to foster relationships throughout the district and community. The expansion of clubs and
activities at each grade level allows for creative expression as well as diverse experiences that students might
not have had the opportunity to pursue due to limited family financial resources. Extended day and extended
year programs provide student with academic support as well as a quiet place to study and focus on learning.

The district actively encourages minority candidates to seek employment in Torrington. Additionally,
curriculum materials are evaluated to ensure that they are representative and respectful of diverse groups.
Students participate in field trips to a variety of locations locally, regionally, and internationally to expose them
to multi-faceted educational experiences.

The Trumbull Public Schools continue to actively seek to provide resources and activities that allow students
and staff to interact with members of racially, ethnically, and economically diverse communities. To increase
and expand those interactions, the District has supported the following initiatives:

An active district-wide Cultural Diversity Committee, representing administrators, teachers, and community
members, continues to work toward extending an environment where diversity is valued as a source of strength
and vitality. School-based diversity committees also sponsor various cultural events at the local level, including
inter-district projects that allow the district to maintain lasting partnerships with surrounding districts. A
particularly impactful program has been Trumbull High School’s Truth About Hate assembly, providing
education and sharing about cultural diversity using the pyramid of hate as a model, and supported by peer
leadership within the school community.

Forty-three Trumbull students participated in a regional program for the arts, while seventy-eight enrolled in the
marine science program at the regional Aquaculture Center in Bridgeport. Both of these are partial-day
programs. Nineteen students attended the Fairchild Wheeler Interdistrict Magnet High School in Bridgeport.
CES Six-to-Six Interdistrict Magnet School attracted twenty-nine Trumbull students, while the Interdistrict
Discovery Magnet School welcomed six.

Fifty-five Project Choice students have been welcomed as members of our elementary, middle, and high school

Curriculum guides K-12 include links to diverse cultures and backgrounds, supporting both students and
teachers to share and celebrate the rich history, traditions, and holidays of a wide range of the world’s
communities. In accordance with the District’s affirmative action policy, candidates from underrepresented
populations are actively recruited for teaching positions from teacher-preparation institutions and through
personal contact and recommendations.

During the past several years, students (40+) and teachers (4-5) in grades 5-8 at Union School have participated
in activities to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation. One such activity included participation in an inter-
district grant program led by EASTCONN. Several sessions were held so students could participate in team-
building activities with other schools as well as conduct research in science (specifically, birds). Union School
students participated in this in two different school years.

Students in fifth and sixth grade wrote pen pal letters to students in Portugal and had an ongoing system of
exchanging letters during the school year.

We have also had several assemblies and field trips coordinated through the Performing Arts of Northeast
Connecticut. These opportunities include in-house visit from musicians as well as performances at the Hyde
Cultural Center.

In addition, high school students from Woodstock Academy provided a half day presentation of Chinese culture
for students in grades 5-8 and have visited during Read Across America Day in each of the past two years.

The Town of Vernon is diverse and polarized with a higher pocket of poverty in one area of Town. With one
middle school and one high school, all students come together for those seven years of their schooling. The
high school recruits students for Advanced Placement courses, Early College Experience courses, and other
courses that may garner college credit prior to graduation. All grade 10 and 11 students take the PSAT free of
charge. Students have participated in the Youth Empowerment Summit on Diversity. The high school has a
Unity Team to bring pride to the school and an International Club that celebrates cultures and backgrounds from
around the world. The LinkCrew is a student-service organization that develops student leadership and
community mindedness in a wide range of students. All students in grades K – 8 engage in the Second Step
curriculum which teaches social skills. Students have alternative educational options such as Magnet Schools,
Open Choice and Charter Schools. ESL programs are offered at several schools and a translation feature on our
website for non-English speaking families. Vernon participates in minority teacher recruitment and Charitable
Trusts and Enrichment Programs. Elementary schools conduct Family Math and Literacy Nights, after-school
activities and writing celebrations in addition to Interdistrict programs with outside districts. All initiatives are
systemic in Vernon ensuring that each student has access to the same rigorous curriculum and resources.

Wallingford Public Schools provides ongoing opportunities in an effort to increase an understanding and respect
for diversity. There is active participation in the community-based Wallingford Coalition, a community
organization that is actively promoting diversity in town government and schools. There is participation by

students from New Haven in the Project Open Choice Program. Fifty-five Wallingford students are enrolled in
the Wintergreen Interdistrict Magnet School, eighteen Wallingford students are enrolled in the Edison
Interdistrict Magnet School and twelve Wallingford students are enrolled in the ECA program (Educational
Center for the Arts) in New Haven. Our English Language Arts units continue to embed diversity in the
literature provided to our teachers and students. Additionally, our Coordinated Health Curriculum embeds
diversity awareness and understanding lessons for all students. Specific contacts and activities are provided
with participating schools. Through the school year there are comprehensive diversity weeks months with
many activities at both Wallingford high schools. There continues to be involvement of elementary and middle
school students in interdistrict cooperative grant programs through ACES.

The district is wonderfully diverse; students and staff represent many racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds.
In addition to natural peer-to-peer interaction for students, the district and the schools host many activities that
help to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation. Examples include: hosting an annual district-wide
Hispanic heritage event, in addition to individual school activities related to Hispanic heritage; school-based
Black History Month activities that bring Black History to life in the classroom; and Multi-Cultural
Celebrations reflecting Waterbury’s diverse population. School drama and musical productions,
intergenerational STEM and fitness activities, celebrations, and sister schools events all promote awareness of
diversity. Many schools also participated in interdistrict cooperative grant projects led by non-profit
organizations who partner with the district. Such projects allow Waterbury students to learn side by side with
students of various racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds from other districts. The district has two
interdistrict magnet elementary schools, and one middle-high school magnet that is focused on the arts. Each
magnet school draws students from neighboring suburbs and from the city. Since its inception as an interdistrict
magnet school in 1996, Maloney Elementary School has had an exemplary Japanese language program. Groups
of students from district high schools explored other countries and cultures as well through various trips,
including travel to Europe. The district continues to aggressively recruit staff of all backgrounds, especially
minorities, with the goal of providing students with the best possible education, and with racially and culturally
diverse positive role models. The district pursued, was awarded, and implemented a competitive planning grant
from CSDE to “Increase Representation of Black and Latino Teachers.”

Waterford has made a concerted and organized effort to provide educational opportunities for its students to
interact with their counterparts from diverse racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds. Our students regularly
participate in activities with students from surrounding urban districts facilitated by LEARN. Each school often
hosts speakers with the main focus being respect and diversity and students frequently work on projects
celebrating their personal heritage. Waterford High School again took part in an art show in collaboration with
New London Public Schools to showcase various forms of art created by our students.

The Friendship School, our early childhood magnet school, operated by LEARN, in cooperation with New
London Public Schools, entered its tenth year. More than 500 pre-kindergartner and kindergarten students
attend and the state of the art building provides an inclusive program for all of the district’s preschoolers
identified as in need of special education.

Waterford offers our students the opportunity to attend various high schools in the region including the Science
and Technology Magnet High School, Marine Science Magnet High School, the Agricultural Science and
Technology program at Ledyard High School, Grasso Technical High School, Norwich Regional Technical
High School, and Middle College High School. Additionally, Waterford transports many resident elementary
and middle school students to magnet and charter schools such as Winthrop STEM Elementary Magnet School,
Nathan Hale Arts Magnet School, Regional Multicultural Magnet School (RMMS), Interdistrict School for Arts

& Communication (ISAAC), Dual Language & Arts Magnet Middle School, and the STEM Magnet Middle

The quality of programs that Waterford has created over the years has greatly improved. We are always
looking to add more activities through our budget process and through funding from our local education
foundation, school parent teacher organizations, and through grants provided by the State and our area RESC.

Building strong relationships is a key component of developing an appreciation of cultural diversity. Across the
district, administrators and teachers participated in professional learning opportunities that focused on
improving instructional strategies to meet the needs of all learners. The formation of school improvement
teams, to examine local overall performance data relative to the performance of each subgroup, is the key to
reducing racial, ethnic and socioeconomic isolation.

At Watertown High School, English Language Arts and Social Studies courses explore topics such as ethnicity,
the Holocaust and the Civil Rights Movement, using literature and primary source documents. Cultural
understanding is emphasized in our World Languages classes through immersion activities and the
establishment of pen pals with students in other nations. The WHS Delta club was established by students to
lead school-wide efforts to promote improved school climate and acceptance of others. This group has
supported efforts such as “The Truth About Hate,” from the Anti-Defamation League, and “Rachel’s
Challenge.” The Interact Club reaches out to the greater community through work in soup kitchens and
community service for the elderly.

Swift Middle School continues to offer interdisciplinary lessons that highlight diverse cultural backgrounds.
Many school clubs reinforce cultural diversity in their activities. World Cultures activities support efforts to
bridge the cultures of the world through understanding. Swift’s developmental guidance and health curriculum
programs emphasize a strong anti-bullying message and encourage respect and kindness.

