Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,636,989 B2

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(12) Ulllted States Patent (10) Patent N0.: US 8,636,989 B2

Florence et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 28, 2014


COMPRISING PLANT EXTRACTS USPC ........................................... .. 424/59; 424/757
_ (58) Field of Classi?cation Search
(71) Apphcant: Mary Kay, Inc, Dallas, TX (US) None
(72) Inventors: Tiffany Florence, Dallas, TX (US); See apphcanon ?le for Complete Search hlstory'
David Gan, Southlake, TX (US); .
Michelle Hines, Hickory Creek, TX (56) References Clted
(73) Assignee: Mary Kay Inc., Dallas, TX (US) 5,705,170 A * 1/1998 Kong et a1. ................. .. 424/401
7,759,393 B2 7/2010 Joerger et a1. .. 514/546

(*) Notice: Patent

~ toextended
any disclaimer,
or adlusted
~ the term
of this
35 2009/0149420 A1 6/2009 \grll?ilet
au erealt~ 3..et a1. ........ .. 514/54
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
(21) Appl.No.: 13/888,068
JP 2001-187725 A 7/2001
(22) Filed: May 6, 2013
(65) Prior Publication Data _ _ _ _ _ _
Internatlonal Search Report and Wr1tten Op1n10n lssued 1n PCT
Us 2013/0236403 A1 Sep- 12, 2013 Application No. PCT?JS2012/034673, dated Nov. 26, 2012.

Related US. Application Data * Cited by examiner

(63) Continuation of application No. 13/453,690, ?led on _ _
Apr. 23, 2012, noW Pat. No. 8,444,959. Primary Examiner * S00 Long
_ _ 1 1_ _ / ?l d AssistantExamineriSarahAlaWadi
(60) 55031311011121 app lcanon NO' 61 477812 e on Apr' (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Fulbright & .IaWorski LLP

(51) Int- Cl- (57) ABSTRACT

A61K 8/97 (2006.01) Disclosed is a topical skin composition and corresponding
A61 Q 19/02 (2006.01) methods for its use that includes a topical skin composition
A61 Q 19/08 (2006.01) comprising an extract from Burretiodendron hsienmu.
A61Q 17/04 (2006.01)
A61 Q 19/00 (2006.01) 18 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet

Plant rnateriai(PoWdered)

400 g
1 Soaked with 95 D/n EtOH. 1 Soaked With ammonia
standing overnight atrt
2 Extracted under re?ux tor 2 Extracted under retiux with
3tirnes (2 hr,1hr,1 hr) CHCl?orAtirnes, each 1 hr
3 Concentrated under 3 Concentrated under
reduced pressure reduced pressure

Extract With enriched alkaioids (I')

Mixed with 100 rni H2O

Extracted Wtih petroieurn ethertor 31111165, each 100 ml

Petroieurn ether extract (ll)

Extracted with CHCi3 for 3 TIMES, each 100 mi

H1O Part cnci3 Extract (Ill)

Extracted with ri'BuOH for 3 UFHQS, each 100 rni

H 20 part an d emulsion rrVBuO H Extract (IV)

Fiitered and iyophiiized

H1O part (V)

US. Patent Jan. 28, 2014 US 8,636,989 B2

Plant materialtPowdered)

800~1000 g 400 g
1. Soaked With 95 % EtOl-l, l Soaked with ammonia
standing overnight at rt.
2. Extracted under reflux for 2 Extracted under reflux with
3times|{2hr,1hr,l hr.) cHclgtorltimes, each 1 hr.
3 Concentrated under 3 Concentrated under
reduced pressure reduced pressure

Extract (I) Extract with enriched alkaloids ll)


Mixed with lOO ml H2O

Extracted Wtih petroleum etherfor 3 times, each 100 ml

Petroleum ether extract (ll)

Extracted with Cl-lCl3 tor3 times, each 100 ml

H3O Part cHcI3 Extract (Ill)

Extracted with n-BuOH tor 3 times, each 100 ml

H2O part and emulsion n-EluOH Extract (IV)

