Modelling and Simulation For A Multimach

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Advances in Automatic Control, Modelling & Simulation

Modelling and Simulation for a Multimachine Power System


Department of Electrical Engineering
Kavala Institute of Technology
St. Lucas, 65 404, Kavala

Abstract: - This paper presents a new modelling and simulation method for the dynamic performance analysis
of a multimachine power system under symmetrical and unsymmetrical fault conditions. This method is called
dynamic voltage-current combination method and the transient analysis of the system is based on a-d-c phase
coordinate system. Modeling and simulation technique using digital computer with the appropriate software has
also been described.

Key-Words: - Modelling, simulation, multimachine power system, fault conditions

1. Introduction
In recent years, there has been considerable interest The linearized mathematical model of the
in the dynamic performance analysis of a multimachine power system contains detailed
representation of the turbogenerators, transmission
multimachine power system under fault conditions.
networks, power transformers, induction motors and
There are four general fault conditions occurring in
static loads, in (a-b-c) phase coordinate
power systems. They are the single-phase-earthed representation.
fault, the phase-to-phase short circuit fault, the
phase-to-phase earthed fault and the three-phase In this work a large multimachine power system is
balanced fault. described in which all the above four symmetrical
and unsymmetrical fault conditions are applied in
The d-q-o reference frame models of synchronous different nodes of the system.
and induction machines are not capable of
simulating some conditions, such as unsymmetrical
faults. For these reasons a more accurate solution to
a wider range of problems is possible with a direct 2. 2. Modeling of the multimachine power
phase model (a-b-c coordinate model ). system under study.
3. The complete multimachine system under study is
In the present parer a combination of nodal analysis
and the current summation method is devised to show in Fig.l. The complete data of the system are
simulate fault conditions in addition to normal show in Ref.[3]. The detailed models of various
operational conditions in the multimachine power power system components have been described in [1-
system. 6].

The method of analysis is based on the applications

of Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws, and is
called dynamic voltage-current combination
method [1,2] The only approach available to solve
the above conditions is to model the multimachine
power system as the combination of differential
equations that are required.

With the advent of modern computers, numerical

methods can be employed efficiently for solving
nonlinear differential equations. In the case the
differential equations have been solved using 4th-
order Runge-Kutta method.

ISBN: 978-1-61804-189-0 370

Advances in Automatic Control, Modelling & Simulation

The direction of the current flowing into the

machine, i.e. flowing out of the connected bus, is
defined as positive.

2.3 Three-phase Power Transformer

The power transformer is presented with six
windings, three primary windings and three
secondary windings. After referring the parameters
of the secondary windings to the primary, the
voltage equations can be expressed as:

[V1] = [R1][I1] + [L11] p[I1] + [L12] p[I2] (5)

Fig. 1. Multimachine power system under study

[V2] = [R2][I2] + [L21] p[I1] +[L22] p[I2] (6)

It is sufficient for the voltage and the current where R1, is the resistance of a primary windings
equations to be represented in the following sections and is identical for all three phases, R2 is the
in matrix form. resistance of the secondary windings. Subscripts 1
and 2 denote the primary and secondary quantities
2.1 Three-phase synchronous
generator The direction of the current flowing into the
transformer, i.e. flowing out of the connected bus, is
The voltage equation for the synchronous generator defined as positive.
can be expressed as:

[Vsg] = [Rsg][-Isg] + [Lssg] p[-Isg] + [Lsrg] p[Irg] + 2.4 Three-phase static load
The lumped static load can be modeled as a resistive
rg[Gssg][-Isg] +rg[Gsrg][Irg] (1) load (RL and a reactive load (LL). The voltage
equation for the load can be expressed as:
[Vrg] = [Rrg][Irg] + [Lrsg] p[-Isg] + [Lrrg] p[Irg] +
pIL = (1/LL) (VL - RLIL) (7)
rg[Grsg][-Isg] + rg[Grrg][Irg] (2)
where: [VL] = [VLa, VLb, VLc]T
The negative sigh associated with stator current Isgin
the equations indicates that the current is flowing
out of the machine, i.e. flowing into the generator 2.5 Three-phase Transmission Lines
bus. (-section model)
The transmission lines connecting the system nodes
2.2 Three-phase Induction Motor are analyzed in terms of the nominal sections show
The voltage equation for the induction motors can in Fig. 1 and the equations of the typical jt-section
be expressed as: model shown in Fig.2 are :

[Vsm] = [Rsm][Ism] + [Lssm] p[Ism] + [Lsrm] p[Irm] + pV1 = (1/C1) Ic1 (8)

rm[Gssm][Ism] +rm[Gsrm][Irm] (3) pV2 = (1/C2) Ic2 (9)

