Milling Machine
Milling Machine
Milling Machine
Milling is the cutting operation that removes metal by feeding the work against a rotating, cutter having
single or multiple cutting edges. It purpose is to produce flat or curved surfaces of many shapes that can be
machined by milling with good finish and accuracy. A milling machine may also be used for drilling,
slotting, making a circular profile and gear cutting by having suitable attachments.
The work piece is holding on the worktable of the machine. The table movement controls the feed of work
piece against the rotating cutter. The cutter is mounted on a spindle or arbor and revolves at high speed.
Except for rotation the cutter has no other motion. As the work piece advances, the cutter teeth remove the
metal from the surface of work piece and the desired shape is produced.
Column: The column is the main supporting member mounted vertically on the base. It is box shaped,
heavily ribbed inside and houses all the driving mechanism for the spindle and table feed. The front vertical
face of the column is accurately machined and is provided with dovetail guide way for supporting the knee.
Knee: The knee is a rigid grey iron casting which slides up and down on the vertical ways of the column
face. An elevating screw mounted on the base is used to adjust the height of the knee and it also supports
the knee. The knee houses the feed mechanism of the table, and different controls to operate it.
Saddle: The saddle is placed on the top of the knee and it slides on guide ways set exactly at 90 to the
column face. The top of the saddle provides guide-ways for the table.
Table: The table rests on ways on the saddle and travels longitudinally. A lead screw under the table
engages a nut on the saddle to move the table horizontally by hand or power. In universal machines, the
table may also be swiveled horizontally. For this purpose the table is mounted on a circular base. The top
of the table is accurately finished and T -slots are provided for clamping the work and other fixtures on it.
Overhanging arm: It is mounted on the top of the column, which extends beyond the column face and
serves as a bearing support for the other end of the arbor.
Front brace: It is an extra support, which is fitted between the knee and the over-arm to ensure further
rigidity to the arbor and the knee.
Spindle: It is situated in the upper part of the column and receives power from the motor through belts,
gears and clutches and transmit it to the arbor.
Elevating screw: The upward and downward movement to the knee and the table is given by the elevating
screw that is operated by hand or an automatic feed.
Arbor: It is like an extension of the machine spindle on which milling cutters are securely mounted and
rotated. The arbors are made with taper shanks for proper alignment with the machine spindles having taper
holes at their nose. The draw bolt is used for managing for locking the arbor with the spindle and the whole
The arbor assembly consists of the following components.
i. Arbor
ii. Spindle
iii. Spacing collars
iv. Bearing bush
v. Cutter
vi. Draw bolt
vii. Lock nut
viii. Key block
ix. Set screw
i. Plain milling cutters: Plain Milling, also called Surface Milling or Slab Milling, is milling flat
surfaces with the milling cutter axis parallel to the surface being milled. Generally, plain milling is
done with the work piece surface mounted parallel to the surface of the milling machine table and
the milling cutter mounted on a standard milling machine arbor. The arbor is well supported in a
horizontal plane between the milling machine spindle and one or more arbor supports.
ii. Side milling cutters: Side milling cutters are essentially plain milling cutters with the addition of
teeth on one or both sides. A plain side milling cutter has teeth on both sides and on the periphery.
When teeth are added to one side only, the cutter is called a half-side milling cutter. Side milling
cutters are generally used for slotting and straddle milling.
iii. Angle milling cutters: The angle milling cutter has peripheral teeth which are neither parallel nor
perpendicular to the cutter axis. Common operations performed with angle cutters are cutting V-
notches and serrations. Angle cutters may be single-angle milling cutters or double-angle milling
cutters. The single-angle cutter contains side-cutting teeth on the flat side of the cutter. The angle
of the cutter edge is usually 30, 45, or 60, both right and left. Double-angle cutters have included
angles of 45, 60, and 90 degrees.
iv. End milling cutter: The end milling cutter, also called an end mill, has teeth on the end as well as
the periphery. End milling cutters may have straight or spiral flutes. Spiral flute end milling cutters
are classified as left-hand or right-hand cutters depending on the direction of rotation of the flutes.