At the elementary schools, diversity and tolerance are emphasized in numerous ways. Students conduct a
variety of fundraisers to support people in need. Interdisciplinary programs involving music, art, physical
education, and classroom teachers are held throughout the year. Literacy Volunteers of Greater Waterbury host
workshops for parents of students who are English Language Learners.

Westbrook Public Schools (WPS) seek opportunities to interact with peers and teachers from diverse
backgrounds and cultures. Growing in our own diversity, with an increasing number of English Language
Learners enrolling, staff & students integrate learning tasks & activities with other cultures. The school district
enjoys a sister-school relationship with a primary & intermediate school in Zibo, China. Chinese students and
administrators regularly visit WPS to exchange instructional practices. Our high school accepts exchange
students. Students travel and host others in exchange with France. The Elementary School has made a
connection with a Caribbean island-school to experience cross-cultural connections for our students with a
special emphasis on English Language Learners.

A foundational goal of the district is focused on creating and sustaining school & district climates of respect for
one another. Staff and student partnerships offer opportunities to expand our thinking beyond WPS. The district
sponsors inter-district programming for our MS & HS students including urban districts. Students attend
forums across the state and are frequently invited to present and facilitate learning on topics aligned with
positive climate. Project Oceanology programs involving students from more urban settings (Middletown and
New London) provide hands-on marine experiments for our Middle School students with their urban peers.
WMS & WHS students also benefit from shared music programs with other school districts. WHS participates
in Model UN. Students study a country, visit the ambassador at the UN to consider issues & needs in that
country. They participate in a mock UN general assembly at the University of Hartford, with other students
from around the state to discuss global issues. Students improve skills in problem solving, conflict resolution,
research and communication. The program brings together students of diverse backgrounds, cultures and
opinions to develop global understanding while creating an avenue for new friendships.

WPS athletic programs (intra & interscholastic) focus on maximizing student exposure to healthy lifestyles and
competition. Over 65% of WPS students participate in athletics. The recent addition of Indoor Track for boys
and girls.

West Hartford
As a diverse community, West Hartford is one of the few towns in the state whose percent of minority students
and students eligible for free and reduced lunch are both within 15 percentage points of the state average.
During our 182 day school year, there are innumerable opportunities during a student’s normal instructional
settings for interactions between students of different races, ethnicity, and socio-economic groups.

Beyond the day-to-day activities available to all students, the district has strong participation in a variety of
programs that promote reduced racial, ethnic, and economic isolation. Approximately 540 students attend inter-
district magnet, charter, and vo-tech schools. West Hartford has two magnet elementary schools with a total
enrollment of 689 students and a magnet enrollment of 243 students. Our district has actively recruited
minority staff members and participated in CREC Minority Job Fairs, UCONN job fairs as well as hosting our
own career fair. We are an active participant in the Open Choice program with 143 Choice students enrolled.

Our curriculum is filled with an array of experiences and activities designed to increase awareness of diversity
of individuals and cultures. Every student is touched by one of these activities during the school year – with a
district mentoring program, elementary cultural theme days, middle school international celebrations, and high
school student led activities and clubs such as Human Rights Day, ADL presentations, the African American
Symposium, and projects such as Empty Bowls that support efforts to combat hunger.

The school board has taken an active role in funding and supporting many of the programs that have seen great
success. The Board continues to support magnet schools, HANOC, The Bridge Family Center, Graustein
Memorial Fund Discovery Project, Summer Academy, Hello! West Hartford, West Hartford Celebration of Dr.
Martin Luther King, an LGBTQ Advisory, Native American speakers, community conversations regarding
diversity, the elimination of school mascots, SERC training in Culturally Responsive Pedagogy, District
Cultural Council sponsored performances, Summer Connections and ESOL Summer Programs, and the
Alternative Middle and High School programs.

West Haven
During the 2014-2015 year, many opportunities continue to be offered at schools designed to reduce racial,
ethnic and economic isolation. Our efforts to expose students and their families to multiple educational, social
and emotional supports have broadened awareness, thus an increasing accessibility of equal educational
opportunities. As a result of our curricula changes and high expectations, data has demonstrated that we have
been successful in closing the gaps across racial, ethnic and economic divides.

The District continues to build on community relationships, and is best typified by the numerous family,
community, academic, social and recreational activities held at the schools. Efforts to support and engage
families across economic and cultural divides include international nights; school-wide research projects
celebrating different cultures; family math and literacy nights; storytelling events for families; partnerships with
the University of New Haven, Yale University and Gateway Community; and the public library sessions and
All programming is designed to involve families in their community schools in an effort to reduce not only
racial and ethnic isolation, but equally as important, economic isolation. We continue to support School
Governance Councils at all schools.

West Haven’s youngsters continue to be represented and involved in the State Inter-district Cooperative Grant
Programs through a variety of activities between urban and suburban school districts’ student and teacher
populations. These are year round student and staff activities, which focus on cultural awareness through cross-
community involvement activities utilizing specific content areas, such as the science, as a common
instructional vehicle.

West Haven is committed to hiring staff in both certified and non-certified positions that reflect the diversity of
our student population. A conscience effort has been made to include bilingual staff at each school and to seek
out a more diverse teaching staff. Parental notices and forms are translated in languages other than English in
order to effectively communicate with our community.

Weston Public Schools continue to make great strides to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation through
our participation in Project Choice and our steadfast commitment to community service and fundraising
projects. Weston participates in the State of Connecticut’s “Open Choice Program” through which students
from a surrounding urban area, Bridgeport, attend our schools. These students are an important part of our
community and participate in all aspects of the school day and afterschool activities.

Our core academic curriculum provides opportunities for students to learn about different cultures through
history, music, and literature helping them gain greater appreciation for the importance of cultural diversity. At
Weston High School, we have an on-going exchange program with our Chinese sister school, Qingdao #17
Senior High School in the Shandong Province, China. We hosted our first delegation of Chinese students and
teachers in the fall of 2013. Weston High School continues to provide educational experiences that enhance our
students’ capacity to live in a global world. Course offerings such in humanities, Spanish, French, Chinese, and
film studies, focus on issues and concepts related to diversity.

In our schools, students receive numerous opportunities to have a positive impact on others who may not have
the same opportunities that we may take for granted. Our student government organizations help to create
awareness among the student body for humanitarian efforts that have resulted in a number of school-wide
drives. Through first hand exposure with those from different cultures and backgrounds, our students receive
the critical life experience of understanding and appreciating the many commonalities that they share in the

The Westport schools continue to value and seek opportunities for teachers and students to participate with
others from diverse backgrounds in order to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation. Elementary schools
continue to engage in social competency programs that support understanding and acceptance of differences
among people. The high school’s diversity program, which encourages respect for all people, includes the Gay-
Straight Alliance and other cultural clubs. The high school has also welcomed students from Westport’s “A
Better Chance” program which brings academically able but less affluent students from elsewhere in the
country to live in Westport and attend Staples. Multi-cultural units of study and programs celebrate diversity in
all its elements. The English literature representing voices from various cultures, family backgrounds, and
gender sexual identities. The World Language Department offers six different languages and engages students
in cultural studies as well as seeing the world from multiple perspectives on a regular basis. In addition, the
district’s longstanding commitment toward economic and racial diversity is embodied in the 51 students from
Bridgeport who attended the Westport Public Schools in 2014-2015 through the Open Choice program,
continuing to make Westport’s one of the largest Open Choice programs in this area. We also continue to have
a portion of our school population coming to Westport from foreign countries, adding a multi-cultural presence
to the school system. In 2014-2015 there were 338 students in our schools coming from homes in which 41
different “dominant” languages were spoken. While many students were fluent in English, 68 participated in
our ESOL program. As a result, many of our teachers engage in cultural study units and celebrations of a
variety of cultures. The high school benefits from Westport’s partnership with the Hwa Chong Institution in
Singapore. We have an active exchange program in which students from Singapore visit Staples high school
and stay with several Westport families, and for the last three years we have had students attend the Asia-
Pacific Youth Leadership Summit hosted on the Hwa Chong campus.

Though the school district population contains some degree of racial, ethnic and economic diversity, we are a
geographical distance from districts which might offer magnet or interdisciplinary programs for our students.
Our Middle School continues a partnership with the University of Connecticut and profit from its broad range
of programs, staff and students. In conjunction with E.O. Smith High School, assemblies are held to showcase
their foreign exchange students. These students share video, dance, song and the culture of their native land
with our middle school. A Wide Area Network (WAN) and classroom accessibility to the Internet has
expanded our students’ contact with other schools and a more diverse population of students. Our teachers
strive to include a variety of multicultural lessons and materials within every curriculum area. In grades two
through eight, Willington students study Spanish with an emphasis on cultural and language experience.

