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Trickling Filters:

Achieving Nitrification


Fact Sheet

Project funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under Assistance Agreement No. CX824652

This fact sheet was developed by

Clement Solomon, Peter Casey,
Colleen Mackne, and Andrew Lake.
1998 by the National Small
Flows Clearinghouse

Environmental Technology Initiative


Nitrogen Content in Wastewater

Commencing with the Federal Water

Pollution Act of 1965, a series of environmental legislative reforms resulted in a
consistent national approach to pollution
control based on water quality and beneficial use goals. These goals resulted in
national, technology-based standards,
requiring a minimum level of secondary
treatment for such conventional wastewater
parameters as biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD) and suspended solids (SS).
Requirements for advanced treatment,
such as ammonia removal (nitrification) or
total nitrogen removal, are based on specific
water quality needs for a given receiving
water. Technology-based standards do not
exist for nitrogen, as they do for SS and
BOD, because of the varied nature of
nitrogens effect on receiving waters.
One of the oldest wastewater treatment
processes used in the U.S. and around the
world (first used in England in 1893) is the
trickling filter (TF). The TF is an aerobic
treatment system utilizing microorganisms
attached to a media to remove organic
matter from wastewater that passes over,
around, through, or by the media. This type
of system is typical of a number of technologies (e.g., rotating biological contactors
and packed bed reactors).
These systems are known as attachedgrowth processes, in contrast to systems
where microorganisms are sustained in a
liquid, and are thus known as suspendedgrowth processes. Since the TF is the most
common attached-growth process, it will be
discussed here, although the same principles
would apply to the other attached-growth
When excess nutrients became a
concern, it became necessary to adapt
conventional sewage treatment systems to
meet the increased oxygen demand placed
on receiving waters by high ammonia
nitrogen concentrations in wastewater
effluents. TFs and other attached-growth
processes proved to be well-suited for the
removal of ammonia nitrogen by oxidizing
it to nitrate nitrogen (nitrification).

Nitrogen exists in many forms in the

environment and can enter aquatic systems
from either natural or human-generated
sources. Some of the primary direct sources
or transport mechanisms of nitrogen from
sewage are listed below:
Untreated sewagedirect discharge
Publically owned treatment works
(POTW) effluentdirect discharge, land
POTW waste solidsdirect discharge,
land application
Septic tanks and leaching fields
groundwater movement
Untreated sewage flowing into a
municipal wastewater facility normally
consists of 20 to 85 mg/L of total nitrogen.
The nitrogen in domestic sewage is approximately 60% ammonia nitrogen, 40% organic
nitrogen, and small quantities of nitrates.
Treated domestic sewage will have
varying levels of nitrogen, depending on the
method of treatment used. Most treatment
plants decrease the level of total nitrogen via
cell synthesis and solids removal. However,
unless there is a specific treatment provision
for nitrification, most of the ammonia
nitrogen passes through.
For treatment plants that do nitrify, an
additional tertiary process called denitrification (the conversion of nitrate nitrogen to
nitrogen gas) can lower the total nitrogen
content to 10 to 30% of influent levels.
Effluent that has received secondary
treatment typically contains 15 to 35 mg/L
of total nitrogen. Advanced biological
nitrification-denitrification techniques can
usually achieve 2 to 10 mg/L of total
nitrogen in the effluent.
Some effects of nitrogen in discharges
from wastewater facilities include ammonia
toxicity to aquatic life, adverse public health
effects, and decreased suitability for reuse.

A Technical Overview

Biological Nitrification
Nitrification is a process in which
ammonia nitrogen in wastewater is oxidized
first to nitrite nitrogen and then to nitrate

nitrogen by autotrophic bacteria. Nitrification starts when

the soluble BOD concentration in the wastewater is low
enough for nitrifiers to compete with heterotrophs, which
derive energy from the oxidation of organic matter. Listed
below are the two steps involved in the nitrification process
and the equations for these reactions:
1) Ammonia is oxidized to nitrite (NO2-) by Nitrosomonas
2 NH4+ + 3 O22 NO2- + 4 H+ + 2 H2O
2) The nitrite is converted to nitrate (NO3-) by Nitrobacter
2 NO2- + O2
2 NO3These two reactions supply the energy that the
nitrifying bacteria need for growth.