Filtered and lyophilized

H2O part (Vt

US 8,636,989 B2
1 2
TOPICAL SKIN CARE FORMULATIONS Iron sinense (ranges inside and out side of the stated range is
COMPRISING PLANT EXTRACTS also contemplated, e.g., 0.0001%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 9%, 10%,
15%, 20%, and more). The composition can further include a
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED moisturiZation agent, an antioxidant, a structuring or thick
APPLICATIONS ening agent, and/or an emulsi?er (examples of each of these
ingredients is provided beloW). The composition can further
This application is a continuation of US. patent applica include a silicone containing compound and/or a sunscreen
tion Ser. No. 13/453,690, ?led Apr. 23, 2012, Which claims agent (examples of these ingredients are also provided
the bene?t of US. Provisional Application No. 61/477,812, beloW). The extracts can be aqueous extracts, alcoholic
?led Apr. 21, 2011. The contents of the referenced applica extracts, glycolic extracts, or oil extracts. In particular
tions are incorporated into the present application by refer instances, the extracts are aqueous extracts. The extracts can
ence. each be obtained from the Whole plant of Burreliodendron
hsienmu, Bauhinia brachycarpa var. cavaleriei, and Tetra
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION cenlron sinense, or from any part of the plant thereof (e.g.,
root, stem, leaf, ?oWer, seed) at the exclusion of other parts of
A. Field of the Invention the plant. In particular instances, the extracts are aqueous
The present invention relates generally to compositions extracts from the Whole plants, respectively. The composition
that include one or any combination of plant extracts to treat can be formulated as a cleanser product, a toner product, a
a variety of skin conditions. The extracts can be included in moisturizer product, or a mask product. Additionally, each of
topical skin compositions, edible compositions, injectable 20 the MMP-l inhibitors can also have further functionalities
compositions, oral compositions, hair care compositions, etc. that can be bene?cial to skin. For instance, the ?rst MMP-l
B. Description of Related Art inhibitor can also be an antioxidant, a lipoxygenase inhibitor,
Ageing, chronic exposure to adverse environmental fac and a tyrosinase inhibitor. The second MMP-l inhibitor can
tors, malnutrition, fatigue, etc., can change the visual appear also be an antioxidant and a lipoxygenase inhibitor. The third
ance, physical properties, or physiological functions of skin 25 MMP-l inhibitor can also be an antioxidant. Further, the
in Ways that are considered visually undesirable. The most combined extracts can be used to treat a variety of skin con
notable and obvious changes include the development of ?ne ditions by applying a composition having said extracts to skin
lines and Wrinkles, loss of elasticity, increased sagging, loss in need of such treatment. As indicated above, the composi
of ?rmness, loss of color evenness or tone, coarse surface tion can be effective in inhibiting MMP-l activity in skin,
texture, and mottled pigmentation. Less obvious, but measur 30 Which can aid in reducing the appearance of ?ne lines and
able changes Which occur as skin ages or endures chronic Wrinkles, sagging skin, loose skin, and/or skin that has an
environmental insult include a general reduction in cellular overall aged appearance. The composition can also inhibit
and tissue vitality, reduction in cell replication rates, reduced lipoxygenase activity, Which can further aid in the skin treat
cutaneous blood ?oW, reduced moisture content, accumu ment process While having an added bene?t of reducing
lated errors in structure and function, alterations in the normal 35 sebum production in skin cells, thereby treating the appear
regulation of common biochemical pathWays, and a reduction ance of oily skin. The composition can also inhibit tyrosinase
in the skins ability to remodel and repair itself. Many of the activity, Which is a key enZyme in the pathWay for producing
alterations in appearance and function of the skin are caused melanin. This can be used to reduce the appearance of hyper
by changes in the outer epidermal layer of the skin, While pigmented skin, sun spots, aged spots, liver spots, melasma,
others are caused by changes in the loWer dermis. 40 and/or uneven skin tone. Further, the composition can be used
Previous attempts to improve the visual appearance of skin to reduce oxidative damage in skin cells, Which can provide
With knoWn skin active-ingredients have been shoWn to have both a treatment and protection function from reactive oxy
various draWbacks such as skin irritation and prolonged gen species and the like. Also, the composition can be a
recovery periods. leave-on or rinse of composition.
45 In another instance, the inventors discovered that a combi
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION nation of extracts from Circidiphyllumjaponicum, Bauhinia
glauca, and Rhododendron siderophyllum can be used to
The inventors discovered that particular sets of ingredients inhibit lipoxygenase activity in skin. In this regard, there is
can be used to treat certain skin conditions ranging from ?ne disclosed a topical skin composition comprising a ?rst
lines or Wrinkles, oily skin or excessive sebum production, 50 lipoxygenase inhibitor, Wherein said ?rst inhibitor can be an
and sking having dark spots (e.g., liver spots, age spots, etc.), extract from Circidiphyllum japonicum, a second lipoxyge
melasma, hyperpigmentation, and uneven skin tone. nase inhibitor, Wherein said second inhibitor can be an extract
In one instance, for example, there is disclosed a topical from Bauhinia glauca, and a third lipoxygenase inhibitor,
skin composition comprising a ?rst MMP-l inhibitor, Wherein said third inhibitor can be an extract from Rhodo
Wherein said ?rst inhibitor can be an extract from Burrelio 55 dendron siderophyllum. The composition can take the form of
dendron hsienmu, a second MMP-l inhibitor, Wherein said an emulsion (e.g., W/o, o/W, W/si, si/W, W/o/W, W/si/W, o/W/o,
second inhibitor can be an extract from Bauhinia brachy si/W/si) a cream, a lotion, a solution, an anhydrous stick, a
carpa var. cavaleriei, and a third MMP-l inhibitor, Wherein serum, etc. The composition can include from about 0.001%
said third inhibitor can be an extract from Telracenlron sin to about 5% by Weight of said extract from Circidiphyllum
ense. The composition can take the form of an emulsion (e.g., 60 japonicum, from about 0.001% to about 5% by Weight of said
W/o, o/W, W/si, si/W, W/o/W, W/si/W, o/W/o, si/W/si) a cream, a extract from Bauhinia glauca, and from about 0.001% to
lotion, a solution, an anhydrous stick, a serum, etc. The com about 5% by Weight of said extract from Rhododendron sid
position can include from about 0.001% to about 5% by erophyllum (ranges inside and out side of the stated range is
Weight of said extract from Burreliodendron hsienmu, from also contemplated, e.g., 0.0001%, 6%, 7%, 8%, 9%, 10%,
about 0.001% to about 5% by Weight of said extract from 65 15%, 20%, and more). The composition can further include a
Bauhinia brachycarpa var. cavaleriei, and from about moisturiZation agent, an antioxidant, a structuring or thick
0.001% to about 5% by Weight of said extract from Telracen ening agent, and/or an emulsi?er (examples of each of these
US 8,636,989 B2
3 4
ingredients is provided below). The composition can further each be obtained from the Whole plant of Burreliodendron
include a silicone containing compound and/or a sunscreen hsienmu, Bauhinia glauca, and Wendlandia uvarilfolia, or
agent (examples of these ingredients are also provided from any part of the plant thereof (e. g., root, stem, leaf, ?oWer,
beloW). The extracts can be aqueous extracts, alcoholic seed) at the exclusion of other parts of the plant. In particular
extracts, glycolic extracts, or oil extracts. In particular instances, the extracts are aqueous extracts from the Whole
instances, the extracts are aqueous extracts. The extracts can plants, respectively. The composition can be formulated as a
each be obtained from the Whole plant of Circidiphyllum cleanser product, a toner product, a moisturizer product, or a
japonicum, Bauhinia glauca, and Rhododendron siderophyl mask product. Additionally, each of the tyrosinase inhibitors
lum, or from any part of the plant thereof (e. g., root, stem, leaf, can also have further functionalities that can be bene?cial to
?oWer, seed) at the exclusion of other parts of the plant. In skin. For instance, the ?rst tyrosinase inhibitor can also be an
particular instances, the extracts are aqueous extracts from antioxidant, a MMP-l inhibitor, and a lipoxygenase inhibitor.
the Whole plants, respectively. The composition can be for The second tyrosinase inhibitor can also be an antioxidant, a
mulated as a cleanser product, a toner product, a moisturizer MMP-l inhibitor, and a lipoxygenase inhibitor. The third
product, or a mask product. Additionally, each of the lipoxy tyrosinase inhibitor can also be an antioxidant and a MMP-l
genase inhibitors can also have further functionalities that can inhibitor. Further, the combined extracts can be used to treat
be bene?cial to skin. For instance, the ?rst lipoxygenase a variety of skin conditions by applying a composition having
inhibitor can also be an antioxidant and a MMP-l inhibitor. said extracts to skin in need of such treatment. As indicated
The second lipoxygenase inhibitor can be an antioxidant, a above, the composition can be effective in inhibiting tyrosi
MMP- 1 inhibitor, and a tyrosinase inhibitor. The third lipoxy nase activity, Which is a key enzyme in the pathWay for
genase inhibitor can be an antioxidant and a MMP-l inhibitor. 20 producing melanin. This can be used to reduce the appearance
Further, the combined extracts can be used to treat a variety of of hyperpigmented skin, sun spots, aged spots, liver spots,
skin conditions by applying a composition having said melasma, and/ or uneven skin tone. The composition can also
extracts to skin in need of such treatment. As indicated above, be used to inhibit lipoxygenase activity, Which can further aid
the composition can be effective in inhibiting lipoxygenase in the skin treatment process While having an added bene?t of
activity, Which can further aid in the skin treatment process 25 reducing sebum production in skin cells, thereby treating the
While having an added bene?t of reducing sebum production appearance of oily skin. The composition can also inhibit
in skin cells, thereby treating the appearance of oily skin. The MMP-l activity in skin, Which can aid in reducing the appear
composition can also inhibit MMP-l activity in skin, Which ance of ?ne lines and Wrinkles, sagging skin, loose skin,
can aid in reducing the appearance of ?ne lines and Wrinkles, and/or skin that has an overall aged appearance. Further, the
sagging skin, loose skin, and/or skin that has an overall aged 30 composition can be used to reduce oxidative damage in skin
appearance. The composition can also inhibit tyrosinase cells, Which can provide both a treatment and protection
activity, Which is a key enzyme in the pathway for producing function from reactive oxygen species and the like. Also, the
melanin. This can be used to reduce the appearance of hyper composition can be a leave-on or rinse of composition.
pigmented skin, sun spots, aged spots, liver spots, melasma, In addition to the above combinations of ingredients, the
and/ or uneven skin tone. Further, the composition can be used 35 inventors also discovered that a Wide variety of individual
to reduce oxidative damage in skin cells, Which can provide plants and extracts thereof have therapeutic bene?ts. These
both a treatment and protection function from reactive oxy plants and extracts thereof are from Phaseolus vulgaris, Cil
gen species and the like. Also, the composition can be a ris sinensis, Wedelia Zrilobala, Burreliodendron hsienmu,
leave-on or rinse of composition. Bauhinia brachycarpa var. cavaleriei, Cyslacanlhus panicu
In another instance, the inventors discovered that a combi 40 lalus, Caesalpinia minax, Pueraria wallichii, Telracenlron
nation of extracts from Burreliodendron hsienmu, Bauhinia sinense, Bridelia insulana, Hedyolis verlicillale, Syzygium
glauca, and Wendlandia uvariifolia can be used to inhibit ?ulicosum, Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Bauhinia glauca,
tyrosinase activity in skin. In this regard, there is disclosed a Rhododendron siderophyllum, Cudraniapubescens, Cajanus
topical skin composition comprising a ?rst tyrosinase inhibi cajan, Wendlandia uvarilfolia, Siegesbeckia glabrescens,
tor, Wherein said ?rst inhibitor can be an extract from Burre 45 Azolla imbricale, Juncus bufonius, Poikilospermum suaveo
Ziodendron hsienmu, a second tyrosinase inhibitor, Wherein lens, Clerodendrum Zricholomum var. fargesii, Porandra
said second inhibitor can be an extract from Bauhinia glauca, ramosa, Annona glabra, Slerculia pexa, Phoebe puwenensis,
and a third tyrosinase inhibitor, Wherein said third inhibitor Myriopleron exlensum, Crolon lachnocarpa, Dillenia turbi
can be an extract from Wendlandia uvariifolia. The compo nale, Alpinia blepharocalyx, Crolalaria speclabilis, Ficus
sition can take the form of an emulsion (e.g., W/o, o/W, W/si, 50 lacor, Ravenala madagascariensis, Cocculus orbiculalus,
si/W, W/o/W, W/si/W, o/W/o, si/W/si) a cream, a lotion, a solu Drynaria forlunei, Acrachne racemosa, Pseuderanlhemum
tion, an anhydrous stick, a serum, etc. The composition can polyanlhum, Eriobolrys serrala, Vernonia arborea, Adian
include from about 0.001% to about 5% by Weight of said [hum caudalum, Phaseolus lunalus, Ipomoea cairica, Alope
extract from Burreliodendron hsienmu, from about 0.001 % to curus aequalis, Arenga pinnala, Rhynchosia yunnanensis,
about 5% by Weight of said extract from Bauhinia glauca, and 55 Syzygium cumini, Clausena dunniana, Cyclosurus parasiti
from about 0.001% to about 5% by Weight of said extract cus, and/or Solanum carolinense. In particular aspects, com
from Wendlandia uvarifolia (ranges inside and out side of the positions of the present invention can include any one of, any
stated range is also contemplated, e.g., 0.0001%, 6%, 7%, combination of, all of, or at least 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
8%, 9%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and more). The composition can 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
further include a moisturization agent, an antioxidant, a struc 60 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45,
turing or thickening agent, and/or an emulsi?er (examples of 46, 47, 48, 49, or 50 of said plants or extracts thereof. The
each of these ingredients is provided beloW). The composi plant part can be the Whole plant orpart ofthe plant (e.g., root,
tion can further include a silicone containing compound and/ bark, sap, stem, leaf, ?oWer, seed, leaf, stem, root, ?oWer,
or a sunscreen agent (examples of these ingredients are also seed, sap, bark, etc.). The extract can be from the Whole plant
provided beloW). The extracts can be aqueous extracts, alco 65 or part of the plant (e.g., root, bark, sap, stem, leaf, ?oWer,
holic extracts, glycolic extracts, or oil extracts. In particular seed, leaf, stem, root, ?oWer, seed, sap, bark, etc.). The extract
instances, the extracts are aqueous extracts. The extracts can can be an aqueous extract or a non-aqueous extract. The
US 8,636,989 B2
5 6
extract can be extracted With alcohol (e.g., methanol, ethanol 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000,
propanol, butanol, etc.), glycols, oils, Water, etc. The extracts 15000, 20000, 30000, 50000, 100000 or more or any range
can be included in compositions such as topical skin compo derivable therein.
sitions, edible compositions, injectible compositions, oral The compositions in non-limiting aspects can have a pH of
compositions, pharmaceutical compositions, hair care com about 6 to about 9. In other aspects, the pH can be 1, 2, 3, 4,
positions, etc. The composition can include 0.01% to 20% by 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, or 14. The compositions can
Weight of said plant, plant part, and/ or extract thereof (or 0.1, include a triglyceride. Non-limiting examples include small,
0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, medium, and large chain triglycerides. In certain aspects, the
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 30,40, 50, 60, 70, 80, triglyceride is a medium chain triglyceride (e.g., caprylic
90, 99%, or more or any integer or range therein). capric triglyceride). The compositions can also include pre
In particular aspects, the composition is formulated as topi servatives. Non-limiting examples of preservatives include
cal skin composition. The composition can have a dermato methylparaben, propylparaben, or a mixture of methylpara
logically acceptable vehicle or carrier for the plant, plant part, ben and propylparaben.
or extract thereof. The composition can further include a Compositions of the present invention can have UVA and
moisturizing agent or a humectant, a surfactant, a silicone UVB absorption properties. The compositions can have an
containing compounds, a UV agent, an oil, and/or other ingre sun protection factor (SPF) of2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
dients identi?ed in this speci?cation or those knoWn in the art. 13, 14, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, or more, or any
The composition can be a lotion, cream, gel, serum, emulsion integer or derivative therein. The compositions can be sun
(e.g., oil-in-Water, Water-in-oil, silicone-in-Water, Water-in screen lotions, sprays, or creams.
silicone, Water-in-oil-in-Water, oil-in-Water, oil-in-Water-in 20 The compositions of the present invention can also include
oil, oil-in-Water-in-silicone, etc.), solutions (e.g., aqueous or any one of, any combination of, or all of the folloWing addi
hydro-alcoholic solutions), anhydrous bases (e. g., lipstick or tional ingredients: Water, a chelating agent, a moisturiZing
a poWder), ointments, milk, paste, aerosol, solid forms, eye agent, a preservative, a thickening agent, a silicone containing
jellies, etc. The composition can be in poWdered form (e.g., compound, an essential oil, a structuring agent, a vitamin, a
dried, lyophiliZed, particulate, etc.). The composition can be 25 pharmaceutical ingredient, or an antioxidant, or any combi
formulated for topical skin application at least 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, nation of such ingredients or mixtures of such ingredients. In
7, or more times a day during use. In other aspects of the certain aspects, the composition can include at least tWo,
present invention, compositions can be storage stable or color three, four, ?ve, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, or all of these
stable, or both. It is also contemplated that the viscosity of the additional ingredients identi?ed in the previous sentence.
composition can be selected to achieve a desired result, e. g., 30 Non-limiting examples of these additional ingredients are
depending on the type of composition desired, the viscosity of identi?ed throughout this speci?cation and are incorporated
such composition can be from about 1 cps to Well over 1 into this section by reference. The amounts of such ingredi
million cps or any range or integer derivable therein (e.g., 2 ents can range from 0.0001% to 99.9% by Weight or volume
cps, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,20, 30, 40, 50, 60,70, 80, 90, 100, of the composition, or any integer or range in betWeen as
200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 2000, 3000, 35 disclosed in other sections of this speci?cation, Which are
4000, 5000, 6000, 7000, 8000, 9000, 10000, 20000, 30000, incorporated into this paragraph by reference.