Because of the limited diversity in our school and community population, Wilton strives to reduce racial, ethnic,
and economic isolation through programming in the academic, guidance, fine arts, and co-curricular areas as
well through student participation in service projects.

At the elementary school level, programs are designed to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation. School-
wide behavioral programs, including developmental guidance programs, seek to enhance student skills in the
awareness and understanding of differences. The social studies curriculum provides opportunities to help
students develop understanding of cultural diversity and the history of various regions. In Grades 3-5, team
projects focus on increasing cultural understanding through the study of the fine arts and world languages.
Elementary school service projects support local, national, and international communities.

Our middle school continues its goal to reduce racial, ethnic, and socio-economic isolation. Continually
evolving interdisciplinary team projects are designed to help raise students’ awareness and understanding of
diversity issues and differing cultures. Programs in the fine and performing arts promote understanding of
cultural diversity. In addition, visiting presenters provide cultural and historical presentations to students.
Service projects heighten student awareness and concern about racial, ethnic, and economic conditions. The
school also designs a world language week and participates in an annual International Art Exchange.

Programs at the high school provide students with a range of opportunities to reduce racial, ethnic, and
economic isolation. Students have participated in the “A Better Chance” program, which provides inner-city
students with the opportunity to live in Wilton and attend high school. Several curricular programs include the
study of diversity-related themes. A wide range of activities designed to increase student awareness of the
diversity of individuals and cultures included guest speaker presentations, diversity related co-curricular club
participation, the hosting of international exchange students, fine and performing arts presentations, celebration
of the annual world language and arts festivals, and student-generated service.

Our School support staff of psychologists and social workers have designed and implemented numerous
programs including Second Step, classroom discussions, and events to increase student awareness of cultural
differences and provide additional support to school efforts. A school-wide, positive behavior supports
program, which rewards students for showing kind and respectful behavior toward all, has seen a dramatic
increase in excellent behavior among a student cohort since this program was established. Winchester also
employs an English Language Learner staff, which works toward providing appropriate instruction for ELL
students and promoting positive home school communication and relationships. The staff and students interact
socially as well on a regular basis with "lunch bunch" activities and year-end celebrations of academic

Our classroom teachers continue to integrate numerous literature selections that illustrate respect for individual

Our school also continues to focus on character development through the use of Responsive Classroom
Approach and the explicit instruction of social skills with the Second Step Program.

Windham School District is committed to reducing racial, ethnic and economic isolation by recognizing and
appreciating the unique assets represented in the community. During the 2014-15, the district provided
numerous opportunities for staff, parents and students to participate in activities within each school community
to support these efforts. The district has a Dual Language program at North Windham Elementary School (K-5)
and at Windham Middle School (6-8), enabling students to become bilingual, bicultural, and bi-literate.
Windham is invested in the ongoing recruitment of school personnel who reflect the diversity represented in our
student population. Planning began for Windham Early College Opportunity (ECO), a program designed so
high students can earn an associate degree in manufacturing in addition to their high school diploma in the
manufacturing field. Partners include Quinebaug Valley Community College and manufacturing companies
from all across the state.

Several grant-funded initiatives bring together Windham’s students with those from neighboring school districts
that serve a less diverse population. Communities who participate with Windham in efforts to foster interaction
among students with different backgrounds are: Columbia; Coventry; East Hartford; Hampton; Hebron;
Killingly; Lebanon; Mansfield; and Willington. Selected schools also have the Foster Grandparent program,
and the Big Brothers and Big Sisters Program. In 2014-15, Charles H. Barrows STEM Academy, a Windham
host magnet school, attracted students from 26 other school districts. The school operated for grades K-3 and
grades 5-7. This school helps to ensure students from Windham (two-thirds of the school’s population)
establish meaningful relationships with students from other towns.

At the high school students are afforded the opportunity to interact with students from different backgrounds
through inter-disciplinary units provided by teachers. Students are involved in several inter-district programs
through EASTCONN in Science (Forensics), and Social Studies (Pathways to History, Mosaics).

In an effort to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation the Windsor Public Schools offers a no cost half-day
summer school program for students K-5, including free transportation with breakfast and a morning snack
provided. Students are selected for summer school based on a variety of factors including: academic need, and
socio-economic status. Throughout the summer school day, students received 1.5 hours of mathematics
instruction and 2 hours of instruction in literacy. To create an environment that serves the whole child, a half-
hour enrichment period provides a creative and active educational experience for students.

Several secondary students from various subgroups participate in the CREC Magnet School Programs including
the Greater Hartford Academy of Math and Sciences and the Arts Academy. Students participated in school
based offerings including the Empowered Leadership Academy, Camp Anytown and the Bridges.

Multicultural technical support was obtained through contracts with Democracy Now (Montgomery County
Study Circles) and National Urban Alliance. The Study Circle model was expanded from the initial group at
WHS to the District Leadership Team. National Urban Alliance began professional development in January of
2015 with a cohort of grade 8 and 9 core area teachers.

The district employs four ELL teachers to provide services to the English Language Learners at all levels. Two
teachers have ARCTELL program training and a cross-endorsement in Teachers of English to Students of Other
Languages (TESOL).

Windsor Locks
During the 2015-2016 school year, Windsor Locks took a major step forward in reducing racial, ethnic, and
economic isolation of students. Of greatest significance, the district increased the number of students enrolled
through the Hartford Open Choice Program from 83 to 98 students, enrolling the majority of students in our
early grades, and increasing our enrollments across grades 3-8. We provide significant supports to students as
they transition by connecting them with a school-based Open Choice Coordinator, connecting them with
afterschool opportunities, and developing a small, connected group of peers to support them while at school.
By providing these supports as well as significant academic supports to help students attain mastery of content
and skills, we see the impact of the significant work our teachers, administrators, and counseling staff do every
day to help students meet success when they transition to Windsor Locks.

As a district that participates in the Open Choice Program, students from Windsor Locks are also offered choice
in area Magnet Schools. During the 2014-2015 school year, 29 students attended Hartford Public Magnet
Schools, 69 students attended Capital Region Education Council Magnet Schools (28 of those students attended
CREC’s Metropolitan Learning Center), and seven (7) students attended other district Magnet Schools
(LEARN, Bloomfield Public Schools, and Region 13).

Wolcott students have the opportunity to apply for participation in a variety of magnet schools; primarily in
Waterbury. The Waterbury Arts Magnet School (WAMS) and Rotella Magnet Schools are the two primary
magnet choices that Wolcott families opt for. Wolcott is the second largest sender of students to WAMS (33

Wolcott has been an active partner with Ansonia Public Schools in the Cosmic Cultures Grant and programs.
These programs are designed specifically to introduce students from communities of different demographics to
each other through extracurricular activities that are academic and cultural in nature.

Revised curriculum documents across the grade span emphasize cultural connections and extensions through
reading selections and deep-thinking activities.

Beecher Road School is the only elementary school in Woodbridge for students in Grades PK-6 with an
enrollment of approximately 760. Woodbridge supports and participates in the Open Choice program, where 12
students are enrolled from New Haven in Grades K-6. Additionally, BRS participates in the Wintergreen Inter-
district Magnet School. These partnerships allow BRS students opportunities to have direct contact with
students of different racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds.

Sister-school relationships have been established for inter-cultural communication with two elementary schools
in the Shandong Province of China. Digital forms of communication have been established with both staff and
students. BRS students engage in international projects with students in our sister schools in China through a
series of large-scale Skype conferences. These projects help to broaden student’s global perspective by
incorporating: (1) multi-cultural understanding; (2) cross-cultural communication; and (3) and the use of the
Arts to promote cultural sensitivity. During these conferences, students of various ages engage in an on-going
dialog with their peers in China.

Woodbridge has a long-standing tradition of integrating multicultural themes into its curriculum. Writer’s
Workshop in all K-6 classrooms provides students with opportunities to share personal identities and
backgrounds with others through writing. Spanish is taught in Grades K-6 through a proficiency model that
promotes language acquisition and cross-cultural understandings. Students also share in academic projects
using the Arts, drama, choral and instrumental music. Chinese language and culture is also taught in after-
school classes.

The Responsive Classroom initiative focuses on the emotional and social development of children. This
initiative promotes a more respectful and tolerant school culture---one that supports inter-cultural
communication, tolerance of others and an appreciation of all forms of diversity. Using the internet as a vehicle
of communication, students are involved in a number of instructional activities intended to broaden their
perspective about world societies and multiculturalism. As a result, school culture and climate are enhanced
through respectful academic and social interaction.

Regional District 04
John Winthrop Middle School incorporates overarching themes of diversity, tolerance, and respect in weekly
Advisory Connection Team (ACT) lessons for all students. Incoming students from three elementary schools
participate in Unity Day events at JWMS to set a tone of acceptance for all students prior to their arrival. For
the past four years, students from JWMS have participated in Middlesex Consortium’s “Celebrating Differences
for a Better Tomorrow” at Wesleyan University. As a result of this conference our students have a greater
understanding and appreciation of the diverse world around them.