Trickling Filters: Process Description

A TF consists of a permeable media made of a bed of
rock, slag, or more recently, plastic over which wastewater
is distributed and trickles through (see Figure 1). Rock or
slag beds can be up to 200 feet in diameter and 3 to 8 feet
deep with rock size varying from 1 to 4 inches. Packed
plastic filters are narrower and deeper (14 to 40 feet), more
like towers, with the media in various configurations (e.g.,
vertical flow, cross flow, or various random packings).
Although rotary distribution is essentially standard for the
Figure 1: Schematic of a Trickling Filter
process, fixed distributors are also used in square or
Source: Water Environment Federation (1996), copyright WEF, reprinted with
rectangular reactors.
A TF design also includes an open underdrain system
that collects the filtrate as well as solids and also serves as a
Two- (separate-) stage: Reduction of carbonaceous BOD
source of air for the microorganisms on the filter. The treated
(CBOD) occurs in the first treatment stage, and nitrification
wastewater and solids are piped to a settling tank where the
occurs in the second stage.
solids are separated. Usually part of the liquid from the settling
Numerous types and combinations of treatment units are
chamber is recirculated to the TF to dilute the incoming
found in practice depending on permit requirements, site
wastewater, keep the filter moist, or in many cases, for process
conditions, historical development, designer experience, etc. In
optimization. It is essential that sufficient air be available for the
general, however, a single-stage TF has to remove organic
successful operation of the TF. It has been found that natural
carbon or CBOD in the upper portion of the unit and provide
draft and wind forces are usually sufficient if large enough
nitrifying bacteria for nitrification in the lower part.
ventilation ports are provided at the bottom of the filter and the
Since the influent is necessarily of high organic strength
media has enough void area.
(i.e., receiving primary treatment only), it has to be applied at a
The organic material in the wastewater is adsorbed by a
rate low enough to achieve both CBOD removal and nitrificapopulation of microorganisms (aerobic, anaerobic, and facultation sufficient for required effluent quality. A two-stage system
tive bacteria; fungi; algae; and protozoa) attached to the media
allows for greater process flexibility, since each stage can be
as a biological film or slime layer (approximately 0.1 to 0.2 mm
operated independently, and the flow regime can be varied to
thick). This film is formed, as the wastewater flows over the
achieve the best results.
media, from microorganisms already in the liquid that gradually
Advantages and Disadvantages
attach themselves to the rock, slag, or plastic surface. Organic
Some advantages and disadvantages of TFs are listed
material is degraded by the aerobic microorganisms in the outer
part of the slime layer.
As the layer thickens (with microbial growth), oxygen
cannot penetrate to the media face, and anaerobic organisms
Simple, reliable process that is suitable in areas where large
develop. As the biological film continues to grow, the microortracts of land are not available for a treatment system
ganisms next to the surface lose their ability to cling to the
May qualify for equivalent secondary discharge standards
media, and a portion of the slime layer falls off the filter. This is
Effective in treating high concentrations of organics dependknown as sloughing and is the main source of solids picked up
ing on the type of media used
by the underdrain system.
Appropriate for small- to medium-sized communities and
The two general types of TF nitrification configurations are
onsite systems
single-stage and two- (or separate-) stage.
High degree of performance reliability
Single-stage: Carbon oxidation and nitrification take place in
Ability to handle and recover from shock loads
a single TF unit.

Trickling Filters: Achieving Nitrification

Durability of process elements

Relatively low power requirements
Level of skill and technical expertise needed to manage and
operate the system is moderate

Additional treatment may be needed to meet more stringent

discharge standards
Generates sludge that must be treated and disposed of
Regular operator attention needed
Relatively high incidence of clogging
Relatively low loadings required depending on the media
Limited flexibility and control in comparison with activatedsludge processes
Potential for vector and odor problems

Performance and Application

The performance of the nitrification process is dependent
on a number of factors. These include the availability of oxygen
(i.e., adequate ventilation), level of CBOD, ammonia nitrogen
concentration, media type and configuration, hydraulics of the
TF, temperature, and pH.
Single-Stage Nitrification

To achieve adequate nitrification in a single-stage TF, the

organic volumetric loading rate must be limited to the approximate ranges shown in Table 1. Filters with a plastic media have
greater surface contact area (approximately 80%) per unit
volume than do rock or slag, and therefore, can achieve the
same degree of nitrification with higher organic loadings. Plastic
media can also provide for better ventilation and thus, improved
oxygen transfer.
Table 1: Typical Loading Rates for Single-Stage Nitrification

% Nitrification

Loading Rate
lb BOD/1,000 ft /d
(g BOD/m /d)



106 (16096)
63 (9648)
1812 (288192)
126 (19296)

Tower TF

Adapted from: Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. (1991) with permission from The
McGraw-Hill Companies

