MCCEE Questions For IMGs
MCCEE Questions For IMGs
MCCEE Questions For IMGs
Threshold of a screening test is increased. How it will affect sensitivity and specificity?
b) Hyperventilation
c) Seizure
a) Due to ASA
5.Rheumatoid arthritis patient develops swelling left calf and ankle. Thigh normal. Cause?
a) DVT
6. Child 3years with swelling of scrotum. Testis can be palpated through the swelling Fluctuant, painless.
a) examine regularly
b) aspirate only
c) surgery
d) injecting sclerosant
7. Question on probability- probability of finding one disease is A and other is B. (Independent). Probability
a) AX B
b) A+B
a) silicosis
b) dermatitis
c) asthma
d) asbestosis
a) lung
b) breast
c) prostate
d) brain
10. 23 year old lady presented with cramping abdominal pain and heavy bleeding. Pregnancy test positive.
Bleeding stopped today morning. Pregnancy symptoms disappeared one week ago. USG shows empty
a) ectopic pregnancy
a) scrotal swelling
12. A mother brought to her son to your clinic with red spots around eye. You confirmed it as petechiae.
b) subconjunctival hemorrhage
13. A lady 50 years with swelling medial to femoral pulse. Firm and smooth. Diagnosis?
a) femoral hernia
b) inguinal hernia
c) saphena varix
a) pituitary infarction
b) hyperthyroidism
c) danazol
e) dopamine agonist
a) + dopamine receptors
a] akathisia
a) candidiasis
b) bacterial vaginosis
c) gonorrhea
a) candidiasis
b) bacterial vaginosis
20. Most specific site to collect swab for gonococci
a) vulva
b) vagina
c) cervix
d) endometrium
c) endo cervical
a) ischemia
b) perforator incompetence
23. A patient with chronic bronchitis PaO2 60 mmHg. What advise you will give EXCEPT
24. HIV positive patient, CD4 count 250 Presented with cold. What will you do
b) TMP+ Sulpha
25. Full term child. Birth weight 3000. Develops respiratory distress. Xray shows air bronchogram. Diagnosis
26. Baby 8 hours after birth, staring and severe Cyanosis. Hypotonia of muscles. What investigation you will
a) CK
b) Echocardiogram
c) EEG
27. A child had headache, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Then he sleeps. What is your diagnosis?
a) migraine
28. A child 3 years presented with abdominal pain and Bleeding PR for 12 hours. What is your diagnosis?
a) meckels diverticulum
b) intussusception
a) presbyacusis
31. A passenger in bus got an injury in his eye with the newspaper of the neighboring person. Diagnosis
a) corneal abrasion
a) chlorpromazine
b) alcohol
c) tricyclics
33. A child has ingested 30 tablets of imipramine. What should be done mean while contacting the
toxicology center.
a) forced diuresis
b) give ipecac syrup
34. A child has ingested an overdose of imipramine. Pt. is stable. What investigation is done to monitor sign
of toxicity.
a) ECG
b) EEG
a) tranyl cypramine-sertraline
36. A child with tic disorder- what is the first thing in management
a) benzodiazepine
b) family psychotherapy
a) hallucination
c) generalized anxiety
38. Anti depressant drugs most useful in which of the following conditions?
a) cervical malignancy
b) endometrial malignancy
c) endometrial polyp
d) septulum uterus
40. Toxic shock syndrome. Not true
a) exo toxin
b) tampons
c) skin necrosis
d) fever
e) rash
41. A lady 50 years, 2 years nocturnal cough. Now develops fever sweats weight loss purulent sputum. X-
a) tuberculosis
42. Asian 53 years. Weight 93 kg. Arthritis. Now c/o head ache. Striae on abdomen, thinning of skin. What
investigation to be done?