To encourage tolerance and acceptance, all students participate in Mix It Up Day and Positive Youth
Development Day activities, which feature opportunities for new interaction between students to celebrate
differences and cultivate new relationships. The JWMS Student Leadership program focuses on the importance
of inclusion for all students. In addition to schoolwide activities, student leaders annually attend the
Connecticut Association of Schools Student Leadership Conference and the Bully Prevention Rally, sponsored
by the Community Foundation of Middlesex County. In addition, programs and assemblies are scheduled
throughout the year to support efforts to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation.

The Valley Regional High School advisory program (CORE) curriculum for grades 9-12 provides many
opportunities for students to engage in activities to raise awareness of discrimination, to prepare students to be
active and positive citizens in a diverse, global society, and to promote acceptance of other cultures. Students
actively participated in community service with Interact Club, National Honor Society, and Student Council.
Students also participated in a school-wide Warriors in the Community service event that involved the entire
student body and staff engaged in community service projects in all three of our towns. Each year our students
also participate in a number of cultural exchanges to expand their awareness, experience, and interaction with
students and families of other cultures. In addition to several educational trips to France and Spain, our students
also host students from a variety of other countries.

Regional District 05
Amity Regional High School (ARHS) and Amity Middle School Orange (AMSO), and Amity Middle School
Bethany (AMSB), engage in numerous initiatives designed to reduce ethnic, economic, and racial isolation. As
examples, the district encourages the Open Choice Program with a total of fourteen students participating in

Both middle schools and the high school sponsored a variety of activities designed to reduce racial, ethnic and
economic isolation. Middle school students participated in the Anti-Defamation League program entitled The
World of Difference Institute. Students explored topics inherent in diversity, such as recognizing stereotypes,
accepting differences and prejudice reduction and met face-to-face with those students different from
themselves. All students participated in programs related to character education.

ARHS actively supports the Inter-District Cooperative International Program, The ACES Arts Magnet Program
in New Haven, and hosts cultural experiences for students and faculty. Students and teachers from ARHS
participated in the Greater New Haven Cooperative International Program with surrounding public schools.
Students from diverse backgrounds from eight schools meet 16 times a year in both academic and extra-
curricular activities with a focus on diversity awareness and cultural sensitivity. Students at ARHS participated
in activities with Yale University PIER faculty and students. Each of these partnerships and collaborative
programs provided Amity students the opportunity to interact with students from a wide range of racial, ethnic,
and socio-economic backgrounds. During the 2014-15 school year, 263 seniors spent a portion of their spring
semester participating in the ARHS Senior Internship Program. This program provided structured support in
career skill development focused on diversity in the workplace. During the 2014-2015 academic year, Amity
students volunteered at numerous shelters and service agencies. Both middle schools and ARHS sponsor a
variety of clubs and activities designed to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation. There are a variety of
clubs including the Israeli-American Club, Muslim-American Club, Asian Club, Chinese Club, Black Students
Organization, PLAHD, Unified Theatre, and Unified Sports.

Regional District 07
Regional School District No. 7 represents the four communities of Barkhamsted, Colebrook, New Hartford and
Norfolk where the opportunity for diversity is significantly limited. All four of our towns qualify as rural, with
the largest town population being just over 6,000. We consistently make efforts to reduce racial, ethnic and
economic isolation through our integrated curriculum, Agricultural Education program, co-op football program,
specially designed programs and student activities. Our teachers are using technology to “open up the world”
through the use of digital resources across all grade levels. We have put forth a great effort to increase the
number of computers available for student use. We have also made significant gains in ordering additional
Chromebooks so our students have access to the internet based lessons our teachers have developed that are
aligned to the CCSS. The district continues to make strides in increasing the number of students entering the
middle and high schools from neighboring towns. Our Agricultural Education program accepts students from
Winchester and Torrington, towns with more diverse socioeconomic standing. Our Highlander Transition
Academy accepts students from Torrington, New Milford, Region 1, Region 12 and Region 14. Student groups
such as H.O.P.E. (Helping Others Promote Equality) celebrate the differences of humanity and work to promote
tolerance and acceptance. Our students are actively involved in fundraising and a variety of community service
activities that benefit the less fortunate. Our junior and seniors travel to local elementary schools to volunteer
their services for tutoring, training, coaching, recreation and garden clubs. Our high school community banking
students work with the elementary schools to teach them about the importance of saving money and other
aspects of personal finance. These programs greatly expand our racial diversity and ethnicity. 32 Northwestern
students participate in a successful cooperative football program with The Gilbert School in Winsted. Although
the geographic location of Regional 7 is isolated, our staff works hard to establish programs to enlighten our
students in regards to racial, cultural and ethnical differences to promote acceptance and appreciation.

Regional District 08
Regional School District No. 8 continues its’ efforts to reduce social and ethnic isolation through both intra and
inter-district opportunities which were pursued through grant funds and donations for students to experience
diversity in education. All RHAM Middle School 8th graders and RHAM High School 10th graders participate
in the Power of Words assemblies. These two assemblies emphasize how words have an impact on fellow
students and themselves. RHAM Middle School students continue to participate in Project Oceanology which
enables students from different social groups to learn to communicate as they gain respect and understanding of
differences. Middle School students also continue with the One Book, One School Program. All students and
faculty read the chosen book and then participate in a multitude of activities based on the book. The main
message from books chosen is the need for each of us to respect each other and our differences. Parents and the
community are invited to participate in the book discussion. RHAM Middle School students continue to
participate in the Multiply Your Options event at the University of CT. This is an all-day event designed for
young women interested in careers in the math and science fields. A variety of clubs promote tolerance and
acceptance of differences within the school and communities. RHAM High School students participate in the
school’s Cultural Awareness Club. The club sponsors a variety of activities designed to increase student
awareness of prejudice and stereotyping and encourages tolerance and acceptance of differences within the
school and communities. RHAM High School students also participate in the school’s Gay-Straight Alliance
Club which encourages students to accept and be tolerant of others and helps provide a safe school environment
for all people at RHAM, regardless of sexual orientation. The DECA Club sponsors food and clothing drives
for the area food bank and shelters. DECA students collected over 45 boxes of food and personal care items and
approximately 125 bags of clothing and winter apparel as well. Eighty students attend various magnet schools.

Regional District 9
Regional District #9, Joel Barlow High School, supports many initiatives to reduce racial, ethnic and economic
isolation during the 2014-2015 school year. We encourage all students and staff to experience and appreciate
diversity. To that end, our faculty, working through their curriculum, through the Advisory program and the
extracurricular activities, and with the support of administration, has provided multiple opportunities for our
students. Students continue to participate in debate tournaments, providing our student experiences with the
diversity of area schools, including Danbury, Fairfield, Stamford, New Haven and Orange CT. Also the
program allows travel that gives a student a wider perspective of various groups in the U.S. and foreign
countries. Our World Language Department has continued to support experiences and activities, including the
Spanish immersion Community Project with Danbury High School, and the work of Spanish VI students who
log hundreds of hours of community service to Spanish speaking people in our area. Students also are
immersed in the French culture when a contingent of students from France visits the high school in the spring,
sharing their culture with our students. French students have also visited Quebec, Canada in order to immerse
themselves with the French culture of that province. Through our Science Department, the Joel Barlow Science
Research Team competes in the yearly Science Bowl hosted at UConn. Our Robotics team also works with
local, state and national teams I competition, affording an experience of diversity. Students are also involved
with science research, and they present and compete on a statewide and national basis. Each year the Art
department continues to partner with the Lakota Indians, Red Cloud Indian High School, supporting them
through student-made jewelry sales. Finally, Unified Sports provides yet another experience for our students to
work with local and state diverse economic and ethnic populations through this program.

Regional District 10
Regional School District 10 continues to encourage and foster educational opportunities for students to interact
with peers and teachers from diverse racial, ethnic and economic backgrounds. Each school schedules
assemblies and programs for students that provide awareness of diverse and multi-cultural perspectives. At our
elementary schools, the PTA offers many wonderful programs that bring a variety of cultures to life for our
youngest students. Students engage with artists, musicians and dancers to be immersed in rich cultural
The world language program in RSD10 plays an essential part in our commitment to and awareness of other
cultures. Our world language program features several native speakers who bring their culture to the classroom.
World languages are offered to all students beginning in grade 3. Building upon this elementary experience our
students are able to expand their language knowledge in Middle and High School. One unique language offered
is Mandarin Chinese offered at our High School. This program teaches students not only the language but the
culture of China as well. Each year a student fieldtrip to New York’s Chinatown is a fun highlight. The World
Language Department hosts an annual cultural event, which highlights numerous ethnic groups and customs.