40000, 50000, 60000, 70000, 80000, 90000, 100000, In another embodiment, there is disclosed a topical skin
200000, 300000, 400000, 500000, 600000, 700000, 800000, care composition that includes an one of or combination of
900000, 1000000, 2000000, 3000000, 4000000, 5000000, the aforementioned plants, plant parts, and/or extracts thereof
10000000, cps, etc., as measured on a Brook?eldViscometer 40 in combination With any one of, any combination of, or all of
using a TC spindle at 2.5 rpm at 250 C.). the folloWing ingredients: Water; glycerin; butylene glycol;
It is also contemplated that the compositions disclosed propylene glycol; phenoxyethanol; a chelating agent (e.g.,
throughout this speci?cation can be used as a leave-on or EDTA, disodium EDTA, trisodium EDTA, EGTA, disodium
rinse-off composition. By Way of example, a leave-on com EGTA, trisodium EGTA, citric acid, phosphoric acid, suc
position can be one that is topically applied to skin and 45 cinic acid, etc.); steareth-20; chlorhexidine diglunonate;
remains on the skin for a period of time (e.g., at least 5, 6, 7, potassium sorbate; and/or a preservative (e.g., methylpara
8, 9, 10, 20, or 30 minutes, or at least 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ben, propylparaben, butylparaben, ethylparaben, isobutylpa
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 or 24 hours, raben, etc.). In particular aspects, the composition can further
or over night or throughout the day). In more particular include any one of, any combination of, or all of the folloWing
instances, a leave-on composition remains on the skin for at 50 additional ingredients: alcohol; denatured alcohol; glyceryl
least 1 hour after application. Alternatively, a rinse-off com stearate; dimethicone; PEG-100 stearate; capryl glycol; tri
position can be a product that is intended to be applied to the ethanolamine; maltodextrin; sorbic acid; ethylene brassylate;
skin and then removed or rinsed from the skin (e.g., With methyl linalool; isobutyl methyl tetrahydropyranol; ethyl
Water) Within a period of time such as less than 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1 hexylglycerin; and/or hexylene glycol. The concentrations of
minute(s).An example of a rinse of composition can be a skin 55 these ingredients can range from 0.00001 to 99% by Weight or
cleanser, shampoo, conditioner, or soap. An example of a volume of the composition or any integer or range derivable
leave-on composition can be a skin moisturizer, sunscreen, therein as explained in other portions of this speci?cation
mask, overnight cream, or a day cream. Which are incorporated into this paragraph by reference. In
The compositions of the present invention can also be particular aspects, the concentration of Water can be at least
modi?ed to have a desired oxygen radical absorbance capac 60 35% to 80% by Weight of Water.
ity (ORAC) value. In certain non-limiting aspects, the com In another embodiment, there is disclosed a topical skin
positions of the present invention or the plant, plant parts, or care composition that includes an one of or combination of
extracts thereof identi?ed throughout this speci?cation canbe the aforementioned plants, plant parts, and/or extracts thereof
modi?ed to have an ORAC value per mg of at least about 1, 2, in combination With any one of, any combination of, or all of
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 65 the folloWing ingredients: Water; dimethicone; triethanola
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 70, 80, mine; phenonip; betaine; a chelating agent (e. g., EDTA, diso
90, 95, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, dium EDTA, trisodium EDTA, EGTA, disodium EGTA, tri
US 8,636,989 B2
7 8
sodium EGTA, citric acid, phosphoric acid, succinic acid, Zoate can be from about 2:1 to 3 :1 based on the total Weight of
etc.); tocopheryl acetate; and/or prodeW 400. In particular the composition. The ratio of Water to pentylene glycol can be
aspects, the composition can further include any one of, any from about 9:1 to about 11:1 based on the total Weight of the
combination of, or all of the following additional ingredients: composition.
propylene glycol; isododecane; polyacrylamide/C13-C14 In another embodiment, there is disclosed a topical skin
isoparaf?n/laureth 7 mixture; PEG-12 dimethicone; and/or care composition that includes any one of or combination of
ethylhexyl palmitate. The concentrations of these ingredients the aforementioned plants, plant parts, and/or extracts thereof
can range from 0.00001 to 99% by Weight or volume of the in combination With any one of, any combination of, or all of
composition or any integer or range derivable therein as the folloWing ingredients: Water; disodium EDTA; citric acid;
explained in other portions of this speci?cation Which are pentylene glycol; capryl glycol; sodium cocoamphodiac
incorporated into this paragraph by reference. In particular etate; or sodium methyl cocoyl taurate. The concentrations of
aspects, the concentration of Water can be at least 35% to 80% these ingredients can range from 0.00001 to 99% by Weight or
by Weight of Water. volume of the composition or any integer or range derivable
In another embodiment, there is disclosed a topical skin therein as explained in other portions of this speci?cation
care composition that includes an one of or combination of Which are incorporated into this paragraph by reference. In
the aforementioned plants, plant parts, and/ or extracts thereof particular aspects, the concentration of Water can be at least
in combination With any one of, any combination of, or all of 35% to 80% by Weight of Water. The ratio of Water to penty
the folloWing ingredients: Water; glycerin; pentylene glycol; lene glycol can be from about 12:1 to 14:1 based on the total
capryl glycol; disodium EDTA; capric/caprylic triglyceride; Weight of the composition. The ratio of Water to sodium
shea butter; squalane; cetyl alcohol; dimethicone; ceramide 20 cocoamphodiacetate can be from about 8:1 to about 11:1
II; stearic acid; a mixture of glyceryl stearate and PEG 100 based on the total Weight of the composition. The ratio of
stearate; or a mixture of acrylamide/ acryloyl dimethyl taurate Water to sodium methyl cocoyl taurate can be from about 2:1
copolymer, isohexadecane, and polysorbate 80. The concen to about 4: 1 based on the total Weight of the composition. The
trations of these ingredients can range from 0.00001 to 99% ratio of sodium methyl cocoyl taurate to sodium cocoam
by Weight or volume of the composition or any integer or 25 phodiacetate can be from about 2:1 to about 4:1 based on the
range derivable therein as explained in other portions of this total Weight of the composition.
speci?cation Which are incorporated into this paragraph by Also disclosed is an extract from Phaseolus vulgaris, Cilris
reference. In particular aspects, the concentration of Water sinensis, Wedelia lrilobala, Burreliodendron hsienmu, Bau
can be at least 35% to 80% by Weight of Water. The ratio of hinia brachycarpa var. cavaleriei, Cyslacanlhuspaniculalus,
Water to glycerin can be from about 7:1 to 9:1 based on the 30 Caesalpinia minax, Pueraria wallichii, Telracenlron sinense,
total Weight of the composition. The ratio of glycerin to Bridelia insulana, Hedyolis verlicillale, Syzygium ?ulico
pentylene glycol can be from about 1:1 to about 2:1 based on sum, Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Bauhinia glauca, Rhodo
the total Weight of the composition. dendron siderophyllum, Cudraniapubescens, Cajanus cajan,
In another embodiment, there is disclosed a topical skin Wendlandia uvarilfolia, Siegesbeckia glabrescens, Azolla
care composition that includes any one of or combination of 35 imbricale, Juncus bufonius, Poikilospermum suaveolens,
the aforementioned plants, plant parts, and/ or extracts thereof Clerodendrum Zricholomum var. fargesii, Porandra ramosa,
in combination With any one of, any combination of, or all of Annona glabra, Slerculia pexa, Phoebe puwenensis, Myri
the folloWing ingredients: Water; glycerin; capryl glycol; opleron exlensum, Crown lachnocarpa, Dillenia Zurbinale,
capryl glycol; disodium EDTA; petrolatum; squalane; cetyl Alpinia blepharocalyx, Crolalaria speclabilis, Ficus lacor,
alcohol; a mixture of glyceryl stearate and PEG 100 stearate; 40 Ravenala madagascariensis, Cocculus orbiculalus, Dry
dimethicone; or a mixture of acrylamide/acryloyl dimethyl nariaforlunei, Acrachne racemosa, Pseuderanlhemum poly
taurate copolymer, isohexadecane, and polysorbate 80. The anlhum, Eriobolrys serrala, Vernonia arborea, Adianlhum
concentrations of these ingredients can range from 0.00001 to caudalum, Phaseolus lunalus, lpomoea cairica, Alopecurus
99% by Weight or volume of the composition or any integer or aequalis, Arenga pinnala, Rhynchosia yunnanensis, Syzy
range derivable therein as explained in other portions of this 45 gium cumini, Clausena dunniana, Cyclosurus parasilicus,
speci?cation Which are incorporated into this paragraph by and/or Solanum carolinense. The extract can be from the
reference. In particular aspects, the concentration of Water Whole plant or part of the plant (e.g., root, bark, sap, stem,
can be at least 35% to 80% by Weight of Water. The ratio of leaf, ?oWer, seed, leaf, stem, root, ?oWer, seed, sap, bark,
Water to glycerin can be from about 12:1 to 16:1 based on the etc.), or mixtures from different parts of the plant. The extract
total Weight of the composition. The ratio of glycerin to 50 can be an aqueous extract or a non-aqueous extract. The
pentylene glycol can be from about 0.5:1 to about 1.5:1 based extract can be extracted With alcohol (e.g., methanol, ethanol
on the total Weight of the composition. propanol, butanol, etc.), glycols, oils, Water, etc. The extracts
In another embodiment, there is disclosed a topical skin can be included in a composition. The composition can
care composition that includes any one of or combination of include 0.01% to 20% by Weight of said plant, plant part,
the aforementioned plants, plant parts, and/ or extracts thereof 55 and/or extract thereof (or 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7,
in combination With any one of, any combination of, or all of 0.8, 0.9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
the folloWing ingredients: Water; xanthan gum; disodium 18, 19, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 99%, or more or any
EDTA; pentylene glycol; capryl glycol; acrylate C10-30 integer or range therein). The composition can include any
acrylate cross polymer; triethanolamine; PVP/hexadecene one of, any combination of, all of, or at least 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
copolymer; C12-15 alkyl benZoate; sorbitan isostearate; or a 60 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
sunscreen agent. The concentrations of these ingredients can 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,
range from 0.00001 to 99% by Weight or volume of the 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, or 50 of said plants, plant parts,
composition or any integer or range derivable therein as or extracts thereof. The composition can be an edible com
explained in other portions of this speci?cation Which are position. The composition can take the form of a pill, liquid
incorporated into this paragraph by reference. In particular 65 gel cap, tablet, or poWder. The composition can be an inject
aspects, the concentration of Water can be at least 35% to 80% able solution (e.g., for intravenous delivery). The composi
by Weight of Water. The ratio of Water to C12-15 alkyl ben tion can be in the form of a neutraceutical. The composition
US 8,636,989 B2
can be a topical skin composition. The composition can be in cally applying an amount effective to: increase the stratum
aerosoliZed form. The extract can be an aqueous or a non corneum turnover rate of the skin; increase collagen synthesis
aqueous extract. The aqueous extract can include an alcohol, in ?broblasts; increase cellular anti-oxidant defense mecha
a glycol, Water and/ or Water. Non-aqueous extract can include nisms (e.g., exogenous additions of anti-oxidants can bolster,
a fat or an oil. replenish, or prevent the loss of cellular antioxidants such as
One aspect of the present invention concerns a method of catalase and glutathione in skin cells (e.g., keratinocytes,
treating or preventing a skin condition comprising topically melanocytes, langerhans cells, etc.) Which Will reduce or
applying any one of the compositions disclosed in this speci prevent oxidative damage to the skin, cellular, proteins, and
?cation to skin having a skin condition. As noted throughout, lipids); inhibit melanin production in melanocytes; reduce or
the composition can include a plant, plant part, or extract prevent oxidative damage to skin (including reducing the
thereof from Phaseolus vulgaris, Citris sinensis, Wedelia Iri amount lipid peroxides and/or protein oxidation in the skin).
lobala, Burreliodendron hsienmu, Bauhinia brachycarpa var. In yet another embodiment, the extracts disclosed through
cavaleriei, Cyslacanlhus paniculalus, Caesalpinia minax, out this speci?cation can be used treat skin conditions or
Pueraria wallichii, Telracenlron sinense, Bridelia insulana, diseases associated With oxidation of skin cells (e.g., extracts
Hedyolis verlicillale, Syzygium frulicosum, Cercidiphyllum that have antioxidative properties), tyrosinase activity (e.g.,
japonicum, Bauhinia glauca, Rhododendron siderophyllum, extracts that have the ability to modify or otherWise inhibit
Cudraniapubescens, Cajanus cajan, Wendlandia uvarilfolia, tyrosinase activity in skin cells), lipoxygenase activity (e.g.,
Siegesbeckia glabrescens, Azolla imbricale, Juncus bufonius, extracts that have the ability to modify or otherWise inhibit
Poikilospermum suaveolens, Clerodendrum Zricholomum lipoxygenase activity), and/ or MMP-l activity (e. g., extracts
var. fargesii, Porandra ramosa, Annona glabra, Slerculia 20 that have the ability to modify or otherWise inhibit MMP-l
pexa, Phoebe puwenensis, Myriopleron exlensum, Crolon activity). The data in the Examples and the information pro
lachnocarpa, Dillenia Zurbinale, Alpinia blepharocalyx, Cro vided in the Detailed Description concerning the extracts
Zalaria speclabilis, Ficus lacor, Ravenala madagascariensis, provide information on the antioxidant, tyrosinase inhibition,
Cocculus orbiculalus, Drynaria forlunei, Acrachne race lipoxygenase inhibition, and MMP-1 inhibition abilities of
mosa, Pseuderanlhemum polyanlhum, Eriobolrys serrala, 25 said extracts. In particular embodiments, extracts that have
Vernonia arborea, Adianlhum caudalum, Phaseolus lunalus, antioxidant properties can be used to treat, prevent, or reduce
Ipomoea cairica, Alopecurus aequalis, Arenga pinnala, oxidative damage to skin cells from external environmental
Rhynchosia yunnanensis, Syzygium cumini, Clausena dunni factors (e.g., pollution, sun, chemicals, etc.). Extracts having
and, Cyclosurus parasilicus, and/or Solanum carolinense. tyrosinase inhibition properties can be used to reduce or oth
The composition can include any one of, any combination of, 30 erWise prevent tyrosinase production or activity in skin cells,
all of, orat least 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, Which can be used to treat hyperpigmented skin, uneven skin,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, melasmic skin, dark spots, aged spots, sun spots, blotchy skin,
33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, etc. Extracts having MMP-l inhibition properties can be used
or 50 of said plants, plant parts, and/or extracts thereof. The to maintain or prevent collagen breakdoWn in skin cells and
plant part canbe the Whole plant orpart of the plant (e.g., root, 35 can be used to treat or prevent ?ne lines and Wrinkles, sagging
bark, sap, stem, leaf, ?oWer, seed, leaf, stem, root, ?oWer, skin, loose skin, etc.
seed, sap, bark, etc.). The extract can be from the Whole plant In one embodiment of the present invention there is dis
or part of the plant (e.g., root, bark, sap, stem, leaf, ?oWer, closed a method of reducing the appearance of symptoms
seed, leaf, stem, root, ?oWer, seed, sap, bark, etc.). The extract associated With erythema (e.g., erythemic skin, sensitive skin,
can be an aqueous extract or a non-aqueous extract. The 40 in?amed skin) comprising topically applying any one of the
extract can be extracted With alcohol (e. g., methanol, ethanol compositions of the present invention to skin in need thereof.
propanol, butanol, etc.), glycols, oils, Water, etc. The compo Erythema can be caused by skin sunburn, electrical treat
sition can include a dermatoligically acceptable vehicle. Non ments of skin, skin burns, contact allergies, systemic aller
limiting examples of skin conditions that can be treated and/ gies, skin toxicity, exercise, insect stings, bacterial infection,
or prevented With the compositions of the present invention 45 viral infection, fungal infection, protoZoa infection, massage,
include dry skin, itchy skin, ?aky skin, in?amed skin, Windburn, etc. As noted throughout, the composition can
erythemic skin, pain associated With erythemic skin, sensitive include a plant, plant part, or extract thereof from Phaseolus
skin, pruritus, spider veins, lentigo, age spots, senile purpura, vulgaris, Citris sinensis, Wedelia Zrilobala, Burreliodendron
keratosis, melasma, blotches, ?ne lines or Wrinkles, nodules, hsienmu, Bauhinia brachycarpa var. cavaleriei, Cyslacan
sun damaged skin, dermatitis (including, but not limited to 50 Zhuspaniculalus, Caesalpinia minax, Pueraria wallichii, Tel
seborrheic dermatitis, nummular dermatitis, contact derma racenlron sinense, Bridelia insulana, Hedyolis verlicillale,
titis, atopic dermatitis, exfoliative dermatitis, perioral derma Syzygium frulicosum, Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Bauhinia
titis, and stasis dermatitis), psoriasis, folliculitis, rosacea, glauca, Rhododendron siderophyllum, Cudrania pubescens,
acne, postules, nodules, Whiteheads, blackheads, impetigo, Cajanus cajan, Wendlandia uvarilfolia, Siegesbeckia glabre
erysipelas, erythrasma, ecZema, sun burns, burned skin, open 55 scens, Azolla imbricale, Juncus bufonius, Poikilospermum
Wounds, skin-in?ammatory skin conditions, etc. In certain suaveolens, Clerodendrum Zricholomum var. fargesii, Poran
non-limiting aspects, the skin condition can be caused by dra ramosa, Annona glabra, Slerculia pexa, Phoebe puwen
exposure to UV light, age, irradiation, chronic sun exposure, ensis, Myriopleron exlensum, Crolon lachnocarpa, Dillenia
environmental pollutants, air pollution, Wind, cold, heat, Zurbinale, Alpinia blepharocalyx, Crolalaria speclabilis,
chemicals, disease pathologies, smoking, or lack of nutrition. 60 Ficus lacor, Ravenala madagascariensis, Cocculus orbicula
The skin can be facial skin or non-facial skin (e.g., arms, legs, Zus, Drynaria forlunei, Acrachne racemosa, Pseuderanlhe
hands, chest, back, feet, etc.). The method can further com mum polyanlhum, Eriobolrys serrala, Vernonia arborea, Adi
prise identifying a person in need of skin treatment. The anlhum caudalum, Phaseolus lunalus, Ipomoea cairica,
person can be a male or female. The age of the person can be Alopecurus aequalis, Arenga pinnala, Rhynchosia yunnan
at least 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 65 ensis, Syzygium cumini, Clausena dunniana, Cyclosurus
55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, or more years old, or any parasilicus, and/or Solanum carolinense. The composition
range derivable therein. The method can also include topi can include any one of, any combination of, all of, or at least
US 8,636,989 B2
11 12
1,2,3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, carpa, Dillenia Zurbinale, Alpinia blepharocalyx, Crolalaria