A) CT scan head
44. Which of the following diseases can be prevented by a live attenuated vaccine except?
a) typhoid
b) measles
c) polio
d) rubella
e) diphtheria
44. If a child develops diphtheria now the mortality is almost the same as it was 50 years ago. But now the
a) incidence decreased
b) prevalence decreased
c) effective antibiotics developed
45. CAD is more in men compared to women. Which of the following is true?
46. Which of following is the most important risk factor for CVA
a) systolic hypertension
b) smoking
47. A child with proptosis, swelling and redness around eye, movement of eye painful. Diagnosis
a) orbital cellulites
b) preorbital cellulitis
49. A man 65 years labile mood, depression forgetful for 2 years. He has long standing hypertension. O/E
a) alzhiemers
b) pseudo dementia
c) multiinfarct dementia
50. A man presented with injury of hand after a fight in beer parlor. Most likely injury
51. Which of the following antipsychotic has got least extrapyramidal side effects
a) chlorpromazine
b) haloperiodol
c) resperidone
d) clozapine
e) loxapine
b) haloperiodol
53. A lady 33 years had a pregnancy with anencephaly and undergone abortion at 15 weeks. She wants to
b) risk can be reduced to that of general population if strict control of sugar is maintained through out the
b) DRE
c) CT
59. Soldier returning from peacekeeping force. He has nightmares anxiety. Etc. what is the initial step in
a) psychoanalysis
60. A 23 year old girl develops watery diarrhea after a picnic, 2 days later she develops purpuric rashes,
c) vomiting
a) Barium enema
c) X ray
a) from birth
b) fecal soiling
64. Male pain left lower quad. Mass. Neutrophilia. Inv?
a) rigid sigmoidoscopy
b) barium. Enema
c) colonoscopy
d) X-ray
65. Child ingested cleaning liquid with Iye. Lips & mouth corroded what is least useful
a) oeso.scopy
b) X ray chest
a) hyper translucent
b) mediastinal shift
c) inspiratory stridor
a) needle thoracotomy
b) needle thoracostomy
c) chest tube
a) intubation
69. Child with sore throat red tongue lymphadenopathy. How to differentiate viral etiology
a) throat swab,
70. Man with gonorrhea. Treated with cef. Still symptoms. Urine microscopy no organism, cause
a) chlamydia
71. Gonococci
a) intracellular diplococci
a) urethrogram
b) catheterize
73. Child h/o fall. Pain lumbar region with ecchymoses, gross hematuria. Renal CT shows peri renal
a) surgical repair
d) send home
74. Man 56 years. Father died of prostate ca. o/e a small nodule right lobe. PSA 2.2. What advice
a) endometrial biopsy
a) b/l oopherectomy
b) hysterectomy
c) prog
d) oes
77. Girl 5 years. H/o vomiting since birth. Now complaints of dysphagia for solids. Cause
a) esophagitis
b) bazoar
c) hiatus hernia
d) duo ulcer
78. A man with tertiary syphilis. Which of the following is going to alter his management plan?
79. A man presented with contracture of PIP. He cannot flex Dip. Which s the pathology
a) flexor digitorum
b) extensor pollicis
c) extensor carpi
81. Ethics- a man suspects to be having probable gonorrhea. His wife works in lab. He doesnt want her to
82. A couple comes to you. Husband wants to end the relation what the wife thinks to be a happy marriage.
c) send to lawyer
a) phobic anxiety
b) generalized anxiety
c) affective disorder
d) bipolar disorder
84. A man 50 years hp 156/95 sweating, palpitation, one of his relative had thyroid ca. what inv. To be
a) urine catecholamine
b) urine VMA
c) CT adrenal
85. A man 10 days after pancreatitis complains of abdominal pain, firm swelling
a) pseudocyst,
b) a/c hepatitis
c) cholangitis
a) perforation
b) penetration
87. Gastric ulcer patient. Treated for12 weeks. Asymptomatic now. When gastroscopy done ulcer is still
c) follow up only
88. Known MI patient now presents with palpitation. He says he is on quinide, propranolol and digoxin 0.125
mg. O/e- PR-96,irregularly irregular. What should be done to prevent any complications?