v. T-slot milling cutter: The T-slot milling cutter is used to machine T-slot grooves in worktables,
fixtures, and other holding devices. The cutter has a plain or side milling cutter mounted to the end
of a narrow shank. The throat of the T-slot is first milled with a side or end milling cutter and the
headspace is then milled with the T-slot milling cutter.
vi. Formed cutters: Formed milling cutters have the advantage of being adaptable to any specific
shape for special operations. The cutter is made especially for each specific job. The cutter can be
sharpened many times without destroying its shape.
vii. Metal slitting saw: The metal slitting saw milling cutter is essentially a very thin plain milling
cutter. It is ground slightly thinner toward the center to provide side clearance. These cutters are
used for cutoff operations and for milling deep, narrow slots, and are made in widths from 1/32 to
3/16 inch.
Milling cutters may have teeth on the periphery or ends only, or on both the periphery and ends. Peripheral
teeth may be straight or parallel to the cutter axis, or they may be helical, sometimes referred as spiral teeth.
Milling Cutter Nomenclature
Figure shows two views of a common milling cutter with its parts and angles identified. These parts
and angles in some form are common to all cutter types.
The pitch refers to the angular distance between like or adjacent teeth.
The pitch is determined by the number of teeth. The tooth face is the forward facing surface of the
tooth that forms the cutting edge.
The cutting edge is the angle on each tooth that performs the cutting.
The land is the narrow surface behind the cutting edge on each tooth.
The rake angle is the angle formed between the face of the tooth and the centerline of the cutter.
The rake angle defines the cutting edge and provides a path for chips that are cut from the work
The primary clearance angle is the angle of the land of each tooth measured from a line tangent to
the centerline of the cutter at the cutting edge. This angle prevents each tooth from rubbing against
the work piece after it makes its cut.
This angle defines the land of each tooth and provides additional clearance for passage of cutting
oil and chips.
The hole diameter determines the size of the arbor necessary to mount the milling cutter.
Plain milling cutters that are more than 3/4 inch in width are usually made with spiral or helical
teeth. A plain spiral-tooth milling cutter produces a better and smoother finish and requires less
power to operate. A plain helical-tooth milling cutter is especially desirable when milling an uneven
surface or one with holes in it.
The success of any milling operation depends, Before setting up a job, be sure that the to a great extent,
upon judgment in setting up the job, work piece, the table, the taper in the spindle, selecting the proper
milling cutter, and holding the cutter by the best means under the circumstances Some fundamental
practices have been proved by experience to be necessary for and the arbor or cutter shank are all clean and
good results on all jobs. Some of these practices are mentioned below:
Before setting up a job, be sure that the work piece, table, the taper in the spindle, and the arbor or
cutter shank are free from chips, nicks, or burrs.
Do not select a milling cutter of larger diameter than is necessary.
Check the machine to see if it is in good running order and properly lubricated, and that it moves
freely, but not too freely in all directions.
Consider direction of rotation. Many cutters can be reversed on the arbor, so be sure you know
whether the spindle is to rotate clockwise or counterclockwise.
Feed the work piece in a direction opposite the rotation of the milling cutter (conventional milling).
Do not change feeds or speeds while the milling machine is in operation.
When using clamps to secure a work piece, be sure that they are tight and that the piece is held so
it will not spring or vibrate under cut.
Use a recommended cutting oil liberally.
Use good judgment and common sense in planning every job, and profit from previous mistakes.
Set up every job as close to the milling machine spindle as circumstances will permit.
Face milling: Machining flat surfaces which are at right angles to the axis of the cutter.
Plain or slab milling: Machining flat surfaces which are parallel to the axis of the cutter.
Angular milling: Machining flat surfaces which are at an inclination to the axis of the cutter.
Form milling: Machining surfaces having an irregular outline.
Face milling is the milling of surfaces that are perpendicular to the cutter axis, as shown in Figure. Face
milling produces flat surfaces and machines work to the required length. In face milling, the feed can be
either horizontal or vertical.
In face milling, the teeth on the periphery of the cutter do practically all of the cutting. However, when the
cutter is properly ground, the face teeth actually remove a small amount of stock which is left as a result of
the springing of the work piece or cutter, thereby producing a finer finish.
