Lecture 12 Trickling Filter
Lecture 12 Trickling Filter
Lecture 12 Trickling Filter
Trickling Filters
Process Description
The liquid then washes the slime off the medium and a new slime
layer starts to grow. This phenomenon of losing the slime layer is
called sloughing.
The sloughed off film and treated wastewater are collected by an
underdrainage which also allows circulation of air through filter. The
collected liquid is passed to a settling tank used for solid- liquid
Types of Filters
Trickling filters are classified as high rate or low rate, based on the organic
and hydraulic loading applied to the unit as shown in Table 1.
Low Rate
S.No. Design Feature High Rate Filter
Hydraulic loading,
1. 1-4 10 - 40
Organic loading,kg
2. 0.08 - 0.32 0.32 - 1.0
BOD / m .d
3. Depth, m. 1.8 - 3.0 0.9 - 2.5
The hydraulic loading rate is the total flow including recirculation
applied on unit area of the filter in a day, while the organic loading
rate is the 5 day 20C BOD, excluding the BOD of the recirculant,
applied per unit volume in a day.
Recirculation is generally not adopted in low rate filters.
A well operated low rate trickling filter in combination with
secondary settling tank may remove 75 to 90% BOD and produce
highly nitrified effluent. It is suitable for treatment of low to medium
strength domestic wastewaters.
The high rate trickling filter, single stage or two stages are
recommended for medium to relatively high strength domestic and
industrial wastewater. The BOD removal efficiency is around 75 to
90% but the effluent is only partially nitrified.
Single stage unit consists of a primary settling tank, filter, secondary
settling tank and facilities for recirculation of the effluent. Two stage
filters consist of two filters in series with a primary settling tank, an
intermediate settling tank which may be omitted in certain cases and a
final settling tank.
Process Design
NRC equations:
The filter system would probably consist of two units, each 750 m2 or 31 m
in diameter, and suitable clarifiers.