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Zion Ereka Rubric Logs Exp Equations

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Zion DaSilva & Ereka Moreira Algebra 2 Exponential Growth and Decay June 7, 2017


Above Standard: 5 Meets Standard: 4 Approaches Standard: 3 Below Standard: 2 Missing: 1

Background It is clear from your It is clear from your It is clear from your writing It is unclear from your
Research writing and works writing and works and works cited that you writing and works cited
cited that you have cited that you have have done some research, if you have done
done extensive researched your but most of the information research beyond class
research on your topic. comes from class notes. notes.
Vocabulary You have clearly You are clearly You are somewhat familiar Your paper/project
mastered the familiar with the with the important math does not use the
important math important math vocabulary for your topic, important math
vocabulary for your vocabulary for your but you are not yet able to vocabulary for your
topic and you use this topic, even if there properly use this topic.
vocabulary properly. are a few mistakes in vocabulary in your writing.
how you use this
Graphical Your paper/project Your paper/project Your paper/project Your paper/project
Evidence contains hand-drawn contains hand-drawn contains a few graphs and provides little, if any,
graphs and tables. graphs and tables. tables. Only some of this math evidence to
All of this evidence is Most of this math math evidence is relevant. support the research.
relevant and well evidence is relevant The evidence is not If evidence is present,
explained and discussed in the properly explained in the it is either off topic or
paper/project. paper/project. not explained in the
Content Your work clearly It is clear from your You seem to have You do not yet show
shows that you have paper/project that understood some the key that you understand
mastered the you have understood math concepts, but you the math concepts that
important math most of the important make some mistakes you present in your
concepts. Equations math concepts. when writing and/or paper/project.
are correctly written Equations are solving the equations
and solved. correctly written and
WRITING (20% of the grade)

Above Standard: 5 Meets Standard: 4 Approaches Standard: 3 Below Standard: 2 Missing: 1

Organization Paragraphs contain Paragraphs contain Some paragraphs may The paragraphs are
one clear, main idea one clear, main idea contain more than one not properly
and all of the and all of the main idea. Supporting organized, and it is
information in that information in that evidence does not always difficult to tell what
paragraph supports paragraph supports support the main idea of the main idea is in
that idea. Transitions that idea. the paragraph. each paragraph.
are often used to
connect one idea to
the next.
Language Language used is All of the language Some of the language is The language is not
(Vocabulary appropriate and is appropriate for an not appropriate for an appropriate for an
and Sentence especially clear. You academic academic paper/project. academic
Structure) have an excellent paper/project. paper/project.
Grammar Your paper/project is Your paper/project Your paper/project Your paper/project
extremely easy to may contain a few contains enough contains many
read with virtually no grammatical errors, grammatical errors that I grammatical errors,
grammatical errors. but these do not have to work to and I cannot
interfere with understand your ideas. properly understand
understanding your your ideas.
Format Your paper/project Your paper/project Your paper/project Your paper/project
perfectly follows may contain a few attempts to follow MLA does not properly
proper MLA format errors in MLA format, but there are follow MLA format.
for in-text citations format, but most of several mistakes in format
and works cited. the citations are of in-text citations or works
well done. cited.

Final Grade: 88 Teacher: Marilyn Fichman

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