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, speclabilis, Ficus lacor, Ravenala madagascariensis, Coccu
38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, or 50 of said lus orbiculalus, Drynaria forlunei, Acrachne racemosa,
plants, plant parts, and/ or extracts thereof. The plant part can Pseuderanlhemumpolyanlhum, Eriobolrys serrala, Vernonia
be the Whole plant or part of the plant (e.g., root, bark, sap, arborea, Adianlhum caudalum, Phaseolus lunalus, Ipomoea
stem, leaf, ?ower, seed, leaf, stem, root, ?ower, seed, sap, cairica, Alopecurus aequalis, Arenga pinnala, Rhynchosia
bark, etc.). The extract can be from the Whole plant or part of yunnanensis, Syzygium cumini, Clausena dunniana, Cyclo
the plant (e.g., root, bark, sap, stem, leaf, ?oWer, seed, leaf, surus parasilicus, and/or Solanum carolinense. The compo
stem, root, ?oWer, seed, sap, bark, etc.). The extract can be an sition can include any one of, any combination of, all of, or at
aqueous extract or a non-aqueous extract. The extract can be least 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
extracted With alcohol (e.g., methanol, ethanol propanol, 19, 20,21, 22, 23, 24, 25,26, 27, 28, 29, 30,31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
butanol, etc.), glycols, oils, Water, etc. 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, or 50 of
In still another aspect of the present invention there is said plants, plant parts, and/or extracts thereof. The plant part
disclosed a method of treating dry, ?aky, or itchy skin or can be the Whole plant orpart ofthe plant (e.g., root, bark, sap,
reducing the appearance of uneven skin tone comprising topi stem, leaf, ?oWer, seed, leaf, stem, root, ?oWer, seed, sap,
cally applying any one of the compositions disclosed in this bark, etc.). The extract can be from the Whole plant or part of
speci?cation to dry, ?aky, or itchy skin or to skin having an the plant (e.g., root, bark, sap, stem, leaf, ?oWer, seed, leaf,
uneven skin tone. As noted throughout, the composition can stem, root, ?oWer, seed, sap, bark, etc.). The extract can be an
include a plant, plant part, or extract thereof from Phaseolus aqueous extract or a non-aqueous extract. The extract can be
vulgaris, CiZris sinensis, Wedelia Zrilobala, Burreliodendron 20 extracted With alcohol (e.g., methanol, ethanol propanol,
hsienmu, Bauhinia brachycarpa var. cavaleriei, Cyslacan butanol, etc.), glycols, oils, Water, etc.
Zhuspaniculalus, Caesalpinia minax, Pueraria wallichii, Tet In certain embodiments, compositions of the present
racenlron sinense, Bridelia insulana, Hedyolis verlicillala, invention can decrease the amount of internal oxidation and/
Syzygium frulicosum, Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Bauhinia or external oxidative damage in a cell. In other aspects, the
glauca, Rhododendron siderophyllum, Cudrania pubescens, 25 compositions can increase collagen synthesis in a cell. The
Cajanus cajan, Wendlandia uvariifolia, Siegesbeckia glabre compositions can also reduce skin in?ammation, such as by
scens, Azolla imbricale, Juncus bufonius, Poikilospermum reducing in?ammatory cytokine production in a cell. Non
suaveolens, Clerodendrum Zricholomum var. fargesii, Poran limiting examples of such cells include human epidermal
dra ramosa, Annona glabra, Slerculia pexa, Phoebe puwen keratinocyte, human ?broblast dermal cell, human melano
ensis, Myriopleron exlensum, Crolon lachnocarpa, Dillenia 30 cytes, three dimensional human cell-derived in vitro tissue
Zurbinale, Alpinia blepharocalyx, Crolalaria speclabilis, equivalents comprising human keratinocytes, human ?bro
Ficus lacor, Ravenala madagascariensis, Cocculus orbicula blasts, or human melanocytes, or any combination thereof
Zus, Drynaria forlunei, Acrachne racemosa, Pseuderanlhe (e.g., combination of human keratinocytes and human ?bro
mum polyanlhum, Eriobolrys serrala, Vernonia arborea, Adi blasts or a combination of human keratinocytes and human
anlhum caudalum, Phaseolus lunalus, Ipomoea cairica, 35 melanocytes).
Alopecurus aequalis, Arenga pinnala, Rhynchosia yunnan Also disclosed is a method of treating hyperpigmentation
ensis, Syzygium cumini, Clausena dunniana, Cyclosurus comprising applying the compositions of the present inven
parasilicus, and/or Solanum carolinense. The composition tion to the skin. The method can also comprise identifying a
can include any one of, any combination of, all of, or at least person in need of treating hyperpigmentation and applying
1,2,3,4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,20, 40 the composition to a portion of the skin exhibiting hyperpig
21,22,23, 24, 25, 26, 27,28, 29, 30, 31, 32,33, 34, 35, 36, 37, mentation. Additional methods contemplated by the inven
38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, or 50 of said tors include methods for reducing the appearance of an age
plants, plant parts, and/ or extracts thereof. The plant part can spot, a skin discoloration, or a freckle, reducing or preventing
be the Whole plant or part of the plant (e.g., root, bark, sap, the appearance of ?ne lines or Wrinkles in skin, or increasing
stem, leaf, ?oWer, seed, leaf, stem, root, ?oWer, seed, sap, 45 the ?rmness of skin by applying the compositions of the
bark, etc.). The extract can be from the Whole plant or part of present invention to skin in need of such treatment. As noted
the plant (e.g., root, bark, sap, stem, leaf, ?oWer, seed, leaf, throughout, the composition can include a plant, plant part, or
stem, root, ?oWer, seed, sap, bark, etc.). The extract can be an extract thereof from Phaseolus vulgaris, Cilris sinensis,
aqueous extract or a non-aqueous extract. The extract can be Wedelia Zrilobala, Burreliodendron hsienmu, Bauhinia
extracted With alcohol (e.g., methanol, ethanol propanol, 50 brachycarpa var. cavaleriei, Cyslacanlhuspaniculalus, Cae
butanol, etc.), glycols, oils, Water, etc. salpinia minax, Pueraria wallichii, Telracenlron sinense,
Also disclosed is a method of reducing the appearance of Bridelia insulana, Hedyolis verlicillala, Syzygium ?ulico
?ne lines or Wrinkles comprising topically applying any one sum, Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Bauhinia glauca, Rhodo
of the compositions disclosed in this speci?cation to skin dendron siderophyllum, Cudraniapubescens, Cajanus cajan,
having ?ne lines or Wrinkles. As noted throughout, the com 55 Wendlandia uvariifolia, Siegesbeckia glabrescens, Azolla
position can include a plant, plant part, or extract thereof from imbricale, Juncus bufonius, Poikilospermum suaveolens,
Phaseolus vulgaris, CiZris sinensis, Wedelia Zrilobala, Burre Clerodendrum Zricholomum var. fargesii, Porandra ramosa,
Ziodendron hsienmu, Bauhinia brachycarpa var. cavaleriei, Annona glabra, Slerculia pexa, Phoebe puwenensis, Myri
Cyslacanlhuspaniculalus, Caesalpinia minax, Pueraria wal opleron exlensum, Crolon lachnocarpa, Dillenia Zurbinale,
lichii, Telracenlron sinense, Bridelia insulana, Hedyolis ver 60 Alpinia blepharocalyx, Crolalaria speclabilis, Ficus lacor,
Zicillala, Syzygium ?ulicosum, Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Ravenala madagascariensis, Cocculus orbiculalus, Dry
Bauhinia glauca, Rhododendron siderophyllum, Cudrania nariaforlunei, Acrachne racemosa, Pseuderanlhemum poly
pubescens, Cajanus cajan, Wendlandia uvariifolia, Sieges anlhum, Eriobolrys serrala, Vernonia arborea, Adianlhum
beckia glabrescens, Azolla imbricale, Juncus bufonius, Poiki caudalum, Phaseolus lunalus, Ipomoea cairica, Alopecurus
lospermum suaveolens, Clerodendrum Zricholomum var. 65 aequalis, Arenga pinnala, Rhynchosia yunnanensis, Syzy
fargesii, Porandra ramosa, Annona glabra, Slerculia pexa, gium cumini, Clausena dunniana, Cyclosurus parasilicus,
Phoebe puwenensis, Myriopleron exlensum, Crolon lachno and/or Solanum carolinense. The composition can include
US 8,636,989 B2
13 14
any one of, any combination of, all of, or at least 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Viral hepatitis), in?ammation (e.g., allergy, asthma), prion
6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23, diseases (e.g., CJD, kuru, GSS, FFI), obesity, etc.
24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, Also disclosed is a method thickening hair or treating or
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, or 50 of said plants, plant preventing hair loss on the scalp (e.g., male-pattern baldness,
parts, and/or extracts thereof. The plant part can be the Whole female-pattem baldness, cicatricial alopecia, alopecia greata
plant or part of the plant (e.g., root, bark, sap, stem, leaf, telogen ef?uvium, traction alopecia, anagen ef?uvium), eye
?ower, seed, leaf, stem, root, ?oWer, seed, sap, bark, etc.). The broWs, or eyelashes comprising administering to a patient in
extract can be from the Whole plant or part of the plant (e.g., need of any such treatment any one of the compositions of the
present invention. As noted throughout, the composition can
root, bark, sap, stem, leaf, ?oWer, seed, leaf, stem, root, include a plant, plant part, or extract thereof from Phaseolus
?oWer, seed, sap, bark, etc.). The extract can be an aqueous
extract or a non-aqueous extract. The extract can be extracted
vulgaris, CiZris sinensis, Wedelia Zrilobala, Burreliodendron
hsienmu, Bauhinia brachycarpa var. cavaleriei, Cyslacan
With alcohol (e.g., methanol, ethanol propanol, butanol, etc.), Zhuspaniculalus, Caesalpinia minax, Pueraria wallichii, Tel
glycols, oils, Water, etc. racenlron sinense, Bridelia insulana, Hedyolis verlicillale,
In yet another aspect of the present invention there is dis Syzygium frulicosum, Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Bauhinia
closed a method of treating or preventing a Wide variety of glauca, Rhododendron siderophyllum, Cudrania pubescens,
diseases comprising administering to a patient in need of Cajanus cajan, Wendlandia uvarilfolia, Siegesbeckia glabre
treatment any one of the compositions of the present inven scens, Azolla imbricale, Juncus bufonius, Poikilospermum
tion. As noted throughout, the composition can include a suaveolens, Clerodendrum Zricholomum var. fargesii, Poran
plant, plant part, or extract thereof from Phaseolus vulgaris, 20 dra ramosa, Annona glabra, Slerculia pexa, Phoebe puwen
CiZris sinensis, Wedelia Zrilobala, Burreliodendron hsienmu, ensis, Myriopleron exlensum, Crolon lachnocarpa, Dillenia
Bauhinia brachycarpa var. cavaleriei, Cyslacanlhuspanicu Zurbinale, Alpinia blepharocalyx, Crolalaria speclabilis,
lalus, Caesalpinia minax, Pueraria wallichii, Telracenlron Ficus lacor, Ravenala madagascariensis, Cocculus orbicula
sinense, Bridelia insulana, Hedyolis verlicillala, Syzygium Zus, Drynaria forlunei, Acrachne racemosa, Pseuderanlhe
?ulicosum, Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Bauhinia glauca, 25 mum polyanlhum, Eriobolrys serrala, Vernonia arborea, Adi
Rhododendron siderophyllum, Cudraniapubescens, Cajanus anlhum caudalum, Phaseolus lunalus, Ipomoea cairica,
cajan, Wendlandia uvarilfolia, Siegesbeckia glabrescens, Alopecurus aequalis, Arenga pinnala, Rhynchosia yunnan
Azolla imbricale, Juncus bufonius, Poikilospermum suaveo ensis, Syzygium cumini, Clausena dunniana, Cyclosurus
lens, Clerodendrum Zricholomum var. fargesii, Porandra parasilicus, and/or Solanum carolinense. The composition
ramosa, Annona glabra, Slerculia pexa, Phoebe puwenensis, 30 can include any one of, any combination of, all of, or at least
Myriopleron exlensum, Crolon lachnocarpa, Dillenia turbi 1,2,3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,20,
nate, Alpinia blepharocalyx, Crotalaria spectabilis, Ficus 21, 22,23, 24, 25, 26, 27,28, 29, 30, 31, 32,33, 34, 35, 36, 37,
lacor, Ravenala madagascariensis, Cocculus orbiculalus, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, or 50 of said
Drynaria forlunei, Acrachne racemosa, Pseuderanlhemum plants, plant parts, and/or extracts thereof. The plant part can
polyanlhum, Eriobolrys serrala, Vernonia arborea, Adian 35 be the Whole plant or part of the plant (e.g., root, bark, sap,
[hum caudalum, Phaseolus lunalus, Ipomoea cairica, Alope stem, leaf, ?oWer, seed, leaf, stem, root, ?oWer, seed, sap,
curus aequalis, Arenga pinnala, Rhynchosia yunnanensis, bark, etc.). The extract can be from the Whole plant or part of
Syzygium cumini, Clausena dunniana, Cyclosurus parasiti the plant (e.g., root, bark, sap, stem, leaf, ?oWer, seed, leaf,
cus, and/or Solanum carolinense. The composition can stem, root, ?oWer, seed, sap, bark, etc.). The extract can be an
include any one of, any combination of, all of, or at least 1, 2, 40 aqueous extract or a non-aqueous extract. The extract can be
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, extracted With alcohol (e.g., methanol, ethanol propanol,
22,23,24, 25, 26, 27, 28,29, 30, 31, 32, 33,34, 35, 36, 37, 38, butanol, etc.), glycols, oils, Water, etc. The composition can
39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, or 50 of said plants, be formulated as a topical composition, an ingestible compo
plant parts, and/ or extracts thereof. The plant part can be the sition, an inj ectible composition, an aerosoliZed composition,
Whole plant or part of the plant (e.g., root, bark, sap, stem, 45 a foam based composition etc. An assay that can be used to
leaf, ?oWer, seed, leaf, stem, root, ?oWer, seed, sap, bark, test a compositions ability to thicken hair or treat or prevent
etc.). The extract can be from the Whole plant or part of the hair loss is to apply test composition to a targeted area and
plant (e. g., root, bark, sap, stem, leaf, ?oWer, seed, leaf, stem, measure neW hair groWth or rate of hair loss When compared
root, ?oWer, seed, sap, bark, etc.). The extract can be an With a controled area that is not receiving the test composi
aqueous extract or a non-aqueous extract. The extract can be 50 tion. The method can also include combining any one of the
extracted With alcohol (e.g., methanol, ethanol propanol, compositions of the present invention With knoWn hair loss or
butanol, etc.), glycols, oils, Water, etc. The composition can hair thickening treatnments (e.g., 5-0. reductase inhibitors
be formulated as a topical composition, an ingestible compo (e.g., ?nasteride, dutasteride, saW palmetto extract etc.),
sition, an inj ectible composition, an aerosoliZed composition, vasodilators (e.g., minoxidil), ketoconaZole, hair transplanta
etc. Non-limiting examples of diseases that can be treated or 55 tion procedures, hair multiplication procedures, laser therapy,
prevented With such compositions include AIDS, autoim caffeine, etc .).
mune diseases (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, In one particular non-limiting embodiment, the extract or
diabetes-insulin-dependent and non-independent, systemic extracts used in any one of the treatment methods described
lupus erythematosus and Graves disease), cancer (e.g., malig above and throughout this speci?cation and claims is pre
nant, benign, metastatic, precancer), cardiovascular diseases 60 pared in accordance With the procedures described in FIG. 1.
(e.g., heart disease or coronary artery disease, stroke-is The contens of FIG. 1 are incorporated by reference.
chemic and hemorrhagic, and rheumatic heart disease), dis Multipurpose compositions are also contemplated. For
eases of the nervous system, and infection by pathogenic instance, compositions that can have antioxidant properties,
microorganisms (e.g., Athletes Foot, Chickenpox, Common inhibit or reduce lipoxygenase activity, inhibit or reduce tyro
cold, Diarrheal diseases, Flu, Genital herpes, Malaria, Men 65 sinase activity, and/or inhibition or reduce MMP-l activity, or
ingitis, Pneumonia, Sinusitis, Skin diseases, Strep throat, any 2, 3, 4, or all of such properties is contemplated. Such
Tuberculosis, Urinary tract infections, Vaginal infections, compositions can be prepared in vieW of the information
US 8,636,989 B2
15 16
provided in the Detailed Description and Examples sections positions that are not too Watery or greasy, compositions that
of this speci?cation, Which explains the abilities of the have a silky texture, compositions that are non-tacky or
extracts. sticky, etc.). Pharmaceutically elegant can also relate to the
The compositions of the present invention can also take the creaminess or lubricity properties of the composition or to the
form of topically spreadable compositions, sprayable com moisture retaining properties of the composition.
positions, aerosoliZed compositions, injectible compositions, Keratinous tissue includes keratin-containing layers dis
edible compositions, compositiosn in tablet, gel cap, or pill posed as the outermost protective covering of mammals and
form. The extract used Within the compositions and methods includes, but is not limited to, skin, hair and nails.
of the present invention can be aqueous extracts, alcoholic Topical application means to apply or spread a compo
extracts, glycolic extracts, oil extracts, or any combination sition onto the surface of keratinous tissue. Topical skin
thereof. The compositions can be in poWedered form, liquid composition includes compositions suitable for topical
form, or aerosoliZed form. The extracts can prepared in accor application on keratinous tissue. Such compositions are typi
dance With the process described in FIG. 1. cally dermatologically-acceptable in that they do not have
Kits that include the compositions of the present invention undue toxicity, incompatibility, instability, allergic response,
are also contemplated. In certain embodiments, the compo and the like, When applied to skin. Topical skin care compo
sition is comprised in a container. The container can be a sitions of the present invention can have a selected viscosity
bottle, dispenser, or package. The container can dispense a to avoid signi?cant dripping or pooling after application to
pre-determined amount of the composition. In certain skin.
aspects, the compositions is dispensed in a spray, dollop, or The term about or approximately are de?ned as being
liquid. The container can include indicia on its surface. The 20 close to as understood by one of ordinary skill in the art, and
indicia can be a Word, an abbreviation, a picture, or a symbol. in one non-limiting embodiment the terms are de?ned to be
Also contemplated is a product comprising a composition Within 10%, preferably Within 5%, more preferably Within
of the present invention. In non-limiting aspects, the product 1%, and most preferably Within 0.5%.
can be a cosmetic product. The cosmetic product can be those The terms inhibiting or reducing or any variation of
described in other sections of this speci?cation or those 25 these terms, When used in the claims and/or the speci?cation
knoWn to a person of skill in the art. Non-limiting examples of includes any measurable decrease or complete inhibition to
products include a moisturiZer, a cream, a lotion, a skin soft achieve a desired result.
ener, a foundation, a night cream, a lipstick, a cleanser, a The term effective, as that term is used in the speci?ca
toner, a sunscreen, a mask, an anti-aging product, a deodor tion and/or claims, means adequate to accomplish a desired,
ant, an antiperspirant, a perfume, a cologne, etc. 30 expected, or intended result.
It is also contemplated that compositions of the present The Words comprising (and any form of comprising,
invention can be included into food-based products (e.g., such as comprise and comprises), having (and any
beverages, forti?ed Water, energy drinks, nutritional drinks, form of having, such as have and has), including (and
solid foods, vitamins, supplements, etc.) and pharmaceutical any form of including, such as includes and include) or
products (e.g., pills, tablets, gel capsules, injectible solutions, 35 containing (and any form of containing, such as contains
drugs, etc.). Supplements can include vitamins, minerals, and contain) are inclusive or open-ended and do not
herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, enZymes and metabo exclude additional, unrecited elements or method steps.
lites. Such supplements are suitable for oral consumption and Other objects, features and advantages of the present
can be administered orally. invention Will become apparent from the folloWing detailed
The compositions and methods for their use can com 40 description. It should be understood, hoWever, that the
prise, consist essentially of, or consist of any of the detailed description and the examples, While indicating spe
ingredients disclosed throughout the speci?cation. Consist ci?c embodiments of the invention, are given by Way of
ing essentially of means that inclusion of additional ingre illustration only. Additionally, it is contemplated that changes
dients in the compositions do not materially affect the ben and modi?cations Within the spirit and scope of the invention
e?cial properties of the compositions. For instance, if a 45 Will become apparent to those skilled in the art from this
composition consists essentially of an MMP-l inhibitor, a detailed description.
lipoxygenase inhibitor, and/or a tyrosinase inhibitor, then
said composition excludes any ingredients that Would mate BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
rially affect the bene?cial properties of said inhibitor. Simi
larly, if a composition consists essentially of an antioxi 50 The folloWing draWings form part of the present speci?ca
dant, then said composition excludes any ingredients that tion and are included to further demonstrate certain aspects of
Would materially affect the bene?cial properties of said anti the present invention. The invention may be better understood
oxidant. by reference to one or more of these draWings in combination
Further, the contents of US. application Ser. No. 12/869, With the detailed description of speci?c embodiments pre
352, ?led Aug. 26, 2010, International Application No. PCT/ 55 sented beloW.
US/10/46791, ?led Aug. 26, 2010, and US. provisional FIG. 1. Extraction process used to obtain extracts from
Application No. 61/237,087, ?led Aug. 26, 2009 are incor each of the folloWing plants (note that although the Whole
porated by reference into the present application. plant Was used in the extract process for each of the Extracts
It is contemplated that any embodiment discussed in this to obtain the data in the Examples, plant parts are also con
speci?cation can be implemented With respect to any method 60 templated and can be used by the process described in FIG.
or composition of the invention, and vice versa. Furthermore, 14e.g., stem, bark, root, ?oWer, seed, fruit, leaf, sap etc.):
compositions of the invention can be used to achieve methods Phaseolus vulgaris, Citris sinensis, Wedelia Zrilobala, Burre
of the invention. Ziodendron hsienmu, Bauhinia brachycarpa var. cavaleriei,
In one embodiment, the topical skin compositions of the Cyslacanlhuspaniculalus, Caesalpinia minax, Pueraria wal
current invention are pharmaceutically elegant. Pharmaceu 65 lichii, Telracenlron sinense, Bridelia insulana, Hedyolis ver
tically elegant describes a composition that has particular Zicillale, Syzygium frulicosum, Cercidiphyllum japonicum,
tactile properties Which feel pleasant on the skin (e.g., com Bauhinia glauca, Rhododendron siderophyllum, Cudrania
US 8,636,989 B2
17 18
pubescens, Cajanus cajan, Wendlandia uvariifolia, Sieges blender) and then subjected to a desired solvent (e.g., Water,
beckia glabrescens, Azolla imbricate, Juncus bufonius, Poiki alcohol, Water/alcohol, or oil based solvents) to obtain the
lospermum suaveolens, Clerodendrum trichotomum var. desired extract. The extract can then be stored in liquid form,
fargesii, Porandra ramosa, Annona glabra, Sterculia pexa, lyophiliZed, or subject to further processing techniques (e. g.,
Phoebe puwenensis, Myriopteron extensum, Cr0t0n lachno heating, cooling, etc.). Extraction processes are Well-knoWn
carpa, Dillenia turbinate, Alpinia blepharocalyx, Crotalaria to those having ordinary skill in the extract ?eld (e.g., mac
spectabilis, Ficus lacor, Ravenala madagascariensis, Coccu eration, infusion, percolation, digestion, decoction, hot con
lus orbiculatus, Drynaria fortunei, Acrachne racemosa, tinuous extraction, aqueous-alcoholic extract, counter current
Pseuderanthemumpolyanthum, Eriobotrys serrata, Vernonia extract, microWave assisted extraction, ultrasound extraction,
arborea, Adianthum caudatum, Phaseolus lunatus, lpomoea supercritical ?uid extracts, phytonic extract (e. g., With hydro
cairica, Alopecurus aequalis, Arenga pinnata, Rhynchosia ?uoro-carbon solvents), etc.
yunnanensis, Syzygium cumini, Clausena dunniana, Cyclo General information about the plants are provided below.
surus parasiticus, and/or Solanum carolinense. 1. Phaelous vulgaris
The common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, is an herbaceous
DESCRIPTION OF ILLUSTRATIVE annual plant domesticated independently in ancient
EMBODIMENTS Mesoamerica and the Andes, and noW groWn WorldWide for
its edible bean, popular both dry and as a green bean. The leaf
In todays image conscious society, people are continually is occasionally used as a leaf vegetable, and the straW is used
looking for a product that can improve the visual appearance for fodder. Botanically, the common bean is classi?ed as a
of their skin. Often times, aged skin, uneven skin tone, or skin 20 dicotyledon. Beans, squash and maiZe constituted the Three
damaged by environmental factors such as UV light, chronic Sisters that provided the foundation of Native American
sun exposure, environmental pollutants, chemicals, disease agriculture. Beans are a legume and thus acquire their nitro
pathologies, or smoking, is associated With unattractive skin. gen through an association With rhizobia, a species of nitro
Previous attempts to improve the visual appearance of skin gen-?xing bacteria. 18.3 million tonnes of dry common beans
has been shoWn to have various draWbacks such as skin irri 25 and 6.6 million tonnes of green beans Were groWn WorldWide
tation and prolonged recovery periods. in 2007. The other major type of beans is broad beans (I/icia
The present invention is an effective alternative to the use faba), of Which only 3.7 million tonnes Were groWn in 2007.
of compositions and ingredients currently used to treat skin. The commercial production of beans is Well-distributed
As noted above, the inventors discovered various plant WorldWide With countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania,
extracts (and combinations thereof) that can be used to treat 30 South and North America all among the top bean groWers.
skin conditions by, for example, inhibitor MMP- l, lipoxyge BraZil and India are the largest producers of dry beans While
nase, and/or tyrosinase activity in skin or by providing anti China produces, by far, the largest amount of green beans,
oxidative protection to said. Skin. The folloWing subsections almost as much as the rest of the top ten groWers altogether.
provide information on the various extracts and plants that The inventors have discovered that extracts of Phaseolus
can be used, a method of identifying oily skin, and potential 35 vulgaris have several biological activities, Which can be ben
avensues for preparing corresponding product formulations. e?cial to skin. The different portions of Phaseolus vulgaris
Therefore, these and other non-limiting aspects of the present can be used to obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting
invention are described in further detail beloW. examples include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers
A. Plants and Extracts Thereof or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant.
The plants and extracts thereof of can be obtained by stan 40 2. Citris sinensis
dard cultivation and extraction techniques knoWn to those An orangeispeci?cally, the sWeet orangeiis the citrus
having ordinary skill in the art. Non-limiting examples of Citrus><sinensis (syn. Citrus aurantium L. var. dulcis L., or
such techniques are provided beloW, in the Examples, and in Citrus aurantium Risso) and its fruit. The orange is a hybrid
FIG. 1. In addition, these extracts can be obtained through of ancient cultivated origin, possibly betWeen pomelo (Citrus
third parties such as Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese 45 maxima) and mandarin (Citrus reticulata). It is a small ?oW
Academy of Sciences, Yunnan, CHINA (KIB) (e. g., the ering tree groWing to about 10 m tall With evergreen leaves,
plant material used in the Examples Was obtained from KIB. Which are arranged alternately, of ovate shape With crenulate
For instance, a person of ordinary skill in the art Would be margins and 4-10 cm long. The orange fruit is a hesperidium,
able to isolate any one of the extracts identi?ed beloW from a type of berry. Oranges originated in Southeast Asia. The
parts of the corresponding plant by using any suitable method 50 fruit of Citrus sinensis is called sWeet orange to distinguish it
knoWn in the art. In one non-limiting example, the plant (or from Citrus aurantium, the bitter orange. The name is thought
any part of the plant such as the leaves, stems, bark, roots, to ultimately derive from the Sanskrit for the orange tree, With
fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, seed pods, sap, Whole its ?nal form developing after passing through numerous
plant, etc.) can be disrupted by mechanical means Which intermediate languages. In a number of languages, it is knoWn
results in a puree. The puree is then processed to be substan 55 as a Chinese apple (e.g., Dutch Sinaasappel, Chinas
tially free of impurities or undesired solids. The puree can apple).
then be poured into a shalloW vessel and quickly exposed to The inventors have discovered that extracts of Citris sin
loW temperature, i.e., ?ash froZen, for example at 200 C. or ensis have several biological activities, Which can be bene?
loWer, preferably under a vacuum for removal of Water con cial to skin. The different portions of Citris sinensis can be
tent (lyophiliZation). The resultant extract can then be used in used to obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting
the compositions of the present invention. examples include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers
In other aspects, aqueous, alcoholic, or oil based extraction or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant.
techniques, or combinations thereof, can be used on the 3. Wedelia trilobata
Whole plant or any part thereof of (e.g., leaves, stems, bark, Wedelia trilobata, also knoWn as yelloW dots, rabbits paW,
roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, seed pods, sap, 65 trailing daisy, creeping ox-eye, is part of the Family Aster
Whole plant, etc.) to produce an extract. In such a process, the aceae (aster family). A tropical perennial, With deepley lobed
desired part of the plant or the Whole plant is crushed up (e.g., ?eshy leaves, groWing up to 10 inch tall, spreading like a mat,
US 8,636,989 B2
19 20
it makes a dense cover, if allowed. It blossoms profusely; the different portions of Cyslacanlhuspaniculalus can be used to
?owers are orange-yellow. Wedelia creeps and roots at the obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting examples
nodes. Wedelia is used to treat hepatitis, infections and to include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?owers or ?ower
clear the placenta after birth. It grows in full sun/partial shade, buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant.
moist well drained soil. It shouldbe planted in frost free areas, 7. Caesalpinia minax
and will be killed by frost but comes back in the spring. This Cyclosurus minax is a plant that is native to China, Taiwan,
plant type can be used as a ground cover. India, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and V1etam. It is capable of
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Wedelia producing ?owers and seeds.
lrilobala have several biological activities, which can be ben The inventors have discovered that extracts of Cyclosurus
e?cial to skin such as antioxidantive properties. The different minax have several biological activities, which can be bene?
portions of Wedelia lrilobala can be used to obtain the corre cial to skin. All of the different portions of Cyclosurus minax
sponding extract. Non-limiting examples include its leaves, can be used to obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting
stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?owers or ?ower buds, seeds, sap, examples include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?owers
and the entire plant. or ?ower buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant.
4. Burreliodendron hsienmu 8. Pueraria wallichii
Burreliodendron hsienmu is a species of ?owering plant in Pueraria wallichii is a shrub that is native to China and is
the Tiliaceae family. It is found only in China. It is threatened capable of producing ?owers.
by habitat loss, areas of Yunnan. Populations in Viet Nam The inventors have discovered that extracts of Pueraria
represent a separate species. A slow-growing tree, it is found, wallichii have several biological activities, which can be ben
sometimes as a dominant component, in lowland semi-de 20 e?cial to skin. All of the different portions of Pueraria wal
ciduous woodland. Regeneration is observed to be strong in lichii can be used to obtain the corresponding extract. Non
forest gaps. The timber is highly valued, and in many parts of limiting examples include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit,
its range mature trees have become very scarce or been elimi ?owers or ?ower buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant.
nated. Habitat loss and degradation have also contributed to 9. Telracenlron sinense
the decline. 25 Telracenlron is a genus of ?owering plant, the sole living
The inventors have discovered that extracts ofBurrelioden species being Telracenlron sinense. It was formerly consid
dron hsienmu have several biological activities, which can be ered the sole genus in the family Tetracentraceae, though
bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these modern botanists include it in the family Trochodendraceae
biological activities include antioxidant properties and the together with the genus Trochodendron. It is native to south
ability to inhibit MMP-l, lipoxygenase, and tyrosinase activ 30 ern China and the eastern Himalaya, where it grows at alti
ity. All of the different portions of Burreliodendron hsienmu tudes of 1 100-3500 min a temperate climate; it has no widely
can be used to obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting used common name in English, though is sometimes called
examples include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?owers spur-leaf It is a tree growing to 20-40 m tall. The leaves are
or ?ower buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant. deciduous (the Flora of China reporting it as evergreen is an
5. Bauhinia brachycarpa var. cavaleriei 35 error), borne singly at the apex of short spur shoots, each leaf
Bauhinia brachycarpa var. cavaleriei is an evergreenplant. dark green, broad heart-shaped, 5-13 cm long and 4-10 cm
The leaves alternate, are simple, usually consisting of two broad, with a rugose surface and a serrated margin. The spur
lobes or almost bifoliolate with midrib between the two leaf shoots bear a one leaf each year, slowly lengthening with each
lets produced as a small spur. Flowers are showy, arranged in subsequent year. The ?owers are inconspicuous, yellowish
simple or panicled, terminal or axillary racemes. Hypanthium 40 green, without petals, produced on slender catkins 10-15 cm
are sometimes long and cylindrical, sometimes short and long; each ?ower is 1-2 mm diameter. The fruit is a follicle 2-5
turbinate. Calyx is entire or spathaceous, or cleft into two or mm diameter, containing 4-6 seeds. Telracenlron shares with
?ve teeth. Petals number 5, slightly unequal, narrowed at the Trochodendron the feature, very unusual in angiosperms, of
base into a claw, and are variously coloured. Stamens number lacking vessel elements in its wood. This has long been con
between 5 and 10, ?laments free or shortly connate, ?liform, 45 sidered a very primitive character, resulting in the classi?ca
anthers versatile, dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary is seated on tion of these two genera in a basal position in the
a stalk (gynophore), ovules many, style long or short and angiosperms; however, research in Molecular phylogenetics
usually curved, stigma capitate, fruit a linear pod, dehiscent by the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group and others has shown
or indehiscent. that these two genera are not basal angiosperms, but basal
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Bauhinia 50 eudicots. This suggests that the absence of vessel elements is
brachycarpa var. cavaleriei have several biological activities, a secondarily evolved character, not a primitive one.
which can be bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of The inventors have discovered that extracts of Telracenlron
some of these biological activities include antioxidant prop sinense have several biological activities, which can be ben
erties and the ability to inhibit MMP-1, and lipoxygenase e?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these bio
activity. All of the different portions ofBauhinia brachycarpa 55 logical activities include antioxidant properties and the abil
var. cavaleriei can be used to obtain the corresponding ity to inhibit MMP-l activity. All of the different portions of
extract. Non-limiting examples include its leaves, stems, Telracenlron sinense can be used to obtain the corresponding
bark, roots, fruit, ?owers or ?ower buds, seeds, sap, and the extract. Non-limiting examples include its leaves, stems,
entire plant. bark, roots, fruit, ?owers or ?ower buds, seeds, sap, and the
6. Cyslacanlhus paniculalus 60 entire plant.
Cyslacanlhus paniculalus is a shrub that can reach two 10. Bridelia insulana
meteres in height and is native to China. It is has green leaves Bridelia insulana, also known as maka ton, is a medium
and is capable of producing ?owers. to large tree up to 25 m high, with glabrous branchlets, raised
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Cyslacan lenticels and very conspicuous on last generation branches.
Zhuspaniculalus have several biological activities, which can 65 The bark is greyish. Stipules are very narrowly triangular, up
be bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these to 5 by 0.8-1.3 mm, sparsely brownish puberulous, early
biological activities include antioxidant properties. All of the caducous. Leaves have petioles 4-8 mm long and are gla
US 8,636,989 B2
21 22
brous; blade is broadly elliptic to obovate, 4.5-21 by 2.5-8.8 produces winged seeds. There are several different cultivars
cm, with a length/width ratio 1.5-2. Flowers are staminate grown including Aureum, Heronswood Globe, Pendula
2-2.5 mm in diameter, creamy yellow; pistillate ones are and Ruby.
2-3/3 .5 mm in diameter, whitish cream with red disc; pedicel The inventors have discovered that extracts of Circidiphyl
0-1.5 mm long. Sepals are triangular, c. 1.2 by 1.2 mm, lum japonicum have several biological activities, which can
puberulous outside. Petals variable in shape, tiny, 0.3-0.5 by be bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these
0.3-0.5 mm, with a cuneate base. biological activities include antioxidant properties and the
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Bridelia ability to inhibit MMP- 1, and lipoxygenase activity. All of the
insulana have several biological activities, which can be ben different portions of Circidiphyllumjaponicum can be used to