Stockton, California

TFs are usually designed with minimum effluent recycling

capabilities to maintain stable hydraulic loading during normal
seasonal operations. In Stockton, California, an increase in
nitrification was noted when the recirculation ratio was increased as well as the air circulation. These two changes also
increased the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration, which
enhanced overall treatment performance.
The importance of the DO concentration in the operation of
all TFs highlights the need for sufficient ventilation. At high
carbonaceous feed concentrations, the effects of pH and
temperature are often masked by the DO concentration. By
ensuring that the effluent alkalinity is equal to or greater than
50 mg/L, as calcium carbonate (CaCO3), significant pH effects
can be avoided. The effect of temperature is usually neglected
when it is above 15 C.

Amherst Wastewater Treatment Plant

The Amherst Wastewater Treatment Plant (AWTP) located

in Amherst, Ohio, had two TFs operating in series with no
intermediate clarification. As such, they were considered a
single-stage TF system. The filters were each 40 feet wide, 90
feet long, and 17 feet deep, with plastic cross-flow media.
At the time of the study, the plant was operating at a design
flow of 2 million gallons per day (mgd) with a hydraulic loading
rate averaging 23.0 m3/m2/d (565 gpd/ft2). The plant was
required to meet an effluent ammonia nitrogen limit of 6 mg/L
in the winter and 3 mg/L during the summer. Temperatures for
October through May ranged between 8 and 15 C, while the
summer month temperatures ranged between 17 and 20 C.
Average monthly effluent ammonia nitrogen values during
colder temperature periods varied from 1.8 to 4.9 mg/L. The
AWTP results indicated a temperature dependency for nitrification below 15 C. However, the treatment plant consistently met
ammonia removal requirements at loadings generally associated
with nitrification design practices.
Results from full-scale studies indicate an improvement in
performance when recirculation was practiced using rock or slag
media. Specific surface area also has an effect on nitrification
higher specific areas for plastic media enable nitrification at
higher volumetric loadings. Another factor favoring plastic
media filters is their enhanced oxygen transfer.
Two-Stage NitrificationAllentown, Pennsylvania

A treatment facility in Allentown, Pennsylvania, was

required to meet effluent ammonia nitrogen limits of 3 mg/L in
the warmer months and 9 mg/L during colder months. This
facility was designed for an average flow of 40 mgd with an
effluent BOD5 limit of 30 mg/L.
The various unit processes in this facility included screening, grit removal, primary clarification, first-stage TF, intermediate clarification, second-stage TF, final clarification, and
chlorine disinfection.
The first stage had four plastic media TFs in parallel, while
the second stage had a single large rock filter. A recycle ratio of
0.2:1 was practiced only on the second-stage TF. Temperatures
during the warmer months ranged between 17 C and 19 C and
during the colder months temperatures varied from 11 and 16 C.
The BOD5 loading in the first stage during the study period
was high, averaging 66 lb/1,000 ft3/d, with an equivalent
NH4-N loading of 6.7 lb/1,000 ft3/d. The average first-stage
effluent BOD5 concentrations during warmer and colder periods
were 50 and 73 mg/L, respectively, with associated NH4-N
levels of 10.0 and 11.4 mg/L, respectively.
The BOD5 loading in the second stage averaged 8.5
lb/1,000 ft3/d. The average monthly effluent BOD5 concentration
was consistent throughout the study year, ranging between 6 and
18 mg/L. The effluent NH4-N level averaged 4.7 mg/L during
the warmer months and 5.9 mg/L during the colder months. This
plant was able to consistently meet its effluent BOD5 standard
throughout the study.
Nitrification process reliability is directly related to
CBOD loading. Low levels of organics in the influent to twostage, attached-growth reactors can potentially eliminate the
need for intermediate solid-liquid separation between the

Trickling Filters: Achieving Nitrification

stages. Short-circuiting is less of a concern because clogging of

voids in the media is also reduced.
In the absence of significant carbonaceous BOD5 loadings
(e.g., in the second stage of a two-stage system), the rate of
nitrification in attached-growth reactors is influenced by the
concentration of both ammonia nitrogen and DO concentrations
in the liquid phase. The reported effect of temperature is varied
for TFs operating at low CBOD levels by factors such as oxygen
availability, influent and effluent ammonia nitrogen concentration, and hydraulic loading conditions.
The minimum hydraulic loading needed to ensure complete
wetting of the TF surface is related to the characteristics of the
media. Cross-flow media are favored over vertical-flow media
due to their greater oxygen transfer efficiency and higher
specific surface area.