The high school offers a biennial student exchange program with Spain. Students travel from Spain and stay
with host families and later in the school year Region 10 students travel to Spain to stay with the student they
hosted and their family. Lewis Mills welcomes foreign exchange students; the most recent exchange students
were from Spain, Switzerland and Thailand. Cultural visits to France are also offered at the high school level.

Credited, teacher-supported independent study opportunities, which promote cultural awareness, are offered at
the high school and a Sister City program at the middle school level. RSD10 continues to participate in the
Project Choice Program. This opportunity enriches all children as they learn and grow together in a shared
educational experience. Lake Garda Elementary School is a participant in a unique relationship with the
University of Northwest Switzerland. College seniors join classrooms with a supervising teacher and co-taught

Regional District 11
Parish Hill entered into a cooperative agreement with an adjoining urban town to accept tuition students. A
Memorandum of Understanding was established with Windham Public Schools to tuition 10 students to Parish
Hill starting with the 2014-2015 school year. Recruitment of students occurred in May. This inter-district
cooperative program promotes diversity in our school and increases our student population. Thirty-eight
students took courses not offered at Parish Hill through Fuel Ed, an online virtual distance learning platform.
The school has developed a strong advisory program featuring weekly grade specific lessons for students in
grades 7-12. Lessons are centered on topics such as diversity, anti-bullying, respect and responsibility. All
students and staff participate in each week’s lesson. The Second Step curriculum is delivered to all middle
school students through push-in lessons. At least five extracurricular clubs address diversity and equity
including the Anti-bullying Club, Diversity Club, Model UN, Peer Mentors and Peer Mediation. The clubs are
open to all middle and high school students. Each club is advised by two staff members. Parish Hill continued
their involvement with Project Opening Doors in an effort to increase participation of all students in the
Advanced Placement courses. An assembly was held to increase student awareness of the effect of bullying
called Power of Words. All high school students and staff were involved in the assembly. The social worker
attended cultural competency training to address homeless student needs and rights. Several high school
students attended a trip to Europe via the Foreign Language Department. Seventh and eighth grade students are
eligible to attend the Windham STEM Elementary school via lottery system.

Regional District 12
The Region 12 learning community is committed to providing diverse experiences for all students. Educators
provide students with many classroom and school-wide activities that promote mutual respect, tolerance and
positive character development. In addition, the curriculum is designed to expose students to a variety of

For example, students compared and contrasted various communities, cultures and historical events. In
studying such topics as Japan, Alaska, Regions of the United States, slavery and immigration, students
participated in simulations increasing awareness of self, family, school, and community.

Third through fifth grade students participated in the Rhyme Celebration sponsored by the Coalition of
Language Teachers in Connecticut. Students competed with students from other schools in a poetry contest.
Students also participated in a performance in Spanish.
Integrated within the music program, students sing and play songs of various cultures. Students participated in
a “Customs Around the World” program during the school year. Many guest speakers and activities were
integrated within the academic programming.

In sixth grade, students studied Asian and African cultures, and seventh grade students studied Jewish history
and participated in the Holocaust Memorial Day. East West Studies introduced our students to intensive studies
of the eastern cultures of Japan, China, Vietnam and India. Olympic Day was an opportunity for middle school
students to gain further insight into world cultures through informational presentations about various countries.
Many of our students joined a World Language teacher on trips to the impoverished community of Oaxaca,
Mexico and to the Lakota Indians in South Dakota to assist efforts to feed, clothe, and house its people.

The After School Arts Program (ASAP) offers students opportunities to participate in diverse after school
activities. ASAP sponsored several programs offering students interaction with inner-city students, resulting in
an inter-district dance performance assembly for students and staff.

Regional District 13
We pay attention to the needs of our students that are caused by economic factors. Every effort is made to
provide resources and support to students who need it. We have established a fund that provides support to
students who may need financial support in order to participate in field trips and other school sponsored events.
A signature event for our district is our Community Round-Up where students, staff and community members
work together to gather food and other items for a local food pantry. Students participate in other fund raising
events such as “Jump rope for Heart,” “Pennies for Patients,” “One World Celebration,” “Healthy Snacks for
Haiti,” and other fund raising efforts. Additionally visiting artists and performances such as the “Lollipop
Opera” and “Destiny Africa Children’s Choir” helped develop students’ understanding of other cultures. Sister
school partnerships exist with urban districts at the classroom level as well. Our district is a largely homogenous
population and thus we rely on curriculum and classroom learning as well as extension learning and events to
cultivate students’ racial and ethnic awareness, understanding, appreciation and involvement including units of
study across all grade levels that engage students in the experiences of people of different racial and ethnic
backgrounds and experiences. Additionally, students are connected via social media to other students around the
country. Our district is committed to our identified Core Ethical Values and integrates them into all facets of
teaching and learning thus relates them to events and experiences relative to other cultures. It is a unifying
means of connecting us to others in our global neighborhood.

Regional District 14
Regional School District 14 provided teachers and students with opportunities to learn about diversity and to
reduce racial and ethnic isolation throughout the system. While there is little diversity within the school system,
staff members create multi-cultural opportunities for students to experience.

At Bethlehem Elementary School, students participated in “Traveling Days” throughout the school year. The
school selected a different location in the world to visit. Teachers introduced their classes to a new country as
they learned about the people, customs, food and other aspects of their lives. Parents of students with a direct
link to the country and culture being studied often visited classes to share their experiences and answer

At Mitchell Elementary School, multicultural programs included artistic expressions of many cultures in art and
music classes, especially the development of arts through the history of the United States. Cultural and ethnic

observances are presented to students in natural and informative presentations throughout the school year.
Enrichment includes a Latin Culture Club and visiting artists from South Africa.

At Woodbury Middle School, the social studies curriculum delves deeply into the study of China, Japan, Africa,
and India. Each country is studied in depth, providing students with numerous opportunities to learn about the
country, its people, and its culture. Guest speakers are common, as are trips out into the community to sample
cuisine at ethnic restaurants. Our study of world languages also begins at the middle school, and our curriculum
emphasizes the study of cultures and customs. After school clubs include our Multicultural Club that explores
cuisines, dress, and customs of a variety of countries. The many members of this club also have direct
experience with speakers, performers, and artists.

Though there is limited diversity within the communities of Bethlehem and Woodbury, Nonnewaug High
School is one of the state’s designated Agriscience schools. As such, students from twenty-six surrounding
communities apply for acceptance into the program. The program contributes to considerably greater diversity
among our high school students and helps to reduce not only racial, but also economic, isolation.

Regional 15
The Region 15 Board of Education and administration have recently adopted a plan for the future focusing on
21st Century skills. The inclusion of Global Citizenship was a key part of this plan as we recognize the
essential need of our students and staff to develop a deep understanding of the cultures and beliefs of people
throughout the world if our students are to be good citizens in a global economy.

The faculty and staff of our schools are committed to providing opportunities for our school community to
appreciate diverse racial, ethnic, and economic cultures whenever possible. Our efforts toward this goal include
a variety of classroom, grade level and school-wide programs, events, and activities. In each of our grade levels
the social studies and language arts curricula regularly focus on themes of cultural appreciation, mutual respect
and elimination of prejudice. Role-playing, simulations, journal writing, and class discussions help students to
understand issues of racial, ethnic, and economic isolation. As one example, while at Nature’s Classroom our
sixth grade students evolve new perspectives regarding the value of diversity, freedom and equality.

Our schools provide a developmental guidance program in elementary, middle, and high school. Run by our
counseling staff, these programs support student understanding of diversity through a well-planned program of

Our staff and students regularly become involved in in-depth programs designed to understand and accept the
diversity around us. For instance, all middle school and high school staff recently attended programs provided
by the Anti-Defamation League.

Each of our schools has leadership groups which focus on programs and fundraisers to support worthwhile
community and humanitarian causes such as contributions to the local food bank, clothing drives to support
programs that provide for families in need, and support of charitable organizations in Africa. Each of these
activities becomes a focus for school-wide education.

