Newsletter 19th June 2017
Newsletter 19th June 2017
Newsletter 19th June 2017
Monday 19th June Sharing our news with the School Community
Message from our Acting Principal, Kim
Dear Families/Whanau,
Only a few more weeks until the big performance at
Walter Nash Stadium. Practices are becoming more
frequent, the children have been practicing hard, are
looking and sounding fabulous and teachers are full of
encouragement and praise for the wonderful effort being
put in by all. Dont miss out on coming along to Polyfest
Phone - (04) 939 7702 on Monday 3 July at 6pm. Tickets are on sale at the office
for $5 per person. I cant wait to see our talented students perform.
Email - Enrolments:
If you have a child turning five this year or early next year, who you want to
Website -
enroll here, or you know someone who does, can you please let us know.
Having this information helps us plan ahead and also means we can schedule
Facebook - school visits for new entrants. We also accept enrolments at any time of the
Visit Epuni Primary School year for older students. Spread the news about what a great school we are, the wonderful things we do, like the garden, Kapa Haka, Miniball and amazing
EpuniPrimarySchool classroom programmes. Please feel free to come into the office and pick up an
enrolment pack, and once completed return it to us.
Next Family/Whanau
Meeting is scheduled for Incidents of Concern:
Thursday 29th June at Recently we have experienced situations where children have gone home and
talked about incidents of bullying that they report are happening in the
8.30am in the Library.
playground. Id like to assure you that we take all concerns seriously and do
our best to stop this happening. We aim for Epuni School to be a fun and
Hutt Intermediate
friendly environment for all, and for children and adults to enjoy being here.
School Open Evening
For prospective 2018
Bullying is defined as a deliberate, repeated, power imbalance involving
enrolments. Tuesday 4th actions that cause harm, either physical or psychological to another person. It
July 7pm-8pm for parents is important that we talk with children about what bullying is and isnt, and
and children. give them strategies for dealing with these situations. Often students confuse
bullying with the minor disagreements or incidents that happen when you
Whole School have a number of children playing together. We need to ensure they
Celebration of Learning understand exactly what bullying is and that it is an adults responsibility to
Breakfast Wednesday 5th deal with it. In the first instance we encourage children to let a teacher know
July 8.30-9.30am. We will immediately so that we can investigate and if necessary, implement
also be having a Gymnastic consequences. This means we can find out what happened at the time, not the
Exhibition on the school turf next day, or as sometimes happens several days later. If issues continue, and
or in the school hall. you are concerned the next course of action is to talk with the classroom
Parents are also welcome to teacher and then finally to bring it to my attention.
classes to view Social
Sciences inquiry learning
that has been happening Kim
this term.
Out of Tune
School DiscoThursday By Marco Rm 4
6th July 4pm-6pm.
Theme SUPER HEROS. When I am out of tune I walk at the beach to make me feel better.
Gold Coin Entry. The birds talk to me and make me feel better. The waves make me feel
fine and make me feel cooldown.
I make my feelings calm.
July School Holiday Programs
Rainbow Kidz Start /Maungarai Oscar HouseFor more information contact Sharon on
021-0587-675, 04-920-6644 or Winz subsidies available.