b) causes leucocytosis
90. Mitral stenosis patient goes to a dentist for some procedure. He is asking for prophylactic antibiotics.
a) type of procedure
d) type of procedure
a) bupivacaine is better
b) effect lasts longer even after the procedure , giving adequate post op analgesia
92. Elderly lady, pain on hand and upper arm. Wasting of thenar eminence. Severe pain at night. Cannot
b) cervical spondylosis
93. 75 year old man, sudden onset of back pain, severe pain right buttock, hamstrings, micturition problem.
c) archnoiditis
94. A baby with birth wt.3.5kg now 4 weeks weighs 3.6 kg. Mother worried not drinking enough milk. What
95. A lady 33 weeks of gestation, admitted with uterine cramps and moderate bleeding. Nurse started IV
line and blood taken for grouping and cross matching. What to do next?
b) arrange for CS
c) start tocolysis
e) USS
a) should be only offered to women who are willing for termination if any abnormality is found
97. Regarding HRt, a lady ha h/o migraine and strong family history of osteoporosis what should be done/
a) offer oes-prog.HRT
b) progesterone only
c) biphosphonate only
d) oes only
a) laparoscopy
b) laparotomy
c) hysteroscopy
100. Ophthalmoplegia with pupillary sparing. Cause?
a) diabetes
b) canernous aneurysum
a) patching
b) corticosteroids use
102. Otosclerosis.
103. A child with sinusitis and otitis media. Treated with antibiotics. Serous effusion still present in middle
c) myringoplasty
104. A lady gave birth to a cleft palate baby. You are going to send her home after counseling. For what
a) feeding problem
c) teeth problem
105. You gave a new drug to your patients with dementia. Those suffering from multi infarct dementia
improved while those with Alzheimers not.. What should you do before prescribing this to your patient
107. In the Er you are planning to do a new trial on pts with retrosternal chest pain
108. A lady for laparoscopic tubal ligation on the way to theater asks for removal of a mole on her forearm
110. hemophilia A
Xlinked recessive
111. A carrier lady for an X linked recessive disease marries a normal man. They have 2 daughters. What is
a) 1in 4
b) 1 in 8
c) 1 in 16
d) 1in 64
vinyl chloride
a) nickel
a) podophyllin
b) flurouracil
c) trichloracetic acid
d) imiquimod
a) topical steroids
b) amphoterecin b
c) tolnaftate
d) grieseofulvin
116. A man presented with headache, photophobia, menigism. CSF_ cells increased, neutrophils 95% What
a) menigococci
b) s.pneumoniae
c) viral
a) sugar normal
b) protein elevated
c) chloride high
a) hemochormatosis
a) transferrin saturation
b) pneumoperitonium
c) peritoneal calcification
121. a man presented with a mass right to his rectus below umbilicus while standing and straining.
a) Richters hernia
b) spigelian hernia
c) desmoids tumor
a) vit.A
b) vit.E
c) vit.K
d) vit.C
e) vit.B12
Diagnosis.(2 questions)
124. A lady 50 years presented with mild hypercalcemia X-ray chest normal. Diagnosis.
a) sarcoidosis
125. A child had a/c sinusitis and you treated with a course of penicillin. His blood inv shows- TC increase, decrease others normal. You supplement with ca, what inv. To be done
a) s PTH
b) X-rays of hands
126. A man presented with pain in flanks radiating to groin. He had similar episodes 2 times previously. And
a) thiazides
b) allopurinol
b) Sulpha
a) ethylene glycol
b) cannabis
c) cocaine
d) LSD
a) cannabis
b) cocaine
c) LSD
a) cardiac arrest
a) temp.38.5
b) generalized seizure
c) localizing sign
d) neck stiffness
a) hypothermia
135. A man complaints of severe headache for the last 12 hours. Vomiting + photophobia. Diagnosis
a) subarchnoid hemorrhage
136. A child had a fall and he was drowsy. While waiting in the ER he becomes more and more drowsy .one
a) extradural hematoma
b) subdural hematoma
137. A man with a swelling in the right scrotum. O/e- tender mass above testis. skin of scrotum red and
a) epididymitis
c) gonococcal urethritis
138. How to look for clue cells.
a) prematurity
a) twins at 33 weeks
b) cervix 4 cm
c) chorioamnionitis
a) head compression
b) AV block
143. A child 3 years has BP 138/95. He has a systolic murmur right 2nd space, femoral pulse not palpable.
Diagnosis ?