When face milling, the work piece may be clamped to the table or angle plate or supported in a vise, fixture,
or jig. Large surfaces are generally face milled on a vertical milling machine with the work piece clamped
directly to the milling machine table to simplify handling and clamping operations.
Angular surfaces can also be face milled on a swivel cutter head milling machine. In this case, the work
piece is mounted parallel to the table and the cutter head is swiveled to bring the end milling cutter
perpendicular to the surface to be produced.
During face milling operations, the work piece should be fed against the milling cutter so that the pressure
of the cut is downward, thereby holding the piece against the table. Whenever possible, the edge of the
work piece should be in line with the center of the cutter. This position of the work piece in relation to the
cutter will help eliminate slippage.
Depth of Cut
When setting the depth of cut, the work piece should be brought up to just touch the revolving cutter. After
a cut has been made from this setting, measurement of the work piece is taken. At this point, the graduated
dial on the traverse feed is locked and used as a guide in determining the depth of cut.
When starting the cut, the work piece should be moved so that the cutter is nearly in contact with its edge,
after which the automatic feed may be engaged.
Cutting slots in a work piece holding device is a typical milling operation. The size of the slots depends
upon the size of the T-slot bolts which will be used. Dimensions are standardized for specific bolt diameters.
Two milling cutters are required for milling T-slots, a T-slot milling cutter and either a side milling cutter
or an end milling cutter. The side milling cutter (preferably of the staggered tooth type) or the end milling
cutter is used to cut a slot in the work piece equal in width to the throat width of the Slot and equal in depth
to slightly less than the head space depth plus the throat depth). The T-slot milling cutter is then used to cut
the head space to the prescribed dimensions.
The position of the T-slot is laid out on the work piece. The throat depth is determined by considering the
thickness of the work piece and the maximum and minimum dimensions allowable.
A side milling cutter or an end milling cutter is then selected. The cutter should be of proper size to mill a
slot equal in width to the throat width prescribed for the T-slot size desired. Cut a plain groove equal to
about 1/16 inch less than the combined throat depth and head space depth.
Select a T-slot milling cutter for the size T-slot to be cut. Slot milling cutters are identified by the T-Slot
bolt diameter and remanufactured with the proper diameter and width to cut the head space to the
dimensions given in Table 8-6 in Appendix A. Position the T-slot milling cutter over the edge of the work
piece and align it with the previously cut groove. Feed the table longitudinally to make the cut. Flood the
cutter and work piece with cutting oil during this operation. Figure 8-38 shows a T-slot milling cutter and
dimension locations for T-slots.
Pocket milling has been regarded as one of the most widely used operations in machining. In pocket milling
the material inside an arbitrarily closed boundary on a flat surface of a work piece is removed to a fixed
depth. Generally flat bottom end mills are used for pocket milling. Firstly roughing operation is done to
remove the bulk of material and then the pocket is finished by a finish end mill.
It is the process in which the outside periphery of a flat part is cut by using end mill. In profile milling,
the conventional end mill is used to cut the outside or inside periphery of a flat part. The end mill works
with its peripheral teeth and is fed along a curvilinear path equidistant from the surface profile.
1. Indexing
Indexing is the process of evenly dividing the circumference of a circular work piece into equally spaced
divisions, such as in cutting gear teeth, cutting splines, milling grooves in reamers and taps, and spacing
holes on a circle. The index head of the indexing fixture is used for this purpose.
2. Index Head
The index head of the indexing fixture contains an indexing mechanism which is used to control the rotation
of the index head spindle to space or divide a work piece accurately. A simple indexing mechanism consists
of a 40-tooth worm wheel fastened to the index head spindle, a single-cut worm, a crank for turning the
worm shaft, and an index plate and sector. Since there are 40 teeth in the worm wheel, one turn of the index
crank causes the worm, and consequently, the index head spindle to make 1/40 of a turn; so 40 turns of the
index crank revolve the spindle one full turn.
3. Index Plate
The indexing plate is a round plate with a series of six or more circles of equally spaced holes; the index
pin on the crank can be inserted in any hole in any circle. With the interchangeable plates regularly furnished
with most index heads, the spacing necessary for most gears, bolt heads, milling cutters, splines, and so
forth can be obtained.