Regional School District 17

Regional School District 17 lacks the diversity that many school districts are fortunate to experience. This is
due in large part to the housing limitations and the general demographics of the communities it serves. Both
Haddam and Killingworth are well below the state and national averages used to determine the cultural and
ethnic distribution of various minority groups. This fact creates a situation where the school district must plan,
design and initiate various cultural awareness activities to enhance and broaden the students’ perspective
associated with living in a diverse world. A multitude of classroom and assembly-based programs continue to
be incorporated into the curriculum on an annual basis. The Region 17 Schools have committed to reinstate
participation in formal student exchange programs including students from foreign countries as well as
providing opportunities to district students to gain experience by visiting other countries. Additionally, cultural
awareness assembly programs continue to be hosted by each school on an annual basis. These programs are
multidimensional and are planned and financially supported by each school’s Parent Teacher Organization.
Unique programs, including writing and book exchange programs, continue to be implemented and expanded
upon with urban districts. Opportunities for secondary students to complete coursework at local colleges and
universities continue to support the expanded efforts of the district to include Haddam-Killingworth students in
more culturally diverse learning environments. As a part of the district’s technology plan, students in grades
kindergarten through 12 are provided with learning activities using the latest technologies. This has allowed
students to communicate and access peers across the world and exchange learning concepts. Future plans call
for the Regional School District 17 schools to be host to student leadership initiatives with neighboring school
district which will incorporate having students of a variety of ethnic, economic and racial backgrounds working

Regional School District 18

The Lyme-Old Lyme School District continues its commitment to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation.
It has done so by embedding culturally enriching activities into its curricular units of instruction across all grade
levels allowing for opportunities to experience a variety of different peoples, lifestyles, belief systems, and
cultures. The district also capitalizes on opportunities for its students to interact with others in broadening their
understandings and experiences. This includes participation in LEARN Regional Educational Service Center
activities and many teacher initiated projects. As well, assemblies and programs are offered periodically
throughout the year to educate students through interactions with others.

The District has retained a strong commitment to promoting cultural experiences through its world language
program. The District begins its program in grade three and offers four different languages at the high school

The high school regularly schedules trips abroad. These are offered through numerous departments furthering
the opportunities to experience a variety of different cultures and lifestyles.

Capitol Region Education Council

For nearly five decades, the Capitol Region Education Council (CREC), in partnership with its member
districts, has served the needs of children and families in the Greater Hartford Area through its high quality
educational programs. In accordance with the Sheff v. O’Neil desegregation case, CREC operates nineteen
magnet schools and programs in an effort to reduce the racial, social and economic isolation that exists in the
area. As a continued effort to provide equitable access to education for students throughout greater Hartford,
additional seats are offered each year through the Regional School Choice Office lottery. In addition, each
CREC magnet school completes an Enrollment Management Plan to ensure that the demographics of their
school are both racially and socioeconomically diverse.

For the 2014-15 school year, the enrollment for CREC magnet schools was 8,164; 49.9% of students were
eligible for free or reduced lunch, and 68.6% of students identified as a member of a racial or ethnic minority
group. The diversity of the district is reflected in the demographics of CREC’s schools. In addition, CREC is
dedicated to extending its work beyond the magnet schools by providing educational services to its partnering
districts. It manages the Open Choice program, which placed approximately 2,100 Hartford students in
suburban districts in 2014-2015.

As a Regional Educational Service Center CREC designs and facilitates professional development activities for
teachers and administrators in Greater Hartford by using the effective teaching practices that are implemented in
its magnet schools.

In all of CREC’s schools and programs diversity is celebrated on a daily basis. Students are encouraged to share
with their peers their life experiences, cultural heritages, and family traditions. Special attention is also given to
the development of curricula that recognizes diversity and the importance of that diversity in the classroom.
Project based learning empowers students to apply their life experiences and perspectives to their learning in
authentic, meaningful ways.

Cooperative Educational Services (CES)

As Interdistrict Magnet Schools, Six to Six and RCA epitomize the state’s efforts to reduce racial, ethnic and
economic isolation. We admit students from a variety of districts with a focus to attain a 50% - 50% urban-
suburban balance as well as a minority – non minority balance. Admittance into Six to Six and RCA is entirely
through a blind lottery. In 2014-15, Six to Six enrolled 468 students participating in the program from the age
of three through 8th grade. Our classrooms held multicultural potluck suppers throughout the year to celebrate
student learning. At RCA our enrollment was XXX. At RCA students engage in a variety of multicultural
performances in theater, dance, and music.

Our Open Choice students are residents of Bridgeport who we transport to surrounding suburban communities.
Our students differ from the students in the receiving districts racially, ethnically, economically, or any
combination of those factors. Therefore Open Choice reduces isolation for both the students transported and
those in the receiving district.

Area Cooperative Educational Services (ACES)

As a Regional Educational Service Center, ACES works together with our 25 member school districts to reduce
academic and social issues stemming from racial, ethnic, and economic isolation. To successfully achieve our
mission, ACES operates three interdistrict magnet schools enrolling over sixteen hundred students, coordinates
several interdistrict collaborative programs, and facilitates the Open Choice program for our member districts.
ACES interdistrict magnet schools are designed to attract students across many school districts increasing
educational opportunities for students of diverse backgrounds to learn along side one another. Each school
reinforces its mission of diversity while delivering a high quality curriculum with unique academic focus. Our
magnet schools offer the very latest in educational technology with two of our schools offering their students a
one2one laptop experience. We also serve as laboratory schools for our state universities as well as a visitation
site for Turn Around Schools. Our magnet schools have also had the opportunity to participate along with other
school districts in the interdistrict grant partnerships. Here, our schools’ teachers and students work along with
fellow schools from other districts. We have co-partnered for technology, math, social studies, science and
language arts enrichment.

ACES has been instrumental in Minority Teacher Recruitment (MTR) efforts in Connecticut. The MTR
Advisory Council has developed and implemented strategies to increase the number of minority educators,
including our highly successful annual MTR Job Fair. As a member of the RESC MTR Alliance, ACES played
a key role in securing funding from the State Pipeline, The Alternate Route to Certification and Teacher
Preparation Opportunities. We partner with organizations, colleges & universities to promote teaching as a
profession to middle, high school and college students.

ACES has a strong district-wide Diversity Committee comprised of all employed stakeholders from our agency
which meets on a regular basis. This committee has helped to enhance the collaboration of our magnet schools’
participation in all district diversity activities and professional development opportunities which focused on
celebrating diversity.

LEARN, on behalf of districts across the region, has successfully served students from preschool through 12th
grade from 73 districts through interdistrict magnet school program. LEARN magnet schools include: the
Regional Multicultural Magnet School, a K-5 program serving 540 students; The Friendship School an early
childhood program for PK & K serving 520 students; Dual Language & Arts Magnet Middle School, grades 6-8
serving 150 students; Connecticut River Academy, a high school program with 407 students; Marine Science
Magnet High School of Southeastern Connecticut, a high school program with 275 students; Three Rivers
Middle College, serving 60 11th and 12th grade students; and Goodwin College Early Childhood Magnet
School, serving 300 PK through 1st grade students. These magnet schools enroll approximately 2,500 students
and fulfill their mission of increasing student achievement while promoting diversity.

Each magnet school is charged with developing school goals that promote equity. For example, a key school
goal at RMMS is that “All students will respect cultural diversity, become empowered as learners and develop
as compassionate individuals who take responsibility for making positive changes in society.” School
programs, professional learning, and data sets are gathered to support this goal, and the school administration,
faculty, and staff is accountable for engaging in this key development initiative. Similar goals and systems of
improvement are in place at each magnet school.

The Department of Educator Development also contributes to the work of the Minority Teacher Recruiting
Alliance. Through the recruitment of a diverse teaching staff, schools benefit from a richer and more culturally
aware team of adult leaders. This has a direct impact on LEARN’s goals associated with culturally relevant
practices and pedagogy. Additionally, LEARN schools have invested deeply in developing faculty skills in
culturally relevant pedagogical practices to support the learning of our students, particularly in our Dual
Language and Arts Academy and our Regional Multicultural Magnet School.

EASTCONN promotes and embraces diversity in its own schools, programs and services. Our magnet high
schools exist as a response to the need to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation in northeastern
Connecticut, and as a result of our recruitment efforts, our schools continue to be among the most diverse in the
region. EASTCONN focuses its student outreach and recruitment activities to attract racial, ethnic, and
economic minorities to its schools. We work with superintendents, principals, and guidance counselors to
ensure that we reach a diverse applicant pool. Information describing our magnet schools and student services
is disseminated widely throughout local communities. Brochures describing programs and application
procedures are written in Spanish and English for distribution in local high schools, social-service and
community-based organizations, and media serving cultural and ethnic minority communities in the region. In
our schools and programs, EASTCONN develops culturally-sensitive curricula that promote respect for the
diverse cultures of our students, their families, and our educators. Public performances by students in our
schools celebrate diverse cultural arts and bring together audiences representing all cultural communities in the
northeastern region. Our implementation of CSDE interdistrict grants that improve achievement and reducing
racial, ethnic, and economic isolation have been vital to building personal and professional connections across
our region’s communities. Each year, twenty-five interdistrict grants have benefitted over 5,000 students in
grades 2-12, and over 100 educators from 33 districts, bringing them together in exciting learning explorations
in discipline content-related studies and in sessions promoting understanding of social issues, bullying, respect
and appreciation of diverse cultures. These experiences are important in a rural region that lacks transportation
options, with reduced economic stability, few cultural venues, and a limited but growing student population.