145. A pregnant lady with GCT 10.3 mmol/l, what is most imp.
Strict maintenance of euglycemia through out the pregnancy
146. A lady prepared for hysterectomy. What will you tell her regarding risk of thromboembolism
c) heparin IV for 1 week and low molecular wt. Heparin for 3 months
148. A pregnant lady 20 weeks. Uterus 26 weeks. Beta HCG 30000.what is the management
a) suction curettage
a) color change
b) spreading
c) bleeding
d) tuft of hair
e) irregular surface
153. A girl c/o continuous pain in the vulva for the last 8 hours. O/e a red tender swelling is seen on the
a) bartholins cyst
154. A group of people returning from Rocky Mountains developed diarrhea. Cause
b) giardiasis
155.esophageal atresia with tracheo esophageal fistula at the lower end. What is true?
156. A man sustained a stab wound on the thigh anteriorly. He is bleeding profusely. What is the first thing
to do?
c) direct pressure
d) on wound
157. A child with 15% burns On face and chest. What is done?
159. A lady brings her son to you saying that he is alcoholic who denies that . what question is least
162. A man 64 years c/o hoarseness. What is the first thing to be done?
a) chest X ray
b) laryngoscopy
b) distension
c) guarding
d) tympanitic
a) vasovagal
b) hypoglycemia
166. A man presented to Er after a party. Intoxicated. Blood values- HCO3 very low. All others normal.
a) urine osmolality
b) serum osmolaity
a) senstaken tube
b) OG scopy
c) balloon
168. Clinical features suggestive of intestinal ischemia
a) a/c cholecystitis
b) cholangitis
c) hepatitis
b) onstruction of CBD
c) obstruction of GB by stone
a) atelectasis
b) UTI
c) Wound infection
a) stress incontinence
b) urge incontinence
c) detrusor instability
174. Dementia patient. Treatment of which of the following could have prevented
a) Alzheimers
b) pernicious anemia.
176. What is the most imp. Thing to differentiate Alzheimers from pseudo dementia
a) Short duration
a) nonsedative antihistamines
b) oral steroids
a) adenoid hypertrophy.
179. Couple comes to you. Husband hypertensive says impotence 6 months but erection occurs in the
morning and while reading the magazine. What should you do?
a) counseling
a) VU reflux
a) diuretics
b) salt restriction
c) fluid restriction
d) prednisolone
e) protein restriction
182. Elderly lady fecal occult blood. All are true except.
184. All the following can be given to improve sexual function. Except
a) sildenafil
b) estrogen
c) testosterone
d) gonadotrophin analogues
185. ADHD
186. A lady with previous h/o cs for footling breech is kept for trial. During labor she develops bleeding PV,
a) rupture uterus.
187.a lady at 41 weeks of gestation likes to wait for spontaneous onset of labor. Which of the following
a) oligohydramnios
b) macrosomia
c) glycosuria
189. Which of the following is the most effective way to prevent dental caries in children?
a) fluoridation of water
b) dental flossing
191. ECG
d) WPW
192. Picture of a hand with a lump on the dorsal surface MCP jt.
193. A lady develops dry cough. Treated with ampicillin few days later Develops rash, elevated liver
enzymes. Cause
a) mycoplasma
a) PH-
b) Flagellated organism
a) lumbar puncture
a) dysphagia
b) anosmia
b) ACA
200. Psychotherapy
201. Elderly wife abusing husband who is suffering from arthritis what is not done
b) support to wife
a) spontaneous regression
b) excision
c) injection of sclerosant.
a) fluoxamine
a) fribrinolysis