e?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these bio obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting examples
logical activities include antioxidant properties and the abil include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?owers or ?ower
ity to inhibit MMP-l activity. All of the different portions of buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant.
Bridelia insulana can be used to obtain the corresponding 14.Bauhinia glauca
extract. Non-limiting examples include its leaves, stems, Bauhinia glauca is a species ofthe genus Bauhinia, includ
bark, roots, fruit, ?owers or ?ower buds, seeds, sap, and the ing more than 200 species of ?owering plants in the subfamily
entire plant. Cesalpinioideae of the large ?owering plant family Fabaceae,
11. Hedyolis verlicillala with a pantropical distribution. The genus was named after
Hedyolis verlicillala, locally known as Bongot (Mbo.), the Bauhin brothers, Swiss-French botanists. Many species
bosingau (Ilk.), manaal (Sub.), and salasik-lupa (Tag). It is are widely planted in the tropics as orchid trees, particularly
found in open places, old clearings, and thickets at a low 20 in northern India, Vietnam and southeastern China. In the
altitude, from northern LuZon to Mindanao, in most islands United States of America, the tree grows in Hawaii, coastal
and provinces. It also occurs in India to southern China and California, Texas, Louisiana, and Florida. Bauhinia trees
Malaya. This is a spreading, diffuse, branched herb, with typically reach a height of 6-12 m and their branches spread
branches 15 to 45 centimeters long. The leaves are stalkless, 3-6 m outwards. The lobed leaves usually are 10-15 cm
rough, rigid, slender, elliptic- or linear-lanceolate, 3.5 to 6 25 across. The ?ve-petaled ?owers are 75-125 cm diameter,
centimeters long, 2 to 5 millimeters wide, and pointed at both generally in shades of red, pink, purple, orange, or yellow, and
ends. The ?owers are borne in clusters in the axils of the are often fragrant. The tree begins ?owering in late winter and
leaves. The calyx-teeth are triangular. The capsules are often continues to ?ower into early summer. Depending on
smooth, ovoid, and 2.5 to 3 millimeters long. According to the species, Bauhinia ?owers are usually in magenta, mauve,
sources, the plant is used for making poultices. These may be 30 pink or white hues with crimson marking. It is know to pro
applied for headaches, and in the case of small children, upon duce ?avonoids, which is pharmaceutically useful class of
the abdomen for stomachache. A decoction of the plant is compounds.
drunk for dysentery. The inventors have discovered that extracts of Bauhinia
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Hedyolis glauca have several biological activities, which can be ben
verlicillala have several biological activities, which can be 35 e?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these bio
bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these logical activities include antioxidant properties and the abil
biological activities include antioxidant properties and the ity to inhibit MMP-l, lipoxygenase, and tyrosinase activity.
ability to inhibit MMP-l activity. All of the different portions All of the different portions ofBauhinia glauca can be used to
of Hedyolis verlicillale can be used to obtain the correspond obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting examples
ing extract. Non-limiting examples include its leaves, stems, 40 include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?owers or ?ower
bark, roots, fruit, ?owers or ?ower buds, seeds, sap, and the buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant.
entire plant. 15. Rhododendron siderophyllum
12. Syzygiumfruilicosum Rhododendron siderophyllum is a 1-2 to 1-4 m tall shrub
Syzygium ?ulicosum is a 12 m tall tree, with dark brown with brown young shoots that are densely scaly. Petioles are
branchlets when dry, compressed or grooved. Old branches 45 5-15 mm and densely scaly; leaf blades are elliptic or elliptic
are grayish white. Petioles are 1-1.5 cm; leaf blade are nar lanceolate, 3-7/11><1.2-3.5 cm; base is cuneate or rounded;
rowly elliptic to elliptic, 9-13><3.5-5.5 cm, thinly leathery, apex is acuminate, acute or nearly obtuse; abaxial surface
abaxially reddish brown when dry, and adaxially brown and scales ae 0.5-2>< their own diameter apart, or contiguous small
glossy when dry. Fruit is red when ripe, globose, 6-7 mm in to mid-siZed, all similar or slightly unequal, brown and con
diam., 1-seeded. Flowers in May-June. It grows in spare 50 cave. It ?owers in March-June, and grows in mixed forests,
forests and wastelands from 500-1700 min various Chinese coniferous forests on slopes, and thickets at 1200/1800-3000
provinces, Bangladesh, India, Mynamar and Thailand. m, for example, in GuiZhou, Sichuan, and Yunnan, China.
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Syzygium The inventors have discovered that extracts of Rhododen
?uilicosum have several biological activities, which can be dron siderophyllum have several biological activities, which
bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these 55 can be bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of
biological activities include antioxidant properties and the these biological activities include antioxidant properties and
ability to inhibit MMP-l activity. All of the different portions the ability to inhibit MMP- 1, and lipoxygenase activity. All of
of Syzygiumfruilicosum canbe used to obtain the correspond the different portions of Rhododendron siderophyllum can be
ing extract. Non-limiting examples include its leaves, stems, used to obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting
bark, roots, fruit, ?owers or ?ower buds, seeds, sap, and the 60 examples include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?owers
entire plant. or ?ower buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant.
13. Circidiphyllumjaponicum 16. Cudrania pubescens
Cercidiphyllumjaponicum or Japanese Judas-tree is a spe Is a viney plant that is native to China. It includes green
cies of ?owering tree in the Cercidiphyllaceae family that leaves and is capable of producing ?owers.
commonly goes by the name Katsura tree. It is native to China 65 The inventors have discovered that extracts of Cudrania
and Japan. The tree is deciduous and grows to 40 to 60 feet. Its pubescens have several biological activities, which can be
leaves are round. The tree ?owers in March or April and bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these
US 8,636,989 B2
23 24
biological activities include antioxidant properties and the 21. Juncus bufonius
ability to inhibit lipoxygenase activity. All of the different Juncus bufonius, knoWn commonly as toad rush, is a com
portions of Cudrania pubescens can be used to obtain the mon species of rush found WorldWide. It groWs in moist and
corresponding extract. Non-limiting examples include its muddy places and is considered a Weed in many areas. This is
leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, an annual monocot that is quite variable in appearance. It is
sap, and the entire plant. sometimes described as a complex of variants labeled With
17. Cajanus cajan one species name. It is generally a green clumping grasslike
Cajanus cajan, the pigeon pea, is also knoWn as toor dal rush With many thin stems Wrapped With feW threadlike
leaves. The ?oWers are borne in in?orescences and also in the
(India), Congo pea or gungo pea (in Jamaica), gandule (in joint Where the in?orescence branches off of the stem. The
Puerto Rico), gunga pea, or no-eye pea. The cultivation of the
?oWering period is from September through March and is a
pigeon pea goes back at least 3000 years, and today pigeon
grassy ?oWer folded Within tough bracts and sepals.
peas are Widely cultivated in all tropical and semi-tropical The inventors have discovered that extracts of Juncus bufo
regions of both the Old and the NeW World. Pigeon peas can nius have several biological activities, Which can be bene?
be of a perennial variety, in Which the crop can last 3-5 years cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these biologi
(although the seed yield drops considerably after the ?rst tWo cal activities include antioxidant properties. All of the
years), or an annual variety more suitable for seed production. different portions ofJuncus bufonius can be used to obtain the
Being a legume, the pigeon pea enriches soil through symbi corresponding extract. Non-limiting examples include its
otic nitrogen ?xation. Pigeonpeas are in some areas an impor leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds,
tant crop for green manure, providing up to 40 kg nitrogen per 20 sap, and the entire plant.
hectare. The Woody stems of pigeon peas can also be used as 22. Poikilospermum suaveolens
?reWood, fencing and thatch. Poikilospermum suaveolens, also knoW as blume, is
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Cajanus Widespread and found lndo-China, Southeastern China, Thai
cajan have several biological activities, Which can be bene? land, the Nicobar Islands, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra,
cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these biologi 25 Java, Borneo, SulaWesi, the Moluccas and the Philippines. It
cal activities include antioxidant properties. All of the differ is an epiphytic, dioecious, evergreen stout and Woody climber
ent portions of Cajanus cajan can be used to obtain the or scrambler. The leaf blade is broadly ovate to elliptical or
corresponding extract. Non-limiting examples include its obovate, measuring 10-40 cm><6-25 cm and usually hairless.
leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, The leaf base is Wedge shaped to distinctly cordate and acute
sap, and the entire plant. 30 to obtuse at the apex. The ?oWers are in pseudo-umbellules.
The male ?oWer is sessile. There are (2-)4 tepals Which are
18. Wendlandia uvarilfolia
strongly incurved. There are (2-)4 stamens. The female ?ower
Wendlandia uvariifolia is a small tree or shrub that can
is pedicellate With 4-lobed perianth. The stigma is With ligule.
range in height from tWo to ?fteen meters. It is native to
The one-seeded fruit is entirely covered by the persistent
China, and is capable of producing ?oWers. 35 perianth. It is found up to 1500 m and prefers open forests and
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Wendlandia brushWoods.
uvariifolia have several biological activities, Which can be The inventors have discovered that extracts of P0 ikilosper
bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these mum suaveolens have several biological activities, Which can
biological activities include antioxidant properties and the be bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these
ability to inhibit MMP-1 and tyrosinase activity. All of the 40 biological activities include antioxidant properties. All of the
different portions of Wendlandia uvariifolia can be used to different portions of Poikilospermum suaveolens can be used
obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting examples to obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting examples
include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer
buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant. buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant.
19. Siegesbeckia glabrescens 45 23. Clerodendrum Zricholomum var.
Siegesbeckia glabrescens has been used in traditional ori Clerodendrum Zricholomum is an upright, bushy, decidu
ental medicine to treat cardiovascular diseases such as hyper ous shrub or small tree from China and Japan With opposite,
tension and angina pectoris, osteoporotic fractures, quad ovate, entire or sparsely toothed, dark green leaves to 20 cm (8
riplegia, paralysis, hemiplegia, and a constitient thereof in) long. From late summer to mid-autumn it bears fragrant
(darutoside) has been shoWn to be an abortifacient in labora 50 White ?oWers With red sepals in erect, axillary cymes to 20 cm
tory animals. It also is said to have anti-allergic activity, and across. The berries are bright blue. Clerodendrum Zricholo
may be a promising inhibitor of breast cancer cells. mum var. fargesii is from Western China, and has young
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Si egesbecki a bronZe leaves and ?oWers With green sepals. The ?oWers are
glabrescens have several biological activities, Which can be folloWed by outstanding and eye-catching, metallic-blue ber
bene?cial to skin. All of the different portions of Siegesbeckia 55 ries in autumn. These berries are enclosed by colourful,
glabrescens can be used to obtain the corresponding extract. maroon calyces (sepals of a ?oWer).
Non-limiting examples include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, The inventors have discovered that extracts of Cleroden
fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant. drum Zricholomum var. have several biological activities,
20. Azolla imbricala Which can be bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of
Azolla imbricala is a relatively common fern groWing in 60 some of these biological activities include antioxidant prop
Eastern Asia. It is aquatic and nitrogen ?xing. erties. All of the different portions of Clerodendrum Zricholo
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Azolla mum var. can be used to obtain the corresponding extract.
imbricala have several biological activities, Which can be Non-limiting examples include its leaves, stems, bark, roots,
bene?cial to skin. All of the different portions ofAzolla imbri fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant.
cala can be used to obtain the corresponding extract. Non 65 24. Porandra ramosa
limiting examples include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, Porandra ramosa is found in forests in West Guangxi,
?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant. southWest GuiZhou (Anlong Xian, Xingyi Xian), Yunnan,
US 8,636,989 B2
25 26
China at 400-2400 m. Its stems are up to 4 m, climbing, hairy, margin densely ciliate, apex obtuse. Seeds are black,
branched distally, and glabrous; internodes are 5-20 cm. Leaf oblong, ca. 1.5 cm. FloWers in October. The bark ?ber is used
sheaths are 2.5-6 cm and hirsute When young; petioles are 5-7 for making rope or other similar purposes. The seeds are
mm; leaf blades are elliptic to lanceolate, 8-16><2-4.5 cm, edible after boiling. The timber is good for furniture. It
abaxiallyihirsute, base-rounded to broadly cuneate, apex groWns on sunny dry slopes, roadsides, cultivated around
acuminate or caudate-acuminate. Heads contain several ?oW villages in southWest Guangxi, southern and southeastern
ers; bracts are ovate-orbicular, ca. 3 mm. Sepals are oblong, Yunnan, China, as Well as in Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam.
carinate, 5-7><ca. 3 mm, abaxially hirsute. Petals are pink, The inventors have discovered that extracts of Slerculia
oblong, ca. 7><ca. 3 mm. Filaments are ca. 7 mm; anthers are pexa have several biological activities, Which can be bene?
drip-shaped, ca. 2><l.5 mm. Ovaries are ca. 1 mm, hirsute. cial to skin. All of the different portions of Slerculia pexa can
Seeds are 2 per valve, 3-4 mm. FloWers in April-August. be used to obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Porandra examples include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers
ramosa have several biological activities, Which can be ben or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant.
e?cial to skin. All of the different portions of Porandra 27. Phoebe puwenensis
ramosa can be used to obtain the corresponding extract. Non Phoebe puwenensis is a large tree (up to 30 m) that groWs
limiting examples include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, in evergreen broad-leaved forests, usually at 880-1500 In in
?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant. south Yunnan, China. Its bark is yelloWish gray. Branchlets
25. Annona glabra are robust, 5-6 mm in diam. at middle, densely yelloWish
Annona glabra is a tropical fruit tree in the family Annon broWn tomentose, older ones With conspicuous leaf scars.
aceae, in the same genus as the Soursop and Chemmoya. 20 Petioles are 1-2.5 cm, thick, densely yelloWish broWn or
Common names include Pond-apple, Alligator-apple, Cork gray-black tomentose; leaf blade is obovate-elliptic or
Wood, BobWood, and Monkey-apple. The name Alligator broadly obovate-lanceolate, 10-23><5-9 cm, abaxially densely
apple derives from the fact that American Alligators some yelloWish broWn villous, adaxially glabrous or With scattered
times eat the fruit. The tree is native to Florida in the United appressed hairs or hairy along veins only. Panicles arise from
States, the Caribbean, Central and South America, and West 25 middle and loWer part of neWly sprouted branchlet, 45-22(
Africa. It is common in the Everglades. It groWs in sWamps, 25) cm, and are branched near the top of the peduncle, With
is tolerant of saltWater, and cannot groW in dry soil. The trees yelloWish broWn tomentose. Pedicel is short, 2-3 mm, hairy.
groW to a height of around 10-12 m. They have thin, gray FloWers are yelloWish, 4-5 mm. Perianth lobes are ovate,
trunks and sometimes groW in clumps. The leaves are ovate to subequal, ca. 4 mm, apex acute, densely yelloWish broWn
oblong With an acute tip, 8-15 cm long and 4-6 cm broad. The 30 tomentose on both surfaces. Filaments are long White tomen
fruit is oblong to spherical and apple-siZed or larger, 7-15 cm tose, those of 3rd series With sessile glands at base. Ovary is
long and up to 9 cm diameter, and falls When it is green or ovoid, upper part hairy; style slender; stigma dish-shaped.
ripening yelloW. It disperses by ?oating to neW locations, and Fruit is ovoid, to 1.3 cm><ca. 7 mm, glabrous; fruiting pedicel
it is food for many animal species. It is edible for humans, and is not enlarged; persistent perianth lobes are leathery, clasp
can be made into jam, although the taste is usually not pref ing base of fruit. It ?oWers from March-April.
erable to Soursop and other related fruits. The ?esh is sWeet The inventors have discovered that extracts of Phoebe
scented and agreeable in ?avor, but it has never attained puwenensis have several biological activities, Which can be
general popular use. It is a very troublesome invasive species bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these
in Australia. There it groWs in estuaries and chokes mangrove biological activities include antioxidant properties and the
sWamps, Where its seedlings carpet the banks and prevent ability to inhibit MMP-l activity. All of the different portions
other species from germinating or thriving. A recent study of Phoebe puwenensis can be used to obtain the correspond
suggests that its alcoholic seed extract contains anticancer ing extract. Non-limiting examples include its leaves, stems,
compounds that could be used pharmaceutically. bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Annona entire plant.
glabra have several biological activities, Which can be ben 45 28. Myriopleron exlensum
e?cial to skin. All of the different portions of Annona glabra Myriopleron exlensum has been shoWn to produce several
can be used to obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting natural products of medicinal interest, including steroidal
examples include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers saponins and ?avanones. It groWs as a liana of 10 m in height.
or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant. Branchlets are pale gray, lenticellate, glabrous. Petiole is
26. Slerculia pexa 50 1.5-4 cm; leaf blade is ovate-elliptic to broadly ovate, 8-18(
Slerculia pexa is a trees With robust branchlets. Leaves are 30)><4-1 1 (-22) cm, membranous, glabrous to sparsely pilose;