Booker T. Washington (BTWA)

BTWA participates in minority recruitment opportunities in and outside of the state to ensure a teaching and
staffing pool that reflects the diversity of the Academy scholars. We continuously pursue relationships which
foster learning and understanding between our scholars and older scholars from local colleges and universities,
such as Southern Connecticut State University, University of New Haven, Gateway State Community College,
Yale University and other New Haven area higher educational institutions. We anticipate that these cooperative
relationships allow scholars and teachers to work with diverse global populations.

Adoption to Common Core curriculum will allow scholars to learn about various cultures, countries and races
from around the world. Throughout the year, scholars learn about cultures through instruction and recognition
of Kwanzaa, Rosh Hashanah, Three Kings Day, Black History Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, and
celebrations specific to the culture of our scholars. Our arts and music programs promote artistic work that
introduces and builds understanding of cultures and ethnic groups globally.

Brass City Charter

We are a charter school that draws its student body from the entire city of Waterbury. The school’s
demographics reflect proportionally the demographics of the city in terms of race, ethnicity, and socio-
economic status of which we are very proud.

In planning curriculum we strive for multi-cultural sensitivity such as in our choice of books, in the images we
post around the school, the music we sing, conversations we have, and the foods we eat.

Common Ground
Cultivating a diverse human community that thrives within an environment of trust, equity, dignity, and
interconnectedness is one of Common Ground’s core values. The diversity of our student body affords many
rich opportunities for students of different racial, ethnic and economic backgrounds to interact. Currently, 68%
of our students identify as young people of color, 32% identify as white, and 49% of our students qualify for
free or reduced lunch. Thirty-five percent of our student body lives in suburban communities, and 65% reside
in the City of New Haven, reflecting Common Ground’s commitment to reducing geographic isolation and
engaging students from both urban and non-urban communities.

Common Ground employs a range of strategies to ensure that 100% of our students are involved in meaningful,
positive interactions with students and adults from backgrounds different than their own. Every Common
Ground classroom, after-school program, and guidance group brings together students from diverse racial and
ethnic backgrounds. Common Ground’s work as a community environmental non-profit fosters interactions
with a wide range of audiences, creating many additional opportunities to overcome racial, economic, and
geographic isolation. All of our students are involved in school-wide activities that promote integration,
belonging, and student voice – including deliberative town hall meetings, mix-it-up activities co-facilitated by
students and staff, student-led orientation activities, class outdoor expeditions, Day of Silence, and our annual
all-school hike, for instance. Common Ground has also initiated and sustained a number of intentional efforts
to address race and equity issues, and supported students’ participation in community-based forums on these

In the past year, we entered into a multi-year partnership with Co-Creating Effective and Inclusive
Organizations (CEIO) – aiming to build a more equitable and inclusive organizational culture, ensure that our
policies reflect this commitment to diversity and equity, and strengthen our staff’s capacity to engage racially
and economically diverse students and families. As part of this work, we have begun a deep look at culturally
responsive and sensitive teaching and learning.

Elm City Montessori
Elm City Montessori School is a local charter and magnet school in its second year of operation. We received
more than 600 student applications each year for 70 seats in 2014-15 and 40 new seats in 2015-16. Students
apply to our school through the New Haven Public Schools and ACES Open Choice lotteries. Through our
partnership with New Haven Public Schools, we receive a federal MSAP grant to support our efforts to reduce
racial, ethnic, and economic isolation and participate in the Open Choice. As part of this program, we currently
offer up to 10% of our seats to suburban students. This year, 10 of 113 students came from surrounding towns.
We are one of the most diverse public schools in New Haven. This year, our students are 49% African
American, 25% White, 23% Latino and 3% Asian.

We are also committed to diversity in our staff. Fifty percent of our staff and 20% of our certified teachers are
people of color. In an effort to recruit talented, local teachers of color, we are sponsoring an intensive, two-
year, part-time Montessori teacher training course at ECMS which provides scholarships to local educators
interested in becoming state-certified to teach in public Montessori schools in CT. All sponsored participants
who enrolled in the course this August live in New Haven; two participants are parents of ECMS students.

Great Oaks Charter

The Great Oaks model is set apart by its emphasis on personalized attention in both the classroom and tutorial
setting. At Great Oaks Bridgeport (GO-BPT) we take care to recognize each individual student for their
individual strengths as well as the strengths that they add to the group.

We exercise our value of diversity through our student recruitment process. An open enrollment school with a
blind lottery, GO-BPT implements our non-discrimination policy with fidelity. GO-BPT actively recruits
scholars from families that speak a language other than English through bilingual advertising, native-language
radio ads, dual-language community canvasses and a lottery preference for prospective English Language
Learners. As a Bridgeport school of choice, GO-BPT’s enrollment reflects diversity of our community with an
over-representation of students of color relative to our host district; in the 2014-2015 school year, GO-BPT
scholars were 56% African-American, 40% Latino and from every Bridgeport neighborhood.

GO-BPT staff acknowledge that our students live in a community that is incredibly diverse as well as racially
isolated. We seek opportunities to provide our scholars with exposure to others. In their academic courses,
scholars experience a diversity of reading experiences and in language electives like French and Spanish. In
addition, each scholar conducts a research project on a university and takes an annual field trip to a local
university in which she is required to meet and mingle with college students.

Finally, GO-BPT actively recruits a diverse instructional staff from all over the country. In 2014-2015, 51% of
our full time staff identified as people of color and 45% were from out-of-state. We believe that combining our
diverse staff with many opportunities for small-group instruction provides continuous opportunities for sharing
personal experiences and exposing our scholars to many definitions of college success. Strategic recruiting
partnerships for our teaching staff and full-time Tutor Corps will continue to yield a diverse array of
instructional leader.

ISAAC was founded in 1997 by parents as a Connecticut charter school, with the goal to reduce racial and
economic isolation in southeastern Connecticut for middle school students. The school opened with 45 students
in 6th grade. Since that time, ISAAC has grown to 260 students in grade 6, 7 and 8 with students from as many
as fifteen different communities. ISAAC students and families represent different races, ethnicities, economic
status and come from urban, suburban and rural communities. ISAAC infuses multicultural education into the
curriculum and emphasize student learning experiences in the greater community. ISAAC works with local
galleries and art education programs and hosted multiple artists who presented and worked with our teachers on
classroom projects. ISAAC’s downtown location in the cultural center of New London provides rich artistic
resources for students. In 2014-15, students experienced live theater and opera at the Garde Arts Center;
performances by the Eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra; and Photojournalism workshops at the Hygienic
Arts Center – all walking distance from our school.

Jumoke Academy
As a Public Charter School, the Academy has maintained an open enrollment process that results in its scholars
being admitted through a lottery system. As a result, admitted scholars have come from the City of Hartford
and its surrounding towns to include Windsor, Bloomfield, East Hartford, Avon, Simsbury, and Manchester,
Connecticut. The Academy has hosted visiting charter schools from Boston, MA to engage in shared learning
experiences for faculty, staff, and students. The diversity and demographics of the participants supports our
efforts to reduce racial and ethnic isolation.

The Academy’s schools have supported and sponsored many activities to celebrate its racial and ethnic
diversity. The events have included multi-cultural nights, parade of flags, district oratorical contest, Black
History Month celebrations, Women in History recognition, Stepping Stones, and participation in the Hartford
Girls Rock program designed to promote scholarship and recognition of minority girls. In addition, many of the
Academy’s scholars participate in both the Summer and Saturday Academy programs which help to promote
equity in student achievement. It should be noted that the Academy also strategically involves independent and
private high schools to participate in transition programming for graduating 8th grade scholars.

The Academy continues to employ a diverse workforce. Our efforts are supported through strategic recruiting
efforts that include participation in recruitment fairs held at Connecticut universities, CREC Minority
Recruitment Fair, and a partnership with Teach for America. As a result of our strategic efforts, teachers and
support staff are comprised of 63% African American, 31% Caucasian, 6% Asian, and 6 % Hispanic.

Park City Prep

Park City Prep places a high priority on preparing its students for admission to competitive public choice and
private high schools, most of which have student bodies far more diverse than those of the local public high
schools. In the 2014-2015 school year, 95% of Park City Prep’s graduates were accepted to one or more of
twenty different, selective private or public choice high schools.

Graduates have attended Hotchkiss, Phillips Exeter Academy, Rye Country Day School, Green’s Farms
Academy, St. Luke’s, Hopkins School, School of the Holy Child (Rye, NY), Fairfield Prep and Notre Dame of
Fairfield, Laurelton Hall in Milford and St. Joseph’s and Christian Heritage School, both in Trumbull.

In addition, other graduates were selected as A Better Chance (ABC) scholars, attending Andover (MA) High
School, Simsbury, Ridgefield and Guilford High Schools.

Among the public schools, our students attend the prestigious Center for Global Studies, as well as Bridgeport
Regional Aquaculture School, the Academy of Information Technology (Stamford), the Regional Center for the
Arts (RCA), and Fairchild Wheeler, where they have the opportunity to attend classes with students from a
diversity of suburban communities, as well.