[Vrm] = [Rrm][Irm] + [Lrsm] p[Ism] + [Lrrm] p[Irm] + pIT = (1/LT) [V1 - V2 - RTIT] (10)

rm[Grsm][Irsm] + rm[Grrm][Irm] (4) where:

ISBN: 978-1-61804-189-0 371

Advances in Automatic Control, Modelling & Simulation

[V1] = [Va1, Vb1, Vc1]T, Consequently, an additional differential equation is

introduced to the system of equation
[V2] = [Va2, Vb2, Vc2]T,
Vb - Vc = Rf If + Lf pIf (11)
[IT] = [ITa, ITb, ITc]
where Vb and Vc are the voltages of the phase b and
phase c. If is the fault current between phase b and
Each sections gives rise to three states in each axis, phase c.
comprising the two node voltages and the
transmission current. The presence of shunt reactor The current relationship between the generator and
compensation at a system node modifies eqns 8,9 load can be represented as
and 10.
Ias = Ial

Ibs = Ibl + If (12)

Ics = Icl - If

where Ias, Ibs, Ics are the generator stator currents of

each phase. Ia, Ib, Ic are the phase a, b, and c
currents, respectively.

Fig. 2 Equivalent -section of transmission line 2.6.3 Phase-to phase earthed fault
The phase-to-phase earthed fault is modeled by the
connection of two sets of equal resistance Rf and
inductance Lf in phase b and phase c respectively
2.6 Fault simulation between the fault point and earth.

2.6.1 Single-phase earthed fault 2.6.4 Three-phase balanced fault

The three-phase balanced fault is modeled by the
The single-phase earthed fault is modeled by the connection of three sets of equal resistance Rf and
connection of resistance Rf and inductance Lf inductance Lf between the three lines to represent
between the fault point and earth. the fault.

2.6.2 Phase-to phase short-circuit 2.7 Simulation results

The phase-to phase short-circuit fault may be A special digital computer program is developed,
based on the system configuration of Fig. 1 and the
represented by a fault impedance Rf and Lf across pertinent theory.
say phase b and phase c as shown in Fig. 3.
The transient performance of the overall
multimachine power system, was obtained through
the use of the above computer program applied to
the power system of Fig. 1.
Various types of faults have been applied to the test
system. The following responses are produced for a
phase-to phase short- circuit fault conditions, for
synchronous generator (GEN 1), at node 2 of Fig.1:
Synchronous generator voltage, (Vt)
Synchronous generator load angle ()
Synchronous generator current (It)
Synchronous generator excitation voltage (V f )
Figures 4-7, where:
1: IEEE Type-2 AVR model applied in GEN1
2: Adaptive excitation controller applied in GEN1
Fig. 3 Simplified configuration phase-to-phase
short-circuit fault

ISBN: 978-1-61804-189-0 372

Advances in Automatic Control, Modelling & Simulation

3. Conclusions
The paper presents an appropriate modeling and
simulation method applied in a multimachine power
system, based on phase coordinates system.
The dynamic voltage - current combination method"
is presented based on Kirchhoff's current and
voltage laws.
In this paper an example of simulation responses of
a synchronous generator (GEN1), in a multimachine
power system environment are presented.
The results obtained were based on a detailed
multimachine model in phase coordinates
containing steam turbine synchronous generator
units, excitation and turbine-governor systems,
transmission networks, power transformers,
induction motors and static loads. These results
show that the proposed modelling and simulation
method performs satisfactory in a multimachine Fig. 6. Synchronous generator current (It)
power system environment.

Fig. 7. Synchronous generator excitation voltage

(V f )

Fig. 4. Synchronous generator voltage, (Vt)

Fig.5. Synchronous generator load angle ()

ISBN: 978-1-61804-189-0 373

Advances in Automatic Control, Modelling & Simulation

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[2] Meng Jen Chen, Phase coordinate representation of interconnected machine systems", Ph.D. Thesis,
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[3] D. V. Bandekas, D. P. Papadopoulos and J. R. Smith, Adaptive excitation controller design for a
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[4] M. A. Abdel-Halim, C. D. Manning, Direct phase modelling of synchronous generators , IEE Proc, Vol.
137, Pt. B (1990), pp. 239-247.
[5] P. C. Kraus, ..Analysis of Electric machinery, McGraw-Hill U.S.A., Book Company, N. Y. 1986
[6] Macfadyen W. K., R. R. S. Simpson, R. D. Slater, W. S. Wood, Method of predicting transient-current
patters in transformers", IEE Proc. Vol. 120 (1973), pp. 1393-1396

ISBN: 978-1-61804-189-0 374

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