palmately compound; stipules are triangularly lanceolate, ca. lateral veins number 7-9 pairs. Pedicel is threadlike, 5-10
5 mm, pilose; petiole is usually 20-23 cm; lea?ets number mm. Sepals are ca. 1><0.7 mm, ovate, obtuse, delicate, gla
7-9; lea?et blades are obovate-lanceolate or narroWly elliptic, brous or ciliate, re?exed at anthesis. Corolla is ca. 3 mm in
9-23><4-6 cm, abaxially densely stellate pubescent, adaxially 55 diam., glabrous; lobes are lanceolate or ovate-oblong. Corona
nearly glabrous, lateral veins 22-44, parallel, base cuneate, lobes are 3-4 mm, glabrous. Follicles are 7-7.5><3-3.5 cm,
margin entire, apex acuminate. In?orescence is clustered at With ca. 20 Wings. FloWers in May-August. It groWns in
branchlet tips, racemose or paniculate, up to 20 cm. Epicalyx thickets and open Woods at 600-1600 m. in Guangxi,
lobes are linear-lanceolate, ca. 1 cm. Calyx is White, cam GuiZhou, and Yunnan, China, as Well as in India, Indonesia,
panulate, ca. 6 mm, divided to 1/2 length, abaxially densely 60 Laos, Myanmar, Thailand andV1etnam. The roots are used as
stellate pubescent, lobes triangular, apex acuminate, incurved medicine for pulmonary tuberculosis and cough.
and apically coherent With each other. The male ?oWer is The inventors have discovered that extracts of Myriopleron
androgynophore linear, glabrous. Anthers number 10-20 and exlensum have several biological activities, Which can be
are capitate. Female ?oWer is ovary globose, 5-locular, bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these
densely puberulent. Follicle is broWnish red, ellipsoid and biological activities include antioxidant properties. All of the
slightly curved to sickle-shaped, 4-9><2-4 cm, 3-seeded, different portions of Myriopleron exlensum can be used to
abaxially densely puberulent and hispid, adaxially stellate obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting examples
US 8,636,989 B2
27 28
include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?owers or ?ower mid- and loWer stem has a White, brittle, medium-hard Wood
buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant. With a 1 .5-mm pith. The upper stem, branches, and foliage are
29. Crown lachnocarpa green to yelloW-green. The plant is supported by a tap and
Crown lachnocarpa is a shrub that can reach one to three lateral system of stiff, tan roots. The simple, Whorled leaves
meters in height. It is native to China and is capable of pro are oblanceolate to elliptic, 5 to 17 cm long, entire, and have
ducing fruits and ?owers. a 2-mm petiole and broad, triangular stipules. The in?ores
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Crown Zach cences are terminal or subterminal racemes With 20 to 25
nocarpa have several biological activities, Which can be ben ?oWers With linear-triangular bracts. The bright yelloW
e?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these bio unequal ?oWers are 1.5 to 2 cm long. In?ated broWn to black
logical activities include antioxidant properties and the legumes are 3 to 5 cm long and 1 .8 to 2 cm thick. They contain
ability to inhibit MMP-l activity. All of the different portions several hard, shiny broWn to black seeds 4.5 mm long (au
of Crown lachnocarpa can be used to obtain the correspond thors observation, Damron and Jacob 2001. HoWard 1988,
ing extract. Non-limiting examples include its leaves, stems, Liogier 1988, Stevens and others 2001). ShoWy rattlebox is
bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the native to the Indo-Malaysia area (Parrotta 2001). It has been
entire plant. planted Widely and has naturaliZed in many tropical countries
30. Dillenia Zurbinala including the Southern United States, HaWaii, and Puerto
Dillenia Zurbinala is an evergreen tree about 30 m tall. It Rico (International Legume Database and Information Ser
has stout branchlets stout. Petioles are 2-6 cm, narroWly vice 2002).
Winged; leaf blade are obovate to long obovate. Racemes are The inventors have discovered that extracts of Crolalaria
terminal, 3-5-?oWered; peduncle is 3-5 cm, stout, both bracts 20 speclabilis have several biological activities, Which can be
and bractlets are absent. Its ?oWers number 2-7, fragrant, bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these
10-12 cm in diam., 4-5 cm in diam. in bud. Sepals are oval, biological activities include antioxidant properties. All of the
2.5-4.5><2-3 cm, thickly ?eshy, unequal, With outer ones different portions of Crolalaria speclabilis can be used to
larger than inner ones. Petals are yelloW, yelloWish White, or obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting examples
reddish, obovate, 5-7 cm, thin, narroW based With rounded 25 include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer
apexes. Stamens are in 2 distinct groups, outer very numer buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant.
ous, slightly curved in bud, 1.5-2 cm, inner ca. 25, re?exed in 33. Ficus lacor
bud; anthers are dehiscing With pores. It ?oWers inApril-May. Ficus lacor, also knoWn as the pakur tree, is deciduous
It groWs in mixed evergreen forests, Wet places in valleys; and is native to northern China. It is knoWn for its diaphoretic
700-1000 m. S. Guangxi, Hainan, and S. Yunnan, China, as 30 medicinal properties.
Well as Vietnam. The inventors have discovered that extracts of Ficus lacor
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Dillenia have several biological activities, Which can be bene?cial to
Zurbinala have several biological activities, Which can be skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these biological
bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these activities include antioxidant properties and the ability to
biological activities include antioxidant properties and the 35 inhibit MMP-l activity. All of the different portions of Ficus
ability to inhibit MMP-l activity. All of the different portions lacor can be used to obtain the corresponding extract. Non
of Dillenia Zurbinala can be used to obtain the corresponding limiting examples include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit,
extract. Non-limiting examples include its leaves, stems, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant.
bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the 34. Ravenala madagascariensis
entire plant. 40 Ravenala madagascariensis, commonly knoWn as Travel
31. Alpinia blepharocalyx lers Tree or Travellers Palm, is a species of plant from
Alpinia blepharocalyx groWs in dense or sparse forests at Madagascar. It is not a true palm (family Arecaceae), but a
400-1200 m. in Guangdong, Guangxi, andYunnan, China, as member of the bird-of-paradise family, StrelitZiaceae. R.
Well as Bangladesh, India, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and madagascariensis is the sole member of its genus, and is
Vietnam. Pseudostems are 1-3 m. Ligules are about. 6 mm, 45 closely related to the southernAfrican genus Slrelilzia and the
With villous apex; leaf blades are adaxially dark green, abaxi South American genus Phenakospermum. Some older clas
ally pale green, lanceolate or oblanceolate, base is attenuate, si?cations include these genera in the banana family
apex is acuminate, mucronate. Racemes are drooping. FloW (Musaceae). It has been given the name Travellers palm
ering occurs in March-July. because the sheaths of the stems hold rainWater, Which can be
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Alpinia ble 50 used as an emergency drinking supply. The enormous paddle
pharocalyx have several biological activities, Which can be shaped leaves are borne on long petioles, in a distinctive fan
bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these shape aligned in a single plane. The large White ?oWers are
biological activities include antioxidant properties. All of the structurally similar to those of its relatives, the bird-of-para
different portions of Alpinia blepharocalyx can be used to dise ?oWers Slrelilzia reginae and Slrelilzia nicolai, but less
obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting examples 55 attractive. In tropical and subtropical regions, the plant is
include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer Widely cultivated for its distinctive habit and foliage. Ruffed
buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant. lemurs are a knoWn pollinator of this plant, and given the siZe
32. Crolalaria speclabilis and structure of the in?orescences, as Well as the lemurs
Crolalaria speclabilis, also knoWn as shoWy rattlebox, is selectivity, method of feeding, and long muZZle, this relation
an annual semiWoody herb in temperate areas, and a short 60 ship is thought to have co-evolved. The color of the palm
lived shrub in its frost-free subtropical and tropical range. In varies slightly from the tip of the leaves Which are green, to
Puerto Rico, it groWs up to 2 m in height and 3.5 cm in basal the end of the leaf stem Which is yelloW. It has a trunk Which
diameter. It normally has a single stem. The loWer stems are emerges as it matures. During its early years the trunk is
covered With Whorled, short, shelf-like old leaf bases and underneath the ground, but as the palm groWs older, it loses
stipule remnants. The leaves and fruiting branches are shed 65 some of its fan-like leaves and reveals a broWn rigid trunk.
progressively upWard after they mature so that foliage and The inventors have discovered that extracts of Ravenala
branches are only found on the upper portion of the stem. The madagascariensis have several biological activities, Which
US 8,636,989 B2
29 30
can be bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of Non-limiting examples include its leaves, stems, bark, roots,
these biological activities include antioxidant properties and fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant.
the ability to inhibit MMP-l activity. All of the different 38. Pseuderanlhemum polyanlhum
portions of Ravenala madagascariensis can be used to obtain Pseuderanlhemum polyanlhum is an herb that is native to
the corresponding extract. Non-limiting examples include its China and India. It is capable of producing White to purplish
leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, colored ?oWers.
sap, and the entire plant. The inventors have discovered that extracts of Pseuderan
35. Cocculus orbiculalus Zhemum polyanlhum have several biological activities, Which
Cocculus orbiculalus, also knoW as queen coralbead, is can be bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of
indigenous to HaWaii. It is a partially Woody, spraWling these biological activities include antioxidant properties. All
shrub/vine. It is less than tWo feet in height but can be quite
of the different portions of Pseuderanlhemum polyanlhum
spraWling due to its vine-like nature. It is used as an accent
can be used to obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting
and ground cover, as Well as on fences and trellises. It lives
longer than ?ve years, and produces non-shoWy ?oWers of examples include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers
White and yelloW. It is susceptible to insects, such as aphids or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant.
and ants. If groWs Well in dry environments With full or partial 39. Eriobolrys serrala
sun. It Was used by early HaWaiians to bind parts of grass Eriobolry serrala is a 10-20 m tall tree. Branchlets are
dWellings. yelloWish broWn, stout, densely tomentose When young, gla
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Cocculus brescent. Stipules are caducous, not seen; petiole is 1.5-3 cm,
orbiculalus have several biological activities, Which can be 20 glabrous; leaf blade is obovate or oblanceolate, 9-23><3.5-13
bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these cm, leathery, adaxially lustrous, midvein is prominent on both
biological activities include antioxidant properties. All of the surfaces, lateral veins number 10-16 pairs, glabrous or abaxi
different portions of Cocculus orbiculalus can be used to ally sparsely broWn pubescent along veins, base is attenuate,
obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting examples margin is incurved-serrate; apex is obtuse or acute. Panicle is
include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer 25 about 8 cm in diameter, many ?oWered; peduncle is densely
buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant. yelloW tomentose; bracts are not seen. Pedicel is 2-3 mm,
36. Drynariaforlunei densely yelloW tomentose. FloWers are 8-10 mm in diam.
Drynariaforlunei, is a medicinal fern, also knoWn as Gu Hypanthium is cupular, 3-4 mm, abaxially densely yelloW
Sui-Bu. It is used to strength bone, and to treat de?ciency tomentose. Sepals are ovate, 2-2.5 cm, abaxially yelloW
syndrome of the kidney marked by back pain, tinnitus, 30 tomentose, apex is obtuse or acute. Petals are White, obovate,
impairment of hearing and looseness of teeth, traumatic 3-3.5 mm. Stamens number 20. Ovary is pubescent apically,
injury, bone fracture, as Well as external use for alopecia (2 or) 3- or 4 (or 5)-loculed, With 2 ovules per locule; styles (2
greata and vitiligo. or) 3 or 4 (or 5), base is pubescent. Pome is green, globose or
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Drynaria pyriforrn, 1.5-1.8 cm in diam., subglabrous; sepals are
forlunei have several biological activities, Which can be ben 35 re?exed.
e?cial to skin. All of the different portions of Drynariafor The inventors have discovered that extracts of Eriobolrys
Zunei can be used to obtain the corresponding extract. Non serrala have several biological activities, Which can be ben
limiting examples include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, e?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these bio
?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant. logical activities include antioxidant properties and the abil
37. Acrachne racemosa 40 ity to inhibit MMP-l activity. All of the different portions of
Acrachne racemosa is a terrestrial annual. Its stems are Eriobolrys serrala can be used to obtain the corresponding
erect or ascending, geniculate, decumbent, or lax, sometimes extract. Non-limiting examples include its leaves, stems,
rooting at nodes, caespitose, tufted, or clustered, terete, round bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the
in cross section, or polygonal, With stem internodes holloW. entire plant.
Stems With in?orescence are less than 1 m tall. Leaves are 45 40. Veronia arborea
mostly cauline, conspicuously 2-ranked, distichous, With Veronia arborea, or Tree Vemonia is a medium siZed
sheathing at base. The leaf sheath is mostly open, or loose, tree, groWing up to 15 m tall. Bark is broWn or blackish.
smooth, glabrous, blade keeled, With leaf sheath and blade Young branchlets are cylindrical and velvety. Alternately spi
differentiated. Leaf blades are linear, 2-10 mm Wide, mostly rally arranged leaves are clustered at the ends of branchlets.
?at, mostly glabrous, more or less hairy. A ligule is present, 50 Leafstalk is 0.6-2.6 cm long, velvety. Leafblade is 8.5-19 cm
fringed, ciliate, or lobed membrane. In?orescence is terminal, long, 4-1 1 cm Wide, generally elliptic or slightly obovate. Tip
With 2 or more spikes, fascicles, glomerules, heads, or clus is pointed or abruptly ending into a point, and the base is
ters per culm. In?orescence is a panicle With narroWly race Wedge-shaped. Margin is entire or sometimes distantly
mose or spicate branches, digitately arranged spicate double toothed. Leaves are velvety on the underside. Pinkish
branches, 2-10 branches, to more than 10. In?orescence 55 purple ?oWer-heads are borne in large panicled cymes, at the
branches are 1-sided, loWer panicle branches are Whorled, end of branches. Fruit is dry, ribbed, 1-seeded. Tree Vemonia
rachis is angular, ?oWers are bisexual, spikelets sessile or is found along margins of evergreen forests, up to 1900 m, in
subsessile, laterally compressed, less than 3 mm Wide, With South and Central Sahyadris in Western Ghats and parts of
3-40 ?orets, solitary or paired at rachis nodes, all alike and Northeast India. Aqueous and methanol leaf extracts promote
fertille, bisexual, disarticulating above the glumes, glumes 60 Wound-healing activity signi?cantly in a number of Wound
persistent, disarticulating beneath or betWeen the ?orets, models. High rate of Wound contraction, decrease in the
secund, in roWs on one side of rachis. Rachilla or pedicel is period for epithelialisation, high skin breaking strength and
glabrous, glumes are present, With empty bracts. granulation strength, increase in dry granulation tissue
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Acrachne Weight, elevated hydroxyproline content and increased colla
racemosa have several biological activities, Which can be 65 genation in histopathological section Were observed in ani
bene?cial to skin. All of the different portions of Acrachne mals treated With methanol leaf extract and aqueous leaf
racemosa can be used to obtain the corresponding extract. extract When compared to the control group of animals.
US 8,636,989 B2
31 32
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Veronia This vining perennial has palmate leaves and large, shoWy
arborea have several biological activities, Which can be ben White to lavender ?oWers. Each fruit matures at about 1 cm
e?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these bio across and contains hairy seeds. Its native range is uncertain,
logical activities include antioxidant properties. All of the though it is believed to originate from a rather Wide area,
different portions of Veronia arborea can be used to obtain the ranging from Cape Verde to the Arabian Peninsula, including
corresponding extract. Non-limiting examples include its northern Africa. Because of human dispersal, it occurs today
leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, on most continents as an introduced species and is sometimes
sap, and the entire plant. a noxious Weed. It is a major problem along the coast of NeW
41. Adianlhum caudalum South Wales. In the United States it occurs in HaWaii, Cali
Adianlum caudalum is a particularly vigorous fern knoWn fornia, all the gulf coast states, as Well as Arkansas and Mis
as Walking maidenhair fern. Although it emerges late after a souri. Some plant nurseries sell this plant as an ornamental.
hard Winter, these plants have survived 7 E, to form a 5' Wide The inventors have discovered that extracts of lpomoea
patch in 5 years. The 1.5" Wide><2' long arching fronds, Which cairica have several biological activities, Which can be ben
emerge pink in spring, root into the ground at the tips forming e?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these bio
a neW plant. Moist soils result in faster groWth, but plants are logical activities include antioxidant properties. All of the
quite happy in a fairly dry, sandy soil. different portions of lpomoea cairica can be used to obtain
The inventors have discovered that extracts ofAdianlhum the corresponding extract. Non-limiting examples include its
caudalum have several biological activities, Which can be leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds,
bene?cial to skin. All of the different portions of Adianlhum sap, and the entire plant.
caudalum can be used to obtain the corresponding extract. 20 44. Alopecurus aequalis
Non-limiting examples include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, Alopecurus aequalis is a common species of grass knoWn
fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant. by the common name shortaWn foxtail. It is native to much of
42. Phaseolus lunalus the temperate Northern Hemisphere from Eurasia to North
Phaseolus lunalus is a legume. It is groWn for its seed, America, Where it can be found in many types of habitat. This
Which is eaten as a vegetable. It is commonly knoWn as the 25 perennial bunchgrass is variable in appearance. It produces