We plan to expand the number of such high school opportunities for the graduates of this year’s class by
assisting our students in gaining admission to a number of other prestigious boarding schools, such as Choate-
Rosemary Hall in Wallingford, The Taft School in Watertown and Miss Hall’s School in Pittsfield,
Massachusetts, as well as increasing the number of independent day school choices.

We aim to place our graduates in high school environments that will enable them to capitalize on the foundation
established here at Park City Prep. Attending high schools with more diverse student populations is an integral
part of achieving our objective to reduce racial, ethnic and economic isolation.

Side by Side Charter

Side by Side Charter School is an urban suburban, regional, public charter school. As a "school of choice," our
students come from many communities, all very different from each other. The very nature of Side by Side
lends itself to a respect for diversity and an understanding of many cultures. At Side by Side, the curriculum is
structured to reflect and enhance the diversity of our students and to promote each individual’s unique gifts and
talents. In accordance with our charter, our student body will consistently represent the ethnic, racial and
socioeconomic diversity of the residing towns of our students. Currently, 14% of our students came from
towns outside of Norwalk (our host district). Our student population is approximately 73% minority. In
addition to the curricular opportunities that lend themselves to racial and socioeconomic diversity, there are a
variety of extra-curricular activities. Programs that the school offers and or mandates as well. For example,
monthly R.I.S.E. –Themed All-School Meetings, addressing Respect, Independence, Social Justice, and
Empathy; Scholarship resources for students to attend summer programs such as Horizons, Westport Arts
Center, Earthplace, etc., after-school, "Extended Day" program- offerings integrate community building and
cultural education. A highlight here is the long trip to Nature’s Classroom, for 6th and 7th graders where they
engage in hands- on, experiential community building activities to promote tolerance. We hold ESL classes for
adults through our Family Resource Center, which takes place on Saturday mornings, and we provide in-house
Spanish-English translation for our Child Study Team meetings and parent workshops. A new highly
celebrated event is our International Night, where families come together to share meals, potluck style, from
their favorite cultural recipes.

The Bridge Academy

The Bridge Academy is an inter-district charter high school located in Bridgeport, Connecticut. Though we do
not provide out of district transportation, we will continue to encourage students from outside of Bridgeport to
enroll, with the goal of creating a diverse student body. We are also committed to recruiting and hiring a
diverse group of teachers and staff. Currently our staff consists of more than 30% people of color. Our
school’s curriculum is designed to increase awareness of different cultures. Class curricula in all disciplines
showcase the contributions of people from around the world. In addition, our school’s Juniors and Seniors visit
mentors that are chosen not only by their vocation but also as an illustration of the power of diversity in the
workplace. We also have a yearly multi-cultural assembly program that highlights the diversity of cultures in
our school.

We partner with several community organizations in order to give our students access to a range of experiences.
For example, every year several middle school students are chosen to attend a mentoring program at Sacred
Heart University. We also have students going to the Beardsley Zoo every month to participate in their Trout in
the Classroom program. We currently host an after school coding and robotics club.

We encourage and support field trips that expose our students to the diverse history and culture of different
ethnic and religious groups. For example, our students have visited the Holocaust Museum, the Native
American Museum and Chinatown and every year 8th graders spend a night and two days in Boston. All
Seniors complete a year-long research project around a subject of their choice. Students present their projects to
a panel of community members from Bridgeport and beyond. Past research projects have focused on areas that
students are interested in pursuing in college such as genetics, forensics, law, and engineering.

Unified District 2
The Unified School District #2 (“USD #2” or “District”) only has students for a brief period, ranging from 2
weeks to 6 months. During this time, through assessment the district identifies each student’s academic levels.

The level of the student might have a correlation to significant interruptions in education or because the student
needs additional assistance to learn, and this review includes a review of credits needed to obtain a high school
diploma. USD #2 works to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic isolation by using this information to help
students obtain their high school diploma through credit recovery and completing the courses in the necessary
subject areas. USD #2 also assists students by providing the individualized assistance that they need if they
qualify for special education and related services or services under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation act of
1973. This information is used to help each student be successful while within USD #2. The schools within
USD #2 also strive to ensure that student’s learn about their and other students’ cultural heritage while enrolled
in the district through guest speakers and cultural events.

Connecticut Technical High Schools System (CTHSS)

The district provides professional development to prepare staff to address the CCS and to realign all curricula to
meet expectations while serving diverse socioeconomic and ethnic groups. Resources are provided to increase
school connectedness, and school climate through activities designed to include all stakeholders. School
climate work provides opportunities for students, families, staff, and community to have a voice in decisions to
promote safe and respectful schools. Family engagement efforts increase a sense of belonging, reduce truancy,
and provide a sense of community. Free and reduced lunch, financial aid tools for post-secondary education,
tools, and uniform support are made available. Outreach efforts are provided to families in crisis, natural
disasters, and military deployment. The instructional model provides a range of opportunities for ELL students
to acquire proficiency. The CTHSS has used blended learning to address the student needs. Alternatives to
suspension are provided through student achievement intervention labs and behavioral training. CTHSS teacher
recruitment focuses on reaching out to minority teachers and administrators. Aggressive recruitment and
outreach continues to address the Sheff solution plan to offer students from diverse communities including
suburban and rural areas opportunities to attend urban school settings. Use of online programs provides data to
inform tiered instructional and behavioral strategies to support, ELL and special needs students. Literacy staff
includes content-specific, ELL, special education and reading teachers to provide targeted practice. The
Student Assistance Team uses data to develop proactive approaches to student needs. The CTHSS is partnering
with the New Britain, Waterbury, Torrington and Bridgeport school systems to enable at-risk high school
students the ability to graduate in four years and acquire technical skills that will lead to jobs, post-secondary
education or apprenticeships. In Hartford, at-risk adults are offered weatherization, manufacturing and masonry
courses in the evening. In New Haven, at-risk high school students are enrolled in plumbing, manufacturing
and carpentry weatherization classes in the afternoon.

Norwich Free Academy

NFA’s student population of 2280 students represents great diversity. Our population is approximately 53%
Caucasian, 8% Asian Pacific Islander, 16% Black, 17% Hispanic Latino, and 5% Two or More Races. We are a
regional high school, and the majority of our students come from eight local cities and towns representing
various DRGs, which illustrates the economic range of our population. All students at NFA are included in all
facets of academic and social life. We greatly value and support the diversity of our community.

The NFA Diversity Office personnel take the lead in coordinating and supporting multicultural efforts. The
program personnel specifically address the academic achievement of students of color and ELL students. The
program also focuses on community-building. The Diversity Office collaborates with various clubs, offices,
and departments at NFA and with the larger community to promote multiculturalism. The office provides
diversity training to staff and students to increase the knowledge of our various racial and ethnic groups and to
facilitate communication among all groups. We offer leadership training for students of color to enhance their
role in the school and the larger community. The diversity office also collaborates with the Student Advisory
Board to offer a diversity program for students from our sending districts and other local districts.

The Diversity Office facilitates annual visits to colleges for students of color. We assist students with transition
opportunities by offering career-oriented programs at our school, including a paid summer internship for
students recommended for this experience. Priority continues to be given to assisting NFA families that
struggle economically. All families are provided with application information for the subsidized lunch
program. Students are also assisted financially with meeting any expenses related to NFA courses, College
Board testing, and fees for college courses given at NFA. The faculty and staff support these financial offerings
to students through their participation in fundraising activities that target aid to struggling students. We run a
food pantry and clothing shop, and welcome the United Way mobile food pantry to campus every month to
support students families.

The Gilbert School

During the 2014-2015 school year, the Gilbert School implemented its first International Residency Program,
accepting sixty-two students from around the world. This program led to the creation of a Student Ambassador
Program and its premise of “The Gilbert School, Connecting Winsted, CT with the World”. Students from
grades 7-12 took part in this program at various levels and student diversity programs were developed to not
only welcome new students from around the world but to foster a sense of openness and understanding.

We have celebrated every cultural holiday that our students celebrate, by providing meals of foreign lands,
productions and cultural activities as well as simple day-to-day conversations between students. The students of
Gilbert have united together in this transition and it has been a wonderful experience.

Field Trips from all disciplines have occurred throughout New England, and to international countries. Our
students will have the opportunity to tour in China and we hosted a visiting basketball program form Australia
which included cultural awareness programs for both programs.

Responsibility, Respect and Safety are the pillars used throughout the building and the Gilbert faculty has
worked hard to implement lessons throughout the Advisory Program focusing on these tenants. From Peace
Day to a Community Service Program focusing on service learning and paying it forward, the students have
developed an insight into what we refer to as “The Gilbert Way”, giving back to others.

With an increasing number of Spanish speaking students as well, The Gilbert School hired three ELL teachers
who have worked diligently to provide Professional Development for teachers working with Second Language
speakers. Publications and Gilbert attire are available in multiple languages for all of our families including our
international families.


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