4. Sector
The sector indicates the next hole in which the pin is to be inserted and makes it unnecessary to count holes
when moving the index crank after each cut. It consists of two radial, beveled arms which can be set at any
angle to each other and then moved together around the center of the index plate.
5. Plain Indexing
Suppose it is desired to mill a project with eight equally spaced teeth. Since 40 turns of the index crank will
turn the spindle one full turn, l/8th of 40 or 5 turns of the crank after each cut will space the gear for 8 teeth.
If it is desired to space equally for 10 teeth, 1/10 of 40 or 4 turns would produce the correct spacing.
The same principle applies whether or not the divisions required divide equally into 40. For example, if it
is desired to index for 6 divisions, 6 divided into 40 equals 6 2/3 turns; similarly, to index for 14 spaces, 14
divided into 40 equals 2 6/7 turns. These examples may be multiplied indefinitely and from them the
following rule is derived: to determine the number of turns of the index crank needed to obtain one division
of any number of equal divisions on the work piece, divide 40 by the number of equal divisions desired
(provided the worm wheel has 40 teeth, which is standard practice).
6. Direct Indexing
The construction of some index heads permits the worm to be disengaged from the worm wheel, making
possible a quicker method of indexing called direct indexing. The index head is provided with a knob which,
when turned through part of a revolution, operates an eccentric and disengages the worm.
Direct indexing is accomplished by an additional index plate fastened to the index head spindle. A stationary
plunger in the index head fits the holes in this index plate. By moving this plate by hand to index directly,
the spindle and the work piece rotate an equal distance. Direct index plates usually have 24 holes and offer
a quick means of milling squares, hexagons, taps, and so forth. Any number of divisions which is a factor
of 24 can be indexed quickly and conveniently by the direct indexing method.
7. Differential Indexing
Sometimes, a number of divisions is required which cannot be obtained by simple indexing with the index
plates regularly supplied. To obtain these divisions, a differential index head is used. The index crank is
connected to the worm shaft by a train of gears instead of a direct coupling as with simple indexing. The
selection of these gears involves calculations similar to those used in calculating change gear ratio for lathe
thread cutting.
8. Indexing in Degrees
Work pieces can be indexed in degrees as well as fractions of a turn with the usual index head. There are
360 degrees in a complete circle and one turn of the index crank revolves the spindle 1/40 or 9 degrees.
Therefore, 1/9 turn of the crank rotates the spindle 1 degree. Work pieces can therefore be indexed in
degrees by using a circle of holes divisible by 9. For example, moving the crank 2 spaces on an 18-hole
circle, 3 spaces on a 27-hole circle, or 4 spaces on a 36-hole circle will rotate the spindle 1 degree. Smaller
crank movements further subdivide the circle: moving 1 space on an 18-hole circle turns the spindle 1/2
degree (30 minutes), 1 space on a 27-hole circle turns the spindle 1/3 degree (20 minutes), and so forth.
9. Indexing Operations
The following examples show how the index plate is used to obtain any desired part of a whole spindle turn
by plain indexing.
Milling a hexagon. Using the rule previously given, divide 40 by 6 which equals 6 2/3 turns, or six full
turns plus 2/3 of a turn or any circle whose number is divisible by 3. Take the denominator which is 3 into
which of the available hole circles it can be evenly divided. In this case, 3 can be divided into the available
18-hole circle exactly 6 times. Use this result 6 as a multiplier to generate the proportional fraction required.
Therefore, 6 full turns of the crank plus 12 spaces on an 18-hole circle is the correct indexing for 6 divisions.
Cutting a gear. To cut a gear of 52 teeth, using the rule again, divide 40 by 52. This means that less than
one full turn is required for each division, 40/52 of a turn to be exact. Since a 52-hole circle is not available,
40/52 must be reduced to its lowest term which is 10/13. Take the denominator of the lowest term 13, and
determine into which of the available hole circles it can be evenly divided. In this case, 13 can be divided
into a 39-hole circle exactly 3 times. Use this result 3 as a multiplier to generate the proportional fraction
Therefore, 30 holes on a 39-hole circle is the correct indexing for 52 divisions. When counting holes, start
with the first hole ahead of the index pin