Operation and Maintenance

Although TFs are generally reliable processes, there is still
a potential for operational problems. Common operating
problems can be caused by increased growth of biofilm, changes
in wastewater characteristics, improper design, or equipment
failures. Listed below are some common problems followed by
possible causes and corrective actions:
Disagreeable Odors from Filter

Excessive organic load causing anaerobic decomposition in

filterReduce loading; increase BOD removal in primary
settling tanks; enhance aerobic conditions in treatment units
by adding chemical oxidants, preaerating, recycling plant
effluent, or increasing air to aerated grit chambers; scrub offgases; use plastic media instead of rock
Inadequate ventilationIncrease hydraulic loading to wash
out excess biological growth; remove debris from filter
effluent channels, underdrains, and the top of filter media;
unclog vent pipes; reduce hydraulic loading if underdrains are
flooded; install fans to induce draft through filter; check for
filter plugging resulting from breakdown of media
Ponding on Filter Media

Excessive biological growthReduce organic loading;

increase hydraulic loading to increase sloughing; use highpressure stream of water to flush filter surface; maintain 1 to
2 mg/L residual chlorine on the filter for several hours; flood
filter for 24 hours; shut down filter to dry out media; replace
media if necessary; remove debris

Rotating Distributor Slows Down or Stops

Insufficient flow to turn distributorIncrease hydraulic

loading; close reversing jets
Clogged arms or orificesFlush out arms by opening end
plates; remove solids from influent wastewater; flush out
Clogged distributor arm vent pipeRemove material from
vent pipe by rodding or flushing; remove solids from influent
Distributor arms not levelAdjust guy wires at tie rods
Distributor rods hitting mediaLevel media; remove some
Rotary distributors are very reliable and easy to maintain. A
clearance of 6 to 9 inches is needed between the bottom of the
distributor arm and the top of the media bed to allow the
wastewater from the nozzles to spread out and cover the bed
uniformly. This also prevents ice from accumulating during
freezing weather.
Care should be taken to prevent leaks. Follow the
manufacturers operation and maintenance (O&M) instructions
on pumps, bearings, and motors. All equipment must be tested
and calibrated as recommended by the equipment manufacturer.
A routine O&M schedule should be developed and followed for
any TF system. It is critical that a TF system be pilot tested prior
to installation to ensure that it will meet effluent discharge
permit requirements for that particular site.

Metcalf & Eddy, Inc. 1991. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment,
Disposal, and Reuse. 3d ed. The McGraw-Hill Companies.
New York, New York.
Mulligan, T. J. and O. K. Scheible. 1990. Upgrading Small
Community Wastewater Treatment Systems for Nitrification. HydroQual, Inc. Mahwah, New Jersey
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1991. Assessment
of Single-Stage Trickling Filter Nitrification. EPA Office
of Municipal Pollution Control. Washington, D.C.
EPA 430/09-91-005.
. 1993. Manual: Nitrogen Control. EPA Office of
Research and Development. Cincinnati, Ohio. EPA Office
of Water. Washington, D.C. EPA/625/R-93/010.
Water Environment Federation (WEF). 1996. Operation of
Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants. Manual of
Practice No. 11. 5th ed. vol. 2. WEF. Alexandria, Virginia.

Filter Flies (Psychoda)

Inadequate moisture on filter mediaIncrease hydraulic

loading; unplug spray orifices or nozzles; use orifice opening
at end of rotating distributor arms to spray filter walls; flood
filter for several hours each week during fly season; maintain
1 to 2 mg/L residual chlorine on the filter for several hours
Poor housekeepingMow area surrounding filter and remove
weeds and shrubs

Low temperature of wastewaterDecrease recirculation; use

high-pressure stream of water to remove ice from orifices,
nozzles, and distributor arms; reduce number of filters in
service as long as effluent limits can still be met; reduce
retention time in pretreatment and primary treatment units;
construct windbreak or covers

Trickling Filters: Achieving Nitrification

The mention of trade names or commercial products does

not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use by
the National Small Flows Clearinghouse (NSFC) or U.S. EPA.
For more information on trickling filters or a list of other
fact sheets, contact the NSFC at West Virginia University,
P.O. Box 6064, Morgantown, WV 26506-6064. Phone: (800)
624-8301 or (304) 293-4191. Fax: (304) 293-3161. World Wide
Web site:
The NSFC provides free and low-cost informational
services and products to help homeowners and small communities address their wastewater needs. Also, information about
manufacturers, consultants, regulations, and facilities can be
obtained from the NSFCs databases.

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