lima bean or butter bean; it is also knoWn as Haba bean, Pallar bunches of erect stems betWeen 10 and about 70 centimeters
bean, Burma bean, Gu?in bean, Hibbert bean, Sieva bean, in height. The leaves are short, rarely exceeding 10 centime
Rangoon bean, Madagascar bean, Paiga, Paigya, proli?c ters long. The cylindrical in?orescence is a feW centimeters
bean, civet bean, or sugar bean. The P lunalus is of Andean long and blooms With White to yelloW to bright orange
and Mesoamerican origin. TWo separate domestication events 30 anthers.
are believed to have occurred. The ?rst, taking place in the The inventors have discovered that extracts of Alopecurus
Andes around 2000 BC, produced a large-seeded variety aequalis have several biological activities, Which can be ben
(Lima type), While the second, taking place most likely in e?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these bio
Mesoamerica around AD 800, produced a small-seeded vari logical activities include antioxidant properties. All of the
ety (Sieva type). By 1301, cultivation had spread to North 35 different portions of Alopecurus aequalis can be used to
America, and in the sixteenth century the plant arrived and obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting examples
began to be cultivated in the Eastern Hemisphere. The small include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer
seeded Wild form (Sieva type) is found distributed from buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant.
Mexico to Argentina, generally beloW 1600 meters above sea 45. Arenga pinnala
level, While the large-seeded Wild form (Lima type) is found 40 Arenga pinnala (syn. Arenga saccharifera) is an economi
distributed in the north of Peru, betWeen 320 and 2030 meters cally important feather palm native to tropical Asia, from
above sea level. The term butter bean is Widely utiliZed for a eastern India east to Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines
large, ?at and White variety of lima bean (R lunalus var. in the east. Common names include Sugar Palm, Arenga
macrocarpus, or R limensis). In the Southern United States Palm, Areng palm, Black-?ber palm, Gomuti Palm, Aren,
the Sieva type are traditionally called butter beans, also oth 45 Enau, Irok, and Kaong. It is a medium-sized palm, groWing to
erWise knoWn as the Dixie or Henderson type. In that area, 20 m tall, With the trunk remaining covered by the rough old
lima beans and butter beans are seen as tWo distinct types of leaf bases. The leaves are 6-12 m long and 1.5 m broad,
beans. In the United Kingdom, butter beans refer to either pinnate, With the pinnae in 1-6 roWs, 40-70 cm long and 5 cm
dried beans Which can be purchased to re-hydrate or the broad. The fruit is subglobose, 7 cm diameter, green maturing
canned variety Which are ready to use. In culinary use, lima 50 black. It is not a threatened species, though it is locally rare in
beans and butter beans are distinctly different, the former some parts of its range. It serves as an important part of the
being small and green, the latter large and yelloW. In areas diet of several endangered species, including cloud rats of the
Where both are considered to be lima beans, the green variety genus Phloeomys.
may be labeled as baby (and less commonly junior) The inventors have discovered that extracts of Arenga pin
limas. 55 nala have several biological activities, Which can be bene?
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Phaseolus cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these biologi
lunalus have several biological activities, Which can be ben cal activities include antioxidant properties and the ability to
e?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these bio inhibit MMP-1 activity. All of the different portions of
logical activities include antioxidant properties. All of the Arenga pinnala can be used to obtain the corresponding
different portions of Phaseolus lunalus can be used to obtain 60 extract. Non-limiting examples include its leaves, stems,
the corresponding extract. Non-limiting examples include its bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the
leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, entire plant.
sap, and the entire plant. 46. Rhynchosia yunnanensis
43. lpomoea cairica Rhynchosia yunnanensis groWs as vine, herbaceous or
lpomoea cairica morning glory has many common names, 65 sometimes almost Woody, around 50 cm. Stems are slightly
including Mile-a-minute Vine, Messina Creeper, Cairo robust, densely villous or tomentose, With dark broWn sessile
Morning Glory, Coast Morning Glory and Railroad Creeper. glands. Leaves are pinnately 3-foliolate; stipules are lan
US 8,636,989 B2
33 34
ceolate, 4-8 mm, usually persistent; petiole is 2.5-6 cm; sti serrate or rarely repand, apex acute to acuminate. In?ores
pels are absent; petiolules are 1-3 mm and hairy; lea?ets are cences terminal. FloWers 4 (or 5)-merous, globose in bud.
papery; terminal lea?et is reniform or oblate, 2-3.7><2.5-5.3 Stamens are 8 (or 10); ?laments geniculate at middle, subu
cm, densely gray villous, With dark broWn glands, basal veins late at apex. The disk is small. The ovary is globose; style
number 3, lateral veins number 2-4 pairs, reticulate veins are shorter than ovary. Fruit is bluish black When ripe, globose,
visible, base is shallowly cordate to almost truncate, margin is and 1-1.5 cm in diameter, 1- or 2-seeded. It exists is Montane
slightly sinuate, slightly re?exed When dried, apex is rounded forests, moist areas in mountains, at 300-1500 m. Locations
or almost truncate, usually With small mucro; lateral lea?ets include Guangdong, Guangxi, GuiZhou, W Hubei, Hunan, E
are smaller, slightly oblique. Raceme is axillary, rarely soli and SE Sichuan, S Yunnan [NE Vietnam].
tary or branched, 2-5 cm; peduncle is 1-3 .5 cm, densely hairy; The inventors have discovered that extracts of Clausena
bracts are lanceolate, 4-7 mm, persistent. FloWers are yelloW, dunniana have several biological activities, Which can be
1.4-2 cm; pedicel is 2-8 mm. Calyx is 5-lobed; lobes lan bene?cial to skin. All of the different portions of Clausena
ceolate, longer than tube, loWer one longest; standard subcir dunniana can be used to obtain the corresponding extract.
cular or obovate-circular, 1-1.5 cm, glabrous, base With 2 Non-limiting examples include its leaves, stems, bark, roots,
auricles; Wings elliptic to obovate-elliptic, 7-13 mm, auricu fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant.
late on one side; keel is very Wide, subobovate, 7-14 mm, 49. Cyclosurus parasilicus
Without auricle. Ovary is densely silky hairy, sessile; ovules Cyclosurusparasilicus is a fern that is native to Hong Kong
number 1 or 2; the style is linear, With loWer part silky hairy. and China.
Legume is reddish broWn, obovate-orbicular to ellipsoid, The inventors have discovered that extracts of Cyclosurus
2-2.5><0.7-0.8 cm, sparsely pubescent, With apex beaked. 20 parasilicus have several biological activities, Which can be
Seeds are dark broWn, reniform or orbicular, 4-5><5-6 mm. bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Rhynchosia biological activities include the ability to inhibit MMP-1
yunnanensis have several biological activities, Which can be activity. All of the different portions of Cyclosurus parasiti
bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these cus can be used to obtain the corresponding extract. Non
biological activities include antioxidant properties. All of the 25 limiting examples include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit,
different portions of Rhynchosia yunnanensis can be used to ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant.
obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting examples 50. Solanum carolinense
include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer Carolina Horsenettle (Solanum carolinense) is not a true
buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant. nettle, but a member of the Solanaceae, or nightshade family.
47. Syzygium cumini 30 It is a perennial herbaceous plant, native to southeastern
Jambul (Syzygium cumini) is an evergreen tropical tree in United States that has spread Widely throughout North
the ?owering plant family Myrtaceae, native to Bangladesh, America. This plant has hard spines along the stems that can
India, Nepal, Pakistan and Indonesia. The Word Jambul is penetrate the skin and break off, causing much pain. Though
sometimes mistranslated as Blackberry, Which is a different there are other horsenettle nightshades, S. carolinense is the
fruit. It is also knoWn as Jaam/Kalojaam, Jamun, Nerale 35 species most Widely knoWn simply as the horsenettle. It is
Hannu, Naval paZham, Neredupandu, Jamblang, Jambolan, also knoWn as Radical Weed or Sand Brier (or briar), While
Jambula, Black Plum, Damson Plum, Duhat Plum, Jambolan more ambiguous names are bull nettle, tread-softly and
Plum, Java Plum or Portuguese Plum. Malabar plum may apple of Sodom.
also refer to other species of Syzygium. Historically, the tree The inventors have discovered that extracts of Solanum
Was exclusive to the Indian Sub-continent, and so Widespread 40 carolinense have several biological activities, Which can be
across the region that one of the old names of India (or the bene?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these
Indian region) is Jambu-Dvipa (literally: the island ofj ambul biological activities include antioxidant properties. All of the
fruit). It is noW also groWn in other areas of southern and different portions of Solanum carolinense can be used to
southeastern Asia including the Philippines, Myanmar, and obtain the corresponding extract. Non-limiting examples
Afghanistan. The tree Was also introduced to Florida, USA in 45 include its leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer
1911 by the USDA, and is also noW commonly groWn in buds, seeds, sap, and the entire plant.
Suriname and Trimidad and Tobago. In BraZil, Where it Was 8. Extraction Methods
introduced from India during Portuguese coloniZation, it has In addition to the extraction process described in FIG. 1, a
dispersed spontaneously in the Wild in some places, as its person of ordinary skill in the art Would be able to isolate any
fruits are eagerly sought by various native birds such as 50 one of the extracts identi?ed above from parts of the corre
thrushes, tanagers and the Great Kiskadee. Scienti?c syn sponding plant by using any suitable method knoWn in the art.
onyms include Syzygium jambolanum, Eugenia cumini and In one non-limiting example, the plant (or any part of the plant
Eugeniajambolana. such as the leaves, stems, bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer
The inventors have discovered that extracts of Syzygium buds, seeds, seed pods, sap, Whole plant, etc.) can be dis
cumini have several biological activities, Which can be ben 55 rupted by mechanical means Which results in a puree. The
e?cial to skin. Non-limiting examples of some of these bio puree is then processed to be substantially free of impurities
logical activities include antioxidant properties and the abil or undesired solids. The puree can then be poured into a
ity to inhibit MMP-1 activity. All of the different portions of shalloW vessel and quickly exposed to loW temperature, i.e.,
Syzygium cumini can be used to obtain the corresponding ?ash froZen, for example at 200 C. or loWer, preferably under
extract. Non-limiting examples include its leaves, stems, 60 a vacuum for removal of Water content (lyophiliZation). The
bark, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, sap, and the resultant extract can then be used in the compositions of the
entire plant. present invention.
48. Clausena dunniana In other aspects, aqueous, alcoholic, or oil based extraction
Cyclosurus minax Clausena dunniana are trees 2-5 m tall, techniques, or combinations thereof, can be used on the
and they are deciduous. The leaves are 5-15 and foliolate; 65 Whole plant or any part thereof of (e.g., leaves, stems, bark,
petiolules are 4-8 mm; lea?et blades are ovate to lanceolate, roots, fruit, ?oWers or ?oWer buds, seeds, seed pods, sap,
4-10><2-5 cm, glabrous or villous, base asymmetric, margin Whole plant, etc.) to produce an extract. In such a process, the
US 8,636,989 B2
35 36
desired part of the plant or the Whole plant is crushed up (e.g., 0.0075%, 0.0076%, 0.0077%, 0.0078%, 0.0079%, 0.0080%,
blender) and then subjected to a desired solvent (e.g., Water, 0.0081%, 0.0082%, 0.0083%, 0.0084%, 0.0085%, 0.0086%,
alcohol, Water/alcohol, or oil based solvents) to obtain the 0.0087%, 0.0088%, 0.0089%, 0.0090%, 0.0091%, 0.0092%,
desired extract. The extract can then be stored in liquid form, 0.0093%, 0.0094%, 0.0095%, 0.0096%, 0.0097%, 0.0098%,
lyophiliZed, or subject to further processing techniques (e.g., 0.0099%, 0.0100%, 0.0200%, 0.0250%, 0.0275%, 0.0300%,
heating, cooling, etc.). Extraction processes are Well-knoWn 0.0325%, 0.0350%, 0.0375%, 0.0400%, 0.0425%, 0.0450%,
to those having ordinary skill in the extract ?eld (e.g., mac 0.0475%, 0.0500%, 0.0525%, 0.0550%, 0.0575%, 0.0600%,
eration, infusion, percolation, digestion, decoction, hot con 0.0625%, 0.0650%, 0.0675%, 0.0700%, 0.0725%, 0.0750%,
tinuous extraction, aqueous-alcoholic extract, counter current 0.0775%, 0.0800%, 0.0825%, 0.0850%, 0.0875%, 0.0900%,
extract, microwave assisted extraction, ultrasound extraction, 0.0925%, 0.0950%, 0.0975%, 0.1000%, 0.1250%, 0.1500%,
supercritical ?uid extracts, phytonic extract (e. g., With hydro 0.1750%, 0.2000%, 0.2250%, 0.2500%, 0.2750%, 0.3000%,
?uoro-carbon solvents), etc. 0.3250%, 0.3500%, 0.3750%, 0.4000%, 0.4250%, 0.4500%,
B. Determination of Oily Skin 0.4750%, 0.5000%, 0.5250%, 0.550%, 0.5750%, 0.6000%,
Oily skin tends to present itself as having a shiny, thick, and 0.6250%, 0.6500%, 0.6750%, 0.7000%, 0.7250%, 0.7500%,
dull appearance. It typically feels oily and usually has coarse 0.7750%, 0.8000%, 0.8250%, 0.8500%, 0.8750%, 0.9000%,
pores and pimples and other unsightly blemishes due to over 0.9250%, 0.9500%, 0.9750%, 1.0%, 1.1%, 1.2%, 1.3%,
production of sebum from sebaceous glands and from 1.4%, 1.5%, 1.6%, 1.7%, 1.8%, 1.9%, 2.0%, 2.1%, 2.2%,
clogged/blocked pores. As such, oily skin usually has oil 2.3%, 2.4%, 2.5%, 2.6%, 2.7%, 2.8%, 2.9%, 3.0%, 3.1%,
producing sebaceous glands that are overactive and produce 3.2%, 3.3%, 3.4%, 3.5%, 3.6%, 3.7%, 3.8%, 3.9%, 4.0%,
more oil than is needed. The oil ooZes and gives the skin a 20 4.1%, 4.2%, 4.3%, 4.4%, 4.5%, 4.6%, 4.7%, 4.8%, 4.9%,
greasy shine. The pores are enlarged and the skin has a coarse 5.0%, 5.1%, 5.2%, 5.3%, 5.4%, 5.5%, 5.6%, 5.7%, 5.8%,
look. 5.9%, 6.0%, 6.1%, 6.2%, 6.3%, 6.4%, 6.5%, 6.6%, 6.7%,
C. Compositions of the Present Invention 6.8%, 6.9%, 7.0%, 7.1%, 7.2%, 7.3%, 7.4%, 7.5%, 7.6%,
1. Combinations and Amounts of Ingredients 7.7%, 7.8%, 7.9%, 8.0%, 8.1%, 8.2%, 8.3%, 8.4%, 8.5%,
It is contemplated that the compositions of the present 25 8.6%, 8.7%, 8.8%, 8.9%, 9.0%, 9.1%, 9.2%, 9.3%, 9.4%,
invention can include any one of Phaseolus vulgaris, Cilris 9.5%, 9.6%, 9.7%, 9.8%, 9.9%, 10%, 11%, 12%, 13%, 14%,
sinensis, Wedelia lrilobala, Burreliodendron hsienmu, Bau 15%, 16%, 17%, 18%, 19%, 20%, 21%, 22%, 23%, 24%,
hinia brachycarpa var. cavaleriei, Cyslacanlhuspaniculalus, 25%, 26%, 27%, 28%, 29%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50%,
Caesalpinia minax, Pueraria wallichii, Telracenlron sinense, 60%, 65%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, or 99% or
Bridelia insulana, Hedyolis verlicillale, Syzygium ?ulico 30 more, or any range or integer derivable therein, of at least one
sum, Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Bauhinia glauca, Rhodo of the plant extracts identi?ed in this speci?cation or any
dendron siderophyllum, Cudraniapubescens, Cajanus cajan, combination thereof or additional ingredients. In non-limit
Wendlandia uvarilfolia, Siegesbeckia glabrescens, Azolla ing aspects, the percentage of such ingredients can be calcu
imbricale, Juncus bufonius, Poikilospermum suaveolens, lated by Weight or volume of the total Weight of the compo
Clerodendrum Zricholomum var. fargesii, Porandra ramosa, 35 sitions. The concentrations can vary depending on the desired
Annona glabra, Slerculia pexa, Phoebe puwenensis, Myri effect of the compositions or on the product into Which the
opleron exlensum, Crown lachnocarpa, Dillenia Zurbinale, compositions are incorporated.
Alpinia blepharocalyx, Crolalaria speclabilis, Ficus lacor, 2. Composition Vehicles
Ravenala madagascariensis, Cocculus orbiculalus, Dry The compositions of the present invention can be formu
nariaforlunei, Acrachne racemosa, Pseuderanlhemum poly 40 lated into all types of vehicles. Non-limiting examples of
anlhum, Eriobolrys serrala, Vernonia arborea, Adianlhum suitable vehicles include emulsions (e. g., oil-in-Water, Water
caudalum, Phaseolus lunalus, lpomoea cairica, Alopecurus in-oil, silicone-in-Water, Water-in-silicone, Water-in-oil-in
aequalis, Arenga pinnala, Rhynchosia yunnanensis, Syzy Water, oil-in-Water, oil-in-Water-in-oil, oil-in-Water-in-sili
gium cumini, Clausena dunniana, Cyclosurus parasilicus, cone, etc.), creams, lotions, solutions (both aqueous and
and/or Solanum carolinense, or any combination thereof, or 45 hydro-alcoholic), anhydrous bases (such as lipsticks and
all of such plants, plant parts, or extracts thereof, or at least 1, poWders), gels, ointments, pastes, milks, liquids, aerosols,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, solid forms, or eye jellies. Variations and other appropriate
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, vehicles Will be apparent to the skilled artisan and are appro
38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, and/or 50 of such priate for use in the present invention. In certain aspects, the
plants, plant parts, or extracts thereof. The compositions can 50 concentrations and combinations of the ingredients can be
also include additional ingredients described throughout this selected in such a Way that the combinations are chemically
speci?cation. The concentrations of the plant extracts and/or compatible and do not form complexes Which precipitate
additional ingredients can vary. In non-limiting embodi from the ?nished product.
ments, for example, the compositions can include in their It is also contemplated that the plant extracts and additional
?nal form, for example, at least about 0.0001%, 0.0002%, 55 ingredients identi?ed throughout this speci?cation can be
0.0003%, 0.0004%, 0.0005%, 0.0006%, 0.0007%, 0.0008%, encapsulated for delivery to a target area such as skin. Non
0.0009%, 0.0010%, 0.0011%, 0.0012%, 0.0013%, 0.0014%, limiting examples of encapsulation techniques include the
0.0015%, 0.0016%, 0.0017%, 0.0018%, 0.0019%, 0.0020%, use of liposomes, vesicles, and/or nanoparticles (e.g., biode
0.0021%, 0.0022%, 0.0023%, 0.0024%, 0.0025%, 0.0026%, gradable and non-biodegradable colloidal particles compris
0.0027%, 0.0028%, 0.0029%, 0.0030%, 0.0031%, 0.0032%, 60 ing polymeric materials in Which the ingredient is trapped,
0.0033%, 0.0034%, 0.0035%, 0.0036%, 0.0037%, 0.0038%, encapsulated, and/or absorbed4examples include nano
0.0039%, 0.0040%, 0.0041%, 0.0042%, 0.0043%, 0.0044%, spheres and nanocapsules) that can be used as delivery
0.0045%, 0.0046%, 0.0047%, 0.0048%, 0.0049%, 0.0050%, vehicles to deliver such ingredients to skin (see, e.g., U.S. Pat.
0.0051%, 0.0052%, 0.0053%, 0.0054%, 0.0055%, 0.0056%, No. 6,387,398; US. Pat. No. 6,203,802; U.S. Pat. No. 5,411,
0.0057%, 0.0058%, 0.0059%, 0.0060%, 0.0061%, 0.0062%, 65 744; Kreuter 1988).
0.0063%, 0.0064%, 0.0065%, 0.0066%, 0.0067%, 0.0068%, Also contemplated are pharmaceutically-acceptable or
0.0069%, 0.0070%, 0.0071%, 0.0072%, 0.0073%, 0.0074%, pharmacologically-acceptable compositions. The phrase

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